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Dangerous Prayers

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Dangerous Prayers


by Mike Ofoegbu
Dangerous Prayers

If you know your position in Christ, then you will know your right.
If you know your right, and you are able to enforce your right, satan
and his demons will take to their flight.

Dangerous Prayers attacks the source of your problem which is the

best way to make an attack. Once the source of a problem is
conquered, the other length of the problem dies away.

“If you want to kill a plant, just uproot the stem and the rest of a
plant will die away. If you cut off some branches of a plant, without
uprooting the plant, the plant may grow again. Just cut off the
roots and the plant will die completely”.

• Dangerous prayers contain the kinds of dangerous prayers

that move satan and his cohorts with Holy Ghost force when
they refuse to move.
• This prayer destroys every satanic power from the lowest to
the highest when prayed.
• Dangerous prayers as it is called set every child of God free
from every satanic influence.
• These prayers make every child of God to stay delivered.
• Dangerous prayers nullify and destroy every curse, covenant
and initiation against a child of God.
• With boldness from the Holy Ghost, you can also handle
yourself in deliverance with these prayers.
• Dangerous prayers do not give satan any chance to operate in
or against your life and progress. Dangerous prayers are
violent prayers that need to be prayed by violent people of
• Dangerous prayers wages war against all the powers of
darkness around you.
• These prayers make you more than a conqueror

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• Every child of God needs these prayers to prevail, i.e. in case

you find it difficult to prevail
• Fellowships, different Christian Groups, Churches and
Ministries also need these prayers to breakthrough and to
make their members stay delivered in Jesus’ name.

The bible says you will spiritually be a new creature (2 Cor

5:17). You must forgive those who have sinned against you.
Mark 11: 25-26

As you have known what dangerous prayers is all about, I introduce
I introduce to you this prayer with carefulness. These prayers are
not the type of cut and nail prayers, but a violent one. The
kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, the violent take it by force
(Matt 11:12). The solution of a problem cannot come without first
destroying the source. Once the source is destroyed, the solution
will come. Make dangerous prayers your partner, pray it daily and
quench the fire of the devil against you.

This prayer is not to be said anyhow by anybody. This is not the
prayer of sinners. If you are still living in sin PLEASE do not pray
this prayer. If you are not truly Born Again this prayer is not for
you. I know that your life will never be the same again after praying
these prayers. Praying these prayers is fighting a spiritual war, so
you must be prepared (Eph 6:12). You are challenging all the
powers of darkness against your life. You want to set your self free
from the cage of the devil.

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You can be born again right now, confess and forsake your sins
now. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

Confess anything that satan will lay hands on and hinder your
prayers. The devil knows the scriptures better than you. The devil
knows that the prayer of a sinner is an abomination before God. He
also knows that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much. Do not let the devil have any ground of accusation
against you. If he (satan) does, he will hinder your prayers because
you did not obey the scripture.


In Jesus name, In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, in the
victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Heavenly
Father I come unto you through Jesus Christ and by the power of
the Holy Ghost.

I confess all the sins I have committed, consciously or

unconsciously through thoughts, words and actions, I forsake all
these sins and promise not to go back to them again.

Jesus Christ I receive you afresh in my life as my personal Lord and

Savior. Come into my life now; write my name in the book of life.
Give me the grace to be faithful to the end.


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• Do not kneel down while praying this prayer

• Stand up and charge yourself like a warrior
• Hold this book and read through. Life and death are in the
power of the tongue. You can pray these dangerous prayers
by day or night. These prayers operate at anytime but
preferably during the night.
• Cover yourself, your house, your family, your loved ones, your
properties etc. with the blood of Jesus Christ before you begin
to pray.
• Confess the Perfect Will of God concerning you (i.e. the
scriptures under the perfect will of God).
• In case after praying you have a spiritual attack, pray it again.
The attack is because you have shaken and destroyed
something in the kingdom of darkness. Ride on with your
prayers, for you are really becoming violent in the spirit.
• In severe demonic and satanic attack, hindrances or
influences, keep seven days of vigil with these prayers, from 12
midnight till 3 a.m. at least in doing this, you will disturb and
hinder the enemy from holding any meetings against you in
particular and others in general. Due to these constant
disturbances you are causing them, they will remove your
name from the list of victims. It automatically brings you
freedom and solutions to your problems.
• This prayer cannot carry you from 12 midnight to 3 a.m. You
have to say other prayers in addition to this one. You can
even pray it two times or more within the three hours of vigil.
(That is not prayer repetition but adding more fire to the
already made fire against satan).
• Pray gradually with meaning and understanding to what you
are saying. Avoid shouting in case you are in a crowded
house. Your shouting may disturb others, so pray in a normal


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3 John 1:2 – it is written, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou
mayest prosper and be in health, even as they soul prospereth.
Confession – Heavenly Father prosper all my undertakings; make
me be in good health even as my soul prospereth in Jesus’ name.

Jeremiah 29:11 – It is written, “ For I know the thoughts that I

think towards you saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil,
to give you an expected end”.
Confession – Father let all your thoughts of peace, love, long life,
progress, prosperity etc. be established now in my life in Jesus’
name. Amen.

Psalms 50:15 – It is written, “And call upon me in the day of

trouble, I will deliver thee and thou shall glorify me”.
Confession – Father I call upon you for this is the day of trouble,
deliver me and I will glorify you in Jesus’ name. Amen

Isaiah 48:17 – It is written, “Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer,

the Holy one of Israel I am the Lord they God which teacheth thee
to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go”.
Confession – Father you are my Redeemer, teach me to profit and
lead me in the way I should go in Jesus’ name. Amen.

John 14:12 – It is written, “verily, verily I say unto you he that

believeth in me, the works I do shall he do also, and greater than
works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father”.
Confession – Lord Jesus I truly believe in you, so let me do the
works you have done and greater works I will do accordingly to your
words in Jesus name. Amen.

John 14:14 – It is written, “if ye shall ask anything in my name I

will do it”

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Confession – My Lord Jesus do all that I will ask you in your

precious Name I pray. Amen.

Mark 16:17, 18 – It is written “And these signs shall follow them
that believe. In my name shall they cast out devils. They shall
speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpent, and if they
drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt hem. They shall lay hands
on the sick, and they shall recover”
Power Confession – Father I believe in Jesus. I command signs,
miracles and wonders to follow me now in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Matthew 16:19 – It is written, “And I will give unto you the keys of
the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven”. Power Confession – Father I now
receive all the keys of the kingdom of heaven to open all the doors
and impossibilities. Anything I shall bind now shall be bound
forever and anything I shall loose now shall be loosed forever in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

Philippians 4:13 – It is written, “I can do all things through Christ

which strengtheneth me”.
Power Confession – Father I can do all things through Jesus Christ
which strengtheneth me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Luke 1:37 – It is written “For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Power Confession – Father you are with me so nothing shall be
impossible with me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Zechariah 4:6 – It is written “Not by might nor by power but by my

spirit saith the Lord of hosts”. Power Confession –
Father the battle is not mine but by your Spirit, You will fight for
me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Isaiah 41:10 – It is written, “Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be

not dismayed, for I am they God. I will strengthen thee, yea, I will
help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my
Power Confession – Father thank you for being with mw, for
strengthening me, for helping me, for upholding me and for being
my God. My heart is strengthened unto this battle in Jesus’ name.

Psalms 105:15 – It is written, “Touch not mine anointed and do

my prophets no harm”.
Power Confession – I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Satan you cannot touch me because I am the anointed and the
prophet of God. My life is assured in the hands of Jesus Christ and
his emblem is upon me. I have the seal of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’
name. Amen.

Isaiah 54:17 – It is written, “No weapon that is formed against thee

shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in
judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servant of
the Lord, and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord”.
Power Confession – In Jesus name, I destroy every weapon formed
against me both spiritual and physical weapons. I condemn and
seal doe ever every tongue that intends to rise against me in
judgment. For this is my heritage as a servant of God and my
righteousness is of the Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Note:- You are now ripe to pray the dangerous prayers. You are
loaded with power, anointing, new life and strength to overcome all
powers of satan.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21
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But the word is very high unto thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart,
that thou mayest do it: Deuteronomy 30:14

The power of God is in your tongue, speak out the words now. Pray
the dangerous prayers with power and satan and his demons will
surrender to you.


The presence of the Lord

In the Mighty Earth quaking name of our Lord Jesus Christ of

Nazareth, in the wonder working name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Heavenly Father, I call your presence into this place. I
call the presence of my Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to join
me in the battle against my enemies.


Holy Ghost, could you please join me in this battle against satan
and his agents. Holy Ghost you are my comforter, fight this battle
for me and comfort me in Jesus name. Amen. I know not how to
pray in your own way. Speak out of me through these prayers in
Jesus’ name.

Holy Ghost protect me and guide me, direct me in the way I should
pray. Use me as your battle axe against the enemy. Come with the
fullness of your power and raise a triple standard against satan and
his agents in Jesus’ name. Amen.


In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I release
all the angels of war from the kingdom of god. I command all you
angels to take your position against satan and his demons, cover
everywhere now, cover the whole air, land and sea.
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Destroy all the powers of darkness in the air, land and sea. Fight
against the devil without ceasing. Destroy all their plans against
me. I command you angels of the Lord to make a hedge around me
now. Encamp around me in Jesus name. amen.


I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ. I soak my family, my
relations, my business, my office, my food, my money, my
compound, my friends, and well wishers etc. with the powerful
blood of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I cover the whole air, the whole land and the whole sea wit the
blood of Jesus Christ. Satan it is written, in revelation 12:11. And
they over come him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the
words of their testimony. I used the blood of Jesus to overcome you


In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ I rebuke, I bind and I destroy
all anti-prayer demons in the air, in the land and in the sea. I also
destroy every hanging demon, every flying demon and every and
every starved demon. I break your wings and chains. I cast all of
you down Abyss in Jesus name. Amen. I destroy all your
hindrances against my prayers. I cast all of you into eternal
darkness, I lock you up until judgment day of the Lord.

I also rebuke, bind and destroy all anti-deliverance demons, anti-

progress demons, ant-prosperity demons, anti-miracle demons, I
destroy all your works against my life. I cast all of you into eternal
darkness never to rise again until the judgment day of the Lord. I
use the fire of the Holy spirit to destroy all of you in Jesus name.

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I use the fire of he Holy ghost and the blood of Jesus Christ to
destroy every spiritual cellophane covering the air. I destroy every
covering that the devil has made around or against me in Jesus
name. Amen.

I destroy, every chain, every chord and every bag of witches against
me. I command the fire of the Holy Ghost to burn them to ashes
now. I nullify and neutralize every smoke of the devil against my
prayers. I use the blood of Jesus Christ to destroy all of you in
Jesus name. Amen. Satan it is written in Luke 1:37 saying “with
God nothing shall be impossible”.

In Jesus name I break every power of darkness that had entangled
me. I destroy all the web of satan against me. I loose myself from
all the powers of darkness against me.

I break loose from the powers of witches, wizards, spiritual

husbands, spiritual wives, spiritual children, spiritual homes,
spiritual properties, ogbanje spirit, ancestral or familiar spirits,
mermaid spirits etc.

Hear me you powers of darkness. It is written in Matthew 18:18

saying, “Verily, verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on
earth shall be loosed in heaven”. I stand on this word and loose
myself from all the powers of darkness in Jesus name. Amen.


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I break in pieces every spiritual screen which the devil is using in

monitoring me. I destroy every spiritual mirror, spiritual tape,
spiritual camera, and all spiritual properties which satan has set
against me.

I rebuke, I bind and I cast out of my life all evil terrestrial and
celestial spiritual against me in Jesus name. Amen. I command
the Holy Ghost fire to consume all of you. I lock all of you up with
judgment key never to rise again until the judgment day of the lord.

Hear me now satan. It is written in Isaiah 54:17 saying “No weapon

that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that shall
rise against me in judgment I shall condemn”. I stand on this word
and condemn all your properties and weapons against me in Jesus’
name. Amen.

I rebuke you satan, I come against you with the blood of Jesus
Christ and the fire of the Holy Ghost. Satan I have to take over, to
trample upon your kingdom. I have come to possess my
possessions. I command you to release all that belongs to me in
Jesus name. Amen. I am the ambassador of the Lord. I am the
anointed of the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ had given me power to
tread upon you and over all your powers and nothing shall by any
means hurt me.

Remember it is written of me in Psalms 105:15 saying “Touch not

mine anointed and do my prophets no harm”. The angels of the
Lord are encamping around me. No weapon formed against me
shall prosper, and every tongue formed against me shall prosper,
and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgment shall be
condemned in Jesus name. Amen.

Listen to me satan, I am the Captain of the Lords army. I only hear

the command of our Commander in-Chief, His Excellence Jesus

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Christ of Nazareth through whom all things were made. I command

you to move or I move you in Jesus name. I destroy every of your
plans against me. No matter where you are hiding, I command the
Holy Ghost fire to torment you day and night for ever and ever in
Jesus name. Amen.


I rebuke, I bind and I destroy you principalities, powers, rulers of
the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places. I
command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all of you in Jesus name. I
destroy all your plans and evil works against me. I also use the
blood of Jesus Christ to destroy all of you in Jesus name. amen.

I bind all the witches, wizard, demigods, familiar spirits, water

spirits, all evil chief spirits, spirit of weakness and every other evil
spirit against my life and my progress.

I destroy every covering you have made around yourself to protect

yourself from the Holy Ghost fire. No matter your level, rank, office
and area of operation in the supernatural, I command the Holy
Ghost fire to destroy all of you now in Jesus name. Amen.

I cast all of you into abyss. I chain you into eternal darkness. I
lock all of you with the judgment key until the judgment day of the
Lord never to rise again in Jesus name. Amen.


I nullify, cancel and destroy every evil or careless words which I
have spoken out, which satan is using against me. I confess and
withdraw such words wherever they are in the air, land and sea.

I turn all the negatives confessions which I have made into positive
confessions to the glory of God Almighty. I use the blood of Jesus
to erase all those words in Jesus name. Amen.

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In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I
destroy every property in my possession which belongs to the devil.
I destroy any made of satan’s properties which is in my possession
at this hour, I destroy all the properties which has to do with
satanic powers which I bought with my money or given to me as a

I sanctify all my clothes with the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I destroy every devilish attachment to any of my clothes or
properties. I destroy any satanic property which gives satan
entrance into my house. Father put enmity between me and such
property, make me to hate such a thing without regret in Jesus
name. Amen.

I also destroy any of my properties in the spirit world. Anywhere

my image, my properties, my pictures, my clothes, my money, my
name, any part of my body, my finger nails or my hair is in the air,
land or in the sea, before a shrine or idol, in the covens or temple of
satan, I command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all the agents of
satan working against me through these properties in Jesus name,
Amen. I cover myself, all my properties and my family with the
blood of Jesus of Nazareth, Amen.


In the victorious and powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, Holy Ghost help me to loose my heart, my soul and my
mind in the supernatural. I command the release of my heart, my
soul and my mind in Jesus name. Amen.

Satan, I destroy any cage, chain, bag or prison room where you
have tied my heart, my soul and my mind, I command the Holy
Ghost fire to destroy all the demons on guard against my heart, my
soul and my mind from captivity of satan. I command all the injury

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inflicted on you to be healed now in Jesus name. I command you to

come back into me now. You are welcome into me in Jesus Christ
name, Amen. I cover you with the blood of Jesus Christ and you
will never leave me again in Jesus name. Amen.


In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Heavenly Father, I rise up
my right hand toward you. I am your son/daughter (say your full
name) behold your son/daughter. All power is from your throne as
it is written in Psalms 62:11-12 saying “God hath spoken once,
twice have I heard this, and that power belongeth unto God. Also
unto thee belongeth mercy”. Heavenly Father, I receive power from
you now in Jesus name. I use this power to renounce, nullify,
break, cancel, destroy and separate myself from all the curses,
covenants and initiations made against me.

I command all the curses, covenants and initiations that are hiding
somewhere against my life and circumstances to manifest now in
Jesus name. I command the Holy Ghost fire and the blood of Jesus
Christ to make all of you manifest now and I nullify all of you in
Jesus name. Amen.

Heavenly Father I bring the sins of my ancestors before you. I
confess all their sins because they sis sin against you. I confess all
the sins of killing fellow human beings, worshiping of idols, selling
and buying of human beings, sacrificing human beings to idols,
eating of human flesh and every other evil and wicked acts which
they had done.

Father I also confess the sins of my parents against you in any way
they have sinned against you, please Father be merciful in Jesus
name. I forgive them for whatever sin they committed against me in
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Jesus name. Let the sins and wickedness not be remembered in my

own generation. Father I am not in support of their wicked
therefore I separate myself from penalty of those sins in Jesus
name. Amen.

In the most powerful name of our Lord Jesus name of Nazareth, I
break and nullify all the curses, covenants and initiations from my
ancestors. Whatever be the cause of the curses, covenants and
initiations I destroy them in Jesus name, Amen.

All the curses, covenants and initiations from the lineage of my

Father and my Mother, I nullify and destroy them in Jesus name.
no matter the curse that had been made against me, no matter the
covenant my ancestors had made with satan and no matter where I
had been initiated in te air, land and sea. I destroy all in Jesus
name. Amen.

I also destroy any curse, covenant and initiation made against me

by my father, mother and grand parents. From any generation of e
lineage of my father and mother no matter where the curses,
covenants and initiations came down from, I command all to be
destroyed now in Jesus name. Amen.

In Jesus name I come against all the curses I have made against
myself, against my progress and my future knowingly unknowingly.
I destroy all you curses, wherever you are hiding in the air, land
and sea. I nullify and render all of you harmless in Jesus name,

I come against all the covenants I have made with idols, demons,
water spirits, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, etc, in the

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physical, in the spiritual or in the dream. I break all the covenants

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

All the initiation I have made against myself, I destroy all of them. I
withdraw my membership from such an initiation. I cancel my
name from the register of satan. I declare myself free from today in
Jesus name, Amen. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ of


I repent of my sins and I ask you to forgive me for your name’s
sake, Father, in Jesus name. Remove from me all the curses of
disobedience to your commandments. Rebuke the devourer from
my life. (e.g. Malachi 3:8-12).

Withdraw the locust, cankerworm, caterpillar and the palmerworm

from me. Give me the former and latter rain and fill me again with
your blessings in Jesus’ name. Amen.


In Jesus name, I destroy and nullify all the curses, covenants and
ignitions from satan and his agents against me. I destroy any
enchantment, spell, charms, incantation, curses, covenants,
ignition and manipulation from any idol, witches, wizard, juju
priests, water spirits, familiar spirits, spiritual husbands or wives,
spiritual children, spiritual homes, spiritual properties, abortion,
bathing in some rivers, from any coven, spiritual temple and mystic
homes, from air, land and sea. (Num 22).

I command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all your plans against me
in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

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In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come against all
the curses of the land in my town or village. Whatever be the
curses of the land in my town or village. Whatever be the curses,
covenants and initiations that is made against all the people of my
home town and village I destroy all against my life.

I destroy every curse of death, poverty, sickness, suicide, divorce,

barrenness, lack of marriage, madness, murder, lust, etc. I
separate myself from all these curses, covenants and initiations
now in Jesus name, Amen.

I destroy all the powers and plans of all the witch doctors, wizards,
idols, evil trees, rivers, evil forests, etc in my home town or village. I
command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all of you in Jesus’ name.

I destroy all covenants and initiations made on my behalf in the air,
land and sea. I also destroy any covenant and initiation made on
my behalf to any idol, tree, shrine, rivers and streams. (Bind and
destroy all evil rivers, idols, streams, shrines, witches and wizard
doctors in your town or village, separate yourself from them).

I destroy all the evil properties involved in the curses, covenants

and initiations against me. For example the native white chalk,
kola nuts, hot drinks, wine, cow, goats, fowls, rams, blood, money,
clothes, roots, leaves, iron, earth, palm leaves, human flesh or
bones, charms, etc. I use the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all of you in
Jesus name, Amen.


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In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I come against all powers of

darkness against me in the dream, I bind and cast out all the
demons that attack me through dreams. I come against all
spiritual and dreams manipulations against my life.

I rebuke, bind and destroy all the demons that give me food in the
dream, all he spiritual men and women that make love to me in the
dream, all the snakes that come to me in the dream, all the demons
that attack me in the dream, all the spirit that make me swim in the
river, all the demons that marry and wed me in the dream, all the
agents of satan that press me in the dream. I command the Holy
Ghost fire to consume all of you in Jesus name, Amen.


In Jesus name, peradventure there be any evil spirit example, spirit
of pride, anger, strife, error, doubt, confusion, rejection, inferiority
complex, lust, rebellion, infirmity, poverty, insomnia, sloth, death,
fear lying, lasciviousness, disobedience, unforgiveness, adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, hatred, seditions, heresies, envying,
murders, drunkenness, reveling, variance, emulations that is
oppressing my spirit, my soul, my heart, my mind and

I rebuke, bind and cast out such spirits in Jesus name. I command
the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all of you anywhere you are hiding, in
the air, land and sea. I use the blood of Jesus Christ to cover
myself against your re-coming into me in Jesus name, Amen.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I rebuke, bind and destroy all
the evil rituals, festivals, ceremonies and other activities which are
carried out by my town or family.

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I destroy all the demons that are worshipped in such activities. I

use the blood of Jesus to wage war against all of you in Jesus’
name, Amen.

Note: Separate yourself from those festivals, do not partake of them

again or you will be pleasing the demons as well as worshipping

I bind, chain and cast into the bottomless pit all the evil spirit
guards which are in charge of these curses, covenants, initiations,
spells, charms, etc, against my life. I destroy the deed of
agreement. I chain all of you into eternal darkness. I lock you with
the judgment key never to rise again until the judgment day of eh
Lord. I command the holy Ghost fire to torment all of you by day
and night in Jesus’ name.

I use the blood of Jesus to replace your former position in Jesus

name, Amen.

Heavenly father, I humbly separate myself from all the curses,
covenants, initiations, etc, made against me. I am a free moral
agent. Therefore I have right to choose whom to serve.

I choose to serve the Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit. I am a new creature new and brand new every day
of my life. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me now. I can do all
things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13.

The word of God says “ For by thy word thou shall be justified, and
by thy words thou shalt be condemned”. (Matt 132:37). Father le

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me be justified now by the words of my mouth for life and death are
in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).

“If the Son of man therefore shall make you free, you shall be free
indeed” John 8:36. Jesus Son of God has set me free, so I am free
indeed. I will never be entangled by satan and his agents again
because I am already free in Jesus’ name, amen.

I Brother/Sister……………………………………………(mention you full
name) today declare myself a heavenly citizen and a member of
Jesus family. Whoever that touches me touches the apple of God’s
eye. No weapon formed against me any longer shall by any means
prosper in my life, and any tongue that shall rise against me in
judgment shall be destroyed completely in Jesus’ name.

Anything I shall lay my hands on to o from now onwards must

prosper because I am destined to prosper. I must be the first in
progress and blessings. I am what God says I am.

Begin to bless yourself with all manner of blessings. Speak positive
words in favour of yourself. Bless your business, your family, and
your loved ones. Claim your possessions.

Give thanks to God Almighty for the answers to the prayers you
have said. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Dangerous Prayers Page 21

Dangerous Prayers

Do not walk by sight but by faith. I tell you something has taken
place in the supernatural. Wait for the physical manifestation of
your blessings in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Cover everywhere with the blood of Jesus Christ. Cover your
miracles and blessings with the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Seal yourself up with the blood.

The grace of he Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit abide with me forever and ever. Amen.

Surely Angels of goodness and angels of mercy are following me all

the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever
and ever in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dangerous Prayers Page 22

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