2020-11-02 16 - 08 - 07 - Syl978
2020-11-02 16 - 08 - 07 - Syl978
2020-11-02 16 - 08 - 07 - Syl978
59902/GA - IV - J3/2019/Admn
General and Academic - Faculty of Science - Modified Syllabus of BSc Mathematics Programme under CBCSS UG
Regulations 2019 with effect from 2020 Admission onwards - Implemented- Orders Issued.
G & A - IV - J
U.O.No. 9389/2020/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 13.10.2020
1. The Regulations for Choice Based Credit and Semester System for Under Graduate (UG)
Curriculum-2019 (CBCSS UG Regulations 2019) for all UG Programmes under CBCSS-
Regular and SDE/PrivateRegistration w.e.f. 2019 admission, was implemented vide paper read
first above, and the same has been modified vide paper read second above.
2. The meeting of the Board of Studies in Mathematics (UG) held on 17/03/2020 & 10/07/2020
recommended certain modifications in the Syllabus of B.Sc Mathematics Programme, in
tune with the new CBCSS UG-2019 Regulations and the modifications made applicable with
effect from 2020 admissions onwards, vide paper read third above.
3. The Faculty of Science has approved the modified syllabus of BSc Mathematics programme in
tune with the new CBCSS UG-2019 Regulations with effect from 2020 Admission onwards and
the same has been approved by the Academic Council, vide paper read fourth & fifth above,
4. Hence, the Modified Scheme and Syllabus of B Sc Mathematics Programme in accordance with
CBCSS UG Regulations 2019, is therefore implemented in the University with effect from 2020
Admission onwards.
5. Orders are issued accordingly. (Syllabus appended).
Arsad M
Assistant Registrar
The Principals of all Affiliated Colleges / The Director, School of Distance Education
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Section Officer
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(CBCSS-UG Regulations 2019)
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Syllabus structure
Core Courses
The following courses are compulsory for BSc Mathematics programme.
Max. Marks
Exam dur.(Hrs)
No of contact
Sl. No
Code Name of the course
1 MTS1B01 Basic Logic and Number 1 4 4 20 80 100 2.5
2 MTS2B02 Calculus of Single variable-1 2 4 4 20 80 100 2.5
3 MTS3B03 Calculus of Single variable-2 3 5 4 20 80 100 2.5
4 MTS4B04 Linear Algebra 4 5 4 20 80 100 2.5
5 MTS5B05 Abstract Algebra 5 5 4 20 80 100 2.5
6 MTS5B06 Basic Analysis 5 5 4 20 80 100 2.5
7 MTS5B07 Numerical Analysis 5 4 3 15 60 75 2
8 MTS5B08 Linear Programming 5 3 3 15 60 75 2
9 MTS5B09 Introduction to Geometry 5 3 3 15 60 75 2
and Theory of Equations
Project 5 2
10 Open Course (Offered by 5 3 3 15 60 75 2
Other Departments)
11 MTS6B10 Real Analysis 6 5 5 20 80 100 2.5
12 MTS6B11 Complex Analysis 6 5 5 20 80 100 2.5
13 MTS6B12 Calculus of Multi variable 6 5 4 20 80 100 2.5
14 MTS6B13 Differential Equations 6 5 4 20 80 100 2.5
15 MTS6B14 Elective 6 3 2 15 60 75 2
16 MTS6P15(PR) Project Viva 6 2 2 15 60 75
68 58 1450
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Elective Courses
One of the following four courses can be offered in the sixth semester as an elective
course (Code MTS6B14(E01), MTS6B14(E02) and MTS6B14(E03)).
Max. Marks
No of contact
Exam dur.
Sl. No
Code Name of the course
1 MTS6B14(E01) Graph Theory 6 3 2 15 60 75 2
2 MTS6B14(E02) Topology of Metric 6 3 2 15 60 75 2
3 MTS6B14(E03) Mathematical Pro- 6 3 2 15 60 75 2
gramming with
Python and Latex
Open Courses
One of the following four courses can be offered in the fifth semester as an open course
for students from other degree programmmes (MTS5D01, MTS5D02, MTS5D03 and
Max. Marks
No of contact
Unty. exam
Dur. (Hrs)
Sl. No
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Complementary Courses
Max. Marks
No of contact
Unty. exam
Dur. (Hrs)
Sl. No
Code Name of the course
1 MTS1C01 Mathematics-1 1 4 3 15 60 75 2
2 MTS2C02 Mathematics-2 2 4 3 15 60 75 2
3 MTS3C03 Mathematics-3 3 5 3 15 60 75 2
4 MTS4C04 Mathematics-4 4 5 3 15 60 75 2
Scheme of Evaluation
The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts: internal evaluation
and external evaluation.
Internal Evaluation
20% of the total marks in each course are for internal evaluation. The colleges shall
send only the marks obtained for internal examination to the university.
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Components of Internal Evaluation
Sl Components Marks (For Courses Marks (For Courses
No with Max. Marks with Max. Marks
75) 100)
1 Class Room Participa- 3 4
2 Assignment 3 4
3 Seminar 3 4
4 Test paper 6 8
Total 15 20
Evaluation of Project
1. Evaluation of the Project Report shall be done under Mark System.
• Internal Assessment (supervising teachers will assess the project and award
internal Marks)
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• External evaluation (external examiner appointed by the University)
3. Grade for the project will be awarded to candidates, combining the internal and
external marks.
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Pattern of Question Paper for University Examinations
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7 Page 9 of 100
Logic, the study of principles of techniques and reasoning, is fundamental to every branch
of learning. Besides, being the basis of all mathematical reasoning, it is required in the field of
computer science for developing programming languages and also to check the correctness of
the programmes. Electronic engineers apply logic in the design of computer chips. The first
module discusses the fundamentals of logic, its symbols and rules. This enables one to think
systematically, to express ideas in precise and concise mathematical terms and also to make
valid arguments. How to use logic to arrive at the correct conclusion in the midst of confusing
and contradictory statements is also illustrated.
The classical number theory is introduced and some of the very fundamental results are
discussed in other modules. It is hoped that the method of writing a formal proof, using proof
methods discussed in the first module, is best taught in a concrete setting, rather than as an
abstract exercise in logic. Number theory, unlike other topics such as geometry and analysis,
doesn’t suffer from too much abstraction and the consequent difficulty in conceptual
understanding. Hence, it is an ideal topic for a beginner to illustrate how mathematicians do
their normal business. By the end of the course, the students will be able to enjoy and master
several techniques of problem solving such as recursion, induction etc., the importance of
pattern recognition in mathematics, the art of conjecturing and a few applications of number
theory. Enthusiastic students will have acquired knowledge to read and enjoy on their own a
few applications of number theory in the field of art, geometry and coding theory. Successful
completion of the course enables students to
Prove results involving divisibility, greatest common divisor, least common multiple and a
few applications.
Understand the theory and method of solutions of LDE.
Solve linear congruent equations.
Learn three classical theorems viz. Wilson’s theorem, Fermat’s little theorem and Euler’s
theorem and a few important consequences.
8 Page 10 of 100
Text (1) Discrete Mathematics with Applications : Thomas Koshy, Elsever Academic
Press(2004) ISBN:0-12-421180-1
Text:(2) Elementary Number Theory with Applications (2/e) :Thomas Koshy, Elsever
Academic Press(2007) ISBN:978-0-12-372487-8
1.1: Propositions- definition, Boolean (logic) variables, Truth Value, Conjunction, Boolean
expression, Disjunction (inclusive and exclusive), Negation, Implication, Converse, Inverse
and Contra positive, Biconditional statement, Order of Precedence, Tautology Contradiction
and Contingency [‘Switching Networks’ omitted]
1.2 : Logical equivalences- laws of logic [‘Equivalent Switching Networks’ ‘Fuzzy logic’ &
‘Fuzzy decisions’omitted]
1.5: Proof Methods – vacuous proof, trivial proof, direct proof, indirect proof-contrapositive
contradiction, proof by cases, Existence proof- constructive & non constructive, counter
1.3 : Mathematical induction- well ordering principle, simple applications, weak version of
principle of mathematical induction, illustrations, strong version of induction (second
principle of MI), illustration
2.1: The division algorithm – statement and proof, div & mod operator, card dealing, The two
queens puzzle (simple applications), pigeonhole principle and division algorithm, divisibility
relation, illustration, divisibility properties, union intersection and complement-inclusion-
exclusion principle & applications, even and odd integers.
2.5: Prime and Composite Numbers- definitions, infinitude of primes, [‘algorithm 2.4‘
omitted] The sieve of Eratosthenes, a number theoretic function, prime number theorem
(statement only), distribution of primes (upto and including Example 2.25) . [rest of the
section omitted]
9 Page 11 of 100
Module- III Text (2) (17 hrs)
3.1 : Greatest Common Divisor- gcd, symbolic definition, relatively prime integers, Duncan’s
identity, Polya’s theorem, infinitude of primes, properties of gcd, linear combination, gcd as
linear combination, an alternate definition of gcd, gcd of n positive integers, a linear
combination of n positive integers, pairwise relatively prime integers, alternate proof for
infinitude of prime.
3.2: The Euclidean Algorithm- The Euclidean algorithm [algorithm 3.1 omitted], A jigsaw
puzzle, Lame’s theorem (statement only; proof omitted)
3.4 : Least Common Multiple- definition, canonical decomposition to find lcm, relationship
between gcd and lcm, relatively prime numbers and their lcm
3.5: Linear Diophantine Equations – LDE in two variables, conditions to have a solution,
Aryabhatta’s method, number of solutions, general solution, Mahavira’s puzzle, hundred
fowls puzzle, Monkey and Coconuts Puzzle, [‘Euler’s method for solving LDE’s ‘ omitted]
Fibonacci numbers and LDE, LDE in more number of variables and their solutions- Theorem
7.1: Wilson’s Theorem- self invertible modulo prime, Wilson’s theorem and its converse
[‘Factorial,Multifactorial and Primorial Primes’ omitted]
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7.2: Fermat’s Little Theorem(FLT)- FLT and its applications, [Lagrange’s alternate proof of
Wilson’s theorem omitted], inverse of a modulo p using FLT, application-solution of linear
congruences [ ‘ Factors of 2 + 1 ‘ omitted], extension of FLT in various directions [‘The
Pollard p-1 factoring method’ omitted]
7.4 : Euler’s Theorem- motivation, Euler’s Phi Function φ, Euler’s Theorem, applications,
generalisation of Euler’s theorem (koshy)
1 Susanna S Epp: Discrete Mathematics with Applications(4/e) Brooks/ Cole Cengage
Learning(2011) ISBN: 978-0-495-39132-6
2 Kenneth H. Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications(7/e) McGraw-Hill, NY
(2007) ISBN: 978-0-07-338309-5
3 David M. Burton : Elementary Number Theory(7/e) McGraw-Hill (2011) ISBN: 978-0-
4 Gareth A. Jones and J. Mary Jones: Elementary Number Theory, Springer Undergraduate
Mathematics Series(1998) ISBN: 978-3-540-76197-6
5 Underwood Dudley :Elementary Number Theory(2/e), Dover Publications (2008)
6 James K Strayer: Elementary Number Theory, Waveland Press, inc. (1994), ISBN:978-1-
7 Kenneth H. Rosen: Elementary Number Theory(6/e), Pearson Education (2018)ISBN:
11 Page 13 of 100
The next two modules deal with the other branch of calculus viz. integral calculus.
Historically, it is motivated by the geometric problem of finding out the area of a planar region. The
idea of definite integral is defined with the notion of limit. A major result is the Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus, which not only gives a practical way of evaluating the definite integral but
establishes the close connection between the two branches of Calculus. The notion of definite
integral not only solves the area problem but is useful in finding out the arc length of a plane curve,
volume and surface areas of solids and so on. The integral turns out to be a powerful tool in solving
problems in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, economics and other fields. Some of the
applications are included in the syllabus.
12 Page 14 of 100
13 Page 15 of 100
2.4: The role of derivative in the real world Motion Along a Line, Marginal
Functions in Economics
2.9: Differentials and Linear Approximations increments, Differentials,
Error Estimates, Linear Approximations, Error in Approximating ∆𝑦 by 𝑑𝑦
14 Page 16 of 100
ModuleIII (14 hrs)
4.1: Anti derivatives, Indefinite integrals, Basic Rules of Integration, a few
basic integration formulas and rules of integration, Differential Equations,
Initial Value Problems
4.3: Area An Intuitive Look, The Area Problem, Defining the Area of the
Region Under the Graph of a Function technique of approximation [‘Sigma
Notation’ and ‘Summation Formulas’ Omitted ] An Intuitive Look at Area
(Continued), Defining the Area of the Region Under the Graph of a
Functionprecise definition , Area and Distance
4.4: The Definite Integral Definition of the Definite Integral, Geometric
Interpretation of the Definite Integral, The Definite Integral and
Displacement, Properties of the Definite Integral , More General Definition
of the Definite Integral
4.5: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus How Are Differentiation and
Integration Related?, The Mean Value Theorem for Definite Integrals, The
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: Part I, inverse relationship between
differentiation and integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: Part 2,
Evaluating Definite Integrals Using Substitution, Definite Integrals of Odd
and Even Functions, The Definite Integral as a Measure of Net Change
15 Page 17 of 100
5.7: Moments and Center of Mass Measures of Mass, Center of Mass of a
System on a Line, Center of Mass of a System in the Plane, Center of Mass of
Laminas [upto and including Example 3; rest of the section omitted]
1 Joel Hass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir : Thomas’ Calculus(14/e)
Pearson (2018) ISBN 0134438981
2 Robert A Adams & Christopher Essex : Calculus Single Variable (8/e) Pearson
Education Canada (2013) ISBN: 0321877403
3 Jon Rogawski & Colin Adams : Calculus Early Transcendentals (3/e) W. H.
Freeman and Company(2015) ISBN: 1319116450
4 Anton, Bivens & Davis : Calculus Early Transcendentals (11/e) John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.(2016) ISBN: 1118883764
5 James Stewart : Calculus (8/e) Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning(2016) ISBN: 978
6 Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein : Calculus I and II (2/e) Springer Verlag NY
(1985) ISBN 0387909745 : ISBN 0387909753
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Using the idea of definite integral developed in previous semester, the natural logarithm
function is defined and its properties are examined. This allows us to define its inverse function
namely the natural exponential function and also the general exponential function. Exponential
functions model a wide variety of phenomenon of interest in science, engineering, mathematics and
economics. They arise naturally when we model the growth of a biological population, the spread of
a disease, the radioactive decay of atoms, and the study of heat transfer problems and so on. We
also consider certain combinations of exponential functions namely hyperbolic functions that also
arise very frequently in applications such as the study of shapes of cables hanging under their own
After this, the students are introduced to the idea of improper integrals, their convergence
and evaluation. This enables to study a related notion of convergence of a series, which is practically
done by applying several different tests such as integral test, comparison test and so on. As a special
case, a study on power series their region of convergence, differentiation and integration etc., is
also done.
A detailed study of plane and space curves is then taken up. The students get the idea of
parametrization of curves, they learn how to calculate the arc length, curvature etc. using
parametrization and also the area of surface of revolution of a parametrized plane curve. Students
are introduced into other coordinate systems which often simplify the equation of curves and
surfaces and the relationship between various coordinate systems are also taught. This enables
them to directly calculate the arc length and surface areas of revolution of a curve whose equation is
in polar form. At the end of the course, the students will be able to handle vectors in dealing with
the problems involving geometry of lines, curves, planes and surfaces in space and have acquired the
ability to sketch curves in plane and space given in vector valued form.
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18 Page 20 of 100
ModuleII (20 hrs)
(Infinite Sequences and Series)
7.6: Improper integrals – definition, Infinite Intervals of Integration,
Improper Integrals with Infinite Discontinuities, A Comparison Test for
Improper Integrals
9.1: Sequences definition, recursive definition, Limit of a Sequence, limit laws,
squeeze theorem, Bounded Monotonic Sequences, definition, monotone
convergence theorem (only statement; its proof omitted)
9.2: Series defining the sum, convergence and divergence , Geometric Series,
The Harmonic Series, The Divergence Test, Properties of Convergent Series
9.3: The Integral Test – investigation of convergence ,integral test, The 𝑝
Series, its convergence and divergence
9.4: The Comparison Test test series, The Comparison Test, The Limit
Comparison Test
9.5: Alternating Series definition, the alternating series test, its proof,
examples, Approximating the Sum of an Alternating Series by 𝑆𝑛
9.6: Absolute Convergence definition, conditionally convergent , The Ratio
Test, The Root Test, Summary of Tests for Convergence and Divergence of
Series, Rearrangement of Series
19 Page 21 of 100
10.4: Polar coordinateThe Polar Coordinate System, Relationship Between
Polar and Rectangular Coordinates, Graphs of Polar Equations, Symmetry,
Tangent Lines to Graphs of Polar Equations
10.5:Areas and Arc Lengths in polar coordinatesAreas in Polar
Coordinates, area bounded by polar curves , Area Bounded by Two Graphs, Arc
Length in Polar Coordinates, Area of a Surface of Revolution, Points of
Intersection of Graphs in Polar Coordinates
ModuleIV (20 hrs)
11.5 : Lines and Planes in SpaceEquations of Lines in Space, parametric
equation, symmetric equation of a line, Equations of Planes in Space, standard
equation, Parallel and Orthogonal Planes, The Angle Between Two Planes,
The Distance Between a Point and a Plane
11.6: Surfaces in Space Traces, Cylinders, Quadric Surfaces, Ellipsoids,
Hyperboloids of One Sheet, Hyperboloids of Two Sheets, Cones, Paraboloids,
Hyperbolic Paraboloids
11.7: Cylindrical and Spherical CoordinatesThe Cylindrical Coordinate
System, converting cylindrical to rectangular and vice verse , The Spherical
Coordinate System, converting spherical to rectangular and vice verse,
12.1: Vector Valued functions and Space Curves definition of vector function,
Curves Defined by Vector Functions, [‘Example 7’ omitted] Limits and
12.2:Differentiation and Integration of VectorValued Function The
Derivative of a Vector Function, HigherOrder Derivatives, Rules of
Differentiation, Integration of Vector Functions,
12.3: Arc length and Curvature Arc Length of a space curve, Smooth Curves,
Arc Length Parameter, arc length function, Curvature, formula for finding
curvature, Radius of Curvature,
12.4: Velocity and Acceleration Velocity, Acceleration, and Speed; Motion
of a Projectile
12.5: Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration The Unit
Normal, principal unit normal vector , Tangential and Normal Components of
Acceleration [The subsections ‘ Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion ’, and ’
Derivation of Kepler’s First Law’ omitted ]
20 Page 22 of 100
1 Joel Hass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir : Thomas’ Calculus
(14/e) Pearson(2018) ISBN 0134438981
2 Robert A Adams & Christopher Essex : Calculus Single Variable (8/e)
Pearson Education Canada (2013) ISBN: 0321877403
3 Jon Rogawski & Colin Adams : Calculus Early Transcendentals (3/e) W.
H. Freeman and Company(2015) ISBN: 1319116450
4 Anton, Bivens & Davis : Calculus Early Transcendentals (11/e) John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.(2016) ISBN: 1118883764
5 James Stewart : Calculus (8/e) Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning(2016) ISBN:
6 Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein : Calculus I and II (2/e) Springer
Verlag NY(1985) ISBN 0387909745 : ISBN 0387909753
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After this, some basic matrix transformations in the vector spaces ℝ 2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℝ3 ,having
interest in the field of computer graphics, engineering and physics are studied by specially
pinpointing to their geometric effect.
Just like choosing an appropriate coordinate system greatly simplifies a problem at our hand
as we usually see in analytic geometry and calculus, a right choice of the basis of the vector space ℝ 𝑛
greatly simplifies the analysis of a matrix operator on it. With this aim in mind, a study on
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given matrix (equivalently, that of the corresponding matrix
operator) is taken up. Practical method of finding out the eigenvalues from the characteristic
equation and the corresponding eigenvectors are also discussed. A bonus point achieved during this
process is a test for the invertibility of a square matrix. As diagonal matrices are the matrices with
simplest structure, the idea of diagonalization of a matrix (and hence the diagonalization of a matrix
operator) is introduced and students learn a few fundamental results involving diagonalization and
eigenvalues which enable them to check whether diagonalization is possible. They realise that there
are matrices that cannot be diagonalized and even learn to check it. Also they are taught a well
defined procedure for diagonalizing a given matrix, if this is actually the case. The topic is
progressed further to obtain the ultimate goal of spectral decomposition of a symmetric matrix. In
this process , students realise that every symmetric matrix is diagonalizable and that this
diagonalization can be done in a special way ie., by choosing an orthogonal matrix to perform the
diagonalization. This is known as orthogonal diagonalization. Students also learn that only
22 Page 24 of 100
symmetric matrices with real entries can be orthogonally diagonalized and using GramSchmidt
process a well defined procedure for writing such a diagonalization is also taught. In short, the
course gives the students an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of linear algebra by capturing
the ideas geometrically, by justifying them algebraically and by preparing them to apply it in several
different fields such as data communication, computer graphics, modelling etc.
23 Page 25 of 100
elementary matrices, invertibility and equivalent statements, A Method for
Inverting Matrices, Inversion Algorithm, illustrations.
1.6: More on linear systems and invertible matrices Number of Solutions
of a Linear System, Solving Linear Systems by Matrix Inversion, Linear
Systems with a Common Coefficient Matrix, Properties of Invertible Matrices,
equivalent statements for unique solution of 𝐴𝑥 = 𝑏, determining consistency
1.7: Diagonal, Triangular and Symmetric matricesDiagonal Matrices,
Inverses and Powers of Diagonal Matrices, Triangular Matrices. Properties of
Triangular Matrices, Symmetric Matrices, algebraic properties of symmetric
matrices, Invertibility of Symmetric Matrices
1.8: Matrix transformation definition, Properties of Matrix Transformations,
standard matrix, A Procedure for Finding Standard Matrices
2.1: Determinants by cofactor expansion minors, cofactors, cofactor
expansion, Definition of a General Determinant, A Useful Technique for Evaluating 2
× 2 and 3 × 3 Determinants
2.2: Evaluating determinants by row reduction a few basic theorems,
elementary row operations and determinant, determinant of elementary matrices,
determinant by row reduction
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4.5: Dimension Number of Vectors in a Basis , dimension, Some Fundamental
Theorems, dimension of subspaces,
25 Page 27 of 100
Eigenvalues of Powers of a Matrix, Computing Powers of a Matrix, Geometric and
Algebraic Multiplicity
6.1: Inner Product – definition of General inner product , Euclidean inner
product (or the standard inner product) on ℝ 𝑛 , norm of a vector, properties (upto
and including theorem 6.1.1) , a few examples (only example7 and example 10)
[rest of the section omitted]
6.2: Angle and orthogonality in Inner product spaces only the definition of
orthogonality in a real inner product space (to be motivated by the relation
in the definition (3) of section 3.2) and examples(2),(3) and (4)
6.3: Gram–Schmidt Process definition of Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets,
examples,linear independence of orthogonal set, orthonormal basis,
Coordinates Relative to Orthonormal Bases [‘Orthogonal Projections’ omitted]
The Gram–Schmidt Process [only statement of Theorem 6.3.5 and the step by
step construction technique are required; derivation omitted], illustrations
examples 8 and 9, Extending Orthonormal Sets to Orthonormal Bases [rest
of the section omitted]
7.1: Orthogonal Matrices definition, characterisation of orthogonal matrices,
properties of orthogonal matrices, Orthogonal Matrices as Linear Operators, a
geometric interpretation [ rest of the section omitted]
7.2: Orthogonal Diagonalization The Orthogonal Diagonalization Problem ,
Conditions for Orthogonal Diagonalizability , Properties of Symmetric
Matrices, Procedure for Orthogonally Diagonalizing an n × n Symmetric Matrix,
Spectral Decomposition (upto and including example2) [rest of the section
1 Jim DeFranza, Daniel Gagliardi: Introduction to Linear Algebra with
Applications Waveland Press, Inc(2015)ISBN: 1478627778
2 Otto Bretscher: Linear Algebra with Applications(5/e) Pearson Education,
Inc (2013) ISBN: 0321796977
3 Ron Larson, Edwards, David C Falvo : Elementary Linear Algebra(6/e)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company(2009) ISBN: 0618783768
4 David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald: Linear Algebra and its
Application (5/e) Pearson Education, Inc(2016) ISBN: 032198238X
5 Martin Anthony, Michele Harvey: Linear Algebra: Concepts and
Methods Cambridge University Press(2012) ISBN: 9780521279482
6 Jeffrey Holt: Linear Algebra with Applications W. H. Freeman and
Company (2013) ISBN: 0716786672
26 Page 28 of 100
The brilliant mathematician Evariste Galois developed an entire theory that connected
the solvability by radicals of a polynomial equation with the permutation group of its roots. The
theory now known as Galois theory solves the famous problem of insolvability of quintic. A
study on symmetric functions now becomes inevitable. One can now observe the connection
emerging between classical algebra and modern algebra. The last three modules are therefore
devoted to the discussion on basic ideas and results of abstract algebra. Students understand the
abstract notion of a group, learn several examples, are taught to check whether an algebraic
system forms a group or not and are introduced to some fundamental results of group theory.
The idea of structural similarity, the notion of cyclic group, permutation group , various
examples and very fundamental results in the areas are also explored.
Text Abstract Algebra(3/e): John A Beachy and William D Blair Waveland Press,
Inc.(2006) ISBN: 1-57766-443-4
1.4: Integers modulo n - congruence class modulo n, addition and multiplication, divisor of
zero, multiplicative inverse
2.2: Equivalence relations-basic idea, definition, equivalence class, factor set, partition and
equivalence relation, examples and illustrations
3.1: Definition of Group-binary operation, uniqueness of identity and inverse, definition and
examples of groups, properties, Abelian group, finite and infinite groups, general linear
27 Page 29 of 100
3.3: Constructing examples- groups with order upto 6, multiplication table, product of
subgroups, direct products, Klein four group as direct product, subgroup generated by a subset
3.5: Cyclic groups- subgroups of cyclic groups, characterisation, generators of a finite cyclic
group, structure theorem for finite cyclic group, exponent of a group, characterisation of
cyclic groups among finite abelian groups.
3.6: Permutation groups- definition, Cayley’s theorem, rigid motions of n-gons, dihedral
group, alternating group
3.7: Homomorphism - basic idea, examples, definition, properties, kernel, normal subgroups,
subgroups related via homomorphism
3.8: Cosets- left and right cosets, normal subgroups and factor groups, fundamental
homomorphism theorem, simple groups, examples and illustrations of concepts
1 Joseph A. Gallian : Contemporary Abstract Algebra(9/e) Cengage Learning,
Boston(2017) ISBN: 978-1-305-65796-0
2 John B Fraleigh : A First Course in Abstract Algebra(7/e) Pearson Education LPE (2003)
ISBN 978-81-7758-900-9
3 David Steven Dummit, Richard M. Foote: Abstract Algebra(3/e) Wiley, (2004) ISBN:
4 Linda Gilbert and Jimmie Gilbert: Elements of Modern Algebra (8/e) Cengage Learning,
Stamford(2015) ISBN: 1-285-46323-4
5 John R. Durbin : Modern Algebra: An Introduction(6/e) Wiley(2015) ISBN: 1118117611
6 Jeffrey Bergen: A Concrete Approach to Abstract Algebra- From the integers to
Insolvability of Quintic Academic Pres [Elsever](2010 )ISBN: 978-0- 12-374941-3
28 Page 30 of 100
In this course, basic ideas and methods of real and complex analysis are taught. Real analysis
is a theoretical version of single variable calculus. So many familiar concepts of calculus are
reintroduced but at a much deeper and more rigorous level than in a calculus course. At the same
time there are concepts and results that are new and not studied in the calculus course but very
much needed in more advanced courses. The aim is to provide students with a level of
mathematical sophistication that will prepare them for further work in mathematical analysis and
other fields of knowledge, and also to develop their ability to analyse and prove statements of
mathematics using logical arguments. The course will enable the students
to learn and deduce rigorously many properties of real number system by assuming a
few fundamental facts about it as axioms. In particular they will learn to prove Archimedean
property, density theorem, existence of a positive square root for positive numbers and so on
and the learning will help them to appreciate the beauty of logical arguments and embolden
them to apply it in similar and unknown problems.
to know about sequences ,their limits, several basic and important theorems involving
sequences and their applications . For example, they will learn how monotone convergence
theorem can be used in establishing the divergence of the harmonic series, how it helps in the
calculation of square root of positive numbers and how it establishes the existence of the
transcendental number e (Euler constant).
to understand some basic topological properties of real number system such as the
concept of open and closed sets, their properties, their characterization and so on.
29 Page 31 of 100
Text (1) Introduction to Real Analysis(4/e) : Robert G Bartle, Donald R Sherbert John
Wiley & Sons (2011) ISBN 978-0-471-43331-6
Text (2) Complex Analysis A First Course with Applications (3/e): Dennis Zill & Patric
Shanahan Jones and Bartlett Learning(2015) ISBN:1-4496-9461-6
2.1: The Algebraic and Order Properties of ℝ - algebraic properties, basic results, rational and - algebraic properties, basic results, rational and
irrational numbers, irrationality of √2, Order properties, arithmetic-geometric inequality,
Bernoulli’s Inequality
2.2: Absolute Value and the Real Line- definition, basic results, Triangle Inequality, The real
line, ε-neighborhood
2.3: The Completeness Property of ℝ - algebraic properties, basic results, rational and-Suprema and Infima, alternate formulations for the
supremum, The Completeness Property
3.1: Sequences and Their Limits- definitions, convergent and divergent sequences, Tails of
Sequences, Examples
3.2: Limit Theorems- sum, difference, product and quotients of sequences, Squeeze Theorem,
ratio test for convergence
30 Page 32 of 100
Module- III Text (1) (18 hrs)
3.5: The Cauchy Criterion- Cauchy sequence, Cauchy Convergence Criterion, applications,
contractive sequence
11.1: Open and Closed sets in ℝ - algebraic properties, basic results, rational and, neighborhood, open sets, closed sets, open set properties,
closed set properties, Characterization of Closed Sets, cluster point, Characterization of Open
Sets, The Cantor Set, properties
1.1: Complex numbers and their properties- definition, arithmetic operations, conjugate,
inverses, reciprocal
1.3: Polar form of complex numbers- polar representation, principal argument, multiplication
and division, argument of product and quotient, integer powers, de Moivre’s formula.
1.5: Sets of points in the complex plane- circles, disks and neighbourhoods, open sets, annulus,
domains, regions, bounded sets
2.1: Complex Functions- definition, real and imaginary parts of complex function, complex
exponential function, exponential form of a complex number, Polar Coordinates
2.4: Special Power functions- The power function z n, The power function z(1/n), principal
square root function, Inverse Functions, multiple valued functions
31 Page 33 of 100
Charles G. Denlinger: Elements of Real Analysis Jones and Bartlett Publishers Sudbury,
Massachusetts (2011) ISBN:0-7637-7947-4 [ Indian edition: ISBN- 9380853157]
David Alexander Brannan: A First Course in Mathematical Analysis Cambridge
University Press,US(2006) ISBN: 9780521684248
John M. Howie: Real Analysis Springer Science & Business Media(2012) [Springer
Undergraduate Mathematics Series] ISBN: 1447103416
James S. Howland: Basic Real Analysis Jones and Bartlett Publishers Sudbury,
Massachusetts (2010) ISBN:0-7637-7318-2
James Ward Brown, Ruel Vance Churchill: Complex variables and applications(8/e)
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, (2009) ISBN: 0073051942
Alan Jeffrey: Complex Analysis and Applications(2/e) Chapman and Hall/CRC Taylor
Francis Group(2006)ISBN:978-1-58488-553-5
Saminathan Ponnusamy, Herb Silverman: Complex Variables with Applications
Birkhauser Boston(2006) ISBN:0-8176-4457-4
Terence Tao: Analysis I & II (3/e) TRIM 37 & 38 Springer Science+Business Media
8 Singapore 2016; Hindustan book agency(2015) ISBN 978-981-10-1789-6 (eBook) &
ISBN 978-981-10-1804-6 (eBook)
Ajith Kumar & S Kumaresan : A Basic Course in Real Analysis CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group(2014) ISBN: 978-1-4822-1638-7 (eBook – PDF)
Hugo D Junghenn : A Course in Real Analysis CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
(2015) ISBN: 978-1-4822-1928-9 (eBook - PDF)
32 Page 34 of 100
Understand several methods such as bisection method, fixed point iteration method, regula
falsi method etc. to find out the approximate numerical solutions of algebraic and
transcendental equations with desired accuracy.
Understand the concept of interpolation and also learn some well known interpolation
Understand a few techniques for numerical differentiation and integration and also realize
their merits and demerits.
Find out numerical approximations to solutions of initial value problems and also to
understand the efficiency of various methods.
33 Page 35 of 100
34 Page 36 of 100
ModuleII (18 hrs)
Numerical Differentiation and Integration
4.1: Numerical Differentiation approximation of first derivative by forward
difference formula, backward difference formula, ThreePoint Formulas, Three
Point Endpoint Formula, ThreePoint Midpoint Formula [ FivePoint Formulas,
FivePoint Endpoint Formula, FivePoint Midpoint Formula omitted] Second
Derivative Midpoint Formula to approximate second derivative, RoundOff
Error Instability
4.3:Elements of Numerical Integration numerical quadrature, The
Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule, Measuring Precision, Closed Newton
Cotes Formulas, Simpson’s ThreeEighths rule, Open NewtonCotes
4.4: Composite Numerical Integrationcomposite Simpson’s rule, composite
trapezoidal rule, composite midpoint rule, round off error stability
4.7:Gaussian Quadraturemotivation, Legendre Polynomial, Gaussian
Quadrature on Arbitrary Intervals
[Algorithms are omitted]
ModuleIII (18 hrs)
InitialValue Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations
5.1 The Elementary Theory of InitialValue Problems
5.2: Euler’s Method derivation using Taylor formula, Error bounds for Euler
5.3: HigherOrder Taylor Methods local truncation error , Taylor method of
order n and order of local truncation error
5.4: RungeKutta Methods only Mid Point Method, Modified Euler’s Method
and RungeKutta Method of Order Four are required. [derivation of formula
omitted in each case]
5.6: Multistep Methods basic idea, definition , AdamsBashforth TwoStep
Explicit Method, AdamsBashforth ThreeStep Explicit Method, Adams
Bashforth FourStep Explicit Method, AdamsMoulton TwoStep Implicit
Method, AdamsMoulton ThreeStep Implicit Method, AdamsMoulton
35 Page 37 of 100
FourStep Implicit Method, PredictorCorrector Methods [derivation of
formula omitted in each case] [Algorithms are omitted]
1 Kendall E. Atkinson, Weimin Han: Elementary Numerical Analysis(3/e)
John Wiley & Sons(2004) ISBN:0471433373[Indian Edition by Wiley India ISBN:
2 James F. Epperson: An Introduction to Numerical Methods and
Analysis(2/e) John Wiley & Sons(2013)ISBN: 9781118367599
3 Timothy Sauer: Numerical Analysis(2/e) Pearson (2012) ISBN: 0321
4 S S Sastri : Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis(5/e) PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.(2012) ISBN:9788120345928
5 Ward Cheney,David Kincaid : Numerical Mathematics and Computing
(6/e) Thomson Brooks/Cole(2008) ISBN: 495114758
36 Page 38 of 100
37 Page 39 of 100
38 Page 40 of 100
Chapter 6 Transportation and Assignment Problems : The Balanced
Transportation Problem, The Vogel AdvancedStart Method (VAM), The
Transportation Algorithm, Another Example, Unbalanced Transportation
Problems, The Assignment Problem, The Hungarian Algorithm, Concluding
Remarks, The MinimumEntry Method, The NorthwestCorner Method
1 RobertJ.Vanderbei:LinearProgramming:Foundations and Extensions
(2/e) Springer Science+Business Media LLC(2001) ISBN: 97814757
2 Frederick S Hiller, Gerald J Lieberman: Introduction to Operation
Research(10/e) McGrawHill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York(2015)ISBN:
3 Paul R. Thie, G. E. Keough : An Introduction to Linear Programming and
Game Theory(3/e) John Wiley and Sons,Ins.(2008)ISBN: 9780470232866
4 Louis Brickman: Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming
and Game Theory UTM,Springer Verlag,NY(1989)ISBN:0387969314
5 Jiri Matoušek, Bernd Gartner: Understanding and Using Linear
Programming Universitext, SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg (2007)ISBN:
39 Page 41 of 100
Geometry is, basically, the study concerned with questions of shape, size, and relative
position of planar and spatial objects. The classical Greek geometry, also known as Euclidean
geometry after the work of Euclid, was once regarded as one of the highest points of rational
thought, contributing to the thinking skills of logic, deductive reasoning and skills in problem
In the early 17 th century, the works of Rene Descartes and Pierre de Fermat put the
foundation stones for the creation of analytic geometry where the idea of a coordinate system
was introduced to simplify the treatment of geometry and to solve a wide variety of geometric
Towards the end of nineteenth century, there were several different geometries:
Euclidean, affine, projective, inversive, spherical, hyperbolic, and elliptic to name a few. It was
the idea of Felix Klein to bring the study of all these different geometries into a single platform.
He viewed each geometry as a space together with a group of transformations of that space and
regarded those properties of figures left unaltered by the group as geometrical properties. In this
course, it is intended to take up a study of a few geometries based on the philosophy of Klein.
40 Page 42 of 100
Theory of equations
Theory of equations is an important part of traditional algebra course and it mainly deals
with polynomial equations and methods of finding their algebraic solution or solution by
radicals. This means we seek a formula for solutions of polynomial equations in terms of
coefficients of polynomials that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division and taking roots. A well knitted formula for the solution of a quadratic
polynomial equation is known to us from high school classes and is not difficult to derive.
However, there is an increasing difficulty to derive such a formula for polynomial equations of
third and fourth degree. One of our tasks in this learning process is to derive formulae for the
solutions of third and fourth degree polynomial equations given by Carden and Ferrari
respectively. In the mean time, we shall find out the relationship between the roots and
coefficients of an ntℎ degree polynomial and an upper and lower limit for the roots of such a
polynomial. This often help us to locate the region of solutions for a general polynomial
equation. Methods to find out integral and rational roots of a general n tℎ degree polynomial with
rational coefficients are also devised. However, all efforts to find out an algebraic solution for
general polynomial equations of degree higher than fourth failed or didn’t work. This was not
because one failed to hit upon the right idea, but rather due to the disturbing fact that there was
no such formula.
Understand several basic facts about parabola, hyperbola and ellipse (conics) such as
their equation in standard form, focal length properties, and reflection properties, their tangents
and normal.
Understand affine transformations, the inherent group structure, the idea of parallel
projections and the basic properties of parallel projections.
41 Page 43 of 100
Text (1) Geometry(2/e): David A Brannan, Mathew F Espen, Jeremy J Gray Cambridge
University Press(2012) ISBN: 978-1-107-64783-1
Text (2) Theory of Equations : J V Uspensky McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. (1948)
1.1.4: Focal Distance Properties of Ellipse and Hyperbola-Sum of Focal Distances of Ellipse,
Difference of Focal Distances of Hyperbola,
1.2: Properties of Conics- Tangents, equation of tangents to ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola,
polar of a point w.r.t. unit circle, normal, Reflections, The Reflection Law, Reflection Property
of the Ellipse, Reflection Property of the Hyperbola, Reflection Property of the Parabola,
Conics as envelopes of tangent families
Affine Geometry
2.2: Affine Transformations and Parallel Projections- Affine Transformations, Basic Properties
of Affine Transformations, Parallel Projections, Basic Properties of Parallel Projections, Affine
Geometry, Midpoint Theorem, Conjugate Diameters Theorem, Affine Transformations and
Parallel Projections, affine transformations as composite of two parallel projections
42 Page 44 of 100
Module- II Text (2) (14 hrs)
Theory of Equations
Chapter II
II.3: Division of polynomials, quotient and remainder, method of detached coefficients
II.4: The remainder theorem
II.5: Synthetic Division
II.7: Taylor formula, expansion of a polynomial in powers of x − c
Chapter III
III. 1: Algebraic equations, roots, maximum number of roots
III.2: Identity theorem
III. 3: The Fundamental theorem of Algebra (statement only), factorisation to linear factors,
multiplicity of roots
III. 4: Imaginary roots of equations with real coefficients
III. 5: Relations between roots and coefficients
Chapter IV
IV.1: Limits of roots
IV.2: Method to find upper limit of positive roots
IV.3: Limit for moduli of roots [only the method to find out upper limit from the auxiliary
equation is required; derivation omitted]
IV.4: Integral roots
IV.5: Rational roots
Chapter V
V.1: What is the solution of an equation, algebraic solution or solution by radical
V.2: Carden’s formula
V.3: Discussion of solution
V.4: Irreducible case
V.6: Solutions of biquadratic equations, Ferrari method [example2 omitted]
Chapter VI
VI.1: Object of the Chapter
VI.2: The sign of a polynomial for small and large values of variables- locating roots of
polynomial between two numbers having values of opposite sign- geometric
illustration only-[rigorous reasoning in the starred section omitted]
43 Page 45 of 100
VI.4: Corollaries- roots of odd and even degree polynomial, number of roots in an interval
counted according to their multiplicity
VI.5: Examples
VI.6: An important identity and lemma [derivation not needed]
VI.7: Rolle’s theorem [proof omitted], use in separating roots
VI.10: Descarte’s rule of signs-only statement and illustrations are required
George A Jennings: Modern Geometry with Applications Universitext, Springer (1994)
Walter Meyer: Geometry and its Application(2/e)Elsever, Academic Press(2006) ISBN:0-
Judith N Cederberg : A Course in Modern Geometries(2/e) UTM,Springer (2001) ISBN:
Patric J Ryan: Euclidean and Non Euclidean Geometry-An Analytic ApproachCambridge
University Press, International Student Edition (2009) ISBN:978-0-521-12707-3
David C Kay: College Geometry: A Unified Approach CRC Press Tayloe and Francic
Group(2011) ISBN: 978-1-4398-1912-8 (Ebook-PDF)
James R Smart: Modern Geometries(5/e) Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.,(1998) ISBN:0-
7 Michele Audin: Geometry Universitext, Springer(2003)ISBN:3-540-43498-4
8 Dickson L.E: Elementary Theory of Equations John Wiley and Sons,Inc. NY(1914)
9 Turnbull H.W: Theory of Equations(4/e) Oliver and Boyd Ltd Edinburg (1947)
Todhunter I: An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations(3/e) Macmillan and Co.
William Snow Burnside and Arthur William Panton: The Theory of Equations with an
Introduction to Binary Algebraic Forms Dublin University Press Series (1881)
44 Page 46 of 100
State the definition of continuous functions, formulate sequential criteria for continuity and
prove or disprove continuity of functions using this criteria.
Understand several deep and fundamental results of continuous functions on intervals such
as boundedness theorem, maximumminimum theorem, intermediate value theorem,
preservation of interval theorem and so on.
Realise the difference between continuity and uniform continuity and equivalence of these
ideas for functions on closed and bounded interval.
Develop the notion of Riemann integrability of a function using the idea of tagged partitions
and calculate the integral value of some simple functions using the definition.
Formulate Cauchy criteria for integrability and a few applications of it. In particular they
learn to use Cauchy criteria in proving the non integrability of certain functions.
Understand two forms of fundamental theorem of calculus and their significance in the
practical problem of evaluation of an integral.
Find a justification for ‘change of variable formula’ used in the practical problem of
evaluation of an integral.
45 Page 47 of 100
Understand the difference between pointwise and uniform convergence of sequences and
series of functions
Learn and find out examples/counter examples to prove or disprove the validity of several
mathematical statements that arise naturally in the process/context of learning.
Understand the notion of improper integrals, their convergence, principal value and
Learn the properties of and relationship among two important improper integrals namely
beta and gamma functions that frequently appear in mathematics, statistics, science and
46 Page 48 of 100
47 Page 49 of 100
8.2: Interchange of Limits examples leading to the idea, Interchange of Limit
and Continuity, Interchange of Limit and Derivative [only statement of
theorem 8.2.3 required; proof omitted] Interchange of Limit and Integral ,
Bounded convergence theorem(statement only) [8.2.6 Dini’s theorem
9.4: Series of Functions – (A quick review of series of real numbers of section
3.7 without proof) definition, sequence of partial sum, convergence, absolute and
uniform convergence , Tests for Uniform Convergence , Weierstrass MTest
(only upto and including 9.4.6)
48 Page 50 of 100
49 Page 51 of 100
Text Complex Analysis A First Course with Applications (3/e): Dennis Zill & Patric
Shanahan Jones and Bartlett Learning(2015)ISBN:1- 4496-9461-6
3.3: Cauchy Riemann Equations- Necessary condition for analyticity, Criterion for non
analyticity, sufficient condition for analyticity, sufficient condition for differentiability,
Cauchy Riemann equations in polar coordinates
3.4: Harmonic Functions- definition, analyticity and harmonic nature, harmonic conjugate
functions, finding harmonic conjugate
Elementary Functions
50 Page 52 of 100
Module- II (20 hrs)
5.1: Real Integrals- Definite Integral, simple, smooth, closed curves, Line integrals in the plane,
Method of Evaluation-curves defined parametrically and curves given as functions, Orientation
of a Curve
5.2: Complex Integral-contours, definition of complex integral, complex valued function of a
real variable, evaluation of contour integral, properties of contour integral, ML-inequality
5.3: Cauchy-Goursat Theorem- simply and multiply connected regions, Cauchy theorem,
Cauchy-Goursat theorem for simply connected domain (without proof), Multiply Connected
Domains, principe of deformation of contours, Cauchy-Goursat theorem for multiply connected
domains, illustrations
5.4: Independence of Path- definition, analyticity and path independence, anti derivative,
Fundamental theorem for contour integrals, Some Conclusions, Existence of anti derivative
5.5: Cauchy’s Integral Formulas & their Consequences- Cauchy’s Two Integral Formulas,
illustration of their use, Some Consequences of the Integral Formulas-cauchy’s inequality,
Liouville theorem, Morera’s theorem, Maximum modulus theorem
6.1: Sequences and Series- definition, criteria for convergence, Geometric series, necessary
condition for convergence, test for divergence, absolute and conditional convergence, Ratio
test, root test, Power Series, circle of convergence, radius of convergence, Arithmetic of Power
6.2: Taylor Series- differentiation and integration of power series, term by term differentiation
and integration, Taylor Seties, Maclaurian series , illustrations
6.3: Laurent’s Series- isolated singularities, Laurent’s Theorem [proof omitted], illustrations
51 Page 53 of 100
Module- IV (20 hrs)
6.4: Zeros and Poles- classification of isolated singular points, removable singularity, pole,
essential singularity, order of zeros and poles
6.5: Residues and Residue Theorem- residue , method of evaluation of residue at poles,
(Cauchy’s) Residue Theorem, illustrations
6.6: Some Consequences of Residue theorem-
6.6.1:Evaluation of Real Trigonometric Integrals
James Ward Brown, Ruel Vance Churchill: Complex variables and applications(8/e)
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, (2009) ISBN: 0073051942
Alan Jeffrey: Complex Analysis and Applications(2/e) Chapman and Hall/CRC Taylor
Francis Group(2006)ISBN:978-1-58488-553-5
Saminathan Ponnusamy, Herb Silverman: Complex Variables with Applications
Birkhauser Boston(2006) ISBN:0-8176-4457-4
John H. Mathews & Russell W. Howell : Complex Analysis for Mathematics and
Engineering (6 /e)
H A Priestly : Introduction to Complex Analysis(2/e) Oxford University
Press(2003)ISBN: 0 19 852562 1
Jerrold E Marsden, Michael J Hoffman: Basic Complex Analysis(3/e) W.H Freeman,N.Y.
(1999) ISBN:0-7167- 2877- X
52 Page 54 of 100
53 Page 55 of 100
13.5: The Chain rule The Chain Rule for Functions Involving One
Independent Variable, The Chain Rule for Functions Involving Two
Independent Variables, The General Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation
54 Page 56 of 100
Derivative Test for Relative Extrema, Finding the Absolute Extremum
Values of a Continuous Function on a Closed Set
13.9: Lagrange Multipliers Constrained Maxima and Minima, The Method
of Lagrange Multipliers , Lagrange theorem, Optimizing a Function Subject to
Two Constraints
55 Page 57 of 100
ModuleIV (25 hrs)
15.1: Vector Fields V.F. in two and three dimensional space, Conservative
Vector Fields
15.2: Divergence and Curl Divergence idea and definition, Curl idea and
15.3: Line Integrals Line integral w.r.t. arc length motivation, basic idea and
definition, Line Integrals with Respect to Coordinate Variables, orientation of
curve Line Integrals in Space, Line Integrals of Vector Fields
15.8: The Divergence Theorem divergence theorem for simple solid regions
(statement only), illustrations, Interpretation of Divergence
56 Page 58 of 100
1 JoelHass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir : Thomas’ Calculus(14/e)
Pearson(2018) ISBN 0134438981
2 Robert A Adams & Christopher Essex : Calculus: A complete Course
(8/e) Pearson Education Canada (2013) ISBN: 032187742X
3 Jon Rogawski: Multivariable Calculus Early Transcendentals (2/e) W. H.
Freeman and Company(2012) ISBN: 1429231874
4 Anton, Bivens & Davis : Calculus Early Transcendentals (10/e) John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.(2012) ISBN: 9780470647691
5 James Stewart : Calculus (8/e) Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning(2016) ISBN:
6 Jerrold E. Marsden & Anthony Tromba :Vector Calculus (6/e) W. H.
Freeman and Company ,New York(2012) ISBN: 9781429215084
7 Arnold Ostebee & Paul Zorn: Multivariable Calculus (2/e) W. H. Freeman
Custom Publishing, N.Y.(2008)ISBN: 9781429230339
57 Page 59 of 100
On successful completion of the course, the students shall acquire the following
Students could identify a number of areas where the modelling process results in a
differential equation.
They will learn what an ODE is, what it means by its solution, how to classify DEs, what it
means by an IVP and so on.
They will learn to solve DEs that are in linear, separable and in exact forms and also to
analyse the solution.
They will realise the basic differences between linear and non linear DEs and also basic
results that guarantees a solution in each case.
They will learn a method to approximate the solution successively of a first order IVP.
They will become familiar with the theory and method of solving a second order linear
homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equation with constant coefficients.
They will learn to find out a series solution for homogeneous equations with variable
coefficients near ordinary points.
Students acquire the knowledge of solving a differential equation using Laplace method
which is especially suitable to deal with problems arising in engineering field.
Students learn the technique of solving partial differential equations using the method of
separation of variables
58 Page 60 of 100
59 Page 61 of 100
ModuleIV (20 hrs)
10.1: TwoPoint Boundary Value Problems
10.2: Fourier Series
10.3: The Fourier Convergence Theorem
10.4: Even and Odd Functions
10.5: Separation of Variables; Heat Conduction in a Rod
10.7: The Wave Equation: Vibrations of an Elastic String
1 Dennis G Zill &Michael R Cullen: Differential Equations with Boundary
Value Problems(7/e):Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning(2009)ISBN: 0495108367
2 R Kent Nagle, Edward B. Saff & Arthur David Snider: Fundamentals of
Differential Equations(8/e) AddisonWesley(2012) ISBN: 0321747739
3 C. Henry Edwards &David E. Penney: Elementary Differential
Equations (6/e) Pearson Education, Inc. New Jersey (2008) ISBN 0132397307
4 John Polking, Albert Boggess & David Arnold : Differential Equations
with Boundary Value Problems(2/e) Pearson Education, Inc New
Jersey(2006) ISBN 0131862367
5 Henry J. Ricardo: A Modern Introduction to Differential Equations(2/e) Elsevier
Academic Press(2009)ISBN: 9780123747464
6 James C Robinson: An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Cambridge University Press (2004)ISBN: 0521533910
60 Page 62 of 100
61 Page 63 of 100
Text A First Look at Graph Theory: John Clark & Derek Allan Holton,
Allied Publishers, First Indian Reprint 1995
1 R.J. Wilson: Introduction to Graph Theory, 4th ed., LPE, Pearson Education
2 J.A. Bondy& U.S.R. Murty : Graph Theory with Applications
3 J. Clark & D.A. Holton: A First Look at Graph Theory, Allied Publishers
4 N. Deo : Graph Theory with Application to Engineering and Computer
Science, PHI.
62 Page 64 of 100
1.4: Isometries
Chapter 2: Distance
2.1: Diameter
Chapter 3 Boundary
63 Page 65 of 100
3.6: Closure and Interior
4.3: Topologies
Chapter 5 Balls
Chapter 6 Convergence
6.2: Limits
64 Page 66 of 100
Chapter8 Continuity
Chapter11 Connectedness
1 E.T.Copson: Metric Spaces Cambridge University Press(1968)ISBN:0 521
35732 2
2 Irving Kaplansky: Set Theory and Metric Spaces Allyn and Bacon,Inc.
3 S. Kumaresan: Topology of Metric Spaces Alpha Science International
Ltd.(2005) ISBN: 1842652508
4 Wilson A Sutherland: Introduction to Metric and Topological
Spaces(2/e) Oxford University Press(2009)ISBN:9780199563081
5 Mohamed A. Khamsi and William A. Kirk: An Introduction to Metric
Spaces and Fixed Point Theory John Wiley & Sons, Inc(2001) ISBN 0471
65 Page 67 of 100
The course has Theory Part (external evaluation) and Practical Part (only
for internal evaluation). A student has to maintain a practical record of the
work. Practical should be carried out in a GNU/Linux computer system.
ModuleI (15hrs)
Basics of Python Programming
Chapter 2 Programming in Python: Two modes of using Python, Interpreter
Variables and Data Types, Operators and their Precedence, Python Strings,
Slicing, Python Lists, Mutable and Immutable Types, Input from the
Keyboard, Iteration: while and for loops, Python Syntax, Colon&
Indentation, Syntax of ‘for loops’, Conditional Execution: if, elif and else,
Modify loops : break and continue, Line joining, Functions, Scope of
variables, Optional and Named Arguments, More onStrings and Lists, split
and join, Manipulating Lists, Copying Lists, Python Modules and Packages,
Different ways to import, Packages, File Input/Output, The pickle module,
Formatted Printing, Exception Handling, Turtle Graphics.
66 Page 68 of 100
Chapter 6 Numerical methods: Numerical Differentiation, Numerical
Integration, Ordinary Differential Equations, Polynomials, Finding roots of
an equation, System of Linear Equations, Least Squares Fitting,
(sec. 4.1 to 4.6, 4.8 to 4.10, 6.1 to 6.8)
Part A: Plotting
1. Bisection Method
2. NewtonRaphson Method
3. Numerical differentiation
4. Trapezoidal rule
5. Simpson’s rule
67 Page 69 of 100
6. Euler Method to solve ODE
7. Fourth order RK Method to solve ODE
1. General documentation
2. Tables
3. Writing equations
Mark distribution for practical examination as test paper (Total 6 Marks)
Part A: 2 marks
Part B: 2 marks
Part C: 2 marks
Practical Record as Assignment: 3 marks
1 Saha, Amit: Doing Math with Python: Use Programming to Explore
Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, and More !. No Starch Press, 2015 .
2 NunezIglesias, Juan, Stefan van der Walt, and Harriet Dashnow:
"Elegant SciPy: The Art of Scientific Python." (2017).
3 Stewart, John M.: Python for scientists. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
4 Kinder, Jesse M., and Philip Nelson: A student's guide to Python for
physical modeling. Princeton University Press, 2018 .
5 McGreggor, Duncan :. Mastering matplotlib. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015
6 Lamport, Leslie. LaTeX: A Document Preparation System( 2/e) Pearson
Education India, 1994.
7 Hahn, Jane: LATEX for Everyone. Prentice Hall PTR, 1993
8 Grätzer, George: Math into LATEX. Springer Science & Business Media,
68 Page 70 of 100
69 Page 71 of 100
(For students not having Mathematics as Core Course)
Text Calculus :For Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences
BRIEF (10/e): Laurence D. Hoffmann, Gerald L. Bradley McGrawHill(2010)
ISBN: 978–0–07–353231–8
Module I 16 hrs
Chapter1: Functions, Graphs, and Limits
1.2:The Graph of a Function
1.3:Linear Functions
1.4:Functional Models
1.5: Limits
1.6: One sided limits and continuity
Chapter2: Differentiation: Basic Concepts
2.1:The Derivative
2.2:Techniques of Differentiation
2.3: Product and quotient rules: Higher order derivatives [proof of product
and quotient rules omitted]
2.4: The Chain rule [proof of general power rule omitted]
Module II 18 hrs
2.5: Marginal Analysis and Applications using increments
2.6: Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates
Chapter3: Additional Applications of Derivative
3.1: Increasing and Decreasing Functions; Relative Extrema,
3.2: Concavity and Points of Inflection
3.4: Optimization; Elasticity of Demand
3.5: Additional Applied Optimization
Chapter4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
4.1: Exponential functions; continuous compounding
4.2:Logarithmic functions
70 Page 72 of 100
Module III 14 hrs
Chapter5: Integration
5.1: Antidifferentiation: The Indefinite Integral
5.2: Integration by Substitution
5.3: The Definite Integral and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus [only
statement of FTC required; Justification given at the end of the section
5.5: Additional Applications to Business and Economics
5.6: Additional Applications to the Life and Social Sciences [The derivation
of volume formula omitted; only the formula and its applications required]
1 Soo T Tan: Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and social
sciences(8/e) Cengage Learning(2011) ISBN: 9780495559696
2 Ron Larson : Brief Calculus An Applied Approach(8/e) Houghton Mifflin
Company(2009)ISBN: 9780618958474
3 Stefan Waner, Steven R. Costenoble: Finite Mathematics and Applied
Calculus(5/e) Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning(2011) ISBN: 9781439049259
4 Frank C. Wilson, Scott Adamson: Applied Calculus Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt Publishing Company(2009)
5 Geoffrey C. Berresford, Andrew M. Rockett: Applied Calculus(7/e)
Cengage Learning(2016)ISBN: 9781305085312
71 Page 73 of 100
(For students not having Mathematics as Core Course)
Module I 14 hrs
Chaper1 Logic
1.1: Propositions and Truth Values
1.2: Logical Connectives and Truth Tables Disjunction, Conditional
Propositions, Bi conditional Propositions
1.3: Tautologies and Contradictions
1.4: Logical Equivalence and Logical Implication More about conditionals
1.5: The Algebra of Propositions The Duality Principle, Substitution Rule
1.6: Arguments
1.7: Formal Proof of the Validity of Arguments
1.8: Predicate Logic The Universal Quantifier, The Existential Quantifier,
TwoPlace Predicates, Negation of Quantified Propositional Functions
1.9: Arguments in Predicate Logic Universal Specification (US), Universal
Generalization (UG), Existential Specification (ES), Existential Generalization
Module II 16 hrs
Chapter8 Algebraic Structures
8.1: Binary Operations and Their Properties
8.2: Algebraic Structures Semigroups
8.3: More about Groups
8.4: Some Families of Groups Cyclic Groups, Dihedral Groups, Groups of
8.5: Substructures
8.6: Morphisms
Chapter 10 Boolean Algebra
72 Page 74 of 100
10.1: Introduction
10.2: Properties of Boolean Algebras
10.3: Boolean Functions
10.4: Switching Circuits
10.5: Logic Networks
10.6: Minimization of Boolean Expressions
Module III 18 hrs
Chapter 11 Graph Theory
11.1: Definitions and Examples
11.2: Paths and Cycles
11.3: Isomorphism of Graphs
11.4: Trees
11.5: Planar Graphs [proof of Euler formula omitted]
11.6: Directed Graphs
Chapter 12 Applications of Graph Theory
12.2: Rooted Trees
12.4:Searching Strategies
1 Edward R. Scheinerman: Mathematics A Discrete Introduction(3/e)
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning(2013)ISBN: 9780840049421
2 Gary Haggard, John Schlipf, Sue Whitesides: Discrete Mathematics for
Computer Science Thomson Brooks/Cole(2006)ISBN:053449601x
3 DPAcharjya,Sreekumar:FundamentalApproachtoDiscrete Mathematics
New Age International Publishers(2005) ISBN: 9788122423044
4 Gary Chartrand ,Ping Zhang: Discrete Mathematics Waveland Press,
Inc(2011)ISBN: 9781577667308
5 Tom Jenkyns, Ben Stephenson: Fundamentals of Discrete Math for
Computer Science A ProblemSolving Primer SpringerVerlag London (2013)
ISBN: 9781447140689
6 Faron Moller, Georg Struth: Modelling Computing Systems Mathematics
for Computer Science SpringerVerlag London (2013) ISBN 9781848003217
73 Page 75 of 100
(For students not having Mathematics as Core Course)
Module I 18 hrs
Chapter1 Linear Functions
1.1: Slopes and Equations of Lines
1.2: Linear Functions and Applications
1.3: The Least Squares Line
Chapter2 Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices
2.1: Solution of Linear Systems by the Echelon Method
2.2: Solution of Linear Systems by the GaussJordan Method
2.3: Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
2.4: Multiplication of Matrices
2.5: Matrix Inverses
2.6: InputOutput Models
Module II 12 hrs
Chapter3 Linear Programming: The Graphical Method
3.1: Graphing Linear Inequalities
3.2: Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically
3.3 : Applications of Linear Programming
Module III 18 hrs
Chapter4 Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
4.1: Slack Variables and the Pivot
4.2: Maximization Problems
4.3: Minimization Problems; Duality
4.4 :Nonstandard Problems
74 Page 76 of 100
1 Soo T Tan: Finite Mathematics For the Managerial, Life, and social
sciences(11/e) Cengage Learning(2015) ISBN: 1285464656
2 Ronald J. Harshbarger, James J. Reynolds: Mathematical Applications
for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences (9/e) Brooks/Cole Cengage
Learning(2009) ISBN: 9780547145099
3 Stefan Waner, Steven R. Costenoble: Finite Mathematics and Applied
Calculus(5/e) Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning(2011) ISBN: 9781439049259
4 Seymour Lipschutz, John J. Schiller, R. Alu Srinivasan: Beginning Finite
Mathematics Schaum’s Outline Series, McGrawHill(2005)
5 Howard L. Rolf: Finite Mathematics Enhanced Edition(7/e) Brooks/Cole,
Cengage Learning(2011) ISBN:9780538497329
6 Michael Sullivan: Finite Mathematics An Applied Approach(11/e ) John
Wiley & Sons, Inc(2011)ISBN: 9780470458273
75 Page 77 of 100
(For students not having Mathematics as Core Course)
Text Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World (6/e) Ron Larson & Betsy
Farber Pearson Education, Inc (2015) ISBN: 9780321911216
Module I 14 hrs
Chapter1 Introduction to Statistics
1.1: An Overview of Statistics
1.2: Data Classification
1.3: Data Collection and Experimental Design
Chapter2 Descriptive Statistics
2.1: Frequency Distributions and their Graphs
2.2: More Graphs and Displays
2.3: Measures of Central Tendency
2.4: Measures of Variation
2.5: Measures of Position
Module II 12 hrs
Chapter3 Probability
3.1: Basic Concepts of Probability and Counting
3.2: Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule
3.3: The Addition Rule
3.4: Additional topics in probability and counting
Module III 22 hrs
Chapter4 Discrete Probability Distribution
4.1: Probability Distributions
4.2: Binomial Distributions
4.3:More Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter5 Normal Probability Distribution
5.1: Introduction to Normal distributions and Standard Normal
5.2: Normal Distributions: Finding Probabilities
5.3:Normal Distributions: Finding Values
76 Page 78 of 100
1 Mario F. Triola: Elementary Statistics(13/e) : Pearson Education, Inc(2018)
ISBN: 9780134462455
2 Neil A. Weiss: Elementary Statistics(8/e) Pearson Education, Inc(2012)
ISBN: 9780321691231
3 Nancy Pfenning: Elementary Statistics: Looking at Big Picture Brooks/Cole
Cengage Learning(2011) ISBN: 9780495016526
4 Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau: Statistics for the Behavioral
Sciences (10/e) Cengage Learning(2017) ISBN: 9781305504912
5 Seymour Lipschutz, John J. Schiller, R. Alu Srinivasan: Beginning Finite
Mathematics Schaum’s Outline Series, McGrawHill(2005)
6 Michael Sullivan: Finite Mathematics An Applied Approach(11/e ) John
Wiley & Sons, Inc(2011)ISBN: 9780470458273
77 Page 79 of 100
78 Page 80 of 100
1.5: Product and quotients product, quotient, reciprocal & integral power
1.6: Linear Approximation and Tangent Lines equation of tangent line and
linear approximation, illustrations
Module II 13 hrs
2.1: Rate of change and Second derivative linear or proportional change,
rates of change, second derivative,
2.4: Related rates and parametric curves Related rates, parametric curves,
word problems involving related rates
79 Page 81 of 100
Module III 18 hrs
3.1: Continuity and Intermediate value theoremIVT: first and second
3.3: Second derivative and concavity second derivative test for local
maxima , minima and concavity , inflection points
3.6: The Mean Value Theorem The MVT, consequences of MVT Rolles
Theorem, horserace theorem
Module IV 19 hrs
4.1: Summation summation, distance and velocity, properties of summation,
telescoping sum (quick introduction relevant ideas only )
4.2: Sums and Areasstep functions, area under graph and its counterpart in
distancevelocity problem
4.3: The definition of Integral signed area (The counterpart of signed area for
our distancevelocity problem), The integral, Riemann sums
9.1: Volume by slice method the slice method, volume of solid of revolution
by Disk method
80 Page 82 of 100
9.3: Average Values and the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals motivation
and definition of average value, illustration, geometric and physical interpretation,
the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
1 Soo T Tan: Calculus Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning(2010 )ISBN 0534
2 Gilbert Strang: Calculus Wellesley Cambridge Press(1991)ISBN:09614088
3 Ron Larson. Bruce Edwards: Calculus(11/e) Cengage Learning(2018)
ISBN: 9781337275347
4 Robert A Adams & Christopher Essex : Calculus Single Variable (8/e)
Pearson Education Canada (2013) ISBN: 0321877403
5 Joel Hass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir : Thomas’
Calculus(14/e) Pearson (2018) ISBN 0134438981
6 Jon Rogawski & Colin Adams : Calculus Early Transcendentals (3/e) W.
H. Freeman and Company(2015) ISBN: 1319116450
81 Page 83 of 100
Text (1) Calculus I (2/e) : Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein Springer-Verlag New
York Inc(1985) ISBN 0-387-90974-5
Text (2) Calculus II (2/e) : Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein Springer-Verlag New
York Inc(1985) ISBN 0-387-90975-3
Text (3) Advanced Engineering Mathematics(6/e) : Dennis G Zill Jones & Bartlett
Learning, LLC(2018)ISBN: 978-1-284-10590-2
11.3: Improper integrals- integrals over unbounded intervals, comparison test, integrals of
unbounded functions
11.4: Limit of sequences and Newton’s method ε-N definition, limit of powers,
comparison test, Newton’s method
11.5: Numerical Integration- Riemann Sum, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule
82 Page 84 of 100
12.1: The sum of an infinite series- convergence of series, properties of limit of sequences
(statements only), geometric series, algebraic rules for series, the i term test
12.2: The comparison test and alternating series- comparison test, ratio comparison test,
alternating series, alternating series test, absolute and conditional convergence
8.2: Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations- General form, solving systems, augmented
matrix, Elementary row operations, Elimination Methods- Gaussian elimination, Gauss–
Jordan elimination, row echelon form, reduced row echelon form, inconsistent system,
networks, homogeneous system, over and underdetermined system
8.3: Rank of a Matrix- definition, row space, rank by row reduction, rank and linear system,
consistency of linear system
8.6: Inverse of a Matrix – finding inverse, properties of inverse, adjoint method, row
operations method, using inverse to solve a linear system
8.8: The eigenvalue problem- Definition, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, complex
eigenvalues, eigenvalues and singular matrices, eigenvalues of inverse
8.9: Powers of Matrices- Cayley Hamilton theorem, finding the inverse
8.10: Orthogonal Matrices- symmetric matrices and eigenvalues, inner product, criterion for
orthogonal matrix, construction of orthogonal matrix
8.12: Diagonalization- diagonalizable matrix-sufficient conditions, orthogonal
diagonalizability of symmetric matrix, Quadratic Forms
83 Page 85 of 100
1 Soo T Tan: Calculus Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning(2010 )ISBN 0-534-46579-X
2 Gilbert Strang: Calculus Wellesley Cambridge Press(1991)ISBN:0-9614088-2-0
Ron Larson. Bruce Edwards: Calculus(11/e) Cengage Learning(2018) ISBN: 978-1-337-
Robert A Adams & Christopher Essex : Calculus Single Variable (8/e) Pearson Education
Canada (2013) ISBN: 0321877403
Joel Hass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir : Thomas’ Calculus(14/e)
Pearson (2018) ISBN 0134438981
Advanced Engineering Mathematics(7/e) Peter V O’Neil: Cengage
Learning(2012)ISBN: 978-1-111-42741-2
Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics(10/e) John Wiley & Sons(2011)
ISBN: 978-0-470-45836-5
84 Page 86 of 100
Module I 21 hrs
9.1: Vector Functions – VectorValued Functions, Limits, Continuity, and Derivatives,
Geometric Interpretation of 𝑟 ′ (𝑡) , HigherOrder Derivatives, Integrals of Vector
Functions, Length of a Space Curve, Arc Length as a Parameter
9.4: Partial Derivatives Functions of Two Variables, Level Curves, Level Surfaces,
HigherOrder and Mixed Derivatives, Functions of Three or More Variables, Chain Rule,
9.6: Tangent planes and Normal Lines Geometric Interpretation of the Gradient,
Tangent Plane, Surfaces Given by 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦), Normal Line
Module II 24 hrs
9.7: Curl and Divergence Vector Fields, definition of curl and divergence, Physical
85 Page 87 of 100
regions, Integrals Around Closed Paths, Test for a Conservative Field, Conservative
Vector Fields in 3Space, Conservation of Energy
9.10: Double Integral Integrability, Area, Volume, Properties, Regions of Type I and
II, Iterated Integrals, Evaluation of Double Integrals (Fubini theorem), Reversing the
Order of Integration, Laminas with Variable Density—Center of Mass, Moments of
Inertia, Radius of Gyration
9.12: Green’s Theorem Line Integrals Along Simple Closed Curves, Green’s theorem in
plane, Region with Holes,
9.13: Surface Integral Surface Area, Differential of Surface Area, Surface Integral,
Method of Evaluation, Projection of S into Other Planes, Mass of a Surface, Orientable
Surfaces, Integrals of Vector Fields Flux,
17.2: Powers and rootsPolar Form, Multiplication and Division, Integer Powers
of 𝑧 , DeMoivre’s Formula, Roots
86 Page 88 of 100
17.3: Sets in the Complex Plane neighbourhood, open sets, domain, region etc.
17.4: Functions of a Complex Variable complex functions , Complex Functions
as Flows, Limits and Continuity, Derivative, Analytic Functions entire functions
1 Soo T Tan: Calculus Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning(2010 )ISBN 0534
2 Gilbert Strang: Calculus Wellesley Cambridge Press(1991)ISBN:096140882
3 Ron Larson. Bruce Edwards: Calculus(11/e ) Cengage Learning(2018) ISBN:
4 Robert A Adams & Christopher Essex : Calculus several Variable (7/e)
Pearson Education Canada (2010) ISBN: 9780321549297
5 Jerrold Marsden & Anthony Tromba : Vector Calculus (6/e) W. H. Freeman
and Company ISBN 9781429215084
6 Peter V O’Neil: Advanced Engineering Mathematics(7/e) Cengage
Learning(2012)ISBN: 9781111427412
7 Erwin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics(10/e) John Wiley &
Sons(2011) ISBN: 9780470458365
8 Glyn James: Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics(4/e) Pearson
Education Limited(2011) ISBN: 9780273719236
87 Page 89 of 100
Module I 21 hrs
Ordinary Differential Equations
2.6: A Numerical Method Using the Tangent Line, Euler’s Method [upto and
including Example 2; rest omitted]
88 Page 90 of 100
Module II 22 hrs
Higher Order Differential Equations
89 Page 91 of 100
4.3: Translation Theorems Translation on the saxis , first translation
theorem, its inverse form, Translation on the taxis, Unit step function, second
translation theorem. Its Inverse form , Alternative Form of second translation
theorem. Beams
4.5: The Dirac delta Function Unit Impulse, The Dirac Delta Function and its
Module IV 18 hrs
12.1: Orthogonal Functions Inner Product, Orthogonal Functions,
Orthonormal Sets, Vector Analogy, Orthogonal Series Expansion, Complete Sets ,
12.3: Fourier Cosine and Sine Series Even and Odd Functions., Properties,
Cosine and Sine Series, Gibbs Phenomenon, HalfRange Expansions, Periodic
Driving Force,
13.2: Classical PDE’s and BVP’s Heat Equation, Wave Equation, Laplace’s
Equation, Initial Conditions, Boundary Conditions, BoundaryValue Problems
(‘Variations’ omitted)
1 Peter V O’Neil: Advanced Engineering Mathematics(7/e) Cengage
Learning(2012)ISBN: 9781111427412
2 Erwin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics(10/e) John Wiley &
Sons(2011) ISBN: 9780470458365
3 Alan Jeffrey: Advanced Engineering Mathematics Harcourt/Academic
Press(2002) ISBN: 012382592X
4 Glyn James: Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics(4/e) Pearson
Education Limited(2011) ISBN: 9780273719236
90 Page 92 of 100
91 Page 93 of 100
Text (1) H.L. Ahuja: Principles of Micro Economics, 15th Revised Edition, S.
Text (2) Edward T. Dowling: Introduction to Mathematical Economics,
Schaum's Outline Series, Third edition, TMH
92 Page 94 of 100
Module IV Text(2) 20 hrs
Economic Applications of Derivatives Economic Applications of
DerivativesMarginal, average and total conceptsoptimizing economic
functionsFunctions of several variables and partial derivativesrule of
partial differentiation, second order partial derivatives, Optimization of
multivariable functions, constrained optimization with Lagrange
multipliers, significance of Lagrange multiplier, total and partial
derivativestotal derivatives
1 R G D Allen: Mathematical Analysis for Economists Macmillain
2 Geoff Renshaw: Maths for Economics(3/e) Oxford University Press, N.Y.
(2012) ISBN 978–0–19–960212–4
3 Mike Rosser: Basic Mathematics for Economists(2/e) Routledge, London
(2003) ISBN 0–415–26784–6
4 Taro Yamane :Mathematics for Economists An Elementary Survey
Prentice Hall Inc.( 1962)
5 Knut Sydsæter and Peter Hammond: Essential Mathematics for
Economic Analysis(4/e) Pearson Education Limited(2012)
6 Henderson & Quandt : Microeconomic Theory A Mathematical
Approach (3/e) TMH
93 Page 95 of 100
(Sec. 18.1,18.2,18.3,18.4,18.5,18.6,18.7)
94 Page 96 of 100
Module IV Text(3) 19 hrs
Input Output Analysis Introduction – assumptiontechnological coefficient
matrixclosed and open input output modelcoefficient matrix and open
modelthe HawkinsSimon conditionssolutions for two industries
determination of equilibrium of prices coefficient matrix and closed
modelThe Leontief production functionlimitation of input output analysis
1 A C Chiang & K Wainwright: Fundamentals of Mathematical Economics
(4/e) McGraw Hill
2 R G D Allen: Mathematical Analysis for Economists Macmillain
3 Urmila Diwekar: Introduction to Applied Optimization(2/e) Springer
Science+Business Media, LLC(2008) ISBN: 9780387766348
4 Michael D Intriligator: Mathematical Optimization and Economic
Theory Classics in Applied Mathematics,SIAM(2002)
5 Akinson: Distribution and Inequality Measures TMH
95 Page 97 of 100
(Chapter 16,17)
96 Page 98 of 100
Economic significance, Limitations, CES production function,properties –
advantageslimitations, returns to scale, cobweb theorem
(Chapter 16)
1 A C Chiang & K Wainwright: Fundamentals of Mathematical Economics
(4/e) McGraw Hill
2 R G D Allen: Mathematical Analysis for Economists Macmillain
3 Srinath Baruah: Basic Mathematics and its Applications in Economics
4 Taro Yamane :Mathematics for Economists An Elementary Survey
Prentice Hall Inc.( 1962)
97 Page 99 of 100
Module I 18 hrs
Introduction to EconometricsThe nature of Regression AnalysisTwo
variable Regression Analysis
(pages 1 to 59 of Text)
Module II 22 hrs
Two variable Regression Model
Module IV 18 hrs
Extensions of the two variable linear regression model
1 Jeffrey M. Wooldridge :Introductory Econometrics: A Modern
Approach (6/e) Cengage Learning(2016)
2 S P Singh, A P Parashar, H P Singh: Econometrics and Mathematical
Economics S. Chand
3 Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, Geoffrey Vining:
Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis (5/e) John Wiley & Sons
4 Christopher Dougherty :Introduction to Econometrics(3/e) Oxford
University Press(2007)