Our First Application: A. Lazarus
Our First Application: A. Lazarus
Our First Application: A. Lazarus
1. Our First Application
2. Other examples
3. Other examples
4. Other examples
5. Other examples
6. Other examples
7. Other examples
B. Variabel
1. Integer
2. Integer
3. Charakter
4. Single
5. Multable
6. Multable other Excample
7. Multable other excample
C. Sub Types
1. Byte
2. ShortInt
3. SmallInt
4. Word
5. Integer
6. LongInt
7. Cardinal
8. Int64
D. Conditional Branching
1. Air Conditional Single
2. Air Conditional Multiple
E. Weight Program
1. Weight Program
F. Restaurant Programs
1. Restaurant Program
2. Restaurant If Condition
G. Student’s Grade Program
1. Student’s Grade
H. Keyboard Program
1. Keyboard Program
I. Loop
1. For Loop
2. For Loop
3. Multiplication Table using for loop
J. Factorial Program
1. Factorial
1. Cars
U. File
1. Reading text file program
2. Creating and writing into text file
V. Appending to a text file
1. Add to text file program
W. Random Access Files
1. Marks program
2. Reading Student Marks
3. Appending student marks program
4. Create and append student marks program
5. Cars database program
X. File copying
1. Copy files using file of byte
Y. Untyped files
1. Copy files using untyped files program
2. Display file contents program
Z. Date and Time
1. DateTime
2. Other Excample
3. Other Excample
4. Other Excample
5. Other Excample
6. Other Excample
7. Other Excample
8. Other Excample
9. Other Excample
10. Date/time comparison
11. Other Excample
AA. New Recorder Program