Philosophy: Quarter 2-Module 1
Philosophy: Quarter 2-Module 1
Philosophy: Quarter 2-Module 1
Quarter 2- Module 1
What i know
What’s more
1.Only who is responsible can be free, while voluntariness is the description of
an act that is not caused by an effect, but by free choice (one can be held
responsible for).
2.The choice of doing nothing can either be valid or invalid. It is only valid when
you have to do nothing in order to avoid further arguments or fights which
actually do not lead to anything beneficial but doing nothing when somebody
needs help is absolutely unacceptable.
3.Self-reflection requires deep and prolonged thinking. Choices made out of
emotional turmoil, or impulsive thinking, often cause us regrets. The important
thing to note is that, our freedom to make choices shouldn't be taken for
granted, so we should dedicate time to self-reflect over them.
What i learned
1. Freedom
3.Self less
4.Physical Freedom
5.Psychological Freedom
6.Moral Freedom
What can i do contented, its because not everyone has the ability to meet their needs and
it's normal to a family to have a financial problem,not everytime we can have
our wants,we should just be thankful to the blessing's gave by God
2.mang tony has the freedom to sell those stale meat. but he must first consider
the feedback of people that bought his meat if they discovered his strategy. He
has the freedom of choice but he must consider the responsibilities and outcome
of his choice.
2.physical freedom
3.psychological freedom
Additional activities
1.Below are some of the ways in which we could change or improve our
behaviors so that we'll be able to uphold human freedom:
Be responsible - in every action that we do, remember that it would affect other
people. Freedom always comes with responsibility
Care for other people - having freedom means not just doing whatever we want
but we must also be considerate on how our actions would affect others
Always reflect on your action - by reflecting, we'll be able to know how to act or
respond better next time
2.The most significant decision that I have made in my life so far is continuing to
live my career.
Some have reached their peak seems to be so easy, but every day is quite a
struggle in reality. However, it is the drive and persistence that matter in striving
toward a career or any certain goal.
The drive and persistence have led me to knowing myself better and deeper.