IMSO 2015 SCIENCE Experiments 2
IMSO 2015 SCIENCE Experiments 2
IMSO 2015 SCIENCE Experiments 2
When a metal ball is dropped into a liquid, a viscous force will drag it. Naturally, this force is not
constant but depends on the ball’s speed. The greater the speed, the greater the viscous force. In this
experiment, a ball will be released just above the liquid surface, and after a while its speed will become
constant called “terminal speed”. By intuition, one would expect that this terminal speed must be greater for
a bigger ball because it is heavier. In this experiment, one wants to know exactly whether the terminal speed
is proportional to (i) surface area of the ball (4r2) or (ii) the volume of the ball (4r3/3). To prove the
proportionality, we need to plot a graph between two quantities on x-axis and y-axis respectively. When the
plot of data has a linear tendency, i.e. fitted nicely with a linear line, one can say that they are proportional to
one another.
Experimental procedure
1. Wrap the plastic bottle with 2 rubber bands and set their position as the start and finish lines. Keep the start
line about 60-70 mm below the liquid surface and the finish line as low as possible. Measure the distance
between them with 1 mm precision.
2. Drop the ball less than 10 mm above the liquid surface and measure the time of falling between the start and
finish lines. Leave the balls in liquid. Record your observation in the table.
3. Repeat this one more time and for all other provided ball sizes.
4. Calculate the terminal speed with two digit decimal in mm/s unit.
5. Plot your data on graph paper so that one can make conclusion whether the terminal speed is proportional to
the surface area or the volume of the ball.
6. Answer questions 1 – 3 in your answer sheet.
Distance between the liquid surface and the start rubber band is ....................... mm
Distance between two rubber bands is ........................... mm
Plot your data on graph paper so that one can make conclusion whether the terminal speed is proportional to
the surface area or the volume of the ball.
Question 1 Is the terminal speed proportional to the surface area or the volume of the ball?
How do you make that conclusion? (1 point)
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Question 2 From the information provided in the introduction, explain clearly why does the speed finally
become constant? (2 points)
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Question 3 If a student mistakenly set the start rubber band at the liquid surface, the speed will be too large
or too small? Explain it. (2 points)
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Answer Key
Question 1 Is the terminal speed proportional to the surface area of the volume of the ball?
How do you make that conclusion ? (1 point)
Answer: The terminal speed is proportional to r2 because the plot yield a straight line tendency.
Question 2 From the information provided in the introduction, explain clearly why does the speed
finally become constant? (2 points)
Answer: Releasing the ball slightly above the liquid surface. When the ball is fully submerged,
its speed is quite small and the viscous force is also small. The combination of the
weight, lift force and viscous force yield the net downward force. This makes the ball
accelerate downward and the ball become faster. As the ball is getting faster, the net
force become smaller in magnitude but remain in downward direction. As a
consequence, the ball become faster with decreasing rate. At a certain speed,
the viscous force is strong enough so that the net force becomes zero which means no
acceleration. Therefore, the speed becomes constant after that situation.
Question 3 If a student mistakenly set the start rubber band at the liquid surface, the speed will be too large
or too small? explain it? (2 point)
Answer: It depends on the speed of the ball when it makes first contact with liquid surface.
If this speed is less than the terminal speed, it will be too small. If the this speed is
more than the terminal speed, it will be too large.
Marking Scheme
Distance between the liquid surface and start rubber band not less than 6.0 cm. (1 point)
Distance between start and stop rubber band should not be less than 6.0 cm. (1 point)
If either or both distances are not recorded with 1-millimeter resolution, deduce 0.5 point.
Table (5 points)
Time should be recorded as X.YY s, not X:YY s. (1 point)
Average should be rounded to X.YY s also. (1 point)
Correct calculation for speed. (2 point)
Able to draw 2 graphs [1 point, 0.5 point each]