Opens SL
Opens SL
Opens SL
Table of Contents
About 1
Remarks 2
Versions 2
Examples 2
Installation or Setup 2
Overview 3
Resources 3
Dependencies 3
Steps 3
Verify 3
Overview 3
Initialize libcrypto 4
Initialize libssl 4
Deinitialize 4
Chapter 2: Keys 6
Syntax 6
Examples 6
Credits 9
You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest version
from: openssl
It is an unofficial and free openssl ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is
extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at
Stack Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official openssl.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each
chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of
their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are
the property of their respective company owners.
Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor
accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to 1
Chapter 1: Getting started with openssl
This section provides an overview of what openssl is, and why a developer might want to use it.
It should also mention any large subjects within openssl, and link out to the related topics. Since
the Documentation for openssl is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related
Release Date
1.1.0e 2017-02-16
1.1.0d 2017-01-26
1.1.0c 2016-11-10
1.1.0b 2016-09-26
1.1.0a 2016-09-22
1.1.0 2016-08-25
1.0.2k 2017-01-26
1.0.2j 2016-09-26
1.0.2i 2016-09-22
1.0.2h 2016-05-03
1.0.2g 2016-03-01
Installation or Setup
OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured
toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also
a general-purpose cryptography library.
The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under an Apache-style license, which basically means that you
are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to some simple 2
license conditions.
These instructions are for acquiring, building, and installing openssl from source. Openssl is
usually included in package managers as well.
• make
• perl 5
• gcc/clang
• git
Dependencies can be installed through a package manager such as apt, dnf, or brew.
$ cd ~/path/to/projects
$ git clone
$ cd openssl
$ ./config
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
$ openssl --version
Openssl consists of 2 libraries: libcrypto and libssl. Before openssl API can be used in an 3
application, mandatory initialization procedures are expected to be performed. Once application is
done with openssl related work, it is expected to cleanup allocated resources.
Code below does complete initialization, however, developer is free to initialize only openssl stuff
he is interested in.
Initialize libcrypto
OPENSSL_config(NULL); // Load default configuration (e.g. openssl.conf)
Initialize libssl
OPENSSL_init_ssl(0, NULL);
This workaround helped us so much at my job (Tech Support), we made a simple batch file we
could run from anywhere (We didnt have the permissions to install the actual exe). This
workaround will run OpenSSL and open up the bin folder for you (cause this is where any files you
create or modify will be saved).
2. Copy this code to a file named StartOpenSSL.bat. Save this to a location of your choice. It
can be run from anywhere.
@echo off
title OpenSSL
if exist "C:\openssl\share\openssl.cnf" (
set OPENSSL_CONF=c:/openssl/share/openssl.cnf 4
start explorer.exe c:\openssl\bin
) else (
3. Once you have downloaded the OpenSSL binaries, extract them to your C drive in a folder
titled OpenSSL. (The path needs to be C:\OpenSSL). Do not move any of the folders
contents around, just extract them to the folder.
4. You are ready to use OpenSSL. This is a great workaround for Windows users who dont
have the privileges to install it as it requires no permissions. Just run the bat file from earlier
by double clicking it. [1]:
Generate csr 5
Chapter 2: Keys
• EVP_PKEY *EVP_PKEY_new(void);
• RSA * RSA_new(void);
• int RSA_generate_key_ex(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e, BN_GENCB *cb);
• int EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey, RSA *key);
• int PEM_write_PrivateKey(FILE *fp, EVP_PKEY *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, unsigned
char *kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u);
• int PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(BIO *bp, EVP_PKEY *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, unsigned
char *kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u);
• EVP_PKEY *PEM_read_PrivateKey(FILE *fp, EVP_PKEY **x, pem_password_cb *cb, void
• EVP_PKEY *PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(BIO *bp, EVP_PKEY **x, pem_password_cb *cb,
void *u);
• void EVP_PKEY_free(EVP_PKEY *key);
Generate RSA Key
In order to generate an RSA key, an EVP_PKEY must first be allocated with EVP_PKEY_new:
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
An exponent for the key is also needed, which will require allocating a BIGNUM with BN_new and then
assigning with BN_set_word:
bn = BN_new();
BN_set_word(bn, RSA_F4);
To generate the key, create a new RSA with RSA_new and call RSA_generate_key_ex:
RSA *rsa;
rsa = RSA_new();
rsa, /* pointer to the RSA structure */
2048, /* number of bits for the key - 2048 is a good value */
bn, /* exponent allocated earlier */
NULL, /* callback - can be NULL if progress isn't needed */
To assign the newly generated key to the EVP_PKEY structure, call EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA: 6
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey, rsa);
The RSA structure will be automatically freed when the EVP_PKEY structure is freed. This is done with
An EVP_PKEY can be saved directly to disk in a several formats. PEM_write_PrivateKey is used to save
EVP_PKEY in a PEM format:
FILE *f;
f = fopen("key.pem", "wb");
f, /* use the FILE* that was opened */
pkey, /* EVP_PKEY structure */
EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), /* default cipher for encrypting the key on disk */
"replace_me", /* passphrase required for decrypting the key on disk */
10, /* length of the passphrase string */
NULL, /* callback for requesting a password */
NULL /* data to pass to the callback */
BIO *bio;
bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
bio, /* BIO to write the private key to */
pkey, /* EVP_PKEY structure */
EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), /* default cipher for encrypting the key on disk */
"replace_me", /* passphrase required for decrypting the key on disk */
10, /* length of the passphrase string */
NULL, /* callback for requesting a password */
NULL /* data to pass to the callback */
To load a private key directly from disk, use the PEM_read_PrivateKey function:
FILE *f;
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
f = fopen("key.pem", "rb");
f, /* use the FILE* that was opened */
&pkey, /* pointer to EVP_PKEY structure */
NULL, /* password callback - can be NULL */
NULL /* parameter passed to callback or password if callback is NULL */
); 7
BIO *bio;
bio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void *)input, input_len);
bio, /* BIO to read the private key from */
&pkey, /* pointer to EVP_PKEY structure */
NULL, /* password callback - can be NULL */
NULL /* parameter passed to callback or password if callback is NULL */
); 8
Chapters Contributors
Getting started with Camille G., Community, Josip Ivic, Michael, Rex Linder, Roland
openssl Bär, tysonite, user, vaibhav magar 9