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E Coil

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The cable inside the coiled tubing creates flexibility to
support complementary diagnostic services, while
two-way communication eliminates the need for
multiple trips downhole.
• E-Coil is a conventional coil tubing string with an electric wireline conductor cable
installed inside (running thru the coil)
• It can be used to convey any type of logging tools, giving real time logs and data, in
wells that are hard to access by normal wireline logging tools.
• It provides accessibility for E-line downhole tools, including cameras, cased hole logging
tools and perforating assemblies
• Logging of wells with viscous oil and high angle wells.
• It can also assist in cement evaluation and formation evaluation in highly deviated or
horizontal wells.
• E-Coil combines intervention and diagnostic services to help operators monitor and
optimize job performance in real-time, resulting in greater efficiency, increased
reliability, and higher return on investment.
• Real-Time Coiled Tubing Services can be combined with standard coiled tubing
applications and downhole tools to obtain vital well data in conjunction with other well
intervention services to deliver customized intervention solutions and maximize a single
trip downhole
• GS327 field produces viscous oil and many trials in the wells
history were done to access it with Slick line or E-line without
• The main challenge was that downhole tools slack due to low
mobility of the high viscous oil.
• The scope of work on the well is to run E-Coil to clean out the well
using hydra-Blast tool while pumping diesel-xylene mixture, then
run PLT and RMT logging tools in two separate runs using E-Coil.
• The cable inside the coiled tubing creates flexibility to support
complementary diagnostic services, while two-way
communication eliminates the need for multiple trips downhole.
Coiled E-line
200 BBL unit
Fluid Pump Fluid Pump tank
rig-up #2 #1






Conventional 5

• E-Coil is a conventional coiled tube type but with an wireline cable running thru the Coil,
but the challenge here is how to attach the wireline cable inside the coil to the wireline

• The cable is connected inside the reel through a swivel which keeps the free end (to be
attached to wireline unit) stationary while the rest of the cable is fed through the coil reel
which is rotating continuously.
Cable terminated
and anchored.

Start of Coil reel

on the drum

Cable plug to
connect to
wireline cabin

Connection assembly inside the coiled tube reel

which connect to the e-line unit
1/8” Conductor (A) cable which allows dropping a
5/8” ball through the coil for hydraulic disconnect (B)
In case of a stuck.
Plastic insulator (B): FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene
Propylene) tubing having a melting point up to
260 °C (500 °F)
It’s protected with metal shield (C) (825 incoloy
alloy) which is resistant to corrosive fluids at high

• Incoloy 825 is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy with additions of molybdenum, copper and titanium. This
nickel steel alloy’s chemical composition is designed to provide exceptional resistance to many corrosive
environments. It has excellent resistance to both reducing and oxidizing acids, to stress-corrosion
cracking, and to localized attack such as pitting and crevice corrosion.

• Alloy 825 is especially resistant to sulfuric and phosphoric acids.

• INCOLOY alloy 825 is used for chemical processing, pollution-control equipment, oil and gas well piping,
nuclear fuel reprocessing, acid production, and pickling equipment.
• The cable conductor goes through a 15,000 ft coil length with an extra 200
ft length in the cable to account for any tension or any extra length needed
for the cable during the job.
• After certain number of runs of E-Coil in the well, it is recommended to
perform Slack Management to compensate the cable movement inside the
Coiled Tubing.
• Slack management is done by pumping in reverse into the end of coil, all
the way to the beginning of coil at the swivel.
• By connecting a 1502 union to the coil connector, and hook up a hose to
Haliburton fluid pump discharge line.
• Start pumping fluid at the increased rate required to move the cable (more
than 1 bpm).
• The pumping force allow to distribute the conductor cable evenly
throughout the coil, instead of being accumulated at the end of coil.
• Pump at the increased rate until no more indications of cable movement
are observed or a total of the string volume has been pumped.
Coil Cross-over Termination sub Cross-over Hyd. Hydra
coil DFCV Filter
Connector CS to AMT (AMT) AMT to CS Disconnect Blast

Termination sub: It’s used with the need to terminate the cable and secure it from getting submerged with fluids, and

A continue to use the coil just like any conventional coiled-tubing string to run Clean-out assemblies (hydra-blast, coil sweep,
…) or tubing milling applications.

In case of logging assembly where we need the cable to keep going thru, we use Anchor sub, which is very similar to the

B termination sub above sub, except that it has two check valves to compensate for the DFCV (Double-Flapper check valve),
also the fluid path is too small for any ball to be dropped, so we use Flow release sub instead of the hydraulic disconnect
sub, each part of these will be explained in details later.

Coil Cross-over Anchor Flow release Contingency BTM packing GO Tear drop
coil E-line tools
Connector CS to AMT Sub sub Sub sub sub sub
With flow nozzles
• External connector engages with the outer diameter of the
coiled tubing. Slips (Grapple)
• Uninterrupted bore for drop ball operations.

Single slips type

Slip ensures the axial load is transferred into the tubing,
increasing the strength of the connector grip.
• Comprises a top and bottom-sub which contains the slip
and spacer ring.
• Available in all sizes of coil.
• Locking screws prevent back off of the service connection
• Anti-rotation screws prevent connector rotating once
Double Slips type
• Elastomeric seals.

• The wireline still goes thru the coil

connector to feed the BHA through it till
termination sub. The cut length depends on
the BHA that would be attached to the coil
till the termination sub which is 4 ft in our
CS-Hydril thread
Coil connector
Attaching the Attaching the
connector second coil Greasing third Making up the Coil Connector
head with the sub with connector sub which assembly with assembly after
first slip below second slip contain two O-rings torque wrench make up.
it below it
• It contain two paths:
1. Cable path: in which the cable goes through to be sealed and
terminated by a seal plug.
2. Flow path: which is a continuous path to allow fluid flow and
also to allow a maximum of 5/8” ball to be dropped to activate
the hydraulic disconnect sub in case of stuck.
Termination sub



Before cable termination After cable

1/8” Tube Bottom
fitting sub

Flow End
Top Sub Plug
• Tube fitting assembly consist of four precision
machined components namely body, nut, front
ferrule and back ferrule.
• All you need to do is to insert the tube and
tighten the nut by 1 ¼ turn from finger tight
• This action forces both front as well as back
ferrule to move forward between nut and body,
Back ferrule is driven against the rear taper of the
front ferrule and swaged radially inward on the
tube, thus holding the tube against vibration and
mechanical pull due to pressure.
• Back ferrule also lift the front ferrule out to form
a full faced seal on the taper surface of the body.
• Front ferrule also moves forward against the
taper portion of the fitting body due to wedging
action forces inward, gripping and subsequently
sealing the front edge tightly on to the tubing.
1.5” CT connector 2.25” OD dual
(external coil flapper check
connector/ double slips valve (DFCV).

1.69” OD
Crossover (CS-Hydril TO down-hole
1.5 AMMT). inline filter.
2.25” OD

2.125” OD
termination sub.

1.75” hydra-
2.55” OD
crossover (1.5 AMMT
TO CS-Hydril).
• Unlike the termination sub, cable Head sub assembly provides the mean to connect the electric cable conductor
inside E-Coil to an e-line BHA assembly like PLT and RMT
• Achieves the main purpose of E-coil by giving an electrical connection to the tools that are being run in the well.

The main job of the Cable Head Assembly:

• Have a fixation point for the cable (Anchor sub).
• Provide a check valve mechanism in case of a well control (Anchor sub).
• Provide a release mechanism in case of a stuck (Flow release sub).
• Provide an extra piece of the cable that can be used for re-termination the cable in case the old one gets damaged
(Contingency sub).
• Divert the flow above the wireline tools (BTM packing sub).
• Prevent fluids from entering to wireline contact sub (BTM packing sub).
• Protecting the cable from any short circuit (Go sub).
• Provide good firm contact point to E-line tools that can endure vibrations, heat & pressure (Tear drop sub).
Lower Tear drop
Upper packing GO sub
packing sub sub
sub (Anchor Flow release sub contingency sub (Reverse
with flow (Contact
Sub) thread)
nozzles sub)

1 2 3 4 5 6
• The Upper Pack-Off Sub contains two check valves to enable flow while maintaining well control when no
flow is used (instead of the DFCV (Double-Flapper Check valve)).
• Alongside the check valves is a pack-off assembly that routes the Capillary line through a pack-off and
anchor systems, the anchor utilizes a Swagelok connector to secure the Capillary line in the Upper Pack-Off
• Tightening the Furl cap onto the anchor body a predetermined amount allows the Capillary line to be pulled
out of the anchor if the tension of the Capillary becomes too tight inside the coil.
• By pulling out at a set weight the Capillary is saved from parting farther up the coil, usually across the goose
neck of the injector.
• Teflon inserts are used to form a seal around the Capillary Line, providing a positive seal and maintaining
well control.
• also no balls can be dropped in this configuration, so we use flow release sub instead of hydraulic disconnect
Cable Flow

• Upper Packing Sub is used for well control and flow capabilities, it contains
two check valves to enable flow while maintaining well control when no
flow is used. Check Valve

• Along side the check valves is a pack-off assembly that routes the Capillary
line through a pack-off and anchor systems, the anchor utilizes a Swagelok
connector to secure the Capillary line in the Upper Pack-Off Sub .

Pack off
Top of the sub

The small port at the top of the sub is for the E-line cable and the other big one is for the
flow path and the check valves.

The smaller port at the top of the

sub becomes larger to install the
packing elements first and then the Flow Pass
And the large port at the top of the
sub becomes smaller. (to make room
for the packing elements to be
E-line cable
installed in the other path)

Bottom of the sub Bottom of the sub

(After installing the
pack-off & SwageLok)
• It is a part of the cable head that replaces the Hydraulic Disconnect sub, it allows the emergency release of the tool
by circulating with flow rate higher than a certain flow rate (based on the piston size installed), then apply tension
(based on shear values of shear pins installed) to shear the shear pins and release the tool.
• It is composed of a main body and a key retainer housing that is connected to each other through shear screws. The
inner housing has a piston inside it that holding keys inside the main body.
• When high flow rate is applied, the piston moves down and compress the spring and release the keys from the main
body (it falls down into the recess), at this point the only link between the two body parts are the shear screws, by
applying tension the shear screws break and the tool releases.

Key retainer Recess keys Shear pin

housing Main body

piston spring

Main body

Key retainer housing Shear pins

Two parts of the flow release tool separated

Flow Release Tool




Top sub
Spring retainer cap

Key retainer housing




Main body

It is an extension that is used to provide more length of wireline sub

inside cable head. In case of the cable head failed and the E/L
flooded, the extension sub is removed to allow more E/L cable
length to make a new connection at the end instead of removing
Lower packing
all the cable head assembly and make it all up again. sub

E/L Connector
• The Lower Pack-Off creates a dry chamber, allowing the Final shape after
wireline to be terminated and connected to a standard installing pack-off Flow ports
electrical connection that is not affected by wellbore or
pumped fluid.
• Four ports are angled out of the Lower Packing Sub and allow
the flow of fluid or gas into the annulus.
• Also it has threads for nozzles to be installed if necessary.
• In the bottom of the Lower Packing Sub is another pack-off
assembly which provides a seal for the chamber underneath
where the Capillary line is terminated onto the Tear Drop Sub.
• This chamber is sealed using the pack off above and a dual O-
ring seal below.
• The wireline cable metallic shield is terminated just after the
pack-off assembly preparing for connection with the tear drop
4 3 2 1

Wireline Connector

7- tear drop 6 5- Crimping

• The Contact sub provides a universal connection for all wireline applications without the need for
any more special equipment.
• In our campaign, we ran PLT Production Logging tools, RMT Reservoir Monitoring Tool, and based on
these two logs, adding perforations or re-perorating existing intervals will be decided.
• Also perforation guns will be ran on the same cable head assembly with an electrical firing head.
• Wireline installs another depth counter just next to the conventional coiled-tubing depth counter for
accurate measurements, although it’s all going back to downhole correlation with Gamma ray or CCL
thanks to the real-time data transmission thru the E-coil.
Termination sub Cable head assembly

Emergency release
Hydraulic disconnect Flow release with tension

Applications Used as conventional coiled tubing BHA Used with wireline downhole tools

Extension sub in
case of downhole No extension sub available Extension sub available
Drop ball
Available Not available
Check valve (well
Conventional DFCV Double check valve in anchor sub
Compiled by:
Amr Eissa ..…………………...….…. NOUSAiryai@gupco.net
Mohamed Ali Abdel-hamid ... Hamidma2@gupco.net
Ayman Hesham .…………….…… Afifiah@gupco.net
Mohamed Tarek .................... Fathymt@gupco.net

Revision & Editing by:

Kamel Elsayed .………………..... Kamels@gupco.net

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