77 Nursing Abbreviations Cheat Sheet
77 Nursing Abbreviations Cheat Sheet
77 Nursing Abbreviations Cheat Sheet
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This cheat sheet is intended for informational purposes only. This is not medical
advice and errors may occur. Never treat a patient or make a nursing or medical decision based on the
information provided on this study guide. Never practice nursing or medicine unless you have a proper
license to do so.
"Do Not Use" List Of Abbreviations
The Joint Commission® has put together a list of medical abbreviations that should not be
used. These abbreviations are likely to be mixed up with other abbreviations and cause
confusion between patient care providers.
Do not use: U or u
Rationale: It can be confused with "0," "4," or "cc"
What to use instead: Write out "unit" instead
Do not use: IU
Rationale: It can be confused with "IV" or "10"
What to use instead: Write out "International Unit" instead
Do not use: Q.D., QD, q.d., qd
Rationale: They can be confused with each other or with "00" or "I"
What to use instead: Write out "daily" instead
Do not use: MS
Rationale: It can mean either magnesium sulfate or morphine sulfate
What to use instead: Write out "magnesium sulfate" or "morphine sulfate"
Do not use: Leading zero is missing when writing numbers with decimals
Rationale: They can be confused with a different number (ex. ".2" vs "2")
What to use instead: Always use a leading zero (ex. write "0.2" instead of ".2")
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This cheat sheet is intended for informational purposes only. This is not medical
advice and errors may occur. Never treat a patient or make a nursing or medical decision based on the
information provided on this study guide. Never practice nursing or medicine unless you have a proper
license to do so.