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Slang Terms

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Acting jack: 

A temporary sergeant.

Admiral of the Swiss navy:  A self-important person. 

AF salute:  A shrug of one's shoulders. 

Airborne copulation:  I don't give a flying fuck. 

All's quiet on the western front:  Tranquility prevails.

Anchor:  A spouse.

As close as five minutes to eleven:  In love.

At low water:  Short of funds.

Ate up:  A soldier who is always slacking, uniform trashed, boots unshined. 

B.A.:  Busted aristocrat.

Bang-up:  Excellent; first-rate. 

Battery acid:  Coffee.

Become a gold star in mother's window:  To be killed in action. 

Belly cousin:  A man who has slept with a woman you slept with.

Blonde and sweet: Coffee with cream and sugar. 

Blotto:  Dead.

Boilermakers:  An Army band. 

Bolo:  An inept marksman. 

BRAVO ZULU (BZ): Well Done

Break out a flag:  To request a loan from a friend. 

Brown-shoe army:  The Army prior to 1 September, 1956. 

Bug juice:  Gas. 

Butt:  The part of an enlistment still to be served; usually, a fraction of a year. 

By the board:  Correct, an Army term. 

By the numbers:  In a routine manner; as rehearsed.

Cabbage:  Money.
Cans:  Radio headphones. 

Cit:  A civilian; from "citizen."

Cits:  Civilian clothing. 

Clue in:  To give information. 

C.O.:  Conscientious objector. 

Company stooge:  A company clerk. 

Cupid's itch:  Any venereal disease. 

Dead battery:  An irritable or gloomy person; a pessimist. 

Dead Soldier:  An empty beer bottle.

Death gratuity:  Money sent to the family of one killed in action. 

Dog show:  Foot inspection. 

Dog tag on file:  Dead and buried.

Doing one's bit:  Performing military service.

Eagle day:  Payday, also known as "the day the eagle shits."

File 13:  A wastebasket. 

Fort Livingroom:  Home. 

Fourth point of contact: One's ass. 

From Maine to California:  All over; from one end to the other. 

Fruit salad:  Colorful chest decorations. 

Fuselage:  One's body; a woman's body.

Garritrooper:  A soldier in a safe, comfortable location. 

Gedunk:  Snack food, especially ice cream. 

Get-alongs:  Legs

Give it the deep six, brother:  Forget it; from older naval slang for burial at sea.

Go to Davy:  To be buried at sea. 

Gold brick:  A shirker; one who tries to avoid work or get an easy job. 
Go West:  To die. 

Gung ho:  overzealous, driven. 

Half-lieut:  A 2nd Lieutenant.

Hard-stripe sergeant:  An NCO with E5/E6 chevron insignia. 

Hell cat:  A bugler. 

High speed, low drag:  An all-purpose expression of approbation. 

Honey wagon:  A wagon or truck used in collecting refuse.

Hump:  To march.

Jack:  A corporal. 

Juicy:  First-rate; excellent.

Kiwi injection:  A swift kick in the ass with your highly shined boots. 

K-pot:  A Kevlar helmet. 

Leather personnel carriers (LPCs):  Boots

Let daylight into:  To shoot or stab. 

Limp line:  A line of men reporting to sick call. 

Men behind the men behind the guns:  The Quartermaster Corps. 

Monkey suit:  A formal military uniform. 

Most ricky tick:  Immediately; right now. 

Near go, a:  Almost killed.

Nick:  To steal. 

No- clap medal:  A good conduct medal.

Noncom:  A noncommissioned officer.

Outfit:  Almost any Army unit or group of soldiers.

Ranked out:  Compelled to vacate by a senior. 

REMF:  Rear-echelon motherfucker. 

Rest-camp:  A cemetery.
Rocker:  Any of the lower stripes on an NCO's insignia. 

Salt and batter:  Assault and battery.

Sham Foo Master:  The soldier who manages to do nothing yet looks very busy all day. 

Short-arm practice:  Copulation. 

SOL:  Strictly out of luck; soldier out of luck. 

Straphanger:  A person at a briefing whose presence is not required. 

Swing the lead:  To tell a story; to bullshit. 

Take another blanket:  To reenlist.

T.N.T.:  Today, not tomorrow.

WHAM:  Winning the hearts and minds. 

Whistle dick:  An unliked or undervalued person.

Wilco:  Will comply. 

Two and a butt:  An enlistment period of less than three years. 

Turkey Shoot:  An ambush, an easy killing.

Un-ass:  To get off of, or out of, as in "Let's un-ass this place!"

What-for:  Punishment.

Windjammer:  A trumpeter; a bandsman. 

Work one's ticket:  To shirk duty.  

You'll find it on the payroll:  When a soldier loses a piece of equipment. 

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