Slang Terms
Slang Terms
Slang Terms
A temporary sergeant.
Anchor: A spouse.
Ate up: A soldier who is always slacking, uniform trashed, boots unshined.
Belly cousin: A man who has slept with a woman you slept with.
Blotto: Dead.
Cabbage: Money.
Cans: Radio headphones.
Eagle day: Payday, also known as "the day the eagle shits."
From Maine to California: All over; from one end to the other.
Get-alongs: Legs
Give it the deep six, brother: Forget it; from older naval slang for burial at sea.
Gold brick: A shirker; one who tries to avoid work or get an easy job.
Go West: To die.
Hump: To march.
Jack: A corporal.
Kiwi injection: A swift kick in the ass with your highly shined boots.
Men behind the men behind the guns: The Quartermaster Corps.
Nick: To steal.
Rest-camp: A cemetery.
Rocker: Any of the lower stripes on an NCO's insignia.
Sham Foo Master: The soldier who manages to do nothing yet looks very busy all day.
Un-ass: To get off of, or out of, as in "Let's un-ass this place!"
What-for: Punishment.