Breaking Down AI - Real Applications in Healthcare
Breaking Down AI - Real Applications in Healthcare
Breaking Down AI - Real Applications in Healthcare
The healthcare
opportunity: AI
and your data
AI and the cloud: Overcoming obstacles with innovation
The healthcare industry is facing unique challenges. Digital transformation and learning like a human, AI needs to have data. That’s where the cloud
has redefined the way health organizations approach care team comes in. The cloud brings disparate healthcare data sets together into
collaboration, virtual health and remote monitoring, and security and one consolidated environment. AI then extracts real-time learnings from
compliance. Healthcare workers have had to meet significant challenges in that robust data. By leveraging AI and the cloud, healthcare organizations
order to best serve patients and adapt to a rapidly evolving industry. And are undergoing a complete digital transformation, characterized by new,
today’s technology is rising to those challenges. Product capabilities that agile insights.
healthcare providers could have previously only dreamed of are quickly
becoming a reality. The future of care management is here. AI and the cloud are the gateway to digital transformation. With
better access to the right data at the right time, organizations can reduce
How? Digital technologies—including the cloud, AI, machine learning, operating costs, improve the quality of care, increase the involvement of
and augmented reality, among others—are transforming the industry. consumers in the care process, and optimize provider satisfaction.
The cloud and AI work in tandem to unlock insights. To begin thinking
Microsoft Cloud for
Healthcare enables seamless
digital transformation
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare provides the capabilities to manage
health data at scale and makes it easier for healthcare organizations
to improve the patient experience, coordinate care, and drive
operational efficiency while helping support security, compliance,
and the interoperability of health data.
Improve business outcomes with
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
50% higher ROI
Preemptive digital transformations have a
50 percent higher ROI than reactive ones.1
AI enables deeper insights by providing richer data analysis
analytics Social determinants of health Claims and cost data
AI will improve healthcare outcomes across the board,
particularly for consumers
According to a survey of healthcare executives, AI will have the greatest impact in these areas:
A new paradigm
for better patient Improving health outcomes
AI has been a long-promised savior for the Improving the patient experience
healthcare industry, but some providers
have grown skeptical waiting for the reality
to live up to the promise. The reality is that 46%
while the future of AI is full of possibility,
Decreasing the per capita cost of care
there are practical applications in place
now that are already meeting the needs of
healthcare executives.
Improving the provider experience2
AI and real-time data are creating a new Healthcare leaders can
paradigm for healthcare take advantage of AI
tools to empower care
Data and AI are enabling a more predictive and prescriptive analytical approach to healthcare. teams, engage patients,
In practical terms, this means that AI is providing the capability to sense the healthcare world,
comprehend, act, and learn. AI uses machine learning and delivers capabilities to mimic human
optimize clinical and
types of behavior and performance—to ultimately improve patient care and outcomes. AI systems operational effectiveness,
gather and crunch massive amounts of data in real time to identify patterns. They then use that and ultimately transform
information to automate and streamline healthcare processes.
Current AI capabilities include:
Predicting the future condition of individual patients based on early warning signs.
Clinical analytics focuses on the use of data and analytics to Operational analytics focuses on the use of data and analytics to
improve clinical treatment processes and outcomes. improve the efficiency or effectiveness of systems used to provide
and manage care processes.
For example, clinicians can pull insights from data to help
identify at-risk patients and deliver optimal treatments. For example, by using AI, healthcare teams can predict operational
Sophisticated analytics engines enhanced through machine issues, track safety metrics, monitor equipment health, maintain the
learning and AI can provide evidence to inform actions. integrity of the supply chain, and identify fraud.
Following are some scenarios in which AI is already delivering
value. They exemplify opportunities to improve both clinical
quality and operational effectiveness in healthcare organizations.
Clinical analytics
in healthcare
of healthcare costs are attributable to
chronic disease.3
Predictive care guidance
Predictive analytics is a data-driven crystal ball that’s taking analytics to the next level—beyond
If not, are there areas within the provision of care in which
descriptive or diagnostic methods that look backward on what happened and why.
you would find such systems especially useful?
Disease progression
Benefits of implementing analytical models
During a 90-day pilot with the tool, Ochsner was able to reduce the
hospital’s typical number of codes (cardiac or respiratory arrests) “A lot of what medicine [has done is] trying to
by 44 percent. In addition to sending pre-code alerts, this predictive understand what happened with the patient after the
model is capable of predicting any patient deterioration that needs
fact. … The whole game is shifting. We’re going to know
attention based on lab values, vital signs, and other data.
before it happens. That’s a total game-changer.”
Learn more about the new AI tool
—Mike Hulefeld,
Chief Operating Officer, Ochsner Health System
Behavioral analytics
Key benefits
How can it help your organization?
For providers For payors
Incomplete application of evidence-based medicine is a leading cause of poor outcomes
Patient engagement Individual health
and an increased overall cost of care. Behavioral analytics can increase the adoption of
and well-being
Readmissions recommended practices.
Benefits of behavioral analytics
Are you feeling sick?
Walgreens Boots Alliance incorporated the
Azure Health Bot service to reassure consumers
by putting the facts at their fingertips
In the last 10 days, have you lost
When an unprecedented healthcare crisis struck, Walgreens Boots your sense of taste or smell?
Alliance wanted to provide its customers with quick, accessible
information. The global pharmacy organization knew that reliable
information and facts provided reassurance in an uncertain time. By
partnering with Microsoft, the organization was able to find a way
to provide that real-time information without straining its already
burdened staff. By implementing bot technology, Walgreens Boots
“It’s been fantastic to see how the [Azure Health Bot]
Alliance made it easy for customers to access healthcare resources
directly. This left pharmacists and staff free to focus on other critical service has helped us do the right things for our customers
tasks and personalized customer service. and, just as importantly, for our medical service providers.”
Population health
Benefits of implementing population health
Learn more about how HUS is pioneering new testing —Aki Puustjärvi,
IT Development Manager, HUS
Medical image intelligence
Benefits of implementing medical
image intelligence
During the pandemic, distance learning took on a new meaning for one
of the largest National Health Service (NHS) Trust locations in the United
Kingdom. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust implemented HoloLens,
a mixed-reality headset, to send a secure live video feed to a computer
screen in an adjacent room. This innovative safety measure enabled
“[HoloLens] solved a major problem for us during a crisis,
healthcare teams to view the doctor’s treatment firsthand while remaining
at a safe distance. Integrating HoloLens also significantly reduced the by allowing us to keep treating very ill patients while
amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) being used, as only the limiting our exposure to a deadly virus. Not only that, it
doctor wearing the headset had to dress in PPE. Early estimates indicate
reduced our PPE consumption and significantly improved
that using HoloLens will save up to 700 items of PPE per ward per week.
the efficiency of our ward rounds.”
Learn how artificial intelligence helped Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust —James Kinross,
Consultant Surgeon, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Telehealth and ambient clinical intelligence
Do you have modern digital tools to remotely connect with your Examples of telehealth technologies include videoconferencing, machine learning, the Internet
patients and engage them in their healthcare journeys? of Things (IoT), AI, chatbots, and wearable technology that resolve the logistical challenges of
hospital wait times and provide proactive care coordination.
Benefits of implementing telehealth
• Transformed virtual care. Transform virtual care by • Increased member satisfaction. Use telehealth and
incorporating telehealth technologies and innovative digital engagement to allow members to better
uses of data. Keep patients connected and create manage their treatment plans. This improves care
better understanding among remote care teams. coordination and member satisfaction and promotes
healthy behavior.
• Increased patient access to care. Increase your range
of coverage and your ability to remotely diagnose • Increased member access to care. Offer telehealth
medical issues, which helps reduce overcrowding in benefits to provide your members with quicker access
hospitals. to care when needed, avoiding escalation of sickness
and reducing costs.
Nuance and Microsoft have partnered to deliver new AI-powered ambient “The integrated Nuance-Microsoft Teams solution will
clinical intelligence that improves patient experiences while reducing be a game-changer for our clinicians and patients alike.
physician burnout. This new integration, called Nuance Dragon Ambient
eXperience (DAX), enables clinical documentation to essentially write This integration brings us the ease of use, reliability, and
itself during a patient consultation, so physicians can stop typing and give security of the Microsoft Teams platform for healthcare,
patients their full attention. and the ability to automatically capture and document
patient-physician encounters with Nuance DAX to
See how ambient clinical intelligence works
significantly ease the burden of clinical documentation.”
analytics in
Staffing management
Key benefits Even in non-crisis times, staffing is the single largest expense of any medical
organization delivering services to patients and consumers. In most hospitals,
For providers staffing represents more than half of all total expenses. Data and AI systems
Improved staff retention allow healthcare organizations to predict staffing levels with optimal accuracy
and efficiency.
Staff training
Staffing level assessment
Benefits of implementing Healthcare Employee
staffing management Retention is a solution that
uses client data to estimate
employee flight risk. It
includes a predictive model
and reporting that identifies
which employees might
resign based on historical
For providers
information from previous
• Improved staff retention. Improve the retention of hard-to-find specialty clinicians
team members.
to maintain sustainable teams. Use predictive analytics to understand when an
employee is at risk of resigning.
• Staff training. Measure the success of training programs to improve them. Good
training is critical in healthcare because clinician performance has a direct impact
on the well-being of patients.
• Staffing level assessment. Predict staffing levels and skill sets to optimize them
based on the number of patients and the level of acuity of care to be provided.
With a pandemic underway, the need for mental health services has skyrocketed.
Microsoft has been working overtime to help mental health organizations scale up
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, a trust that delivers mental
health services throughout Greater Manchester and Cumbria in the United Kingdom,
supports 6,000 staff across 100 locations, including mobile workers and consultants. To
meet the needs of this on-the-go workforce, the health system integrated some key
Microsoft products, including videoconferencing, to help them stay connected. Armed “We have only skimmed the surface of the
with the right technology, employees can now move wherever they need to in a secure, power that we have within [Microsoft Teams].”
seamless, and scalable way.
—Grace Birch,
All this support means that employees can focus on what’s most important: delivering
Associate Director of IM&T,
mental health resources to as many patients as possible in a time of great need.
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Claims management
What are the top reasons for claims being denied? How can it help your organization?
Claims fraud, waste, and abuse are significant issues worldwide. They encompass
a wide spectrum of activities, including deceptive billing for services not rendered,
performing unnecessary medical services, and abusing payment rules by coding
services at higher levels than actually performed.
Key benefits
Denied claims represent extraordinary administrative costs to health providers and
For providers For payors
Claims management Claims and fraud
Denials and revenue Claims analytics helps you efficiently predict patterns and detect anomalies to fight
management Denial management fraud and waste.
Benefits of implementing analytics
for claims management
—David Dvorak,
Learn more about Cerner’s data consolidation Lead Technology Architect, Cerner Corporation
Cost management
Do you have systems in place that help you predict costs so you can How can it help your organization?
better manage them?
Most provider and payor organizations today exist on razor-thin operating
margins. In most countries, the cost of providing and paying for care is rising
faster than reimbursements are increasing.
Key benefits Health providers and payors are using solutions that improve the management
of costs while maintaining the quality of services provided.
For providers For payors
Staffing optimization Fraud detection Cost management solutions use analytics to evaluate and improve the
Supply cost management Shorter patient stays efficiency of major systems used in providing health and medical services.
Benefits of implementing analytics for
cost management
• Supply cost management. Evaluate which • Shorter patient stays. Predict lengths of stay for
supplies are most cost-effective. covered services to estimate and minimize costs.
Holistic analytics
in healthcare
Readmissions management
Do you have a way to proactively assess which patients have the How can it help your organization?
highest risk of readmission?
Analytics solutions can be used to evaluate and predict which patients are
at risk for readmission, so hospitals can create a plan to reduce that risk.
Key benefits
For providers For payors
Readmittance risk analysis Reduced hospital readmissions rate
Reduced emergency department
bounce-back rate
Benefits of implementing
readmissions management
Throughput management
Improved patient satisfaction scores Improving throughput allows more patients to receive care at each facility, reducing the need
to add expensive new facilities or beds.
Shorter wait times
Benefits of implementing throughput
For providers
• Hospital bed optimization. Determine and predict the flow and progression of
inpatients through a system, thereby maximizing the use of patient rooms and facilities.
• Shorter wait times. Predict and manage variables like staffing to improve efficiencies in
care delivery in emergency departments.
• Improved patient transfer process. Help staff spot and resolve bottlenecks in inpatient
transfers within a facility (for example, a patient waiting to be admitted to intensive care,
where a bed is available but not yet cleaned).
Bringing it all
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
Choosing the right provider is the key
to a seamless digital transformation
The case for the The benefits of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare include:
cloud is clear
• High-security governance standards surrounding healthcare data.
Organizations that have moved to the cloud are already • A seamless alternative to siloed care and outdated systems.
experiencing the benefits of transformation across the board.
• Deeper clinical and operational insights from enhanced analytics.
07 Why it’s time to make the
move to the cloud
Keeping up with the • Patient expectations. Patients today expect the best of all worlds.
digital evolution
They expect the modern perks they experience in other industries,
like real-time alerts, personalized experiences, and intuitive
online tools. They also expect privacy, especially when it comes
to confidential health information. The cloud makes it easier to
deliver on these expectations.
Better experiences. Better insights. Better care.
• Breach protections. Cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated
The introduction of AI capabilities will change the game for healthcare and will target businesses of all sizes. The cloud helps prevent
providers. Microsoft is committed to leveraging technology to drive costly breaches and makes sure your data is safe. This ensures that
inclusive growth. Microsoft’s vision is to build a sustainable future for crucial patient trust remains intact and your corporate reputation
every company, everywhere. is protected.
• The need to unlock data. The rise in digital healthcare use in the
past year has created an unprecedented amount of data, most
of which is trapped in silos. The cloud enables organizations to
consolidate data sets. By consolidating data and then layering
on AI, it’s infinitely easier to draw actionable insights from this
mountain of data.
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare is your
trusted partner
The right cloud provider ensures patient data is kept safe so that healthcare organizations
can reap the benefits of the cloud with minimized risk. Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare is a
trusted cloud solution that safeguards data and keeps breaches at bay.
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare is a key step in Microsoft’s mission to empower every
person and organization on the planet to achieve more.
Optum, 3rd Annual Optum Survey on AI in Health Care, 2020.
Halsted R. Holman, “The Relation of the Chronic Disease Epidemic to the Health
Care Crisis,” ACR Open Rheumatology, National Center for Biotechnology Information,
February 19, 2020.
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