Metal Safety Tests
Metal Safety Tests
Metal Safety Tests
1. Why is it important to know where the fire extinguishers are kept and how to use them?
3. Why should you wipe up all oil or grease that may be spilled on the floor or that may drip
6. Why should sheet metal and metal bars be up off of the floor?
10. Where should you place tools when you are through with them?
12. Why must you always have a handle on any file that you are using?
13. What is the reason for never striking a file against a bench or machine to clean it?
14. Why would you never use a punch with a mushroomed end?
15. What action do you need to take before being given permission to operate a machine in the
16. When should you clean a machine that you have been using?
17. When operating a machine what should you do with sleeves, neckties, jewelry, or loose
18. How must chips and shavings be removed from all metal working machines while the
20. What should you do when you are through using a special set up?
21. What is the importance of never annoying or distracting an individual while they are
operating machinery?
22. What should you do if you think your machine is not operating properly?
23. What is the importance of keeping the floor around a machine clear of scraps, chips, etc.?
24. Are you ever permitted to operate a machine if the instructor is not present in the room?
25. When is the best time to take measurements for the part that you will be machining?
26. Is there any reason to ever turn on a machine just to see what it will do?
27. What must be done about wrenches and other hand tools before you turn on the power of any
I have read and understood the safety rules concerning General Shop Safety.
2. Why should you stop the saw when moving or replacing the stock?
3. What could happen if the end of the stock is not supported while being cut off?
4. What should you do with the stock you are using after you finish sawing?
7. What type of personal protective equipment should you wear at all times while working in the
machine shop?
1. When using the vertical band saw what position should you hold your hands in when sawing?
3. Using a speed that is too high for the material being cut will cause the blade to
I have read and understand the safety rules concerning the vertical band saw.
Signature: ___________________.Date: ___________________________
1. What is the very first thing you should do before operating the pedestal grinder?
2. Of what value is a guard over the grinding wheels on the pedestal grinder?
3. What is the proper clearance between the wheel and the tool rest on pedestal grinder?
5. Grinding should be done on the _________ of the wheel never on the _________of the wheel?
6. Why should you use the entire face of a wheel when grinding?
8. Why should you stand to one side when starting a grinder after installing a new wheel?
I have read and understood the safety rules concerning the Pedestal Grinder
1. What could happen when using improperly sharpened drills or one that doesn't run true?
2. What should be done with the chuck wrench before starting the drill press?
8. What will happen to a drill that is being run at a speed that is too fast?
10. What could happen if you do not keep your head away from moving parts?
I have read and understand the safety rules concerning the drill press.
1. Why is it so important that you be especially careful when operating a milling machine?
3. What is the reason for cleaning chips from the milling machine while it is running?
4. Why should you prevent cutting fluids out of open cuts and sores?
5. Why shouldn't you use your fingers to brush the chips from milling machine?
7. Why is it necessary to clamp your work tightly on the milling machine table or in a vise?
8. Why must the hand feed be used to bring the work up to the cutter?
9. In what direction should the work be fed through the milling machine for a rough cut?
10. What is the reasoning for not taking measurements while the milling machine is running?
I have read and understood the safety rules concerning the milling machine.
1. What is the right way to investigate the uses of any operating knob or lever that you do not
2. Why must you always clamp the tail stock and the tail stock spindle binding lever before
3. Why must the cutting tool be on the exact center when turning brass, composition, or any
5. What care should you take with the lead screw of a lathe?
6. How should you file work in the lathe so you won't be stuck by the lathe chuck jaws?
7. What should you do with the tool holder before filing or polishing work on the lathe?
9. Why should the chuck wrench never be left in the chuck socket?
13. What should you do when you have finished a job on the lathe?
I have read and understood the safety rules concerning the lathe.