Scrum of Scrums Solution For Large Size
Scrum of Scrums Solution For Large Size
Scrum of Scrums Solution For Large Size
Scrum of Scrums Solution for Large Size Teams Using Scrum Methodology
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
Abstract: Scrum is a structured framework to support complex product development. However, Scrum
methodology faces a challenge of managing large teams. To address this challenge, in this paper we propose a
solution called Scrum of Scrums. In Scrum of Scrums, we divide the Scrum team into teams of the right size, and
then organize them hierarchically into a Scrum of Scrums. The main goals of the proposed solution are to optimize
communication between teams in Scrum of Scrums; to make the system work after integration of all parts; to reduce
the dependencies between the parts of system; and to prevent the duplication of parts in the system.
[Qurashi SA, Qureshi MRJ. Scrum of Scrums Solution for Large Size Teams Using Scrum Methodology. Life
Sci J 2014;11(8):443-449]. (ISSN:1097-8135). 58
Keywords: Agile; Scrum; Scrum of Scrums; large team; Scrum meeting; daily meeting
Life Science Journal 2014;11(8)
challenges include team management, lack of nonfunctional requirements. The project management
accountability, trust and confidence, documentation, requires suitable quality metrics that would be used
work environment and training. They proposed the to design a risk driven algorithm to prioritize, plan
following guidelines: each member in the team must and improve implementation sequence. Non-
have knowledge and skills pertinent to the project the functional Requirements Planning (NORPLAN)
team members are going to work on; the project proposes two additional prioritization schemes
manger should not be a bottle neck to Scrum teams; (Riskiest-Requirement First and Riskiest-
new employees should be given enough time to Requirement Last). However, there is a need to
understand the system and Scrum method; the project incorporate other required quality metrics and
manager must watch if there is a lack of trust and validate NORPLAN in real world agile software
confidence; the duration of Scrum meetings should requirements planning teams (Farid et al., 2013).
be strictly observed; reduce documentation Guang-yong (2011) presents the software
significantly. But the main limitation is that the engineering research and practices to improve
project narrowed down for two firms only (Raghaw software quality and productivity. During the
et al., 2012). process, the project team developing vehicle spare
Akhtar et al. (2010) reported that Pakistan's parts management system, import Scrum agile
software industry is comparatively young as software development using visual studio 2010 as the
compared to the global software industry. So it is Scrum process management template. Scrum
flexible to adopt new project management practices implementation increases team productivity and
and software development methodologies. The quality. But we must explore the continuous
Scrum adoption, implementation and acceptance in expansion and improvement in Scrum, particularly in
Pakistan's software industry will be helpful for the area of performance evaluation for in-depth
making accurate decision. But, so far the Scrum is research. In addition, we must examine how to
not very popular in Pakistan's software industry further the integration between different roles
(Akhtar et al., 2010). (Guang-yong, 2011).
Vlaanderen et al. (2009) present a case study of Akif (2012) determines the challenges and
software product management based on Scrum issues in Scrum implementation. Issues identified
method. They argued that the product manager can from the survey includes: quality items pileup,
cope with complex requirements in agile module integration issues, code quality, disruption in
development environment. But, their work requires team work, backlog management, multiple teams,
further elaboration and formalization of requirements metrics, no technical practices, risk management,
of agile SPM process (Vlaanderen et al., 2009). mature vs. immature Scrum, sprint duration, release
Harsimarjeet et al. (2011) present PEOR model, process, lack of Scrum training, documentation, too
which focused on how team members should idealistic Scrum and communication/Scrum
function to improve organization performance in ceremonies (Akif , 2012).
continuously changing situations. This model
minimizes the problem of overtime by continuously 3. Problem Statement
monitoring the performance of team members and The agile methodology is an optimum idea to
thus increasing customer's satisfaction. The limitation implement a product. The Scrum methodology is one
of this model is that it is proposed for an environment of the popular methodologies used in organizations.
where workers are not permanent (Harsimarjeet et al., But the main problem in the Scrum is the team size.
2011). The Scrum team is usually between 7-9 members and
Nishijima (2013), presents the applicability of most organizations want to create big projects and
agile methodology specially Scrum in traditional need a larger team. However, in a single project large
development environment. The main problem is size team may have many issues. This paper attempts
cultural resistance to change within organization. to address the problem of fixing the issues in setting
This work encourages using agile methodology rather up large size team using Scrum.
than the traditional, but the success will depend on
condition of cultural change and strategy within 4. The Proposed Solution
organization. The limitation of this work is that the A. Overview of Scrum
client must be committed to the project, has The Scrum is an agile methodology to produce a
necessary knowledge and be available to answer high quality product in short time. There are two
questions when needed (Nishijima, 2013). important concepts in Scrum; the product backlog
According to Farid et al. (2013), the agile and sprint. The product backlog represents the set of
project management methodology has not adequately requirements for the product and sprint represents an
addressed planning but prioritized activities and
Life Science Journal 2014;11(8)
iteration in which a set of activities must be done of 30 people. We divide the team into 3 teams each
(Mundra et al., 2013). having 10 people.
B. Overview of Scrum Considering that all these groups will be
There are three core roles in Scrum: PO, SM, working on the same product, there may arise some
and the ST. PO is a key stakeholder of the project and problems, for example:
is responsible to visualize and prioritize the features Duplication of work (two teams may
list for the product The SM ensures that the Scrum implement the same part of the scope).
process is going as agreed, and prevent any Communication failure.
impediments that can be faced by the teams e.g. Integration of different parts of a product
communication, dependencies etc. The ST is developed by different teams.
responsible for the delivering the product at the end Dependencies between tasks of different
of sprint. teams.
C. Large Size Team The technique that is used to solve these
A typical Scrum team has 7 members plus or problems is Scrum of Scrums meeting (Paasivaara,
minus 2. Software development projects usually are 2012).
big projects and therefore require a bigger group A. Scrum of Scrums Meeting
effort. According to Scrum, large projects need large Scrum of Scrums meetings can be consistent
team to achieve the goal in short time. But large size through an even higher level meeting called a Scrum
team in Scrum has some issues. of Scrum of Scrums. The Scrum of Scrums meeting
Holding a daily meeting with a large size is an important technique in scaling Scrum to large
team comprising of 100 people, for example, is project teams. These meetings allow groups of teams
impractical. to discuss their work, focusing on areas of overlap
Planning and control gets too complicated and integration.
with large size team.
Performance of large size team is difficult to
It is difficult for a single PO to prioritize and
sanitize a large product backlog and be ready on time
for the sprint planning meetings.
5. Scrum of Scrums
The solution for large size team of Scrum and
its issues is the “Scrum of Scrums”. In Scrum of
Scrums the Scrum team is divided into smaller teams,
which are organized hierarchically into a Scrum of
Life Science Journal 2014;11(8)
project. For example, early in a project, the issues Team structure limitation: We may divide
that are raised at the Scrum of Scrums meeting may and organize teams into three levels: upper level,
focus on technical issues or user experience design. middle level and lower level. This structure may
Teams must send a person strong in one of these work in some project but may not work in others. It
areas. Later, if the issues are raised around how to may be more effective to divide teams on the basis of
collaborate on testing, the tester must be the person project features.
chosen for the meeting (Paasivaara, 2012). Cross-team interaction limitation: The
B. Difference between Daily Scrum Meeting proposed methodology lacks in effective mechanisms
and Scrum of Scrums Meeting to deal with situations when there are multiple
The daily Scrum meeting is not used as a product owners or Scrum masters. A particular case
problem-solving or issue resolution meeting. Issues of this situation is when some members are working
that are raised are usually dealt with by the relevant in multiple teams.
subgroup immediately after the meeting. In the daily
Scrum meeting, each member must answer these 6. Validation
three questions: First of all, we established main goals to
What did you do yesterday and today? validate our proposed approach. These goals are as
What will you do today? under.
Is there any impediment in your way? Goal 1: Optimize communication between
In Scrum of Scrums meeting one person, teams in Scrum of Scrums.
representing his or her entire team, is asked following Goal 2: Make the system work after integrating
four questions: all parts.
What has your team done since we last met? Goal 3: Reduce the dependencies between the
What will your team do before we meet parts of system.
again? Goal 4: Prevent the duplication of work.
Is anything slowing the team down or For each goal, a set of meaningful questions was
getting in their way? developed that characterized it. Altogether, a
Are you about to put something in another questionnaire consisting of 20 questions was
team’s way? distributed among IT professionals. The results were
C. Frequency for Scrum of Scrums meeting gathered, analysed and scaled using Likert scale
The frequency for Scrum of Scrums meetings (Table 1).
should be determined by the team, depending on the
Table 1. Likert scale
complexity and size of project. To make frequency of
Very low Low Nominal High Very high
Scrum meetings easier to understand, let us assume 1 2 3 4 5
that we have a project with 20 teams each having 5
people. These teams have to be grouped based on Following sections describe, in detail, the
some criteria. Let say there are 4 groups of 5 teams. findings of this survey.
Now we have 20 daily Scrum meetings, 4 daily A. Cumulative Analysis of Responses to
Scrum group meetings and 1 daily Scrum project Questions for Goal 1
meeting. Since the whole project will be divided
among 20 teams, so each team will be working on Table 2. Participants’ response to individual questions for
some features of different components of the project. goal 1
After each team finishes its work, we may face the Cumulative response to questions (%)
problem of integration and configuration #
low nominal high
management. Another consideration in such low high
scenarios is testing of integrated components as a 1 20.0 32.5 37.5 10.0 0.0
system. The components may work fine when 2 0.0 0.0 32.5 50.0 17.5
executed standalone, but may not yield when 3 0.0 2.5 10.0 35.0 52.5
integrated with other components in the whole 4 0.0 2.5 7.5 40.0 50.0
5 2.5 2.5 7.5 37.5 50.0
Total 22.5 40.0 95.5 172.0 170
Scrum of Scrums is a generic model that can be
Average 4.5 8.0 19.0 34.5 34.0
applied to any project, program and portfolio,
depending upon the need of the organization;
The table 2 presents participants’ response to
however, the proposed solution has few limitations
individual questions for goal 1. We found that 34%
with respect to team structure and cross-team
of the participants responded as very high and 34.5%
responded high, whereas for only 8% the chances of
Life Science Journal 2014;11(8)
Life Science Journal 2014;11(8)
Goal 4
Very high High Normal Low Very low
9.5% 36.4%
13% 32.5%
Figure 7. Cumulative response to our questions for all
However, the proposed solution has few
limitations with respect to team structure and cross-
team interaction. We plan to address these limitations
Figure 6. Average response to questions for goal 4
in our future work.
7. Conclusion And Future Work
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