Biography of Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Sahab Hyderabad
Biography of Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Sahab Hyderabad
Biography of Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Sahab Hyderabad
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Published by
Is there any relation between the Madina desert and the gardens?
So, with the air of Madina, it is envious of the garden of paradise.
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
i.Preface……………..… ………………………….…… …. 06
1. Brief family deatails……………………………………… 22
2. Biography of Hazrat Khaja Mohib Ullah Sahib Hyderabad .14
3. The details of his ancestors………,,,,,,,,,,…………………..21
4. The geneoloigcal branching……………………………,,… 22
5.An event of the pledge of Hazrat Khaja Mohib Ullah Sahib…
6.The contemporary holy persons of deccan…………,.………
7.The childhood period……………………..… ………,,
8. the physical features and dress of Hazrat……………………
9.The art of sufism…………… ……………….…………..36
10. The knowedge of Hazrat…………………………… …..39
11.The calligraphy……………………… ……….…………
are available in a very interesting style so, for this reason, the
readers will find great interest and attention in this matter.
Due to the above facts and details, if the readers will start
treading the first page of the book and will not stop reading till
they will reach this book’s last page as some interesting events
and as well as other great details and endeavors of the holy saint
is added in this book and this holy saint was passed away from
the world many years ago. Even though this is a small book,
but due to its importance, it is so great due to the coverage of
many interesting events and positive information so it is like an
ocean of knowledge and information of the prophet who was
passed away from the world upon doing his great endeavors and
many hard tasks for the teaching and propagation of the Islamic
religion and the work of Islam and which he was done in the
Deccan area so this book is great and it will present the ocean of
knowledge for the guidance of people towards the right path of
To write about this great holy saint of the Deccan area and
his great endeavors is not only it is difficult and but it is a very
hard task. He was the pioneer of the Islamic religion in
Hyderabad and he was not only a great pious personality in the
area of Deccan and he was also a great and well known and as
well as famous follower of the last prophet of Allah so, in brief,
but he was also a great holy saint of Allah of his time in the
Deccan region and in all other parts of India.
For a long time, he was engaged in religious discourses,
sermons, and training of the people and he did also many great
endeavors for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in
the Hyderabad and around Hyderabad region, and also there was
no such personality during his time in the other parts of India.
Hazrat Rafiuddin Qandhari's mausoleum
In the praise of Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Hyderabad
Table of Contents
1. Brief family information…………………………………15
2. Hazrat Khaja Mohib Ullah Sahib of Hyderabad
3. The details of his ancestors............................................... 21
4. The genetic branching…………………………………….
Habib Sahib has seen a wide ground in his dream, and on one
side, there is one room, and on it, there is a folded bamboo
screen on which there is sitting Hazrat Bibi Fatima R.A. When
Habib Sahib was said to salam to her, she was given the reply of
his salam. And she has given him an order to sit there. She told
him that "she came here to listen to the sermon of his son." And
you also listen. " When that person turned, it was seen that there
was one throne on which Hazrat Mohammed Siddiq Mahbub
Allah was sitting, and he was engaged in giving his sermon
there. When he woke up from his dream, he repented of his
wrong thinking. He disclosed his dream to all the people. In
reality, he claims to be a Sadatist.And in this case, I was
mistaken.As a result, he began to respect and honour Hazrat
Mohammed Siddiq Mahboob Allah Sahib from that day
From the court of the prophet and the court of Shaikh Abdul
Quader Jilani, he was granted many titles like Mahboob Allah,
Taj Auliya, Rahmatulla, Barkat Allah, Haibat Allah, and Abdul
Quader Thani, and in this way he was awarded 25 titles in this
matter. And for this reason, the people of his chain used to recite
his titles on a daily basis as a recital, in which many strange
blessings are available there. And each and every name has its
own special conditions in this matter. Among all of the titles
regarding the title Abdul Quader Thani, there is the tradition in
this matter that Hazrat said, "When this title was awarded from
the court of the prophet, then I was much worried about how I
would reach the court of Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani in Baghdad
so that there may not be any harm to him." And now there is the
argument of equality, and so there is prevailed horror upon me
and its description in writing is not possible. " And suddenly, I
saw Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani, R.A., who said, "Kaja Miya,
why are you worried?"
I will say this, I was very happy about this matter, and all my
worries were gone. "
Regarding this event, Hazrat's disciples and caliphs, and other
people, have reported this tradition. And by this event of worry,
there will be two matters brought to light in this respect; one is
that there is a matter of respect. The other is about his total
destruction in reality and that his holy hand is like the holy hand
of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani. And his existence is like the
existence of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani.
Oh, king of the world, how I was destroyed by your love.
They all say your face is like the face of the Shaikh.
Further proof in this matter is available from conditions and
events, which we have presented in their proper place in this
book. The lucky person is such a person, those who have an
edge of the shirt in this matter.
those six brothers' posts and rewards. They were given titles like
Khan Bahadur, arms, buildings, and palanquins.
He inherited not only bravery and courage, but also knowledge
and education.He was a great scholar of Arabic and Persian.
And he was a person of piety and a mystic and God-fearing
person. In a short period of time, he became famous for his
knowledge and excellence, which spread throughout the country
of Deccan. And he was given the title of "Siadat Panaha". In the
old papers he is referred to as Mir Haider Ali Khan Akbar's'
Siadat Panaha '* because among the Panch Bahian (five
brothers) there was one person, and his name was Mir Akbar Ali
Khan. He was well known as Chote Mir Akbar Ali Khan.
He died on Jamad Al Thani, 20 Jamad Al Thani, 1285
Hegira.His grave of the light is available in the tomb of Hazrat
Abdallah Shaheed, near the shrine area of Hazrat Burhana Shah
Sahab in Hyderabad. The grave of Hazrat Abdallah Shaheed is
available on the same platform. There is one tradition that is
famous in the family that if there is a prayer amid the grave of
Hazrat Abdallah Shaheed and his grave, it will be accepted by
His father: After Hazrat's demise, his son Moulana Hafiz Haji
Mir Parvaresh Ali, well known and famous as Hazrat Bada Shah
Hussaini, whose patriotic name was Ba-Shah, became his
Along with Panch Bahien (5 brothers) details, there are available
full details of the achievements of the late Mir Baquer Ali Khan
in the old history books of Rasheed Khani and Gulzar Asifia,
There was one event that happened. One night, he was returning
back to his house after his service work when he found one old
woman sitting on the roadside, and she had requested him to
take a hand mill to her house. As the night was very dark at that
time and there was no street lighting in Hyderabad. She thought
of Hazrat as an ordinary person, and she asked him, "Whether
you can do labour work." And he said, "Oh mother, what is
work?" And she told him to carry this hand mill to her house and
she would pay him such and such money. " He told her, "Well,
he put the handkerchief on his head and on it he kept his hand
mill and went along with that old woman to her house." Upon
entering the house, she asked him to enter her house. She said
that when Hazrat had put the hand mill on, then the woman was
able to see him in the light that her spiritual master was found in
his house, and with much regret and repentance, she fell on her
feet and began weeping. She said there was a pang of great guilt
that had happened to her and she began requesting him to
forgive her for her remorse in this matter. He was forgiven by
the old woman in a cheerful way. "Oh mother, what happens if
he has done one piece of work for her?" he asked.
There are many kinds of events of this type. And if we gather
enough such events, then we will be able to compile a big
volume book on this matter. But for the movement, we will
follow the shortcut method. In the future, if there is time and
help from Allah, then we will try to gather all such events.
In short, his name was associated with the learned, Shaikhs, and
reformers of his time, and his name shone brightly like the sun
of the world.In the land of the Deccan, there was no such person
who did not know about him. And in their hearts, there is such
great honour for him.
He lived in Hijaz (the present name of Saudi Arabia) for a long
period of time, so he was able to speak the Arabic language
fluently, which was in practise there.
He used to give his sermons in the Arabic language at the
meetings of the Arabic natives in Hyderabad. He was used to
presenting to large groups of people in his meetings and
sermons.So in the month of Rabil Awwal, he used to give
sermons for 11 or 12 days. At such meetings, there will be such
a rush of people that the house of Hazrat will not be able to
accommodate all of them.
He was a person of revelation and miracles. There are many
events involving supernatural acts. And among them is one
event of the ceremony on the 11th, Rabbil Thani, which is very
famous and well known in this matter and which is reported by
many people. His daily food was very limited, and generally, he
used to eat food two times daily. But in the month of Rabbil
Thani, it happened that he attended daily to 20 or 22 invitations.
This ceremony will be held on a special basis by the disciples
once a year on a grand basis. So for this reason, if the spiritual
master will not attend, then there will be sadness for the
disciples in this matter. He has attended each and all of the
above places where he has received invitations. It is a matter of
surprise to note the quantity of food he ate at the first party and
the same quantity of food he ate at the last party. It means
everybody thought that Hazrat was able to eat with him only.
From his school, many great learned people left while obtaining
with their lights of knowledge, like Mirza Sardar Baig Sahib,
who was shone after leaving this school, and his name needs no
introduction in this matter.
He has paid special care and attention to the students of the
school. And he used to love them like his sons. And central to
Hyderabad's decoration as a result of his efforts, otherwise this
place of mosques would have been turned into a place for
elephant keeping.
Many of his books, written by him, have been discovered.And
among them, some books were published and some remained
unpublished. For Islamic jurisprudence, Sufism, and recitation
of the Quran, Sama has written many magazines on this matter.
Except for his books in jurisprudence, he has written one
magazine which is very well known and famous among special
and general people, and its title is "Kashaf Khulasa".
For the sake of Hazrat, many misguided people were found on
the way, as per the reference of the book Ghouse Deccan,
compiled by Qari Moulana Shah Tajuddin Quaderi. Due to the
favour of eyes which kindled the light of faith in the hearts of
non-muslims. So Ghulam Rasul (Shambu Persad) accepted
Islam along with his relatives. At present, his grave is attached
to the shed of the tomb of Hazrat. And in the same way, Ghulam
Rasul Kamandan, whose name was Muthiah, accepted the
Islamic faith on his hands along with 300 relatives and friends.
And another person, Sahab Hussain Kamandan, whose name
was Sahabu, accepted Islam on his hands along with his 200
relatives and friends.
Syeda had given her the responsibility to take care of him. So,
when he succeeded after his father, his mother renewed her
pledge on his hands for the sake of felicity.But as a matter of
fact, she was the disciple of her ancestor, Hazrat Mir Shuja
Uddin Sahib.
Before delivery, Hazrat Mir Shuja Uddin came to the house of
his granddaughter to introduce her to the newly born boy. And
upon delivery, he took the coolness of his eyes on his lap and
kissed both of his two eyes. And he was told by his mother that
"Oh my daughter, he will be held at a higher level of dignity."
When Hazrat visits to see his grandson and take him on his lap,
and used to pray for him with much happiness. During his
childhood, he was fed Gulaithi (softened and clotted boiled rice,
etc.) to his beloved grandson.
7. The childhood period
playing they have entered the room of the adopted girl. When
the look of the girl falls on arsenic on a higher place and she told
them that her husband has brought khadi (The stones, popularly
known as khadi, are sourced from Bidar, Karnataka, according
to tradesmen. They are broken into pieces, sometimes as small
as a peanut, in the busy, ancient lanes of Begum Bazar, the
marketplace established by the Qutub Shahis. Merchants, local
and of Rajasthani descent, package the stones in easy) from the
bazaar. So we have to take it from there so that we can eat and
both of them have accepted the suggestion given by the adopted
girl. As the taste of the khadi which was liked by both of them.
As it was placed on the higher place and there was no way reach
of the hands so they put some pillows there and were able to get
arsenic from there. And after that, there was discussion that
there was one piece of thing is there and there are three persons
to share it. So they have taken the thing to give his aunt who was
the mother of Mufti Nawaz Doula for distribution and she was
made into in three pieces and given them while engagement of
his conversation with mother of Hazrat and who was her sister
in law there so she did not take care what the children brought
there for distribution and she did into three pieces and she
herself was given each piece to three of them and the big piece
was given to Hazrat and the smallest piece was given to the
adopted girl.
The three of them have eaten arsenic with much satisfaction.
And then they began busily playing in the house. After that,
Hazrt’s mother, while living some time away, came back to her
house along with her children. After some time, the health
eaten more poison than the other two children, there was an
effect on his health condition.
Hazrat’s father has said that there was always the colour yellow
in his eyeballs, as which is found in the case of eyesight disease,
and that there would be daily three thin stool discharges for him
for this reason. And any eating hot thing that will not match
Hazrat's health condition.these health problems did not continue
for him but were also found among his children. As a result of
the high acidity and complaints of low fever temperature in all
of the children's stomachs, any hot thing becomes unsuitable for
all of them.And in the same way, among the children of his
younger sister were found to have such health problems with
them for this reason.
For the sake of Hazrat, Allah has done the favour of mercy upon
all of them, otherwise in the younger age of eating arsenic in
greater quantity and after that living in a healthy condition,
which could not be understood by the way of wisdom in this
matter. Even though there was the effect of arsenic, it was not
such an effect that is generally found in this matter and against
it. If some other person has eaten poison, God knows what will
happen to him in this matter. Leave the person who does not
accept supernatural acts and say that and defend and give the
argument that it happened by chance only in this matter. But I
will say that it is Hazrat’s usage at the beginning of his life and
that it happened during his childhood period. As with special
explanation, he told him all the details of this matter, and after
Hazrat came back to his residence.
The narrator of the above event said that he used to be present in
the service of Hazrat every day by 4 o'clock in the evening. And
on that day, I was present in his service as per my practice. Then
he told me, by smiling, he said that hear and I told him the
spiritual master told me in this matter. He said that today Bashir
Doula was taking him to show him his mansion. And after that,
in a surprising way, he told me, "What is there that I could not
understand in his conversation?" And upon saying this, he
becomes silent.
It is the practise of the people who used to be a presence in his
service that whatever he says about the people in their absence,
he will say to other people who will be absent in the meeting on
this matter. So when Hazrat left the meeting place, this matter
was said to the people. Then Hazrat Umar was told the event of
today which happened in the morning. And from this event, it is
known that his presence at the party was due to order only. And
even though Hazrat’s each and every movement will be as per
order, As per other events which we are going to copy, from
which there will be clarification on this matter. But from this
event, it is known especially Hazrat’s self-denial, the dignity of
content, and that which was his special colour of Hazrat‘s nature
and habits.
not so many." Now come to me, I will explain to you. And after
this, he explained his issue of ablution and prayer in a brief way.
In response to this dream, Moualana Sahab went into the
presence of Hazrat the next morning. Upon seeing Hazrat, he
toldher that "See Chunnu Miya (Hazrat Syed Shah Umar
Hussaini) is coming with an argument." And upon his coming,
he told him, "Yes, tell me what dream you have seen." And
when Moulana told him about the details of his dream, he was
accepted into the Hanbali school of thought.
From this event, two things will be known: that his order was as
per the court order of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani, R.A.
Secondly, that there was available to him full destruction, which
means each and every order of Hazrat was according to the
order of the court of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani R.A.
Furthermore, presenting before him was akin to presenting
before the Shah of Baghdad.It should be noted that the Shaikh of
the time, Shah of Baghdad, had not previously issued any orders
to Moulana.Yes, it was said by Hazrat, so it has become the
order of the court of the Shah of Baghdad.
10. The Art of Sufism
Hazrat was much interested in the art of Sufism, in which he
was perfect. Hazrat Moulana Hasrat said, "Whenever he used to
present in his service, then at that time he would give a lecture
on the issues of Sufism." And it seems that there was a running
river of knowledge. And he introduced me as Maulavi. And
Hazrat Mahboob Allah used to call him by the title of Maulavi.
And this title was given to Hazrat Hasrat in those times when he
was in his childhood, and due to his calling with this title, there
was such an effect that Moulana was such a Maulavi that his
example was not only found in the city of Hyderabad but as well
all over India. Sometimes he will ask me, "Maulavi, for such an
issue in such and such a book, what is written there?" Then I
will say it is written such and such in that book. So, at that time,
he will explain the issue in detail and introduce new concepts
that you will not find in any book by any author. Due to the
effect of such an explanation by him in this matter, when I read
bigger volumes of the books and when my gaze falls on any
issue, it seems to me that it is not a new issue for me.
11. The knowledge of medicine
to him, but at the time of his death, there were found to be four
sons and one daughter. And among all of them, Hazrat
Mohammed Siddiq Mahbub Allah Sahab, who has become
successful after him.
3. The geological branching
For the information of the readers of this book, we have added
genealogical branching at the end of this chapter. so they can
read about this matter.
Hazrat's mother was the daughter of Hazrat Mir Abdullah
Shaheed and the granddaughter of India's Hazrat Mir
Shujauddin Qubub.
excellence, knowledge, perfection, and fame, which are found in
all corners of the world. All the people of Hyderabad know
Hazrat Mir Shujauddin Qutub Hind well. Due to his credentials
of knowledge and excellence, he has found special status and
position during his period of time.
For the first time in Hyderabad, he established an Islamic school
and a boarding house in which there was continued education.
From his school, many great learned people left while obtaining
with their lights of knowledge, like Mirza Sardar Baig Sahib,
who was shone after leaving this school, and his name needs no
introduction in this matter.
He was waiting to see his miracle. At that time, one person came
there to become his disciple. He accepted his pledge and that
person was presented in his service with one basket in which
there were seven laddus. Hazrat told him, "Mir Sahib, take this
basket and distribute it as such that each and everybody in the
meeting place can get 7 laddus per head." When he heard this
order, he was standing in the meeting place in a surprising
condition. As in the basket, there were a total of 7 laddus, so
how could he distribute 7 laddus to each and everybody? When
Hazrat had seen his condition, he was surprised when he was
told that "Mir Sahib covered the basket with his handkerchief,
then distributed 7 laddus to each and everybody in the meeting
place." He distributed 7 laddus to each and everybody from the
basket. Then there remained seven more.
(Laddu or laddoo (Hindi:), also called avinsh, is a sphere-shaped
sweet originating from the Indian subcontinent. Laddus are
primarily made from flour, fat (ghee/butter/oil), and sugar.
Laddus are often made of gramme flour but can also be made
with semolina. Sometimes ingredients such as chopped nuts
and/or dried raisins are also added. The types of ingredients used
may vary by recipe. Laddus is in the basket.
When he saw in his own eyes the miracle performed by his
spiritual master in this matter, he immediately pledged his
allegiance to the Shaikh of time, Shah Rafi Uddin Qandhari. He
lived in Qandahar for a long period of time, and he benefited
from the company of the Shaikh for a long time. As per the
order of the Shaikh of time, he has come back to Hyderabad.
6. Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Sahab's Forecast
As per the reference from the book Rahbar Tariqat by Syed
Umar Sahab, Hazrat's mother saw a dream when she was
pregnant that one boy was in the cradle and its rope was in the
hand of Hazrat Bibi Fatima and she was moving the cradle with
the help of the rope. When she saw me then, she called me and
gave me a rope from the cradle in my hands, and she told me
that "This boy belongs to us, and by doing service to him for
some days, come to our place."
Upon the order of Hazrat Syeda, I began moving the cradle with
the help of the rope. When she woke up from the dream, she was
told about her dream by her husband, Hazrat Syed Badshah
Hussaini Sahib. Upon hearing the details of the dream, he was
given the prediction of the dream that "There will be born to you
one boy, and the rope of his cradle was given by Hazrat Syeda
into your hands." And we are allotted the service of the boy. So
it happened like above, and Hazrat's blessed birth took place.
Her mother used to give him a lot of respect and honor. When he
would come from outside into the house, then she would stand
and she would say that this is such a boy for whom Hazrat
Syeda had given her the responsibility of taking care of him. As
a result, when he succeeded his father, his mother renewed her
pledge on his hands for the sake of happiness.But as a matter of
fact, she was the disciple of her ancestor, Hazrat Mir Shuja
Uddin Sahib.
His head was big, he was of medium height, and his body was of
average size, not fat or thin. The complexion colour was yellow,
and the big eyes were of the consecutive type. The face of light
was in an ablong shape and had linked eyebrows. And his sight
was very sharp and contiguous with light. And there was
beautiful long hair and a round beard on his head, and when he
dropped in, there was a difference in his beard. And he used
wooden sandals on his feet. Hazrat Moulana Shah Abdul Quader
Sidduiqi Hasrat said that his looks were very far-sighted. If
Hazrat were to be silent, then it would be very difficult for us to
feel the difficulty in which Hazrat was looking. When we think
about his direction of gaze, then we will feel he is looking at that
side. There was such a commanding effect on his face that
nobody could suddenly start the conversation with him. And
usually, disciples could not submit their requests in his presence
for a period of three or four days for this reason. And every day,
they come into his presence and sit respectfully in his meeting
place.Due to his commanding nature, they could not submit their
request in his presence with courage and express their feelings
from the heart. Typically, Hazrat will ask his disciples to speak
about their requests, after which they will either present their
requests in his service or remain silent. Due to helpless
conditions, the disciples used to contact the person who lives in
the presence of Hazrat day and night, but they were also found
in a helpless condition, and they would wait for the occasion of
his attention and favor, not being able to submit the request
directly. In his presence, people of higher authorities will sit in
respect due to his personality position and will feel him as in the
court of the higher king.
It is said that the late Sir Khurshid Jah Bahadur had a fondness
for visiting Hazrat at his house to have the blessing of kissing
his feet. So Nawab Sahib told his cousin brother, Nawab Mufti
Nawaz Doula, whom Hazrat liked very much, and also he told
Hazrat’s father-in-law, Hazrat Shaikan Ahmed Shuttari, who
was a famous holy person of the city of Hyderabad in this matter
and to whom Hazrat also gave respect and honour very much.
He had submitted his request in his service to the above persons,
and Nawab Sahib was confident that Hazrat would not refuse his
request based on the recommendations of all the above holy
persons of Hyderabad city. But Hazrat, by asking for his
forgiveness with all of them, has given him a clear reply that
"He is a rich person and I am a poor person." Whatever I want,
that thing is not with him, and whatever he wants, that thing is
not with me. Then why did he want to visit me? When Nawab
Sahib was found, his attempt was a failure. Then he thought to
visit Hazrat at some other place and kiss his feet at another place
where Hazrat was found. And for this reason, he has asked
where Hazrat usually goes and is found. Then he was able to
know that he usually visited the tomb of his grandfather, Hazrat
Shujauddin Sahab, to recite verse Fataha there. So Nawab Sahib
has kept the information of his visit to Hazrat, and Nawab Sahib
met with Hazrat in the tomb of Hazrat Shujauddin Sahab once.
When he kissed his feet, then due to the companding position of
Hazrat, Nawab Sahib was shivering from head to toe in this
matter, and due to the severity of fear, he could not say even one
word from his tongue in the presence of Hazrat. When Hazrat
saw Nawab Sahib’s condition, he smiled and told him, "No, but
there is one request in this matter: that you please walk from
here to the tomb of Nawab Taig Jung. And which is very close
to here, so perhaps there will be salvation for the dead. " Hazrat
accepted his request and he went to that place. Nawab Sahib said
to him that their convenience was ready for him, but Hazrat told
him that "I have the habit of walking and you can sit in it." And
Hazrat went to the place for a walk, and after that, Nawab Sahib
did not have the courage to say anything to Hazrat. Finally,
Nawab Sahab also went to the tomb by walking along with
Hazrat there. And upon reaching there and putting flowers on
the grave, Nawab Sahib requested to pray for the dead. Then
Hazrat prayed to all the dead people, and he was pointed to one
grave and asked who was buried here. And Nawab Sahib said,
"This is the grave of our one lady servant." And Hazrat told him
that "Among all of them, her position is the best." And after that,
Hazrat came back from there.
He used to wear a very simple dress in his daily life. He was like
General Shaikh to people, and he did not usually wear a gown
and jacket. And he always wore a long shirt on his body and a
cap on his head. And on some special occasions, as per the
Sunnah of the prophet, he wears a turban on his head. At the
beginning of his life, he used to wear the dress of the general
shaikh people. But after the event of 1857 A.D., when some
Delhiites arrived in the Deccan area and the Deccan people
began making fun of their long shirt dresses, And how they
make negative remarks about them as a result of this. Perhaps
Hazrat did not like this method. And he has adopted the same
dress after making some changes to it.In the beginning, there
was much making fun of his dress, but gradually people in
Hyderabad city adopted this custom. And nowadays, this dress
He wears a dress that will be smart and as per his fitness level.
And he will never wear loose garments. And even if he finds the
collar of the shirt open, which he did not like, soon he will ask to
close it.
Hazrat used to like the yellow colour very much. Sometimes he
will ask for the colour of his turban and coverlet in the yellow
color. And for this reason, the covers on his grave are found in
the colour yellow. The Choukhandi (a walled enclosure is called
a Chaukhandi, which is constructed out of respect around the
grave of a revered person.)’s colour in the tomb is found in
yellow. And from events, it is found that he did not adopt yellow
in the likeness of himself, by the revelation that this was known
to him.
9. The Knowledge and Excellence of Hazrat
Hazrat had a reading habit and he was a Quran-Conner and Qari
(reader, one who recites the Qur'an in any of the several
approved styles of recitation). In this art, he has a link with
Hazrat Mir Shujauddin Sahab. He was perfect in his knowledge
of and literature of the Arabic and Persian languages. In the
knowledge of argument, philosophy, astronomy, and all of them,
12. The art of calligraphy
Hazrat was much interested in the art of calligraphy. and which
is known by his writings. There are still some stanzas written by
him. There is some special quality to his pen. There is a special
cuteness in drawing and circles, and one who has some interest
in this art matter can find such details in this matter. In the
running hand of his pen, there is such strange cuteness and
perfection, and he knows very well Salas and Yaqut, which are
Arabic names for calligraphic styles. Some stanzas written by
him are still found in Arabic. He is skilled in the Nastaliq (one
of the main calligraphic hands used to write the Perso-Arabic
script in the Middle East).
He was a student of Mohammed Hussain Sahib 'Haft Qalm' in
this matter.And who was a well-known and famous calligraphist
of that time in Hyderabad?
Fireworks: He was interested in the art of fireworks and soap-
making. So in this art, he has written one magazine, which is
unprinted. And in this art, he was a student of Hazrat
Shamsuddin Faiz.
Hazrat was very interested in reading books and had a soft spot
for them.Hazrat used to be engaged for many hours reading the
books. Hazrat Yahiah said that Hazrat has such a nature and
often when he is busy reading books, he will sit with the help of
the putting of two elbows on the earth and the book will open
before him. So in this matter, we have seen Hazrat in this
posture of reading books for four hours continuously. He was a
user of Huqqa and the Urdu word Huqqa's meaning in English is
hookah. And when he will sit for the reading, then there will be
hookah available for him. And during his reading time, he will
take one or more pulls at the hookah. Then he will be used to
engaging in the reading of the book. The hookah fire will be
diminished away, but Hazrat will not have such information in
this matter. But when he thinks about hookah, then he will take
hookah tubes in his hand and pull at the hookah, and then he will
find its fire finished away. And then he will be used to saying
that "Oh, hookah fire is finished away."
Sometimes he will say to me "Yahiah, prepare the hookah", as
usually I will be present in his service and I know the special
style of filling the hookah which was taught to me by Hazrat.
And so, for this reason, he will ask me about this matter. So I
will obey his order immediately. He will take one or more pulls
at the hookah, then he will be busy again with the reading of the
books, and the hookah fire will be finished away. So, for this
reason, there will be a need to fill the hookah many times. And
sometimes he will read the books while sleeping in bed. In his
reading room, all books are found without binding. The books
that were bound were broken by him because he was reading the
books while asleep, which would make binding difficult for him.
He had a very wide library room, and in spite of this, he had
such a fondness for reading that when he saw a good book, he
would purchase it, and he used to buy two books every month.
Hazrat's disciple, Maulavi Syed Abdul Jabbar Quaderi, who was
Hazrat’s disciple, said that one day Hazrat was taken to Chowk
Bazaar and I was with him. He saw one person who was sitting
there reading one book in his hand. He'd seen that book, and that
person had told me it was very expensive.But he was not asked
to reduce the price and he purchased the book as per his asking
price without bargaining. Then I told him that the person is
going to tell him more about this.He described this book as
peerless and priceless, like a jewel.And no one would like to buy
it from him. But it is not known what difficulty is faced by this
person, so he is selling away the book for this reason.
Upon seeing all the books in his library, it is known that all of
the books were looked at by sight. So it can be said with
certainty that all books have been passed by his look. Moulana
Hasrat said that he was told by his father many times that "I
have not seen all the books in my library, but Khaja Miya has
seen all the books by him." Because Hazrat used to take books
on loan from his brother-in-law. And afterward, he used to
return the books to him upon reading. He used to read books
very fast, and his memory was very strong. So one day he was
brought a lengthy book by his brother-in-law and the book was
Obedience of the parents: Till the death of their son, who was
in charge of all his work. And after the death of his father, his
work was done under the supervision of his mother. As a matter
of fact, he had become an adult and was able to perform the
work. But he used to present the salaries and benefits of his
brothers in the presence of his mother. He will accept whatever
his mother gives him for food, money, and dress and which he
will accept. He will obey her orders and on any matter there will
be no hesitation for him. He always thinks that there will be no
harm from his side by any action toward his mother. His mother
used to take care of him very much. and used to give him much
respect, as we have already mentioned in the previous pages of
this book.
It is said that Hazrat was strict about following the schedule of
timings. During the period of his mother, he used to go to have
food on its timings and if the tablecloth was not ready, he would
leave, thereby not saying anything. Upon leaving the Hazrat, his
mother will be angry with the servants, "Why was there not an
arrangement of tablecloth for him on time?" For the sake of his
mother, he will not find any curry on the tablecloth that is not
good. Then he will finish his food early, but he will not say
anything to the servants that such and such curry is not prepared
well. Due to his early finishing of the food on the dining table,
his mother will be able to know that today he did not like the
food on the dining table. Due to not eating well at Hazrat on
table cloth, his wife will prepare any other dish secretly and
inform him in this matter, so that he will have food for him.And
it will be taken care of in this matter that such information may
not reach his mother so that it may not cause harm to her for this
Treatment with brothers: At the time of the death of his father,
except for Hazrat, all his brothers were young. During the life
period of his father, Hazrat and his sister’s marriage were done.
His sister was married to Hazrat Abdul Quadeer Siddiqui. And
after his father, his mother was the sponsor of the family
members. During the life period of his mother, his younger
brother Hazrat Ahmed Ali Shah’s marriage was done. And the
other two brothers were younger, so their marriages were not
done. After his mother, there were all types of responsibilities
for two younger brothers that fell upon him. And he has fulfilled
his responsibility well in this matter, like an affectionate father.
It is stated that upon the death of the father, even though all of
his brothers were young, Hazrat Makki Miya and Hazrat Umar
were very young at that time. One day, some days after his
father's death, one of the above brothers was slapped or
punished for misbehaving, so that boy went in front of the
mother and complained about Hazrat.As there were a few days
passed after the death of the father, And his mother was shocked
at the death of his father. And her mother called and told him in
a sad way that "Miya, these boys are fatherless and if you beat
them in this way, then what will be good?" And upon saying to
his mother, he was much affected by this matter, and from that
date, he did not touch any of his brothers, nor was he angry with
them for this reason.
His sister had died before him. And at the time of her death,
there were two sons and one daughter left behind. At the time of
his sister's death, his sister gave her final advice about her sons
and daughter to Hazrat, for which Hazrat and his wife took great
care in this matter, and they used to treat the children of his
sister as his own. It is stated by the wife of Hazrat Moulana
Fazal that it has happened many times with the wife of Hazrat,
who called her Peranima, and when asked her how many
children she had. And then she will give the reply that she has
five daughters and two sons. It means she will be used to adding
two sons and one daughter of Hazrat’s sister among her children
in this matter. And her treatment of the daughters-in-law of
Hazrat’s sister was such that she liked her own daughters, so for
this reason, other people could not be able to know that these
were daughters-in-law of Hazrat’s sister or her own daughters.
Hazrat Ashgar Hussaini Chisti, who was the successor of Hazrat
Shams Qamoshi and who was the son-in-law of his sister, said
that upon the death of his mother-in-law, Hazrat’s treatment of
him as such and that there was the behaviour of him as the real
father-in-law with his son-in-law in this matter. He will be
called to his house for many months as a guest. On the occasion
of the festivals of the Eids, their treatment of him will be as per
custom. He used to be concerned about everything, so he had no
idea that his mother-in-law was no longer alive.
He used to be respectful to his in-laws' father and
mother.Regarding his brothers-in-law, Hazrat Ghulam Ghouse
will be good for him, but if you go against him, then there will
be a loss for you. " It is said that Mufti Sahib was much affected
upon hearing the details of the case by Hazrat. Because he
adores and worships the Hazrat.Upon reaching court, Mufti
Sahab was asked for the file and he was passed the order in the
case as per the order of the Hazrat.
His general behaviour was the same and equal to everyone
else's.He used to take care of all the people. He used to treat the
people of the locality as employees, disciples, and devotees, and
with all of them his treatment was kind, and he used to
participate in all occasions of happiness and sadness of all
It is stated by the late Abdul Halim that my real brother Abdul
Azeem once requested Hazrat to add him to his circle of
disciples, but he refused his request. In this helpless state, he had
become a disciple of Hazrat Faizuddin Shah Sahib (his grave is
located within the Fatah Darwaza locality in Hyderabad).And
after some days, Abdul Azeem died. But I did not inform Hazrat
as he was not his disciple. And I have informed his spiritual
master. But Hazrat suddenly came to our house and told me, "As
your brother died, so I came here."
As still, there was no funeral bath given to my brother, so Hazrat
stayed in the Limuwali mosque, which was opposite our house,
and he was given the order for the funeral bath for his brother
Makki Miya. And when the funeral was ready, it was brought to
the mosque for funeral prayer, and by this time, spiritual master
Hazrat Faiazuddin Shah Sahib of the deceased came over there.
And he was asked by Hazrat to lead the funeral prayers in the
mosque. And he went up to some distance with a funeral
Hazrat Qibla says that sometimes when Hazrat used to sit to eat
food and eat bread on the table cloth, if a cat made noise, he
would ask her if she was hungry. Whether you need food, And
then he began making pieces of the bread and giving her pieces
from his side, and till her eating is done, he will be used to
giving her pieces of the bread. And when she starts playing, he
will stop giving the pieces of bread to the cat.
It is stated by Abdulla Khan Jokli that Hazrat’s one servant,
Ibrahim Salar, was a resident of Jokal village. He has many
children with him, but his source of income was meager. So, for
this reason, his family was passing through difficult days. One
time, he came from a village and came to Hyderabad and lived
in the house of Hazrat for a long period of time. And in the
village, his family members were very much surprised by this
matter. One day, one person came from his village and brought
the message to his wife: "We were dying due to hunger and in
the thirsty condition in the village and you do not care about us."
So how many days will you stay there? " When this message
was given to him, he became very angry and he said, "What can
I do?" If they die, let them die. Whether I should be involved in
theft And from where should I get money? " He had reached the
end of his conversation with Hazrat, and he went soon inside the
house. On that day, by chance, there was the money from
Hazrat's salary. He had brought rupees 100 or 50 and given to
that person.
When that person received that amount, then he told Hazrat,
"What he will do with this money." Then he told him to "Take
this amount with you and arrange food and drink for your family
each and everybody, he used to ask about the old lady, but every
person would say that he did not know who she was and where
she was residing. After a long time, by chance, that old woman
was found in the Chowk bazaar with some old goods. He
immediately went to the old woman and asked her whether she
had sold the sword to me. So she was worried whether the sword
she sold to him was not for its value. So the woman thought for
this reason, he wanted to return the sword sold to him. And for
this thought, due to his worry, she told him that I have told you
the price and you have purchased the sword. And now with her,
the amount has been spent. He told her that "Do not worry, your
sword is very good." Then that woman, with worry, said to him,
"It is good, so maybe, and it is best, maybe, but you have
already taken it." Then he consoled the old woman and said to
her that I do not want to return back to you. but I want to tell
you that its price is more than the price you have sold. So take
the difference in the cost price in this matter. You do not have
information, and you did not know its real price. And you have
suffered your loss. When Hazrat was given her money, she was
very happy in this matter. Then, due to her surprise and wonder,
she thought that there were such special people of Allah
available in the world and she began giving him his supplication
on this matter, and then Hazrat went back to his house.
He was a very merciful and kind person by nature, and if
anybody made any kind of mistake, he would forgive them.
It is narrated by Shah Sharafuddin Quaderi. "Once he was going
on the road in the Pathergatti area, and it was his nature that he
used to walk at the side of the road. As per his nature, he was
going by the side of the road. And on his body, he was wearing a
shirt, and there was a cap on his head and small beads in his
hand. And his dress was not clean. By chance, one labourer who
was trailing with a grain bag on his head. By looking at Hazrat’s
style, labour thought him an ordinary person. And he thought of
having a joke with Hazrat. So he then comes close to Hazrat on
the road. So Hazrat went further left on the road. As a result, the
labourer came to close off the Hazrat, and Hazrat came to the
side of the road and began walking on it. And in spite of that,
that person went near Hazrat and he collided with Hazrat with
such force that Hazrat was unable to control himself and his feet
were in a weakened condition. And he collapsed to the ground.
And because there was water on the ground, there was mud on
the ground. dress was full of mud for this reason. And the cap
fell on the other side. He collected his cap and, by cleaning his
dress and by not saying a word, continued his walk. The people
walking on the road and the shop keepers have run to his side
and caught the labour with the intention of beating him. And
somebody was telling him, "Oh fool, what you have thought of
him and have done such a mistake to him." Some other people
told him more phrases of scolding. When Hazrat heard such a
loud cry, he returned back and told the people that "To leave
him, there was no fault of this helpless person who was carrying
the load on his head." And there was my mistake that I had to
walk to the side of the road. Why are you doing this?
You are scolding him instead of me. " But the people told him
that "No, Hazrat, there is mischief done by him and we have
know that he had spent most of the money stolen, and some
small change was still found with the servant boy. When
Hazrat’s second brother, Hazrat Ali Ahmed Shah, was given the
suggestion to hand over the servant boy to the police, and when
Hazrat was able to know about this matter, he became angry and
was given a warning that he should not do this. And if he has
taken some money from you, what will happen to you? But take
from him the remaining amount and release him. And as per
order, the balance amount was taken from the servant boy and
he was released from the house.
It is stated that one old tailor used to come into his service for a
long period of time. And he used to take his own service for the
stitching of his dress.Many times, Hazrat would bring cloth from
the bazaar and give it to him to stitch shirts and pyjamas for
him.He will take the cloth and will bring back his dress as per
his will and pleasure, and he did not ask him that in such and
such cloth, there would be such and such shirts and pyjamas.
And why have you brought such a small number of shirts and
pyjamas? And against it, he will accept whatever number of
shirts and pyjamas the tailor will stitch for him, as per the
tailor’s will and pleasure.
According to Moulana Sharafuddin, Hazrat once brought one
roll of a standard measure of muslin cloth and gave it to the
tailor for the stitching of the long shirt for himself.And the tailor
took that cloth roll and, after stitching, brought three long shirts
for him. And on that day, Makki Miya was also present there.
When the tailor had brought long shirts for him, he asked him,
"How much cloth was given to the tailor." So he told him that
one roll of muslin cloth was given to the tailor. Makki Miya told
him that "in one roll of the cloth there are stitched six long shirts
and but he has brought three long shirts for you." Then Hazrat
told him that "He used to bring two shirts only". His brother told
him to ask him about this matter as he had stolen the cloth. But
Hazrat told him to leave this matter alone and he had already
paid the stitching charges without saying a word to the tailor. He
was taken to work with a tailor who had done the same practice,
but Hazrat never asked him about this matter.
Sometimes, like when that tailor used to bring four long shirts,
he'd ask how these four shirts were, and he'd say that the roll
cloth was bigger.matter of fact, the mill roll of the cloth will be
the same and equal in length and size. And upon hearing this
reply, he will smile and be silent.
Hazrat Qibla said that "For a long period of time, there will be
one barber to our house who is not perfect in his work." But for
him, there was not much favour from Hazrat. His condition was
such that he used to visit the house at any time. And usually he
would visit in the afternoon, so for this reason, his name was
given as Duphari. He was coming for a long period of time, so
he became close to Hazrat. And whenever he comes and asks
Hazrat for barber work, and if Hazrat says no now, he is busy
then, he will say no to Hazrat and say now he will do barber
work for him. Then he will ask for him later and the barber will
say now and Hazrat will say again, come later. Then he will
insist on him and say no, he will do barber work for him. So,
because of his improper insist, the other servants did not like
this. But he will not be angry with him. And he will say to him
why he is disturbing him, and then he will pay attention to him.
For barber work, he will not use a mirror, so for this reason, he
will just sit there. The barber will cut his hair as per his will and
pleasure, and Hazrat will not say anything to him. And when he
says now, barber work is over, then he will stand from there.
When there was a long period of time after the death of Hazrat,
and when there was discussion before him about Hazrat, there
would come tears in his eyes. He said that "Once Hazrat was
given one handkerchief and he kept it in safe custody and
advised his family that it should be kept on his chest upon his
death so that from it there would be salvation for him." Some
people have given the offer to purchase that handkerchief for a
higher amount, but he was refused in this matter and told that
"Due to good luck I got it, so at any cost I will not give it."
He will despise praise, and if anyone does, he will be
offended.His younger brother, Hazrat Umar, after Friday prayer,
explains the exegesis of the Quran for one Rukoo in Makkah
mosque in Hyderabad. And in his sermon, Hazrat was used to
being present there. And sometimes he will sit behind the pulpit
in a hidden way. It will usually happen that when he leaves the
meeting place, then they will find the condition in the meeting
place, and in this way, once he was sitting behind the pulpit in a
hidden way as per his practice. But there was a fallen look from
his brother and so upon him, there prevailed a condition of
ecstasy. During his sermon time, he pointed toward him and he
began praising him that "His peer is such a great person and has
much dignity, and if any person has the look of insight, then he
can see him in this matter." On one hand, his brother began
praising his brother, and on the other hand, Hazrat’s face was
full of anger for this reason, and due to this reason, there was
one colour on his face and another colour was going into this
matter. And in this situation, the sermon ended and the meeting
was finished, and his brother Umar when reached into his
presence to kiss his feet, began angry with him and told him,
"What happened to you today that you began praising me on the
pulpit?" And due to his worrying condition, his brother asked for
his forgiveness. And after this, he told him, "Stop your sermons
here and give sermons in our Alnoor mosque in Qazipura after
Friday prayer." So, for this reason, he continued his sermon in
the Alnoor mosque till his death, and after that, there was a re-
started sermon of his brother Hazrat Umar in Makkah mosque in
Hate from pride and self-esteem: He will dislike any work in
which he finds pride and self-esteem.People who value their
dignity and self-esteem, and from whom Hazrat used to keep
away and refrain from meeting with them.
It is stated that the Urs (annual death ceremony) of his father
used to be celebrated in the beginning period as per the custom
of the time. And there will be distributed invitation cards;
friends and relatives will be invited to the function. One time,
they came to see Maulavi Sahib, who was a childhood friend of
the Hazrat. The tablecloth was ready and he took all the people
to have meals there. It was his habit that he did not like to keep
people at the gate for the arrangement of the function and to
allow people to control the sending of guests inside by checking
them. And he was always forbidden from engaging in such an
So for this reason, the poor will come there and stay at the gate
for the waiting of the Hazrat, so that he should come there and
allow them to go to the place of table cloth in a convenient way.
Hazrat said that "He is the successor of his father and so now he
could not become the successor of any other person." But if you
want such a thing, then transfer grants in the name of Hazrat
Ahmed Ali Shah (Manjle Miya) as he is going to become a son-
in-law of Mufti Sahib and is in need of money". It is noted that
at that time, there was an engagement ceremony of Hazrat
Ahmed Ali Shah with the daughter of the late Hazrat Mufti
Nawaz Doula, and Hazrat had less income. And there was pomp
and a show of richness with Mufti Sahib’s family. Finally, it
happened that, as per the order of Hazrat, there was a transfer of
salary in the name of Hazrat Ahmed Ali Shah. and which is still
found in his family. God bless those who make grant
applications for themselves and their children and bring various
types of recommendations in this regard. that they can get
grants. But there was the condition of Hazrat that if any person
offered him by his will and pleasure to him, then he would not
accept it.
For money and property also, there was such thinking by Hazrat.
And Hazrat Qibla said, "One servant of Hazrat has died, who
belonged to the royal family." And who was a rich person? And
after his death, the things of the deceased with a list were sent to
him, as there was a system in the olden days in Hyderabad that
upon the death of the disciple, all necessary things which had
been in use by the deceased during his life period were sent to
his spiritual master for reward, and the spiritual master with
these things used to help needy people. With these things, there
was assistance for many girls whose parents were poor and
helpless, or there was no guardian for them, and marriage
arrangements were made for them.In short, it was thought the
best form of reward in those days.
"For about any custom and habit are good and bad if you do not
know from Shariah law, so do not interfere in it and do not give
the order or refuse it unless and until you know."
It is said the ceremony of reciting "Bismilla Arrahman
Nirrahim", which Hazrat did not like, And in the same way, at
the time of the garlanding ceremony of the flowers on the graves
and to recite salam (blessing) and stand with all the people on
this occasion, Hazrat did not like it very much.
He used to say many times that after the meeting held to
celebrate the Holy Prophet's nativity, there is desirable salam
and stay in this matter. And for the remaining occasions, for
each and every time to stand of all people for the recitation of
salam, for which there is no proof available in this matter. There
will be sent salam to the prophet in the Tashahhud (Arabic:,
meaning "testimony [of faith]")), also known as at-Tahiyyat
(Arabic:, meaning "greetings")), is the portion of the Muslim
service where the person kneels or sits on the ground facing
the qibla, glorifies God, and greets the messenger and the
righteous people of God, followed by the two testimonials. The
recitation is usually followed by an invocation of the blessings
and peace upon the prophet known as Salawat. In this matter,
salam to the prophet will be used in Darud as well.So this
practise is among the useless customs. So some holy people,
especially Hazrat Qutub of India Shujauddin Sahib during the
Urs ceremony, used to sit at the time of the sandal ceremony and
garland flowers on the graves. And he did not stand at that time.
At the beginning of the Urs (annual death anniversary) of his
father, he stopped the ceremony of sandal for the above reason,
and the reason that this has happened in this matter is that he
once saw that one person after the sandal ceremony went from
the meeting place and he washed his hands of sandal after the
sandal ceremony. And for this reason, he was angry with him
and told him, "The sandal which is pasted on the holy person’s
grave and such hands with sandal are washed due to disgust, and
this act is very disrespectful and insolent in this matter."
Despite the fact that he did not always agree with un-Islamic
Shariah customs in his early years.And as for the above act of
disrespect, which he could not tolerate in this matter, So he
immediately stopped this act. So, on the day of sandal, there will
be a completed recitation of one holy Quran and flower
garlanding in his family.And in the same way, the wreath flower
of the system he does not like.
He was unconcerned in this matter because he was doing the
right thing.When he sees anything improper or when he finds
anything wrong, he will ask people to keep away from such
things. He used to be very conscientious about his manners.So
there was a one-time function in the house of his brother, the
late Mufi Mahbub Nawaz Doula, where they distributed sweets
to the participants of the meetings. And sweets were being
distributed, and first there were keeping papers, and then
there was putting the sweets upon them. Hazrat has seen the
papers which were kept before, which were pamphlets of a
meeting on the Mourning of Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A. and on
which sweets were kept. So, for this reason, Hazrat became very
angry about this matter, and he said that there was disrespect for
the holy papers.
community and friends, and they said many things as per their
thoughts, but he did not take any care in this matter.
Hazrat would occasionally crack a joke.And generally, he will
talk about things of humour with children and old people. But as
a matter of humour also, he will not say anything with his
tongue so that it will never hurt any person's heart or cause pain
to him or say anything that is not in reality.
Hazrat Qibla said that mostly when he sat on a table cloth, then
one old maid would be asked to sit in front of him with her.
Hazrat used to talk with a lot of laughter, so he could eat many
meals there, and that old lady was used to eating opium. In the
presence of Hazrat on a table cloth, women would say to him
stories from here and there to entertain him, and Hazrat used to
listen to her conversation with a smile. And sometimes he will
tell us to listen to one story, and then he will tell us the story of
one opium-addicted
person and see that lady many times in this matter by smiling
Hazrat Qibla (Hazrat’s father) said that "Once he went to the
house of his servant Mohammed Sahib, who was the seller of
timber. When he was coming out of the house, he found Jafer
Miya Majzub (a dauntless person who was a great holy person
of Hyderabad) in revelation and miracles and from him, many
people of the city are well known. And he was stood there on his
one leg and the other leg was not on the earth and it was his
habit and he used to pass the way in this method for many hours.
Hazrat by smiling asked him "Whether Jafer Sahib, you have to
warm the eggs." Then he told him "No Miya, he will be taking
out the kids."
And Hazrat Sharafuddin said one more event like above, that
Jafer Sahib Majzub, who was inside of Alnoor mosque on his
one leg, was asked by Hazrat the same question, "Whether Jafer
Sahib, do you have to warm the eggs?" Then he said that by
touching his head with hands and by lowering his gaze, and with
politeness, he said, "No Miya, he will be taking out the kids."
One time, Moulana Hasrat and Hazrat Moulana Fazal and his
brother, the late Abdul Shaker, were eating together with Hazrat
on the table cloth. And Abdul Shaker was an opium-eater. And
Hazrat, by smiling, told us that Abdul Shaker is on the table
cloth but there is no sweet dish. And there was a knock on the
door, and it is said that there was a dish from someone, which
contained a sweet dish.Then Hazrat said, "This is for Abdul
Shaker to eat."
The hobby of the animal: He has the hobby of the animal with
him. Among the animals, two pairs of pigeons, he has
some time with him. But for them, there was no restriction to
living or not living and having the freedom to live or go any
place and come at any time. because he did not like to keep
animals in cages in prison conditions. And he used to prohibit
others from keeping animals in prison. He also prohibits the
games of fighting and flying pigeons. And if he is involved in
such an activity, then he will be angry with him.
Sometimes he has a small kind of horse with him, which is
called Yabo. He did not ride on them, but when he finds a good
animal, he will use them to purchase the animal. One time, he
purchased two small horses and kept them in the house by tying
them there. Among his servants was one Haji Abdulla Siddiq,
who was a fruit businessman, but his shop of fruits could not
flourish. One day, he came to kiss the feet of the Hazrat at his
house. He had told him to take one small horse, so he said,
"What will he do with a small horse?" Then Hazrat told him,
"To have one small horse with him."
It is said that from the date of the giving of a small horse to him,
there started the flourishing of his business such that it reached
many lakhs. And among his colleagues, he was seen with much
respect for this reason.
And the same kihorse, horse which is called
YabHazrat,Hazrat was given to his servant,ervant
SDawood,Dawood who was living in the village in ordinary
conditions. And this rd washad the done strange effect of usage
that from thaonward,onward there was much progress for him in
the village and he was seen there with much respect and honor.
The Hazrat's journey and tour
The details of his tour and travels are not available, but we got
information which we are submitting herewith for the readers'
1. His first journey for the Hajj pilgrimage was made in the
year 1279–1280. Heigra along with his parents, and at that
time, his age was approximately 17 years old. And during
this trip to
His younger brother, Syed Mahmood Makki, was born in
Makkah. So, for this reason, his pen name is Makki Miya. And
generally, he is called by this name. Upon the death of his
father, under the supervision of Hazrat, he completed his
education and training, and he became perfect in the knowledge
of manifest and innermost. For this reason, he was shining like
the bright sun on the land of the Deccan. For this reason, each
and every person knew him very well in this matter. So, for this
reason, his name is not required for further introduction.
Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Sahib visited Makkah and Madina
during his next travel and tourism after the death of his father,
along with his mother and other family members. And at that
time, there were with him his wife, his sister, and his brother-in-
law, Hazrat Abdul Quader Siddiqui, were found during this
journey. Hazrat Abdul Quader Siddiqui, who was a younger
brother of Hazrat Abdul Quader Siddiqui, said, "From his
younger age I was under the sponsorship of my brother, who
brought me up, so for this reason I was accompanied by my
brother, Hazrat Abdul Quader Siddiqui, during this journey." He
said that during this journey period there were such conditions
that it was difficult to write. There were strange and peculiar
conditions on the journey in each and every place. In this regard,
both ship travel and camel travel were strange, strange, and
wonderful.Throughout the journey, special meetings of Hazrat's
sermons and advice were held at various locations.There will be
Zahra Bi, who was brought up by him and who was small at the
time of the visit by Madina, She said that when Hazrat’s wife
asked me to call somebody. So I left to call from our residence
in Madina.In Madina, there is one small lane known as Jinns'
lane, and on its wall, there are fixed nails of antidots to repel the
Jinns. But I was unaware of such a thing at that time. And I was
passed in that lane, but due to the call of nature and my youth, I
passed urine there. there were no walkers in the lane. And still, I
could not pass urine then. At that time, I saw one person in a
white dress who passed by my side and collided with me. He hit
me on the head and I told him that "While going, you collided
with me and hit my head, so stay there and I will tell my Hazrat
in this matter." And after that, I went to call that person and told
him all the details of the event in this matter. And that person,
who was aware of the details of that place, asked her from which
lane she had passed in the city. And after I showed him a
shortcut down the lane, that person fell silent.Upon reaching the
house, that person told the wife of Hazrat not to allow me to
pass from that lane, otherwise there would be a danger to the life
of the girl. And she said that upon this, Hazrat’s wife was angry
with me and asked me to take care of this matter. And from this
event, it is known that if there was another person instead of that
girl, what would happen to him? As there was an effect on
Hazrat, nothing happened due to the act of the Jinn on the girl of
Hazrat. So it is clear that there was the first reward from the
court of the last prophet of Allah to Hazrat and then there was a
second reward and position from Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader
Jilani R.A.
Hazrat’s servants used to reside in Jokal village, which is in the
estate area of Raja Rayan and which is ahead of Shamsabad.
friends, one person said that "He is the Hazrat of people who sit
on the mat." And he does not belong to us. " Upon hearing this
remark, I scolded my friend that there should not be disrespect
to holy people. But we were away from Hazrat, so he could not
hear our discussion, and also, Hazrat could not see us well from
a faraway place. Then Hazrat went to the host’s house, and we
also engaged in our activities there. After some time, the host
called all of us to come into the house as the tablecloth was
ready there. We all stood up from there and went to the house of
the host, where we saw Hazrat, who was sitting on the table
cloth. It is a matter of chance that I have got a place on the table
cloth on the opposite side of the Hazrat. Upon our sitting on the
table cloth, Hazrat began putting some rice on my plate, and he
also put some rice on the plates of my friends there. When we
began eating, there was a good condition of intoxication upon
us. When we stand from the table cloth upon eating food, then at
that time we feel that we did not have intoxication upon us. As a
matter of fact, we have used things of intoxication there in good
quantity. Then I began saying with my friends that "Hazrat
seemed to be a great holy person." "See that by giving some
food he was taken back to our intoxication in this matter". And
we have regretted our misbehavior. So afterward, there was
increased devotion to Hazrat and it was increasing day by day.
As such, I have become his slave in his devotion, and Hazrat
rewarded me with his slavery in this matter.
On another occasion, Hazrat went to Jokal village along with
their brother and his son. Hazrat Abdulla Khan, who is the
servant of Hazrat, said that "Hazrat was sitting on the platform
in the morning time." And all the servants were present there
and he was using a hookah there. He was looking at the eastern
that many thousand visitors will come there on a daily basis and
sacrifice animals and arrange cooking there, so, for this reason,
there will be a lot of garbage there. And everywhere there will
be gathered bones, wood pieces, ashes, onion leaves, and rice
granules which are accumulated in piles, but when the gathering
of the people is finished, and the next morning, the jungle area
will be seen in a clean condition in every place, and it will be
seen that there was cleanliness all over the place of the
jungle.matter of fact, there are no sweepers or servants in the
shrine area. God knows in this matter, and it is well known that
tigers will come into the jungle area and engage in the work of
cleaning and lifting garbage from the jungle.
The condition of Allah's special people, like their state, is
beyond our comprehension.In short, by reaching Hazrat there
was the time of sunset, and so by sitting there, much time had
passed away. And so, for this reason, there was much darkness
in the jungle area. There was a lot of silence in the jungle as all
the people had already left there. At that time, there were present
only Hazrat and his son, as well as his servants. Hazrat’s
younger son, who is the father of the compiler of this book, said
that "At that time I was very young in age and already I had
heard that in the night a tiger would visit the shrine area of
Hazrat Jehangir Peeran." So for this reason, by the passing of the
night, I was in such a worrying condition that I used to ask
Hazrat to leave the place many times as night was passing. But
Hazrat used to ask me to be silent by sign in this matter, and he
was used to engaging in mediation by the closing of his eyes.
When there was much time after sunset, and there was increased
darkness in the jungle, And by 8:00 o'clock, I began insisting
upon Hazrat to leave this place. And I have heard that tigers will
come in the night. And there is much fear for me in this matter.
Hazrat was angry and told me, "Why are you afraid of this
matter whether we are not here?" Who told you that tigers would
come here? " Then Hazrat was engaged there in his recital and
after some time, I again began asking him to leave the place.
Then Hazrat by saying what trouble was being caused by the
boy, and when Hazrat stood and recited Fataha, I asked to see
"What is there in the cover of the grave."
Hazrat's servants noticed that there was only one fry pan with
food and hot Biryani (an Indian dish made with highly seasoned
rice and meat).and it was seen that it was just taken from the
cauldron. He said, "Take it as there was the arrangement of our
meals from Hazrat Jehangir Peeran."So all of the people who
were surprised that it was nighttime and all of the people had
already left had left a long time ago.And from where does the
Biryani dish come there? And who brought it? And how hot is
it? But this puzzle could not be solved.
Hazrat, upon leaving the tomb area, we went to another village
and he stayed that night there. And in the early morning, he
arrived in Jokal village. Abdulla Khan said that "he was an
employee in the police commissioner's office, so I was not
present in Jokal village." Upon hearing the news of Hazrat
leaving the village, I came to Jokal village the next day". And I
knew that Hazrat went to the shrine of Hazrat Jehangir Peeran. I
stayed in my village and prepared breakfast before going to
serve Hazrat in another village; while I was near that village,
Hazrat informed the people in his travel group that Abdula Khan
was on his way with breakfast for all of them.The people in his
company asked him where he was. He told them that "He would
come soon and after some time, he came there and Hazrat stayed
for some time on the way and had breakfast. After that, he
continued his journey to Jokal village."
Then go to the gardens.
It was his habit that he used to visit gardens outside of the city
and would stay there for a period of one week with family
members and return back to his house. During this journey or
travel for amusement, he may have the thought that men used to
visit outside but women do not have the opportunity to do so.So,
for this reason, their health condition will suffer in this matter.
She was the woman who grew up in the house of the Hazrat and
said that the Hazrat used to go to Phadi Sharif mostly and would
stay in the house of Mama Ramzani, where now there is a
government school. He would stay there for one week, and then
he would come back to his house. During the stay period at the
place, the preparation of the Biryani will be the responsibility of
fellow disciples instead of women. so that they can have the
opportunity to walk and travel for amusement at that place.
a light in the sky many times. On the second day, when Hazrat’s
brother came back to the house, I also came along with them.
Then Hazrat asked me, "Have you seen any clouds in the sky in
the last night?" And I told him details about the sky last night
that, in reality, I had seen light in the sky many times.
After that delivery event, Hazrat began standing from a sitting
position suddenly for two to three days. So some people are
worried about this matter, whether the health condition of the
Hazrat is not good. And he said, "No, the holy people are
coming to congratulate the birth of the baby boy in the house, so
for their respect, I am staying in this matter."
The efforts
Mystic exercise and following of the order: Hazrat’s each and
every action will be as per the order. So Hazrat Qibla said,
"Sometimes at the time of eating meals, he used to take a loaf of
the meal but he would put it down on the table cloth." But
Hazrat did not say that he was given an order not to have meals,
so he used to excuse that he did not like curry or rice. And
usually, Hazrat did not have meals for a period of eight days.
And when there will be news of Hazrat's not having meals, his
mother-in-law and his brothers will send dishes of food items for
him. He will not, however, touch any of their food dishes.And
there will be given order. Then he used to eat whatever available
food items were in the house by praising such food. Or
whereabouts. And in this way, one week passed away, and after
that, Hazrat himself came back to the house on the eight-day.
And his brother Makki Miya asked him "Where is he gone"?
Then Hazrat, smiling, told him that "He was in the shrine of
Hazrat Badepa for a period of eight days." This place was in the
thick forest area, and in the surrounding and on all sides, there
was no human habitation at that time. And at present, due to
regiment office, there are many populations in this area. His
brother told him that "he was also present there". So Hazrat told
him that "When you came there, at that time I was present there,
but you could not see him at that time". Then he asked, "What
food do you have there?" So Hazrat told him that "He used to
take Chana (Chana is called Chickpea in English) roasted on an
open fire, etc. from local sellers and eat there."
It is stated that Hazrat has completed Chilla (Chilla (Persian and
Arabic: both literally "forty") is a spiritual practise of penance
and solitude in Sufism, known mostly in Indian and Persian
traditions.... The word chilla is derived from the Persian word
chehel, meaning "forty". Chilla is commonly performed in a
solitary cell called a chilla-khana.) For 11 days, in Baba Sahib's
special mystical location,It is to be noted that at that time there
was no population like this time and there was much forest in
the olden days in the Phadi Sharif area. There is still a
population area, but the mystical place of worship of Baba Sahib
is far away from the locality, and reaching that place by each
and every person will cause him much difficulty and trouble.
Hazrat Qibla said that "Once Hazrat went out for a period of 8
days, all people were worried about this matter and began
searching for him here and there but could not find him in all
places." So our mother told one servant boy, whose name was
Dilawar, to go and visit Phadi Sharif and search for Hazrat there
as he used to go there and stay there, and she told him to go and
search for him there and she would give him a reward in this
matter. " The boy went there due to order as well as the interest
of reward. He searched everywhere well and he asked many
people about this matter, but he could not find Hazrat in the
Phadi Sharif area. At last, in his helpless condition, he has
visited the tomb of Baba Sharfuddin Sahib and, after reciting
Fatah there, he has requested from Baba Sahib that "If his
Hazrat is found there, then he will arrange his offering there."
And when he returned back then, he found Hazrat in the house.
Then he was much happier in this matter. Then Hazrat told the
boy something which I could not remember. But I know its
meaning is that he came back for the reason that the boy asked
for. Perhaps due to the boy’s request, Hazrat Baba Sharafuddin
instructed him to return back to his house to fulfil the boy's wish
in this matter.
Abdulla Khan, a resident of Jokal village, stated that he works
for the police department and that his duty station is in
Tagari.There was a severe winter season there, and there was
much cold. I left the police station thinking that there was hot
water available in Chowk mosque in Hyderabad, near
Charminar area, for ablution, so I went there for this reason. On
the way, I saw Hazrat coming from the other side wearing a thin
long shirt, and there was a cap on his head and a handkerchief
on his shoulder. And when I saw Hazrat coming from there, I
stopped on the way. And I was thinking in such a winter season
Suddenly, he looked to the side of the sky and said, "See, snow
crystal particles are falling," with his hand pointing toward the
Qutub (Pole) side.Hazrat Miya Makki said upon his sign, there
was a start to the falling of snow crystal particles from the sky
side. And there was a falling of the snow crystal particles with
such force that clay roof tiles of the houses were broken, animals
died, big trees fell, and there was much damage to many things.
There was heaps of snow on the way, and for this reason, there
was no movement of the carriages. And the next day, for clear
snow, there were camel carts on the roads. And the snow was
removed by removing the spades, and by that time he was
walking around the mosque in a nervous and worried state.some
time, Hazrat will embrace the pillars of the mosque, and
sometimes he will touch the walls of the mosque. And by
looking at him there, you will find much worry and unease for
this reason. All people were worried and surprised that Hazrat
was in such a condition. And why is he in such a worrying
condition? After some time, Hazrat went into the courtyard of
the mosque, and upon seeing Hazrat going into the courtyard
area, his brother Makki Miya said that he also went into the
courtyard area. There were falling snow crystal particles all over
the place, but around Hazrat there was no falling, and for the
sake of Hazrat, there was also no falling upon me.
At that time, he was looking at the sky with tears in his eyes, and
he said, "I do have to drink water as per your order." Now there
is your willingness and you can do whatever you like. " After
some time of saying this, there was a stoppage in the fall of
snow crystal particles from the sky, and Hazrat came to the
mosque from the courtyard. Upon this saying, the falling of
snow stopped. Crystal particles were stopped. And after this, he
came back to the house. Then at that time, he said that he was
feeling cold and to put some coverlets upon him, so they put
upon him four blankets and four people began pressing him, but
in spite of that, Hazrat was jumping on the bed by the height of
four fingers. And there was such severity of cold upon him and
that for a period of one hour and after that there was available
peace to him, so then he left the bed and he said that "There was
the majesty of Allah in much passion." But thanks to Allah that
there was available mercy from Allah there. "
Regarding the above event, Hazrat Qibla also narrated one
tradition of his uncle, Hazrat Makki Miya. And also Hazrat
Hasrat also narrated this tradition in this matter: "On that day he
was present there and when Hazrat went to the courtyard, I also
went there and, for the sake of Hazrat, I was safe and secure
from the falling of the snow crystal particles."
Hazrat Qibla said that "There was one fellow disciple, Barhana
Sahib, who was a disciple of Hazrat and who obtained one
garden on lease in the locality of the Shaker Ganj in the area of
Khursheed Jah villa. It is to be noted that this garden is still
found in the name of Barhana Sahib in the locality even though
he left this garden a long time ago and he has died. In which he
has planted some fruit trees, as well as in the addition of other
trees, he has planted papaya trees. I was thinking in my heart
that the first fruit of papaya which will be found on the tree will
be presented in the presence of Hazrat, as he used to like papaya
fruit very much among all other fruits. So one time, the papaya
fruit began to come from one tree. And I was thinking in my
mind that after the papaya’s complete growth, it would be given
to Hazrat as a present, but there was still time to pluck it from
the tree. And after that, there was a fall of snow crystal particles
from the sky, and all trees were damaged due to his reason.
There were fallen flowers and fruits in the garden. As such, even
one leaf has not remained on the trees. But in that garden, there
was a live tree in good condition on which was found papaya,
which was kept in the name of Hazrat as at present. There was a
stoppage of snow crystal particles falling, and there was damage
to many hundred people in this matter. Then Hazrat went out of
the house and he visited the local area. He went to each and
every house and was able to know the details of the damage
caused by the people. And then he also visited the garden of
Barhana Sahib, and he visited the whole garden and expressed
his grief for the loss of the garden trees and fruits. Then I
proceeded further and gave that papaya fruit to Hazrat and told
him all the details of this matter, and he smiled and accepted my
gift of papaya in the garden.
God be praised that the fruit which was safe and secure for the
sake of gift to Hazrat fell from the sky, so then the slaves of
Hazrat should have more expectation than this in this matter.
Hazrat's wife was very concerned about this, and her brothers
and disciples began looking for him everywhere.But they could
not find each and every place. And in those days, I struck one
cat with a stick, and it was a very hard strike, so for this reason,
the cat has died. In the house, all the old women told her that "in
the disguise of cats, the Jinns used to wander here and there." So
why did you have a struck cat? It was not the cat, but it may
have been a jinn. and which causes you sleep problems at
nightUpon hearing all these conversations, I was very worried
and afraid about this matter. As the day was passing, I thought
that this was the last time in her life. Hazrat was not in the
house, so I could tell him about this matter. And suddenly,
Hazrat came into the house at that time from outside, and he was
seen toward me, and he said, "There is no need to fear in this
matter." There is nobody who has the power to cause trouble for
our men. " As a matter of fact, nobody told him and did not
inform me about the killing of the cat by me in the house. Upon
hearing this saying of Hazrat, all my worries and fears were over
The fascination
Hazrat used to engage in engrossment for hours and in such a
condition, he would not be known in this world for this reason.
So Moulana Sharafuddin Quaderi said, "One day Hazrat was
sleeping on the bed and I was pressing his feet at that time."
Suddenly, by opening his eyes, he woke up and said to me,
"Who are you?" And I told Ghulam, and then he asked, "Who is
Ghulam?" And, as I previously stated, my name is Sharfuddin.
And then Hazrat said, "Who is Sharafuddin?" Then I said,
"Sharafuddin of Sultan Shahi area." And after this, he stood and
saw me carefully, and he said, "Yes Sharafuddin." And then he
slept again. And I have engaged again in the work of pressing
the feet of the Hazrat. And after some time, Hazrat again asked,
"Who are you?" Then I explained to him the details of my name.
And I was in a surprised condition as to why Hazrat was asking
me my name in this way. And again, he asked my name for the
third time. Then I said my name is Hazrat. Then I was able to
know that now Hazrat is thinking of something else in which he
is in an engrossed condition. So I return to the task of pressing
For a period of nine or ten days, whether he had food or not in
this period was not known. For this reason, there may have been
weakness to Hazrat in this matter. When I kissed his feet, Hazrat
told me that "He went to the hill of Baba Sharafuddin but he
could not find the hill area upon my much searching, so I went
to Shamsabad hills to visit the tomb of Hazrat Shahabuddin and
recited Fataha and came from there." Do you think that since I
have not eaten food for 9 or 10 days, there will be weakness in
my body? No, my condition is good and I do not have an
appetite for food. Then he said, "Sharafuddin, now there is no
taste in the food for me. As there is an order for it, I used to have
food by force in this matter. "
Hazrat Qibla once told me, "Yahiah, are you ready to
accompany me?" Then I told him "Yes". He said, "He is going
to the tomb of Hazrat Jamil Shah Data, which is inside the old
bridge where Hazrat used to visit that shrine area." It is to be
noted that Hazrat used to visit all the holy places in the city, but
he used to visit the following four places only.
1. Hazrat Qutubul Hind, Hazrat Shujauddin Sahib.
2. Hazrat Baba Sharafuddin.
3. Hazrat Badapa
4. Data on Hazrt Jamil Shah
And I said "Yes" and was joined by Hazrat. And at that time, I
was six or seven years old. When Hazrat goes outside, he will be
sure to ask me to accompany him. So I have a habit of walking a
lot. On that day, Hazrat left the house, and I accompanied him
by holding his finger as we crossed the old bridge.But Hazrat
moved further and further, and even the call of Maghrib was
heard. And by that time, he was out of the city area and had
reached a nearby village. He stayed for some time and began
seeing here and there as he began seeing that he was waking up
from the dream. He asked one person who was coming their
name of the village, and that person told him that this was
not recognise you". Then that person told him that "he is the
King of the Jinns." Upon hearing this, I was surprised and
wondered a great deal about this matter. And I began thinking,
Oh Allah, where I have come and where I have been involved in
such a problem. When the king saw the fear on my face, he told
me, "You do not worry in this matter." I caused you trouble
because my daughter fell in love with you and wishes to marry
you.And she is requesting you to marry her. " Upon hearing this,
I was very worried about this matter because it is coming upon
him. And I told him that "I am married and have children, and
my wife is in the village." He told him that "There is no
problem; she can live there and his daughter can live in this
palace." I have told him that "I will ask my spiritual master
when there is no reply from me." And if there is permission,
then I will be ready in this matter". He was asked "Who is the
spiritual master?" Then I told him that "His name is Hazrat
Khaja Mohammed Siddiq Mahboob Allah." Then he said, "He is
also his master." You can go happily and ask his permission, and
if there is permission, then it is good in this matter. When he
was leaving from there, the king of Jinns asked where I was
going, and I told him that he was going to see my family
members in the village. He told him, "No, you first go and see
Hazrat and get his reply, then come to see me and then go from
here." He said yes and went in the presence of Hazrat in a state
of worry and wonder. At that time, Hazrat was found waiting for
him at the gate of the house and he was smiling upon seeing me
there. When he heard the whole event, he told him, "Why are
you afraid in this matter? Nobody did harm to you." When I
heard this saying, then there was peace and satisfaction in my
mind. And fear was removed from my mind. And in happy and
pleasure mode, I went to the king and told him that I had the
When that person was asked how did you come here, that person
said, "There was a sudden thinking of Hazrat in my mind, so I
came here." And sometimes Hazrat used to say, "We called him,
so he came here."
Sometimes it happened that Hazrat would be at the gate of the
house and he would be moving here and there and say that such
and such person had not come. And after saying this, that person
will come there after some period of time in the presence of
Hazrat Moulana Sharafuddin said that "One day in the morning
came the thought of going in the presence of Hazrat in his mind
suddenly, and when I reached there he was waiting for me. He
was going into the house at that time, and upon seeing me he
turned toward me." And when I proceeded further and kissed his
feet, then Hazrat said, "Oh who told you that I had called you to
come here, whether it was told by crow or mouse?" God be
"There is such a taste in your talk and so not found in others."
In the same way, there is one more narration told by Moulana
Sharafuddin that "Mammon Abdulla fruit seller told that "One
day after my business dealing when he was going to sleep on the
bed but on that time suddenly there came thought in my mind to
be present in the presence of Hazrat. with such severity that it
was difficult to delay for one minute in this matter. At that time,
it was approximately the time of 12 ’o clock night and I
immediately stood from the bed and put on my clothes and
decided to leave my house, but then at that time, my wife said,
"The night is half passed away and this is not the proper time to
need for your help in this matter." And I have sold the golden
earnings to you. So please provide those earnings to me. "
Finally, this event passed and people forgot about it. On some
days, when women were sitting in the house one afternoon, And
men were nowhere to be found in the house, as they were
engaged in agricultural field work.heard the sound of gunfire
from the outside of the house, and there was a bullet-like thing
on the drawing-room wall. And for this, there was fallen soil
from the wall. So the women were worried that who was firing
the gunshots toward the house was but was unaware of the
situationAt last, they have removed soil from the wall outside of
the house. At the time of sunset, when the males came back into
the house, the women told them all the details of the event. Then
men asked whether there was a bullet in the soil. And it should
have been checked in this matter. So they have told them that
the soil was thrown at such and such a place. When the men
were going to that place outside of the house, they found one
small box which was in the condition of zinc. When that box
was opened with the help of the small box's stone, gold earnings
were discovered in its side.And they searched the house in each
and every place. All the house people were surprised by where
the small box came from and who threw it. But this puzzle was
not solved.
Major Iftikhar Ahmed, Second Commanding Officer, Golconda
Fort, recently lost the golden buttons on his shirt, which was a
theft.And he came in the presence of Hazrat Qibla then, who
told him to sell his buttons to Hazrat if Allah wills, then he will
get your golden buttons. So he sold it. Major Sahib said that one
day he went outside in his car for some work. And on the way,
he noticed that someone had thrown something into the car,
which struck his chest. And startled, I saw then that my golden
shirt buttons were there. and which is why I was surprised in this
matter. Also, wisdom was in the condition of surprise that on the
way, he was thrown and from where the shirt buttons came
And one more event was narrated by Shah Sharaf Uddin
Quaderi. A pair of golden anklets were once stolen from the
cash box of Maulvi Zaheer Ahmed, joint secretary of
finance.And it was searched in the whole house but could not be
found in the house. And due to worry, his wife sent a message to
me and requested that I send some amulet or charm. Then I have
asked her to sell it to our Hazrat if Allah wills. You will get your
lost thing in this way. And then she sold the thing to Hazrat.
Even though it had been a few days since she was taken from
the almirah dress to wear, there were pairs of golden anklets
discovered from the fold of the saree at the time.And all were
surprised at how the anklets came into the fold of the saree. And
who put it there? But all were unable to understand this matter.
In this way, the remaining amount of the estate will be sold to
the Hazrat. And by the favour of Allah, there will be fulfilled
aims in this matter.
The special people are not God, but they are not separate from
The affairs are told to the lovers in the court of Allah. So Allah
will fulfil their desires and wishes, whether they are present or
absent, and they will all find the same favour of kindness.The
Abdallah Khan, resident of Jokal village, said that it was the
month of Rabil Thani and it was the day of Urs (annual death
anniversary) of the father of Hazrat. And on the day of the
completion of the Quran, one servant of Hazrat Totle Abdul
Razzak told Hazrat that "There is dinner in connection with
making an offering in the house of this slave." And so Hazrat is
requested to come to his house and to have dinner there.
He arranged dinner on a small scale, and he wanted to call
Hazrat and some of his special disciples on this matter. But
when he was invited to Hazrat, then by chance, all the other
disciples were also present there.
And Hazrat gave the order to all of us to accompany him. Upon
hearing this, Abdul Razzak was very much worried about this
matter, as there was no such arrangement at the big level. But
when Hazrat sat down, a piece of cloth was spread on the
ground for serving dishes on and meals were thus served in
dishes, and at that time, Hazrat put meals in the dishes by hand,
and all had food to fill their stomachs. And when all had food,
then Hazrat asked to see how many meals were left in the
cauldron. He went to see the level of the food and fell on the feet
of Hazrat and told him, "It is seen Hazrat’s usage in this matter
as meals were there in cauldrons as it is." Hazrat smiled and said
to him, "You were in such a worrying condition."
Hazrat Makki Miya Sahib was also said to have one event like
One time, Hazrat Makki Miya arranged an offering dinner on a
small scale, and he was requested by Hazrat to attend the
function. And at that time, many of his disciples were found in
the presence of Hazrat. Hazrat told all of them that there was an
invitation to all of you at the residence of Mahmood Sahib for an
offering function, and Hazrat used to call Hazrat Makki Miya
Mahmood Sahib. Hazrat Makki Miya said that there was a
thought in my mind that "I have arranged the function at a small
level and he requested Hazrat to grace the function, but Hazrat is
inviting many people there and it may happen that there will be
a shortage of Biryani, so there will be a requirement for
additional supply of the Biryani in this matter, and for this
Hazrat said," Mahmood Miya, you go and spread Dastar Khan
(a piece of cloth spread on the ground for serving dishes on) and
we are coming just now." So there was no need to say anything
in this matter. So he went immediately and, as per order, spread
Daster Khan and brought their meals. And all the servants and
Hazrat arrived and sat on the Daster Khan, and they began
eating meals. But Hazrat was eating fewer meals, and he was
given the order to eat all of the servants' stomachs well. When
all the servants were finished with dinner, they told him God bye
from there. But still, Hazrat was sitting on the Daster Khan.
Then Hazrat was given an order to bring all the ladies, so all of
them were present there. And Hazrat ate with them. And when
all were eaten, then Hazrat was asked to check the position of
the meals in the cauldrons. And it was said that a meal for one
person was still left there. He was asked whether anybody was
left there, and he was told that not all had eaten the meal. Then
"If my disciple’s hiding is open and if he is there in the East and
if I am in the West, then I will cover it."
In this way, his disciples and devotees were able to get his
favour of miracles and the benefits of spiritual powers at all
times and always. And they think of him as a manifest of the
help of Allah, and so, for this reason, they see in his favour
miracles and benefits. So such people are in the neighbourhood
of Quaderi people.
The second kind of Quaderi person is a person who does not
work without order. Each and every work will be as per the
order of Allah. Whether or not that work is known by the
prophet's source, on which the entire Ummah will agree.Or
whether it was known as "per augury" or "order by the heart."
And all these people are nearing the nearness of obligation.
Their reference is the order of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani, R.A.,
and it is obligatory in their minds. There is the order of Hazrat
Ghouse (Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani R.A.) "To become like a
dead person in the hands of Ghasal (undertaker whose work is
restricted to washing the dead corpse). Or like a horse rider
playing polo with a bat or a baby boy in the hands of a nurse."
They will, as per the order of Allah, "Ma yantaq an hawa en hue
la wahi yuha." (He also does not express his desire.)It is nothing
but communication, communicating. They live without intention
and aimlessness, and their actions will be as per "What did you
do to me?".
"I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'Both legal and illegal things are
evident, but in between them there are doubtful (suspicious)
things, and most of the people have no knowledge about them."
So whoever saves himself from these suspicious things saves his
religion and his honor. And whoever indulges in these
suspicious things is like a shepherd who grazes his animals near
the hima (private pasture) of someone else, and at any moment
he is liable to get into it. (O people!) Beware! Every king has a
hima, and Allah's hima on earth are His illegal (forbidden)
things.Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body. If it
becomes good (reformed), the whole body becomes good, but if
it gets spoilt, the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart.
As per the above, Hazrat was instructed to always engage the
heart in the remembrance of Allah. And upon it, there is given
strict instruction with a degree of severity so that it can not
become bad in this matter. And on it, every time after the
burnisher, there will be more light. So for remembrance of heart,
Hazrat said, "This Zikar (remembrance of Allah) is easy and
without any hardship, and it can be done by sitting, sleeping, or
walking wherever you live, and in this condition, which should
not be left." And for this, no work will be a hindrance to it. But
to it, the dangers of thoughts of the heart are a hindrance to it.
When there are other thoughts, then it will be stopped there. And
till there will be the remembrance of Allah then there will be no
other thoughts come in the heart."
And in the same way about its care and protection, Hazrat said
as follows: "There will be a loss of the light of the heart if there
is falsehood, backbiting, jealousy, and useless talking."
leave it. And do not take care about what you say to the people
on this matter. "
About the sayings of the people, Hazrat said that "During this
period there is not found any person who can guide Muslims and
everybody is involved in his own craze. From this it is better to
hear the advice of his spiritual master or friend of Allah."
This saying means, "Do not be concerned about what the people
of the world say without reason in this matter."In this matter, it
is good that in the way of Allah you should follow the guidance
of the master whom you have accepted. And follow his aim and
guidance; otherwise, Satan will guide you in this matter,
destroying your value and bringing it down.This condition will
prevail due to the bad company of the people. So, for this
reason, keep away from this. If you have repented from your
previous actions, you must avoid such bad company.So in this
matter, Hazrat was said in one place.
Its synopsis is that to live in the company of good people is to
And leave all types of bad acts behind and do not live in your
company like a careless person. And that disciple who refuses to
leave his bad old company, he is not in good standing in this
matter.There is a required meeting only in case of necessity.
For more than this, there is no legality. "
Moulana Rumi said in his Persian couplet that "In it, there is his
aim that the seekers of the world do not have other cares except
the seeking of the world." And they will be kept away from the
way of Islamic Shariah law. And for legal and illegal things
believers], never shall you attain to true piety unless you spend
on others out of what you cherish yourselves.
No other thing, not even life, wealth, or belonging, was given to
the followers' edge of the prophet's shirt in the love of Allah and
his prophet in between of it.
and sons, which will not cause hindrance in this matter. Because
this causes reason to turn away from Allah. When one leaves
everything in love and thinks of Allah, then the man gets good
He will find his aim, and upon this there is a dependence on
the completion of the faith. The importance of heart revelation is
emphasised in his teaching, and he was very much advised to his
chain followers.So he was used to giving daily teaching to his
disciples after Maghrib prayer and was used to hearing the
condition of every disciple in this matter.
His teaching had a distinct style that he used to avoid the
mistakes of the disciples and, instead, to encourage disciples in
this matter so that their ambitions were not dashed.Hazrat used
to give instructions to avoid making a show of the deeds strictly.
so that their deeds may not be spoiled. Hazrat did not like
strictly following customs and rites. So in this matter, his word
is there.
"Regarding any custom or habit which is not known by Shariah
as good or bad, one should not interfere in it." Alternatively, do
not give orders to anyone or refuse unless and until you are
certain in this matter.People who follow customs and rites
should not regard them as men and should not avoid them.The
good deed should not be done for a show which is called Riya.
Even some small deed should be done for the pure pleasure of
Allah, and that work will cause for his salvation. "
He used to despise formalities, which we will elaborate on in the
next episode of manners and habits, and Hazrat used to be very
angry about it.So once in the mosque, all servants of Hazrat
were present there, and from the house, Hazrat was brought one
writing and recited to all present, which is as follows:
A copy of the text
Salam al-Sunnah. It is a nice thing about Islam and Islamic law
(Shariah). It is bad to leave it. Its start is Sunnah and it is now
expedient. As Imam Hanbal considered the reply of salam as
expedient, the shaking of the learned person’s hands is better
than that of a Syed (Sadat (Arabic:) is a suffix, which is given to
families believed to be descendants of the Islamic prophet,
Muhammad.) person and a religious person. If two friends shake
hands among them, then it is legal. Shaking of the hands is
called in Arabic "musafa." But kissing and the smell of hands is
a useless thing. Some unwise people kiss their own hands. But it
is legal if there is a learned person, a syed person, parents, a
spiritual master or teacher, then there is no problem. However,
every time I shake hands,
Kissing is not good. To say salam straightly without bending his
back or touching and kissing the feet, which are not required,
and to show respect to anyone by standing straight is not
upon the servants. When Hazrat comes into the meeting place
from his house or goes into his house after the disbanding of the
meeting, And no one will stand for this obedience, because he
was told in one sentence that anyone who acts against his order
is his opposite person.and which rendered them all helpless in
this matter.So each and every person will be in a state of
Moulana Fazal Allah said: This tradition is narrated by Moulana
Hasrat, Moulana Syed Masood, and Moulana Hazrat
Qutubuddin Ahmed as per tradition by Hazrat Makki Miya.
After many days of the above order, there was a sama meeting.
And all were present there as Hazrat was prohibited from kissing
his feet, so all were in a state of uneasiness about this matter. No
one dared to kiss the Hazrat's feet during the meeting.By chance,
the chorister started such an ode that due to this reason, there
prevailed a condition of ecstasy upon all of them in the Sama
meeting. And all were in a condition of uneasiness about this
matter. And all of them wanted to put their heads on the feet of
the Hazrat. But we are in a helpless condition due to the order of
prohibition by Hazrat.At last, Hazrat Syed Umar Sahab could
not control his condition. But he has made his best efforts in this
matter.When the matter reached beyond his control, he ran fast
toward Hazrat and put his head on his feet and began touching
his eyes with the feet of Hazrat. And at that time, Hazrat put his
hand up.
with affection on his head and began moving it there.
And from this, it was known of Hazrat’s affection in this matter.
Because other people were also facing such conditions, and for
this reason, they were in a state of uneasiness. Due to fear and
wool dress. So this dress was thought to be the dress of the holy
people of Allah. And the blessed group is called the Group of
In the definition of Sufism, "The Sufism is such knowledge,
which is manifest by the fondness of worship," he stated in the
book Tafsir Quaderi, chapter Kahaf on page 364 of the Sharah
Qasheria by Zikeria Ansari.It is also known as the condition of
mental purification.It means its sanctification and reconciliation
of manners. It means separating manners from ill-will, desires,
and habits. And make the innermost engage organs
in worship. And be encouraged by the ongoing mediation.So as
to get felicity on a perpetual basis. This is the fruit and purpose
of this knowledge. And its subject is the same: settlement and
purification of mind.
And from the book Kashaf Zanon, it is taken the definition of
Taswuf (Sufim) by Allama Ibn Saderuddin, that the condition of
the stages and status is required to explain and which is not
possible. Because of the terms which are added to the meaning
in the dictionary, they have understood this matter. And such
meaning, which one person finds and which will be away from
his heavy body and even from his personality, Then to use such
words for such a meaning, which is not possible, Then, how will
such words be uttered?Logic from superstition and the unreal
from thoughts, imagination from sense, which is impossible in
this case.In this way, Ayenal Yaqin (the Heart of the Matter)
which can be seen and which could be impossible by 'ilm-ul-
yaqeen' (the knowledge of certainty). So the person who has the
intention and attempts observation and searches for that which
can be found through statement and wisdom.
sister. And who said that it was his special favour to him? And
his treatment of me as just his real father-in-law. It was a habit
that I usually visited Ajamre on the occasion of the annual death
ceremony (urs). And one time, as per habit, there was the
intention of travelling to Ajmare, so before leaving for Ajmare I
went to see Hazrat in his presence and told him that "I am going
to Ajmare to attend the Urs (annual death ceremony) ceremony
there and then he said, "Oh gentleman, your Urs is at the shrine
at the backside of the Makkah mosque." I told him that "It is my
usual practise to visit Ajmare, so as per my habit, I am visiting
Ajmare." Then Hazrat told him that "No, I did not prohibit you
in this matter, but you go there surely, but it should be noted that
when you go there, then convey my salam in the presence of
Khaja Sahab."
From his saying that your Ajamare is in the shrine at the
backside of Makkah mosque, And from this saying, it is
indicated that you will get in favour of Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin
Chisti of Ajmer through the hands of your spiritual master Syed
Mohammed Hashim Hussaini, patronymic name Shah
As there is mention of Ajamre and also there is mention of
Hazrat's salam in the shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti,
at the place we are adding Hazrat's letter, which was written in
the name of his brother Hazrat Syed Omar Sahib, who was
travelling to Ajmare. which is added in the book Rahber Tariqat,
compiled by Hazrat Syed Omar Sahib. For this reason, as the
letter was written by Hazrat in the Persian language, it was not
added to this English version.
Hazrat Qibla said to the people of his chain, "Unless and until
there will be no completion of the mysticism till the visit of the
shrine of Hazrat Rahmatall Quaderi Sahib."
Hazrat Khaja Rahmatulla’s title is Naib Rasul. And he belongs
to a chain of shaikhs. It means he was the spiritual master of
Hazrat Moulana Shah Rafi Uddin Quaderi. And his tomb is in
Rahmatabad in the district of Andhra Pradesh, and Rahmatabad
is in Nellore district. and which is a famous meeting place
for general and special people in large numbers on a daily basis.
The members of all communities and religions who visit the
tomb achieve their aims and wishes. It is said that there is action
in Rahmatabad Sharif, that one who passes from the tomb will
be punished if he does not present his salam in the shrine in the
proper manner.So all Hindu, Christian, and Parsi people who
pass by the tomb will present their salam and pass from there.
Syed Mustafa Quaderi, who was among the sons of Hazrat Alwi
Broom, said that one time a Christian commissioner came there,
so the people told him about the custom of the place and asked
him to offer his salam in the presence of Khaja Sahib. The
commissioner thought that such a holy person may be Muslim
and that there was no connection with him, so he did not offer
his salam and went from there. But when he proceeded further
and was hit by something and fell there, he was injured
severally, so he was worried and stood and remarked on this
matter and offered his salam by removing his cap from his head
in the tomb of the Khwaja Sahib. And he said that, in reality,
Khaja Sahib is a great holy person. After that, no Christian had
the courage to leave Khaja Sahab's tomb without offering salam
in his presence.
Khaja Miya say this? And there was the same condition for
Mufti Sahib. And when both of them met, Hazrat Shaikhan
Sahib told him about his night dream. Mufti Sahab told him also
that he had seen such a dream as you have told me. And from
this, it is known that there is some special matter, so Khaja Miya
has called us, especially in this matter. So there is a requirement
to go to Hyderabad immediately. And it was a habit that they
used to stay in Gulbarga after Urs (annual death anniversary) for
3 or 4 days and then return back to Hyderabad. Despite this, they
left Gulbarga by train at 4 p.m. for Hyderabad. Hazrat arrives at
his house by evening time in Hyderabad on the 18th of Zegad
and comes to know that Hazrat has had a fever for 3 or 4 days.
Mufti Sahab dispatched a representative to Hazrat's residence
and learned that he has a fever but is otherwise in good
health.He thought he could visit Hazrat the next morning
because he was tired from his journey and was taken to rest in
the house.
The first night passed in good condition, but after midnight,
there was a change in the health condition of Hazrat, and then
there began much uneasiness in him.
In such uneasiness, Hazrat asked, "Who are you?" Bibi of Darul
Shafa said that she was found at the foot of Hazrat, and I said
servant from Darul Shafa. Then he asked, "Who are you?" Then
I told her that I was Mehrunisa. Then he asked where she was. I
was asked whether Peeranima (Hafzrat’s wife) should be called
here. And Hazrat said yes, to call her soon. and told Hazrat that
Peeranima came here. Hazrat told her there were seven parts.
And Peeranima, in a worrying condition, asked what is this?
Then Hazrat repeated and told them that there were seven parts,
gathering, that scene was very sad when the brothers were given
their presents to Hazrat as givers of the gifts and collectors of
the present amounts, who were holding their hands together and
were out of control due to the sad dismissal of Hazrat. And on
the whole, there was a feeling of sadness, which was strange.
First, Hazrat Ahmed Ali Shah was given his present, and then all
the others began giving their presents.
Then Moulana Fazal said that "When Syed Umar was paid
present to Hazrat Syed Usman Hussain, he embraced him and
recited the following couplet in the Urdu language, and its
translation and interpretation is as follows."
This flower contains the fragrance of my father.
He is found in both parts and the whole.
Hazrat’s above couplet left a great effect on all the people in the
gathering. And in this way, there was a declaration of the
successor of the Hazrat. On the day of Fataha, all people were
fed according to Hazrat's style and the prophet's method of
It is said that there were cooked 3 pallas of the Briyani dish on
this occasion. There was a rush of people, so there was an
arranged tablecloth in the three houses of the brothers of
the Hazrat. The arrangement was done for the males from eight
o'clock in the morning, and it was continued up to twelve clocks,
but there was still its continuation, so after twelve clocks, Hazrat
Shaikan Ahmed Shuttari asked how much quantity remained.
And it was replied that there was still a quantity there. Many
In this way, he did not like the benefits of Fataha on the 10 th day
and the 40th day. However, he was given an order to provide
meals on the third or seventh day of death, as well as monthly
Fataha, and he carried it out himself. this reason, his trained
caliphs and others were kept away from the benefits of the 10th
day, 20th day, and 40th-day meals. And so Hazrat Syed Umar
Sahab and Hazrat Syed Usman Miya did not attend the above
ceremonies for this reason, and they used to think of the three
innovations in this matter. And he used to say that by eating
meals of the above ceremonies, there would be diminished light
in the heart.
The End.