CSR Leaflet Profile
CSR Leaflet Profile
CSR Leaflet Profile
Social Responsibility
• Since 2005, INTRACOM TELECOM has focused its financial • INTRACOM TELECOM offers an exemplary working
support on non-profit organizations in Greece and worldwide environment and excellent human resources practices.
that provide protection and care to social groups in need, It focuses on employee “lifelong learning”, continuous
especially children. Such organizations include SOS development and incentives to enhance their living
Children’s Village, “Theotokos” foundation, Medecins Sans conditions such as private insurance and a kindergarten
Frontieres, Cerebral Palsy Greece, FLOGA: Parents’ subsidy.
Association of Children with Cancer, ActionAid and Saint
• The Company is certified with the SA 8000:2008 (Social
Christopher Athletic Union.
Accountability) standard, keeping fully aligned with
• INTRACOM TELECOM responds to the needs of schools and INTRACOM TELECOM’s commitment to the values of
other non-profit organizations for adequate IT infrastructure, Corporate Social Responsibilities. This standard ensures
by offering Personal Computers. the existence of an excellent and safe working environment
in which nondiscriminatory policies are applied and equal
• The Company organises a voluntary blood donation day
opportunities are offered to all employees regardless of
at the doctor’s office on its premises twice a year, where its
gender, age and nationality.
employees have the opportunity to offer blood and save
other people’s lives. • Furthermore, religion and employee trade union rights are
respected and health and safety procedures are faithfully
• INTRACOM TELECOM Group of Companies offers scholarships
adhered to.
for academic programmes at Athens Information Technology
(AIT), founded in 2002 by the INTRACOM Group of Companies. • Also, in 2007, INTRACOM TELECOM was awarded as one of
the top five Greek companies offering equal opportunities,
• Moreover, INTRACOM TELECOM plays a dynamic role in
an initiative by Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and the
educating young scientists by offering Greek and foreign
General Secretariat for Gender Equality of Ministry of the
university graduates the opportunity to participate in
research projects as part of their thesis, sharing with them
the latest developments in cutting-edge technology. • One more initiative the Company undertook in line with the
notion of offering equal opportunities is the participation
in the European Program “Equal” under the shield of General
Secretariat for Gender Equality.