Gec Art Manual
Gec Art Manual
Gec Art Manual
Art Appreciation Learning Modules
To check your understanding of the lesson, answer questions below, and discuss in 4
t0 6 sentences. See Rubric in the appendices. (10 pts. each)
Craftsmanship has been a piece of human existence since ancient times. With an
appreciation and longing for excellence as a feature of their day to day routines, ancient
individuals made little, compact items, for example, gems and strict relics that fit their
itinerant ways of life. Cave art is significant because it was what people in prehistoric
times did in order to record history and culture. But, prehistoric cave art was also
significant because it also served as a warning to people who were to come later.
Portable art are the art that was made, engrave and carve in stone and these can be
move from one place to another, while the cave paintings are imprinted to the walls,
ceilings, and floors of the cave before.
Task 4. Take a Stand!
There were three theories that attempted to explain why paleolithic humans
might have painted animals on the walls of the caves.
Theory 1. Our ancestors just did it because were bored and wanted to decorate the
cave., and they chose animals because animals were important to their existence.
Theory 2. Ceremonies were conducted in these caves and that the artwork was the
results of these ceremonies. The ceremonies could have been performed to help with
the hunts, the reason being that if the artist could capture the image of the animal, the
animal could be captured in the hunt.
People before are not that knowledgeable about the future nor past.
From the lesson we discuss on our history classes, humans are more giving
attention to their survival skills into their daily lives.
In conclusion, they made these thing for their own safeness and also gaining
some knowledge that might be helpful for them.
Your Final Task. Reveal Your Past!
Eyes and roses are both attractive, these things are beautiful that we cannot explain, we
are amazed on it’s own uniqueness and also different kinds. There difference is that the
rose grows from a seed and eyes was attached to the body parts of living things. But both
of them are also very useful to us.
Art Appreciation Learning Modules
The architecture of Ancient Rome, in turn, directly influenced the churches and
cathedrals built during antiquity as well as modern times. In America, Greek impact is
entirely apparent. Greek Influence of Roman Architecture As Rome gained
significance and height in the antiquated world, the Romans looked to one more
incredible culture of the time, the Greeks, for design motivation. The Romans took
Grecian ideas and modified them to incorporate distinct Roman character and purpose.
2. Discuss how Mannerism art became an offshoot of works from the Renaissance.
Your Final Task. Call Me by Your Name!
Art Activity No.6
Artworks Artists
1. Starry Night (1881) Vincent Van Gogh
2. Three Graces (1500-1505) Raphael
3. The Persistence of Memory Salvador Dali
4. Fountain (1917) Marcel Duchamp
5. The Scream (1893) Edvard Munch
6. Liberty Leading the People (1830) Eugene Delacroix
7. Ecstasy of St. Theresa (1647-1652) Gian Lorenzo Bernini
8. Pieta (Marble, 1498-1499) Michel angelo Buonarroti
9. The Holy Trinity (1577-1579) Masaccio
10. The Flight into Egypt (1310) Giotto Di Bondone
A. Fauvism
Art Appreciation Learning Modules
B. Dada
C. Cubism
D. Expressionism
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Art Appreciation Learning Modules
1. How do you describe the development in arts in the 20th – 21st Century?
In this century (20th – 21st Century) artist have a background about mediums. They
are more in landscapes of beautiful places, and also painting of infrastructures and
churches. They also evolved the way of arts.
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2. How do you describe the artworks of the major artists in the 17th – 19th century?
In 17th – 19th century the artworks are more about the wars and
historical. Emotions are pouring and full of sacrifices only few are making a
positive arts. In this century people are more in a bigger pictures that lies
between the reality in history.
1. Out of all the movements mentioned and discussed, what do you are no longer
relevant nowadays?
To the all the kinds of movements that we discussed, for me there is even
one of them are irrelevant. Because there are some times that we make an art that
we actually don’t know what is was but for real there are meanings, such as
abstract sometimes we don’t understand what does the art means but when the
artist convey it meaning all the buzz on our head will be full of butterflies, a story
or experiences that we don’t expect, and a beautiful masterpiece that just really
need to express to be understand.