A Study of Backing Layer Structure For
A Study of Backing Layer Structure For
A Study of Backing Layer Structure For
Sung Min Kim where d is the thickness of the front backing material, c is the
Department of Medical Biotechnology, sound velocity in the backing material, and t is the generation
Dongguk University, time of the reflected wave at the interface. Using material velocity
and wave generation time, the total thickness of the backing layer
Seoul 04620, Korea can be calculated. The reflected wave at two interfaces of the sug-
gested backing structure can be canceled by the phase difference.
Jong Seob Jeong The remained energy would be transmitted into the rearmost ma-
Department of Medical Biotechnology, terial, and it can be almost dissipated due to damping of the rear-
Dongguk University, most material. Consequently, the suggested backing structure can
Seoul 04620, Korea suppress a generation of echo signals within the backing block
e-mail: jjsspace@dongguk.edu even if thickness of the backing layer is thin.
To demonstrate the performance of the proposed method, FEM
using PZFLEX program (Weidlinger associates, Los Altos, CA) was
conducted [5,6]. The ultrasonic transducer with conventional
1 Background bulk-type backing layer was modeled for performance
In general, a medical ultrasonic transducer is composed of pie- comparison.
zoelectric layer, matching layer, and backing layer. Among them,
the backing layer can shorten the duration of the ultrasonic pulse 3 Results
by attenuating the vibration of the piezoelectric layer resulting in IVUS transducer was designed using FEM simulation, and the
increased axial resolution [1,2]. The thickness of the backing layer simulation parameters are shown in Table 1. The conventional
is typically very thick and heavy for enough attenuation effect. bulk-type backing with 40k thickness was designed and6 dB
Therefore, reducing thickness of the backing layer can contribute bandwidth was about 67% as shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). When
to decrease overall weight of the transducer. Small-sized trans- we reduced thickness of the bulk-type backing layer by 5k, the
ducers such as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) transducer would reflected signal come from rear surface of the backing layer was
require the thin backing layer, especially. However, the thin back-
ing layer can be suffered from insufficient attenuation effect and
the unwanted reflected signal comes from the bottom of the thin
In order to solve this problem, in this study, we investigated a
structure of backing layer and proposed the novel structure of the
backing layer capable of suppressing the generation of reflected
signal comes from the thin backing layer [3]. Finite element
method (FEM) simulation was conducted and all simulation pa-
rameters were focused on the IVUS transducer configuration.
2 Methods
The suggested backing structure was derived from the physical
principle of free-end and fixed-end reflections. The principle is
that the phase of reflected wave is reversed at fixed-end boundary
while the phase is maintained equally at free-end boundary. In
acoustics, this principle can be realized by the relative acoustic
impedance of two materials as follows [2]:
Accepted and presented at The Design of Medical Devices Conference
(DMD2016), April 11–14, 2016 Minneapolis, MN, USA.
DOI: 10.1115/1.4033853
Manuscript received March 1, 2016; final manuscript received March 17, 2016; Fig. 1 Schematic diagram for cross-sectional structure of the
published online August 1, 2016. Editor: William Durfee. proposed phase-canceling backing layer
4 Interpretation
shown and 6 dB bandwidth was decreased to 16% resulting in In this study, a novel backing structure using phase-cancelation
distorted frequency spectrum (Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)). Note that ep- effect was proposed, and the performance was verified by apply-
oxy/metal powder composite was employed as the backing mate- ing to 20 MHz IVUS transducer based on FEM simulation. First,
rial. Its acoustic impedance and attenuation coefficient were 5.8 we confirmed that the reverberation signal was generated by the
Mrayl and 42 dB/mm, respectively. reduced thickness of the backing layer. One of the solutions for
Figure 3 shows the time- and frequency-domain responses of this problem is to increase attenuation effect of the backing mate-
the proposed phase-canceling backing structure. The results were rial. Generally, the backing material is fabricated by using mixture
similar with that of thick-bulk-type backing layer (Figs. 2(a) and of epoxy resin and metallic powders. To more increase the attenu-
2(b)). The distortion of time- and frequency-domain signals can ation effect of these materials, the attenuation value of epoxy
be recovered by applying the proposed backing structure. The should be high enough, but not easy to find proper material
Fig. 2 (a) Time- and (b) frequency-domain responses of thick (40 k) bulk backing mode;
(c) time- and (d) frequency-domain responses of thin (total 5 k thickness) bulk backing
Fig. 3 (a) Time- and (b) frequency-domain responses of the suggested backing structure
(total 5 k thickness)