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Tuberose Nursary Cultivation

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Tuberose cultivation
Details SOP

Dr AKS Rawat

 Soil and Climatic requirement

 Field or land Preparation
 Propagation
 Spacing
 Depth of planting
 Seed / bulb treatment
 Nutrient management
 Water and Irrigation Management
 Pest and diseases
 Harvesting & Yield
 Post Harvest Management

Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)is one of the most important

tropical ornamental bulbous flowering plants cultivated for
production of long lasting flower spikes. It is popularly known as
Rajanigandha or Nishigandha. It belongs to the family
Amaryllidaceae and is native of Mexico.
Soil and Climatic requirement

Tuberose is best suited for cultivation in tropical to subtropical and temperate
climates. Tuberose prefers to grow in an open sunny location, away from the shade
of trees. It requires warm and humid climate although flowering is profuse under
mild climate. In India,commercial cultivation of tuberose is confined to warm
humid areas with average temperature ranging from 20° to 30°C. The crop is
reported to flower profusely throughout the year, if the climate is mild and free
from extremes of high and low temperature. If the temperature is above 40°C, the
length of the spike and quality of the flowers are severely affected. Very low
temperature and incidence of frost will damage the plants and flowers. Tuberoses
grow well in a sunny situation and should not be grown on shady or semi-shady
situation which drastically reduces the flower yield. Humidity and temperature are
the two main factors responsible for increasing or decreasing the production of
tuberose.Tuberose although not strictly photosensitive, long-day exposure
promotes vegetative growth as well as early emergence of the first flower spike
and also increases flower spike length.
Tuberose can be grown on wide variety of soils ranging from light,sandy loam to a
clay loam. It can also be successfully grown as a commercial crop even in those
soils which are affected by salinity and alkalinity conditions if better agronomical
practices are adopted. The soil should be at least 45 cm deep,well drained, friable,
rich in organic matter and nutrients with plenty of moisture in it. Tuberose should
grown in well drained place. Crop is sensitive to water stagnation it cannot tolerate
water logging even for a short period. So essential to ensure proper drainage pests.
or else planting should be done on done on bund. Fertile, loamy and sandy soils
having a pH in the range of 6.5 to 7.5 with good aeration and drainage are ideal for
tuberose cultivation. A place protected from strong winds is the soil is preferable.
Selection of site
Tuberose is a sun-loving plant.For attaining good vegetative growth and maximum
yield of flowers, a site should be chosen, where the plants will get plenty of sun
throughout their growing period. The soil should have sufficient moisture holding
capacity.A place protected from strong wind hot and cold waves is preferable, so
that there is no damage of flower stalk. In shady situation, the plants grow tall and
lanky and the flowering s adversely affected. They are highly susceptible to water
stagnation and poor drainage conditions and hence require well drained and aerated
Field or land Preparation

The land should be ploughed deep to a good tilth, 2-3 times, to a depth of 30 - 45
cm. 0 The first ploughing should be done in January. The field is left exposed to
sun for at least 15 days that destroys the weeds and insect-pests. The second
ploughing can be done about a month before planting. At the time of the second
ploughing, well rotten farmyard manure at the rate of 50 tonnes per hectare should
be incorporated into the soil. Then,the soil is brought to a fine tilth by breaking the
clods and removing the weeds. After field preparation, plots of Selection of site
convenient sizes should be prepared with irrigation channels, ridges and furrows at
the recommended spacing.
Season of planting
Well-developed spindle-shaped bulbs, with diameter 1.50 cm and above forming at
the outer periphery of the clump, are considered ideal for planting. Tuberoses are
generally planted in March - April in the plains and April-May in the hills. The
bulbs can also be planted during July -August. To obtain flowers almost
throughout the year, sequential planting can be practiced. Freshly harvested
tuberose bulbs can be used for planting 4 - 5 weeks after harvesting. Planting fresh
bulbs leads to profuse vegetative growth and poor flowering.

Tuberoses are propagated by bulbs, bulblets and seeds. Multiplication by bulb-

segments and in vitro micro propagation from scale stem-sections is also practiced.
Propagation by bulbs
Most common method practiced for the commercial multiplication of tuberoses is
through propagation by bulbs. The bulbs remain dormant during the winter months
in places where the temperature is low.The dormancy of the bulbs can be
successfully broken by dipping the bulbs in 4% Thiourea solution for one hour if
early planting is desired. Ethylene chlorohydrins can also be used for breaking the
dormancy of bulbs. The bulbs are separated from the clumps by rubbing off the
loose scales and the long roots should also be removed. Selection of suitable bulbs
is very important for successful cultivation. In general, spindle -shaped bulbs free
from diseases having diameter between 1.5 and 3.0 cm are suitable for planting.
About 1.25 - 1.5 lakh bulbs (8 to 9 tons of bulbs) are required for planting one
Propagation by bulb segments
Propagation through mature bulbs is expensive, therefore, multiplication of
growing stock can be done by division of bulbs.
Large sized bulbs having 2.1 cm or more diameter are suitable for planting
purpose. If the bulbs are very large, they are cut into 2 to 3 vertical sections, each
containing a bud and part of the basal plate. Each of these sections is treated with
copper fungicide and planted vertically in a rooting medium with its tip just
showing above the surface. A moderately warm temperature should be maintained.
New bulblets along with roots develop from the basal plate. At this stage, bulblets
are transferred to the ground.

Planting density markedly influences flower yield and quality. The planting
distance varies with the
soil and climatic conditions.

Low planting density results in wastage of inputs and very high planting density
leads more plant competition, thus reducing individual bulb enlargement For
economic returns, bulbs are planted at an optimum spacing of 30 x 20 cm or 20 x
20 cm. About 40,000 - 50,000 bulbs are required for one acre planting of tuberose
ie. about 1, 00,000 to 2, 00,000 bulbs are required for planting one hectare of land.
Depth of planting

The depth of planting varies from 3.0 - 7.0 cm depending upon the diameter of the
bulb and the soil type.It should be 2.5 times more than the diameter of bulbs.
While planting, the bulbs are planted at the recommended plant-spacing, 4-6 cm
deep on the sides of the ridges. Planting is deeper in sandy soil as compared to clay
soil.In sandy loam soil planting of bulbs is done at the depth of 6.0 cm. In general,
planting is done in such a way that the growing portion of the bulb is kept at the
ground level.
Seed / bulb treatment

Dipping the bulbs in 4% solution of thiourea can break the resting period. Pre-plant
storage of bulbs at 10°C for a period of 30 days will improve the plant growth,
increase spike and flower yield. Pre-planting treatment of bulbs with GA3, etherel
or thiourea promotes early appearance of flower spike and produces longer spikes
with maximum number of florets.The bulbs are first thoroughly cleaned and
treated with Bavistin (0.2%) for 30 minutes. Dipping the bulbs for about 20-30
minutes in a solution of Emisan (0.2%), Thiram (0.3%), Captan (0.2%) or Benlate
(0.2%) is also recommended. Dry in shade before planting or storing.Before
planting treat bulbs in systemic fungicide and before storing in contact fungicide
Nutrient management

Tuberose responds well to the application of organic and manures. Apart from
FYM (20 tonnes/ha), a fertilizer dose of 100 kg N, 50 kg P 2O5 and 70 kg K2O per
hectare is recommended for tuberose

production. For achieving increased essential oil content in flowers and for the
maximum recovery of concrete, a fertilizer dose of 80 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 40 kg
K2O per hectare has been recommended. Of the full recommended dose of
fertilizers, half the N, the full dose of P and K has to be applied at the time of
planting and the remaining half of N is given as a top-dressing after 45 days of
Apart from N, P and K, calcium,magnesium, sulphur, iron, zinc, manganese,
aluminium, boron and copper have also been found to influence the growth and
flowering in tuberoses. Foliar spray of ZnSO4 0.5% + FeSO4 0.2% + Boric acid
0.1% improves growth and flowering.
Use of Growth regulators

Foliar application of GA3 at 50 to 100 ppm thrice at 40, 55 and 60 days after
planting is found to be beneficial.The application of CCC at 5000 ppm and GA 3 at
1000 ppm induces early flowering, increased flower stalk production and improves
the quality of flowers.
Water and Irrigation Management

It is very essential to irrigate before planting to provide optimum moisture for

sprouting and further irrigation should be avoided until the bulbs are sprouted.
Subsequent irrigation to the crop is given depending upon the prevailing weather
Intercultural operations

High manure and irrigation should requirement creates congenial conditions for the
growth of various weeds. Hence in order to keep the plots clean and free of weeds
and to avoid the exposure of bulbs, the plots should be weeded periodically
earthed-up once a month. Manual weeding is effective and should be done at
monthly interval. Control of weeds by using chemicals is also found effective. A
pre-emergent treatment of Gramaxone (@ 3 litres / ha) followed by three post-
emergent sprayings at intervals of 110 days in between the rows keeps the crop
weed free. Application of Atrazine @ 3 kg/ha in 1000 litres of water as a pre-
emergent weedicide also keeps the plots weed-free. Atrazine @1.0-1.5 kg /ha in
1000 litres of water sprayed immediately after planting of bulbs, significantly
reduces weed population. Mulching the plots with strips of black polythene, dried
grass and chopped straw is effective in controlling weeds. Hoeing between plants
at regular intervals is helpful in loosening the soil and uprooting weeds.Earthing -
up enables the spikes to grow erect, despite strong winds and rains. Earthing up to
10-15 cm height is done when plants are 15- 20 cm high. The flower-spikes should
be supported by stakes after about 2 and 1/2 months of planting. Staking with
bamboo or wooden sticks is done in beds and string or rope may be tied three rows
along the plant-rows to avoid lodging of plants
Pest and diseases

Tuberose is a hardy crop and is not much affected by attacks of insect the pests and
Pest Management
These are insects, The important insects are thrips, aphids, bud borer, grass
hoppers,weevils, nematodes, red spider mites rodents etc. soft bodied,green, deep
purple or black in colour. These usually occur in clusters. They are found to feed
on flower buds and young leaves.
Control - They can be controlled by a 0.1 % spray (1 ml / litre) of Malathion or
Rogor at an interval of 15 days.
Thrips feed on leaves, flower stalk and flowers. The flowers get deformed by thrips
attack. These suck the sap and damage the whole plant.Sometimes, these are
associated with a contagious disease known as ‘bunchy top’, where the
inflorescence is malformed.
Control - Thrips are controlled by the spray of Rogor or Metasystox @ 1.75 to 2.0
ml / litre or 0.1% (1 ml / litre) Malathion. Also it is suggested to spray Nuvacron
(0.1 %) or the application of Thimet to the soil.
These feed on young leaves and flower buds. Affected plants with damaged foliage
and flowers lose their elegance, especially during rainy season.
Control - Dusting the plants with 5% Cythione / Folidol dust may prevent the
damage. Scraping of buds exposes egg masses to natural enemies. Netting prevents
damage from hoppers to nurseries. Spraying of or Quinalphos @ 0.05% (0.5 ml /
litre) or Malathion 0.1% or Carbaryl @ 0.2% protects foliage of newly planted
Weevils (Myllocerus sp)
The weevils are nocturnal in habit and they cause damage on shoots and leaves.
Usually, they feed the edge of the leaves, producing a characteristic notched effect.
Larvae feed on roots and tunnel into the bulbs.
Control- Applying BHC dust (10%) in the soil before planting controls larvae.The
weevils can be controlled by the spray of Thiodon @ 2.0 mg/litre.
Red Spider Mites
Mites thrive well under hot and dry conditions, usually on the undersides of the
leaves, where these
make webs, if allowed to continue. These are usually red or brown in colour and
multiply fast. Mites suck sap, which results in the formation of yellow stripes and
streaks on the foliage. In due course of time, leaves become yellow, silvery or
bronze and distorted.
Control - Spraying with Kelthane @ 1.2% concentration is effective to control the
Bud borer (Helicoverpa armigera)
This pest mainly damages flowers. Eggs are deposited singly on growing

spikes. Larvae bore into buds and flowers and feed on them
making holes.
Control - Collection and destruction of damaged buds reduces the damage. Setting
up of light traps helps to control population by attracting them. Spraying of
monocrotophos (0.2%) or Thiodan (0.5-0.8%) or Methyl Parathion (0.05%) taken
up at appearance of eggs on buds and tender foliage controls borer damage. Spray
of Neem oil (1%) also gives considerable protection by repelling various stages of
Two root-knot nematodes (Meloi-dogyne incognita and Meloidogynejavanica),
reniform nematode (Ro-tylenchulus renioformis) and greasy streak nematode
(Aphelencoides bes-seyi) are reported to cause damage to the crop, which is
characterized by the stunted growth of the plants and resulting in extensive yield
losses.The leaf size is reduced and the flowers look sickly and, ultimately, the roots
Control - Application of Thimet or Furadan (20 kg/ha), Furadon @ 2 g/plant or
carbofuran @ 2-5 kg/ha, neem @ 1 tonne/ha controls nematode infestation.
Rodents do considerable damage to tuberose plants in the field by making burrows.
Control - Poison bait is helpful in checking rodent menace in the field. Commercial
bait by the name, ‘Roban’ is available in the market and the same may be used
Disease Management
The diseases reported are stem rot,flower bud rot, leaf blight or Botrytis blight,
Sclerotial wilt, Alternaria leaf spot , rust, powdery mildew etc .
Stem rot
The infection is caused by the fungi Sclerotium rolfsii. The disease symptom is
preceded by the appearance of prominent, coarse, mycelial masses on the leaf
surface or near the soil level. Later, the infested spots exhibit a light-green colour
due to rotting which extend and cover the whole leaf. The infected leaves get
detached from the plant. More or less round
sclerotic, brown spots are formed on and around the infected leaf. As a result, the
infected plant becomes weak and unproductive.
Control - The disease can be controlled by drenching the soil around the stem with
brassicol @ 1 % or Zineb (20%) at the rate of 30 kg per hectare. Also,the incidence
can be minimized by reducing soil moisture or planting at wider spacing (45 cm X
30 cm).
Flower bud rot
It is caused by Erwinia sp. It results in dry rotting of the buds with brown necrotic
discoloration of peduncles.
Control - The diseased plants should be uprooted and destroyed. The disease can
be controlled by the spray of Streptomycin (0.01%).
Leaf blight or Botrytis blight
This fungal disease is caused by Botrytis elliptica. The disease appears during the
rainy season. Infected flowers show dark brown spots and ultimately the entire
inflorescence dries up. The infection also occurs on the leaves and stalks.
Control - Spraying the plants with Carbendazim @ 2g/ litre of water effectively
controls the disease.

The treatment should be repeated at 15 days interval. The disease can also be
controlled by spraying the plant with ammoniacal copper (2%) or Greeno (0.5%).
The treatment should be repeated at 15 days interval .
Sclerotial Wilt
This fungal disease is caused by Sclerotium rolfsii, mostly affecting the roots. The
initial symptom of this disease is flaccidity and drooping of leaves. The leaves
become yellow and dry up. The fungus mainly affects the roots and the infection
gradually spreads upward through the tuber and collar portion of the stem.Both
tubers and roots show rotting symptoms. Thick cottony growth of the fungus is
visible on the rotten stem and on petioles at the soil level..
Control - Drenching the soil with 0.3% Zineb is effective in controlling the disease.
Alternaria leaf spot
This fungal leaf spot disease is caused by Alternaria polyantha. The disease is
characterized by the appearance of brown spots with faint concentric rings on the
Control - The disease can be controlled by the spray of Bordeaux mixture (0.4%),
Zineb (0.5%) or Mancozeb (0.2%) or Iprodione (0.2%) at 10 days interval.The
other diseases reported are rust and powdery mildew, which are not serious.
Suitable fungicides may be administered to control them when the damage is
In India tuberoses are cultivated for production of flower spikes and loose flowers
on a commercial scale for the domestic market. Flowering of tuberose starts 3 to 3
1/2 months (80 to 100 days) after planting and flowering time is July onwards
August-September is the peak period of flowering. Tuberose flowers all the year

round. Depending on the purpose, harvesting is done by

cutting the spikes from the base or single flowers are harvested as they open day by
day. For marketing of cut flower spikes, the tuberose is harvested.by cutting the
spikes from the base when 1-2 pairs of flowers open on the spike. Spikes are
harvested at bud- burst stage preferably in the morning before sunrise or late in the
evening by clipping with a sharp knife or secateurs that gives a clean cut. About 4-
6 cm basal portion of the scape has to be left to allow the growth of bulb. For loose
flower purpose individual flowers which grow at the horizontal position on flowers
stalk are plucked early in the morning by 8.00 a.m.
Ratoon Cropping

After harvesting the main crop,the flower stalks are headed back (cut to the base)
and the plots should be well- manured and irrigated. About 3-4 ratoon crops can be
taken from a single planting. For the proper growth and development of plants,
fertilizer dose as given in the main crop should be applied in two equal split doses
in January-February and April. All other cultural practices should be done as in
case of main crop. There is early flowering in ratoon crop as compared to main
crop. The ratoon crop results in more number of spikes but reduces number of
florets, length of spikes and weight of flowers. Therefore, ratoon crop should be
used only for loose flowers or oil extraction purpose.
In temperate climate, during November -December,when temperature drops, leaves
of the plants turn yellow and die and plants undergo dormancy. Digging of bulbs
should be done at this stage.With the increase in temperature the crop regains
growth from the previously planted bulbs which is termed as ratooning. For
ratooning in tuberose, the yellowing plants should be twisted from the ground level
which leads to early maturing of bulbs.
Lifting, Curing, and Storage of Bulbs

Harvesting stage of tuberose bulb is important for storage of bulbs and their
growth. The bulbs are harvested when the flowering is over and plant ceases to
grow. Bulbs reach maturity at about 40-50 days after flowering and at this stage,
the leaves become yellow and dry. At this stage, irrigation is withheld and the soil
is allowed to dry before digging out the bulbs. The leaves are cut off at the ground
level and the bulbs are dug out. After digging, the bulbs are lifted out and adhering
earth shaken off neatly and thoroughly. The offsets or bulblets are then separated
out by hand, which are used as seed-stock for the next season. The bulbs are then
graded based on the size into mature (> 1.5 cm diameter)and immature (< 1.5 cm
diameter). Cleaned and graded bulbs are placed on shelves to dry or cure. To
hasten curing, artificial heat of 270 to 350C may be applied. The bulbs must be
stirred or have their position changed every few days to prevent fungal attack and
rotting. Curing can also be done by tying the bulbs in bunches and hanging them
on frames and walls. The bulbs are also treated with 0.2 per cent Bavistin or
mancozeb powder to prevent their rotting. An ambient air temperature of at least
18oC for four to six weeks or exactly six weeks at 30 oC stimulates the yield of
commercial sized bulbs. Longer storage at 30oC advances flower spike yield but
the quality of spike deteriorates and the bulb number decreases.

Flower production varies with cultivar or variety and depends upon bulb size at
planting time, density of planting, cultural practices adopted and climatic
condition prevailing in the area. Flowers are ready for harvest in about 3 to 31/2
months after planting. One hectare of tuberose plantation yields 4 - 5 lakhs of
spikes per year for cut flower purpose. In case of single varieties, 14-15 tonnes /ha
of loose flowers may be harvested.In addition, 20-25 tonnes / ha of bulbs and
bulblets may be harvested at the end of 3rd year.
Crop duration: 2 1⁄2 to 3 years
Post Harvest Management

Vase life
Immediately after harvest, the lower portion of the cut spikes should be immersed
in water for prolonging the vase life of spikes. The spikes are made ready by
removing the unwanted leaves to minimise the transpiration loss for sending to
floral markets. Further, pulsing of spikes at low temperature (100C), for about four
hours with the ends immersed in water, is helpful in prolonging life of spikes to be
sent to distant markets.
Holding solutions
A holding solution consisting of sucrose 2 % + Al2 (SO4)3 300 ppm is best for
increasing the post harvest life and quality of cut spikes of tuberose .
Grading and handling
The flower spikes for cut flower purpose are graded according to the following
quality attributes viz.,
 Spike length
 Length of rachis
 Number of flowers per spike
 Weight of spikes and
 Quality of individual florets.

Straight and strong stem of uniform length and uniform stage of development are
preferred. Flowers should be free from bruises and diseases and pests.
The individual florets for loose flower purpose are graded according to their size.
The fresh flowers can be stored at 100C for 5 days.
Packaging and Transport

Packaging and Transport

For cut flower purpose, long spikes are preferred and are sold in round bundles or
bunch. Each bundle bunch contains 25, 50 or 100 spikes. The stem portion of the
bundle has to be wrapped with news paper. To avoid damage of the flowers and
buds, the whole bundle should be wrapped in soft, white tissue paper or polythene
sheet / cover. These bundles are packed in rectangular bamboo baskets lined with
Hessian cloth. For long distance transport, they are packed in square boxes or airy
baskets but packing in strong cardboard boxes is more suitable which are quite
handy and can be easily transported by rail, bus or by truck.
Packing specifications of cut flowers for export

Bunch 25 flowers

Stem Length 60 - 70 - 80
(Double stick)

Packing In corrugated carton box

No. of Pieces 200 Pieces per box

Box size 95 x 40 x 20 cm.

Packaging weight 16-17 kg

Packaging for loose flower purpose

Loose flowers of single - flowered tuberoses are packed in bamboo baskets and the
baskets are covered with muslin cloth or with wet gunny bags. About 10-15 kg
fresh flowers are packed in each basket. They are also packed in gunny bags or
polythene bags lined with newspaper. Then they are transported to the nearby
wholesale market where they are sold by weight.
Extraction of Concrete and Absolute
Tuberose flower is one of the flowers which continue to exude perfume long after
it is removed from the plant. The flower oil is extracted by enfleurage and solvent
extraction with petroleum ether.Freshly picked flowers, before they open, are
enfleuraged. About 150 kg of flowers are needed to produce 1 kg of brown, semi-
solid absolute of enfleurage which contains 11-15% of steam volatile oil.The
extracted flowers will contain some natural perfume and are treated with petroleum
ether to obtain the absolute of chassis as a valuable by-product (yield 1.2-1.5%).
Tuberose Absolute is prepared from flowers which are picked immediately before
they have opened. It requires 3600 pounds (1635 kg) of blossoms to produce 1
pound (454 g) of the absolute. Tuberose absolute is dark orange or brown in
colour, with a heavy sweet floral sometimes slightly spicy, tenacious fragrance. In
recent years, the process of Enfleurage has been partly replaced by solvent
extraction, which requires much less labour though the yield of the absolute
reduces considerably. Extraction of tuberose flowers with petroleum ether yields
0.08 – 0.14 per cent of concrete, which gives 18 – 23% of absolute on treatment
with alcohol and contains 3 – 5% steam volatile oil. Out of the approximate total
yield of 30,000 kg of loose flowers from one hectare, in three years, 27.5 kg of
‘concrete’ could be obtained. This concrete in turn will yield about 5.50 kg of
absolute. One hectare of tuberose plantation may yield up to 12 kg of concrete
(Cost of 1 kg concrete is US $1350-1450 or Rs. 89805.68/- per Kg).
Marketing and Export Potential
Graded spikes are usually stored less than 24 hours before they are packed and
shipped to the markets.Most tuberose flowers are shipped in refrigerated trucks.
Spikes must be held in an upright position, during storage and transportation.

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