Sec 7
Sec 7
Sec 7
The best way to increase a structure’s likelihood of responding to seismic attack in its fundamental mode of vibration
is to balance its stiffness and mass distribution. Irregularities in geometry increase the likelihood of complex nonlinear
response that cannot be accurately predicted by elastic modeling or plane frame inelastic static modeling.
It is strongly recommended that the ratio of effective stiffness between any two bents within a frame or between any
two columns within a bent satisfy equation 7.1. It is strongly recommended that the ratio of effective stiffness between
adjacent bents within a frame or between adjacent columns within a bent satisfy equation 7.2. An increase in
superstructure mass along the length of the frame should be accompanied by a reasonable increase in column stiffness.
For variable width frames the tributary mass supported by each bent or column shall be included in the stiffness
comparisons as specified by equation 7.1(b) and 7.2(b). The simplified analytical technique for calculating frame
capacity described in Section 5.5 is only permitted if either 7.1(a) & 7.2(a) or 7.1(b) & 7.1(b) are satisfied.
kie ≥ 0.5 mi
(7.1a) ≥ 0.5 (7.1b)
k ej k ej
k ≥ 0.75 mi
i (7.2a) ≥ 0.75 (7.2b)
k ej k ej
k ie = The smaller effective bent or mi = Tributary mass of column or bent i
column stiffness
The following considerations shall be taken into account when calculating effective stiffness: framing effects, end
conditions, column height, percentage of longitudinal and transverse column steel, column diameter, and foundation
flexibility. Some of the consequences of not meeting the relative stiffness recommendations defined by equations 7.1
and 7.2 include:
It is strongly recommend that the ratio of fundamental periods of vibration for adjacent frames in the longitudinal
and transverse direction satisfy equation 7.3.
≥ 0. 7 (7.3)
Ti = Natural period of the less flexible frame
Tj = Natural period of the more flexible frame
The consequences of not meeting the fundamental period requirements of equation 7.3 include a greater likelihood
of out-of-phase response between adjacent frames leading to large relative displacements that increase the probability
of longitudinal unseating and collision between frames at the expansion joints. The colliding and relative transverse
translation of adjacent frames will transfer the seismic demand from one frame to the next, which can be detrimental
to the stand-alone capacity of the frame receiving the additional seismic demand.
The following list of techniques should be considered for adjusting the fundamental period of vibration and/or
stiffness to satisfy equations 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. Refer to Memo to Designer 6-1 for additional information on optimizing
performance of bridge frames.
A careful evaluation of the local ductility demands and capacities is required if project constraints make it
impractical to satisfy the stiffness and structure period requirements in equations 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.
The influence of the superstructure on the transverse stiffness of columns near the abutment, particularly when
calculating shear demand, shall be considered.
T1 T2
m2 m3 m4 m5 m6
k2 k6
k3 k4 k5
k2 k1
7.2 Superstructure
7.2.1 Girders
The effective width of superstructure resisting longitudinal seismic moments is defined by equation 7.4. The
effective width for open soffit structures (e.g. T-Beams & I- Girders) is reduced because they offer less resistance to the
torsional rotation of the bent cap. The effective superstructure width can be increased at a 45 ο angle as you move away
from the bent cap until the full section becomes effective. On skewed bridges, the effective width shall be projected
normal to the girders where the centerline of girder intersects the face of the bent cap. See Figure 7.2.
Additional superstructure width can be considered effective if the designer verifies the torsional capacity of the cap
can distribute the rotational demands beyond the effective width stated in equation 7.4.
If the effective width cannot accommodate enough steel to satisfy the overstrength requirements of Section 4.3.1,
the following actions may be taken:
* The benefit of using wider columns must be carefully weighed against the increased joint shear demands
and larger plastic hinging capacity.
Isolated or lightly reinforced flares shall be ignored when calculating the effective superstructure width. See Section
7.6.5 for additional information on flare design.
If vertical acceleration is considered, per Section 2.1, a separate analysis of the superstructure’s nominal capacity
shall be performed based on a uniformly applied vertical force equal to 25% of the dead load applied upward and
downward, see Figure 7.3. The superstructure at seat type abutment is assumed to be pinned in the vertical direction,
up or down. The superstructure flexural capacity shall be based only on continuous mild reinforcement distributed
evenly between the top and bottom slabs. The effects of dead load, primary and secondary prestressing shall be ignored.
The continuous steel shall be spliced with “service level” couplers as defined in Section 8.1.3, and is considered
effective in offsetting the mild reinforcement required for other load cases. Lap splices equal to two times the standard
lap may be substituted for the “service splices”, provided the laps are placed away from the critical zones (mid-spans
and near supports).
CL of Bent
45 Typ.
Beff =Dc + 2xDs
CL of Girder
Ds Beff
Tangent Bridges
Beff =Dc + Ds
45 Typ.
CL of Girder
CL of Bent
Skewed Bridges
Figure 7.2 Effective Superstructure Width
The longitudinal side reinforcement in the girders, if vertical acceleration is considered per Section 2.1, shall be
capable of resisting 125% of the dead load shear at the bent face by means of shear friction. The enhanced side
reinforcement shall extend continuously for a minimum of 2.5 Ds beyond the face of the bent cap.
Historically precast girders lacked a direct positive moment connection between the girders and the cap beam, which
could potentially degrade to a pinned connection in the longitudinal direction under seismic demands. Therefore, to
provide stability under longitudinal seismic demands, columns shall be fixed at the base unless an integral girder/cap
beam connection is provided that is capable of resisting the column overstrength demands as outlined in Sections 4.3.1,
4.3.2, & 7.2.2. Recent research has confirmed the viability of pre-cast spliced girders with integral column/
superstructure details that effectively resist longitudinal seismic loads. This type of system is considered non-standard
until design details and procedures are formally adopted. In the interim, project specific design criteria shall be
developed per MTD 20-11.
Slab bridges shall be designed to meet all the strength and ductility requirements as specified in the SDC.
7.2.5 Hinges
Intermediate hinges are necessary for accommodating longitudinal expansion and contraction resulting from
prestress shortening, creep, shrinkage and temperature variations. The hinge allows each frame to vibrate indepen-
dently during an earthquake. Large relative displacements can develop if the vibrations of the frames are out-of-phase.
Sufficient seat width must be provided to prevent unseating.
Typically hinges are expected to transmit the lateral shear forces generated by small earthquakes and service loads.
Determining the earthquake force demand on shear keys is difficult since the magnitude is dependent on how much
relative displacement occurs between the frames. Forces generated with EDA should not be used to size shear keys.
EDA overestimates the resistance provided by the bents and may predict force demands on the shear keys that differ
significantly from the actual forces.
All frames including balanced frames or frames with small differences in mass and/or stiffness will exhibit some out-
of-phase response. The objective of meeting the fundamental period recommendations between adjacent frames
presented in Section 7.1.2 is to reduce the relative displacements and associated force demands attributed to out-of-
phase response.
Longitudinal Requirements
For frames adhering to Section 7.1.2 and expected to be exposed to synchronous ground motion, the minimum
longitudinal hinge seat width between adjacent frames shall be determined by Section
Transverse Requirements
The shear key shall be capable of transferring the shear between adjacent frames if the shear transfer mechanism is
included in the demand assessment. The upper bound for the transverse shear demand at the hinge can be estimated
by the sum of the overstrength shear capacity of all the columns in the weaker frame. The shear keys must have adequate
capacity to meet the demands imposed by service loads.
An adequate gap shall be provided around the shear keys to eliminate binding of the hinge under service operation
and to ensure lateral rotation will occur thereby minimizing moment transfer across the expansion joint.
Although large relative displacements are not anticipated for frames with similar periods exposed to synchronous
ground motion, certain structural configurations may be susceptible to lateral instability if the transverse shear keys
completely fail. Particularly skewed bridges, bridges with three or less girders, and narrow bridges with significant
super elevation. Additional restraint, such as XX strong pipe keys, should be considered if stability is questionable
after the keys are severely damaged. Hinge Seat Width for Frames Meeting the Requirements of Section 7.1.2
Enough hinge seat width shall be available to accommodate the anticipated thermal movement, prestress shortening,
creep, shrinkage, and the relative longitudinal earthquake displacement demand between the two frames calculated
by equation 7.6. The seat width normal to the centerline of bearing shall be calculated by equation 7.5 but not less
than 24 inches (600 mm).
∆ eq = (∆ ) + (∆ )
1 2
2 2
∆(iD) = The larger earthquake displacement demand for each frame calculated by the global
or stand-alone analysis
∆p/s+ ∆ cr+sh+ ∆temp ∆ eq
4” (100mm)
Frames that are unbalanced relative to each other have a greater likelihood of responding out-of-phase during
earthquakes. Large relative displacements and forces should be anticipated for frames not meeting equation 7.3.
Elastic Analysis, in general, cannot be used to determine the displacement or force demands at the intermediate
expansion joints in multi-frame structures. A more sophisticated analysis such as nonlinear dynamic analysis is
required that can capture the directivity and time dependency associated with the relative frame displacements. In lieu
of nonlinear analysis, the hinge seat can be sized longitudinally and the shear keys isolated transversely to
accommodate the absolute sum of the individual frame displacements determined by ESA, EDA, or the initial slope
of a “push over” analysis.
Care must be taken to isolate unbalanced frames to insure the seismic demands are not transferred between frames.
The following guidelines should be followed when designing and detailing hinges when equation 7.3 is not met.
• Isolate adjacent frames longitudinally by providing a large expansion gap to reduce the likelihood of
pounding. Permanent gapping created by prestress shortening, creep, and shrinkage can be considered as
part of the isolation between frames.
• Provide enough seat width to reduce the likelihood of unseating. If seat extenders are used they should
be isolated transversely to avoid transmitting large lateral shear forces between frames.
• Limit the transverse shear capacity to prevent large lateral forces from being transferred to the stiffer frame.
The analytical boundary conditions at the hinge should be either released transversely or able to capture
the nonlinear shear friction mechanism expected at the shear key. If the hinges are expected to fail, the
column shall be designed to accommodate the displacement demand associated with having the hinge
released transversely.
One method for isolating unbalanced frames is to support intermediate expansion joints on closely spaced adjacent
bents that can support the superstructure by cantilever beam action. A longitudinal gap is still required to prevent the
frames from colliding. Bent supported expansion joints need to be approved on a project-by-project basis, see MTD
A satisfactory method for designing the size and number of restrainers required at expansion joints is not currently
available. Adequate seat shall be provided to prevent unseating as a primary requirement. Hinge restrainers are
considered secondary members to prevent unseating. The following guidelines shall be followed when designing and
detailing hinge restrainers.
• Restrainers design should not be based on the force demands predicted by EDA analysis
• A restrainer unit shall be placed in each alternating cell at all hinges (minimum of two restrainer units at
each hinge).
• Restrainers shall be detailed to allow for easy inspection and replacement
• Restrainer layout shall be symmetrical about the centerline of the superstructure
• Restrainer systems shall incorporate an adequate gap for expansion
Yield indicators are required on all cable restrainers, see Standard Detail Sheet XS 12-57.1 for details. See MTD
20-3 for material properties pertaining to high strength rods (ASTM A722 Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for
Prestressing Concrete) and restrainer cables (ASTM A633 Zinc Coated Steel Structural Wire Rope).
Pipes seat extenders shall be designed for the induced moments under single or double curvature depending on how
the pipe is anchored. If the additional support width provided by the pipe seat extender is required to meet equation
7.5 then hinge restrainers are still required. If the pipe seat extenders are provided as a secondary vertical support system
above and beyond what is required to satisfy equation 7.5, hinge restrainers are not required. Pipe seat extenders will
substantially increase the shear transfer capacity across expansion joints if significant out-of-phase displacements are
anticipated. If this is the case, care must be taken to insure stand-alone frame capacity is not adversely affected by the
additional demand transmitted between frames through the pipe seat extenders.
Equalizing bolts are designed for service loads and are considered sacrificial during an earthquake. Equalizing bolts
shall be designed so they will not transfer seismic demand between frames or inhibit the performance of the hinge
restrainers. Equalizing bolts shall be detailed so they can be easily inspected for damage and/or replaced after an
Bent caps are considered integral if they terminate at the outside of the exterior girder and respond monolithically
with the girder system during dynamic excitation.
The integral cap width considered effective for resisting flexural demands from plastic hinging in the columns shall
be determined by equation 7.7. See Figure 7.5.
6 x t top
t top
t bot
6 x t bot
Superstructure members supported on non-integral bent caps shall be simply supported at the bent cap or span
continuously with a separation detail such as an elastomeric pad or isolation bearing between the bent cap and the
superstructure. Non-integral caps must satisfy all the SDC requirements for frames in the transverse direction.
Drop caps supporting superstructures with expansion joints at the cap shall have sufficient width to prevent
unseating. The minimum seat width for non-integral bent caps shall be determined by equation 7.5. Continuity devices
such as rigid restrainers or web plates may be used to ensure unseating does not occur but shall not be used in lieu of
adequate bent cap width.
7.3.3 Deleted
Every effort should be made to provide enough cap depth to develop the column longitudinal reinforcement without
hooks. See Section 8.2 regarding anchoring column reinforcement into the bent cap.
Moment resisting connections between the superstructure and the column shall be designed to transmit the
maximum forces produced when the column has reached its overstrength capacity M ocol including the effects of
overstrength shear Vocol .
All superstructure/column moment resisting joints shall be proportioned so the principal stresses satisfy equations
7.8 and 7.9. See Section for the numerical definition of principal stress.
The minimum bent cap width required for adequate joint shear transfer is specified in equation 7.10. Larger cap
widths may be required to develop the compression strut outside the joint for large diameter columns.
The following types of joints are considered T joints for joint shear analysis:
The principal tension and compression stresses in a joint are defined as follows:
( fh + fv ) f − fv
pt = − h + v 2jv (7.11) 9
2 2
( f + fv ) f − fv 2
pc = h + h + v jv (7.12)
2 2
T (7.13)
v jv = c
A jv
A jv = l ac × Bcap (7.14) 10
fv = (7.15)
A jh
A jh = (Dc + Ds ) × Bcap (7.16)
fh = (7.17)
B cap × D s
8 All other exterior joints are considered knee joints in the transverse direction. Knee joints are nonstandard elements, design criteria
shall be developed on a project specific basis.
9 A negative result from equation 7.11 signifies the joint has nominal principal tensile stresses.
10 Equation 7.14 defines the effective joint area in terms of the bent cap width regardless of the direction of bending. This lone
simplified definition of Ajv may conservatively underestimate the effective joint area for columns with large cross section aspect
ratios in longitudinal bending.
A jh = The effective horizontal joint area
A jv = The effective vertical joint area
B cap = Bent cap width
Dc = Cross–sectional dimension of column in the direction of bending
Ds = Depth of superstructure at the bent cap
l ac = Length of column reinforcement embedded into the bent cap
Pc = The column axial force including the effects of overturning
Pb = The beam axial force at the center of the joint including prestressing
Tc = The column tensile force defined as M ocol /h, where h is the distance from c.g. of tensile force
to c.g. of compressive force on the section, or alternatively Tc may be obtained from the moment-
curvature analysis of the cross section.
Cbl Tbr
fv pt
lft vjh Mbrght
Mblft Vb pc
v jv
Tbl vjh
fv Cbr pt
Principal Stresses
Note: Unless the prestressing is specifically designed to provide horizontal joint compression, fh can typically be
ignored without significantly effecting the principal stress calculation.
If the principal tension stress pt does not exceed 3.5 × f c′ psi ( 0.29 × f c′ MPa) the minimum joint shear
reinforcement, as specified in equation 7.18, shall be provided. This joint shear reinforcement may be provided in the
form of column transverse steel continued into the bent cap. No additional joint reinforcement is required. The
volumetric ratio of transverse column reinforcement ρ s continued into the cap shall not be less than the value specified
by equation 7.18.
The reinforcement shall be in the form of spirals, hoops, or intersecting spirals or hoops.
If the principal tension stress pt exceeds 3.5 × f c′ psi ( 0.29 × f c′ MPa) the joint shear reinforcement specified
in Section is required.
A) Vertical Stirrups:
Asjv = 0.2 × Ast (7.19)
Ast = Total area of column reinforcement anchored in the joint
Vertical stirrups or ties shall be placed transversely within a distance Dc extending from either side of the column
centerline. The vertical stirrup area, A jv is required on each side of the column or pier wall, see Figures 7.7, 7.8, and
7.10. The stirrups provided in the overlapping areas shown in Figure 7.7 shall count towards meeting the requirements
of both areas creating the overlap. These stirrups can be used to meet other requirements documented elsewhere
including the shear in the bent cap.
B) Horizontal Stirrups:
Horizontal stirrups or ties shall be placed transversely around the vertical stirrups or ties in two or more intermediate
layers spaced vertically at not more than 18 inches (450mm). This horizontal reinforcement Asjh shall be placed within
a distance Dc extending from either side of the column centerline, see Figure 7.9.
0.1× Acap
Assf ≥ or Acap = Area of bent cap top or bottom flexural steel (7.21)
0.1× Acap
D) J-Dowels
For bents skewed greater than 20°, J-dowels hooked around the longitudinal top deck steel extending alternatively
24 inches (600 mm) and 30 inches (750 mm) into the bent cap are required. The J-dowel reinforcement shall be equal
or greater than the area specified in equation 7.22.
The J-dowels shall be placed within a rectangular region defined by the width of the bent cap and the distance Dc
on either side of the centerline of the column, see Figure 7.10.
E) Transverse Reinforcement
Transverse reinforcement in the joint region shall consist of hoops with a minimum reinforcement ratio specified
by equation 7.23. The column confinement reinforcement extended into the bent cap may be used to meet this
ρ s = 0.4 × 2
(in, mm) (7.23)
l ac
For interlocking cores ρ s shall be based on area of reinforcement (Ast) of each core.
All vertical column bars shall be extended as close as possible to the top bent cap reinforcement.
Knee joints differ from T joints because the joint response varies with the direction of the moment (opening or
closing) applied to the joint. Knee joints require special reinforcing details that are considered non-standard and shall
be included in the project specific seismic design criteria.
It may be desirable to pin the top of the column to avoid knee joint requirements. This eliminates the joint shear
transfer through the joint and limits the torsion demand transferred to the cap beam. However, the benefits of a pinned
exterior joint should be weighed against increased foundation demands and the effect on the frame’s overall
jv jv
As in each of
As in each of
1 & 2
1 2 3 &4
2 2
CL Bent CL Bent
Bcap 3 4
Dc Dc Bcap
1 1
CL Girder
L Girder
Multi-Column Bent
Single-Column Bent
Bent Cap Details, Section at Column for Bridges with 0 to 20-Degree Skew.
(Detail Applies to Sections Within 2 x Diameter of Column, Centered About CL of Column).
(Detail Applies to T-Beam and Box Girder Bridges Where Deck Reinforcement is Placed Parallel to Cap).
Construction Joint jv
As Joint Shear Reinforcement
75 min
As Horiz. Cross Ties
As L=0.75(skew cap width)
300 mm
11 Figures 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10 illustrate the general location for joint shear reinforcement in the bent cap.
Limits of J-bars
Limits of Horiz. Cross ties
Vertical Stirrups
J-bars. Alternate Vertical
Lengths 600 and 700 mm
As Horiz. Cross Ties
Dc/2 Dc/2
12 Figures 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10 illustrate the general location for joint shear reinforcement in the bent cap.
Bent Cap Details, Section at Column for Bridges with Skew Larger than 20 Degrees.
(Detail Applies to Sections Within 2 x Diameter of Column, Centered About CL of Column).
(Detail Applies to T-Beam and Box Girder Bridges Where Deck Reinforcement is Placed Normal or Radial to
CL Bridge).
Construction Joint
75 min
As Joint Shear Reinforcement
L=0.75(cap width)
300 mm
13 Figures 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10 illustrate the general location for joint shear reinforcement in the bent cap.
7.5 Bearings
For Ordinary Standard bridges bearings are considered sacrificial elements. Typically bearings are designed and
detailed for service loads. However, bearings shall be checked to insure their capacity and mode of failure are consistent
with the assumptions made in the seismic analysis. The designer should consider detailing bearings so they can be easily
inspected for damage and replaced or repaired after an earthquake.
The lateral shear capacity of elastomeric bearing pads is controlled by either the dynamic friction capacity between
the pad and the bearing seat or the shear strain capacity of the pad. Test results have demonstrated the dynamic
coefficient of friction between concrete and neoprene is 0.40 and between neoprene and steel is 0.35. The maximum
shear strain resisted by elastomeric pads prior to failure is estimated at ± 150% .
PTFE spherical bearings and PTFE elastomeric bearings utilize low friction PTFE sheet resin. Typical friction
coefficients for these bearings vary between 0.04 to 0.08. The friction coefficient is dependent on contact pressure,
temperature, sliding speed, and the number of sliding cycles. Friction values may be as much as 5 to 10 times higher
at sliding speeds anticipated under seismic loads compared to the coefficients under thermal expansion.
A common mode of failure for sliding bearings under moderate earthquakes occurs when the PTFE surface slides
beyond the limits of the sole plate often damaging the PTFE surface. The sole plate should be extended a reasonable
amount to eliminate this mode of failure whenever possible.
Every effort shall be made to limit the column cross sectional dimensions to the depth of the superstructure. This
requirement may be difficult to meet on columns with high L /D ratios. If the column dimensions exceed the depth
of the bent cap it may be difficult to meet the joint shear requirements in Section 7.4.2, the superstructure capacity
requirements in Section, and the ductility requirements in Section
The relationship between column cross section and bent cap depth specified in equation 7.24 is a guideline based
on observation. Maintaining this ratio should produce reasonably well proportioned structures.
0.7 < < 1.0 (7.24)
The analytical plastic hinge length is the equivalent length of column over which the plastic curvature is assumed
constant for estimating plastic rotation.
G = The gap between the isolated flare and the soffit of the bent cap
L p = D ∗ + 0.08H ′ (7.27)
D Diameter for circular shafts or the least cross section dimension for oblong shafts.
H ′ = Length of pile shaft/column from point of maximum moment to point of contra-flexure above
ground considering the base of plastic hinge at the point of maximum moment.
The plastic hinge region, Lpr defines the portion of the column, pier, or shaft that requires enhanced lateral
confinement. Lpr is defined by the larger of:
The effects of axial load redistribution due to overturning forces shall be considered when calculating the plastic
moment capacity for multi-column bents in the transverse direction.
The preferred method for detailing flares is to horizontally isolate the top of flared sections from the soffit of the
cap beam. Isolating the flare allows the flexural hinge to form at the top of the column, minimizing the seismic shear
demand on the column. The added mass and stiffness of the isolated flare typically can be ignored in the dynamic
A horizontal gap isolating the flare from the cap beam shall extend over the entire cross section of the flare excluding
a core region equivalent to the prismatic column cross section. The gap shall be large enough so that it will not close
during a seismic event. The gap thickness, G shall be based on the estimated ductility demand and corresponding plastic
hinge rotation capacity. The minimum gap thickness shall be 2 inches (50 mm). See Section 7.6.2 for the appropriate
plastic hinge length of horizontally isolated flares.
If the plastic hinge rotation based on the plastic hinge length specified Section 7.6.2 (b) provides insufficient column
displacement capacity, the designer may elect to add vertical flare isolation. When vertical flare isolation is used, the
analytical plastic hinge length shall be taken as the lesser of Lp calculated using Equations 7.25 and 7.26 where G is
the length from the bent cap soffit to the bottom of the vertical flare isolation region.14
Column flares that are integrally connected to the bent cap soffit should be avoided whenever possible. Lightly
reinforced integral flares shall only be used when required for service load design or aesthetic considerations and the
peak rock acceleration is less than 0.5g. The flare geometry shall be kept as slender as possible. Test results have shown
that slender lightly reinforced flares perform adequately after cracking has developed in the flare concrete essentially
separating the flare from the confined column core. However, integral flares require higher shear forces and moments
to form the plastic hinge at the top of column compared to isolated flares. The column section at the base of the flare
must have adequate capacity to insure the plastic hinge will form at the top of column. The higher plastic hinging forces
must be considered in the design of the column, superstructure and footing.
Column flares shall be nominally reinforced outside the confined column core to prevent the flare concrete from
completely separating from the column at high ductility levels.
Pier walls shall be designed to perform in a ductile manner longitudinally (about the weak axis), and to remain
essentially elastic in the transverse direction (about the strong axis). The large difference in stiffness between the strong
and weak axis of pier walls leads to complex foundation behavior, see Section 7.7.
Column shear keys shall be designed for the axial and shear forces associated with the column’s overstrength moment
M ocol including the effects of overturning. The key reinforcement shall be located as close to the center of the column
as possible to minimize developing a force couple within the key reinforcement. Steel pipe sections may be used in
lieu of reinforcing steel to relieve congestion and reduce the moment generated within the key. Any appreciable
moment generated by the key steel should be considered in the footing design.
14 The horizontal flare isolation detail is easier to construct than a combined horizontal and vertical isolation detail and is preferred
wherever possible. Laboratory testing is scheduled to validate the plastic hinge length specified in equation 7.26.
7.7 Foundations
The lateral, vertical, and rotational capacity of the foundation shall exceed the respective demands. The size and
number of piles and the pile group layout shall be designed to resist service level moments, shears, and axial loads and
the moment demand induced by the column plastic hinging mechanism. Equations 7.28 and 7.29 define lateral shear
and moment equilibrium in the foundation when the column reaches its overstrength capacity, see Figure 7.11.
Vocol − ∑V pile
(i ) − Rs = 0 (7.28)
c (i ) = Distance from pile (i) to the center of gravity of the pile group in the X or Y direction
C (pile
i) = Axial compression demand on pile (i)
D ftg = Depth of footing
D Rs = Depth of resultant soil resistance measured from the top of footing
M (pile
= The moment demand generated in pile (i), M pile = 0 if the piles are pinned to the footing
(i )
= Axial tension demand on pile (i)
V( ipile
= Lateral shear resistance provided by pile (i)
L Column Vocol
M o col
D ftg Rs
Pile shears and moments shown on right side only, left side similar
Effects of footing weight and soil overburden not shown
The design of pile foundations in competent soil can be greatly simplified if we rely on inherent capacity that is
not directly incorporated in the foundation assessment. For example, typically pile axial resistance exceeds the
designed nominal resistance and axial load redistributes to adjacent piles when an individual pile’s geotechnical
capacity is exceeded.
The simplified foundation model illustrated in Figure 7.12 is based on the following assumptions. A more
sophisticated analysis may be warranted if project specific parameters invalidate any of these assumptions:
• The passive resistance of the soil along the leading edge of the footing and upper 4 to 8 pile diameters
combined with the friction along the sides and bottom of the pile cap is sufficient to resist the column
overstrength shear Vocol .
• The pile cap is infinitely rigid, its width is entirely effective, and the pile loads can be calculated from the
static equations of equilibrium.
• The pile group’s nominal moment resistance is limited to the capacity available when any individual pile
reaches its nominal axial resistance.
• Group effects for pile footings surrounded by competent soil and a minimum of three diameters center-to-
center pile spacing are relatively small and can be ignored.
• Piles designed with a pinned connection to the pile cap will not transfer significant moment to the pile cap.
• Pile groups designed with the simplified foundation model can be sized to resist the plastic moment of the
column Mp in lieu of Mo.
Equation 7.30 defines the axial demand on an individual pile when the column reaches its plastic hinging capacity
based on force equilibrium in conjunction with the previously stated assumptions. A similar model can be used to
analyze and design spread footing foundations that are surrounded by competent soil.
C (pile
Pc M p( y ) × c x (i ) M p( x ) × c y (i )
col col
= ± ± (7.30)
T(ipile N I p. g .( y ) I p. g . ( x )
I p. g . ( y ) = ∑n×c 2
y (i ) I p. g . ( x ) = ∑n×c 2
x (i )
M pcol
CL Column
D ftg
T(i) pile T(2)pile T(1)pile C(1)pile C(2)pile C(i)
c (2)
CL Column
M p(y)
Mp(x) C
L Bent (X axis)
L Column (Y axis)
In marginal soils the pile cap may not dominate the lateral stiffness of the foundation, as is expected in competent
soil, possibly leading to significant lateral displacements. The designer shall verify that the lateral capacity of the
foundation exceeds the lateral demand transmitted by the column, including the pile’s capability of maintaining axial
load capacity at the expected lateral displacement.
The designer should select the most cost effective strategy for increasing the lateral resistance of the foundation when
required. The following methods are commonly used to increase lateral foundation capacity.
The lateral capacity assessment of fixed head piles requires a project specific design which considers the effects of
shear, moment, axial load, stiffness, soil capacity, and stability.
Assessing the passive resistance of the soil surrounding pile caps under dynamic loading is complex. The designer
may conservatively elect to ignore the soil’s contribution in resisting lateral loads. In this situation, the piles must
be capable of resisting the entire lateral demand without exceeding the force or deformation capacity of the piles.
Alternatively, contact the Project Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer to obtain force deformation relationships for
the soil that will be mobilized against the footing. The designer should bear in mind that significant displacement may
be associated with the soil’s ultimate passive resistance.
The length to thickness ratio along the principal axes of the footing must satisfy equation 7.32 if rigid footing
behavior and the associated linear distribution of pile forces and deflections is assumed.
L ftg
≤ 2.5 (7.32)
D ftg
Lftg = The cantilever length of the pile cap measured from the face of the column to the edge of
the footing.
All footing/column moment resisting joints shall be proportioned so the principal stresses meet the following
12 × f c′ (psi )
Principal tension: pt ≤ (7.34)
1.0 × f c′ ( MPa )
f f
p t = v − v + v 2jv (7.35)
2 2
f f
p c = v + v + v 2jv (7.36)
2 2
T jv
v jv = (7.37)
Beffftg × D ftg
T jv = Tc − ∑T pile
(i )
∑ T( i ) = Summation of the hold down force in the tension piles.
2 × Dc Circular Column
Beffftg =
Bc + Dc Rectangular Column (7.39)
fv = (7.40)
A jhftg
( )
Dc + D ftg Circular Column
Ajhftg = D D ftg
Dc + ftg × Bc + Rectangular Column (7.41)
2 2
A jhftg is the effective horizontal area at mid-depth of the footing, assuming a 45° spread away from the boundary
of the column in all directions, see Figure 7.13.
If the footing is proportioned according to Sections and the entire width of the footing can be
considered effective in resisting the column overstrength flexure and the associated shear.
The designer shall insure the footing has sufficient strength to resist localized pile punching failure for piles
exceeding nominal resistance of 400 kips (1800kN). In addition, a sufficient amount of the flexure reinforcement in
the top and bottom mat must be developed beyond the exterior piles to insure tensile capacity is available to resist the
horizontal component of the shear-resisting mechanism for the exterior piles.
Dc b eff
45 Bc
D ftg
Dc b eff
Figure 7.13 Effective Joint Width for Footing Joint Stress Calculation
Typically, it is not economical to design pier wall pile foundations to resist the transverse seismic shear. Essentially
elastic response of the wall in the strong direction will induce large foundation demands that may cause inelastic
response in the foundation. If this occurs, piles will incur some damage from transverse demands, most likely near the
pile head/pile cap connection. Methods for reducing the inelastic damage in pier wall pile foundations include:
The method selected to account for or mitigate inelastic behavior in the pier wall foundations shall be discussed
at the Type Selection Meeting.
If sliding of the pier wall foundation is anticipated, the capacity of the pier wall and foundation must be designed
for 130% of a realistic estimate of the sliding resistance at the bottom of the footing.
Overestimating the equivalent cantilever length of pile shafts will under estimate the shear load corresponding to
the plastic capacity of the shaft. The seismic shear force for Type I pile shafts shall be taken as the larger of either the
shear reported from the soil/pile interaction analysis when the in-ground plastic hinges forms, or the shear calculated
by dividing the overstrength moment capacity of the pile shaft by Hs. Where Hs is defined as the smaller length specified
by equation 7.42.
H '+ ( 2 × D c )
H s ≤ Length of the column/shaft from the point of maximum moment (7.42)
in the shaft to the point contraflexure in the column
The distribution of moment along a pile shaft is dependent upon the geotechnical properties of the surrounding soil
and the stiffness of the shaft. To ensure the formation of plastic hinges in columns and to minimize the damage to type
II shafts a factor of safety of 1.25 shall be used in the design of Type II shafts. This factor also accommodates the
uncertainty associated with estimates on soil properties and stiffness. The expected nominal moment capacity M ne typeII ,
at any location along the shaft, must be at least 1.25 times the moment demand generated by the overstrength moment
applied at the base of the column. Increasing the pile shaft’s capacity to meet the overstrength requirement will affect
the moment demand in the shaft. This needs to be considered and may require iteration to achieve the specified
Pile shaft construction practice often requires the use of temporary casing (straight or telescoping) especially in the
upper 20 feet (6 m). Pile shafts diameters are commonly 6 inches (150 mm) larger than specified when straight casing
is used, and 1 foot (300 mm) larger for each piece of telescoping casing. The effect of oversized shafts on the foundation’s
performance should be considered.
Pile shafts must have sufficient length to ensure stable load-deflection characteristics.
Type II shafts typically are enlarged relative to the column diameter to contain the inelastic action to the column.
Enlarged shafts shall be at least 18 inches (450 mm) larger than the column diameter and the reinforcement shall satisfy
the clearance requirements for CIP piling specified in Bridge Design Details 13-22.
Pile extensions must perform in a ductile manner and meet the ductility requirements of column elements specified
in Section 4.1.
7.8 Abutments
The linear elastic demand model shall include an effective abutment stiffness, Keff that accounts for expansion gaps,
and incorporates a realistic value for the embankment fill response. The abutment embankment fill stiffness is nonlinear
and is dependent upon on the material properties of the abutment backfill. Based on passive earth pressure tests and
the force deflection results from large-scale abutment testing at UC Davis, the initial embankment fill stiffness is
kip in (11.5 kN mm ). The initial stiffness15 shall be adjusted proportional to the backwall/diaphragm height,
K i ≈ 20
ft m
as documented in Equation 7.43.
K i × w × U.S. units
K abut = (7.43)
K i × w × 1. 7 S.I. units
Where, w is the width of the backwall or the diaphragm for seat and diaphragm abutments, respectively.
The passive pressure resisting the movement at the abutment increases linearly with the displacement, as shown in
Figure 7.14A. The maximum passive pressure of 5.0 ksf (239 kPa), presented in Equation 7.44 is based on the ultimate
static force developed in the full scale abutment testing conducted at UC Davis [Maroney, 1995]. The height
proportionality factor, h h is based on the height of the UC Davis abutment specimen 5.5 ft (1.7 m).
5.5 ft 1.7 m
hbw or hdia
Ae × 5.0 ksf × ( 5.5 ) ( ft , kip)
Pbw or Pdia =
A × 239 kPa × ( hbw or hdia ) (m, kN )
e 1.7
Force Force
Pbw Pdia
The effective abutment area for calculating the ultimate longitudinal force capacity of an abutment is presented in
Equation 7.45.
For seat abutments the backwall is typically designed to break off in order to protect the foundation from inelastic
action. The area considered effective for mobilizing the backfill longitudinally is equal to the area of the backwall.
For diaphragm abutments the entire diaphragm, above and below the soffit, is typically designed to engage the
backfill immediately when the bridge is displaced longitudinally. Therefore, the effective abutment area is equal to
the entire area of the diaphragm. If the diaphragm has not been designed to resist the passive earth pressure exerted
by the abutment backfill, the effective abutment area is limited to the portion of the diaphragm above the soffit of the
hdia= hdia* = Effective height if the diaphragm is not designed for full soil pressure
(see Figure 7.14B).
hdia = hdia** = Effective height if the diaphragm is designed for full soil pressure (see Figure 7.14B).
w bw wdia
h bw h dia *
h dia**
w abut
The abutment displacement coefficient RA shall be used in the assessment of the effectiveness of the abutment.
R A = ∆D
∆D = The longitudinal displacement demand at the abutment from elastic analysis.
∆eff = The effective longitudinal abutment displacement at idealized yield.
If RA ≤ 2 The elastic response is dominated by the abutments. The abutment stiffness is large relative
to the stiffness of the bents or piers. The column displacement demands generated by the linear
elastic model can be used directly to determine the displacement demand and capacity
assessment of the bents or piers
If RA ≥ 4 The elastic model is insensitive to the abutment stiffness. The abutment contribution to the
overall bridge response is small and the abutments are insignificant to the longitudinal seismic
performance. The bents and piers will sustain significant deformation. The effective abutment
stiffness Keff in the elastic model shall be reduced to a minimum residual stiffness Kres, and the
elastic analysis shall be repeated for revised column displacements. The residual spring has
no relevance to the actual stiffness provided by the failed backwall or diaphragm but should
suppress unrealistic response modes associated with a completely released end condition.
Seat type abutments are designed to resist transverse service load and moderate earthquake demands elastically.
Typically seat abutments cannot be elastically designed to resist MCE demands because linear analysis cannot capture
the inelastic response of the shear keys, wingwalls, or piles. The lateral capacity of seat abutments should not be
considered effective for the MCE unless the designer can demonstrate the force-deflection characteristics and stiffness
for each element that contributes to the transverse resistance.
The magnitude of the transverse abutment stiffness and the resulting displacement is most critical in the design of
the adjacent bent, not the abutment itself. Reasonable transverse displacement of superstructure relative to the
abutment seat can easily be accommodated without catastrophic consequences. A nominal transverse spring, Knom
equal to 50% of the transverse stiffness of the adjacent bent shall be used in the elastic demand assessment models.
The nominal spring has no relevance to the actual residual stiffness provided by the failed shear key but should suppress
unrealistic response modes associated with a completely released end condition. This approach is consistent with the
stand-alone push analysis design of the adjacent bent and it is conservative since larger amounts of lateral resistance
at the abutments that are not captured by the nominal spring will only reduce the transverse displacement demands
at the bents. Any additional element, such as pile shafts (used for transverse ductility), shall be included in the transverse
analysis with a characteristic force-deflection curve. The initial slope of the force-deflection curve shall be included
in the elastic demand assessment model.
Diaphragm type abutments supported on standard piles surrounded by dense material can conservatively be
estimated, ignoring the wingwalls, as 40 kips/in ( 7.0 kN ) per pile.
Sufficient abutment seat width shall be available to accommodate the anticipated thermal movement, prestress
shortening, creep, shrinkage, and the relative longitudinal earthquake displacement. The seat width normal to the
centerline of bearing shall be calculated by equation 7.46 but not less than 30 inches (760 mm).
∆ p / s + ∆cr + sh + ∆temp + ∆eq + 4
) (in)
NA ≥ (7.46)
∆ p / s + ∆cr + sh + ∆temp + ∆eq + 100 ) (mm)
CL Brg
∆ eq
∆ p/s + ∆ cr + sh + ∆ temp 4" (100mm)
Seat ≥ 30 in
(760 mm)
The “Seat Width” requirements due to the service load considerations (Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications and
AASHTO requirements) shall also be met.
Typically abutment shear keys are expected to transmit the lateral shear forces generated by small earthquakes and
service loads. Determining the earthquake force demand on shear keys is difficult. The forces generated with elastic
demand assessment models should not be used to size the abutment shear keys. Shear key capacity for seat abutments
shall be limited to the smaller of the following:
Wide bridges may require internal shear keys to insure adequate lateral resistance is available for service load and
moderate earthquakes. Internal shear keys should be avoided whenever possible because of maintenance problems
associated with premature failure caused by binding due to the superstructure rotation or shortening.