Bug List A
Bug List A
Bug List A
1 Computational Geometry
3 Polygon Triangulation
• p.47, l.11: ”...let v 0 be the farthest from uv.” This should be: ”...let v 0 be the farthest
from the line supporting uv.”
• p.51, l.-5: ”are stored in an event queue”.
• p.52, mid: ”Let ej and ek be the edges immediately to the right and to the left”; left
and right should be exchanged.
• p.55, l.5: A space is missing before HandleEndVertex.
• p.58, mid: Add a space between ”theorem” and ”3.6”.
4 Linear Programming
• p.70, l.-9: ”...or its is...”. Remove an ”s”.
• p.85, l.-7: ”Then algorithm...” Remove the ”n”.
• p.89, l.-10: The sentence between brackets is incorrect!
• p.93: In Exercise 4.10, the common intersection of the half-planes in H should be
non-empty and their boundaries should not all be parallel.
6 Point Location
7 Voronoi Diagrams
• p.156, top margin figure: The two unlabeled points also define arcs on the beach line
far to the left and right. Hence, the tree is not complete.
• p.171, mid: ”This means that in dual” should be ”This means that in the dual”.
• p.174, l.16: ”If `i is a vertical line we can locate the bottom intersection point of `i and
Ai to start off the traversal.” This should have been Ai−1 .
• p.181: In Exercise 8.3, the word ”faces” in the second line should be ”edges”.
9 Delaunay Triangulations
• p.209: In Exercise 9.12, we want to ask for an approximation factor of 2, not of 3/2, or
else you need matching and not just the EMST.
• p.209: In part (a) of Exercise 9.13, we should assume that for any two points p, q, if
the smallest enclosing circle does not contain other points of P inside, then it also does
not contain points of P on the boundary.
• p.209: In part (b) of Exercise 9.13, the second p should be P .
• p.210: In part (a) of Exercise 9.16, there should be a space between Pi , and q. Also,
pi pj should be pq.
• p.213, l-8: p. 213: ”we image the real line” should be ”we consider the real line”. p.217,
l.7: ”top” should be ”bottom” for consistency with the text on page 213.
• p.224, l.-11: ”the” is missing.
• p.233: In Exercise 10.11, the lc(ν) and rc(ν) should be lc(νsplit ) and rc(νsplit )
• p.233: In Exercise 10.12, a space is missing in the first line.
11 Convex Hulls
14 Quadtrees
15 Visibility Graphs
• p.315, mid: The O(n2 ) bound for shortest paths has been improved to O(n log n) by
Hershberger and Suri.
• p.338:
√ The bound stated in Exercise 16.6 is not√ correct: the query time reduces to
O( n logc n) for a suitable constant c, not to O( n log n).