Kaity's Korner May 11
Kaity's Korner May 11
Kaity's Korner May 11
Volume 6 Issue 2
Honoring the Past
x.php Service Coordination – The
On April 12, 2011 Bobbi Maricopa Association of
Sudberry of Kaity’s Way was Governments Regional
When awarded the Governors Domestic Violence Council.
Triumph over Tragedy Award Leadership – Mr. Tomas
May 2 , 2011 @ 6:30 pm for her work in the community Salviejo, School Resource
What since the loss of her daughter, Officer, Yuma Police Dept &
Kaitlyn Sudberry in 2008. This Woodward Jr. High School.
Kaity’s Story will be present to the award is given in recognition Ms. Amilia Duchon-Voyles,
Marriage and Family Class at of her ability and efforts to Bobbi Sudberry & Governor Jan Brewer Director of SWAN and the
PVCC make a difference for the Butterfly House
citizens of Arizona in spite of Victim Services, and the Pima
the circumstances she has County Attorney’s Office Justice for All Awards
When endured. Victim Services Division. Maricopa County Attorney’s
Innovative Practices – Ms. Office – Mr. Mark Legault &
May 4, 2011 All Day Other award recipients were: Mrs. Sandy Legault
Cheryl Oliver, Compassionate
What Distinguished Service Friends, Verde Chapter in Officer Brett Glidewell.
Awards Arizona Attorney Cottonwood.
Raise Dough with Oregano’s at General’s Office Public Policy – The Arizona Congratulations to all the
the 10 Street & Camelback Advocacy/Direct Services - Coalition Against Domestic award recipients!
location. Be sure to bring a flyer Ms. Barbara LaWall, County Violence.
Attorney, Mr. Kent Burbank,
Phone Number:
(602) 740-2734 How can you Help!
Tax ID #26-3442791
Write a Review for Kaitys’ Bring Awareness Miche Bag and Cookie Lee
Way….. have programs to fundraise
Are you a member of a PTA, for non-profit organizations.
http://kaitysway.blogspot.com/ There is no age limit to who PTO, PTSO of any group or This is a fun way to get
http://www.facebook.com/people/Kait can do this and we encourage organization that involves the together with your friends and
ysWay/1840801102 that young people as well as welfare of children? If so, support a great cause.
http://twitter.com/KaitysWay adults write reviews that have consider suggesting Kaity's
http://www.myspace.com/484917490 heard Kaity’s Story or Way speak at one of the Bobbi Sudberry will be hosting
volunteer for Kaity’s Way. meetings to bring awareness a Miche Bag Party on May 15,
to Teen Dating Violence as 2011 2:00 pm at 3245 W.
We ask that you do this so well as the need for Education Altadena, Phoenix, Az 85029.
potential donors will know that in our schools. Come out and join us to check
not only is Kaity’s Way a out these cool purses!
dedicated organization, but If you are a Facebook, user,
what we do helps all of society Friend Kaity’s Way and Coordinate Dining to Donate
not just a select group. whenever you see a Kaity's with a restaurant in your area.
Way posting, make it a habit A lot of restaurants will donate
It only takes a few moments of to hit the SHARE option and anywhere from 10% to 35% of
your time to write a review. encourage your Facebook sales to a non profit on a
Just think your review may be friends to do the same. By given day or night.
the one that will help a future doing so you are bringing
donor and/or sponsor make awareness to more people Our next Dining to Donate is
their decision in favor of than Kaity’s Way can do with Oregano’s – Raise
supporting Kaity’s Way. alone. Dough with Gibbini’s
please go to Giveback on May 4, 2011 at
http://www2.guidestar.org/org Talk about us to anyone and their 10 Street and
anizations/26-3442791/kaitys- everyone. If you would like Camelback location. They will
Kaity’s Korner Staff way/review.aspx and select brochures to have on hand, donate 20% of sales to Kaity’s
Write Reviews, just under the please let us know and we will Way.
Miranda L. Birden red + share button. get some to you.
Conduct a used cell phone or
Creator & Editor Administrative Support ink cartridge drive at your
place of employment or with
Bobbi Sudberry Logging survey answers into a your family, friends and
Have a Home Party to raise
spreadsheet. neighbors.
Contributor & Editor funds for Kaity's Way. Many
businesses, such as,
Organize business cards and Tupperware, Beauticontrol,
filing. Pampered Chef, CandleLite,