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Kaity's Korner May 11

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May 2011

Volume 6 Issue 2

Kaity’s Way Board

Susan Guinn-Lahm, MA,
Susan is a native of Ajo, AZ
Wow, What a Month April Was!
where she works as the April was a busy month for being abused and he shared
Lead Behavioral Health Kaity’s Way. We started off with with them the new law, …
Clinician at Desert Senita a bang at the Take Back the encouraging her to get an
Community Health Center st
Night! event on April 1 in order of protection. You are
(DSCHC). Susan provide Downtown Phoenix. It was making a difference!!!!”
general mental health double duty for us as we
counseling services, presented and had an exhibit Later that day, we presented
specializing in patient’s table set up. On April 2 ,
to the City of Phoenix
behavioral changes to Bobbi Sudberry and Irv Smith, Prosecutor office in honor of
compliment their medical joined Kevin Pakos on the air at Victims Rights Week. Then it
treatment. KPPX 1010 am as guests on is off to Holbrook for the
Rosie Mendoza, CCHC, Ralph Schneider,
his Amazing Performances Navajo County Attorneys Principal DHS, Bobbi Sudberry, Kaity’s Way
Show to discuss the services Office 2nd Annual Victim
Ric Sudberry Kaity’s Way provides for the Rights Symposium. Bobbi
th 46.8% know or have known
Board Member community. On April 7 , we Sudberry represented Kaity’s someone in an abusive
joined First Things First and Way as one of the keynote relationship.
Ric is the father of five and various agencies in honor of speakers and presented
spent five years in the US Child Abuse Awareness month Kaity’s Story at two 90 minute 7.9% believe they have been
Air Force as a Medical at the Arizona State Capitol workshops. Kaity’s Way was in an abusive relationship.
Technician. Ric works full offering the community valuable also present at this years
time at Home Depot in information. On April 10 , Homicide Survivors 98.8% agree that it does
Phoenix, AZ. He enjoys Kaity’s Way attended and Candlelight Vigil in Tucson benefit teenagers to have
th th
reading, watching football presented at the 7 Annual Arizona on April 16 thanks to Kaity’s Story presented in the
(Go Steelers!) and traveling. Arrowhead Kiwanis Club Luau Board Chair Susan Lahm and school systems and/or with
in Glendale, AZ. Board Member Norma Gomez. youth organizations.
Norma Gomez April 14 was a double header Now we are off to Douglas 97.6% of students do feel it
for Kaity’s Way as we Arizona where Bobbi Sudberry would be helpful for teenagers
Board Member presented to Mesa Community presented to the entire student if more adults were educated
Norma is a mother of three College and the City of body of Douglas High School about Teen Dating Violence.
th st
and grandmother of nine. Phoenix. Ms. Bonnie Black’s from April 19 to the 21 . .
Norma first began her work Victimology class at Mesa Douglas is a wonderful 95.4% of students would share
as an advocate about 20 Community College listened as community that is very Kaity’s Story with someone
years ago when she began Bobbi Sudberry shared Kaity’s fortunate to have a team of that they believe is in a
working with the story. The following quote from truly caring individuals looking Potentially Violent or Violent
developmentally disabled Ms. Bonnie Black, really shows out for them. relationship.
population. She continues how Kaity’s Way has impacted
her advocate work with the the community: “……thank you We received a total of 985 Who would they talk to about
Pima County Attorneys’ so much for your powerful completed surveys from the being in an abusive
Office, Victim Services presentation. We spent a students of DHS results are as relationship? Parents 53.7%,
Division. She enjoys couple classes talking about follows: Teacher/Coach 9.6%, Friend
teaching Baile folklórico, your presentation. The 56%, Counselor 11.5%,
which she has done for the students were greatly impacted 99.2% of students believe they Religious Leader 7.5%, Other
last 25 years in Ajo. (as was I) and in fact one would recognize the warning 10.9%.
student shared a story in class signs of abuse in a
that he knew someone in a relationship.
dating relationship who was continued on page 3 “Wow”…
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."
~Marcus Aurelius
Calendar of Events Crime Victims Rights Celebration
Be sure to check our website
for updates and additional
Reshaping the Future
current events

Honoring the Past
x.php Service Coordination – The
On April 12, 2011 Bobbi Maricopa Association of
Sudberry of Kaity’s Way was Governments Regional
When awarded the Governors Domestic Violence Council.
Triumph over Tragedy Award Leadership – Mr. Tomas
May 2 , 2011 @ 6:30 pm for her work in the community Salviejo, School Resource
What since the loss of her daughter, Officer, Yuma Police Dept &
Kaitlyn Sudberry in 2008. This Woodward Jr. High School.
Kaity’s Story will be present to the award is given in recognition Ms. Amilia Duchon-Voyles,
Marriage and Family Class at of her ability and efforts to Bobbi Sudberry & Governor Jan Brewer Director of SWAN and the
PVCC make a difference for the Butterfly House
citizens of Arizona in spite of Victim Services, and the Pima
the circumstances she has County Attorney’s Office Justice for All Awards
When endured. Victim Services Division. Maricopa County Attorney’s
Innovative Practices – Ms. Office – Mr. Mark Legault &
May 4, 2011 All Day Other award recipients were: Mrs. Sandy Legault
Cheryl Oliver, Compassionate
What Distinguished Service Friends, Verde Chapter in Officer Brett Glidewell.
Awards Arizona Attorney Cottonwood.
Raise Dough with Oregano’s at General’s Office Public Policy – The Arizona Congratulations to all the
the 10 Street & Camelback Advocacy/Direct Services - Coalition Against Domestic award recipients!
location. Be sure to bring a flyer Ms. Barbara LaWall, County Violence.
Attorney, Mr. Kent Burbank,


May 5, 2011 @ 1:30 pm

What A Chance Meeting
Kaity's Way will present to the
students of Peoria Accelerated Frank Garcia of the Family Services can be provided lot of emotions are
High School Advocacy Center (F.A.C.) was either in person, by phone or experienced in these types of
the advocate assigned the offsite. Victim advocates from cases involving the death of a
Sudberry case after the the F.A.C. assist victims with loved-one. And as advocates,
When murder of Kaitlyn Sudberry. various services, such as, we should be there to
The last time Bobbi and Frank safety planning, relocation, continuously advocate and
May 6, 2011 @ 8:25am had spoken was more than shelter access, court escorts, empower families in times of
three years ago and they had crisis intervention, forensic crisis.”
What never met in person. It was exams, transportation,
Kaity’s Way will present to the 7
th completely by chance that referrals for professional To contact the Family
th they meet up on this counseling, support groups, Advocacy Center of Phoenix
& 8 grade students of Desert unseasonably warm evening victim compensation and please call (602) 534 2120.
Shadows Middle School at the Take Back the Night victims’ rights education.
event on April 1, 2011. Their Particularly in domestic
exhibit tables were set up right violence cases, victim
When next to each other and both of advocates from the F.A.C. are
them out there to provide the consistently assessing the
May 7, 2011 All Day community with very victim’s safety and educating
necessary information. on domestic violence.
“After obtaining the case
Kaity’s Way will be present at the The Family Advocacy Center
for the city of Phoenix where Kaity Sudberry was a
Ajo Cinco De Mayo Celebration victim, I was glad I was able to
with an exhibit table handing out provides an array of services
to victims of violent crimes. help. It was my
important information to the understanding the F.A.C. was Bobbi Sudberry and Frank Garcia
“Many times, we are the first Picture courtesy of Linda King, FixtheHurt.org
community. We will also raffle off person from a social service the first true follow-up for the
a large Miche Bag base & shell capacity that conducts follow- family. As in many cases,
and a small Miche Bag base & up to assess needs and victim advocates from the Information about F.A.C.
provide information and F.A.C. spend the time provided courtesy of Frank
shell. Tickets are on sale now.
referrals.” necessary listening to the Garcia. Thank you, Frank!
Small bag tickets are $2 each or 3 family members. Certainly a
for $5. Large bag tickets are $3
each or 2 for $5. You do not have
to be present to win.

May 12, 2011 6:00 pm EST Celebrities Step,

Kaity’s Story will be presentied
Against Teen Dating Violence II
for the Salvation Army Sya, Recording a mix and mingle hour and
Safehouse in Warner Robins, Many people have asked and Artist and Actress dinner to the evening in
Georgia EMPOWERING we are delivering. Save the addition to the show.
Date, July 23, 2011, because Irv Smith, Retired
we are doing it again at the Tickets will go on sale in late
THEM TO END THE CYCLE OF Talking Stick Resort in defend his title as
Best Arizona May. For a Dinner and Show
ABUSE! Scottsdale, AZ! ticket the price will be $50 and
Celebrity Dancer.
to see the Show only the
Local Celebrities are going to ticket price is $25.
When be Stepping Against Teen The event held last year on
Dating Violence. September 11, 2010 was so
much fun and such a success Talking Stick Resort has
May 15, 2011 @ 2:00 PM
Kristin Anderson, in bringing awareness to Teen agreed to allow those that
What Fox 10 News, Dating Violence that we have attend this event a special
Tracy Celaya, Lead decided to make this an room rate of $99 a night if
Bobbi Sudberry will host a Singer ,Treja Vu annual event for Kaity’s Way they would like to book a room
FUNdraising Miche Bag Party at Band, and the community. for the night. Why not treat
yourself to a resort weekend
her home located at : Angie Gomez, Lead filled with fun and relaxation!
3245 W. Altadena, Phoenix, Az Singer, Power Drive Many things are the same, but
and DJ, MEGA 104.3 we have made some
improvements to make this As with last year there will be
The Manic many items raffled off and a
Hispanic, James years event even more
When exciting and fun! silent auction filled with sports
Rivas DJ MEGA memorabilia, art work and
May 24, 2011 @ 6:00 PM 104.3, Actor vacation packages.
We have added the option of

Bobbi Sudberry share Kaity’s Story

with the young women of the
Florence Crittenton Girls Ranch.
Wow cont’
These results are very
consistent with what we came
away with in Ajo and
Holbrook. As of earlier this year Kaity’s primary prevention, rather
Dating Violence Statistic Way has become part of the than be reactive to the issue
Now we are off to man a table SVPEP state planning team of sexual violence.
at the 4 annual MYFEST ’11 (the state plan on primary
Victims of dating abuse are not youth festival on April 23 . prevention of sexual violence). To read more about this
only at increased risk for injury, We wrap the month up on the
th th program go to the following
they are also more likely to 25 and 26 by presenting This team consists of people link:
engage in binge drinking, Kaity’s Story at Paradise
Valley Community college for
and programs from various http://www.azrapeprevention.
suicide attempts, physical backgrounds and areas from org/sites/azrapeprevention.org
the students of Ana Stigsson’s around the state. The goal is
fights, and currently sexual Marriage and Family class /files/April_ADHS_final.pdf
activity (CDC 2006). to be proactive by planning
and the Spring 2011 and implementing programs of
Semester, Life Long Learning

Phenomenal Community Support

Wish List
to Douglas for Buffalo Wild Wings Happy
Computer Ajo Yardsale through Valley Road, Jessica Estipona
Stronger Families Council
donations and those that from Pampered Chef, Wine
Copier for providing a very
came out and found a Styles and Peggy Torres from
generous honorarium to
Conference call speaker phone treasure, raised $1,001, BeautiControl. All participants
Kaity’s Way.
Ajo Rawks! were supportive with helping
Two Outdoor Storage Sheds
Phoenix Yardsale, was Much Appreciation goes out us raise the necessary funds
Sponsors th
rained out on the 9 but to the following businesses to continue to service the
raised ~$745. and those that attended the community.
fundraisers they hosted last
month….. Continued on next page….
Help Wanted Community Kaity’s Way has the
Kaity’s Way is looking for Volunteer Support cont’ Best Volunteers!
Coordinators in the Phoenix and Ajo
areas. If you are interested please
Soto, Maria Spry, Manuel
contact us at (602) 740 2734 or at Spry, Virginia Sudberry,
Kudos to all the
kw08@kaitysway.org. Desiree Valdivia, Patricia
Ajo & Phoenix Volunteers
that participated in one event Wagner, Tina West, Angela
or another to help bring Wooden, Lynn Wooden
awareness and/or fundraise
for Kaity’s Way this last It takes a special individual to
month: give of themselves like these
Miranda Birden, KellyAnn people. Every one of them
Bonnell, Rob Canola, Marty have families and most have
Cubillas, Arlene Dreste, fulltime jobs outside of the
Anne Everett, Freeman Fry, home, then others have jobs
High five to everyone Norma Gomez, Richard they work from home.
who joined Kaity’s Way at US Guinn, Alex Harper, Aubrey
Airways Arena and watched Harper, Bailey Harper, Nonetheless they always find
Kaity’s Way Contact the Suns out score the Mario Juarez, Donny time to help out Kaity’s Way
Timberwolves in overtime on Lucas, Donna McClung, in one way or another.
Mailing Address: April 11 . It was a great night Teresa Mendez, Heidi
P.O. Box 83494 and we will do this again next Miller, Nathan Montijo,
Phoenix, AZ 85071 season! We have put in for a Sharon Montijo, Anna
Lakers Game…. Let us know Plant, Antonio Rojo, Debbie
if you are interested in Valdivia Sinohui, Joe
Email Address:
purchasing tickets. Siohui, Irv Smith, Tony

Phone Number:
(602) 740-2734 How can you Help!
Tax ID #26-3442791
Write a Review for Kaitys’ Bring Awareness Miche Bag and Cookie Lee
Way….. have programs to fundraise
Are you a member of a PTA, for non-profit organizations.
http://kaitysway.blogspot.com/ There is no age limit to who PTO, PTSO of any group or This is a fun way to get
http://www.facebook.com/people/Kait can do this and we encourage organization that involves the together with your friends and
ysWay/1840801102 that young people as well as welfare of children? If so, support a great cause.
http://twitter.com/KaitysWay adults write reviews that have consider suggesting Kaity's
http://www.myspace.com/484917490 heard Kaity’s Story or Way speak at one of the Bobbi Sudberry will be hosting
volunteer for Kaity’s Way. meetings to bring awareness a Miche Bag Party on May 15,
to Teen Dating Violence as 2011 2:00 pm at 3245 W.
We ask that you do this so well as the need for Education Altadena, Phoenix, Az 85029.
potential donors will know that in our schools. Come out and join us to check
not only is Kaity’s Way a out these cool purses!
dedicated organization, but If you are a Facebook, user,
what we do helps all of society Friend Kaity’s Way and Coordinate Dining to Donate
not just a select group. whenever you see a Kaity's with a restaurant in your area.
Way posting, make it a habit A lot of restaurants will donate
It only takes a few moments of to hit the SHARE option and anywhere from 10% to 35% of
your time to write a review. encourage your Facebook sales to a non profit on a
Just think your review may be friends to do the same. By given day or night.
the one that will help a future doing so you are bringing
donor and/or sponsor make awareness to more people Our next Dining to Donate is
their decision in favor of than Kaity’s Way can do with Oregano’s – Raise
supporting Kaity’s Way. alone. Dough with Gibbini’s
please go to Giveback on May 4, 2011 at
http://www2.guidestar.org/org Talk about us to anyone and their 10 Street and
anizations/26-3442791/kaitys- everyone. If you would like Camelback location. They will
Kaity’s Korner Staff way/review.aspx and select brochures to have on hand, donate 20% of sales to Kaity’s
Write Reviews, just under the please let us know and we will Way.
Miranda L. Birden red + share button. get some to you.
Conduct a used cell phone or
Creator & Editor Administrative Support ink cartridge drive at your
place of employment or with
Bobbi Sudberry Logging survey answers into a your family, friends and
Have a Home Party to raise
spreadsheet. neighbors.
Contributor & Editor funds for Kaity's Way. Many
businesses, such as,
Organize business cards and Tupperware, Beauticontrol,
filing. Pampered Chef, CandleLite,

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