Speaking: Keeping A Conversation Going
Speaking: Keeping A Conversation Going
Speaking: Keeping A Conversation Going
2. Grace is meeting Katarina and Hendrik in a café. Watch the video and tick the
topics that Grace and Hendrik talk about.
where they are from
how they met Katarina
their home towns
a holiday in the past
the weather
3. Watch again and match the auxiliary questions in A with the phrases in B.
1 Were you? a. Did you meet at university?
2 Did you? b. That sounds fun.
3 Haven't you? c. That's amazing!
4 Was it? d. I see!
5 Do you? e. When was that?
6 Don't you? f. Why's that?
7 Was he? g. Wow!
8 Did he? h. Really?
4. Work in pairs. Take turns to read out the statements below and show
interest. Use the auxiliary questions and phrases in exercise 3 to help you.
1. I'm reading a really good book about love. That’s sound fun
2. My brother has just bought a big house. That’s amazing
3. We're moving to a little village. Really?
4. My grandparents go on holiday five times a year! Wow!
5. An old friend of mine was on TV this week. When was that?
6. I've got some important news for you. Do you?