5 Scandinavian Habits That Will Make Your Life Healthier and Happier
5 Scandinavian Habits That Will Make Your Life Healthier and Happier
5 Scandinavian Habits That Will Make Your Life Healthier and Happier
While there probably isn’t a single true cause, as an immigrant and someone that has
lived in quite a few other countries and travelled a lot, I’ve noticed that Scandinavians
have a healthier and more self-love focused kind of lifestyle. It starts with taking care
of your body, to learning to appreciating your free time and most importantly,
learning to love yourself.
Many of these habits, I’ve adopted into my own lifestyle as well. Some I am still
working on but here are a few that I believe can make a positive impact on your
lifestyle as well.
Scandinavian Food
Denmark and Sweden are some of the healthiest countries in the world. Denmark for
example reports obesity rates of just 10 percent, compared to over 35 percent in some
states in the USA. How? Well for instance, eating out and having take away food is
not as popular here, as it is in other countries. Most people prefer cooking together at
home as part of their daily hygge time. When it comes to cooking, here’s what you can
do to introduce more of the Scandinavian kitchen in your daily meals: try to swap
meat with fish, white bread with dark rye bread, empty carbs for fibrous vegetables.
Enjoy a good breakfast full of protein and when cooking, use butter instead of oil and
mainly consume much less processed food such as snacks, bars and so on.
Coming from an East European country where things are moving fast, you are
constantly running, competing, striving to do your best to get a better salary to
survive, the fact that Scandinavians are more laid back, easy going and relaxed got me
extremely irritated when I first started working with them. For a Scandinavian it is
extremely important to be surrounded by things or people that make him feel relaxed
and happy, therefore toxic relationships are not a thing here, if they don’t like you,
they don’t contact you. But on the other hand, they also value the relationships they
have, most having a close group of friends they’ve known since high school.
As you all know, the danish concept of hygge has become popular over the last years
but as much as most people like to describe it as warm socks, hot beverages and no
phones, I would like to think that all these habits I’ve mentioned, will contribute not
only to a healthier lifestyle but also to a hygge lifestyle, where you feel happier and
more relaxed.
Source: https://mihabalan.com/2018/10/24/5-scandinavian-habits-that-will-make-your-life-