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Solar PV Module Training System (Print)

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Solar PV Module Training System


Solar PV Module Training System

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai TN


This manual is intended to act as a lab manual for Solar PV Module

Training system installed at TCE, Madurai. The purpose of this manual is
to provide basic knowledge to start, operate or maintain the system and
identify the sampling activities to evaluate the system performance.

Solar PV Module Training System

Exp 1: To find the correlation and variation in the power output from the
variable intensity of the light

▪ To measure the Current–Voltage characteristics of C-Si PV module at the different light

Expected outcome of the experiment:

▪ Ability to understand of the manner in which the PV module parameters such as open circuit
voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Isc) vary with the different light intensity.
▪ Ability to understand the effect of variable intensity on the I-V characteristics of the PV
▪ Ability to understand the variation in the power output at the different intensity of the light.

Solar Cell
The solar cells that you see on calculators and satellites are also called photovoltaic (PV) cells,
as the name implies (photo meaning "light" and voltaic meaning "electricity"), convert
sunlight directly into electricity. A module is a group of cells connected electrically and
packaged into a frame (more commonly known as a solar panel), which can then be grouped
into larger solar arrays.
Photovoltaic cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon, which
is used most commonly. They are classified either as a Monocrystalline and Multi-crystalline
Silicon cells. When light strikes on the cell, it is absorbed within the semiconductor material.
This means that the energy of the absorbed and light is transferred to the semiconductor. The
energy knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely.
PV cells also have one or more electric field that acts to force electrons to become free by light
absorption to flow in a certain direction. This flow of electrons is a current, and by placing
metal contacts on the top and bottom of the PV cell, we can draw that current off for external
use, say, to power a calculator. This current, together with the cell's voltage (which is a result
of its built-in electric field or fields), defines the power (or wattage) that the solar cell can
Voltage (V)
The pressure that pushes electrons in a circuit is called voltage. Voltage (V) is a measure of
pressure applied to electrons to make them move. It is a measure of the strength of the current
in a circuit and is measured in volts (V).

Solar PV Module Training System

Electrical current (I)

Current defined as electrons flowing between two points having a difference in voltage.
Current is measured in amperes or amps (A). One ampere is 6.25 X 1018 electrons per second
passing through a circuit.

Power (P)
Power is a measure of the rate of doing work or the rate at which energy is converted.
Electrical power is the rate at which electricity is produced or consumed. Electrical power is
defined as the amount of electric current flowing due to an applied voltage. It is the amount
of electricity required to start or operate a load for one second. Electrical power is measured
in watts (W).
PWatt = V X I
Where V (voltage) is in volt & I (current) is in ampere.

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc):

The open-circuit voltage, VOC, is the maximum voltage available from a solar cell, and this
occurs at zero current. The open-circuit voltage corresponds to the amount of forward bias
on the solar cell due to the bias of the solar cell junction with the light-generated current. The
open-circuit voltage is shown on the IV curve below.
IV curve of the solar cell
Isc 3.5

2.5 The open circuitvoltage, Voc,is

the maximum voltage from a
Current solar cell and occurs when the net
1.5 current is zero
Power from the
solar cell
0 1 2 3 4 5
Voltage Vcc

Figure 1:- IV curve of solar cell showing open circuit voltage

Short Circuit Current (Isc):

The short-circuit current is the current through the solar cell when the voltage across the
solar cell is zero (i.e., when the solar cell is short circuited). Usually written as Isc, the short-
circuit current is shown in the figure below.

Solar PV Module Training System

IV curve of the solar cell
Isc 3.5

The short circuit current, Isc, is the
2.5 maximum current from a solar cell and
occurs when the voltage across the
2 device is zero

1 Power from the

0.5 solar cell
0 1 2 3 4 5
Voltage Vcc

Figure 1:- IV curve of solar cell showing the short circuit current

Solar Spectrum
The energy in solar irradiation comes in the form of electromagnetic waves of a wide
spectrum. Longer wavelengths have less energy (for instance infrared) than shorter ones
such as visible light or UV.

UV Visible Infrared
Spectral Irradiance

Solar Spectrum
1.0 Outside atmosphere
0 1000 2000
Figure 3:-Solar spectrum

spectrum can be depicted in a graph, the spectral distribution, which shows the relative
weights of individual wavelengths plotted over all wavelengths, measured in W / m
(wavelength). The diagram displays the spectrum of a sun ray just outside the entry into the

Solar PV Module Training System

earth’s atmosphere. The peak of the spectrum is within the visible spectrum, but there are still
significant amounts of shorter and longer wavelengths present.
Intensity and Energy
For the purpose of solar power, the most significant measures are the intensity and energy
delivered – one measure at a point in time, the other over a period of time.
At a point in time
Irradiance [W/m2]: The intensity of solar radiation hitting a surface, which is the sum of the
contributions of all wavelength within the spectrum, expressed in units of Watts per m2 of a
Power [W]: Momentary total irradiance incident on a particular area.
Over a period of Time
Energy per unit area [kWh/m2]: Energy per unit area is a measure of irradiance incident on a
surface over a period of time.

Surface Orientation
As sunlight is smoothly distributed over whole areas, a mere figure for intensity is never
sufficient without knowledge of the orientation of the surface in question. Typically, the
orientation of a surface is described by the zenith angle, the angle between the sunbeam and
the normal of the area. If the surface area is not perpendicular to the sunbeam (i.e.-zenith
angle is not zero), a larger area is required to catch the same flow as the cross section of the
sunbeam.If I0 denotes the intensity on a surface with the sun in its zenith, the intensity, I, on
an area where
the sun is observed under the zenith angle θ (see figure) the intensity is reduced to
I (Ɵ) = I 0 cos (Ɵ)
Values for θ range from 0° to 90°. Turning the face of the area away from the sun means less energy
is flowing through that area.
Horizontal Surface Surface that lies flat on the ground of the earth

South facing surface The projection of the normal of the surface onto the ground points to South.

Perpendicular surface Surface that is perpendicular to the sunbeam with sun in zenith at θ = 0°.

Solar PV Module Training System

Effect of

Figure 4:-Surface Orientation

Temperature on Solar Cells

Like all other semiconductor devices, solar cells are sensitive to temperature. Increases in
temperature reduce the band gap of a semiconductor, thereby effecting most of the
semiconductor material parameters. The decrease in the band gap of a semiconductor with
increasing temperature can be viewed as increasing the energy of the electrons in the
material. Lower energy is therefore needed to break the bond. In the bond model of a
semiconductor band gap, reduction in the bond energy also reduces the band gap. Therefore
increasing the temperature reduces the band gap. In a solar cell, the parameter most affected
by an increase in temperature is the open-circuit voltage. The impact of increasing
temperature is shown in the figure below.


4 ISC increases slightly

High temperature cell

0 5 10 15 20 25
VOC Decreases V
Figure 5:-Effect of temperature

Solar PV Module Training System

Equipment’s required:
Sr. No. Unit Specifications Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-100 Vdc 1

2 Ammeter 0-10 Adc 1

3 Electronic Rheostat 0-200Ω 1

4 Actuator 250 mm 1

5 Lamp 1000 W 1

6 Temperature sensor 0-100 ̊C 1

7 Light Intensity Meter 1 Each

8 Indoor PV module 50 W 1


Solar PV Module Training System

Methodology for the measurement:

1. Clean the dust particles if any present on Indoor PV module.
2. Initially before starting experiment ensure, voltmeter & ammeter are in OFF position,
Panel selector switch in neutral, panel configuration selector switches in neutral, Light
intensity regulator in OFF & Rheostat set at zero value.
3. Turn ON the setup for performing the experiment.
4. Now first task is to measure the open circuit voltage Voc and short circuit current Isc of the
Indoor PV module, so open the two way switch across voltmeter and measure the voltage
across the Indoor PV module, this voltage is Voc. Now close two way switches and make
the resistance of the rheostat to 0 and measure the current, this current is Isc note down
the readings in observation table given below.
5. Turn on the light source (lamp) provided on the setup.
6. Now vary the intensity of the lamp in the provided range by using the intensity regulator
which is provided on the setup.
7. Now measure the open circuit voltage Voc and short circuit current Isc of the PV module at
the different intensity level so open the two way switch across voltmeter and measure the
voltage across the PV module, this voltage is Voc . Now close the two way switch and make
the resistance of the rheostat to 0 and measure the current, this current is Isc repeat this
process at every change of intensity level. Note down the readings in observation table
given below.
8. Now we need to measure the IV characteristics of the PV module at the different intensity
level of the lamp, so close the two way switch across voltmeter and ammeter and measure
the value of voltage and current across PV module and note down the readings.
9. Plot the IV curve of the PV module at the different intensity level and find the maximum
power point for the PV module.

Observation Table:
Table 1: Initial value of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current across PV
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)
Short Circuit current (Isc)

Solar PV Module Training System

Table 2: Value of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current at the different
intensity level across the PV module
Open Circuit Voltage Short Circuit Current
Sr. No.
(Voc) (Isc)






Table 3: Value of the current and voltage across PV module at the different intensity of
the lamp
Power (W)
Sr. No. Voltage (V) Current (I)
(P= V X I )






Result and Discussions:

1. Analyze the effect of intensity variation on the different parameters such as short circuit
current and the open circuit voltage of the Indoor PV module?
2. Analyze the effect of intensity variation on the I-V characteristics of Indoor PV module.
3. Obtain the maximum power point (Pmax) form the I-V characteristics.

Solar PV Module Training System

Graph 1 Refer your readings in the observation table2 and plot the curve for the short
circuit current and the open circuit voltage at the different intensity level

Graph 2: Refer your readings in the observation table 3 and plot the I-V cure for the PV module
at the different intensity level

Solar PV Module Training System

Exp 2: To measure the power generation of indoor PV module by varying the

inclination angle of indoor PV module to various level

▪ To adjust the angle of Indoor PV cell in the provided range i.e. ( -80° to +80°)
▪ To measure the voltage and the current characteristics of PV module at the different angles
in the provided range.
▪ To measure and estimate the parameters like short circuit current (Isc) and open circuit
voltage (Voc) at the different angles in the provided range.
▪ Measure the maximum power generated when the PV modules are placed at the different
▪ Find out the angle at which the maximum power will obtain.
▪ Comparison of the power output at the fixed and variable angle of inclination.

Expected outcomes of experiment:

▪ Ability to install PV cell at the different angle of inclination.
▪ Ability to understand effect of the sun tracking of the PV module.
▪ Ability to measure the voltage (V) and current (I) when the cell is adjusted at the different
degree of inclination.
▪ Ability to measure the maximum power obtained at the various angle.

Solar Radiation & its Geometry
There are several key characteristics of the incident solar energy which are critical in
determining how the incident sunlight interacts with a photovoltaic converter or any other
object. The important characteristics of the incident solar energy are:
• The spectral content of the incident light
• The radiant power density from the sun
• The angle at which the incident solar radiation strikes a photovoltaic module
• Radiant energy from the sun throughout a year or a day for a particular surface.

Solar PV Module Training System

Equipment’s Required:
Sr. No. Unit Specifications Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-100 Vdc 1

2 Ammeter 0-10 Adc 1

3 Electronic Rheostat 0-200Ω 1

4 Actuator 250 mm 1

5 Lamp 1000 W 1

6 Temperature sensor 0-100 ̊C 1

7 Light Intensity Meter (Indoor) 1 each

8 Indoor PV module 50 W 1


Solar PV Module Training System

Methodology for Measurement:

1. Clean the dust particles if any present on Indoor PV module.
2. Initially before starting experiment ensure, voltmeter & ammeter are in OFF position,
Panel selector switch in neutral, panel configuration selector switches in neutral, light
intensity regulator in OFF & Rheostat set at zero value.
3. Turn ON the setup for performing the experiment.
4. Now first task is to measure the open circuit voltage Voc and short circuit current Isc of the
Indoor PV module, so open the two way switch across voltmeter and measure the voltage
across the Indoor PV cell, this voltage is Voc .Now close two way switch and make the
resistance of the rheostat to 0 and measure the current, this current is I sc note down the
readings in observation table given below.
5. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the indoor PV module at the fixed
angle. That is perpendicular to the light source and finds the maximum power obtained
at fixed angle.
6. Now manually adjust the actuator control switch to vary the inclination angle of the PV
module at the different angles in the provided range.
7. Measure the values of the initial short circuit current and open circuit voltage at each
angle in the provided range and note down the readings.
8. Now we need to measure the current and voltage characteristics of PV module at each
degree of inclination in the provided range. So, close the two way switch across voltmeter
and ammeter and measure the value of voltage and current across PV module at each
degree and note down the readings.
9. Plot the IV curve of the PV module at the different angle of inclination and find the
maximum power point for the PV module.

Observation table:
Table1: Initial value of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current across PV
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)
Short Circuit current (Isc)

Solar PV Module Training System

Table2: Value of the voltage and current at the fixed angle

Sr. No. Voltage (V) Current (I) Power (W) (P= V X I )

Table 3: Value of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current at every angle of
inclination in the provided range (-60° to +60°) and plot the graph
Short circuit Current Open Circuit Voltage
Sr. No. Angle of inclination (°)
(Isc) (Voc)






Result and Discussion:

1. Differentiate between I-V characteristics of indoor PV module at the different angle of
2. Comparing the I-V characteristics of indoor PV module at fixed and the variable angle of
3. Obtaining the maximum power point from the I-V characteristics.

Solar PV Module Training System

Graph 1: Refer your readings in table 2 and plot the graph for the voltage vs. current at the fixed
angle of inclination of PV module

Graph 2 Refer your readings in table 3 and plot the graph for the voltage vs. current at the different
angle of inclination of indoor PV module

Solar PV Module Training System

Exp 3: To understand the effect of bypass diode on the performance

parameters of PV module

▪ Understanding the working of the bypass diode by shorting bypass diode & by open
circuiting bypass diode.
▪ To understand the effect of shading and effect of the bypass diode in the shading

Expected Outcome of the experiment:

▪ Ability to understand the effect of shading on the performance parameters of the PV
▪ Ability to understand the working of bypass diode.
▪ Ability to understand the effect of bypass diode in the shading condition.
▪ Ability to plot the I-V characteristics of the PV module during the shading situation in
the presence of the bypass diode.

Solar PV Module Training System

Equipment’s required:
Sr. No. Unit Rating/ Description Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-100 Vdc 1

2 Ammeter 0-10 Adc 1
3 Electronic Rheostat 0-200Ω 1
4 Actuator 250 mm 1
5 Lamp 1000 W 1
6 Temperature sensor 0-100 ̊C 1

7 Light Intensity Meter 1 each

8 Indoor PV module 50 W 1


Methodology for measurement:

1. Clean the dust particles if any present on the outdoor PV module.
2. Initially before starting experiment ensure, voltmeter & ammeter are in OFF position,
Panel selector switch in neutral, panel configuration selector switches in neutral, Light
intensity regulator in OFF & Rheostat set at zero value.
3. Turn ON the setup for performing the experiment.

Solar PV Module Training System

4. First task is to measure the value of the open circuit voltage (VOC) and short circuit current
(ISC) across the PV module. So, open the two-way switch and measure the value of the
voltage across voltmeter, this is the (VOC) now close the two-way switch and measure the
value of the current across ammeter, this is the (ISC).
5. As number of rows in a module is denoted by the number of bypass diodes. Typically we
have 3 bypass diodes in a 4-way junction box. Hence for a 60 cells module with a 4-way
junction box, as each module of 140 W consist of 60 cells, so there will be one diode for
20 cells connected in series in a string and there will 3 such strings.
6. Now measure the value of the voltage and the current across the strings of the solar cell
when there is no shading effect on any cell in the string. That is the bypass diode is
connected in reverse bias condition, effectively in open circuit and note down the
7. Plot the I-V curve by using the values of the current and voltage measured when the
bypass diode is connected in normal condition that is when it is in open circuited form.
8. Now analyze the effect of bypass diode when the problem of shading will appear on the
one of the cells of the string in the outdoor PV module.
9. Create the condition such that one cell in the PV module undergoes shading problem.
10. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the PV module in the shading
condition, and note down the readings.
11. Now we need to measure the value of the voltage and current in the shading condition by
considering effect of bypass diode.
12. When one of the cell in the string undergoes shading problem that cell becomes reverse
bias this reverse bias will act as a forward bias voltage for the bypass diode since it is
connected with opposite polarity. That is bypass diode becomes short circuit.
13. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the PV module in the shading
condition by considering the effect of bypass diode. And note down the readings.
14. Extract the maximum power output from the I-V curve.
15. After analyzing the various condition of bypass diodes turn off the setup.

Solar PV Module Training System

Observation table:
Table 1: Measure the value of the voltage and current across PV module when bypass
diode is open circuit
Sr. No. Voltage (V) Current (I) Power (W) (P = V X I)






Table 2: Measure the value voltage and current of the PV module in the shading effect

Sr. No. Voltage (V) Current (I) Power (W) (P = V X I)






Table 3. Measure the value of the voltage and the current of the PV module when bypass
diode is short circuit with shading effect

Sr. No. Voltage (V) Current (I) Power (W) (P = V X I)






Solar PV Module Training System

Results and Discussion:

1. Differentiate between I-V characteristics of the PV module by shorting bypass diode by
open circuiting by pass diode.
2. Extract the maximum power output from the I-V curve.

Graph 1: Refer your readings in table 1 and plot the I-V curve by open
circuiting bypass diode.

Solar PV Module Training System

Graph 2: Refer your readings in table 3 and plot the I-V curve of the
PV module in the shading condition

Graph 3: Refer your readings in table 4 and plot the I-V curve for the PV
module in the shading condition by considering bypass diode in short
circuit form

Solar PV Module Training System

Exp 4: To measure output power of the PV module with various frequencies

of light (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green)

▪ Understanding the variations in the power output of the PV module with the various
frequencies of light.
▪ Identifying and measuring the parameters of the PV module with the various frequencies
of light.

Expected outcome of experiment:

▪ Ability to understand the effect of various frequencies of the light on the parameters of
the PV module.
▪ Ability to change the frequency of light by adjusting the color sheets of different color i.e.
Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.
▪ Ability to plot the I-V curve at the different frequencies of light.
▪ Ability to extract the maximum power output from the PV module with the different
frequencies of light.

Wavelength is the distance between identical points in the adjacent cycles of a waveform
signal propagated in space or along a wire, as shown in the illustration. In the case of infrared,
visible light, ultraviolet, and gamma radiation, the wavelength is more often specified in
nanometers or Angstrom units. The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum that invisible to (can be detected by) the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in
this range of wavelengths is called visible light or simply light. A typical human eye will
respond to wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nm.

Solar PV Module Training System

Photovoltaic cell making use of Light Energy:

The silicon atoms in a photovoltaic cell absorb energy from light wavelengths that roughly
correspond to the visible spectrum. The cell has silicon mixed with two different impurities
that produce positive and negative charges. Light causes the charges to move, producing
an electric current. Materials containing different impurities change the wavelengths at
which the cell responds in different ways. The photovoltaic cell doesn’t convert all the light,
even if it’s at the right wavelength. Some of the energy becomes heat, and some reflects off
the cell’s surface.

Equipments Required:
Sr. No. Unit Rating/ Description Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-100 Vdc 1

2 Ammeter 0-10 Adc 1

3 Electronic Rheostat 0-200Ω 1

4 Actuator 250 mm 1

5 Lamp 1000 W 1

6 Temperature sensor 0-100 ̊C 1

7 Light Intensity Meter 1 each

8 Indoor PV module 50 W 1

Solar PV Module Training System


Methodology for measurement:

1. Clean the dust particles if any present on Indoor PV module.
2. Initially before starting experiment ensure, voltmeter & ammeter are in OFF position,
Panel selector switch in neutral, panel configuration selector switches in neutral, Light
intensity regulator in OFF & Rheostat set at zero value.
3. Make the default connection of the PV module whether series/ parallel before proceeding
the experiment.
4. Turn on the setup for performing the experiment.
5. Now first task is to measure the open circuit voltage Voc and short circuit current Isc of the
PV module, so open the two-way switch across voltmeter and measure the voltage across
the Indoor PV module, this voltage is Voc. Now close two-way switch and make resistance
of the rheostat to 0 and measure the current, this current is Isc note down the readings in
observation table given below.
6. Place the Red color sheet over the PV module.
7. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the PV module after placing the
red color sheet over the PV module and note down the readings.
8. Place the Green color sheet over the PV module.
9. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the PV module after placing the
Green color sheet over the PV module and note down the readings.

Solar PV Module Training System

10. Place the Blue color sheet over the PV module.

11. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the PV module after placing the
Blue color sheet over the PV module and note down the readings.
12. Place the Yellow color sheet over the PV module.
13. Measure the value of the voltage and the current across the PV module after placing the
Yellow color sheet over the PV module and note down the readings.
14. Measure the power output from the PV module at the different frequencies of light. And
extract the maximum power output at the different frequencies.

Observation Table:
Table 1: Initial value of the open circuit voltage and the short circuit current across the
PV module
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)

Short Circuit current (Isc)

Table 2: Value of the voltage and the current across the PV module at the different
frequencies of light

Wavelength Power (W)

Sr. No. Color of Acrylic Sheet Voltage (V) Current (I)
(nm) (P = I X V )

1. Red 780-622

2. Yellow 597-577

3. Green 577-492

4. Blue 492-455

Solar PV Module Training System

Result and discussion:

1. Analyze the effect of variable frequency of the light on the I-V characteristics of the PV
2. Analyze the effect of variable frequency of the light on the power output from the solar

Graph 1: I-V characteristics of PV module at the different

Graph 1 Plot the graph for the power vs. different frequencies of the light
frequencies of light


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