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1.If the probability that a communication system will have high fidelity is 0.

81 and the probability that it will

have fidelity and high selectivity is 0.18, what is the probability that a system with high fidelity will also
have high selectivity?
2.Given the probability density function f(x)=k/(1+x2), -8<8, Find k and C.D.F. F(x).
3.If the probability is 0.10 that a certain kind of measuring device will show excessive drift, what is the
probability that the fifth measuring device tested will be the first show excessive drift? Find its expected
value also.
4.Let X be a uniform random variable over [-1,1]. Find
5.If X has mean 4 and variance 9, while Y has mean -2 and variance 5, and the two are independent, find
(a).E(XY) (b).E(XY2)
6.Let X and Y be continuous RVs with J.p.d.f
2xy+3/2y2, 0<1, 0<1
f(x,y)= 0 ,otherwise
Find P(X + Y<1)
7.Define (a).Markov chain (b).Wide-Sense stationary process.
8.Let {X(t);t=0} be a Poisson process with rate ?. Find E[X(t)X(t+t)], where t>0
9.In the usual notation of an M/M/I queuing system, if ?=3/hour and µ=4/hour, find P(X=5) where X is the
number of customers in the system.
10.Find P(X=c+n) for an M/M/C queuing system.

PART B-(5 X 16=80 marks)

11.(a).(i).A box contains 5 red and 4 white balls. A ball from the box is taken out at random and kept
outside. If once again a ball is drawn from the box, what is the probability that the drawn ball is red?
(ii).If the cumulative distribution function of a R.V.X ix given by

F(x)=1-4/x2, x>2
0 , x=2,
find (1). P(X<3) (2).P(4<5) (3).P(X=3).
(iii).A discrete R.V. X has moment generating function MX(t)= (1/4+3/4et)5
Find E(X),Var(X) and P(X=2).
11.(b).(i).The p.d.f of the samples of the amplitude of speech wave forms is found to decay exponentially
at rate a, so the following p.d.f is proposed.
f(x)= Ce-a|x|, -a
(ii).Let X be a R.V with E(X)=1 and E(X(X-1))=4. Find Var(X/2) and Var(2-3X).
(iii).If X is a continuous R.V with p.d.f
x ,0=x<1
f(x)=3/2 (x-1)2,1=x<2
0 ,otherwise
find the cumulative distribution function F(x) of X and use it to find P(3/2<5/2).

12.(a).(i).If a R.V has a geometric distribution, i.e .,P(X=x)=pqx-1, x=1,2,3 where q=1-p and 0

<1, show that P(X>x+y/X>y)=P(X>x).

(ii).Let X be a random variable with p.d.f f(x)=ex2/2/v(2p),-a(Or)
12.(b).(i).Let the p.d.f for X be given by f(x)=e-x/2/2, x=0
0 ,otherwise
Find (1).P(X>1/2) (2).Moment generating function for X (3).E(X) (4).Var(X).
(ii).If X is any continuous R.V having the p.d.f
f(x)=2x, 0<1 and Y=e-X, find the p.d.f of the R.V Y.
0, otherwise

13.(a).(i).Let X and Y have the joint p.d.f

Y= 0 0.1 0.4 0.1
1 0.2 0.2 0
Find (1).P(X+Y>1) (2).the probability mass function P(X=x) of the R.V.X (3).P(Y=1/X=1) 4).E(XY)
(ii).Suppose that orders at a restaurant are i.i.d random variables with mean µ=Rs. 8 and standard
deviation s=Rs. 2. Estimate (1)the probability that first 100 customers spend a total of more than Rs.840
13.(b).(i).Find P(X>2/Y<4) when the joint p.d.f of X and Y is given by
g(x,y)=e-(x+y), x=0,y=0
0 , otherwise
Are X and Y independent R.Vs?Explain.
(ii).If the joint p.d.f of the R.Vs X and Y is given by
f(x,y)=2 ,0<1
0 ,otherwise find the p.d.f of the R.V U=X/Y

14.(a).(i).Let X(t) be a Poisson process with arrival rate ?. Find E{(X(t)-X(s)2)} for t>s.
(ii).Let {Xn;n=1,2,3…} be a Markov chain on the space S={1,2,3} with one step transition probability matrix
P=0 1 0
(1).Sketch the transition diagram.
(2).Is the chain irreducible? Explain
(3).Is the chain Ergodic? Explain.
14.(b).(i).Consider a random process X(t) defined by X(t)=Ucost+(V+1)sint, where U and independent
random variables for which E(U)=E(V)=0;E(U2)=E(V2)=1.
(1).Find the auto-covariance function of X(t)
(2).Is X(t) wide-sense stationary? Explain your answer.
(ii).Discuss the pure birth process and hence obtain its probabilities, mean and variance.

15.(a).(i).A concentrator receives messages from a group of terminals and transmits them over a single
transmission line. Suppose that messages arrives according to a Poisson process at a rate of one
message every 4 milliseconds and suppose that message transmission times are exponentially
distributed with mean 3ms. Find the mean number of messages in the system and the mean total delay in
the system. What percentage increase in arrival rate results in a doubling of the above mean total delay?
(ii).Discuss the M/M/1 queuing system finite capacity and obtain its steady-state probabilities and the
mean number of customers in the system.
15.(b).(i).A petrol pump station has 2 pumps. The service times follow the exponential distribution with
mean of 4 minutes and cars arrive for service is a Poisson process at the rate of 10 cars per hour. Find
the probability that a customer has to wait for service. What is the probability that the pumps remain idle?
(ii).Automatic car wash facility operates with only one bay. Cars arrive according to a Poisson process,
with mean of 4 cars per hour and may wait in the facility parking lot if the bay is busy. If the service time
for the cars is constant and equal to 10 min, determine (1).mean number of customers in the system,
(2).mean number of customers in the queue (3).mean waiting time in the system (4).mean waiting time in
the queue.
1. If X is a discrete random variable with probability distribution
P(X=x)=kx,x=1,2,3,4 find
2. Find K,if the p.d.f of X is
X -1 0 1 2 3
P(X=x) 2k 3k 4k 6k2 4k2
3.The p.d.f of a continuous random variable X is f(x)={ k(3+2x),for 2 to 4
0 otherwise}
find the
value of K.
4.The continuous random variable x has a probability density function
2<x<5.Find P(X<4).
5. A random variable X has the p.d.f f(x) given by f(x)={cxe-x x>0
0 x<0}
find the value of
and C.D.F of X.
6. A continuous random variable X has the p.d.f f(x) given by f(x)=ce-x
find the value of C.
7. Find the mean and variance of the distribution whose moment generating
function is
8. What is the moment generating function of a random variable?
9. Find the moment generating function of continuous probability
distribution whose
density is 2e-2x , x0
10. The first four moments of a distribution about X = 4 are 1,4,10 and 45
Show that the mean is 5 , variance is 3 , ?3=0 and ?4=26.
11. The mean and variance of a binomial variate X are 4 and 4/3
respectively. FindP(X>1)
12. Find the MGF of binomial distribution.
13. If the independent random variables X , Y are binomially distributed
respectively with n=3 , p=1/3,and n=5 , p=1/3, find P(X+Y1).
14. If 3% of the electric bulbs manufactured by a company are defective ,
find the
probability that in a sample of 100 bulbs exactly 5 bulbs are defective.
15. Write the moment generating function of a geometric distribution.
16. If X is uniformly distributed over (0,10),find the probability that
3<x<9 .
17. A random variable X has a uniform distribution over (-3,3) compute
18. Define exponential distribution.
19. Write down the moment generating function of the Gamma distribution?
20. What is the relationship between weibull and Exponential distribution?
1.The joint probability density function of the random variable (X,Y) is
given by
f(x,y)=Kxy ( ) 2 2 x y e - + x>0, y>0. Find the value of K.
2.The joint p.d.f. of (X,Y) is f(x,y)=4xy, 0<x,y<1 and f(x,y)=0, otherwise,
Find E(XY).
3. The joint p.d.f. of (X,Y) is f(x,y)= 4xy o<x,y<1
0 elsewhere
Examine X and Y are independent.
4. Define joint distributions of two random variables X and Y and state its
5. If the probability density function of X is f (x) x =2x, 0<x<1, find the
density function of Y=3X+1.
6. The joint probability density function of two random variables given by
f (x.y) xy = x(x-y)/8, 0<x<2; -x<y<x and find ( / ) / f y x y x
7. If X and Y are random variables having the joint density function f(x,y)
= (6-x-y)/8,
0<x<2; 2<y<4,find P(X+Y<3).
8. Can Y=5+2.8 X and X=3-0.5 Y be the estimated regression equations of Y
on X
and X on Y respectively? Explain your answer.
9. Show that Cov2(X,Y) Var(X).Var(Y)
10. Prove that Cov(aX,bY)=ab.Cov(X,Y).
11. The two equations of the variables X and Y are x=19.13 - 0.87y and
y=11.64 - 0.50x.
Find the correlation co-efficient between X and Y.
12. Prove that the correlation coefficient Pxy takes value in the range -1
to 1.
13. Distinguish between correlation and regression.
14. Find the acute angle between the two lines of regression.
15.The two regression lines are x+6y=4, 2x+3y =1.Find the mean values of x
and y.
16. State the equations of the two regression lines.
17. Write the applications of central limit theorem.
18. State central limit theorem in Liapounoff’s form
19. State central limit theorem.
20. State central limit theorem in Lindberg-Levy’s form
1. Define birth and death process.
2. What are the basic characteristics of a queueing system?
3. Define Kendall’s notation.
4. Give the formulas for the waiting time of a customer in the queue and in
the system
for the (M/M/1):( /FIFO) model.
5. In the usual notation of an M/M/1 queueing system, if =3/hour and
µ=4/hour, find
P(X5) where X is the number of customers in the system.
6. In the usual notation of an M/M/1 queueing system, if =12/hour and
find the average number of customers in the system.
7. Derive the average number of customers in the system for
(M/M/1):(/FIFO) model.
8. State Little’s formula for an (M/M/1):(/FIFO) queueing model.
9. In a given (M/M/1):(/FCFS) queue, =0.6, what is the probability that
the queue
contains 5 or more customers?
10. What is the probability that a customer has to wait more than 15
minutes to get his
service completed in a (M/M/1):( /FIFO) queue system, if =6 per hour and
per hour?
11. Consider an M/M/1 queueing system. If =6 and µ=8, find the probability
of atleast
10 customers in the system.
12. Consider an M/M/1 queueing system. Find the probability of finding
atleast ‘n’
customers in the system.
13. What is the probability that an arrival to an infinite capacity 3
server Poisson queue
with /cµ = 2/3 and P0=1/9 enters the service without waiting?
14. Consider an M/M/C queueing system. Find the probability that an
arriving customer
is forced to join the queue.
15. For (M/M/C):(N/FIFO)model, write down the formula for
(i) Average number of customers in the queue
(ii)Average waiting time in the system
16. Give the formulas for the average number of customers in the queue and
in the
system for the (M/M/s):( /FIFO) queueing model.
17. What is the effective arrival rate for (M/M/1):(4/FCFS) queueing model
when =2
and µ=5.
18. Give the probability that there is no customer in an (M/M/1):( k/FIFO)
queueing system.
19. Write the formulas for the average number of customers in the (M/M/1):(
queueing system and also in the queue.
20. Define effective arrival rate with respect to an (M/M/1):( k/FIFO) and
(M/M/s):( k/FIFO)
queueing models.
1. Write Pollaczek-Khintchine formula and explain the notations.
2. What you mean by M/G/1 queue?
3. In an M/G/1/FCFS with infinite capacity queue, the arrival rate = 5
and the mean
service time E(S)=1/8 hour and Var(S) = 0. Compute the mean waiting time Wq
in the
4. Define series queues.
5. Define series queues with blocking.
6. Define Jackson networks.
7. Define open Jackson networks.
8. Write the traffic equations in open Jackson networks.
9. Define closed Jackson networks.
10. Write the flow balance equations in closed Jackson networks.

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