Diesel Technician Fitter Advt No.04-2011
Diesel Technician Fitter Advt No.04-2011
Diesel Technician Fitter Advt No.04-2011
The Company invites applications for the following regular posts of Diesel Technician
& Electric Fitter:
* The upper age limits are relaxable for the candidates working in Government/PSUs to the extent of
their length of service in Govt./PSU jobs subject to a maximum of 5 years and for Ex-servicemen
as per Govt. of India’s instructions.
# Experience obtained after ITI/Trade Certificate only is applicable.
Medical Standards: Candidates should be in sound health and free from squint and colour
blindness. No relaxation in health standards will be allowed.
Compensation Package : Basic Pay, DA, HRA, Liberal Medical including unlimited indoor
medical benefits for self and dependents, LTC, Gratuity, EPF, Subsidized Loans, Performance Related
Pay (PRP), Transport Assistance, welfare schemes and other Fringe Benefits as per rules of the
Place of posting: Anywhere on the Projects/Offices of the company within India or abroad.
The number of posts indicated above may, however, vary based on further assessment of requirement.
Candidates working in Govt./ PSUs/Auto. Bodies should inform their employers in writing that they
are applying for posts in IRCON. Such candidates will have to produce NOC from their employers at
the time of interview.
Surety Bond: Selected candidates have to execute a bond of Rupees 3 lakhs to serve the company
for at-least three years.
Application processing fees: Non-refundable demand draft of Rs. 300/- as registration amount
and examination fee for General and OBC candidates and a demand draft of Rs. 50/- as registration
amount for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen candidates. SC, ST & Ex-Servicemen candidates are required to
submit a self attested copy of Caste/ Defence Service certificate alongwith application. Fees should be
paid by DD only with a validity period of 6 months drawn in favour of IRCON
International Limited payable at New Delhi .
1. Application neatly typed on A-4 size paper in the prescribed format should be sent to
Additional General Manager/ HRM, IRCON International Limited, C-4 District
Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110 017 accompanied with the self attested copies of the
following documents :
2. Candidates working in Govt./ PSUs/Auto. Bodies should inform their employers in writing
before applying for posts in IRCON. Such candidates will have to produce NOC from their
employers at the time of interview.
3. All information given in the application will be verified with original documents at the time of
interview. If discrepancies are found, candidature will be cancelled.
5. The envelope containing the application should be clearly superscribed “Application for the
post of _______________________Advt. No.04/ 2011” .
6. Last date for receipt of filled in applications in IRCON office: - 21 Days from the
date of publication in Employment News.
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D.D. No. & Date Drawn on Bank & Branch Name of issuing Bank & Branch Amount
10. Qualifications (Academic & Professional) :Matriculation, ITI/Trade certificate and others
Exam Passed Year of Name of the Instt./ Max. marks Marks %age of marks
Passing University obtained
My total length of work experience is _______ years _______ months from the acquisition of ITI/Trade certificate.