Unit I: An Introduction To Operating System
Unit I: An Introduction To Operating System
Unit I: An Introduction To Operating System
Photo by ktenter
Utilities are small programs that are used to help manage the operating
system and hardware. System programs also include daemons, which
monitor the system for certain types of events and respond to them.
The user interface is a component that interacts with the computer
user directly, allowing them to control and use programs. The user
interface may be graphical with icons and a desktop, or textual, with a
command line. The most basic, but also the most powerful, type of user
interface is a shell, which, as its name implies, is an outer wrapper to
the kernel that enables users to interact with computers in a text-only
mode. Most modern operating systems also have a graphical user
interface (GUI), which provides windows, icons and menus in a
desktop metaphor that are easily manipulated with a mouse or similar
pointing device. GUIs have the advantage of being much more intuitive
and enjoyable for most new users.
The operating system is usually stored on a HDD (hard disk drive), but it
can also be stored on other media, including a CDROM (or even a single
floppy disk in the case of some very small operating systems such as
Whereas users interact with the system through a shell or a GUI,
application programs make use of the operating system and
communicate with each other by making requests for services through
application program interfaces (APIs) that are defined by the operating
For a list of the most commonly used operating systems along with a
brief description of each, see The Most Popular Operating Systems, by
The Linux Information Project, May 2006
In the opinion of many computer experts, the best and most successful
(as measured in terms of such criteria such as stability, efficiency,
flexibility and longevity) operating systems that have been developed to
date are UNIX and its various descendants (such as Linux and Mac OS X),
commonly referred to as Unix-like operating systems. This is largely a
result of their emphasis (although not always fully achieved) on
simplicity, modularity and transparency.
The first computers did not have operating systems. Rather, a user
would typically load punched paper tape or cards containing a program
and data directly into a tape reader or card reader connected to the
computer. The computer would then commence work and continue
until the program was completed or until it crashed (which was even
more common then than now).
The development of operating systems represented a major
improvement in the efficiency of computer utilization. However, the
early operating systems were not standardized, with each computer
manufacturer developing one or more specific to its particular
computer models. This situation continued into the 1960s, when IBM
developed the System/360 series of mainframe computers, all of whose
models ran a single basic operating system, referred to as OS/360.
UNIX, the first version of which was developed in 1969 at Bell Labs by
Ken Thompson, represented a major advance over earlier operating
systems because of its simplicity and portability (i.e., ability to be used
on a wide variety of computers). This, together with the facts that it was
initially essentially free as well as easily obtainable and easily modified,
led to its widespread acceptance by universities and businesses. It also
resulted in its serving as the starting point for the development of other
operating systems.
UNIX was so successful, in fact, that it was difficult for any subsequently
developed systems, including MS-DOS and the other Microsoft systems,
to not be influenced by it.
Process Management
The operating system manages many kinds of activities ranging from
user programs to system programs like printer spooler, name servers,
file server etc. Each of these activities is encapsulated in a process. A
process includes the complete execution context (code, data, PC,
registers, OS resources in use etc.).
It is important to note that a process is not a program. A process is only
ONE instant of a program in execution. There are many processes can be
running the same program. The five major activities of an operating
system in regard to process management are
• Creation and deletion of user and system processes.
• Suspension and resumption of processes.
• A mechanism for process synchronization.
• A mechanism for process communication.
• A mechanism for deadlock handling.
Main-Memory Management
File Management
Secondary-Storage Management
Points to Remember