SD - Kfz. 138 Marder Iiit Ausf.H: Front Hit Locations
SD - Kfz. 138 Marder Iiit Ausf.H: Front Hit Locations
SD - Kfz. 138 Marder Iiit Ausf.H: Front Hit Locations
20 No Penetration Penetration
1. Auto Penetration 1. Normal Damage
17 18 19 2. Immobilised /MC 2. Immobilised /MC
3. No Effect 3. Immobilised /MC
4. No Effect 4. Immobilised /MC
5. No Effect 5. Immobilised /MC
12 13 14 15 16 6. Immobilised /MC 6. Immobilised /MC
7. No Effect 7. Normal Damage
8. No Effect 8. Normal Damage
8 9 10 9. No Effect 9. Normal Damage
7 11 10. Driver –1 Action 10. Driver KIA / MC
11. No Effect 11. Normal Damage
3 4 5 12. No Effect 12. Normal Damage
13. No Effect 13. Normal Damage
2 6 14. No Effect 14. Normal Damage
1 15. No Effect 15. Normal Damage
16. No Effect 16. Normal Damage
17. Loader –1 Action 17. Loader KIA / MC
18. Main Gun Destroyed / MC 18. Main Gun Destroyed / MC
19. Gunner –1 Action 19. Gunner KIA / MC
Front Hit Locations 20. Commander –1 Action 20. Commander KIA / MC
Special Rules
The Marder III / H developed Nov 42, Met specifications to
Self – Propelled Gun* , Because the Marder was set up in an Open
uparm and redevelop the 38t chassis to take on the topped manner, If the vehicle has a full crew, is NOT in motion and did
dreaded T-34. Made through till later versions - Marder IIIm NOT move the previous action, and crew exposed, it may increase its rate
and “Hetzer” replaced the priorities on 38t chassis. With a of fire to fire every action. This can be combined with veteran or elite, but
Pak 40/3 as it’s main armament it could take on almost any will never take it lower than ½ load, only load and fire once an action (see
tank of enemies at the time, being used mainly in main BG WWII rules Pg. 8 of amour section, under GUN ACTIONS).
“Ambush” roles, supporting infantry and as a supporting Simplicity- This above ruling combined with ambush ability and the
breakthrough unit. overall cheapness of construction i.e. slapping a gun on a simple chassis
and putting up a gun shield around the gun and crew, made the SPG’s
Introduced : Nov 1942 (Uncommon) Crew : 4 valued by German command, especially Marders, Lorraine-Schleppers,
Weight : 10,800Kgs Total Prod : 417 Nashorns & Hummels, and although few numbers where made they
where always protected or pulled from battlefield and repaired or refitted,
Length w/ Gun : 5.77m making it seem as if Germany had hordes of SPG’s at disposal. To
Width : 2.16m represent cheapness of manufacture, sturdiness, and ability to survive
Height : 2.51m normally devastating hits (i.e. rounds that penetrate don’t bounce around
Ground Clearance : 0.35m in the compartment, they simply make the SPG into swiss cheese, add +2
Track Width : 0.35m to the penetration chart for penetrating hits). And if using BG point
Main Gun : 75mm PaK40/3 L/46 system, deduct 15% of vehicle price.
Max Elevation : -10° to +30° Gun Traverse, the Hull mounted gun in all Marder is limited to firing to
Ammunition : 38 Main Gun / 600 MG Rnds the front arc. The gun may only traverse side to side 10° in either
Secondary : 1 x MG37(t) or MG 34(Late) direction. In order to fire at targets outside this arc, the SPG must
maneuver, any use of a move will count as moving previous or moving
Speed : 25 M/h / 40 K/h firing, this also negates the fast load ability.
Range :150 Miles / 240 Km’s Open Topped, it exposes the crew to grenade, artillery, and small
Trench Crossing : 5’ 7” arms. Any figure elevated enough to trace a line to the open top of the
Fording Depth : 3’ 0” vehicle may attack with small arms, who receive partial tank cover (+5),
grenades( vehicle top +2 + normal rules), this does have two advantages
Commander for the Marder crew, 1. SPG rapid fire, 2. Allows 1 crewman to return fire
Tank Crew Positions using the loose MG usually carried in the crew compartment, this is
considered to be braced against the top of the Marder, hence able to fire
Driver covered and standing. The crew are also armed with SMG or pistols (your
choice) and D6 grenades for anti personnel defence.
Auto Penetration, the turret rear armour is “Auto”. This is to represent
that NO armour exists. Any hits on 17-20 in the rear and 19 on the sides,
do not roll for penetration, but immediately cause damage to SPG or
Anti Armour , SPG Usually have the job of Tank Destroying therefore
are always armed with more APCR Rounds, hence 8+ availability with D8
Rounds available.
Gunner Loader Created By Lindsay Terrey, technical data - by Thomas Hartwig (Panzer
Technical Information & data Web Site). Additional ideas by Alex Pearson,
Battleground Portland.
No Penetration Penetration
1. Immobilised /MC 1. Immobilised /MC
2. No Effect 2. Immobilised /MC
3. No Effect 3. Immobilised /MC
4. No Effect 4. Immobilised /MC
20 5. No Effect 5. Immobilised /MC
6. No Effect 6. Immobilised /MC
7. No Effect 7. Immobilised /MC
16 17 18 19 8. Immobilised /MC 8. Immobilised /MC
9. No Effect 9. Normal Damage
10. Driver –1 Action 10. Driver KIA / MC
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11. No Effect 11. Normal Damage
12. No Effect 12. Ammo Storage -3 Effect
13. No Effect 13. Normal Damage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14. Engine Hit – ½ speed 14. Immobilised /MC
15. Engine Hit – ½ speed 15. Immobilised /MC
16. Main Gun Destroyed / MC 16. Main Gun Destryd / MC
17L. Gunner –1 Action 17L. Gunner KIA / MC
17R. No Effect 17R. Normal Damage
18L. No Effect 18L. Normal Damage
18R. Loader –1 Action 18R. Loader KIA / MC
19. Auto Penetration 19. Normal Damage
20. Commander –1 Action 20. Commander KIA / MC
20 Rear
No Penetration Penetration
1. Auto Penetration 1. Normal Damage
17 18 19 2. Immobilised /MC 2. Immobilised /MC
3. No Effect 3. Immobilised /MC
4. No Effect 4. Immobilised /MC
5. No Effect 5. Immobilised /MC
12 13 14 15 16 6. Immobilised /MC 6. Immobilised /MC
7. No Effect 7. Normal Damage
8. No Effect 8. Normal Damage
9. No Effect 9. Normal Damage
7 8 9 10 11 10. No Effect 10. Normal Damage
11. No Effect 11. Normal Damage
12. No Effect 12. Normal Damage
13. No Effect 13. Normal Damage
2 3 4 5 6 14. No Effect 14. Normal Damage
15. No Effect 15. Normal Damage
16. No Effect 16. Normal Damage
1 17. Automatic Penetration 17. Gunner KIA / MC
18. Automatic Penetration 18. Main Gun Destroyed / MC
19. Automatic Penetration 19. Loader KIA / MC
20. Automatic Penetration 20. Commander KIA / MC
No Penetration Penetration
1. Main Gun Destroyed / MC 1. Main Gun Destroyed / MC
2. Immobilised /MC 2. Immobilised /MC
3. No Effect 3. Immobilised /MC
2 3 4 4. No Effect 4. Immobilised /MC
5 5. No Effect 5. Immobilised /MC
6. No Effect 6. Immobilised /MC
7 8 7. No Effect 7. Normal Damage
6 9 10 8. No Effect 8. Normal Damage
9. Auto Penetration 9. Loader KIA / MC
1 10. Auto Penetration 10. Normal Damage
20 11. No Effect 11. Immobilised /MC
11 12 15 12. Driver –1 Action 12. Normal Damage
13 14 13. No Effect 13. Normal Damage
14. Auto Penetration 14. Gunner KIA / MC
16 15. Auto Penetration 15. Normal Damage
17 19 16. Immobilised /MC 16. Immobilised /MC
18 17. No Effect 17. Immobilised /MC
18. No Effect 18. Immobilised /MC
19. No Effect 19. Immobilised /MC
20. Auto Penetration 20. Commander KIA / MC