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Chasma Barrage Complete Dseign

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Design of Weir on given data

Maximum Discharge 950000.0 Cusecs
Minimum Discharge 20000.0 Cusecs
River Bed Level RBL 612.0 Ft
Maximum Storage Level 649.0 Ft
Highest Flood Level HFL (From Rating Curve) 635.0 Ft
Lowest Water Level LWL (From Rating Curve) 620.0 Ft
Minimum Pond Level 637.0 Ft
Number of Canals on Right Bank (CRBC) 1.0 Nos
Number of Canals on Left Bank (CJ Link) 1.0 Nos
Maximum Discharge of CJ Link Canal 21700.0 Cusecs
Maximum Discharge of CRBC Canal 4700.0 Cusecs
Slope of the River 1.0 Ft/mile
Design of Barrage Profile for overflow conditions

1.0 Minimum stable wetted perimeter

P = 2.666(Q)½
Qmax = 950000.0 Cfs
2602.39 Ft

Using Lacey,s looseness coefficient 1.4

Width b/w abutment is
Wa = LLC * Pw
Wa = 3600 Ft
52bays @ 60'
3120 Ft
49 piers @ 7'
343 Ft
1 fish Ladder
40 Ft
2 divide walls
50 Ft
Total Wa = 3553 Ft

Dischage b/w abutments = qabt = 267.4 Cft 0

Discharge over the crest = qweir = 304.5 Cft

2.0 Calculation of Lacey's silt factor

S = (1/1844)x(f5/3/Q1/6)
f = (Q1/6 x1844xS)^3/5
f = 2.2
3.0 Fixation of crest level
Afflux = 5.0 Ft
P = 10.0 Ft
Maximum scour depth
R = 0.9 (q2abt /f )1/3
= 28.82 Ft
Ho = R-P
= 18.82 Ft
Vo = qabt/R Ft/sec
= 9.28 Ft/sec
ho = Vo2/2g Ft
= 1.34 Ft
Do = HFL-Bed Level
= 23.0
Eo = Ho + ho
= 20.16 Ft
E1 = Do + ho + Afflux
= 29.34 Ft
So level of E1 is
= RBL + E1
= 641.34 Ft
And Crest level is
= Level of E1 - Eo
= 621.2 Ft
Maximum d/s water 635 (from dischage curve)
level =

h = d/s water level - crest level

= 13.82 Ft
h/ Eo = 0.69
C'/C = 0.9 (From Gibson's Curve)
C' = 3.42 (C = 3.8)
Q = C' x Wclear x Eo2/3
= 965697 Vs 950000.0

Lacey's looseness Coefficient = Wa/Pw

= 1.37
4.0 Design of undersluices

Fix crest level of undersluices 3 ft below the main weir

Crest level of under sluices = 618.2 Ft
Assume 5 bays to act as underslucies on the both sides
b1 = 10x 60 = 600 Ft
qus = 120% of main water
= 365.4 cft/ft
R = 0.9 (q2abt /f )1/3
= 35.49 Ft
Do = 35.49 Ft
Vo = 10.29 Ft/sec
ho = 1.65 Ft
Max USEL ( u/s energy level ) 642.98 Ft
Eo = 24.80 Ft

h = USEL-3-Clus= 21.80 Ft
h/Eo = 0.88
C'/C = 0.70 (From Gibson's Curve )
C' = 2.66
Q1 and Q3 = C' * Lus * Eo^3/2
= 197151 cfs
Qmain weir = 779986 cfs
Total Discharge is
977137 Vs 950000

Now % of water passing through undersluices is

20.75 % <30% (O.K)

Hence undersluices are fixed at level 618.2 ft and
Total Number of bays are 10.
5.0 Determination of water levels and energy levels
5.1 Check for main weir
These will be determined for all three stages of flow

i. For Normal State

Q (cusecs) 1140000 950000 475000 237500
DSWL 637.5 635.0 632.0 629.0
Afflux 6.0 5.0 4.0 2.0
USWL 643.5 640.0 636.0 631.0
Do=USWL-RBL 31.5 28.0 24.0 19.0
R 32.4 28.7 18.1 11.4
Vo 9.89 9.31 7.39 5.86
ho= Vo2/2g 1.52 1.35 0.85 0.53

h 16.32 13.82 10.82 7.82

Ho 22.32 18.82 14.82 9.82

Eo 23.84 20.17 15.67 10.36
h/Eo 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.76
E o
116.41 90.57 62.02 33.32
C' 3.42 3.42 3.46 3.50
q clear 398.12 309.74 214.48 116.50
Q 1242132 966374 669182 363473
% diff 9 2 41 53

i. For Retrogressed State

Q (cusecs) 1140000 950000 475000
DSWL 632.0 629.0 623.0
AFFLUX 10.5 10.0 9.5
USWL 642.5 639.0 632.5
Do=USWL-RBL 30.5 27.0 20.5
R 32.4 28.7 18.1
Vo 9.89 9.31 7.39
ho= Vo2/2g 1.52 1.35 0.85
h 10.82 7.82 1.82
Ho 21.32 17.82 11.32
Eo 22.84 19.17 12.17
h/Eo 0.47 0.41 0.15
Eo3/2 109.16 83.91 42.45
C' 3.57 3.65 3.72
Qclear 389.93 306.12 158.09
Q 1216576 955088 493230
% Diff 6.72 0.54 3.84
5.2 Check for the undersluices
with 20% concentration = 1.2*(Q1 & Q3)us = 236581.5 cfs
Normal State 629.0 11.0 640.0
Retrogressed State 622.0 17.0 639.0

Total width of undersluices 600 ft

Crest level of underslucies 618.2 ft

Items Normal Retrogressd

USWL 640.0 639.0

RBL 28.0 27.0
R 37.2 37.2
Vo 10.60 10.60 630.7
ho= Vo2/2g 1.74 1.74 623.7
h 10.82 3.82
Ho 21.80 20.80
Eo 23.54 22.54
h/Eo 0.46 0.17
Eo 3/2
114.24 107.04
C' 3.76 3.72
q clear 429.76 398.61
Q 257858 239165
% Diff 9 1
6.0 Fixation of d/s floor level and length of d/s glacis and d/s floor

This will be done separately for

i. Normal barrage section
ii. Underslucies section

For each the following states of the river bed will be considered
i. Retrogressed state
ii. Normal state

The fixation of floor level can be done by any one of the following methods and
checked by the others
i. Blench curves
ii. Crumps curves
iii. Conjugate depth method

For all three states the following discharge should be considered

i. with 20% concentration
ii. Max flood
iii. 50% of max flood

The DSFL that satisfies the worst condition for the formation of hydraulic jump
1.0 Using Blench Curves

i. Normal state of river

a) For 1.2Qmax= 1140000 Cfs
qclear 365.4 cfs/ft

6.00 ft
E2 29.3 From Blench Curve

609.72 ft
b) For Qmax 950000 cfs
qclear 304.5 cfs/ft

5.00 ft
E2 26

c) For 0.5 Qmax= 475000 cfs
qclear 152.2 cfs/ft

4.00 ft
E2 16.5

616.3 ft

ii. Retrogressed state

1140000 365 10.50 31.2 602.32
950000 304 10.00 28.2 602.15
475000 152 9.50 18.5 605.3

Hence d/s Floor level for main weir = 602.2 ft

6.2 Fixation of floor levels for undersluices

Normal state
257858 429.8 11.00 33 597.74
239165 398.6 17.00 35.5 588.244

For Undersluices:
Min DSFL= 588.244 ft
7.0 Fixation of d/s floor level for normal barrage section using Crump's method
and determination of floor length.

a) Q 950000 cfs
Max Max DSWL 635 ft
USWL 640 ft
RBL 612 ft
Crest level 621.2 ft
DSFL 602.2 ft
Dpool 32.9 ft
USEL 641.35
d/s Velocity 8.14 ft/sec
ho 1.03 ft
DSEL 636.03 ft
K 20.17 ft
L 5.32 ft
q 304.49 cfs
C (q2/g)1/3
14.23 ft
L/C 0.37
(K+F)/C (From Crumps curves)2.2 (From Crumps curves)
so F 11.13
Level of intersection of jump with glacis is
Crest level - F 610.052
E2 25.98
submergence of jump 7.90 ft
length of glacis d/s of jump= 3xE223.7
length of stilling pool 4.5xE2
length of d/s floor 93.19
Say 95.0 ft

Q 950000 cfs
b) DSWL 629 ft
Min USWL 639 ft
Dpool 26.9 ft
d/s Velocity 9.96 ft/sec
ho 1.54 ft
DSEL 630.54 ft
K 17.82 ft
L 9.81 ft
q 304.49 cfs
C 14.23 ft
L/C 0.7
(K+F)/C 2.5
F 17.74 ft
Level of intersec 603.4 ft
E2 27.11 ft
submergence of 1.28 ft

length of glacis d 3.85 ft

length of stilling 4.5 E2
length of d/s floo 118.12 ft
Say 120 ft
Hence provide d/s floor 120 ft long.
8.0 Fixation of d/s floor lenrth for under sluices

a) Max DSWL 629 ft

Q 236582 cfs
USEL 641.74 ft
USWL 640 ft
RBL 612 ft
Crest level= 618.18
DSFL 588.244 ft
Dpool 40.8 ft
d/s Velocity 9.67 ft/sec
ho 1.45 ft
DSEL 630.45 ft
K 23.56 ft
L 11.29 ft
q 394.30 cfs
C (q2/g)1/3
16.90 ft
L/C 0.67
(K+F)/C (From Crumps curves)
2.4 (From Crumps curves)
so F 17.00
Level of intersection of jump with glacis is From (a) and (b)
Crest level - F
E2 29.25
submergence of jump 12.96
length of glacis d/s of jump
length of stilling pool 4.5xE2
length of d/s floor 92.77
Say 93
Min Min DSWL 622 ft
USEL 640.74 ft
Dpool 33.76 ft
d/s Velocity 11.68 ft/sec
ho 2.12 ft
DSEL 624.12 ft
K 22.56 ft
L 16.62 ft
q 394.30 cfs
C (q2/g)1/3
16.90 ft
L/C 0.98
(K+F)/C (From Crumps curves)3 (From Crumps curves)
so F 28.14
Level of intersection of jump with glacis is
Crest level - F
E2 34.08

submergence of jump 1.79 ft

length of glacis d/s of jump 5.38 ft

length of stilling pool 4.5 E2
length of d/s floor 147.98 ft

Say 148 ft

From (a) and (b) Length of d/s floor for undersluices=

148 ft
9.0 Check for adquecy for d/s floor levels using conjugte depth method.
a) for normal weir section DSFL= 602.2 ft

Q1=discharge in river
through thecfs
main 950000 475000
weir=80% Q 760000 380000
Max Min Max Min
USEL 641.35 640.35 636.85 633.35
E= USEL - DSEL 39.2 38.2 34.7 31.2
q= Q1/2520 301.6 301.6 150.8 150.8
Dpool= DSWL - DSFL 32.9 26.9 29.9 20.9
E3/2 245.4 236.1 204.4 174.3
F(z) = q/E 3/2
1.23 1.28 0.74 0.87
conjugate depth z 0.17 0.18 0.10 0.12
Coefficient z' 0.67 0.68 0.55 0.58
Conjugate deths d1=z*E 6.6 6.9 3.4 3.6
Conjugate deths d2=z'*E 26.3 26.0 18.9 18.1
jump sumbergence =Dpool-d2 6.6 0.9 10.9 2.8
Remarks: Jump is submerged in all cases.
NOTE: By lowering the DSFL or by making wall at d/s we will have some submergency
b) for undersluices section: DSFL= 588.244 ft

Q=Discharge in river cfs 950000

Q1=discharge through undersluices with 236582
20% concentration
Max Min
USEL 641.74 640.74
E= USEL - DSFL 53.5 52.5
q= Q1/600 394 394
Dpool= DSWL - DSFL 40.756 33.756
E3/2 391.3 380.4
F(z) = q/E 3/2
1.0076 1.0366
conjugate depth z 0.145 0.138
Coefficient z' 0.628 0.621
Conjugate deths d1=z*E 7.757452 7.244954
Conjugate deths d2=z'*E 33.59779 32.60229
jump sumbergence =Dpool-d2 7.158208 1.153706
Remarks: Jump is submerged in all cases.
10.0 Scour protection
Assume 20% concetration
q 365.4 cfs/ft
R 0.9 (q abt /f )
2 1/3

R 35.37 ft
(a) d/s scour protection
Safety factor 1.75x for d/s floor critical condition
Depth R' 61.9
Min water level for the .95 million cfs discharge
629 ft
d/s apron level 602.2 ft
depth of water on apron 26.9 ft
add 0.5 ft increase in depth for concentration

D' 27.4 ft
R' -D' 34.5 ft
length of apron to cover a surface of scour at 1:3 slope

√(32+12)x(R' - D')
109.23 ft
Therefore the length of d/s stone apron in horizontal position

109.23x(1.25 t/1.75 t)
78.02 ft
(b) u/s scour protection
Safety factor 1.25x for u/s floor critical condition
Depth R' 44.2
Min u/s water level for the 0.95 millionn cfs discharge
639 ft
u/s apron level 612 ft
depth of water on apron 27 ft
add 0.5 ft increase in depth for concentration

D' 27.5 ft
R' -D' 16.7 ft
length of apron to cover a surface of scour at 1:3 slope

√(32+12)x(R' - D')
52.84 ft say 53 ft
Therefore the length of u/s stone apron in horizontal position

53x(1.25 t/1.75 t)
37.86 ft
© Thickness of aprons
Following table gives the value of 't' (thickness of apron) for various grades of sand and
slope of river.

Fall in inches/mile 3 9 12 18 24
Sand classification Thickness of stone pitching in inches
very coarse 16 19 22 25 28
coarse 22 25 28 31 34
medium 28 31 34 37 40
fine 34 37 40 43 46
very fine 40 43 45 49 52

As our slope is 12"/mile and assumed that river bed is comprised of medium sand,so
our corresponding value for 't' is 34.

Thickness of apron in horizontal position is

4.96 ft say 5.0 ft
Total length of d/s apron 78.02 ft
4' thick block apron 26.01 ft say 26.0 ft (78/3)
5' thick stone apron 52.02 ft say 52.0 ft (78x2/3)
Total length of u/s apron 37.86 ft
4' thick block apron 12.62 ft say 13.0 ft (38/3)
5' thick stone apron 25.24 ft say 25.0 ft (38x2/3)
12 Design of Guide banks

i) Length of each guide bank measured in a straight line along the barrage u/s is

L u/s 1.5x3553 ft
5330 ft
ii) L d/s 710.6 ft
iii) For the nose of the u/s guide bank and the full length of d/s guide bank use Lacey's depth

61.89 ft
for the remaining u/s guide bank Lacey's depth
44.21 ft
iv) possible slope of scour 1:03
v) free board u/s 10 ft from HFL
free board d/s 8 ft from HFL
vi) top width of guide bank 40 ft
vii) side slope of guide bank
viii) min apron thickness 4 ft
length of barrage 3553
length of u/s guide bank 5330
length of d/s guide bank 710.6
radius of u/s curved part 600 ft
radius of d/s curved part 400 ft
max u/s angle projected 140 degree
max d/s angle projected 57-80 degree

(a) Determination of levels of of guide banks

The following formula for the backwater curve given in Merrimen's treatise on hydraulics can
be used to determine water levels at the u/s nose of the guide banks

L = (d1 - d2)/S + D(1/S - C2/g)x[ ф (d1/D) -ф (d2/D)]

D = normal depth of flow without weir
d1 = depth of flow u/s of weir
d2 = depth of water at a distance 'L' u/s
C = Chezy's coefficient = 71 (Max for earthen channels
g = 32.2 ft/sec2
S = bed slope of river 1/5000
ф (d1/D) = is a function which has been calculated by Bresse for various
values of d1/D
Using the above formula
bed level 612 ft
d/s flood level with Normal 635 ft
D = 635 - 612
= 23 ft
u/s HFL with Normal = 640.0
d1 28.0 ft
Slope of river bed = 1/5000
Assume d2 at the nose of the guide bank and calculate L. If the assumed value is correct
then L will come out to be equal to the length of the guide bank.
assume d2 = 27.58 ft
d1/D 1.22 and ф (d1/D) = 0.45 from Bresse backwater curve
d2/D 1.20 and ф (d2/D) = 0.4798
Substituting the values in the above formula for 'L'

L = 5419.7 ft Vs 5330 f(o.k)

Once d2 is fixed the levels of the guide banks can be determined.

Rise in RBL = 1.07 from the level at the barrage water level along h/w axis
at 5330' u/s of barrage
= 640.65 ft

i) Level at the nose of u/s guide bank

= 640.56 + free board
= 650.65 ft
ii) Level at the barrage = HFL + freeboard = 645 ft
iii) at d/s guide bank
water level d/s of barrage = 635 ft
free board = 8 ft
level of guide bank d/s = 643 ft
11.0 Design of filter design

Extensive experiments have shown that it is not necessary for a filter to restrain all particles
of the soil.Instead it may restrain 15% coarser or the D85 of the soil.These voids will create
smaller openings to trap finer soil particles. Therefore the diameter of the openings of the
of the filter must be less than D85 of the soil.Since the effective pore diameter is about
1/5D15 therefore
D85 (filter) ≤ 5 D85 (soil)
If the filter is to provide free drainage it must be much more pervious than the soil and in
such a case the other criterion is
D15 (filter) ≥ 5 D15 (soil)
D85 of the river bed soil may be determined from the soil gradation curve. For the bottom
layer of the filter D15 would be 5xD85 of soil which would fix the average grain size of the
filter material.The thickness may be taken to be 6" to 9" . The upper layers may be designed
on the same basis.
The concrete blocks of 4'x4'x4' will be placed over 2 ft thick inverted filter which consists of
a 9" layer of coarse shingle (3/4" - 3" ) over 6" layer of fine shingle (3/6" - 3/4"). There are
2" wide spacings on the sides of the blocks which are filled with fine shingles to provide
free seepage flow.
13.0 Design of guide bank apron
Working on the same as in section 10 (Scour protection )
Length of unlaunched (horizontal) apron = 2.5 (R' - D') 86.36
length of launched apron at 1:3 slope = √10 (R' - D') 109.23
as calculated previously t = 34" , say 3 ft
Volume of stones in apron = 3x3.16 (R' - D') = 328.16 ft3
minimum thickness of unlaunched apron= 1.07x3 = 3.21 ft
mean thickness of unlaunched apron = [9.5(R'-D')]/[2.5(R'-D')]
= 3.8 ft
maximum thickness of unlaunched apron = 2 x 3.80 -3.2
= 4.4 ft
and t = 3 ft
Values of R' for various areas is tabulated below

Area Range of R' Values

nose of guide bank 2.0 R to 2.5 R 79.58
transition from nose to straigth 1.25 R to 1.75 R 53.05
straigth reaches of guide bank 1.0 R to 1.5 R 44.21
14.0 Design for marginal bunds
i) Top width = 20 ft, but no dowel to be provided.
ii) Top level to be 5 ft above estimated HFL after allowing for 1.5 ft of accretion.

iii) Front slope of marginal bund is 1:3

iv) Back slope to be such as to provide a minimum of 2 ft cover, over a hydraulic
gradient of 1:6
v) U/s water level at nose of guide bank = 650.65 ft
Free board of marginal bund = 5 ft
Hence level of marginal bund = 655.65 ft

Calculation of backwater curve

Backwater is the effect produced by the afflux at the weir upon the water surface
u/s of the weir. Determining of backwater length and levels of water surface will
help in fixing the length and the RLs of the top of the marginal bund.Merrimen's
equation used in section 12 shall be applied to calculate the length between two
successive depths, the calcualations continue till we reach the normal depth of
river. A table can be made to facilaitate calcualtions. The length between the two
successive depth d1 and d2 is given by

L = (d1 - d2)/S + D(1/S - C2/g)x[ ф (d1/D) -ф (d2/D)]

ф (d1/D) and ф (d2/D) are known as Bresse's function are given by

T = d/D ф (d/D)
1.000 __
1.001 2.1837
1.005 1.6486
1.006 1.5881
1.007 1.5371
1.008 1.4929
1.01 1.4192
1.02 1.1914
1.03 1.0596
1.04 0.9669
1.05 0.8968
1.06 0.8382
1.10 0.6806
1.15 0.5608
1.20 0.4798
1.25 0.4198
1.30 0.3731
1.35 0.3352
Read the values of ф (d1/D) and ф (d2/D) in the above equation corresponding to
the ratioes
T1 = d1/D

and T2 = d2/D
at the maximum flood discharges at .95 millions cfs, maximum u/s water level is 640
d1 = 640 - 612 = 28 ft
D = 635-612 = 23 ft
We shall find length of backwater curve by using 0.5 ft increaments, untill we approach the
normal river depth of 23 ft starting from d1= 28 ft
Table for length of backwater curve

D d1 d2 (d1-d2)/S 1/S-C2/g T1=d1/D T2=d2/D ф1(d1/D) ф2(d2/D)

23 28 27.5 2500 4843.447 1.217391 1.195652 0.4653 0.4854
23 27.5 27 2500 4843.447 1.195652 1.173913 0.4854 0.5406
23 27 26.5 2500 4843.447 1.173913 1.152174 0.5406 0.5608
23 26.5 26 2500 4843.447 1.152174 1.130435 0.5608 0.6245
23 26 25.5 2500 4843.447 1.130435 1.108696 0.6245 0.6806
23 25.5 25 2500 4843.447 1.108696 1.086957 0.6806 0.7545
23 25 24.5 2500 4843.447 1.086957 1.065217 0.7545 0.8382
23 24.5 24 2500 4843.447 1.065217 1.043478 0.8382 0.9669
23 24 23.5 2500 4843.447 1.043478 1.021739 0.9669 1.1914
23 23.5 23.1 2000 4843.447 1.021739 1.004348 1.1914 1.7486
ф1-ф2 col1xcol5xcol10 L
0.0201 2239 4739
0.0552 6149 8649
0.0202 2250 4750
0.0637 7096 9596
0.0561 6249 8749
0.0739 8232 10732
0.0837 9324 11824
0.1287 14337 16837
0.2245 25009 27509
0.5572 62072 64072
Total 167459 ft
31.72 miles

15.0 Fixing of depth of sheet piles

Scour depth R 28.82 ft
Depth of u/s pile is fixed from the highest flood level down to the point of 1.5R
43.2 ft say 45.0
RL of bottom of u/s sheet pile
590.0 ft
Depth below HFL for Intermediate sheet pile
2R ft
57.64 ft say 60.0 ft
RL of bottom of intermediate sheet pile
575.00 ft say 575 ft
Take RL of bottom of d/s sheet pile
560.0 ft 554.0
16.0 Calculation of exit gradient

Ge = ( H/d) * (1/(pi)x√λ)
Let the water be headed up to a level of 635.0 ft on the u/s side with
no flow d/s .Assume maximum retreogression of 5 ft to have occurred in the d/s river bed.
Differential head causing seepage = H
635 -( 602 - 5)
38 ft
depth of d/s sheet pile = d = 612-560
52 ft
Total length of concrete floor = b
= 300 ft
α = 5.77
From grahp α versus 1/∏√λ
for α = 5.77 1/∏√λ = 0.18
GE = 0.13 < 2 (O.K)
Critical value of floatation gradient is 1:1 and allowing a factor of safety of 5 to 7
it comes out to be 1/5 to 1/7
17 Calculation of uplift pressures after applying corrections
a) u/s pile line
b1 = length of concrete floor upto the u/s sheet pile = 32 ft
b = 300 ft
d = 582 - 577 = 22.0 ft
assume tf = u/s floor thickness = 2.5 ft
1/α = d/b = 0.07 α = 13.64 say= 30
b1/b = 0.11
1-(b1/b)= 0.89
фB = фD = 71 %
фA = фE = 72 %
фK = фC = 68 %
i) Correction for floor thickness
Correction in фK = tf (фB-фK)
= 0.34 %

Correction in фA = 0.11 %
ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles
Correction in фK due to second pile is

= 19[(d+D)/b]x√(D/B')
d = 582 -577 = 5 ft
D = 582 -570 = 12 ft
b = 300 ft
b' = 42.6 ft

Correction in фK = 0.57 %

iii) Slope correction for фK

Correction for фK = - Fs (bs/b1)

for 1:4 slope, Fs = 3.3 (from the slope correction curve)
bs = 18 ft

b1 = 42.6 ft
Correction for фK = -1.39
hence corrected фA = 71.88636 %
corrected фB = 71 %
corrected фK = 70.31 %
b) Intermediate sheet pile at toe of d/s glacis
b1 = 74.6 ft
b = 155 ft
d = 27.15 ft
assume floor thickness 10 ft
α = b/d = 5.71
b1/b = 0.48 1-b1/b 0.52

фL = фE 53 %
фM = фD 55 %
фN = фC = 47 %
i) Correction for floor thickness
Correction in фL is
= 0.736648 %
Correction in фN = 2.95 %

ii) Correction for interference of sheet piles

Correction in фL due to u/s sheet pile is

= -0.571 %

Correction in фN due to d/s sheet pile is

= 0.912 %

iii/ Slope correction

Correction for фL = Fs (bs/b1)

bs = 6.2 ft
b1 = 42.6 ft
Correction for фL = 0.65 %
corrected фL = 53.490 %
corrected фM = 55 %
corrected фN = 50.86 %
17.3 d/s sheet pile at the end of impervious floor
assume floor thickness = 7.0 ft b1/b= 0.48
d = 47.15 ft 1-b1/b= 0.52
1/α = d/b = 0.157 α = 6.36
фP = фE = 53 %
фQ = фD= 61 %
фR = фC = 42 %
i) Correction for floor thickness
Correction in фP =
= 1.2 %
Correction in фR = 2.82 %
ii/ Correction for interference of sheet piles

Correction in фp is
= -2.90 %
Corrected фP = 54.71 %
Corrected фQ = 61 %
Corrected фR = 44.82 %

Uplift pressures at E, D, and C along the sheet piles

Symbols uses in
Khosla's curve u/s pile line intermediate line d/s pile line
фE фA = 72 фL = 53.49 фP = 54.71
фD фB = 71 фM = 55.0 фQ = 61
фC фK = 68 фN = 50.86 фP = 44.82
18.0 Calculation for floor thickness

Floor thickness
t = (ᶲ/100(G-1))xH
tf = thickness of floor in ft
ᶲ = % uplift pressure
H = maximum differential head causing seepage
G = specific gravity of concrete = 2.4
a) Thickness of floor at A
Assumed thickness = 2.5 ft
thickness from uplift pressure = 16.46 ft say= 17

Due to excessive weigth of water acting on the u/s floor, provide nominal thickness of 2.5 ft
Similarly o]provide 2.5 ft thick floor at K, and the thickness of u/s glacis floor is also to be
taken as 2.5 ft.
b) Thickness of floor at L
Assumed thickness = 10.0 ft
thickness from uplift pressure =
12.2 ft say 13.0 ft

c) Thickness of floor at N
Assumed thickness = 10.0 ft
thickness from uplift pressure =
12.6 ft say 13 ft

d) Thickness of floor at P
Assumed thickness = 7.0 ft
thickness from uplift pressure =
12.51 ft say 13 ft
e) Thickness of floor at crest
U/s of the gate over the crest, water is always standing hence provide nominal thickness
of 2.5 ft.
d/s of the gate water may not be present over the crest when the gate is closed.

Uplift pressure at the crest = ᶲL +(ᶲk-ᶲL)/73.28 x 39.12

= 59.83 %

hence thickness of floor at crest d/s of the gate is

= 13.7 ft
Provide a thickness of 15 ft.

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