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Oracle Questions:: On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 22:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi Wrote

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Oracle Questions:

1.      Say about yourself!

2.      what is the diff between sql and plsql?
3.      How can u improve the query performance?
4.      What is the diff between function and procedure?
5.      What is the diff between trigger and constraint?
6.      How can u delete the duplicate records in a table?
7.      I have a table like
FF_table(src)-which having only one column and it contains string data of length 50
charters, now take one more table temp and insert the data into temp table which is
having 4 columns like col1,col2,col3,col4,tha data for temp is from FF_table
8.      How a single variable can store multiple values?
9.      What is the diff between primary key and composite key?
10.  How we use outer procedure parameter values in inner procedure and how can we
provide values to the outer procedure?
Informatica & UNIX Questions:
1.      Explain about u r project?
2.      What is the diff between short cut and reusable transformation?
3.      How can we improve the session performance?
4.      How can we improve the diff transformations performance?
5.      How can Insert first and last records into the target?
6.      Insert duplicate records into one target and non-duplicate records into another
7.      Insert only first and last into the target?
8.      Write a query to fetch department wise highest salaried people all details?
9.      What is the diff between static and dynamic lookup?
10.  What is the diff between connected  and un-connected lookup
11.  My source having “;;” delimeter, how can we import the file?
12.  What is the use of the mapplet? When we go for the mapplet?
13.  Write the grep command syntax?
14.  In how many ways we can change the permission?
15.  Sleep command
16.  cp command
17.  awk command
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On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 22:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:

Yash Technologies:
1 what is repository migration
2 howmany members working in your project
3 how to execute unix scripts in informatica/PMCMD
4 source based commit target based commit
5 eliminating duplicates from flat file
6 what is the Transformation that we can use instead of LOOKup
7 explain connected lookup,dynamic lookup,unconnected lookup
9 explain routerT/R
11 incremental aggregation
12 usage of attribute save workflow log by/by runs in workflows>edit>properties
13 how many groups router will have
14 is your fact table is normalized or denormalized
15 what is checkin,check out
16 verbose,terse,normal

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 22:53, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:

Sierra Atlantic Interview Questions:-

Diff between Connected Lookup and Unconnected?

How to find the differences in two tables in oracle?

Performance tuning for Aggregator T/f other than Sorted Input?

Diff in sorted T/f in Version 7 and Version 8?

How you will do the performance tuning at session?

How to a find bottle neck in the mapping? at what stage?

Versioning Concept - You have modified a object and saved?If my manager want to see
the object status before saving again, how can he see that?

If i give you a mapping to design, how will you decide to use among SQ T/f, joiner T/f or
Lookup T/f in the mapping and why?

Diff between rank and dense rank? Explain with Example?

What is Pushdown optimization?

How will you update the target other than using Update strategy T/f?

Do you know about SCD2? Explain?

Can we use Persistent cache for different sessions? How?

Diff b/n  S.Q T/f and Joiner T/f?

What is a materialized view? Diff between view and materialized view?

Diff between sub-query and correlated query?

Query for 2nd highest salary?

If i want to load a XML File into oracle how will you do it?

What is an Index?

What is granularity?

Find command syntax?

Do you know about Securecopy command?

Kill command syntax?

If i want to see the processes that are running on unix server,what is the command?

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 22:47, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:
Satyam: 20-Feb-2011
1.      What is the difference b/w char and varchar2?
2.      What is slowly changing dimension?
3.      What is parameter file?
4.      What is the diff b/w Filter and Router t/r?
5.      In Aggregator t/r if u select all group by port what is the output?
 Or if u cannot select all group by port what is the output?
6.      What is performance in Joiner t/r and what can u set?
7.      What is mkdir command?
8.      What is active and passive t/r?
9.      I have one file from database and another file from flat file. How
can you merge them?
10.     What is Incremental aggregation?
11.     I have one flat file and one oracle can u join by using SQL override?
12.     What are the types of flat files?
13.     Sorter t/r is active/passive?how?
14.     Filter and router which is better?
15.     Difference b/n CONSTRAINT & TRIGGER?
16.     What is difference between ‘DECODE’ and ‘CASE’?
17.     What is casual dimension?
18.     Without common columns can you join 2 tables?
19.     Basic commands in unix (eg: cp,mkdir etc…..)
20.     SET operators in oracle
21.     How can u sum the sal from a table whose sal is greater than 2000
in Informatica?(without using FILTER & SOURCE QUALIFIER T/R).
22.     What is HEADER & FOOTER?
23.     What is ROW COUNT in flat file?

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 22:40, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Students,
TCS Interview Questions:-20-Feb-2011
1. When you sign up your  development work?
2. How the user acceptance testing goes through?
3. Do you have any specific  server for  Informatica?
4. Connected vs unconnected lookup.
5. I have 3 tables
Emp table: emp no,name hire date
Dept table: dept no , dname ........
emp_dept :  empno,deptno.....
I wanted the number of   employees joining each month.
6. I  have  10  records in  source   and  I  want  them  in target with  SNO  as
like  this  ...
7. I want  the  sequence  no  to  be  the  same  when I  promote  it from  one 
environment to other?
8. What is re-cache from database?

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 22:45, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Students,
                   Today our student attended interview for '  QWEST '. Please find interview questions
given below
1. Tell me your project?
2. What type of project it is?
3. From where you will get your source file and mode of receiving?
4. Where you will store your  Source FF?
5. How many members are there in your team?
6. What is the ratio of your fact & dimension tables?
7. Did you interact with your client? If yes what is the situation?
8. Did you face any challenging work in your current organization?
9. What is your favorite transformation?
10. What is your recent mapping and explain?
11. Differentiate active & Passive transformation with example?
12. i have 3 source tables and 1 target table, is it possible to load 3 sources in your target with
router transformation?
13. How many days will you take  to complete 1 mapping?
14. What is expression transformation type?
15. Did you implement SCD types? If yes where you are implemented and why?
16. How did you avoid NULL values in your staging area if your source contain null values?
17. If your FF have || || || || (Pipe delimiter without any data in columns), What data stores in
18. What type of FF your receveing?
19. Size of your team? who will assign work to you?
20. Can you explain how will you store your data into target from history tables?
21. How many joins have you been used to join your history tables? What are those?
22. Can i use SQ transformation to join tables?
23. Write a query to delete duplicate records from a table?
24. Any questions from your end?
Arun Kumar.

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 22:49, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Students,
                          Please find below interview questions send by our student. Once again I
request you all to send the interview question attended by you.
1.    How much will you rate yourself for informatica.
2.    Explain about your project.
3.    Difference between Mapping parameter and Mapping variable.
4.    Explain about SCD’s in a single line.
5.    I have 100 mappings in folder A and 100 mappings in folder B, my manager asked me to
move all the mappings in folder A to folder B. how you can do it.
6.    I have created 4 mapping parameter or variable in one mapping Ex: a,b,c,d – now my
question is can I access the mapping variable c and d in another mapping, if yes how?
7.    I have two records Rajashekar, Sudhakar in my source which is in row format; I want these
records to appear as column format in my target.
8.    What is Push down optimization, Normalizer T/R, Java T/R, have you worked on it.
9.     Difference between informatica 7 and 8 version.
10.  Difference between Normal and Bulk load.
11.  I had started a task for execution, it must take 10 mins to complete but it is taking 20 min to
complete, how can fix this problem. What should I do?
12.  I have 3 records in table with only names like Kiran, Rajesh, Rajashekar, how can I fetch the
3 record that is Rajashekar.
13.  When can we use having clause in oracle.
14.  Can we use having clause without group by.
15.  Write a query using having clause.
16.  I am in a /raja folder. I have 300 files in that folder out of which 200 are of .doc and 100 of
.txt, my question is I want only the .txt files as output. What that the command you can use to
fetch only the .txt file (UNIX).
On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 15:14, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Students,

             Please find below Oracle company's interview questions which was recently attended
by our student.

Oracle Company Interview Questions: 1st and 2nd Rounds

1)       Tell me abt urself

2)      Explain ur project
3)      How many mappings u developed in d project?
4)      If u are a data architect what are the qualities u ll see in designing a datawarehouse
5)      What is the index? What is different of indexes?
6)      Consider a situation select ename , sal , d.deptno from e.deptno= d.deptno and
ename=’smith’, if u want to create the index based on the above query on which columns
u ll create index
7)      Which schema u used in designing a data warehouse
8)      Difference between star schema and snowflake schema?
9)      Consider ur source having 1 million records, after loading 2 lakh records
       Ur session failed, what is ur step? how u ll proceed in loading the remaining records
10)   Which is the latest Mapping u developed, and explain the purpose of the mapping
11)      What is the output of the below query
              select ename,deptno,sal from emp  union select ename,deptno,sal from emp 
union               select ename,deptno,sal from emp;
12)    What is SCD? Explain scd2 flow
13)    Without using update strategy transformation? How u ll update the target table?
14)   Based on the flagging , you have to delete the records in a single shot?how  u ll
achieve it
15)    Difference between OLAP And OLTP
16)   Write a query to display all the emp details whose sal is greater than the avg salary of
their respective departments.
17)    Difference between connected and unconnected lookup
18)   Difference between NVL And NVL2
19)   Query to display all the details of the employees of the department which contains
maximum number of employees?
20)  Explain mapping parameters and variables? Where the situation u is used variables u
used in the project?
21)    Difference between union and union all
22)   Explain constraint based load ordering?
23)   Difference between mapping and workflow?
24)  Difference between where and having clause
25)   Different types of joins in oracle
26)  For scheduling which tool u are used in d project?
27)   What is the difference between a data mart and datawarehouse
28)  Different types of dimensions? Explain degenerated dimension?
29)  What is surrogate key, consider a situation, your surrogate key maximum value
reached then what is the logic u ll implement to develop surrogate key.?
30)  Explain incremental load
31)    Difference between function and procedure?
32)   What is transaction?
33)   Difference between delete, drop , and truncate
34)  What are the pseudocolumns?
35)   Have u tuned Ur mapping ever? What are the different techniques u implemented to
tune d mapping?
36)  If u want to search for a particular pattern in d file? How u ll achieve it?
37)   I have to replace the control m characters in the file how u ll do it?
38)  Have u ever worked on scripting?
Command used to change permissions for a file
39)  Difference between database schema and star schema
40)  They asked me the how data flow in the project.
41)   Normalization and its types
42)  They given 5 tables all 5 tables re interlinked with primary key, and foreign keys, and
the interviewer asked me to design star schema based on that tables
43)  query for all the details of the emp whose Salary is greater than avg Sal for their
respective departments.
44)  Difference between connected and unconnected look up
45)  Difference between OLAP And OLTP.
46)  query to find the 3rd highest Sal without using aggregate function.
47)  Difference between IN and Exist.

If anyone of you attend the interviews please send it to me. I will consolidate and will resend
to you.

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 16:22, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Students,
                         The below are the questions that one of our student sent. He recently attended
"Head Strong company" interview.
Interview Questions: Head Strong Company
1. Architecture of your project?                                      
2. How much will you rate yourself in Informatica   
3. How much will you rate yourself in Oracle            
4. How much will you rate yourself in unix                    
5.  how can you improve the performance of aggregator 
6. Tell me about joiner t/r-- for joining to sources ( homogeneous & heterogeneous)
7. How does the joiner t/r know whether the source is homogeneous or heterogeneous.
8. In how many t/r’s can we do override 
9. Can we override at session level   
10. Difference b/w additive, semi additive and non additive.
11. What is self  join in joiner t/r
12. Tell me about star, snowflake, galaxy schema
13. What is inline view in oracle
14. What is hint   in oracle
15. What is sed command.
16. What is ls –ltr
17. What is the meaning of   abc|abc
18. I have 5 records in my source and I want to load this 5 recs as 10 rec in my target?
19. I have 4 flat files with same structure, how many mappings should I create to load these flat
If anyone of you attend the interviews please send it to me. I will consolidate and will
resend to you.
Arun Kumar.

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 19:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <arun.gollamudi@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Students,
                       The below are the questions that one of our student sent. He recently attended
"Yash Technologies" interview.
1. How can u update the target table without using update strategy T/R ?
2. can we join two sources without common column?
3. I have 4 sources how many joins do we need to join these sources?
4. which method have u followed in SCD type2 ? ( i little bit got confused with this question by
the end i gave them the answer - using DATE)
5. Can we run the sessions without workflow manager?
Ans: Yes. By using PMCMD command. By using PMCMD we can run workflows and also tasks

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