Oracle Questions:: On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 22:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi Wrote
Oracle Questions:: On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 22:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi Wrote
Oracle Questions:: On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 22:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi Wrote
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 22:24, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <> wrote:
Yash Technologies:
1 what is repository migration
2 howmany members working in your project
3 how to execute unix scripts in informatica/PMCMD
4 source based commit target based commit
5 eliminating duplicates from flat file
6 what is the Transformation that we can use instead of LOOKup
7 explain connected lookup,dynamic lookup,unconnected lookup
9 explain routerT/R
11 incremental aggregation
12 usage of attribute save workflow log by/by runs in workflows>edit>properties
13 how many groups router will have
14 is your fact table is normalized or denormalized
15 what is checkin,check out
16 verbose,terse,normal
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 22:53, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <> wrote:
Versioning Concept - You have modified a object and saved?If my manager want to see
the object status before saving again, how can he see that?
If i give you a mapping to design, how will you decide to use among SQ T/f, joiner T/f or
Lookup T/f in the mapping and why?
How will you update the target other than using Update strategy T/f?
If i want to load a XML File into oracle how will you do it?
What is an Index?
What is granularity?
If i want to see the processes that are running on unix server,what is the command?
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 22:47, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <> wrote:
Satyam: 20-Feb-2011
1. What is the difference b/w char and varchar2?
2. What is slowly changing dimension?
3. What is parameter file?
4. What is the diff b/w Filter and Router t/r?
5. In Aggregator t/r if u select all group by port what is the output?
Or if u cannot select all group by port what is the output?
6. What is performance in Joiner t/r and what can u set?
7. What is mkdir command?
8. What is active and passive t/r?
9. I have one file from database and another file from flat file. How
can you merge them?
10. What is Incremental aggregation?
11. I have one flat file and one oracle can u join by using SQL override?
12. What are the types of flat files?
13. Sorter t/r is active/passive?how?
14. Filter and router which is better?
15. Difference b/n CONSTRAINT & TRIGGER?
16. What is difference between ‘DECODE’ and ‘CASE’?
17. What is casual dimension?
18. Without common columns can you join 2 tables?
19. Basic commands in unix (eg: cp,mkdir etc…..)
20. SET operators in oracle
21. How can u sum the sal from a table whose sal is greater than 2000
in Informatica?(without using FILTER & SOURCE QUALIFIER T/R).
22. What is HEADER & FOOTER?
23. What is ROW COUNT in flat file?
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 22:40, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <> wrote:
Dear Students,
TCS Interview Questions:-20-Feb-2011
1. When you sign up your development work?
2. How the user acceptance testing goes through?
3. Do you have any specific server for Informatica?
4. Connected vs unconnected lookup.
5. I have 3 tables
Emp table: emp no,name hire date
Dept table: dept no , dname ........
emp_dept : empno,deptno.....
I wanted the number of employees joining each month.
6. I have 10 records in source and I want them in target with SNO as
like this ...
7. I want the sequence no to be the same when I promote it from one
environment to other?
8. What is re-cache from database?
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 22:45, Arun Kumar Gollamudi <> wrote:
Dear Students,
Today our student attended interview for ' QWEST '. Please find interview questions
given below
1. Tell me your project?
2. What type of project it is?
3. From where you will get your source file and mode of receiving?
4. Where you will store your Source FF?
5. How many members are there in your team?
6. What is the ratio of your fact & dimension tables?
7. Did you interact with your client? If yes what is the situation?
8. Did you face any challenging work in your current organization?
9. What is your favorite transformation?
10. What is your recent mapping and explain?
11. Differentiate active & Passive transformation with example?
12. i have 3 source tables and 1 target table, is it possible to load 3 sources in your target with
router transformation?
13. How many days will you take to complete 1 mapping?
14. What is expression transformation type?
15. Did you implement SCD types? If yes where you are implemented and why?
16. How did you avoid NULL values in your staging area if your source contain null values?
17. If your FF have || || || || (Pipe delimiter without any data in columns), What data stores in
18. What type of FF your receveing?
19. Size of your team? who will assign work to you?
20. Can you explain how will you store your data into target from history tables?
21. How many joins have you been used to join your history tables? What are those?
22. Can i use SQ transformation to join tables?
23. Write a query to delete duplicate records from a table?
24. Any questions from your end?
Arun Kumar.
Please find below Oracle company's interview questions which was recently attended
by our student.
If anyone of you attend the interviews please send it to me. I will consolidate and will resend
to you.