Chapter Three: Linear Programming: Formulation and Applications
Chapter Three: Linear Programming: Formulation and Applications
Chapter Three: Linear Programming: Formulation and Applications
Chapter Three
Linear Programming:
Formulation and
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to
Linear programming problems come in many guises. And their models take various forms.
This diversity can be confusing to both students and managers, making it difficult to recog-
nize when linear programming can be applied to address a managerial problem. Since manag-
ers instigate management science studies, the ability to recognize the applicability of linear
programming is an important managerial skill. This chapter focuses largely on developing
this skill.
The usual textbook approach to trying to teach this skill is to present a series of diverse
examples of linear programming applications. The weakness of this approach is that it empha-
sizes differences rather than the common threads between these applications. Our approach
will be to emphasize these common threads—the identifying features—that tie together
linear programming problems even when they arise in very different contexts. We will
describe some broad categories of linear programming problems and the identifying features
that characterize them. Then we will use diverse examples, but with the purpose of illustrating
and emphasizing the common threads among them.
We will focus on five key categories of linear programming problems: resource-allocation
problems, cost–benefit–trade-off problems, mixed problems, transportation problems, and
assignment problems. In each case, an important identifying feature is the nature of the restric-
tions on what decisions can be made, and thus the nature of the resulting functional constraints
in the linear programming model. For each category, you will see how the basic data for a
problem lead directly to a linear programming model with a certain distinctive form. Thus,
model formulation becomes a by-product of proper problem formulation.
The chapter begins with a case study that initially involves a resource-allocation problem.
We then return to the case study in Section 3.4, where additional managerial considerations
turn the problem into a mixed problem.
Sections 3.2 to 3.6 focus on the five categories of linear programming problems in turn.
Section 3.7 then takes a broader look at the formulation of linear programming models from
a managerial perspective. That section (along with Section 3.4) highlights the importance of
having the model accurately reflect the managerial view of the problem. These (and other)
sections also describe the flexibility available to managers for having the model structured to
best fit their view of the important considerations.
The Problem
Claire already has employed a leading advertising firm, Giacomi & Jackowitz, to help design a
nationwide promotional campaign that will achieve the largest possible exposure for Crunchy
Start. Super Grain will pay this firm a fee based on services performed (not to exceed $1 million)
and has allocated an additional $4 million for advertising expenses.
Giacomi & Jackowitz has identified the three most effective advertising media for this
Medium 1: Television commercials on Saturday morning programs for children.
Medium 2: Advertisements in food and family-oriented magazines.
Medium 3: Advertisements in Sunday supplements of major newspapers.
Cost and Exposure Data
for the Super Grain Each TV
Corp. Advertising-Mix Cost Category Commercial Each Magazine Ad Each Sunday Ad
Problem Ad budget $300,000 $150,000 $100,000
Planning budget 90,000 30,000 40,000
Expected number of exposures 1,300,000 600,000 500,000
The problem now is to determine which levels should be chosen for these advertising activi-
ties to obtain the most effective advertising mix.
To determine the best mix of activity levels for this particular advertising problem, it is
necessary (as always) to identify the overall measure of performance for the problem and
then the contribution of each activity toward this measure. An ultimate goal for Super Grain
is to maximize its profits, but it is difficult to make a direct connection between advertising
exposure and profits. Therefore, as a rough surrogate for profit, Claire decides to use expected
number of exposures as the overall measure of performance, where each viewing of an adver-
tisement by some individual counts as one exposure.
Giacomi & Jackowitz has made preliminary plans for advertisements in the three media.
The firm also has estimated the expected number of exposures for each advertisement in each
medium, as given in the bottom row of Table 3.1.
The number of advertisements that can be run in the different media are restricted by both
the advertising budget (a limit of $4 million) and the planning budget (a limit of $1 million
for the fee to Giacomi & Jackowitz). Another restriction is that there are only five commercial
spots available for running different commercials (one commercial per spot) on children’s
television programs Saturday morning (medium 1) during the time of the promotional cam-
paign. (The other two media have an ample number of spots available.)
Consequently, the three resources for this problem are:
Resource 1: Advertising budget ($4 million).
Resource 2: Planning budget ($1 million).
Resource 3: TV commercial spots available (5).
Table 3.1 shows how much of the advertising budget and the planning budget would be used
by each advertisement in the respective media.
• The first row gives the cost per advertisement in each medium.
• The second row shows Giacomi & Jackowitz’s estimates of its total cost (including
overhead and profit) for designing and developing each advertisement for the respective
media.1 (This cost represents the billable fee from Super Grain.)
• The last row then gives the expected number of exposures per advertisement.
When presenting its estimates in this form, the firm is making two simplifying assumptions. One is that its
cost for designing and developing each additional advertisement in a medium is roughly the same as for the
first advertisement in that medium. The second is that its cost when working with one medium is unaffected
by how much work it is doing (if any) with the other media.
The spreadsheet needs to be formatted to provide the following kinds of cells for these
Four kinds of cells are Data → data cells
needed for these four com-
Decisions → changing cells
ponents of a spreadsheet
model. Constraints → output cells
Measure of performance → objective cell
Figure 3.1 shows the spreadsheet model formulated by Claire. Let us see how she did this
by considering each of the components of the model individually.
The spreadsheet model for the Super Grain problem (Section 3.1), including the objective cell TotalExposures (H13) and the other
output cells BudgetSpent (F8:F9), as well as the specifications needed to set up Solver. The changing cells NumberOfAds (C13:E13)
show the optimal solution obtained by Solver.
1 Super Grain Corp. Advertising-Mix Problem
3 TV Spots Magazine Ads SS Ads
4 Exposures per Ad 1,300 600 500
5 (thousands)
6 Budget Budget
7 Cost per Ad ($thousands) Spent Available
8 Ad Budget 300 150 100 4,000 ≤ 4,000
9 Planning Budget 90 30 40 1,000 ≤ 1,000
11 Total Exposures
12 TV Spots Magazine Ads SS Ads (thousands)
13 Number of Ads 0 20 10 17,000
14 ≤
15 Max TV Spots 5
Solver Parameters F
Set Objective Cell: TotalExposures
To: Max 6 Budget
By Changing Variable Cells: 7 Spent
Subject to the Constraints: 8 =SUMPRODUCT(C8:E8,NumberOfAds)
BudgetSpent <= BudgetAvailable 9 =SUMPRODUCT(C9:E9,NumberOfAds)
TVSpots <= MaxTVSpots
Solver Options:
Make Variables Nonnegative 11 Total Exposures
Solving Method: Simplex LP 12 (thousands)
13 =SUMPRODUCT(ExposuresPerAd,NumberOfAds)
BudgetAvailable H8: H9
BudgetSpent F8: F9
CostPerAd C8: E9
ExposuresPerAd C4: E4
MaxTVSpots C15
NumberOfAds C13: E13
TotalExposures H13
TVSpots C13
The Data
One important kind of data is the information given earlier about the amounts available of
the three resources for the problem (the advertising budget, the planning budget, and the
commercial spots available). Table 3.1 provides the other key data for the problem. Using
units of thousands of dollars, these data have been transferred directly into data cells in the
spreadsheet in Figure 3.1 and given these range names: ExposuresPerAd (C4:E4), CostPerAd
(C8:E9), BudgetAvailable (H8:H9), and MaxTVSpots (C15).
The Decisions
The problem has been defined as determining the most effective advertising mix among the
three media selected by Giacomi & Jackowitz. Therefore, there are three decisions:
Decision 1: TV 5 Number of commercials for separate spots on television.
Decision 2: M 5 Number of advertisements in magazines.
Decision 3: SS 5 Number of advertisements in Sunday supplements.
The changing cells to hold these numbers have been placed in row 13 in the columns for these
TV S cell C13 M S cell D13 SS S cell E13
These changing cells are collectively referred to by the range name NumberOfAds (C13:E13).
The Constraints
These changing cells need to be nonnegative. In addition, constraints are needed for the three
resources. The first two resources are the ad budget and planning budget. The amounts avail-
able for these two budgets are shown in the range BudgetAvailable (H8:H9). As suggested by
the # signs entered into column G, the corresponding constraints are
Total spending on advertising # 4,000 (Ad budget in $1,000s)
Total cost of planning # 1,000 (Planning budget in $1,000s)
Using the data in columns C, D, and E for the resources, these totals are
Since TotalExposures (H13) gives the expected number of exposures in thousands, this plan
would be expected to provide 17,000,000 exposures.
assumes that Giacomi & Jackowitz’s cost for planning and developing a commercial or ad
that receives only a fraction of its usual run is only that fraction of its usual cost, even though
the actual cost would be the same as for a full run. Fortunately, the optimal solution obtained
was an integer solution (0 television commercials, 20 ads in magazines, and 10 ads in Sunday
supplements), so the assumption that fractional solutions are allowed was not even needed.
Although it is possible to have a fractional number of a normal run of commercials or
ads, a normal run tends to be much more effective than a fractional run. Therefore, it would
have been reasonable for Claire to drop the assumption that fractional solutions are allowed.
If Claire had done this and the optimal solution for the linear programming model had not
turned out to be integer, constraints can be added to require the changing cells to be integer.
(The TBA Airlines example in the next section provides an illustration of this type of con-
straint.) After adding such constraints, the model is called an integer programming model
instead of a linear programming model, but it still can be readily solved by Solver.
Linear programming mod- Another key assumption of linear programming is that the appropriate equation for each of
els should use SUM or the output cells, including the objective cell, is one that can be expressed as a SUMPRODUCT
SUMPRODUCT functions
of data cells and changing cells (or occasionally just a SUM of changing cells). For the objec-
for the output cells, includ-
ing the objective cell. tive cell (cell H13) in Figure 3.1, this implies that the expected number of exposures to be
obtained from each advertising medium is proportional to the number of advertisements in that
medium. This proportionality seems true, since each viewing of the advertisements by some
individual counts as another exposure. Another implication of using a SUMPRODUCT func-
tion is that the expected number of exposures to be obtained from an advertising medium is
unaffected by the number of advertisements in the other media. Again, this implication seems
valid, since viewings of advertisements in different media count as separate exposures.
Although a SUMPRODUCT function is appropriate for calculating the expected number
of exposures, the choice of this number for the overall measure of performance is somewhat
questionable. Management’s real objective is to maximize the profit generated as a result of
the advertising campaign, but this is difficult to measure so expected number of exposures
was selected to be a surrogate for profit. This would be valid if profit were proportional to
the expected number of exposures. However, proportionality is only an approximation in
this case because too many exposures for the same individual reach a saturation level where
the impact (potential profit) from one more exposure is substantially less than for the first
exposure. (When proportionality is not a reasonable approximation, Chapter 8 will describe
nonlinear models that can be used instead.)
To check how reasonable it is to use expected number of exposures as a surrogate for
profit, Claire meets with Sid Jackowitz, one of the senior partners of Giacomi & Jackowitz.
Sid indicates that the contemplated promotional campaign (20 advertisements in magazines
and 10 in Sunday supplements) is a relatively modest one well below saturation levels. Most
readers will only notice these ads once or twice, and a second notice is very helpful for rein-
forcing the first one. Furthermore, the readership of magazines and Sunday supplements is
sufficiently different that the interaction of the advertising impact in these two media should
be small. Consequently, Claire concludes that using expected number of exposures for the
objective cell in Figure 3.1 provides a reasonable approximation. (A continuation of this case
study in Case 8-1 will delve into the more complicated analysis that is required in order to
use profit directly as the measure of performance to be recorded in the objective cell instead
of making this approximation.)
Next, Claire quizzes Sid about his firm’s costs for planning and developing advertisements
in these media. Is it reasonable to assume that the cost in a given medium is proportional
to the number of advertisements in that medium? Is it reasonable to assume that the cost of
developing advertisements in one medium would not be substantially reduced if the firm had
just finished developing advertisements in another medium that might have similar themes?
Sid acknowledges that there is some carryover in ad planning from one medium to another,
especially if both are print media (e.g., magazines and Sunday supplements), but that the
carryover is quite limited because of the distinct differences in these media. Furthermore,
he feels that the proportionality assumption is quite reasonable for any given medium since
the amount of work involved in planning and developing each additional advertisement in
the medium is nearly the same as for the first one in the medium. The total fee that Super
Grain will pay Giacomi & Jackowitz will eventually be based on a detailed accounting of the
amount of work done by the firm. Nevertheless, Sid feels that the cost estimates previously
provided by the firm (as entered in cells C9, D9, and E9 in units of thousands of dollars) give
a reasonable basis for roughly projecting what the fee will be for any given plan (the entries
in the changing cells) for the promotional campaign.
Based on this information, Claire concludes that using a SUMPRODUCT function for cell
F9 provides a reasonable approximation. Doing the same for cell F8 is clearly justified. Given
her earlier conclusions as well, Claire decides that the linear programming model incorpo-
rated into Figure 3.1 (plus any expansions of the model needed later for the detailed planning)
is a sufficiently accurate representation of the real advertising-mix problem. It will not be
necessary to refine the results from this model by turning next to a more complicated kind of
mathematical model (such as those to be described in Chapter 8).
Therefore, Claire sends a memorandum to the company’s president, David Sloan, describ-
ing a promotional campaign that corresponds to the optimal solution from the linear program-
ming model (no TV commercials, 20 ads in magazines, and 10 ads in Sunday supplements).
She also requests a meeting to evaluate this plan and discuss whether some modifications
should be made.
We will pick up this story again in Section 3.4.
The amount of a resource used depends on which activities are undertaken, the levels of
those activities, and how heavily those activities need to use the resource. Thus, the resource
constraints place limits on the levels of the activities. The objective is to choose the levels of
the activities so as to maximize some overall measure of performance (such as total profit)
from the activities while satisfying all the resource constraints.
Beginning with the case study and then the Wyndor Glass Co. product-mix problem, we will
look at four examples that illustrate the characteristics of resource-allocation problems. These
examples also demonstrate how this type of problem can arise in a variety of contexts.
Small Airplane Large Airplane Capital Available
Data for the TBA
Airlines Problem Net annual profit per airplane $7 million $22 million
Purchase cost per airplane $25 million $75 million $250 million
Maximum purchase quantity 5 No maximum
A spreadsheet model for the TBA Airlines integer programming problem where the changing cells, UnitsProduced (C12:D12), show
the optimal airplane purchases obtained by Solver, and the objective cell, TotalProfit (G12), gives the resulting total profit in mil-
lions of dollars.
1 TBA Airlines Airplane Purchasing Problem
3 Small Airplane Large Airplane
4 Unit Profit ($millions) 7 22
6 Capital Capital
7 Capital per Unit Purchased Spent Available
8 Capital ($millions) 25 75 250 <= 250
10 Total Profit
11 Small Airplane Large Airplane ($millions)
12 Number Purchased 1 3 73
13 <=
14 Maximum Small Airplanes 5
6 Capital
7 Spent
8 =SUMPRODUCT(CapitalPerUnitPurchased,NumberPurchased)
Solver Parameters G
Set Objective Cell: TotalProfit 10 Total Profit
To: Max 11 ($millions)
By Changing Variable Cells: 12 =SUMPRODUCT(UnitProfit,NumberPurchased)
Subject to the Constraints: Range Name Cells
CapitalSpent <= CapitalAvailable Capital Available G8
NumberPurchased = integer CapitalPerUnitPurchased C8:D8
SmallAirplanes <= MaxSmallAirplanes CapitalSpent E8
MaxSmallAirplanes C14
Solver Options:
NumberPurchased C12:D12
Make Variables Nonnegative
SmallAirplanes C12
Solving Method: Simplex LP
TotalProfit G12
UnitProfit C4:D4
(C8:D8), CapitalAvailable (G8), and MaxSmallAirplanes (C14). The resource constraint then
appears in cells C8:G8 while C12:C14 shows the side constraint. The objective for this problem
is to maximize the total net annual profit, so the equation for the objective cell is
TotalProfit (G12) 5 SUMPRODUCT (UnitProfit, UnitsPurchased)
Since the TBA Airlines problem is a resource-allocation problem, this spreadsheet model
has essentially the same form as the Super Grain and Wyndor problems except for one small
difference. The changing cells in this case must have integer values since it is not feasible
for the company to purchase and operate a fraction of an airplane. Therefore, constraints that
the changing cells need to be integer are added. With Excel’s Solver, use the Add Constraint
dialog box to choose the range of these cells (C12:D12) as the left-hand side and then choose
int from the pop-up menu between the left-hand and right-hand side. In RSPE, choose the
changing cells (C12:D12), and then under the Constraint menu on the RSPE ribbon, choose
Integer under the Variable Type/Bound submenu.
These changing cells in Figure 3.2 show the optimal solution, (S, L) 5 (1, 3), obtained
after running Solver.
Excel Tip: To constrain One of the assumptions of linear programming is that the changing cells are allowed to
a range of changing cells have any values, including fractional values, that satisfy the functional and nonnegativity
to be integer in Excel’s
constraints. Therefore, technically speaking, the TBA problem is not a linear programming
Solver, choose the range of
cells in the left-hand side of problem because of adding the constraints
the Add Constraint dialog
NumberPurchased 5 integer
box and choose int from the
pop-up menu. Clicking OK that are displayed in the Solver Parameters box in Figure 3.2. Such a problem that fits lin-
then enters the constraint
ear programming except for adding such constraints is called an integer programming
that these cells 5 integer
in the Solver dialog box. problem. The method used by Solver to solve integer programming problems is quite differ-
In RSPE, select the range ent from that for solving linear programming problems. In fact, integer programming prob-
of cells to be constrained lems tend to be much more difficult to solve than linear programming problems so there is
integer, and then under considerably more limitation on the size of the problem. However, this doesn’t matter to a
the Constraint menu on
spreadsheet modeler dealing with small problems. From his or her viewpoint, there is virtu-
the RSPE ribbon, choose
Integer under the Variable ally no distinction between linear programming and integer programming problems. They are
Type/Bound submenu. formulated in exactly the same way. Then, at the very end, a decision needs to be made as
to whether any of the changing cells need to be restricted to integer values. If so, those con-
straints are added as described above. Keep this option in mind as we continue to discuss the
formulation of various types of linear programming problems throughout the chapter.
Capital Budgeting
Excel Tip: In Excel’s Financial planning is one of the most important areas of application for resource-allocation
Solver Options, the Integer problems. The resources being allocated in this area are quite different from those for applica-
Optimality (%) setting
tions in the production planning area (such as the Wyndor Glass Co. product-mix problem),
(1 percent by default)
causes Solver to stop solv- where the resources tend to be production facilities of various kinds. For financial planning,
ing an integer programming the resources tend to be financial assets such as cash, securities, accounts receivable, lines of
problem when it finds a fea- credit, and so forth. Our specific example involves capital budgeting, where the resources are
sible solution whose objec- amounts of investment capital available at different points in time.
tive function value is within
the specified percentage of The Problem
being optimal. In RSPE, the
equivalent setting is Integer The Think-Big Development Co. is a major investor in commercial real-estate development
Tolerance under the Engine projects. It currently has the opportunity to share in three large construction projects:
tab of the Solver model (see
Figure 2.19). This is useful Project 1: Construct a high-rise office building.
to speed up solving large Project 2: Construct a hotel.
problems. For smaller prob-
lems (e.g., homework prob-
Project 3: Construct a shopping center.
lems), this option should be Each project requires each partner to make investments at four different points in time: a
set to 0 to guarantee finding
an optimal solution.
down payment now, and additional capital after one, two, and three years. Table 3.3 shows
for each project the total amount of investment capital required from all the partners at these
four points in time. Thus, a partner taking a certain percentage share of a project is obligated
to invest that percentage of each of the amounts shown in the table for the project.
All three projects are expected to be very profitable in the long run. So the management of
Think-Big wants to invest as much as possible in some or all of them. Management is willing
to commit all the company’s investment capital currently available, as well as all additional
An Application Vignette
A key part of a country’s financial infrastructure is its secu- Following more than 12,000 man-hours devoted to
rities markets. By allowing a variety of financial institutions this redesign, the new system was successfully launched
and their clients to trade stocks, bonds, and other finan- in November 2008. The core of the new system is a large
cial securities, they help fund both public and private ini- linear programming model that is applied many times
tiatives. Therefore, the efficient operation of its securities daily to choose which pending transactions should be set-
markets plays a crucial role in providing a platform for the tled immediately with the depositor’s available balances.
economic growth of the country. Linear programming is ideally suited for this application
Each central securities depository and its system for because it can maximize the value of the transactions
quickly settling security transactions are part of the opera- settled while taking into account the various relevant
tional backbone of securities markets and a key component constraints.
of financial system stability. In Mexico, an institution called This application of linear programming has substan-
INDEVAL provides both the central securities depository tially enhanced and strengthened the Mexican financial
and its security settlement system for the entire country. infrastructure by reducing its daily liquidity requirements
This security settlement system uses electronic book entries, by $130 billion. It also reduces the intraday financing costs
modifying cash and securities balances, for the various par- for market participants by more than $150 million annu-
ties in the transactions. ally. This application also led to INDEVAL winning the pres-
The total value of the securities transactions the INDEVAL tigious first prize in the 2010 international competition for
settles averages over $250 billion daily. This makes INDEVAL the Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations
the main liquidity conduit for Mexico’s entire financial sec- Research and the Management Sciences.
tor. Therefore, it is extremely important that INDEVAL’s sys-
tem for clearing securities transactions be an exceptionally
efficient one that maximizes the amount of cash that can Source: D. Muñoz, M. de Lascurain, O. Romeo-Hernandez, F. Solis,
L. de los Santoz, A. Palacios-Brun, F. Herrería, and J. Villaseñor,
be delivered almost instantaneously after the transactions.
“INDEVAL Develops a New Operating and Settlement System
Because of past dissatisfaction with this system, INDEVAL’s Using Operations Research,” Interfaces 41, no. 1 (January–February
board of directors ordered a major study in 2005 to com- 2011), pp. 8–17. (A link to this article is provided on our website,
pletely redesign the system.
Investment Capital Requirements
Financial Data for
the Projects Being Year Office Building Hotel Shopping Center
Considered for Partial
0 $40 million $80 million $90 million
Investment by the Think-
1 60 million 80 million 50 million
Big Development Co. 2 90 million 80 million 20 million
3 10 million 70 million 60 million
Net present value $45 million $70 million $50 million
investment capital expected to become available over the next three years. The objective is
to determine the investment mix that will be most profitable, based on current estimates of
Since it will be several years before each project begins to generate income, which will
continue for many years thereafter, we need to take into account the time value of money
in evaluating how profitable it might be. This is done by discounting future cash outflows
(capital invested) and cash inflows (income), and then adding discounted net cash flows, to
calculate a project’s net present value.
Based on current estimates of future cash flows (not included here except for outflows),
the estimated net present value for each project is shown in the bottom row of Table 3.3. All
the investors, including Think-Big, then will split this net present value in proportion to their
share of the total investment.
For each project, participation shares are being sold to major investors, such as Think-Big,
who become the partners for the project by investing their proportional shares at the four spec-
ified points in time. For example, if Think-Big takes a 10 percent share of the office building,
it will need to provide $4 million now, and then $6 million, $9 million, and $1 million in
1 year, 2 years, and 3 years, respectively.
The company currently has $25 million available for capital investment. Projections are
that another $20 million will become available after one year, $20 million more after two
years, and another $15 million after three years. What share should Think-Big take in the
respective projects to maximize the total net present value of these investments?
This is a resource-allocation problem. The activities under consideration are
Activity 1: Invest in the construction of an office building.
Activity 2: Invest in the construction of a hotel.
Activity 3: Invest in the construction of a shopping center.
Thus, the decisions to be made are the levels of these activities, that is, what participation
share to take in investing in each of these projects. A participation share can be expressed as
either a fraction or a percentage of the entire project, so the entire project is considered to be
one “unit” of that activity.
The resources to be allocated to these activities are the funds available at the four invest-
ment points. Funds not used at one point are available at the next point. (For simplicity, we
will ignore any interest earned on these funds.) Therefore, the resource constraint for each
point must reflect the cumulative funds to that point.
Resource 1: Total investment capital available now.
Resource 2: Cumulative investment capital available by the end of one year.
Resource 3: Cumulative investment capital available by the end of two years.
Resource 4: Cumulative investment capital available by the end of three years.
Since the amount of investment capital available is $25 million now, another $20 million
in one year, another $20 million in two years, and another $15 million in three years, the
amounts available of the resources are the following:
Amount of resource 1 available 5 $25 million
Amount of resource 2 available 5 $(25 1 20) million 5 $45 million
Amount of resource 3 available 5 $(25 1 20 1 20) million 5 $65 million
Amount of resource 4 available 5 $(25 1 20 1 20 1 15) million 5 $80 million
Table 3.4 shows all the data involving these resources. The rightmost column gives the
amounts of resources available calculated above. The middle columns show the cumulative
amounts of the investment capital requirements listed in Table 3.3. For example, in the Office
Building column of Table 3.4, the second number ($100 million) is obtained by adding the
first two numbers ($40 million and $60 million) in the Office Building column of Table 3.3.
The Data As with any resource-allocation problem, three kinds of data need to be gathered.
One is the amounts available of the resources, as given in the rightmost column of Table 3.4.
A second is the amount of each resource needed by each project, which is given in the middle
columns of this table. A third is the contribution of each project to the overall measure of
performance (net present value), as given in the bottom row of Table 3.3.
The first step in formulating the spreadsheet model is to enter these data into data cells
in the spreadsheet. In Figure 3.3, the data cells (and their range names) are NetPresentValue
Cumulative Investment Capital Required for an Entire Project
Resource Data for the
Think-Big Development Office Shopping Amount of
Co. Investment-Mix Resource Building Hotel Center Resource Available
1 (Now) $ 40 million $ 80 million $ 90 million $25 million
2 (End of year 1) 100 million 160 million 140 million 45 million
3 (End of year 2) 190 million 240 million 160 million 65 million
4 (End of year 3) 200 million 310 million 220 million 80 million
The spreadsheet model for the Think-Big problem, including the formulas for the objective cell TotalNPV (H16) and the other
output cells CapitalSpent (F9:F12), as well as the specifications needed to set up Solver. The changing cells ParticipationShare
(C16:E16) show the optimal solution obtained by Solver.
1 Think-Big Development Co. Capital Budgeting Program
3 Office Shopping
4 Building Hotel Center
5 Net Present Value 45 70 50
6 ($millions) Cumulative Cumulative
7 Capital Capital
8 Cumulative Capital Required ($millions) Spent Available
9 Now 40 80 90 25 ≤ 25
10 End of Year 1 100 160 140 44.76 ≤ 45
11 End of Year 2 190 240 160 60.58 ≤ 65
12 End of Year 3 200 310 220 80 ≤ 80
14 Office Shopping Total NPV
15 Building Hotel Center ($millions)
16 Participation Share 0.00% 16.50% 13.11% 18.11
Solver Parameters F
Set Objective Cell: TotalNPV Range Name Cells
To: Max 6 Cumulative
By Changing Variable Cells: CapitalAvailable H9:H12
ParticipationShare CapitalRequired C9:E12 7 Capital
Subject to the Constraints: CapitalSpent F9:F12 8 Spent
CapitalSpent <= CapitalAvailable ParticipationShare C16:E16
9 =SUMPRODUCT(C9:E9,ParticipationShare)
NetPresentValue C5:E5
Solver Options: 10 =SUMPRODUCT(C10:E10,ParticipationShare)
Make Variables Nonnegative
TotalNPV H16
Solving Method: Simplex LP 11 =SUMPRODUCT(C11:E11,ParticipationShare)
12 =SUMPRODUCT C12:E12,ParticipationShare)
14 Total NPV
15 ($millions)
16 =SUMPRODUCT(NetPresentValue,ParticipationShare)
of values of OB, H, and SC. In Figure 3.3, the participation shares (expressed as percentages)
have been placed in changing cells under the data cells (row 16) in the columns for the three
projects, so
OB S cell C16 H S D16 SC S cell E16
where these cells are collectively referred to by the range name ParticipationShare (C16:E16).
The Constraints The numbers in these changing cells make sense only if they are nonnega-
tive, so the Make Variables Nonnegative option will need to be selected in the Excel’s Solver
dialog box (or equivalently in RSPE, set the Assume Non-Negative option to True in the
Engine tab of the Model pane). In addition, the four resources require resource constraints:
Total invested now # 25 (millions of dollars available)
Total invested within 1 year # 45 (millions of dollars available)
Total invested within 2 years # 65 (millions of dollars available)
Total invested within 3 years # 80 (millions of dollars available)
The data in columns C, D, and E indicate that (in millions of dollars)
Total invested now 5 40 OB 1 80 H 1 90 SC
Total invested within 1 year 5 100 OB 1 160 H 1 140 SC
Total invested within 2 years 5 190 OB 1 240 H 1 160 SC
Total invested within 3 years 5 200 OB 1 310 H 1 220 SC
These totals are calculated in the output cells CapitalSpent (F9:F12) using the SUMPRODUCT
function, as shown below the spreadsheet in Figure 3.3. Finally, # signs are entered into col-
umn G to indicate the resource constraints that will need to be entered in Solver.
The Measure of Performance The objective is to
Maximize NPV 5 total net present value of the investments
NetPresentValue (C5:E5) shows the net present value of each entire project, while Partici-
pationShare (C16:E16) shows the participation share for each of the projects. Therefore, the
total net present value of all the participation shares purchased in all three projects is (in mil-
lions of dollars)
NPV 5 45 OB 1 70 H 1 50 SC
5 SUMPRODUCT (NetPresentValue, ParticipationShare)
S cell H16
Summary of the Formulation This completes the formulation of the linear programming
model on the speadsheet, as summarized below (in algebraic form).
Maximize NPV 5 45 OB 1 70 H 1 50 SC
subject to
Total invested now: 40 OB 1 80 H 1 90 SC # 25
Total invested within 1 year: 100 OB 1 160 H 1 140 SC # 45
Total invested within 2 years: 190 OB 1 240 H 1 160 SC # 65
Total invested within 3 years: 200 OB 1 310 H 1 220 SC # 80
OB $ 0 H$0 SC $ 0
Solving the Model The lower left-hand side of Figure 3.3 shows the entries needed in Solver
to specify the model, along with the selection of the usual two options. The spreadsheet shows
the resulting optimal solution in row 16, namely,
Invest nothing in the office building.
Invest in 16.50 percent of the hotel.
Invest in 13.11 percent of the shopping center.
TotalNPV (H16) indicates that this investment program would provide a total net present
value of $18.11 million.
This amount actually is only an estimate of what the total net present value would turn out
to be, depending on the accuracy of the financial data given in Table 3.3. There is some uncer-
tainty about the construction costs for the three real estate projects, so the actual investment
capital requirements for years 1, 2, and 3 may deviate somewhat from the amounts specified
in this table. Because of the risk involved in these projects, the net present value for each one
also might deviate from the amounts given at the bottom of the table. Chapter 5 describes
one approach to analyzing the effect of such deviations. Chapters 12 and 13 will present
another technique, called computer simulation, for systematically taking future uncertainties
into account. Section 13.5 will focus on further analysis of this same example.
A template of a spreadsheet model for pure resource-allocation problems.
Resource used per unit of activity (resource used per unit,
changing cells)
Total Profit
Level of Activity Changing cells SUMPRODUCT(profit per unit, changing cells)
6. Enter the data gathered in steps 3 and 5 into data cells in a spreadsheet. A convenient for-
mat is to have the data associated with each activity in a separate column, the data for the
unit profit and each constraint in a separate row, and to leave two blank columns between
the activity columns and the amount of resource available column. Figure 3.4 shows a
template of the overall format of a spreadsheet model for resource-allocation problems.
7. Designate changing cells for displaying the decisions on activity levels.
8. For the two blank columns created in step 6, use the left one as a Totals column for output
cells and enter # signs into the right one for all the resources. In the row for each resource,
use the SUMPRODUCT function to enter the total amount used in the Totals column.
9. Designate an objective cell for displaying the overall measure of performance. Use a
SUMPRODUCT function to enter this measure of performance.
All the functional constraints in this linear programming model in a spreadsheet are
resource constraints, that is, constraints with a # sign. This is the identifying feature that
classifies the problem as being a resource-allocation problem.
Cost–benefit–trade-off problems are linear programming problems where the mix of levels
of various activities is chosen to achieve minimum acceptable levels for various benefits at
a minimum cost. The identifying feature is that each functional constraint is a benefit
constraint, which has the form
Interpreting benefit broadly, we can think of any functional constraint with a $ sign as a
benefit constraint. In most cases, the minimum acceptable level will be prescribed by manage-
ment as a policy decision, but occasionally this number will be dictated by other circumstances.
For any cost–benefit–trade-off problem, a major part of the study involves identifying all
the activities and benefits that should be considered and then gathering the data relevant to
these activities and benefits.
These three kinds of data Three kinds of data are needed:
are needed for any cost–
benefit–trade-off problem. 1. The minimum acceptable level for each benefit (a managerial policy decision).
2. For each benefit, the contribution of each activity to that benefit (per unit of the activity).
3. The cost per unit of each activity.
Let’s examine two examples of cost–benefit–trade-off problems.
An Application Vignette
Cost control is essential for survival in the airline industry. over a 24-hour day (this minimum changes from day to
Therefore, upper management of United Airlines initiated day over a seven-day week), how many employees of each
a management science study to improve the utilization shift length should begin work at what start time over each
of personnel at the airline’s reservations offices and air- 24-hour day of a seven-day week? Fortunately, linear pro-
ports by matching work schedules to customer needs more gramming thrives on such combinatorial nightmares. The
closely. The number of employees needed at each location linear programming model for some of the locations sched-
to provide the required level of service varies greatly dur- uled involves over 20,000 decisions!
ing the 24-hour day and might fluctuate considerably from This application of linear programming was credited
one half hour to the next. with saving United Airlines more than $6 million annually in
Trying to design the work schedules for all the employ- just direct salary and benefit costs. Other benefits included
ees at a given location to meet these service requirements improved customer service and reduced workloads for sup-
most efficiently is a nightmare of combinatorial consider- port staff.
ations. Once an employee arrives, he or she will be there
continuously for the entire shift (2 to 10 hours, depending
Source: T. J. Holloran and J. E. Bryne, “United Airlines Station
on the employee), except for either a meal break or short Manpower Planning System,” Interfaces 16, no. 1 (January–February
rest breaks every two hours. Given the minimum number 1986), pp. 39–50. (A link to this article is provided on our website,
of employees needed on duty for each half-hour interval
• The management of Profit & Gambit instead focused on what it wanted the advertising
campaign to accomplish and then set goals (minimum required increases in sales) that led
to benefit constraints.
From this comparison, we see that it is not the nature of the application that determines the
classification of the resulting linear programming formulation. Rather, it is the nature of the
restrictions imposed on the decisions regarding the mix of activity levels. If the restrictions
involve limits on the usage of resources, that identifies a resource-allocation problem. If the
restrictions involve goals on the levels of benefits, that characterizes a cost–benefit–trade-off
problem. Frequently, the nature of the restrictions arise from the way management frames the
However, we don’t want you to get the idea that every linear programming problem falls
entirely and neatly into either one type or the other. In the preceding section and this one, we
are looking at pure resource-allocation problems and pure cost–benefit–trade-off problems.
Although many real problems tend to be either one type or the other, it is fairly common to
have both resource constraints and benefit constraints, even though one may predominate.
(In the next section, you will see an example of how both types of constraints can arise in
the same problem when the management of the Super Grain Corp. introduces additional con-
siderations into the analysis of their advertising-mix problem.) Furthermore, we still need to
consider additional categories of linear programming problems in the remaining sections of
this chapter.
Now, another example of a pure cost–benefit–trade-off problem.
Personnel Scheduling
One of the common applications of cost–benefit–trade-off analysis involves personnel sched-
uling for a company that provides some kind of service, where the objective is to schedule
the work times of the company’s employees so as to minimize the cost of providing the level
of service specified by management. The following example illustrates how this can be done.
The Problem
Union Airways is adding more flights to and from its hub airport and so needs to hire addi-
tional customer service agents. However, it is not clear just how many more should be hired.
Management recognizes the need for cost control while also consistently providing a satisfac-
tory level of service to the company’s customers, so a desirable trade-off between these two
factors is being sought. Therefore, a management science team is studying how to schedule
the agents to provide satisfactory service with the smallest personnel cost.
Time Periods Covered by Shift
Data for the Union
Airways Personnel Minimum Number
Scheduling Problem Time Period 1 2 3 4 5 of Agents Needed
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM ✔ 48
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM ✔ ✔ 79
10:00 AM to noon ✔ ✔ 65
Noon to 2:00 PM ✔ ✔ ✔ 87
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM ✔ ✔ 64
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM ✔ ✔ 73
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM ✔ ✔ 82
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM ✔ 43
10:00 PM to midnight ✔ ✔ 52
Midnight to 6:00 AM ✔ 15
Daily cost per agent $170 $160 $175 $180 $195
Based on the new schedule of flights, an analysis has been made of the minimum number
of customer service agents that need to be on duty at different times of the day to provide a
satisfactory level of service. (The queueing models presented in Chapter 11 can be used to
determine the minimum numbers of agents needed to keep customer waiting times reason-
able.) These numbers are shown in the last column of Table 3.5 for the time periods given in
the first column. The other entries in this table reflect one of the provisions in the company’s
current contract with the union that represents the customer service agents. The provision is
that each agent works an eight-hour shift. The authorized shifts are
Shift 1: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Shift 2: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Shift 3: Noon to 8:00 pm.
Shift 4: 4:00 pm to midnight.
Shift 5: 10:00 pm to 6:00 am.
Check marks in the main body of Table 3.5 show the time periods covered by the respective
shifts. Because some shifts are less desirable than others, the wages specified in the contract
differ by shift. For each shift, the daily compensation (including benefits) for each agent is
shown in the bottom row. The problem is to determine how many agents should be assigned
to the respective shifts each day to minimize the total personnel cost for agents, based on this
bottom row, while meeting (or surpassing) the service requirements given in the last column.
This problem is, in fact, a pure cost–benefit–trade-off problem. To formulate the problem, we
need to identify the activities and benefits involved.
Activities correspond to shifts.
The level of each activity is the number of agents assigned to that shift.
A unit of each activity is one agent assigned to that shift.
Thus, the general description of a linear programming problem as finding the best mix of activ-
ity levels can be expressed for this specific application as finding the best mix of shift sizes.
Benefits correspond to time periods.
For each time period, the benefit provided by the activities is the service that agents pro-
vide customers during that period.
The level of a benefit is measured by the number of agents on duty during that time period.
Once again, a careful formulation of the problem, including gathering all the relevant data,
leads rather directly to a spreadsheet model. This model is shown in Figure 3.5, and we out-
line its formulation below.
The spreadsheet model for the Union Airways problem, including the formulas for the objective cell TotalCost (J21) and the other
output cells TotalWorking (H8:H17), as well as the specifications needed to set up Solver. The changing cells NumberWorking
(C21:G21) show the optimal solution obtained by Solver.
1 Union Airways Personnel Scheduling Problem
3 6AM–2PM 8AM–4PM Noon–8PM 4PM–Midnight 10PM–6AM
4 Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift
5 Cost per Shift $170 $160 $175 $180 $195
6 Total Minimum
7 Time Period Shift Works Time Period? (1=yes, 0=no) Working Needed
8 6AM–8AM 1 0 0 0 0 48 ≥ 48
9 8AM–10AM 1 1 0 0 0 79 ≥ 79
10 10AM–12PM 1 1 0 0 0 79 ≥ 65
11 12PM–2PM 1 1 1 0 0 118 ≥ 87
12 2PM–4PM 0 1 1 0 0 70 ≥ 64
13 4PM–6PM 0 0 1 1 0 82 ≥ 73
14 6PM–8PM 0 0 1 1 0 82 ≥ 82
15 8PM–10PM 0 0 0 1 0 43 ≥ 43
16 10PM–12AM 0 0 0 1 1 58 ≥ 52
17 12AM–6AM 0 0 0 0 1 15 ≥ 15
19 6AM–2PM 8AM–4PM Noon–8PM 4PM–Midnight 10PM–6AM
20 Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift Total Cost
21 Number Working 48 31 39 43 15 $30,610
Solver Parameters H
Set Objective Cell: TotalCost Range Name Cells
To: Min 6 Total
CostPerShift C5:G5
By Changing Variable Cells:
MinimumNeeded J8:J17 7 Working
Subject to the Constraints: NumberWorking C21:G21 8 =SUMPRODUCT(C8:G8,NumberWorking)
NumberWorking = integer ShiftWorksTimePeriod C8:G17
9 =SUMPRODUCT(C9:G9,NumberWorking)
TotalWorking >= MinimumNeeded TotalCost J21
TotalWorking H8:H17 10 =SUMPRODUCT(C10:G10,NumberWorking)
Solver Options: 11 =SUMPRODUCT(C11:G11,NumberWorking)
Make Variables Nonnegative
Solving Method: Simplex LP 12 =SUMPRODUCT(C12:G12,NumberWorking)
13 =SUMPRODUCT(C13:G13,NumberWorking)
14 =SUMPRODUCT(C14:G14,NumberWorking)
15 =SUMPRODUCT(C15:G15,NumberWorking)
16 =SUMPRODUCT(C16:G16,NumberWorking)
17 =SUMPRODUCT(C17:G17,NumberWorking)
20 Total Cost
21 =SUMPRODUCT(CostPerShift,NumberWorking)
The Data As indicated in this figure, all the data in Table 3.5 have been entered directly into
the data cells CostPerShift (C5:G5), ShiftWorksTimePeriod (C8:G17), and MinimumNeeded
(J8:J17). For the ShiftWorksTimePeriod (C8:G17) data, an entry of 1 indicates that the corre-
sponding shift includes that time period whereas 0 indicates not. Like any cost–benefit–trade-
off problem, these numbers indicate the contribution of each activity to each benefit. Each
agent working a shift contributes either 0 or 1 toward the minimum number of agents needed
in a time period.
The Decisions Since the activities in this case correspond to the five shifts, the decisions to
be made are
S1 5 Number of agents to assign to Shift 1 (starts at 6 am)
S2 5 Number of agents to assign to Shift 2 (starts at 8 am)
S3 5 Number of agents to assign to Shift 3 (starts at noon)
S4 5 Number of agents to assign to Shift 4 (starts at 4 pm)
S5 5 Number of agents to assign to Shift 5 (starts at 10 pm)
The changing cells to hold these numbers have been placed in the activity columns in row 21, so
S1 S cell C21 S2 S cell D21 c S5 S cell G21
where these cells are collectively referred to by the range name NumberWorking (C21:G21).
The Constraints These changing cells need to be nonnegative. In addition, we need 10
benefit constraints, where each one specifies that the total number of agents serving in the
corresponding time period listed in column B must be no less than the minimum acceptable
number given in column J. Thus, these constraints are
Total number of agents serving 628 am $ 48 (min. acceptable)
Total number of agents serving 8210 am $ 79 (min. acceptable)
Total number of agents serving midnight26 am $ 15 (min. acceptable)
Since columns C to G indicate which of the shifts serve each of the time periods, these totals
Total number of agents serving 628 am 5 S1
Total number of agents serving 8210 am 5 S1 1 S2
Total number of agents serving midnight26 am 5 S5
These totals are calculated in the output cells TotalWorking (H8:H17) using the SUMPROD-
UCT functions shown below the spreadsheet in Figure 3.5.
One other type of constraint is that the number of agents assigned to each shift must have an
integer value. These constraints for the five shifts should be added in the same way as described
for the TBA Airlines problem in Section 3.2. In particular, with Excel’s Solver they are added
in the Add Constraint dialog box by entering NumberWorking on the left-hand side and then
choosing int from the pop-up menu between the left-hand side and the right-hand side. The set
of constraints, NumberWorking 5 integer, then appears in the Solver Parameters, as shown
in Figure 3.5. In RSPE, select the range of cells to be constrained integer, and then under the
Constraint menu on the RSPE ribbon, choose Integer under the Variable Type/Bound submenu.
The Measure of Performance The objective is to
Minimize Cost 5 Total daily personnel cost for all agents
Since CostPerShift (C5:G5) gives the daily cost per agent on each shift and NumberWorking
(C21:G21) gives the number of agents working each shift,
Cost 5 170S1 1 160S2 1 175S3 1 180S4 1 195S5 (in dollars)
5 SUMPRODUCT (CostPerShift, NumberWorking)
S cell J21
Summary of the Formulation The above steps provide the complete formulation of the
linear programming model on a spreadsheet, as summarized below (in algebraic form).
Solving the Model The lower left-hand corner of Figure 3.5 shows the entries needed in
Solver, along with the selection of the usual two options. After solving, NumberWorking
(C21:G21) in the spreadsheet shows the resulting optimal solution for the number of agents
that should be assigned to each shift. TotalCost (J21) indicates that this plan would cost
$30,610 per day.
Review 1. What is the difference in managerial objectives between resource-allocation problems and
Questions cost–benefit–trade-off problems?
2. What is the identifying feature of a cost–benefit–trade-off problem?
3. What is the form of a benefit constraint?
4. What are the three kinds of data that need to be gathered for a cost–benefit–trade-off problem?
5. Compare the types of activities for the two examples of cost–benefit–trade-off problems.
6. Compare the types of benefits for the two examples of cost–benefit–trade-off problems.
A template of a spreadsheet model for pure cost–benefit–trade-off problems.
Benefit achieved per unit of activity (benefit per unit,
changing cells)
Total Cost
Level of Activity Changing cells SUMPRODUCT(cost per unit, changing cells)
Types of Functional Constraints
campaign and this turned out to be the plan that does this. I also was surprised that it did not
include TV commercials, but the model indicated that introducing commercials would pro-
vide less exposures on a dollar-for-dollar basis than magazine ads and Sunday supplement
ads. Don’t you think it makes sense to use the plan that maximizes the number of exposures?
David: Not necessarily. Some exposures are a lot less important than others. For example,
we know that middle-aged adults are not big consumers of our cereals, so we don’t care very
much how many of those people see our ads. On the other hand, young children are big con-
sumers. Having TV commercials on the Saturday morning programs for children is our pri-
mary method of reaching young children. You know how important it will be to get young
children to ask their parents for Crunchy Start. That is our best way of generating first-time
sales. Those commercials also get seen by a lot of parents who are watching the programs
with their kids. What we need is a commercial that is appealing to both parents and kids, and
that gets the kids immediately bugging their parents to go buy Crunchy Start. I think that is a
real key to a successful campaign.
Claire: Yes, that makes a lot of sense. In fact, I already have set some goals regarding
the number of young children and the number of parents of young children that need to be
reached by this promotional campaign.
David: Good. Did you include those goals in your spreadsheet model?
Claire: No, I didn’t.
David: Well, I suggest that you incorporate them directly into your model. I suspect that
maximizing exposures while also meeting your goals will give us a high impact plan that
includes some TV commercials.
Claire: Good idea. I’ll try it.
David: Are there any other factors that the plan in your memo doesn’t take into account as
well as you would like?
Claire: Well, yes, one. The plan doesn’t take into account my budget for cents-off cou-
pons in magazines and newspapers.
David: You should be able to add that to your model as well. Why don’t you go back and
see what happens when you incorporate these additional considerations?
Claire: OK, will do. You seem to have had a lot of experience with spreadsheet modeling.
David: Yes. It is a great tool as long as you maintain some healthy skepticism about what
comes out of the model. No model can fully take into account everything that we must con-
sider when dealing with managerial problems. This is especially true the first time or two
you run the model. You need to keep asking, what are the missing quantitative consider-
ations that I still should add to the model? Then, after you have made the model as complete
as possible and obtained a solution, you still need to use your best managerial judgment to
weigh intangible considerations that cannot be incorporated into the model.
Benefit Data for the Revised Super Grain Corp. Advertising-Mix Problem
Because of the way the goals have been articulated, the level of each of these benefits
is measured by the number of people in the specified category that are reached by the
To enable constructing the corresponding benefit constraints (as described in Section 3.3),
Claire asks Giacomi & Jackowitz to estimate how much each advertisement in each of the
media will contribute to each benefit, as measured by the number of people reached in the
specified category. These estimates are given in Table 3.7.
It is interesting to observe that management wants special consideration given to these two
kinds of benefits even though the original spreadsheet model (Figure 3.1) already takes them
into account to some extent. As described in Section 3.1, the expected number of exposures
is the overall measure of performance to be maximized. This measure counts up all the times
that an advertisement is seen by any individual, including all those individuals in the target
Benefit constraints are use- audiences. However, maximizing this general measure of performance does not ensure that
ful for incorporating mana- the two specific goals prescribed by management (Claire Syverson) will be achieved. Claire
gerial goals into the model.
feels that achieving these goals is essential to a successful promotional campaign. Therefore,
she complements the general objective with specific benefit constraints that do ensure that the
goals will be achieved. Having benefit constraints added to incorporate managerial goals into
the model is a prerogative of management.
Claire has one more consideration she wants to incorporate into the model. She is a strong
believer in the promotional value of cents-off coupons (coupons that shoppers can clip from
printed advertisements to obtain a refund of a designated amount when purchasing the adver-
tised item). Consequently, she always earmarks a major portion of her annual marketing bud-
get for the redemption of these coupons. She still has $1,490,000 left from this year’s allotment
for coupon redemptions. Because of the importance of Crunchy Start to the company, she has
decided to use this entire remaining allotment in the campaign promoting this cereal.
This fixed amount for coupon redemptions is a fixed requirement that needs to be expressed
as a fixed-requirement constraint. As described at the beginning of this section, the form of a
fixed-requirement constraint is that, for some type of quantity,
Amount provided 5 Required amount
In this case, the quantity involved is the amount of money provided for the redemption of
cents-off coupons. To specify this constraint in the spreadsheet, we need to estimate how
much each advertisement in each of the media will contribute toward fulfilling the required
amount for the quantity. Both medium 2 (advertisements in food and family-oriented maga-
zines) and medium 3 (advertisements in Sunday supplements of major newspapers) will fea-
ture cents-off coupons. The estimates of the amount of coupon redemption per advertisement
in each of these media is given in Table 3.8.
Data for the Fixed-Requirement Constraint for the Revised Super Grain Corp. Advertising-Mix Problem
The spreadsheet model for the revised Super Grain problem, including the formulas for the objective cell TotalExposures (H19)
and the other output cells in column F, as well as the specifications needed to set up Solver. The changing cells NumberOfAds
(C19:E19) show the optimal solution obtained by Solver.
1 Super Grain Corp. Advertising-Mix Problem
3 TV Spots Magazine Ads SS Ads
4 Exposures per Ad 1,300 600 500
5 (thousands)
6 Cost per Ad ($thousands) Budget Spent Budget Available
7 Ad Budget 300 150 100 3,775 ≤ 4,000
8 Planning Budget 90 30 40 1,000 ≤ 1,000
10 Number Reached per Ad (millions) Total Reached Minimum Acceptable
11 Young Children 1.2 0.1 0 5 ≥ 5
12 Parents of Young Children 0.5 0.2 0.2 5.85 ≥ 5
14 TV Spots Magazine Ads SS Ads Total Redeemed Required Amount
15 Coupon Redemption 0 40 120 1,490 = 1,490
16 per Ad ($thousands)
17 Total Exposures
18 TV Spots Magazine Ads SS Ads (thousands)
19 Number of Ads 3 14 7.75 16,175
20 ≤
21 Maximum TV Spots 5
Solver Parameters F
Set Objective Cell: TotalExposures Range Name Cells
To: Max 6 Budget Spent
By Changing Variable Cells: BudgetAvailable H7:H8
NumberOfAds BudgetSpent F7:F8 7 =SUMPRODUCT(C7:E7,NumberOfAds)
Subject to the Constraints: CostPerAd C7:E8
BudgetSpent <= Budget Available 8 =SUMPRODUCT(C8:E8,NumberOfAds)
TVSpots <= MaxTVSpots CouponRedemptionPerAd C15:E15
TotalReached >= MinimumAcceptable ExposuresPerAd C4:E4
TotalRedeemed = RequiredAmount MaxTVSpots C21 10 Total Reached
MinimumAcceptable H11:H12 11 =SUMPRODUCT(C11:E11,NumberOfAds)
Solver Options:
Make Variables Nonnegative NumberOfAds C19:E19
12 =SUMPRODUCT(C12:E12,NumberOfAds)
Solving Method: Simplex LP NumberReachedPerAd C11:E12
RequiredAmount H15 13
TotalExposures H19 14 Total Redeemed
TotalReached F11:F12 15 =SUMPRODUCT(CouponRedemptionPerAd,
TotalRedeemed F15
TVSpots C19
17 Total Exposures
18 (thousands)
19 =SUMPRODUCT(ExposuresPerAd,NumberOfAds)
The Data
Additional data cells in NumberReachedPerAd (C11:E12), MinimumAcceptable (H11:H12),
CouponRedemptionPerAd (C15:E15), and RequiredAmount (H15) give the data in
Tables 3.7 and 3.8.
The Decisions
Recall that, as before, the decisions to be made are
TV 5 Number of commercials on television
M 5 Number of advertisements in magazines
SS 5 Number of advertisements in Sunday supplements
The changing cells to hold these numbers continue to be in NumberOfAds (C19:E19).
The Constraints
In addition to the original constraints, we now have two benefit constraints and one fixed-
requirement constraint. As specified in rows 11 and 12, columns F to H, the benefit con-
straints are
Total number of young children reached $ 5 (goal 1 in millions)
Total number of parents reached $ 5 (goal 2 in millions)
Using the data in columns C to E of these rows,
4. Nonnegativity constraints:
TV $ 0 M$0 SS $ 0
Other Examples
This case study provides a relatively simple example of a small mixed problem. Most of
the mixed problems that arise in practice are much larger, sometimes involving hundreds or
thousands of activities and hundreds or thousands of constraints. At first glance, these larger
problems may seem considerably more complicated than the case study. However, the impor-
tant thing to remember is that any linear programming problem can have only three types
of functional constraints—resource constraints, benefit constraints, and fixed-requirement
constraints—where each type is formulated just as illustrated above for the case study.
There are numerous kinds of managerial problems to which linear programming can be
applied. We don’t have nearly enough space available to give examples of all the most impor-
tant kinds of applications. However, if you would like to explore this further, we suggest that
you go through the five solved problems that are summarized in front of the Problems sec-
tion for this chapter. Reading the seven cases that follow the Problems section, as well as the
application vignettes in both this chapter and the preceding chapter, also will further illustrate
the unusually wide applicability of linear programming.
Meanwhile, we soon will turn to two more categories of linear programming problems in
the next two sections.
A template of a spreadsheet model for mixed problems.
Resource used per unit of activity (resource used per unit,
changing cells)
Benefit Benefit
Achieved Needed
7. Enter the data gathered in steps 3–6 into data cells in a spreadsheet.
8. Designate changing cells for displaying the decisions on activity levels.
9. Use output cells to specify the constraints on resources, benefits, and fixed requirements.
10. Designate an objective cell for displaying the overall measure of performance.
Review 1. What types of functional constraints can appear in a mixed linear programming problem?
Questions 2. What managerial goals needed to be incorporated into the expanded linear programming
model for the Super Grain Corp. problem?
3. Which categories of functional constraints are included in the new linear programming model?
4. Why did management adopt the new plan even though it provides a smaller expected number
of exposures than the original plan recommended by the original linear programming model?
Shipping Cost for Each Lathe
Some Data for the Big M
Company Distribution- To Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Output
Network Problem From
Factory 1 $700 $900 $800 12 lathes
Factory 2 800 900 700 15 lathes
Order size 10 lathes 8 lathes 9 lathes
12 lathes $900/la
F1 the
produced $8
the 8 lathes
15 lathes $900
9 lathes
An Application Vignette
Procter & Gamble (P & G) makes and markets over 300 the number of North American plants by almost 20 percent,
brands of consumer goods worldwide. The company has saving over $200 million in pretax costs per year.
grown continuously over its long history tracing back to A major part of the study revolved around formulating
the 1830s. To maintain and accelerate that growth, a major and solving transportation problems for individual prod-
management science study was undertaken to strengthen uct categories. For each option regarding keeping certain
P & G’s global effectiveness. Prior to the study, the com- plants open, and so forth, solving the corresponding trans-
pany’s supply chain consisted of hundreds of suppliers, over portation problem for a product category showed what
50 product categories, over 60 plants, 15 distribution cen- the distribution cost would be for shipping the product
ters, and over 1,000 customer zones. However, as the com- category from those plants to the distribution centers and
pany moved toward global brands, management realized customer zones.
that it needed to consolidate plants to reduce manufactur-
ing expenses, improve speed to market, and reduce capital Source: J. D. Camm, T. E. Chorman, F. A. Dill, J. R. Evans,
D. J. Sweeney, and G. W. Wegryn, “Blending OR/MS, Judgment,
investment. Therefore, the study focused on redesigning and GIS: Restructuring P & G’s Supply Chain,” Interfaces 27, no. 1
the company’s production and distribution system for its (January–February 1997), pp. 128–142. (A link to this article is pro-
North American operations. The result was a reduction in vided on our website,
The spreadsheet model also will need five constraints involving fixed requirements. Both
Table 3.9 and Figure 3.9 show these requirements.
Requirement 1: Factory 1 must ship 12 lathes.
Requirement 2: Factory 2 must ship 15 lathes.
Requirement 3: Customer 1 must receive 10 lathes.
Requirement 4: Customer 2 must receive 8 lathes.
Requirement 5: Customer 3 must receive 9 lathes.
Thus, there is a specific requirement associated with each of the five locations in the distribu-
tion network shown in Figure 3.9.
All five of these requirements can be expressed in constraint form as
Amount provided 5 Required amount
For example, Requirement 1 can be expressed algebraically as
SF1-C1 1 SF1-C2 1 SF1-C3 5 12
where the left-hand side gives the total number of lathes shipped from Factory 1, and 12 is the
required amount to be shipped from Factory 1. Therefore, this constraint restricts SF1-C1, SF1-C2,
and SF1-C3 to values that sum to the required amount of 12. In contrast to the # form for
resource constraints and the $ form for benefit constraints, the constraints express fixed
requirements that must hold with equality, so this transportation problem falls into the category
of fixed-requirements problems introduced in the preceding section. However, Chapter 15 (on
the CD-ROM) gives several examples that illustrate how variants of transportation problems
can have resource constraints or benefit constraints as well. For example, if 12 lathes represent
the manufacturing capacity of Factory 1 (the maximum number that can be shipped) rather
than a requirement for how many must be shipped, the constraint just given for Requirement
1 would become a # resource constraint instead. Such variations can be incorporated readily
into the spreadsheet model.
Here is an example where entered into these cells are shown below the spreadsheet in Figure 3.10. The constraints are
SUM functions are used that TotalShippedOut is required to equal Output and TotalToCustomer is required to equal
for output cells instead of
SUMPRODUCT functions.
OrderSize. These constraints have been specified on the spreadsheet and entered into Solver.
The objective cell is TotalCost (H15), where its SUMPRODUCT function gives the total
shipping cost. The lower left-hand corner of Figure 3.10 shows the entries needed in Solver,
along with the selection of the usual two options.
The layout of the spreadsheet is different than for all the prior linear programming exam-
ples in the book. Rather than a separate column for each activity and a separate row for each
constraint, the cost data and changing cells are laid out in a table format. This format provides
a more natural and compact way of displaying the constraints and results.
UnitsShipped (C11:E12) in the spreadsheet in Figure 3.10 shows the result of applying
Solver to obtain an optimal solution for the number of lathes to ship through each shipping
lane. TotalCost (H15) indicates that the total shipping cost for this shipping plan is $20,500.
Since any transportation problem is a special type of linear programming problem, it
makes the standard assumption that fractional solutions are allowed. However, we actually
don’t want this assumption for this particular application since only integer numbers of lathes
The spreadsheet model for the Big M Company problem, including the formulas for the objective cell TotalCost (H15) and the other
output cells TotalShippedOut (F11:F12) and TotalToCustomer (C13:E13), as well as the specifications needed to set up Solver. The
changing cells UnitsShipped (C11:E12) show the optimal solution obtained by Solver.
1 Big M Company Distribution Problem
3 Shipping Cost
4 (per Lathe) Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3
5 Factory 1 $700 $900 $800
6 Factory 2 $800 $900 $700
8 Total
9 Shipped
10 Units Shipped Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Out Output
11 Factory 1 10 2 0 12 = 12
12 Factory 2 0 6 9 15 = 15
13 Total to Customer 10 8 9
14 = = = Total Cost
15 Order Size 10 8 9 $20,500
Solver Parameters F
Range Name Cells
Set Objective Cell: TotalCost
To: Min 8 Total
OrderSize C15:E15
By Changing Variable Cells: 9
Output H11:H12 Shipped
Subject to the Constraints: ShippingCost C5:E6 10 Out
TotalShippedOut = Output TotalCost H15
11 =SUM(C11:E11)
TotalToCustomer = OrderSize TotalShippedOut F11:F12
TotalToCustomer C13:E13 12 =SUM(C12:E12)
Solver Options: UnitsShipped C11:E12
Make Variables Nonnegative
Solving Method: Simplex LP B C D E
13 Total to Customer =SUM(C11:C12) =SUM(D11:D12) =SUM(E11:E12)
14 Total Cost
15 =SUMPRODUCT(ShippingCost,UnitsShipped)
can be shipped from a factory to a customer. Fortunately, even while making the standard
assumption, the numbers in the optimal solution shown in UnitsShipped (C11:E12) only have
integer values. This is no coincidence. Because of the form of its model, almost any trans-
portation problem (including this one) is guaranteed in advance to have an optimal solution
that has only integer values despite the fact that fractional solutions also are allowed. In par-
ticular, as long as the data for the problem includes only integer values for all the supplies
and demands (which are the outputs and order sizes in the Big M Company problem), any
transportation problem with feasible solutions is guaranteed to have an optimal solution with
integer values for all its decision variables. Therefore, it is not necessary to add constraints to
the model that require these variables to have only integer values.
To summarize, here is the algebraic form of the linear programming model that has been
formulated in the spreadsheet:
Minimize Cost 5 700SF1-C1 1 900SF1-C2 1 800SF1-C3 1 800SF2-C1
1 900SF2-C2 1 700SF2-C3
subject to the following constraints:
1. Fixed-requirement constraints:
SF1-C1 1 SF1-C2 1 SF1-C3 5 12 (Factory 1)
SF2-C1 1 SF2-C2 1 SF2-C3 5 15 (Factory 2)
SF1-C1 1 SF2-C1 5 10 (Customer 1)
SF1-C2 1 SF2-C2 5 8 (Customer 2)
SF1-C3 1 SF2-C3 5 9 (Customer 3)
2. Nonnegativity constraints:
Decisions need to be made Although each temporary employee has at least the minimal background necessary to per-
regarding which person to form any of the four tasks, they differ considerably in how efficiently they can handle the dif-
assign to each task.
ferent types of work. Table 3.10 shows how many hours each would need for each task. The
rightmost column gives the hourly wage based on the background of each employee.
A spreadsheet formulation of the Sellmore Co. problem as an assignment problem, including the objective cell TotalCost (J30) and
the other output cells Cost (D15:G18), TotalAssignments (H24:H27), and TotalAssigned (D28:G28), as well as the specifications
needed to set up the model. The values of 1 in the changing cells Assignment (D24:G27) show the optimal plan obtained by Solver
for assigning the people to the tasks.
1 Sellmore Co. Assignment Problem
3 Task
4 Required Time Word Hourly
5 (Hours) Processing Graphics Packets Registrations Wage
6 Ann 35 41 27 40 $14
7 Assignee Ian 47 45 32 51 $12
8 Joan 39 56 36 43 $13
9 Sean 32 51 25 46 $15
12 Task
13 Word
14 Cost Processing Graphics Packets Registrations
15 Ann $490 $574 $378 $560
16 Assignee Ian $564 $540 $384 $612
17 Joan $507 $728 $468 $559
18 Sean $480 $765 $375 $690
21 Task
22 Assignment Word Total
23 Processing Graphics Packets Registrations Assignments Supply
24 Ann 0 0 1 0 1 = 1
25 Assignee Ian 0 1 0 0 1 = 1
26 Joan 0 0 0 1 1 = 1
27 Sean 1 0 0 0 1 = 1
28 Total Assigned 1 1 1 1
29 = = = = Total Cost
30 Demand 1 1 1 1 $1,957
13 Word 22 Total
14 Cost Processing Graphics Packets Registrations 23 Assignments
Solver Parameters
Range Name Cells
Set Objective Cell: TotalCost
To: Min Assignment D24:G27
By Changing Variable Cells: Cost D15:G18
Assignment J Demand D30:G30
Subject to the Constraints: 29 Total Cost HourlyWage I6:I9
TotalAssigned = Demand RequiredTime D6:G9
TotalAssignments = Supply 30 =SUMPRODUCT(Cost,Assignment) Supply J24:J27
TotalAssigned D28:G28
Solver Options: TotalAssignments H24:H27
Make Variables Nonnegative TotalCost J30
Solving Method: Simplex LP
28 Total Assigned =SUM(D24:D27) =SUM(E24:E27) =SUM(F24:F27) =SUM(G24:G27)
Figure 3.11 because Solver gave an optimal solution that had only values of 0 or 1 anyway. In
fact, a general characteristic of pure assignment problems is that Solver always provides such
an optimal solution without needing to add these additional constraints.
As described further in Chapter 15, another interesting characteristic of any pure assign-
ment problem is that it can be viewed as a special type of pure transportation problem. In
particular, every fixed-requirement constraint in the corresponding transportation problem
would require that either a row or column of changing cells add up to 1. This would result in
Solver giving an optimal solution where every changing cell has a value of either 0 or 1, just
as for the original assignment problem.
more elaborate models that more nearly reflect the complexity of the real problem. This pro-
cess of model enrichment continues only as long as the model remains reasonably easy
to solve. It must be curtailed when the study’s results are needed by management. Managers
often need to curb the natural instinct of management science teams to continue adding “bells
and whistles” to the model rather than winding up the study in a timely fashion with a less
elegant but adequate model.
When managers study the output of the current model, they often detect some undesirable
characteristics that point toward needed model enrichments. These enrichments frequently
take the form of new benefit constraints to satisfy some managerial goals not previously
articulated. (Recall that this is what happened in the Super Grain case study.)
What-if analysis addresses Even though many reasonable variations of the model could be used, an optimal solution can
some key questions that be solved for only with respect to one specific version of the model at a time. This is why what-
remain after formulating
if analysis is such an important part of a linear programming study. After obtaining an optimal
and solving a model.
solution with respect to one specific model, management will have many what-if questions:
• What if the estimates of the parameters in the model are incorrect?
• How do the conclusions change if different plausible assumptions are made about the
• What happens when certain managerial options are pursued that are not incorporated into
the current model?
Chapter 5 is devoted primarily to describing how what-if analysis addresses these and related
issues, as well as how managers use this information.
Because managers instigate management science studies, they need to know enough about
linear programming models and their formulation to be able to recognize managerial prob-
lems to which linear programming can be applied. Furthermore, since managerial input is so
important for linear programming studies, managers need to understand the kinds of manage-
rial concerns that can be incorporated into the model. Developing these two skills have been
the most important goals of this chapter.
Review 1. A linear programming model needs to reflect accurately whose view of the problem?
Questions 2. What is meant by model validation?
3. What is meant by the process of model enrichment?
4. Why is what-if analysis an important part of a linear programming study?
3.8 Summary Functional constraints with a # sign are called resource constraints, because they require that the
amount used of some resource must be less than or equal to the amount available of that resource. The
identifying feature of resource-allocation problems is that all their functional constraints are resource
Functional constraints with a $ sign are called benefit constraints, since their form is that the level
achieved for some benefit must be greater than or equal to the minimum acceptable level for that
benefit. Frequently, benefit constraints express goals prescribed by management. If every functional
constraint is a benefit constraint, then the problem is a cost–benefit–trade-off problem.
Functional constraints with an 5 sign are called fixed-requirement constraints, because they express
the fixed requirement that, for some quantity, the amount provided must be equal to the required amount.
The identifying feature of fixed-requirements problems is that their functional constraints are fixed-
requirement constraints. One prominent type of fixed-requirements problem is transportation problems,
which typically involve finding a shipping plan that minimizes the total cost of transporting a product from
a number of plants to a number of customers. Another prominent type is assignment problems, which typi-
cally involves assigning people to tasks so as to minimize the total cost of performing these tasks.
Linear programming problems that do not fit into any of these three categories are called mixed
In many real applications, management science teams formulate and analyze large linear program-
ming models to help guide managerial decision making. Such teams need strong managerial input and
support to help ensure that their work really meets management’s needs.
Glossary assignment problem A type of linear program- integer programming problem A variation of a
ming problem that typically involves assigning linear programming problem that has the additional
people to tasks so as to minimize the total cost of restriction that some or all of the decision variables
performing these tasks. (Section 3.6), 99 must have integer values. (Section 3.2), 75
benefit constraint A functional constraint with mixed problem Any linear programming prob-
a $ sign. The left-hand side is interpreted as lem that includes at least two of the three types
the level of some benefit that is achieved by the of functional constraints (resource constraints,
activities under consideration, and the right-hand benefit constraints, and fixed-requirement con-
side is the minimum acceptable level for that ben- straints). (Section 3.4), 88
efit. (Section 3.3), 82 model enrichment The process of using expe-
cost–benefit–trade-off problem A type of rience with a model to identify and add important
linear programming problem involving the details that will provide a better representation of
trade-off between the total cost of the activi- the real problem. (Section 3.7), 103
ties under consideration and the benefits to be model validation The process of checking and
achieved by these activities. Its identifying fea- testing a model to develop a valid model.
ture is that each functional constraint in the lin- (Section 3.7), 102
ear programming model is a benefit constraint. resource-allocation problem A type of linear
(Section 3.3), 82 programming problem concerned with allocating
fixed-requirement constraint A functional resources to activities. Its identifying feature is
constraint with an 5 sign. The left-hand side rep- that each functional constraint in its model is a
resents the amount provided of some type of quan- resource constraint. (Section 3.2), 71
tity, and the right-hand side represents the required resource constraint A functional constraint
amount for that quantity. (Section 3.4), 88 with a # sign. The left-hand side represents the
fixed-requirements problem A type of linear amount of some resource that is used by the
programming problem concerned with optimiz- activities under consideration, and the right-
ing how to meet a number of fixed requirements. hand side represents the amount available of that
Its identifying feature is that each functional resource. (Section 3.2), 71
constraint in its model is a fixed-requirement transportation problem A type of linear pro-
constraint. (Section 3.4), 88 gramming problem that typically involves finding
identifying feature A feature of a model that a shipping plan that minimizes the total cost of
identifies the category of linear programming transporting a product from a number of plants to
problem it represents. (Chapter introduction), 64 a number of customers. (Section 3.5), 95
cost, subject to meeting the minimum nutritional requirements through three wholesalers. The shipping cost from each plant
imposed by law. The cost and nutritional content of each food, to the warehouse of each wholesaler along with the monthly
along with the minimum nutritional requirements, are shown demand from each wholesaler are also indicated in the table.
below. What diet should be fed to each prisoner? The management of Heart Start now has asked their top man-
agement scientist (you) to address the following two questions.
a. Formulate and solve a linear programming model for this How many automated external defibrillators should be produced
problem in a spreadsheet. in each plant, and how should they be distributed to each of the
b. Formulate this same model algebraically. three wholesaler warehouses so as to minimize the combined
cost of production and shipping? Formulate and solve a linear
programming model in a spreadsheet.
Navy (large Minimum
Milk Beans Calif. Daily 3.S5. Bidding for Classes
(gallons) (cups) Valencia) Requirement In the MBA program at a prestigious university in the Pacific
Niacin (mg) 3.2 4.9 0.8 13.0 Northwest, students bid for electives in the second year of their
Thiamin (mg) 1.12 1.3 0.19 1.5 program. Each student has 100 points to bid (total) and must
Vitamin C take two electives. There are four electives available: Manage-
(mg) 32.0 0.0 93.0 45.0 ment Science (MS), Finance (Fin), Operations Management
Cost ($) 2.00 0.20 0.25 (OM), and Marketing (Mkt). Each class is limited to 5 students.
The bids submitted for each of the 10 students are shown in the
table below.
3.S3. Cutting Stock Problem
Decora Accessories manufactures a variety of bathroom acces-
sories, including decorative towel rods and shower curtain rods. Student Bids for Classes
Each of the accessories includes a rod made out of stainless Student MS Fin OM Mkt
steel. However, many different lengths are needed: 12, 18, 24,
40, and 60 inches. Decora purchases 60-inch rods from an out- George 60 10 10 20
side supplier and then cuts the rods as needed for their products. Fred 20 20 40 20
Each 60-inch rod can be used to make a number of smaller rods. Ann 45 45 5 5
For example, a 60-inch rod could be used to make a 40-inch Eric 50 20 5 25
Susan 30 30 30 10
and an 18-inch rod (with 2 inches of waste), or five 12-inch
Liz 50 50 0 0
rods (with no waste). For the next production period, Decora Ed 70 20 10 0
needs twenty-five 12-inch rods, fifty-two 18-inch rods, forty- David 25 25 35 15
five 24-inch rods, thirty 40-inch rods, and twelve 60-inch rods. Tony 35 15 35 15
What is the fewest number of 60-inch rods that can be purchased Jennifer 60 10 10 20
to meet their production needs? Formulate and solve an integer
programming model in a spreadsheet.
3.S4. Producing and Distributing AEDs a. Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model to determine an as-
signment of students to classes so as to maximize the total bid
at Heart Start
points of the assignments.
Heart Start produces automated external defibrillators in each
of two different plants (A and B). The unit production costs and b. Does the resulting solution seem like a fair assignment?
monthly production capacity of the two plants are indicated in c. Which alternative objectives might lead to a fairer
the table below. The automated external defibrillators are sold assignment?
We have inserted the symbol E* to the left of each problem (or 3.1. Reconsider the Super Grain Corp. case study as presented
its parts) where Excel should be used (unless your instructor in Section 3.1. The advertising firm, Giacomi & Jackowitz, now
gives you contrary instructions). Either the Excel’s Solver or has suggested a fourth promising advertising medium—radio
RSPE may be used to solve such problems. An asterisk on the commercials—to promote the company’s new breakfast cereal,
problem number indicates that at least a partial answer is given Crunchy Start. Young children are potentially major consumers
in the back of the book. of this cereal, but parents of young children (the major potential
purchasers) often are too busy to do much reading (so may miss
Resource Usage
the company’s advertisements in magazines and Sunday supple-
per Unit of Each
ments) or even to watch the Saturday morning programs for
children where the company’s television commercials are aired.
However, these parents do tend to listen to the radio during the Amount of
commute to and from work. Therefore, to better reach these Resource
parents, Giacomi & Jackowitz suggests giving consideration to Resource 1 2 3 Available
running commercials for Crunchy Start on nationally syndicated A 30 20 0 500
radio programs that appeal to young adults during typical com- B 0 10 40 600
muting hours. C 20 20 30 1,000
Giacomi & Jackowitz estimates that the cost of develop- Contribution per unit $50 $40 $70
ing each new radio commercial would be $50,000, and that
Contribution per unit 5 profit per unit of the activity.
the expected number of exposures per commercial would be
900,000. The firm has determined that 10 spots are available for
different radio commercials, and each one would cost $200,000 E* a. Formulate and solve a linear programming model
for a normal run. for this problem on a spreadsheet.
E* a. Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for the b. Express this model in algebraic form.
revised advertising-mix problem that includes this E*3.5. Consider a resource-allocation problem having the fol-
fourth advertising medium. Identify the data cells, lowing data.
the changing cells, and the objective cell. Also show
the Excel equation for each output cell expressed as Resource Usage per
a SUMPRODUCT function. Unit of Each Activity
b. Indicate why this spreadsheet model is a linear pro-
Amount of
gramming model.
c. Express this model in algebraic form. Resource 1 2 3 4 Available
3.2 Read the referenced article that fully describes the man- P 3 5 22 4 400
agement science study summarized in the application vignette Q 4 21 3 2 300
presented in Section 3.2. Briefly describe how linear program- R 6 3 2 21 400
ming was applied in this study. Then list the various benefits that S 22 2 5 3 300
resulted from this study. Contribution $11 $9 $8 $9
3.3.* Consider a resource-allocation problem having the fol- per unit
lowing data. Contribution per unit 5 profit per unit of the activity.
Productivity Coefficient (in Machine-Hours per Unit) E* d. Use Solver to find an optimal solution.
e. Express the model in algebraic form.
Machine Type Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
E*3.8. Consider the following algebraic formulation of a
Milling machine 9 3 5 resource-allocation problem with three resources, where the
Lathe 5 4 0 decisions to be made are the levels of three activities (A1, A2,
Grinder 3 0 2 and A3).
Maximize Profit 5 20A1 1 40A2 1 30A3
The Sales Department indicates that the sales potential for
Products 1 and 2 exceeds the maximum production rate and that subject to
the sales potential for product 3 is 20 units per week. The unit Resource 1: 3A1 1 5A2 1 4A3 # 400 (amount available)
profit would be $50, $20, and $25, respectively, for Products 1, Resource 2: A1 1 A2 1 A3 # 100 (amount available)
2, and 3. The objective is to determine how much of each prod-
Resource 3: A1 1 3A2 1 2A3 # 200 (amount available)
uct Omega should produce to maximize profit.
a. Indicate why this is a resource-allocation problem
by identifying both the activities and the limited A1 $ 0 A2 $ 0 A3 $ 0
resources to be allocated to these activities.
Formulate and solve the spreadsheet model for this problem.
b. Identify verbally the decisions to be made, the con-
3.9. Read the referenced article that fully describes the man-
straints on these decisions, and the overall measure
agement science study summarized in the application vignette
of performance for the decisions.
presented in Section 3.3. Briefly describe how linear program-
c. Convert these verbal descriptions of the constraints ming was applied in this study. Then list the various financial
and the measure of performance into quantitative and nonfinancial benefits that resulted from this study.
expressions in terms of the data and decisions.
3.10. Consider a cost–benefit–trade-off problem having the
E* d. Formulate a spreadsheet model for this problem. Iden- following data.
tify the data cells, the changing cells, the objective cell,
and the other output cells. Also show the Excel equa- Benefit Contribution
tion for each output cell expressed as a SUMPROD- per Unit of Each
UCT function. Then use Solver to solve the model. Activity
e. Summarize the model in algebraic form.
3.7. Ed Butler is the production manager for the Bilco Cor-
poration, which produces three types of spare parts for automo-
Benefit 1 2 Level
biles. The manufacture of each part requires processing on each
of two machines, with the following processing times (in hours). 1 5 3 60
2 2 2 30
3 7 9 126
Unit cost $60 $50
Machine A B C
E* a. Formulate a linear programming model for this
1 0.02 0.03 0.05
2 0.05 0.02 0.04 problem on a spreadsheet.
E* b. Use the spreadsheet to check the following solu-
Each machine is available 40 hours per month. Each part tions: (x1, x2) 5 (7, 7), (7, 8), (8, 7), (8, 8), (8, 9),
manufactured will yield a unit profit as follows: (9, 8). Which of these solutions are feasible? Which
of these feasible solutions has the best value of the
objective function?
E* c. Use Solver to find an optimal solution.
A B C d. Express the model in algebraic form.
Profit $50 $40 $30 e. Use the graphical method to solve this model.
E*3.11. Consider a cost–benefit–trade-off problem having the
Ed wants to determine the mix of spare parts to produce to following data.
maximize total profit.
Benefit Contribution
a. Identify both the activities and the resources for this
per Unit of Each Activity
resource-allocation problem.
E* b. Formulate a linear programming model for this Minimum
problem on a spreadsheet. Acceptable
Benefit 1 2 3 4 Level
E* c. Make three guesses of your own choosing for the
optimal solution. Use the spreadsheet to check each P 2 21 4 3 80
one for feasibility and, if feasible, for the value of Q 1 4 21 2 60
the objective function. Which feasible guess has the R 3 5 4 21 110
best objective function value? Unit cost $400 $600 $500 $300
a. Formulate a linear programming model for this Maureen wishes to determine the mix of investments in these
problem on a spreadsheet. assets that will cover the cash flow requirements while minimiz-
b. Make five guesses of your own choosing for the ing the total amount invested.
optimal solution. Use the spreadsheet to check each E* a. Formulate a linear programming model for this
one for feasibility and, if feasible, for the value of problem on a spreadsheet.
the objective function. Which feasible guess has the E* b. Use the spreadsheet to check the possibility of
best objective function value? purchasing 100 units of asset 1, 100 units of asset
c. Use Solver to find an optimal solution. 2, and 200 units of asset 3. How much cash flow
3.12.* Fred Jonasson manages a family-owned farm. To sup- would this mix of investments generate 5, 10,
plement several food products grown on the farm, Fred also and 20 years from now? What would be the total
raises pigs for market. He now wishes to determine the quantities amount invested?
of the available types of feed (corn, tankage, and alfalfa) that E* c. Take a few minutes to use a trial-and-error approach
should be given to each pig. Since pigs will eat any mix of these with the spreadsheet to develop your best guess
feed types, the objective is to determine which mix will meet cer- for the optimal solution. What is the total amount
tain nutritional requirements at a minimum cost. The number of invested for your solution?
units of each type of basic nutritional ingredient contained within E* d. Use Solver to find an optimal solution.
a kilogram of each feed type is given in the following table, e. Summarize the model in algebraic form.
along with the daily nutritional requirements and feed costs.
Nutritional Kilogram Kilogram Kilogram Daily
Ingredient of Corn of Tankage of Alfalfa Requirement
Carbohydrates 90 20 40 200
Protein 30 80 60 180
Vitamins 10 20 60 150
Cost (¢) 84 72 60
E* a. Formulate a linear programming model for this 3.14. Web Mercantile sells many household products through
problem on a spreadsheet. an online catalog. The company needs substantial warehouse
E* b. Use the spreadsheet to check if (x1, x2, x3) 5 (1, 2, 2) space for storing its goods. Plans now are being made for leas-
is a feasible solution and, if so, what the daily cost ing warehouse storage space over the next five months. Just how
would be for this diet. How many units of each much space will be required in each of these months is known.
nutritional ingredient would this diet provide daily? However, since these space requirements are quite different, it
E* c. Take a few minutes to use a trial-and-error approach may be most economical to lease only the amount needed each
with the spreadsheet to develop your best guess for month on a month-by-month basis. On the other hand, the addi-
the optimal solution. What is the daily cost for your tional cost for leasing space for additional months is much less
solution? than for the first month, so it may be less expensive to lease the
maximum amount needed for the entire five months. Another
E* d. Use Solver to find an optimal solution.
option is the intermediate approach of changing the total amount
e. Express the model in algebraic form. of space leased (by adding a new lease and/or having an old
3.13. Maureen Laird is the chief financial officer for the Alva lease expire) at least once but not every month.
Electric Co., a major public utility in the Midwest. The com- The space requirement and the leasing costs for the various
pany has scheduled the construction of new hydroelectric plants leasing periods are as follows.
5, 10, and 20 years from now to meet the needs of the growing
population in the region served by the company. To cover the Required Space
construction costs, Maureen needs to invest some of the compa- Month (Square Feet)
ny’s money now to meet these future cash flow needs. Maureen
may purchase only three kinds of financial assets, each of which 1 30,000
costs $1 million per unit. Fractional units may be purchased. The 2 20,000
assets produce income 5, 10, and 20 years from now, and that 3 40,000
4 10,000
income is needed to cover minimum cash flow requirements in
5 50,000
those years, as shown in the following table.
3.16. Larry Edison is the director of the Computer Center for 3.18. The Fagersta Steelworks currently is working two
Buckly College. He now needs to schedule the staffing of the mines to obtain its iron ore. This iron ore is shipped to either
center. It is open from 8 am until midnight. Larry has monitored of two storage facilities. When needed, it then is shipped on to
the usage of the center at various times of the day and deter- the company’s steel plant. The diagram below depicts this dis-
mined that the following number of computer consultants are tribution network, where M1 and M2 are the two mines, S1 and
required. S2 are the two storage facilities, and P is the steel plant. The
diagram also shows the monthly amounts produced at the mines 3.20. The Metalco Company desires to blend a new alloy of
and needed at the plant, as well as the shipping cost and the 40 percent tin, 35 percent zinc, and 25 percent lead from several
maximum amount that can be shipped per month through each available alloys having the following properties.
shipping lane.
40 tons
produced M1 S1
30 tons max. $4 Property 1 2 3 4 5
70 00
ton /ton
$1 ons
/to x.
Percentage of lead 30 60 10 30 10
m n
Cost ($/lb) 22 20 25 24 27
to 0/t
/to x.
50 1,60
$8 s ma
Furthermore, the weight of the cargo in the respective com- to employ. They would like to maximize their net profit—their
partments must be the same proportion of that compartment’s gross profit from sales minus their labor costs.
weight capacity to maintain the balance of the airplane. E* a. Formulate and solve a linear programming model
The following four cargoes have been offered for shipment for this problem on a spreadsheet.
on an upcoming flight as space is available. b. Summarize this formulation in algebraic form.
Weight Volume Profit E*3.24. Oxbridge University maintains a powerful mainframe
Cargo (Tons) (Cubic Feet/Ton) ($/Ton) computer for research use by its faculty, Ph.D. students, and
research associates. During all working hours, an operator must
1 20 500 320 be available to operate and maintain the computer, as well as to
2 16 700 400 perform some programming services. Beryl Ingram, the director
3 25 600 360 of the computer facility, oversees the operation.
4 13 400 290 It is now the beginning of the fall semester and Beryl is con-
fronted with the problem of assigning different working hours to
Any portion of these cargoes can be accepted. The objec- her operators. Because all the operators are currently enrolled in
tive is to determine how much (if any) of each cargo should be the university, they are available to work only a limited number
accepted and how to distribute each among the compartments to of hours each day.
maximize the total profit for the flight. There are six operators (four undergraduate students and two
E* a. Formulate and solve a linear programming model graduate students). They all have different wage rates because of
for this mixed problem on a spreadsheet. differences in their experience with computers and in their pro-
b. Express the model in algebraic form. gramming ability. The following table shows their wage rates,
along with the maximum number of hours that each can work
3.23. Comfortable Hands is a company that features a prod-
each day.
uct line of winter gloves for the entire family—men, women,
and children. They are trying to decide what mix of these three
Maximum Hours of Availability
types of gloves to produce.
Comfortable Hands’s manufacturing labor force is union- Operators Wage Rate Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
ized. Each full-time employee works a 40-hour week. In addi-
tion, by union contract, the number of full-time employees can K. C. $10.00/hour 6 0 6 0 6
never drop below 20. Nonunion, part-time workers also can be D. H. $10.10/hour 0 6 0 6 0
hired with the following union-imposed restrictions: (1) each H. B. $9.90/hour 4 8 4 0 4
part-time worker works 20 hours per week and (2) there must S. C. $9.80/hour 5 5 5 0 5
be at least two full-time employees for each part-time employee. K. S. $10.80/hour 3 0 3 8 0
N. K. $11.30/hour 0 0 0 6 2
All three types of gloves are made out of the same 100 per-
cent genuine cowhide leather. Comfortable Hands has a long-
term contract with a supplier of the leather and receives a Each operator is guaranteed a certain minimum number of
5,000-square-foot shipment of the material each week. The mate- hours per week that will maintain an adequate knowledge of the
rial requirements and labor requirements, along with the gross operation. This level is set arbitrarily at 8 hours per week for
profit per glove sold (not considering labor costs), are given in the undergraduate students (K. C., D. H., H. B., and S. C.) and
the following table. 7 hours per week for the graduate students (K. S. and N. K.).
The computer facility is to be open for operation from 8 am
Material Labor Gross to 10 pm Monday through Friday with exactly one operator on
Required Required Profit duty during these hours. On Saturdays and Sundays, the com-
Glove (Square Feet) (Minutes) (per Pair) puter is to be operated by other staff.
Because of a tight budget, Beryl has to minimize cost. She
Men’s 2 30 $8 wishes to determine the number of hours she should assign to
Women’s 1.5 45 10 each operator on each day. Formulate and solve a spreadsheet
Children’s 1 40 6 model for this problem.
3.25. Slim-Down Manufacturing makes a line of nutritionally
Each full-time employee earns $13 per hour, while each complete, weight-reduction beverages. One of its products is a
part-time employee earns $10 per hour. Management wishes to strawberry shake that is designed to be a complete meal. The
know what mix of each of the three types of gloves to produce strawberry shake consists of several ingredients. Some informa-
per week, as well as how many full-time and part-time workers tion about each of these ingredients is given next.
Strawberry flavoring 1 50 20 3 10
Cream 75 100 0 8 8
Vitamin supplement 0 0 50 1 25
Artificial sweetener 0 120 0 2 15
Thickening agent 30 80 2 25 6
The nutritional requirements are as follows. The beverage E*3.28. The Cost-Less Corp. supplies its four retail outlets from
must total between 380 and 420 calories (inclusive). No more its four plants. The shipping cost per shipment from each plant
than 20 percent of the total calories should come from fat. to each retail outlet is given below.
There must be at least 50 milligrams (mg) of vitamin content.
For taste reasons, there must be at least two tablespoons (tbsp.)
Unit Shipping Cost
of strawberry flavoring for each tbsp. of artificial sweetener.
Finally, to maintain proper thickness, there must be exactly 15 Retail Outlet: 1 2 3 4
mg of thickeners in the beverage.
Management would like to select the quantity of each ingre- Plant
dient for the beverage that would minimize cost while meeting 1 $500 $600 $400 $200
the above requirements. 2 200 900 100 300
3 300 400 200 100
a. Identify the requirements that lead to resource con- 4 200 100 300 200
straints, to benefit constraints, and to fixed-require-
ment constraints.
E* b. Formulate and solve a linear programming model Plants 1, 2, 3, and 4 make 10, 20, 20, and 10 shipments per
for this problem on a spreadsheet. month, respectively. Retail outlets 1, 2, 3, and 4 need to receive
c. Summarize this formulation in algebraic form. 20, 10, 10, and 20 shipments per month, respectively.
3.26. Joyce and Marvin run a day care for preschoolers. They The distribution manager, Randy Smith, now wants to deter-
are trying to decide what to feed the children for lunches. They mine the best plan for how many shipments to send from each
would like to keep their costs down, but they also need to meet plant to the respective retail outlets each month. Randy’s objec-
the nutritional requirements of the children. They have already tive is to minimize the total shipping cost.
decided to go with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and some Formulate this problem as a transportation problem on a
combination of graham crackers, milk, and orange juice. The spreadsheet and then use Solver to obtain an optimal solution.
nutritional content of each food choice and its cost are given in E*3.29. The Childfair Company has three plants producing
the table below. child push chairs that are to be shipped to four distribution
Bread (1 slice) 10 70 0 3 5
Peanut butter (1 tbsp.) 75 100 0 4 4
Strawberry jelly (1 tbsp.) 0 50 3 0 7
Graham cracker (1 cracker) 20 60 0 1 8
Milk (1 cup) 70 150 2 8 15
Juice (1 cup) 0 100 120 1 35
The nutritional requirements are as follows. Each child centers. Plants 1, 2, and 3 produce 12, 17, and 11 shipments per
should receive between 400 and 600 calories. No more than month, respectively. Each distribution center needs to receive
30 percent of the total calories should come from fat. Each child 10 shipments per month. The distance from each plant to the
should consume at least 60 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C and respective distribution centers is given below.
12 grams (g) of protein. Furthermore, for practical reasons, each
child needs exactly 2 slices of bread (to make the sandwich), at
least twice as much peanut butter as jelly, and at least 1 cup of Distance to Distribution Center (Miles)
liquid (milk and/or juice).
Joyce and Marvin would like to select the food choices 1 2 3 4
for each child that minimize cost while meeting the above
requirements. 1 800 1,300 400 700
a. Identify the requirements that lead to resource con- 2 1,100 1,400 600 1,000
straints, to benefit constraints, and to fixed-require- 3 600 1,200 800 900
ment constraints.
E* b. Formulate and solve a linear programming model The freight cost for each shipment is $100 plus 50 cents/mile.
for this problem on a spreadsheet. How much should be shipped from each plant to each of the
c. Express the model in algebraic form. distribution centers to minimize the total shipping cost?
3.27. Read the referenced article that fully describes the man- Formulate this problem as a transportation problem on a
agement science study summarized in the application vignette spreadsheet and then use Solver to obtain an optimal solution.
presented in Section 3.5. Briefly describe how the model for the E*3.30. The Onenote Co. produces a single product at three
transportation problem was applied in this study. Then list the vari- plants for four customers. The three plants will produce 60, 80,
ous financial and nonfinancial benefits that resulted from this study. and 40 units, respectively, during the next week. The firm has
made a commitment to sell 40 units to customer 1, 60 units to Formulate this problem on a spreadsheet and then use Solver
customer 2, and at least 20 units to customer 3. Both customers to obtain the optimal solution identified above.
3 and 4 also want to buy as many of the remaining units as pos- 3.34. Four cargo ships will be used for shipping goods from
sible. The net profit associated with shipping a unit from plant i one port to four other ports (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4). Any ship can be
for sale to customer j is given by the following table. used for making any one of these four trips. However, because
of differences in the ships and cargoes, the total cost of loading,
transporting, and unloading the goods for the different ship–port
combinations varies considerably, as shown in the following
1 2 3 4 table.
1 $800 $700 $500 $200 Port
2 500 200 100 300
3 600 400 300 500 1 2 3 4
Management wishes to know how many units to sell to cus-
1 $500 $400 $600 $700
tomers 3 and 4 and how many units to ship from each of the 2 600 600 700 500
plants to each of the customers to maximize profit. Formulate 3 700 500 700 600
and solve a spreadsheet model for this problem. 4 500 400 600 600
E*3.31. The Move-It Company has two plants building forklift
trucks that then are shipped to three distribution centers. The
production costs are the same at the two plants, and the cost of The objective is to assign the four ships to four different ports
shipping each truck is shown below for each combination of in such a way as to minimize the total cost for all four shipments.
plant and distribution center. a. Describe how this problem fits into the format for
an assignment problem.
E* b. Formulate and solve this problem on a spreadsheet.
Distribution Center
E*3.35. Reconsider Problem 3.10. Now distribution centers 1,
1 2 3 2, and 3 must receive exactly 10, 20, and 30 units per week,
respectively. For administrative convenience, management has
decided that each distribution center will be supplied totally
A $800 $700 $400
by a single plant, so that one plant will supply one distribution
B 600 800 500
center and the other plant will supply the other two distribution
centers. The choice of these assignments of plants to distribu-
A total of 60 forklift trucks are produced and shipped per
tion centers is to be made solely on the basis of minimizing total
week. Each plant can produce and ship any amount up to a maxi-
shipping cost.
mum of 50 trucks per week, so there is considerable flexibility
Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for this problem.
on how to divide the total production between the two plants so
as to reduce shipping costs. However, each distribution center 3.36. Vincent Cardoza is the owner and manager of a
must receive exactly 20 trucks per week. machine shop that does custom order work. This Wednesday
Management’s objective is to determine how many forklift afternoon, he has received calls from two customers who
trucks should be produced at each plant, and then what the over- would like to place rush orders. One is a trailer hitch com-
all shipping pattern should be to minimize total shipping cost. pany that would like some custom-made heavy-duty tow bars.
Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for this problem. The other is a mini-car-carrier company that needs some cus-
tomized stabilizer bars. Both customers would like as many
E*3.32. Redo Problem 3.31 when any distribution center may
as possible by the end of the week (two working days). Since
receive any quantity between 10 and 30 forklift trucks per week
both products would require the use of the same two machines,
in order to further reduce total shipping cost, provided only that
Vincent needs to decide and inform the customers this after-
the total shipped to all three distribution centers must still equal
noon about how many of each product he will agree to make
60 trucks per week.
over the next two days.
E*3.33. Consider the assignment problem having the following Each tow bar requires 3.2 hours on machine 1 and 2 hours
cost table. on machine 2. Each stabilizer bar requires 2.4 hours on machine
1 and 3 hours on machine 2. Machine 1 will be available for
Job 16 hours over the next two days and machine 2 will be avail-
able for 15 hours. The profit for each tow bar produced would
1 2 3 be $130 and the profit for each stabilizer bar produced would
be $150.
Vincent now wants to determine the mix of these production
A $5 $7 $4
quantities that will maximize the total profit.
B 3 6 5
C 2 3 4 a. Formulate an integer programming model in alge-
braic form for this problem.
The optimal solution is A-3, B-1, C-2, with a total cost of $10. E* b. Formulate and solve the model on a spreadsheet.
3.37. Pawtucket University is planning to buy new copier purchases. Regardless of which airplanes are purchased, air
machines for its library. Three members of its Management travel of all distances is expected to be sufficiently large that
Science Department are analyzing what to buy. They are con- these planes would be utilized at essentially maximum capac-
sidering two different models: Model A, a high-speed copier, ity. It is estimated that the net annual profit (after capital recov-
and Model B, a lower speed but less expensive copier. Model A ery costs are subtracted) would be $4.2 million per long-range
can handle 20,000 copies a day and costs $6,000. Model B can plane, $3 million per medium-range plane, and $2.3 million per
handle 10,000 copies a day but only costs $4,000. They would short-range plane.
like to have at least six copiers so that they can spread them It is predicted that enough trained pilots will be available to
throughout the library. They also would like to have at least one the company to crew 30 new airplanes. If only short-range planes
high-speed copier. Finally, the copiers need to be able to handle were purchased, the maintenance facilities would be able to handle
a capacity of at least 75,000 copies per day. The objective is to 40 new planes. However, each medium-range plane is equivalent
determine the mix of these two copiers that will handle all these to 11/3 short-range planes, and each long-range plane is equivalent
requirements at minimum cost. to 12/3 short-range planes in terms of their use of the maintenance
E* a. Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for this facilities.
problem. The information given here was obtained by a preliminary
b. Formulate this same model in algebraic form. analysis of the problem. A more detailed analysis will be con-
ducted subsequently. However, using the preceding data as a
3.38. Northeastern Airlines is considering the purchase of
first approximation, management wishes to know how many
new long-, medium-, and short-range jet passenger airplanes.
planes of each type should be purchased to maximize profit.
The purchase price would be $67 million for each long-range
plane, $50 million for each medium-range plane, and $35 million E* a. Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for this
for each short-range plane. The board of directors has autho- problem.
rized a maximum commitment of $1.5 billion for these b. Formulate this model in algebraic form.
Case 3-1
Shipping Wood to Market
Alabama Atlantic is a lumber company that has three sources
Unit Investment for Ships ($1,000s) to
of wood and five markets to be supplied. The annual availability
of wood at sources 1, 2, and 3 is 15, 20, and 15 million board
feet, respectively. The amount that can be sold annually at mar- Source 1 2 3 4 5
kets 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is 11, 12, 9, 10, and 8 million board feet,
respectively. 1 275 303 238 — 285
In the past, the company has shipped the wood by train. 2 293 318 270 250 265
However, because shipping costs have been increasing, the 3 — 283 275 268 240
alternative of using ships to make some of the deliveries is being
investigated. This alternative would require the company to Considering the expected useful life of the ships and the time
invest in some ships. Except for these investment costs, the ship- value of money, the equivalent uniform annual cost of these
ping costs in thousands of dollars per million board feet by rail investments is one-tenth the amount given in the table. The objec-
and by water (when feasible) would be the following for each tive is to determine the overall shipping plan that minimizes the
route. total equivalent uniform annual cost (including shipping costs).
Unit Cost by Rail ($1,000s) to Market Unit Cost by Ship ($1,000s) to Market
Source 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 61 72 45 55 66 31 38 24 — 35
2 69 78 60 49 56 36 43 28 24 31
3 59 66 63 61 47 — 33 36 32 26
The capital investment (in thousands of dollars) in ships You are the head of the management science team that has
required for each million board feet to be transported annually been assigned the task of determining this shipping plan for each
by ship along each route is given next. of the three options listed next.
Option 1: Continue shipping exclusively by rail. Finally, consider the fact that these results are based on cur-
Option 2: Switch to shipping exclusively by water (except rent shipping and investment costs, so that the decision on the
where only rail is feasible). option to adopt now should take into account management’s
Option 3: Ship by either rail or water, depending on which projection of how these costs are likely to change in the future.
is less expensive for the particular route. For each option, describe a scenario of future cost changes that
would justify adopting that option now.
Present your results for each option. Compare.
Case 3-2
Capacity Concerns
Bentley Hamilton throws the business section of The New York you can see from the graph, our missed or late orders have
Times onto the conference room table and watches as his associ- increased steadily and significantly over the past 12 months. I
ates jolt upright in their overstuffed chairs. think this trend explains why we have been losing market share,
Mr. Hamilton wants to make a point. causing our stock to drop to its lowest level in 52 weeks. We
He throws the front page of the The Wall Street Journal on have angered and lost the business of retailers, our customers
top of The New York Times and watches as his associates widen who depend upon on-time deliveries to meet the demand of
their eyes once heavy with boredom. consumers.”
Mr. Hamilton wants to make a big point. “Why have we missed our delivery dates when our produc-
He then throws the front page of the Financial Times on top tivity level should have allowed us to fill all orders?” Mr. Ham-
of the newspaper pile and watches as his associates dab the fine ilton asks. “I called several departments to ask this question.”
beads of sweat off their brows. “It turns out that we have been producing pagers for the
Mr. Hamilton wants his point indelibly etched into his asso- hell of it!” Mr. Hamilton says in disbelief. “The marketing and
ciates’ minds. sales departments do not communicate with the manufacturing
“I have just presented you with three leading financial news- department, so manufacturing executives do not know what pag-
papers carrying today’s top business story,” Mr. Hamilton ers to produce to fill orders. The manufacturing executives want
declares in a tight, angry voice. “My dear associates, our com- to keep the plant running, so they produce pagers regardless of
pany is going to hell in a hand basket! Shall I read you the head- whether the pagers have been ordered. Finished pagers are sent
lines? From The New York Times, ‘CommuniCorp stock drops to the warehouse, but marketing and sales executives do not
to lowest in 52 weeks.’ From The Wall Street Journal, ‘Commu- know the number and styles of pagers in the warehouse. They
niCorp loses 25 percent of the pager market in only one year.’ try to communicate with warehouse executives to determine if
Oh, and my favorite, from the Financial Times, ‘CommuniCorp the pagers in inventory can fill the orders, but they rarely receive
cannot CommuniCate: CommuniCorp stock drops because of answers to their questions.”
internal communications disarray.’ How did our company fall Mr. Hamilton pauses and looks directly at his associates.
into such dire straits?” “Ladies and gentlemen, it seems to me that we have a serious
Mr. Hamilton throws a transparency showing a line sloping internal communications problem. I intend to correct this prob-
slightly upward onto the overhead projector. “This is a graph lem immediately. I want to begin by installing a companywide
of our productivity over the last 12 months. As you can see computer network to ensure that all departments have access to
from the graph, productivity in our pager production facility has critical documents and are able to easily communicate with each
increased steadily over the last year. Clearly, productivity is not other through e-mail. Because this intranet will represent a large
the cause of our problem.” change from the current communications infrastructure, I expect
Mr. Hamilton throws a second transparency showing a line some bugs in the system and some resistance from employees.
sloping steeply upward onto the overhead projector. “This is I therefore want to phase in the installation of the intranet.”
a graph of our missed or late orders over the last 12 months.” Mr. Hamilton passes the following time line and require-
Mr. Hamilton hears an audible gasp from his associates. “As ments chart to his associates (IN 5 intranet).
IN education
Install IN in sales
Install IN in
Install IN in
Install IN in
Number of Employees
Type of Server Server Supports Cost of Server
“Emily, I need you to decide what servers to purchase and types of servers should she purchase in each month? How
when to purchase them to minimize cost and to ensure that the much is the total cost of the plan?
company possesses enough server capacity to follow the intranet c. Why is the answer using the first method different from that
implementation timeline,” Mr. Hamilton says. “For example, using the second method?
you may decide to buy one large server during the first month d. Are there other costs for which Emily is not accounting in her
to support all employees, or buy several small servers during problem formulation? If so, what are they?
the first month to support all employees, or buy one small server
e. What further concerns might the various departments of
each month to support each new group of employees gaining
CommuniCorp have regarding the intranet?
access to the intranet.”
Case 3-3
Fabrics and Fall Fashions
From the 10th floor of her office building, Katherine Rally Today is an especially important day because she must meet
watches the swarms of New Yorkers fight their way through the with Ted Lawson, the production manager, to decide upon next
streets infested with yellow cabs and the sidewalks littered with month’s production plan for the fall line. Specifically, she must
hot dog stands. On this sweltering July day, she pays particular determine the quantity of each clothing item she should produce
attention to the fashions worn by the various women and won- given the plant’s production capacity, limited resources, and
ders what they will choose to wear in the fall. Her thoughts are demand forecasts. Accurate planning for next month’s production
not simply random musings; they are critical to her work since is critical to fall sales since the items produced next month will
she owns and manages TrendLines, an elite women’s clothing appear in stores during September and women generally buy the
company. majority of the fall fashions when they first appear in September.
She turns back to her sprawling glass desk and looks at the Any material that is not used in production can be sent back to
numerous papers covering it. Her eyes roam across the clothing the textile wholesaler for a full refund, although scrap material
patterns designed almost six months ago, the lists of material cannot be sent back to the wholesaler.
requirements for each pattern, and the lists of demand forecasts She knows that the production of both the silk blouse and cot-
for each pattern determined by customer surveys at fashion ton sweater leaves leftover scraps of material. Specifically, for
shows. She remembers the hectic and sometimes nightmarish the production of one silk blouse or one cotton sweater, 2 yards
days of designing the fall line and presenting it at fashion shows of silk and cotton, respectively, are needed. From these 2 yards,
in New York, Milan, and Paris. Ultimately, she paid her team 1.5 yards are used for the silk blouse or the cotton sweater and
of six designers a total of $860,000 for their work on her fall 0.5 yard is left as scrap material. She does not want to waste the
line. With the cost of hiring runway models, hair stylists, and material, so she plans to use the rectangular scrap of silk or cot-
make-up artists; sewing and fitting clothes; building the set; ton to produce a silk camisole or cotton miniskirt, respectively.
choreographing and rehearsing the show; and renting the confer- Therefore, whenever a silk blouse is produced, a silk camisole
ence hall, each of the three fashion shows cost her an additional is also produced. Likewise, whenever a cotton sweater is pro-
$2,700,000. duced, a cotton miniskirt is also produced. Note that it is pos-
She studies the clothing patterns and material requirements. sible to produce a silk camisole without producing a silk blouse
Her fall line consists of both professional and casual fashions. and a cotton miniskirt without producing a cotton sweater.
She determined the price for each clothing item by taking into The demand forecasts indicate that some items have lim-
account the quality and cost of material, the cost of labor and ited demand. Specifically, because the velvet pants and velvet
machining, the demand for the item, and the prestige of the shirts are fashion fads, TrendLines has forecasted that it can
TrendLines brand name. sell only 5,500 pairs of velvet pants and 6,000 velvet shirts.
The fall professional fashions include. TrendLines does not want to produce more than the forecasted
She knows that for the next month, she has ordered 45,000 demand because once the pants and shirts go out of style, the
yards of wool, 28,000 yards of acetate, 9,000 yards of cashmere, company cannot sell them. TrendLines can produce less than the
18,000 yards of silk, 30,000 yards of rayon, 20,000 yards of vel- forecasted demand, however, since the company is not required
vet, and 30,000 yards of cotton for production. The prices of the to meet the demand. The cashmere sweater also has limited
materials are listed below. demand because it is quite expensive, and TrendLines knows it
can sell at most 4,000 cashmere sweaters. The silk blouses and
Material Price per Yard camisoles have limited demand because many women think silk
is too hard to care for, and TrendLines projects that it can sell at
Wool $ 9.00 most 12,000 silk blouses and 15,000 silk camisoles.
Acetate 1.50 The demand forecasts also indicate that the wool slacks,
Cashmere 60.00
tailored skirts, and wool blazers have a great demand because
Silk 13.00
Rayon 2.25
they are basic items needed in every professional wardrobe.
Velvet 12.00 Specifically, the demand is 7,000 pairs of wool slacks and 5,000
Cotton 2.50 wool blazers. Katherine wants to meet at least 60 percent of the
demand for these two items to maintain her loyal customer base
and not lose business in the future. Although the demand for tai- therefore get no refund for the velvet. How does this fact
lored skirts could not be estimated, Katherine feels she should change the production plan?
make at least 2,800 of them. d. What is an intuitive economic explanation for the difference
between the solutions found in parts b and c?
a. Ted is trying to convince Katherine not to produce any velvet
shirts since the demand for this fashion fad is quite low. He e. The sewing staff encounters difficulties sewing the arms and
argues that this fashion fad alone accounts for $500,000 of lining into the wool blazer since the blazer pattern has an
the fixed design and other costs. The net contribution (price awkward shape and the heavy wool material is difficult to
of clothing item – materials cost – labor cost) from selling cut and sew. The increased labor time to sew a wool blazer
the fashion fad should cover these fixed costs. Each velvet increases the labor and machine cost for each blazer by $80.
shirt generates a net contribution of $22. He argues that given Given this new cost, how many of each clothing item should
the net contribution, even satisfying the maximum demand TrendLines produce to maximize profit?
will not yield a profit. What do you think of Ted’s argument? f. The textile wholesaler informs Katherine that since another
b. Formulate and solve a linear programming problem to maxi- textile customer canceled his order, she can obtain an extra
mize profit given the production, resource, and demand 10,000 yards of acetate. How many of each clothing item
constraints. should TrendLines now produce to maximize profit?
Before she makes her final decision, Katherine plans to explore g. TrendLines assumes that it can sell every item that was not
the following questions independently, except where otherwise sold during September and October in a big sale in Novem-
indicated. ber at 60 percent of the original price. Therefore, it can sell
all items in unlimited quantity during the November sale.
c. The textile wholesaler informs Katherine that the velvet can- (The previously mentioned upper limits on demand only con-
not be sent back because the demand forecasts show that the cern the sales during September and October.) What should
demand for velvet will decrease in the future. Katherine can the new production plan be to maximize profit?
Case 3-4
New Frontiers
Rob Richman, president of AmeriBank, takes off his glasses, Internet allows this convenient transaction method. Over the
rubs his eyes in exhaustion, and squints at the clock in his study. Internet, customers are able to perform transactions on their
It reads 3 am. For the last several hours, Rob has been por- desktop computers either at home or work. The explosion of the
ing over AmeriBank’s financial statements from the last three Internet means that many potential customers understand and
quarters of operation. AmeriBank, a medium-sized bank with use the World Wide Web. He therefore feels that if AmeriBank
branches throughout the United States, is headed for dire eco- offers Web banking (as the practice of Internet banking is com-
nomic straits. The bank, which provides transaction, savings, monly called), the bank will attract many new customers.
investment, and loan services, has been experiencing a steady Before Rob undertakes the project to make Web banking
decline in its net income over the past year, and trends show that possible, however, he needs to understand the market for Web
the decline will continue. The bank is simply losing customers to banking and the services AmeriBank should provide over the
nonbank and foreign bank competitors. Internet. For example, should the bank only allow customers to
AmeriBank is not alone in its struggle to stay out of the red. access account balances and historical transaction information
From his daily industry readings, Rob knows that many American over the Internet, or should the bank develop a strategy to allow
banks have been suffering significant losses because of increasing customers to make deposits and withdrawals over the Internet?
competition from nonbank and foreign bank competitors offering Should the bank try to recapture a portion of the investment mar-
services typically in the domain of American banks. Because the ket by continuously running stock prices and allowing customers
nonbank and foreign bank competitors specialize in particular ser- to make stock transactions over the Internet for a minimal fee?
vices, they are able to better capture the market for those services Because AmeriBank is not in the business of performing
by offering less expensive, more efficient, more convenient ser- surveys, Rob has decided to outsource the survey project to a
vices. For example, large corporations now turn to foreign banks professional survey company. He has opened the project up for
and commercial paper offerings for loans, and affluent Americans bidding by several survey companies and will award the proj-
now turn to money-market funds for investment. Banks face the ect to the company that is willing to perform the survey for the
daunting challenge of distinguishing themselves from nonbank least cost. Rob provided each survey company with a list of sur-
and foreign bank competitors. vey requirements to ensure that AmeriBank receives the needed
Rob has concluded that one strategy for distinguishing information for planning the Web banking project.
AmeriBank from its competitors is to improve services that Because different age groups require different services,
nonbank and foreign bank competitors do not readily pro- AmeriBank is interested in surveying four different age groups.
vide: transaction services. He has decided that a more conve- The first group encompasses customers who are 18 to 25 years
nient transaction method must logically succeed the automatic old. The bank assumes that this age group has limited yearly
teller machine, and he believes that electronic banking over the income and performs minimal transactions. The second group
encompasses customers who are 26 to 40 years old. This age c. After submitting its bid, Sophisticated Surveys is informed
group has significant sources of income, performs many trans- that it has the lowest cost but that AmeriBank does not like
actions, requires numerous loans for new houses and cars, and the solution. Specifically, Rob feels that the selected survey
invests in various securities. The third group encompasses cus- population is not representative enough of the banking cus-
tomers who are 41 to 50 years old. These customers typically tomer population. Rob wants at least 50 people of each age
have the same level of income and perform the same number group surveyed in each region. What is the new bid made by
of transactions as the second age group, but the bank assumes Sophisticated Surveys?
that these customers are less likely to use Web banking since d. Rob feels that Sophisticated Surveys oversampled the 18-to-
they have not become as comfortable with the explosion of com- 25-year-old population and the Silicon Valley population. He
puters or the Internet. Finally, the fourth group encompasses imposes a new constraint that no more than 600 individuals
customers who are 51 years of age and over. These customers can be surveyed from the 18-to-25-year-old population and
commonly crave security and require continuous information no more than 650 individuals can be surveyed from the Sili-
on retirement funds. The bank believes that it is highly unlikely con Valley population. What is the new bid?
that customers in this age group will use Web banking, but the e. When Sophisticated Surveys calculated the cost of reaching
bank desires to learn the needs of this age group for the future. and surveying particular individuals, the company thought
AmeriBank wants to interview 2,000 customers with at least 20 that reaching individuals in young populations would be
percent from the first age group, at least 27.5 percent from the easiest. In a recently completed survey, however, Sophisti-
second age group, at least 15 percent from the third age group, cated Surveys learned that this assumption was wrong. The
and at least 15 percent from the fourth age group. new costs for surveying the 18-to-25-year-old population are
Rob understands that some customers are uncomfortable listed below.
with using the Internet. He therefore wants to ensure that the
survey includes a mix of customers who know the Internet well
and those that have less exposure to the Internet. To ensure Region Cost per Person
that AmeriBank obtains the correct mix, he wants to interview
at least 15 percent of customers from the Silicon Valley where Silicon Valley $6.50
Internet use is high, at least 35 percent of customers from big Big cities 6.75
Small towns 7.00
cities where Internet use is medium, and at least 20 percent of
customers from small towns where Internet use is low.
Sophisticated Surveys is one of three survey companies Given the new costs, what is the new bid?
competing for the project. It has performed an initial analysis f. To ensure the desired sampling of individuals, Rob imposes
of these survey requirements to determine the cost of surveying even stricter requirements. He fixes the exact percentage of
different populations. The costs per person surveyed are listed in people that should be surveyed from each population. The
the following table. requirements are listed next.
Age Group
Population Percentage of People Surveyed
Region 18 to 25 26 to 40 41 to 50 51 and over
18 to 25 25%
Silicon Valley $4.75 $6.50 $6.50 $5.00 26 to 40 35
Big cities 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.25 41 to 50 20
Small towns 6.50 7.50 7.50 7.25 51 and over 20
Silicon Valley 20
Sophisticated Surveys explores the following options Big cities 50
cumulatively. Small towns 30
Case 3-5
Assigning Students to Schools
The Springfield School Board has made the decision to close school students to the three remaining middle schools. The
one of its middle schools (sixth, seventh, and eighth grades) at school district provides busing for all middle school students
the end of this school year and reassign all of next year’s middle who must travel more than approximately a mile, so the school
board wants a plan for reassigning the students that will mini- How much does this increase the total busing cost? (This line
mize the total busing cost. The annual cost per student for busing of analysis will be pursued more rigorously in Case 7-3.)
from each of the six residential areas of the city to each of the
schools is shown in the following table (along with other basic The school board is considering eliminating some busing to
data for next year), where 0 indicates that busing is not needed reduce costs. Option 1 is to only eliminate busing for students trav-
and a dash indicates an infeasible assignment. eling 1 to 1.5 miles, where the cost per student is given in the table
The school board also has imposed the restriction that each as $200. Option 2 is to also eliminate busing for students traveling
grade must constitute between 30 and 36 percent of each school’s 1.5 to 2 miles, where the estimated cost per student is $300.
population. The above table shows the percentage of each area’s
d. Revise the model from part a to fit Option 1, and solve. Com-
middle school population for next year that falls into each of
pare these results with those from part b, including the reduc-
the three grades. The school attendance zone boundaries can be
tion in total busing cost.
drawn so as to split any given area among more than one school,
but assume that the percentages shown in the table will continue e. Repeat part d for Option 2.
to hold for any partial assignment of an area to a school. The school board now needs to choose among the three alter-
You have been hired as a management science consultant native busing plans (the current one or Option 1 or Option 2).
to assist the school board in determining how many students in One important factor is busing costs. However, the school board
each area should be assigned to each school. also wants to place equal weight on a second factor: the inconve-
nience and safety problems caused by forcing students to travel
a. Formulate and solve a linear programming model for this
by foot or bicycle a substantial distance (more than a mile, and
especially more than 1.5 miles). Therefore, they want to choose
b. What is your resulting recommendation to the school board? a plan that provides the best trade-off between these two factors.
After seeing your recommendation, the school board f. Use your results from parts b, d, and e to summarize the key
expresses concern about all the splitting of residential areas information related to these two factors that the school board
among multiple schools. They indicate that they “would like to needs to make this decision.
keep each neighborhood together.” g. Which decision do you think should be made? Why?
c. Adjust your recommendation as well as you can to enable Note: This case will be continued in later chapters (Cases 5-4
each area to be assigned to just one school. (Adding this and 7-3), so we suggest that you save your analysis, including
restriction may force you to fudge on some other constraints.) your basic spreadsheet model.
Case 3-6
Reclaiming Solid Wastes
The Save-It Company operates a reclamation center that collects as a percentage of the total weight for that product grade.) For each
four types of solid waste materials and then treats them so that they of the two higher grades, a fixed percentage is specified for one of
can be amalgamated (treating and amalgamating are separate pro- the materials. These specifications are given in the first table along
cesses) into a salable product. Three different grades of this prod- with the cost of amalgamation and the selling price for each grade.
uct can be made, depending on the mix of the materials used. (See The reclamation center collects its solid waste materials
the first table.) Although there is some flexibility in the mix for from some regular sources and so is normally able to maintain a
each grade, quality standards specify the minimum or maximum steady rate for treating them. The second table gives the quanti-
amount of the materials allowed in that product grade. (This mini- ties available for collection and treatment each week, as well as
mum or maximum amount is the weight of the material expressed the cost of treatment, for each type of material.
The Save-It Company is solely owned by Green Earth, maximize the total weekly profit (total sales income minus total
an organization that is devoted to dealing with environmen- amalgamation cost).
tal issues; Save-It’s profits are all used to help support Green
Earth’s activities. Green Earth has raised contributions and a. Formulate this problem in linear programming terms by
grants, amounting to $30,000 per week, to be used exclusively to identifying all the activities, resources, benefits, and fixed
cover the entire treatment cost for the solid waste materials. The requirements that lurk within it.
board of directors of Green Earth has instructed the management b. Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for this linear pro-
of Save-It to divide this money among the materials in such a gramming problem.
way that at least half of the amount available of each material is c. Express this linear programming model in the spreadsheet in
actually collected and treated. These additional restrictions are algebraic form.
listed in the second table.
Within the restrictions specified in the two tables, manage-
ment wants to allocate the materials to product grades so as to
Case 3-7
Project Pickings
Tazer, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, entered the Now Tazer is beginning to fear the pressure of competition.
pharmaceutical market 15 years ago with the introduction of six Tazer knows that once the patent expires in five years, generic
new drugs. Five of the six drugs were simply permutations of drug manufacturing companies will swarm into the market like
existing drugs and therefore did not sell very heavily. The sixth vultures. Historical trends show that generic drugs decrease
drug, however, addressed hypertension and was a huge success. sales of branded drugs by 75 percent.
Since Tazer had a patent on the hypertension drug, it experienced Tazer is therefore looking to invest significant amounts of
no competition, and profits from the hypertension drug alone money in research and development this year to begin the search
kept Tazer in business. Pharmaceutical patents remain in force for a new breakthrough drug that will offer the company the
for 20 years, so this one has five more years before it expires. same success as the hypertension drug. Tazer believes that if
During the past 15 years, Tazer continued a moderate amount the company begins extensive research and development now,
of research and development, but it never stumbled upon a drug the probability of finding a successful drug shortly after the
as successful as the hypertension drug. One reason is that the expiration of the hypertension patent will be high.
company never had the motivation to invest heavily in innova- As head of research and development at Tazer, you are
tive research and development. The company was riding the profit responsible for choosing potential projects and assigning project
wave generated by its hypertension drug and did not feel the need directors to lead each of the projects. After researching the needs
to commit significant resources to finding new drug breakthroughs. of the market, analyzing the shortcomings of current drugs,
Project Dr. Kvaal Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
You decide to evaluate a variety of scenarios you think are Dr. Rollins has only 800 bid points because she cannot lead
likely. one of the five projects. The following table provides the new
a. Given the bids, you need to assign one senior scientist to bids of Dr. Mickey, Dr. Kvaal, and Dr. Rollins.
each of the five projects to maximize the preferences of the
scientists. What are the assignments? Project Dr. Mickey Dr. Kvaal Dr. Rollins
b. Dr. Rollins is being courted by Harvard Medical School to Project Up 300 86 Can’t lead
accept a teaching position. You are fighting desperately to Project Stable Can’t lead 343 50
keep her at Tazer, but the prestige of Harvard may lure her Project Choice 125 171 50
away. If this were to happen, the company would give up the Project Hope Can’t lead Can’t lead 100
project with the least enthusiasm. Which project would not Project Release 175 Can’t lead 600
be done?
c. You do not want to sacrifice any project since researching Which scientists should lead which projects to maximize
only four projects decreases the probability of finding a preferences?
breakthrough new drug. You decide that either Dr. Zuner or g. You decide that Project Hope and Project Release are too
Dr. Mickey could lead two projects. Under these new con- complex to be led by only one scientist. Therefore, each of
ditions with just four senior scientists, which scientists will these projects will be assigned two scientists as project lead-
lead which projects to maximize preferences? ers. You decide to hire two more scientists in order to staff
d. After Dr. Zuner was informed that she and Dr. Mickey are all projects: Dr. Arriaga and Dr. Santos. Because of religious
being considered for two projects, she decided to change her reasons, neither of them want to lead Project Choice and so
bids. Dr. Zuner’s new bids for each of the projects are they assign 0 bid points to this project. The next table lists all
shown next. projects, scientists, and their bids.
Project Dr. Kvaal Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins Dr. Arriaga Dr. Santos