36V/3A 500Khz Synchronous Step-Down Converter: Features
36V/3A 500Khz Synchronous Step-Down Converter: Features
36V/3A 500Khz Synchronous Step-Down Converter: Features
• Wide 4.5V to 36V Operating Input Range • 120/80mΩ Low RDS(ON) Internal MOSFETs
• 3.0A Continuous Output Current • Output Adjustable from 0.925V
• 500KHz Switching Frequency • Low EMI Signature
• Short Protection with Hiccup-Mode • 100% Duty cycle
• Built-in Over Current Limit • Integrated internal compensation
• Programmable Output Over-Voltage Protection • Thermal Shutdown
• DCM Mode for High Efficiency in Light Load • Available in ESOP8 Package
• Integrated internal Soft-Start • Constant on time Mode
• Automotive Entertainment • Computer Entertainment
• Wireless and DSL Modems • Power Supply for Car Chargers
General Description
The CA3903 is a low EMI signature, asynchronous, step-down, switch-mode converter with internal power MOSFETs.
It offers a very compact solution to provide a 3A continuous current over a wide input supply range, with excellent load
and line regulation. CA3903 achieves low EMI signature with well controlled switching edges. Fault condition
protection includes programmable-output over-voltage protection, Constant on time Mode, and thermal shutdown.
CA3903 requires a minimal number of readily available standard external components. It is available in ESOP8
ON/ Opt.
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
Pin Description
8 7 6 5
1 2 3 4
Top Marking: 3903XX (device code: , YY=year code, WW=week code, LL= lot number code)
Pin Description
Pin Name Function
Bootstrap. A capacitor connected between SW and BS pins is required to form a
floating supply across the high-side switch driver.
2 VIN Power Supply Pin
3 SW Switching Pin
4 GND Ground Pin
Adjustable Version Feedback input. Connect FB to the center point of the external
5 FB
resistor divider
6 NC Non function Pin
Drive this pin to a logic-high to enable the IC. Drive to a logic-low to disable the IC
7 EN
and enter micro-power shutdown mode.
8 NC Non function Pin
9 EPAD Ground Pin
Order Information(1)
Model Description Package T/R Qty
CA3903 CA3903 Buck, 4.5-36V, 3A, 500KHz, VFB 0.925V, DCM, ESOP8 ESOP8 3000PCS
Note (1): All CHIPNET parts are Pb-Free and adhere to the RoHS directive.
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
ESD Ratings
Item Description Value Unit
Human Body Model (HBM)
V(ESD-HBM) ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2014 ±2000 V
Classification, Class: 2
Charged Device Mode (CDM)
Classification, Class: C0b
ILATCH-UP Temperature Classification, ±150 mA
Class: I
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
Thermal Information
Item Description Value Unit
RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 48.7 °C/W
RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 52.4 °C/W
RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 25.5 °C/W
ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 8.4 °C/W
ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 25.2 °C/W
Note (1): The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance to JESD 51-7.
Note (2): Thermal Resistances were simulated on a 4-layer, JEDEC board
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
Block Diagram
Functions Description
Internal Regulator
The CA3903 is a constant on time mode step down DC/DC converter that provides excellent transient response with
no extra external compensation components. This device contains an internal, low resistance, high voltage power
MOSFET, and operates at a high 500KHz operating frequency to ensure a compact, high efficiency design with
excellent AC and DC performance.
Error Amplifier
The error amplifier compares the FB pin voltage with the internal FB reference (VFB) and outputs a current
proportional to the difference between the two. This output current is then used to charge or discharge the internal
compensation network, which is used to control the power MOSFET current. The optimized internal compensation
network minimizes the external component counts and simplifies the control loop design.
Thermal Shutdown
Thermal shutdown prevents the chip from operating at exceedingly high temperatures. When the silicon die
temperature exceeds 160°C, it shuts down the whole chip. When the temperature falls below its lower threshold
(Typ. 130°C) the chip is enabled again.
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
SS (Power Start)
The soft-start is implemented to prevent the converter output voltage from overshooting during startup. When the
chip starts, the internal circuitry generates a soft-start voltage (SS) ramping up from 0V to 0.925V. When it is lower
than the internal reference (REF), SS overrides REF so the error amplifier uses SS as the reference. When SS is
higher than REF, REF regains control. The SS time is internally fixed to 1.5ms.
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
Applications Information
𝑅1 + 𝑅2
𝑉"#$ = 𝑉&' ×
Where ΔIL is the inductor ripple current. Choose inductor ripple current to be approximately 30% to 40% of the
maximum load current. The maximum inductor peak current can be estimated as:
𝐼3(89:) = 𝐼3"9< +
Under light load conditions below 100mA, larger inductance is recommended for improved efficiency. Larger
inductances lead to smaller ripple currents and voltages, but they also have larger physical dimensions, lower
saturation currents and higher linear impedance. Therefore, the choice of inductance should be compromised
according to the specific application.
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
recommended. Capacitors with X5R and X7R ceramic dielectrics are recommended because they are stable with
temperature fluctuations.
The capacitors must also have a ripple current rating greater than the maximum input ripple current of the converter.
The input ripple current can be estimated with Equation:
𝑉"#$ 𝑉"#$
𝐼6./ = 𝐼"#$ × × 1−
𝑉./ 𝑉./
From the above equation, it can be concluded that the input ripple current reaches its maximum at VIN=2VOUT where
I6./ = >?@ . For simplification, choose an input capacitor with an RMS current rating greater than half of the
maximum load current.
The input capacitance value determines the input voltage ripple of the converter. If there is an input voltage ripple
requirement in the system, choose the input capacitor that meets the specification. The input voltage ripple can be
estimate with Equation:
C .>?@
Similarly, when VIN=2VOUT, input voltage ripple reaches its maximum of ∆𝑉./ = × .
D &>EF ×6GH
𝑉"#$ 𝑉"#$ 1
∆𝑉"#$ = × 1− × 𝑅I5J +
𝐹"56 ×𝐿 𝑉./ 8×𝐹"56 ×𝐶"#$
There are some differences between different types of capacitors. In the case of ceramic capacitors, the impedance
at the switching frequency is dominated by the capacitance. The output voltage ripple is mainly caused by the
capacitance. For simplification, the output voltage ripple can be estimated with Equation:
𝑉"#$ 𝑉"#$
∆𝑉"#$ = A × 1−
8×𝐹"56 ×𝐿×𝐶"#$ 𝑉./
A larger output capacitor can achieve a better load transient response, but the maximum output capacitor limitation
should also be considered in the design application. If the output capacitor value is too high, the output voltage will
not be able to reach the design value during the soft-start time and will fail to regulate. The maximum output
capacitor value (COUT_MAX) can be limited approximately with Equation:
Where LLIM_AVG is the average start-up current during the soft-start period, and TSS is the soft- start time.
On the other hand, special attention should be paid when selecting these components. The DC bias of these
capacitors can result in a capacitance value that falls below the minimum value given in the recommended capacitor
specifications table.
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
The ceramic capacitor’s actual capacitance can vary with temperature. The capacitor type X7R, which operates over
a temperature range of −55°C to +125°C, will only vary the capacitance to within ±15%. The capacitor type X5R
has a similar tolerance over a reduced temperature range of −55°C to +85°C. Many large value ceramic capacitors,
larger than 1uF are manufactured with Z5U or Y5V temperature characteristics. Their capacitance can drop by more
than 50% as the temperature varies from 25°C to 85°C. Therefore, X5R or X7R is recommended over Z5U and
Y5V in applications where the ambient temperature will change significantly above or below 25°C.
1 1 1 1
𝐶&& = × × +
2𝜋×𝐹6J"55 𝑅1 𝑅1 𝑅2
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36V/3A 500KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
Package Description
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