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Case Study On Development of Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis (PFMEA) - Issues and Recommendations

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Case Study on Development of Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis (PFMEA) –

Issues and Recommendations

Conference Paper · March 2018


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Edly Ramly
EFR Certification, Malaysia


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Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

Case Study on Development of Process Failure Mode Effect

Analysis (PFMEA) – Issues and Recommendation
Edly F. Ramly
Certification Director
EFR Certification Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

Hood Atan
Lead Auditor/Principal Consultant
Exergy Management Consultant PLT, Malaysia


The Automotive Quality Management System of IATF16949:20016 required the organization to establish
and maintain the PFMEA to support the implementation a risk based thinking for achieving effective
quality management system and defect prevention. Even there are several guidelines to develop the
PFMEA, there are inconsistency in development of FMEA and determining the elements in PFMEA.
Hence PFMEA fail to deliver the intended results to prevent product defect origins from manufacturing
process. This paper explores the common issues in FMEA through case study and proposed the
countermeasure to develop an effective PFMEA through series of workshops. The output of this paper is
guideline to develop effective PFMEA.

Keywords: Quality Management System, FMEA, Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Risk Analysis,
Decision support tools.

1. Introduction

The latest updates to the IATF16949: 2016 Automotive Quality management system standard required product risk
assessment. Although the standard does not explicitly indicated the used of FMEA for product or process risk
assessment, the standard recommended the used of FMEA and previous standard of ISO/TS16949:2009 (ISO 2009)
does indicated the need of FMEA. Potential Failure Modes and Effects Analysis in Manufacturing and Assembly
Processes (PFMEA) is an important preventive method for quality assurance, and through it the decisions based on
the severity levels and probabilities of occurrences and detection of the failure modes can be planned and prioritized,
seeking to improve the quality of the manufactured products (Mikos et al, 2011). FMEA is one potential tool with
extended use in reliability engineering for the electrical and electronic components production field as well as in
complicated assemblies (aerospace and automotive industries). The FMEA technique can be applied in the design
stage of a system or product (DFMEA) as well as in the manufacturing process (PFMEA) (Pantazopoulos and
Tsinopoulos 2005). The Potential Failure Modes and Effects Analysis in Manufacturing and Assembly Processes
(PFMEA) represents an important preventive method for quality assurance, including method in the investigation of
all the causes and effects (Mikosa & Ferreira, 2007; Dunkle, 2005; Ştirbu et al, 2011; Neshkov et al, 2012).

Johnson & Khan (2003) indicated that the concerns of as a problem prevention technique. The sharing and reuse of
this knowledge is a challenge and depends on the understanding of the specialists involved (Mikos et al, 2011). ISO
31000 standards is intended to assist the organization to develop the framework to manage the risk (ISO Technical
Management Board Working Group 2009). Although the ISO 31000 standard has effectively integrated the

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

principles and practices considered most effective by many experts and researchers in the field, the experience and
feedback in intefration of ISO31000 framework with FMEA is lacking. This paper shares the development of
PFMEA and use of this technique effectively integrated with ISO31000 framework.

2. Methodology

Dane (1990) asserts that it is through the action research that researchers are able to test the application against other
research results. This way, researchers will be able to assist managers in deepening their understanding of the
issue(s) in hands so that they can resolve the problem(s) confronting them. The major strategy for this research is
action based case study, in order to develop the effective PFMEA. The steps in implementation of action research
are depicted in figure 1. The case study protocol was developed to ensure consistency and reliability of the data
collection process.

Process Flow Process Description Comments/ Remarks

Develop checklist
Develop the case study -action based The protocol developed based on
and Semi Structure protocol ISO31000 standard and AIAG PFMEA
Protocol Manual

Determine and
Determine and invite the
Total 4 invitations and 2 organizations
invite the organization
agreed to participate.

Conduct the action research Nov 16-Apr 17

Conduct the action
Add memo to Atlas TI to organize and
Report the findings conduct cross case analysis to
determine issues arise from case study.

Discussion of keys issues in

Determine the Inductive Codes
development of PFMEA

Figure 1 : Process flow for the action based case study

The case study protocol is developed through the standard of ISO 31000:2009 (As shown in figure 2) and
Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) FMEA reference manual fourth edition 2008. Sample of PFMEA form
as shown in figure 3. The first phase of case study is to determine the organization main product from the operation
and work process to produce the product. The second phase is to determine the product risk, the effect and cause of
the risk.

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

Figure 2: Relationships between the risk management principles, framework and process
(ISO Technical Management Board Working Group 2009)

Figure 3: Sample of AIAG PFMEA form

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

3.0 Results and Discussion

3.1 Product or Process

Most of FMEA is much focus on either DFMEA or PFMEA. Both DFMEA and PFMEA are equally important. This
is where element 4.3 and 5.3 of ISO31000 applied. Element 4.3 described the design of the framework and element
5.3 determined the need to establish context of organization. In both of case study, the context of organization focus
in risk management circles revolved around product risk and failure. However, both of DFMEA and PFMEA cover
product risk. The only different of DFMEA and PFMEA is the analysis either through components or subsystem or
for DFMEA or Manufacturing process for PFMEA. Since the case organization is more interested to determine the
type of product failure during manufacturing process, the PFMEA framework is more suitable based on context of

3.2 Defect Prevention

For FMEA, mandate and commitment as required by ISO31000 should be “Defect Prevention”. During the
discussion with the case organizations, several suggestions recorded such as that the mandate can be added such as
process control, quality first, and customer focus. However, after going through the development of PFMEA, all the
team agree that the mandate and goal should be focus on defect prevent. This is due to each steps of PFMEA is
focusing towards defect prevention.

In stage 2 of PFMEA (refer to figure 3), there are column on “Requirement”. Requirements can be refer to
specification or characteristic of the product such as dimension, color, functionality and appearance. The
requirements column is recommended since it can help the team to determine the potential failure mode in term of
defects or opposite to the requirements such as Bent, Burred, Hole off-location, Cracked, Hole too shallow, Hole
missing, Dirty, Surface too rough, Deformed, Open circuited, Short circuited and Mis-labeled.

3.3 Process Flow

There are argument from the team on “should the PFMEA include all the process such as inspection, each of
movement, each of storage and work in progress?” After several round of discussion, the team agree that the
PFMEA shall include all the value added process that change the physical of the product. The team also agreed that
the inspection process should be excluded from the PFMEA due to: 1) The PFMEA is the tools to determine the
inspection/ control needed; 2) The potential failure of inspection process (such as wrong decision) is control through
calibration and Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR) study; 3) The risk of producing another defect during
inspection should be highlighted in inspection standard or procedure. As for the move (Transfer between station)
and wait process (Raw material storage, Work in progress and Finish good storage), the team decided whether to
include in the analysis based on probability of defect occurred during the process. If there are minimum defect can
occurred, the process can be omitted from the PFMEA.

3.3 Effects to determine severity score

The AIAG FMEA reference manual have provide clear guideline to determine the severity score for the defects
based on the effect to customer or next process. The effects can be categorized to Safety and Regulation related,
Functionality including fitment related, and Appearance related. So far, the team does not face any issues in
determine the effect of defect in terms of what the customer might notice or experience, remembering that the
customer may be an internal customer as well as the ultimate end user.

3.4 Top three causes

Potential cause of failure is defined as how the failure could occur, described in terms of something that can be
corrected or can be controlled. The team is required to list, to the extent possible, every cause assignable to each od
potential defect (potential failure mode). If a cause is exclusive to the failure mode, i.e., if correcting the cause has a

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

direct impact on the failure mode, then this portion of the FMEA thought process is completed. Many causes,
however, are not mutually exclusive, and to correct or control the cause, a design of experiments, for example, may
be considered to determine which root causes are the major contributors and which can be most easily controlled.
The causes should be described so that remedial efforts can be aimed at those causes which are pertinent.

Tthe FMEA development team attempted to determine the potential cause through cause and effect (defect) diagram
(fishbone diagram). The team also attempt to utilize the five why. However, the teams were unable to document all
the causes due to limited space (column and row) in the AIAG PFMEA sheet. The team decided to document only
top three causes in the sheet through team consensus. The copy of each cause and effect (defect) diagram is
recommended to be documented for future reference.

3.5 Determining occurrence score

Occurrence is the likelihood that a specific cause/mechanism of defect will occur. The likelihood of occurrence
ranking number has a relative meaning rather than an absolute value. Preventing or controlling the
causes/mechanisms of failure through a design or process change is the only way a reduction in the occurrence
ranking can be effected. A consistent occurrence ranking system should be used to ensure continuity. The
occurrence ranking number is a relative rating within the scope of the FMEA and may not reflect the actual
likelihood of occurrence. AIAG recommend the use of “incident per items/vehicles” to used to indicate the number
of defect (failures) that are anticipated during the process occurring. If statistical data are available from similar
process, the data should be used to determine the occurrence ranking. In all other cases, a subjective assessment can
be made by using the word descriptions in the left column of the table. The team should agree on an evaluation
criteria and ranking system that is consistent, even if modified for individual process analysis. (See the following
table). Occurrence should be estimated using a 1 to 10 scale. The AIAG fourth edition recommend the design or
process controls “prevention” to the left of the Occurrence Ranking. The team indicated that it is very good format
as prevention affects the occurrence ranking which had previously been the left of the column. The initial
occurrence rankings will be affected by the prevention controls provided they are integrated as part of the process

However the team have difficulties in deciding whether the occurrence should be reflected on the “defect” or the
occurrence of “cause”. For the first organization, the team selected to use the “defect” as indicator for occurrence
score. While the second organization, develop the occurrence score rating which are “defect score rating” and cause
occurrence score rating”.

3.6 Determine control

Current Process Controls are descriptions of the controls that either prevent to the extent possible the failure mode or
cause/mechanism of failure from occurring, or detect the failure mode or cause/mechanism of failure should it
occur. Two types of Process Controls to consider: 1) Prevention: Eliminate (prevent) the cause of the failure or the
failure mode from occurring, or reduce their rate of occurrence, 2) Detection: Identify (detect) the cause of failure or
the failure mode, leading to the development of associated corrective action (s) or counter measures. The preferred
approach is to first use prevention controls, if possible. The initial occurrence rankings will be affected by the
prevention controls provided they are integrated as part of the process. The initial rankings for detection will be
based on process controls that either detect the cause/mechanism of failure, or detect the failure mode.

The team decide the prevention control only cover: 1) Error Proofing to the cause of defects; 2) Set-up verification.
The detection controls cover the inspection process either during incoming, in-process or outgoing inspection. Each
of this control have to be transfer to control plan to detail up the inspection process.

3.7 Continual Improvement Prioritization

The improvement prioritization normally prioritizes through risk priority number (RPN) threshold. The team
decided the all defects that are more than 125 of RPN required improvement action. To reduce the RPN, the team
have difficulty to reduce the severity due to nature of the product. If the nature of product is safety feature product,
the severity score cannot be change. Even the AIAG FMEA manual required to prioritized based on highest severity

© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

first, the occurrence Second and the detection third, the action cannot be take if the severity score is 10, while
occurrence is 2 and detection is 2. It is because the occurrence and detection are already considered as low as


PFMEA is proven risk assessment methodology to prevent defects. However there are seven issues that face by the
organization and the team that develop the PFMEA for their manufacturing process. The issues include determining
whether to develop the design FMEA or process FMEA, setting up the objectives of PFMEA, determining the
processes, determining the severity score, listing the causes, determining occurrence score, determining control and
prioritizing the improvement. Each of the issue have the solution as discussed in this paper. The future research
should focus on linking the PFMEA and other quality improvement tools such as cause and effect diagram, control
plan and application of PFMEA in quality improvement initiatives such as six sigma and lean manufacturing.


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Pantazopoulos, George, and George Tsinopoulos. 2005. “Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA): A
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© IEOM Society International

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018

Edly F. Ramly is Certification Director for EFR Certification. He is renowned coach, auditor, consultant and
trainer. With his excellent technical expert and interpersonal skills, he has conducted various high impact trainings
and workshop in the area of operation management, industrial engineering, management system including quality,
environment and occupational health and safety, workplace improvement, variation and waste reduction, and
practical problem solving techniques including statistical tools. Apart from being trained as Lead Auditor in various
management system, he is also qualified auditor for Automotive Industry ISO/TS 16949. During his service with
Pera Neville Clarke, he is also tutor for QMS lead auditor course. His industrial experience was in the automotive
industry. During his stayed with the TRW Automotive, he was tasked with the responsibility of promoting and
implementing Lean and Six-Sigma within the Organization. Due to his extensive exposure in Lean and Six-Sigma
Management System, he was invited by Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) and Asia Productivity
Organization (APO) to conduct public training in the area of Six-Sigma implementation and Lean Implementation.
In 2014, he been awarded as one of Malaysia Productivity Specialist by Malaysia Ministry of International Trade
and Industry.

Hood Atan is a full time project consultant and qualified auditor in the fields of Quality, Health & Safety and
Environmental Management system. Mr. Hood Atan holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical (Industrial)
degree and a Master in Engineering (Industrial Engineering) degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Having
worked as a Quality Engineer, Quality Manager, Quality and Environmental Management Representative for
numerous years from bottom, middle and to top management. His industrial experience was in the manufacturing
industry. During his stayed with the TRW Automotive, he was tasked with the responsibility of promoting and
implementing VDA 6.3, QS-9000, ISO TS 16949, ISO14001, ISO 13485, ISO50001, OSHAS 18001 management
system and Lean Six Sigma initiatives within the organization. Besides, he also responsible for supplier audit either
local or oversea such as Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, China and India. With his more than 16 years of
working experience in the management system standard, he has conducted various trainings and workshop in the
area of workplace improvement, QS-9000, ISO/TS 16949 standard, variation and waste reduction, and practical
problem solving techniques including statistical tools.

© IEOM Society International


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