Mid-Term Exam: Magister Manajemen Program
Mid-Term Exam: Magister Manajemen Program
Mid-Term Exam: Magister Manajemen Program
Mid-Term Exam
Magister Manajemen
1. This is an MM group-based midterm-examination. Complete the exam
independently within the group. No inter-group collaboration allowed. Put all
group members name with their NIM on the first-page of the exam file.
Send the exam file on the PPT file format, no page limit, by the group
representative (normally by the group leader) to Dr. Deddy Herdiansjah, via
email <herdiansjahdeddy01@gmail.com> and cc. to
deddy.stratmgt2020@gmail.com on or before Tuesday, April 27th 2021, at
21.00pm WIB, the latest. The penalty points will be applied for a late submission.
2. The MIDTERM file-name of each group is set as follows: <G?-UTS-Econ-Buss-
MM-UB2021>; where G-?=>(G1, G2,…. according to your group number).
For example is <G1-UTS-Econ-Buss-MM-UB2021>. This is a file-name of
Note that due to high-traffic of e-mail communications with other classes of other
subjects, the instructor assumes no responsibility of potential lost-file occur, if
your group do not follow the filing-name system set above.
3. The exam paper is either in English, or Bahasa Indonesia. No bilinguals, or mixing.
4. It is important that the originality of the group-work is highly appreciated. Please read
all the exam-related reading materials. Please explore your group insights or relevant
hands on experience as much as possible and put into your group response on any
Economics for Business/MM- Program-UB-/2021
I expect all students go through the reading materials no 02, attached by taking into
account the previous notes already distributed and discussed throughout the last 7 class-
sessions, including the relevant specific topics on the e-book of Besanko, D., Dranove,
D., Shanley, M., & Shaefer, S. (2013). Economics of Strategy (6 ed.) I shared with you
You can find the case attached to this exam-sheets, [Reading 03; Case Medi-Cult /
IMD044 (M537) v. 12.07.2015] for the group to analyze and solve the problem sets
provided below.
In analyzing the case, you may follow the article no. 02 (The tentative Steps for case
analysis) attached to this exam-sheets, or other case-analysis approaches, and address
the following questions /assignments:
Refer to the case MediCult, IMD044 (M537) v. 12.07.2015, attached.
For this Part-B, submit your response in PPT file.
In analyzing the case, take your position as a senior Business Advisor to the CEO of
1. Explain, in what Market Structure would Medi-Cult operate with respect to IVF and
to IVM Product?
2. what price and pricing strategies to apply/ (explain using graphical presentation!)
(Hints: Following pricing approaches are possible to use; the cost-based approach
(cost-plus pricing, break-even analysis, and target profit pricing); the buyer-based
approach (value-based pricing); the competition-based approach (going-rate and
sealed-bid pricing).
3. What is demand Elasticity of IVM in France and USA Markets (explain).
4. If you were the chief economist of Medi-Cult, how would you assess the issue(s)
allowing the company to exploit the utmost benefit of having the innovative
5. What would you strongly recommend Mr. Krogen, CEO of Medi-Cult, to apply so
that Medi-Cult is able to maximize profit in the short and medium-term?