SolForge Rules
SolForge Rules
SolForge Rules
SolForge. They play and level creatures and spells in an effort to reduce their opponent's life to 0.
Each player builds a Fusion deck consisting of half-decks from different Factions, where each
half-deck consists of:
● 10 Level 1 cards
● 10 Level 2 cards
● 10 Level 3 cards
● 1 Forgeborn/checklist card
Card Types
Each game, you will select one of the two Forgeborn associated with your deck to be your
active Forgeborn.
Each Forgeborn begins the game at Level 1 and has no abilities at that level. During the game,
your Forgeborn will level up and gain access to special abilities.
The backside of each Forgeborn has a list of the unique cards that are associated with that
Creatures are at the center of the action in SolForge. Players will use them to attack their
opponents and to defend themselves from attacks.
Each creature card has a Name, Attack Power , Health Total , future level stat totals listed
below, Creature type, Level ( or ), rarity and card text.
Spells are cards that do something immediately when you play them. Unlike creatures, they don’t
enter the field, although they can have lasting effects.
Player Setup
Choose one of the two Forgeborn cards to be your active Forgeborn for the game and place it in its
dedicated zone. Place a level counter above the card.
Combine and shuffle all your cards and place them face down as your draw pile.
Combine your and cards and place face down in an upgrade pile.
Game Setup
Randomly determine which player starts with the Forge (color side up on the Forge card).
Set attack, armor, and health counters/dice to the side for use during the game.
1. Banish Pile
2. Forgeborn card
3. Deck
4. Higher level cards
5. Life total
6. Forge card
7. Assorted tokens
Each game turn is split into separate phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Combat Phase
4. End Phase
5. Forgeborn Phase (after every three turns)
Draw Phase
Action Phase
Priority is passed between players (beginning with the player who has the Forge). Once each
player has passed priority twice, the Action Phase is over.
While you have priority, you may do any of the following actions in any order:
Primary actions
● once per priority, play (or banish and level up) a card from hand
● pass priority
Playing a card
Some spells have multiple effects, with each effect being separated by a line break in the text.
For example, Soulreap has two effects (Drain a creature for an amount. And play a Beast for free).
If a Spell with multiple effects, such as Soulreap, has one or more effects that can't take place, it is
ignored. The other effects still may take place if possible. In this specific example, even if there were
no creatures to drain with Soulreap, the free Beast portion would still occur.
If a effect on the same line has multiple steps, they are resolved in the order they are written. If any
step fails, the rest of the effect also fails.
Effects that happen as a result of a card being played must exist (generally in play but can be in
other zones depending on the text) when step 1 occurs. These effects will take place after step 4.
Note: Played cards never return to the player's deck. Decks will always be exactly 20 cards (draw
pile + discard pile + hand) until level three cards are played.
Whenever a level 1 or 2 card is played, it is leveled up. Level 3 cards do not level up, but are still
placed into the banish pile when they are played (for spells) or when they are destroyed (for crea-
Leveling up a card
Look through the upgrade pile one level higher than the card being leveled up. Find the exact
same named card and place it face up in your discard pile.
Activating an ability
Creature abilities may be activated as soon as they enter play, while Forgeborn abilities may only
be used if the ability level matches the Forgeborn's level (which increases in level every Forgeborn
Combat Phase
Combat is resolved in each lane with a character in the front row simultaneously.
Unopposed creatures in the front row will deal their damage to the opponent’s health equal to the
creatures Attack Power.
Opposed creatures with at least one being in the front row will Battle eachother.
Creatures engaged in battle with one another deal damage to eachother equal to their Attack Power.
When damage is dealt, it reduces creature health equal to the damage dealt.
The first x damage dealt to creatures with Armor x will first have their Armor reduced by 1 for each
damage dealt.
When damage is dealt and would result in a creature having 0 or less health, the creature is
Creature Destruction
Any time a creature has 0 or less health (whether in combat or not), it is destroyed and placed in
the banish pile.
Abilities that trigger off creature destruction take into account all creatures that are destroyed at the
same time. For example, if a creature with "whenever a creature dies, gain 1 life" is destroyed
along with the other creature in its lane during combat then you gain 2 life.
End Phase
Resolve "at end of turn" effects and remove "until end of turn" effects.
Move your non-Defender creatures from the back row to the front row.
Shuffle your draw pile and discard pile together and place face down as your new draw pile.
Level up your Forgeborn by advancing its level counter. If your Forgeborn is already at level four,
the game enters Sudden Death.
Game End
If your life total is reduced to 0 or less, you are immediately eliminated from the game (unless all
player’s lives are reduced to 0 or less at the same time, in which case move to Sudden Death).
Sudden Death
During sudden death, you are immediately eliminated as soon as your life total is less than any
other player.
If you are the only player remaining, you are victorious!
Activate - Exhaust this card (rotate a card to a sideways position), to do this ability.
Adjacent - A player’s creatures are considered adjacent if they are in lanes next to one other.
Armor (X), (X): - A creature or player with Armor (X) does not apply damage to its health until
it has first applied X damage to its armor this turn. A creature with Armor printed on it gains that
much Armor at the start of each turn.
Abilities that trigger when something takes damage still happen if the armor value is surpassed.
Abilities that trigger when something deals damage still count as dealing damage.
Gained instances of Armor are additive. A creature without Armor is considered to have 0 Armor. A
creature can not have less than 0 Armor.
Battle - Each creature deals its Attack in damage to the other creature.
Breakthrough - While this creature is in the front row, any damage dealt by this creature to an
opposing creature in excess of its current health is dealt to the opponent during combat.
Wounded - The creature has less than its printed health value.
Defender - This creature must be played to the back row and cannot enter the front row.
Discard - Put a card from the player's hand into the discard pile.
Free - This card does not count as one of your primary actions for the turn.
Mobility: (X) - Exhaust this creature to move it into one of your empty lanes up to X spaces away.
Replace - Banish a creature in play to play another creature in that lane (that creature is not
Summon - Put a creature into play from any zone that is not your hand.
Upgrade - If there is a future level of the Upgraded card, banish the card being Upgraded and put
the next level of the card into your discard pile. If there is no future level of the Upgraded card, do
nothing instead.
If a trigger resolution creates new triggers, the new triggers are added to a new batch that waits
until the current batch resolves, then also resolves in Forge player / Non-Forge Player order.
Cards that leave play at the same time still see each other in play for purposes of checking condi-
tionals and triggered abilities (e.g. if a creature with “Gain 1 Health whenever a creature dies” dies
alongside other creatures, you will gain health for each creature that dies). The same is true when
multiple creatures come into play at the same time.
What happens if I have less than 5 cards in my draw pile going into turn 3 of a cycle?
-Draw the remaining cards in your deck, that will be your hand for the turn.
What happens if my lvl 2 Windspark Elemental deals damage to my opponent but they have Armor 5
for the turn?
Can I choose the order of my Deploy effects or do they happen from top to bottom?