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Miniopd Exp - Opd Exp User'S Manual - Asynchronous Miniopd Exp - Opd Exp User'S Manual - Asynchronous

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© TDE Macno SPA - Cod. MAOPDEV010E0 rev. 3.2

Tecnologie Digitali Elettroniche S.p.A.


1  Introduction ............................................................................................. 5 
1.1  Parameters (P) ........................................................................................................................ 5 
1.2  Connections (C) ...................................................................................................................... 5 
1.3  Input logic functions (I) ............................................................................................................ 6 
1.4  Internal values (D) ................................................................................................................... 6 
1.5  Output logic functions (o) ........................................................................................................ 6 

2  ASYNCHRONOUS PARAMETERS........................................................ 7 
2.1  DRIVE AND MOTOR COUPLING........................................................................................... 7 

2.1.1  DRIVE PLATE ................................................................................................................ 7 

2.1.2  MOTOR PLATE.............................................................................................................. 8 
2.1.3  MOTOR SENSOR .......................................................................................................... 9 
2.1.4  AUTOTUNING CONTROL AND MOTOR MEASURED MODEL ................................. 11 
2.1.5  Identifying models of induction motor ........................................................................... 19 

2.2  MOTOR CONTROL .............................................................................................................. 23 

2.2.1  Acceleratio ramps and speed limit ................................................................................ 24 

2.2.2  Speed COntrol.............................................................................................................. 26 
2.2.3  Torque and current limits .............................................................................................. 29 
2.2.4  Current control.............................................................................................................. 32 
2.2.5  Voltage/Flux control ...................................................................................................... 33 

2.3  Protection .............................................................................................................................. 35 

2.3.1  Voltage limits ................................................................................................................ 35 

2.3.2  Thermal protection ....................................................................................................... 42 

2.4  V/F control ............................................................................................................................. 44 

2.4.1  Automatic Setting of working Voltage/frequency .......................................................... 44 

2.4.2  Manual Setting of working Voltage/frequency characteristic ........................................ 45 
2.4.3  Load effect compensation ............................................................................................ 47 
2.4.4  Particular control functions ........................................................................................... 48 

3  Standard application ............................................................................. 49 

3.1  Input ...................................................................................................................................... 49 

3.1.1  Analog reference .......................................................................................................... 49 

3.1.2  Digital speed reference ................................................................................................ 53 
3.1.3  Frequency speed reference.......................................................................................... 55 
3.1.4  Digital inputs configurations.......................................................................................... 61 
3.1.5  Second sensor ............................................................................................................. 62 

3.2  OUTPUT ............................................................................................................................... 63 

3.2.1  Digital output configurations ......................................................................................... 63 

3.2.2  Analog outputs configurations ...................................................................................... 64 
3.2.3  Frequency OUTPUT ..................................................................................................... 67 

3.3  MOTION CONTROL ............................................................................................................. 71 

3.3.1  Incremental position loop ............................................................................................. 71 

User’s manual 3
3.3.2  PID controller ................................................................................................................ 73 

4  Fieldbus ................................................................................................ 76 

4.1  MODBUS parameters ........................................................................................................... 76 

4.1.1  Application Configuration .............................................................................................. 76 

4.1.2  Managed services ........................................................................................................ 77 

4.2  Can open............................................................................................................................... 80 

4.2.1  Configuration of the application .................................................................................... 80 

4.2.2  Managed services ........................................................................................................ 81 
4.2.3  Emergency Object (EMCY) .......................................................................................... 83 
4.2.4  Network Management Objects (NMT) .......................................................................... 83 
4.2.5  Objects dictionary : communication profile area .......................................................... 84 
4.2.6  Objects’ dictionary : manufacturer specific profile area ................................................ 85 

5  Generic parameters .............................................................................. 92 

5.1  keys ....................................................................................................................................... 92 
5.2  Data storing ........................................................................................................................... 92 

5.2.1  Storage and recall of the working parameters ............................................................. 92 

5.3  Digital commands and control ............................................................................................... 94 

5.3.1  Drive ready ................................................................................................................... 94 

5.3.2  Drive switch on / RUN .................................................................................................. 94 
5.3.3  Drive switch off / STOP ................................................................................................ 95 
5.3.4  Safety Stop ................................................................................................................... 95 

6  Alarms .................................................................................................. 96 

6.1  Maintenance and controls ..................................................................................................... 96 

6.1.1  Malfunctions without an alarm: troubleshooting ............................................................ 96 

6.1.2  Malfunctions with an alarm: troubleshooting................................................................. 97 

7  Display ................................................................................................ 101 

7.1  Physical disposition ............................................................................................................. 101 
7.2  Layout of the internal dimensions ........................................................................................ 101 

7.2.1  Parameters (par) ........................................................................................................ 102 

7.2.2  Application Parameters (app) ..................................................................................... 103 
7.2.3  Connections (con) ...................................................................................................... 103 
7.2.4  allarmS (all) ................................................................................................................ 104 
7.2.5  Internal Values (int) .................................................................................................... 105 
7.2.6  Logic functions of input (inp)....................................................................................... 105 
7.2.7  Logic Functions of output (OUt) .................................................................................. 106 

7.3  status of rest........................................................................................................................ 106 

7.4  Main Menu .......................................................................................................................... 107 

7.4.1  Under-Menu of parameters, application parameters and connections management

(par, app e con) ......................................................................................................................... 108 
7.4.2  Visualization of the internal dimensions (INT) ............................................................ 110 
7.4.3  Alarms (ALL) .............................................................................................................. 110 
7.4.4  visualization of the input and output (inp and out) ...................................................... 111 

7.5  Programming Key ............................................................................................................... 113 

8  List of parameters ............................................................................... 114 

To help the customer during the configuration of the drive, the manual is organized to follow faithfully
the structure of the configurator (OPDExplorer) that allows, according to a logical sequence, to set all
the sizes needed for the proper functioning of the drive.

In particular, each chapter refers to a specific folder of OPDExplorer which includes all the relative

Also, at the beginning of each chapter of the manual, is showed the location of the folder in the
OPDExplorer tree, which the chapter refer, and the complete table of sizes of the folder in question.
The control values are divided as follows:

• Parameters
• Connections
• Input logic functions
• Internal values
• Output logic functions

In the tables of the control value, the last column on the right “Scale” shows the internal
representation base of the parameters. This value is important if the parameters have to be read or
written with a serial line or fieldbus and represent the factor which to divide the value stored to
obtain the real value set, as following indicated:

MAIN_SUPPLY Æ P87 – Main supply voltage
Value = 400
Scale = 10
Int. rep. = 4000


The parameters are drive configuration values that are displayed as a number within a set range. The
parameters are mostly displayed as percentages, which is especially useful if the motor or drive size
have to be changed in that only the reference values (P61÷P65) have to be modified and the rest
changes automatically. The parameters are split up into free, reserved and TDE MACNO reserved
The following rules apply:
Free parameters (black text in OPDExplorer): may be changed without having to open any key, even
when running;

Reserved parameters (blu text in OPDExplorer): may be changed only at a standstill after having
opened the reserved parameter key in P60 or the TDE MACNO reserved parameters key in P99;

TDE MACNO reserved parameters (violet text in OPDExplorer): may be changed only at a
standstill after having opened the TDE MACNO reserved parameters key in P99. While the key for
these parameters is closed, they will not be shown on the display.

Take careful note of the reference values for each parameter so that they are set correctly.


The connections are drive configuration values that are displayed as a whole number in the same
way as a digital selector.

User’s manual 5
They are split up into free, reserved and TDE MACNO reserved connections, and are changed in the
same way as the parameters.
The internal representation base is always as whole number


The input logic functions are 32 commands that come from configured terminal board logic inputs,
from the serial line, and from the fieldbus. The meaning of this logical functions depend on the
application, so please refer to specific documentation.


Internal values are 128 variables within the drive that can be shown on the display or via serial on the
supervisor. They are also available from the fieldbus.
The first 64 values are referred to motor control part and are always present. The second 64 values
are application specific.
Pay close attention to the internal representation base of these values as it is important if readings
are made via serial line or fieldbus.


The logic functions are 64, the first 32 display drive status and second 32 are application specific.
All output functions can be assigned to one of the 4 logic outputs.


The “Asyncrhonous Parameters” are used to control the current or speed of a feedback vector
induction motor. The speed and current reference values are generated by the application. See the
application parameters for further information. As an absolute position value is not required for the
sensors (managed with an optional internal electronic board) incremental TTL Encoders and
incremental Sin/Cos Encoders may be used. Absolute sensors such as Resolver can also be used,
as can digital sensors such as Endat or Hiperface if required.
The “Asyncrhonous Parameters” also manages the auto-tuning test, which is crucial if the control is
to adapt perfectly to the motor and to ensure excellent dynamic performance all-round.


This section is usefull during motor start-up to obtain the best coupling between drive and
motor. It’s very important to follow the correct sequence explained in the next paragraphs


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P87 - Main Supply
MAIN_SUPPLY 180.0 780.0 400 V rms 10
DRV_I_NOM P53 - Rated drive current 0.0 3000.0 0 A 10
P113 - Maximum drive
DRV_I_PEAK 0.0 3000.0 0 A 10
I_OVR_LOAD_SEL C56 - Current overload 0 3 3 1

PRC_DRV_I_MAX P103 - Drive limit current 0.0 800.0 200 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96

DRV_F_PWM P101 - PWM frequency 1000 16000 5000 Hz 1

P156 - PWM frequency
DRV_F_PWM_CARATT 1000 16000 5000 Hz 1
for drive definition
P167 - Characterization
DRV_E_CARATT 200.0 690.0 400 V rms 10
P157 - Dead time
DEAD_TIME 0.0 20.0 4 µs 10
P104 - Radiator time
T_RAD 10.0 360.0 80 s 10
P116 - Junction time
T_JUNC 0.1 10.0 3.5 s 10
P155 - Ambient
OVR_LOAD_T_ENV temperature reference 0.0 150.0 40 °C 10
value during overload

This parameters are related to the drive characteristic. The user has to set only the main supply
voltage and select the current overload.


Four types of drive overload can be set on C56

C56 Overload type for rated drive current (P53)

0 120% for 30 seconds

1 150% for 30 seconds

2 200% for 30 seconds

3 200% for 3 seconds and 155% for 30 seconds

NB: the choice also changes the rated drive current as shown by the tables in the installation file and
the correct value is always displayed in ampere rms in P53.
The delivered current is also used to calculate the operating temperature reached by the power
component junctions with the drive presumed to be working with standard ventilation at the maximum
ambient temperature permitted.
If this temperature reaches the maximum value permitted for the junctions, the delivered power limit
is restricted to a value that is just over the rated drive current, i.e. the system’s effective thermal
current (see following table).

Now the drive will only overload if the temperature drops below the rated value, which will only occur
after a period of operation at currents below the rated current.

The junction temperature calculation also considers the temperature increase that occurs while
operating at low frequencies (below 2.5 Hz) due to the fact that the current is sinusoidal and thus has
peak values that are higher than the average value. With electrical operating frequencies lower than
2.5Hz, the drive goes into maximum overload for 20-30ms after which the maximum current limit is
reduced by √2 as shown by the following table:

C56 Max. drive current Drive thermal current Limit below 2.5 Hz

0 120% I NOM AZ for 30 seconds 103% I NOM AZ 84% I NOM AZ

1 150% I NOM AZ for 30 seconds 108% I NOM AZ 105% I NOM AZ

2 200% I NOM AZ for 30 seconds 120% I NOM AZ 140% I NOM AZ

200% I NOM AZ for 3 seconds
3‫٭‬ 110% I NOM AZ 140% I NOM AZ
155% I NOM AZ for 30 seconds

N.B. = the overload time illustrated is calculated with the drive running steady at the rated motor
current. If the average delivered current is lower than the rated motor current, then the overload time
will increase. Thus the overload will be available for a longer or identical time to the ones shown.
N.B. 3‫ = ٭‬the 200% overload is available until junction temperatures are estimated to be 95% of the
rated value; at the rated value the maximum limit becomes 180%. For repeated work cycles, TDE
MACNO is available to estimate the drive’s actual overload capacity


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P61 - Rated motor
PRC_MOT_I_NOM 10.0 100.0 100 % DRV_I_NOM 327.67
current ( I NOM MOT)
P62 - Rated motor
MOT_V_NOM 100.0 1000.0 380 Volt 10
P63 - Rated motor
MOT_F_NOM 10.0 800.0 50.0 Hz 10
P64 - Max. operating
PRC_MOT_V_MAX 1.0 200.0 100 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
P65 - Max. operating
MOT_SPD_MAX 50 60000 2000 RPM 1
speed (n MAX)
P66 - Nominal power
MOT_COS_PHI 0.500 1.000 0.894 1000
P67 - Number of motor
MOT_POLE_NUM 1 12 4 1
P70 - Motor thermal
PRC_MOT_I_THERM 10.0 110.0 100 % PRC_MOT_I_NOM 10
P71 - Motor thermal time
MOT_TF_THERM 30 2400 180 s 1

Setting the parameters that establish the exact type of motor used is important if the drive is to run
correctly. These parameters are:

Name Description

PRC_MOT_I_NOM P61 - Rated motor current ( I NOM MOT)

MOT_V_NOM P62 - Rated motor voltage

MOT_F_NOM P63 - Rated motor frequency

MOT_POLE_NUM P67 - Number of motor poles

These parameters are fundamental in that they are the basis of all the motor operating
characteristics: frequency, speed, voltage, current, torque and thermal protection.
P62 and P63 can be read directly on the motor rating plate and P61 can be calculated with the
following formula:
P61 = (Inom_motor *100.0))/(Inom_drive)

Example: Drive: OPEN 22

Inom_drive = 22A overload 200%
Motor: MEC series, Vn = 380V, f = 50Hz, Inom_motore = 20A,
P61 = (20*100)/22 = 90.9%
P62 = 380.0
P63 = 50.0

There are also parameters that establish the maximum values for voltage, thermal current and
operating speed:

Name Description

PRC_MOT_V_MAX P64 - Max. operating voltage

MOT_SPD_MAX P65 - Max. operating speed (n MAX)

PRC_MOT_I_THERM P70 - Motor thermal current

MOT_TF_THERM P71 - Motor thermal time constant

These important parameters must be specified alongside the exact characteristics of the feedback
sensor used. Once the sensor has been established, the “Sensor and motor pole tests” can be
carried out (enabled with C41) which will confirm that the parameters have been set correctly.


User’s manual 9
Name Description Min Max Default UM
1 Encoder
SENSOR_SEL C00 - Speed sensor 4 Resolver 1 1
5 Resolver RDC
8 Sin/Cos incr
P68 - Number of absolute sensor
RES_POLE 1 12 2 1
P69 - Number of encoder
ENC_PPR 0 60000 1024 pulses/rev 1
C74 - Enable incremental encoder
time decode
P89 - Tracking loop bandwidth
RES_TRACK_LOOP_BW 100 10000 1800 rad/s 1
direct decoding of resolver
RES_TRACK_LOOP_DAMP P90 - D Traking loop bandwidth 0.00 5.00 0.71 100
-3 f PWM ÷ 8
-2 f PWM ÷ 4
-1 f PWM ÷ 2
RES_CARR_FRQ_RATIO C67 - Resolver carrier frequency 0 1
0 f PWM
1 f PWM x 2
2 f PWM x 4
3 f PWM x 8
EN_SENSOR_TUNE C68 - Enable sensor auto-tuning 0 1 0 1

EN_INV_POS_DIR C76 - Invert positive cyclic versus 0 1 0 1

P164 - Resolver or Incremental
KP_SINCOS1_CHN Sin/Cos sine and cosine signal 0.0 200.0 100 %
amplitude compensation
P165 - Resolver or Incremental
OFFSET_SIN1 -16383 16383 0 1
Sin/Cos sine offset
P166 - Resolver or Incremental
OFFSET_COS1 -16383 16383 0 1
Sin/Cos cosine offset
D38 - Compensation Sin/Cos
analog/digital term
SENSOR_FRQ_IN D39 - Input frequency 0 kHz 16

HW_SENSOR1 D63 - Sensor1 presence 0 1

SENS1_ZERO_TOP D55 - Sensor1 Zero Top 0 pulses 1

C70 - Enable SinCos Analog-
Digital compensation into position

For correct motor sensor setup is necessary to set the motor sensor present:

Name Description

SENSOR_SEL C00 - Speed sensor

and, for the specific sensor present, the following parameters.

For the TTL encoder and the incremental sin-cos encoder:

Name Description

ENC_PPR P69 - Number of encoder pulses/revolution

And for the resolver:

Name Description

RES_POLE P68 - Number of absolute sensor poles

RES_CARR_FRQ_RATIO C67 - Resolver carrier frequency

After that is necessary proceed with the auto tuning procedure.


For some kind of sensor, after the auto tuning procedure is possible set some sensor parameter to
increase the performance. FINE SETUP FOR RESOLVER

The fine tuning resolver setup allows to set, with a semiautomatic procedure, any offset
and a multiplicative factor to adjust the signals acquired by the resolver channels in order
to increase system performance.
The procedure begins by setting C68 = 1 and giving a reference speed that the motor can
run at 150 rpm.
The motor have to run for about 30 seconds after stop the test is completed.
Automatically updates the values of P165 and P166 (offset) and P164 (multiplication factor

The fine tuning incremental sin/cos encoder setup allows to set, with a semiautomatic
procedure, any offset and a multiplicative factor to adjust the signals acquired by the
incremental sin/cos encoder channels in order to increase system performance.
The procedure begins by setting C68 = 2 and giving a reference speed that the motor can
do one o two turns .
After stop the test is completed.
Automatically updates the values of P165 and P166 (offset) and P164 (multiplication factor
to adjust the amplitude)


User’s manual 11
Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
C41 - Enable sensor and
EN_TEST_CONN 0 1 0 1
motor phase tests
P114 - Current in
PRC_I_TEST_CONN connection tests for UVW, 0.0 100.0 100 % DRV_I_NOM 327.67
Poles and reading Rs
0 No
EN_AUTOTUNING C42 - Enable auto-tunings 1 Test 1 and 2 0 1
2 Test 3 and 4
3 All
C75 - Disable Autotuning
starting from default values
P121 - Test 3 and 4
TEST3-4_ACC_TIME 0.01 199.99 6.8 s 100
acceleration time
P129 - Test current to
PRC_I_TEST_DELTA_VLS 0.0 100.0 30.0 % 327.67
establish VLS
P79 - Connection tests:
Encoder: pulses counted,
TEST_CONN_FEEDBACK -19999 19999 0 0
Resolver or Sin Cos Enc:
time reading
C53 - Enable test of start-up 0 Not enabled
time 1 Start up
2 Step
P130 - Torque during start-
TEST_SPD_T_MAX 0.0 100.0 100 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
up test
P132 - Speed during start-
TEST_SPD_MAX -100.00 100.00 100 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
up test
P134 - Maximum
TEST_SPD_SPACE_MAX revolutions during start-up 0.00 3000.0 100 revolutions 10
PRC_MOT_FRICTION P136 - Friction torque 0.0 100.0 0 % MOT_T_MOM 40.96

START_TIME P169 - Start up time 0 19999 10 ms 1

Speed test are useful for measure total system inertia and to set correctly speed regulator gains.
For safety reasons it’s possible to limit maximum speed test with parameter P130, maximum motor
torque with parameter P132 and maximum space admitted for test with P134 revolutions.
The drive doesn’t go over these limits during test execution. START-UP TIME

Start-up time is defined like the time needed to reach maximum speed (P65) with nominal motor

This autotest is useful to measure total system inertia and frictions.

For enable this test set C53=1 (EN_TEST_SPD = 1 Start Up). In the display appears “Auto”.
Give the run command and automatically the motor starts to move and than return to zero speed.
At this point switch off the run command. Parameter P169 is set with the start-up time in milliseconds,
parameter P136 is set with friction measured in percent of motor nominal torque.
Automatically C53 is cleared to 0 and the test is finished.

If the space admitted is enough the speed profile is trapezoidal:









User’s manual 13 STEP RESPONSE

Step response is a common mode to test speed loop stability and dynamic performance.
For enable this test set C53=2 (EN_TEST_SPD = 2 Step). In the display appears “Auto”.
At this point all speed reference are ignored, instead a fixed speed reference is calculated equals to
maximum test torque (P130) divided by speed regulator proportional gain. In this way giving this step
speed reference, the torque requested doesn’t go over maximum torque admitted.
Linear ramps are automatically disabled. Giving the run command, motor starts and try to follow the
reference with its dynamic performance.
Evaluating the speed response it’s possible to understand the system stability and speed loop
With Real Time Graph is possible to see the motor speed response. Set:

Post Trigger Points = 90% Trigger Type = standard +03 Speed Reference
Trigger level = 1% Trigger slope = ascending
Sample Time = 1

Channels = 2

Channel A = Standard - o03 Reference speed value after ramps

Channel B = Standard - o49 Rotation speed not filtered

Set speed regulator gain and look the step response. Try and repeat until the speed response has
good stability and bandwidth.
Motor runs at constant speed until the run command is on.
Switch off the run command to stop the motor and start a new test.
Step response test is finished only when C53 is manually clear to 0. SPEED REGULATOR GAIN SETTING SUGGESTIONS

1. First of all disable integral part setting lead time constant P32 with a big value (>
2. Try to find the best proportional gain P31 and filter time constant P33 to obtain a step
response with max overshoot of 20%. It’s important to evaluate also the acoustic and
electrical motor noise.
3. Reduce lead time constant P32 up to minimum value without increase the overshoot

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

PRC_MOT_T_MAX P41 - Maximum torque at full load 0.0 400.0 400.0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96

MOT_COS_PHI P66 - Nominal power factor 0.500 1.000 0.894 1000

PRC_MOT_I_T_NOM P72 - Nominal torque current 5.0 100.0 95.2 % PRC_MOT_I_NOM 327.67

PRC_MOT_I_FLX_NOM P73 - Nominal flux current 5.0 100.0 30.2 % PRC_MOT_I_NOM 327.67

T_ROTOR P74 - Rotor time constant Tr 10 10000 182 ms 1

T_STATOR P75 - Stator time constant Ts 0.0 50.0 8.5 ms 10

P76 - Voltage drop due to stator
PRC_DELTA_VRS 1.0 25.0 2.0 % MOT_V_NOM 327.67
P77 - Voltage drop due to leakage
PRC_DELTA_VLS 5.0 100.0 20.0 % MOT_V_NOM 327.67
MOT_T_NOM P78 - Nominal motor torque 0.5 3000.0 0.0 Nm 10

PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP P102 - Dead time compensation 0.0 100.0 22.0 ‰ PRC_MOT_V_MAX 32.76
P128 - Voltage motor at nominal speed
MOT_V0 0.0 100.0 100.0 % MOT_V_NOM 327.67
with no load
K_FLX45 P131 - Magnetic characteristic point 1 0.0 120.0 90.2 % 40.96

K_FLX55 P133 - Magnetic characteristic point 2 0.0 120.0 90.5 % 40.96

K_FLX65 P135 - Magnetic characteristic point 3 0.0 120.0 91.1 % 40.96

K_FLX75 P137 - Magnetic characteristic point 4 0.0 120.0 91.8 % 40.96

K_FLX82 P139 - Magnetic characteristic point 5 0.0 120.0 92.7 % 40.96

K_FLX88 P141 - Magnetic characteristic point 6 0.0 120.0 94.2 % 40.96

K_FLX93 P143 - Magnetic characteristic point 7 0.0 120.0 95.8 % 40.96

K_FLX97 P145 - Magnetic characteristic point 8 0.0 120.0 98.1 % 40.96

K_FLX100 P147 - Magnetic characteristic point 9 0.0 120.0 100.0 % 40.96

K_FLX102 P149 - Magnetic characteristic point 10 0.0 120.0 102.0 % 40.96

P151 - Xb = cubic coupling zone
PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP_XB 0.0 50.0 0.0 % DRV_I_NOM 163.84
P152 - Yc = compensation at rated
PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP_YC 50.0 100.0 100 % DEAD_TIME_COMP 327.67
drive current
PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP_X0 P153 - Xoo = dead zone amplitude 0.0 50.0 0 % DRV_I_NOM 163.84

The first step for the auto-tuning procedure is the sensor test.
After to set the correct parameters in the Motor sensor section is necessary to complete the auto-
tuning procedure for the sensor present and selected. TTL ENCODER SENSOR PARAMETERS

It’s necessary to have set correctly the parameter P69 in order to define the Encoder SPEED SENSOR TEST

It is in two parts:
o Check that the direction of rotation of the motor phases and the Encoder
o Check that the number of motor poles is written correctly in parameter P67 and the
Encoder used is correctly define as pulses per revolution with parameter P69

Correct operation requires a no-load motor so decouple it from the load.

User’s manual 15
After setting the drive to STOP and opening the reserved parameter key (P60=95), set C41=1 to
enable the test. To start the test enable RUN command with its digital input.
Once the test has started the motor will rotate in the positive direction at low speed and all Encoder
edges are counted.

During the test, the motor will make a complete revolution at low speed.
Do not worry if this revolution is a little noisy

In the first step is checked if the cyclic sense of motor phases and Encoder channels is the same:
after 1 second parameter P79 is updated with the test result and the drive consequently goes in
alarm A14 or
it starts the second test:

o P79=0 : meaning that is missing at least one Encoder channel, therefore A14 code
0 is triggered
o P79<0 : meaning that Encoder channels are exchanged, therefore A14 code 0 is
o P79>0 : everything is ok

In the second part is checked the Encoder pulses reading, well known from P69 parameter the
number of edges in a mechanical turn (P69x4, because are counted both two channels edge).
At the end of the test, P79 is updated again with the total edges number:

o |P79- (P69x4)|/(P69x4) < 12,5% : test is successful

otherwise the alarm A15 code 3 is triggered. In the first check if it is correct the
Encoder number of pulses per revolution and the number of motor poles.
o P79 < (P69x4): the real pulses counted are less than expected. Encoder could
have some problems or the motor load is too high. Try to increase the test current
with parameter P114 that is the percentage of rated drive current applied in the test

o P79 > (P69x4) : the real pulses counted are more than expected. Could be some
noise in the Encoder signals.

Note: for encoder with more than 8192 ppr the data showed in P79 loses of meaning
The test is successful if the drive switch off and does not trigger an alarm. Now disable RUN
command by setting its digital input to 0. The subsequent tests can now be carried out. RESOLVER SENSOR PARAMETERS

It’s necessary have to set correctly the parameter P68

Note: resolve poles number cannot be grater than motor poles number (P67), otherwise it is
triggered the alarm A15 with code 0. SPEED SENSOR TEST

It is in two parts:
o Check that the direction of rotation of the motor phases and the Resolver
o Check that the number of motor poles is written correctly in parameter P67 and the
Resolver used is correctly define as poles number with parameter P68

Correct operation requires a no-load motor so decouple it from the load.

After setting the drive to STOP and opening the reserved parameter key (P60=95), set C41=1 to
enable the test. To start the test enable RUN command.
Once the test has started the motor will rotate in the positive direction at low speed and some
measure are done on Resolver signals.

During the test, the motor will make a complete revolution at low speed.
Do not worry if this revolution is a little noisy.

In the first step is checked if the cyclic sense of motor phases and Resolver channels is the same:
after 1 second parameter P79 is updated with the pulses number counted (there are 65536 pulses
every turn/Resolver polar couples) and the drive consequently goes in alarm A14 or it starts the
second test:
o P79<0 : meaning that Resolver channels are exchanged, therefore A14 code 0 is
o P79>0 : everything is ok

In the second part is checked the Resolver channels reading, well known that current test frequency
is 0,5Hz the time needed for read again the same Resolver position is equal to:

Motor polar couple number

time test = 2 ⋅ [seconds]
Resolver polar couple number

At the end of the test, P79 is updated again with the time test measured in ms:

o |P79- time test| < 500ms : test is successful

otherwise the alarm A15 code 3 is triggered. In the first check if it is correct the Resolver poles
number and the number of motor poles, with help of P79.
The test is successful if the drive switch off and does not trigger an alarm. Now disable RUN
command by setting its digital input to 0. The subsequent tests can now be carried out. INCREMENTAL SIN COS ENCODER SENSOR PARAMETERS

It’s necessary to have set correctly the parameter P69 SPEED SENSOR TEST

. It is in two parts:
o Check that the direction of rotation of the motor phases and the Encoder
o Check that the number of motor poles is written correctly in parameter P67 and the
Encoder used is correctly define as pulses per revolution with parameter P69

Correct operation requires a no-load motor so decouple it from the load.

After setting the drive to STOP and opening the reserved parameter key (P60=95), set C41=1 to
enable the test. To start the test enable RUN command.
Once the test has started the motor will rotate in the positive direction at low speed and all Encoder
edges are counted.
During the test, the motor will make a complete revolution at low speed.
Do not worry if this revolution is a little noisy
In the first step is checked if the cyclic sense of motor phases and Encoder channels is the same:
after 1 second parameter P79 is updated with the test result and the drive consequently goes in
alarm A14 or

User’s manual 17
it starts the second test:

o P79=0 : meaning that is missing at least one Encoder channel, therefore A14 code
0 is triggered
o P79<0 : meaning that Encoder channels are exchanged, therefore A14 code 0 is
o P79>0 : everything is ok

In the second part is checked the Encoder pulses reading, well known from P69 parameter the
number of edges in a mechanical turn (P69x4, because are counted both two channels edge).
At the end of the test, P79 is updated again with the total edges number:
o |P79- (P69x4)|/(P69x4) < 12,5% : test is successful
otherwise the alarm A15 code 3 is triggered. In the first check if it is correct the
Encoder number of pulses per revolution and the number of motor poles.
o P79 < (P69x4): the real pulses counted are less than expected. Encoder could
have some problems or the motor load is too high. Try to increase the test current
with parameter P114 that is the percentage of rated motor current applied in the
test (default value 50%).
o P79 > (P69x4) : the real pulses counted are more than expected. Could be some
noise in the Encoder signals.

The test is successful if the drive switch off and does not trigger an alarm. Now disable RUN
command. The subsequent tests can now be carried out AUTO-TUNING PROCEDURES SENSOR TESTS

This is the first test to be carried out. It is in two parts:

o Check that the direction of rotation of the motor phases and the sensor correspond;

o Check that the number of motor poles is written correctly in parameter P67 and the
speed sensor used is set correctly.

Correct operation requires a no-load motor so decouple it from the load.

After setting the drive to STOP and opening the reserved parameter key (P60=95), set C41=1 to
enable the test. The following setting will appear on the display:

The drive is now ready to start the test. To start reading, enable RUN with its digital input or working
with connection C21 (commands in series)Once the test has started, this setting will appear on the

and the motor will rotate in the positive direction first to ensure the direction matches and will then
rotate again to ensure the motor phases and the sensor are set correctly.

During the test, the motor will make a complete revolution at low speed.
Do not worry if this revolution is a little noisy.

If the drive sets off an alarm during the test, an error has occurred. Check to see which alarm has
been triggered and deal with the problem accordingly:
o If A14 code=1 is enabled, the test current is too low, check if the motor phases are
correctly connected to the drive

o If A14 code=0 is enabled, connections U,V,W do not match the internal phases of
the drive. Invert two phases and repeat the test.
o If A15 code=3 is enabled, the values set do not comply with the motor pole and
sensor settings.
At the end of the test, check parameter P79 as it may give some indication as to the problem. See
the “Feedback Option” file for the meaning of P79 as it depends on which sensor is used.
The test is successful if this setting appears on the display:

and the drive does not trigger an alarm.

Now disable RUN by setting its digital input to 0 or clearing C21.
The subsequent tests can now be carried out. FINE SENSOR SETUP

After the first part of the autotunning, in some case, is possible to set some parametes regarding the
sensor to obtain a better system performance.
Dopo la prima parte dell’autotaratura, in alcuni casi, si possono settare alcuni parametri relativi al
sensore in modo da migliorare le prestazione del sistema: ENCODER TIME DECODE

By default (C74=0) the speed is measuring counting the number of pulses in the PWM period.
This produces a poor resolution especially at low speed and the consequent need of signal filtering
(see the related core document, P33 parameter of speed regulator).
Setting C74=1 the speed calculation is done measuring the time between one Encoder pulse to the
This technique has a maximum resolution of 12.5 ns, so the measure can be very accurate.
The Encoder time decode needs Incremental Encoder pulses with duty-cycle of 50%, a correct
pulses time distribution and the cables would be shielded very well


Name Description

PRC_MOT_T_MAX P41 - Maximum torque at full load

MOT_COS_PHI P66 - Nominal power factor

PRC_MOT_I_T_NOM P72 - Nominal torque current

PRC_MOT_I_FLX_NOM P73 - Nominal flux current

T_ROTOR P74 - Rotor time constant Tr

T_STATOR P75 - Stator time constant Ts

PRC_DELTA_VRS P76 - Voltage drop due to stator resistor

PRC_DELTA_VLS P77 - Voltage drop due to leakage inductance

MOT_T_NOM P78 - Nominal motor torque

These parameters are extremely important for modelling the motor correctly so that it can be used to
its full potential. The best procedure for obtaining the correct values is the “Auto-tuning test”, which

User’s manual 19
is enabled with connection C42: this test must be carried out with the motor decoupled from the load.
Failure to do so may invalidate the results.
If the tests cannot be carried out for any reason, these values will have to estimated by reading the
motor plate and following these points:
• The magnetizing current value is sometimes shown on the motor plate under I0. In this case,
P73 = I0 / Inom motore. If this value is not available, it will have to be estimated: set P73 to a value
that supplies a no-load motor running at rated speed with a three-phase alternate voltage which is
effective but slightly lower than the rated motor voltage. Then change P73 until d18 displays a
value of about 96 - 97% .
• Once P73 is established, rated torque current P72 can be established as: 100 2 − P732
• The rotor time constant (in seconds) can be calculated with the following formula:

1 1 P72 with fs rated slip frequency. P74 = Tr in milliseconds

Tr = ⋅ ⋅
6,28 fs P73
Establish fs by reading the rated slip value, usually in rpm, on the motor plate, then compare it
with the rated speed and multiply everything by the rated motor frequency.
Check P74 by forcing the motor to request a torque current:
- changing the speed reference value brusquely
- applying different loads to the motor
and observing the behaviour of the stator voltage module. If this value is correct, the voltage
should only vary slightly in the transient phase.
These other parameters are not as important and the default values may be left if more reliable data
are unavailable.
This test reads the basic electrical parameters that characterise the induction motor being used so
that it can be modelled according to the rotor magnetic flux. After these values have been
established, the PI regulators in the current and flux loops are self-set .

There are 4 test functions. Each requires a no-load motor, i.e. decoupled from the load, if they
are to function correctly.

Connection C42 is used to enable these tests. See the table below:

C42 Enabled function

0 No test enabled
Only Tests 1 and 2 enabled. Motor does not
need to be rotating.
Only Tests 3 and 4 enabled. Motor needs to be
All tests enabled. Tests carried out in quick

The display will show the following setting according to which tests are enabled:

Test 1 and 2 enabled

Test 3 and 4 enabled

The drive is now ready to start the test. Start reading by enabling RUN with its digital input and
setting C21=1 (command in series).
Once the tests have started, this setting will appear alongside:

The test finishes successfully if this setting appears the following indicaton and the drive does not
trigger an alarm.

Now disable RUN by setting its digital input to 0 or clearing C21=0.

The tests may be halted at any moment by disabling RUN the drive will trigger an alarm (A7) but any
results will be saved.
Once C42≠0 has been set again, if C75=0 the default values of the parameters being tested will be
automatically reloaded, on the contrary if C75=1 remain active actual data.
In order to refine data measured it’s better to execute Autotuning test the first time with C75=0 and
then the second time with C75=1. TEST 1: READING STATOR DROP AND DEAD TIME


This test establishes the voltage drop caused by the stator resistor and the IGBT. It also estimates
the signal amplitude required to compensate for the effects of the dead times so that the internal
representation base of the stator voltage and the one actually generated match.
During this reading, the motor remains still in its original position and a range of flux currents are
emitted. By reading the voltages and the correlated voltages the required values can be collected.
This test modifies the following parameters:

Name Description

PRC_DELTA_VRS P76 - Voltage drop due to stator resistor



This test establishes the voltage drop due to the total leakage inductance reported to the stator in
order to calculate the proportional gain of the current loop PI.
During this test, the motor stays practically still in its original position. Flux currents in a range of
values and frequencies are emitted so that by reading the voltages and correlated voltages the
required values can be collected. The motor has a tendency to rotate, but this phenomenon is
managed in such a way that readings are only taken when the speed is equal to zero, otherwise the
results may be unreliable.
Nevertheless it is important that the motor does not rotate at a speed exceeding more than several
tens of revolutions per minute. If it does, stop the test by disabling RUN and lower parameter P129 as
this is the test current used to establish ΔVLS .
This test modifies the following parameters:

Name Description

PRC_DELTA_VLS P77 - Voltage drop due to leakage inductance

I_REG_KP P83 - Kpc current regulator proportional gain

During this test the motor may start rotating, but at low speed READING THE MAGNETIZING CURRENT AND THE


This test has the dual task of establishing the motor magnetizing current and reading its magnetic
During this test, the motor is rotated at high speed (about 80% of the rated speed) and readings are
taken at a range of voltages. After establishing the magnetizing value, 10 points of the magnetic
characteristic are taken, after which linear interpolation is carried out in order to obtain a curve similar
to the one below.

During this test the motor will rotate at a speed equal to about 80% of the rated value.

User’s manual 21











45,0 55,0 65,0 75,0 82,0 88,0 93,0 97,0 100,0 102,0 φ / φNOM

The term Kφ is equal to:

Id Iφ

i.e. it is the coefficient that when multiplied by the normalized flux in relation to the rated flux gives
the normalized flux current in relation to the magnetizing current.
The characteristic is assumed to be constant for normalized fluxes under 45%.
At the end of these readings, the results will be shown in the parameters below, which may still be
changed by the user.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
45.0% 55.0% 65.0% 75.0% 82.0% 88.0% 93.0% 97.0% 100.0% 102.0%
P131 P133 P135 P137 P139 P141 P143 P145 P147 P149
Kφ ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... ......

The magnetizing current may also be viewed in the parameter below:

Name Description



This test establishes the rotor time constant from the motor and helps to estimate the stator time
constant by using data from other auto-tuning values.
During the test, the motor is rotated at the same speed as the previous test and then it goes in free

During the test, the motor rotates at a speed equal to about 80% of the rated speed and is
temporarily left to idle.

The following parameters are modified at the end of the test:

Name Description

PRC_MOT_T_MAX P41 - Maximum torque at full load

T_ROTOR P74 - Rotor time constant Tr

T_STATOR P75 - Stator time constant Ts

MOT_T_NOM P78 - Nominal motor torque

V_REG_KP P80 - Kpi voltage regulator proportional gain

V_REG_TF P82 - Tfi voltage regulator (filter) time constant

I_REG_TI P84 - Tic current regulator lead time constant

I_REG_TF P85 - Tfc current regulator (filter) time constant

By the end of this test, the current and flow regulators will have been completely self-set and made
compatible with the motor connected to the drive.
These readings also help estimate the Maximum motor torque (P41) which is important if the motor
flux has to be considerably weakened.
The speed regulator gains are set with the default values so that the user can set the most suitable
gains for the applications. The speed loop bandwidth depends heavily on the overall load inertia, thus
high frequency values can only be obtained if the motor-load coupling has no elasticity or mechanical
play and if the speed sensor resolution is good enough not to introduce too much noise.

Name Description

END_SPD_REG_KP P31 - KpV final speed regulator proportional gain

END_SPD_REG_TI P32 - TiV final speed regulator lead time constant

END_SPD_REG_TF P33 - TfV final speed regulator (filter) time constant


The regulation system consists of a speed regulation loop and a flux or voltage regulation loop
according to drive operation. These loops manage the reference values from the application and
generate reference values for the internal torque and flux current loops.
All the loops are controlled by integral proportional regulators with an error signal filter and work with
normalized signals so that the regulation constants are as independent as possible from the size of
the motor in relation to the drive and from the system mechanics. An additional space loop that
overlaps the speed loop can also be enabled.

User’s manual 23
Regulation controls speed by default; here the application manages the speed reference values, and
the torque request is used as a reference value added to the speed regulator output (feed-forward).
Note that it is a torque control and not a current control, consequently during flux weakening the
control automatically generates the request for the active current needed to obtain the required


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

PRC_CW_SPD_REF_ P18 - Max. CW speed reference value
-105.0 105.0 105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
MAX limit
PRC_CCW_SPD_REF P19 - Max. CCW speed reference
-105.0 105.0 105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
_MAX value limit
CW_ACC_TIME P21 - CW acceleration time 0.01 199.99 10 s 100

CW_DEC_TIME P22 - CW deceleration time 0.01 199.99 10 s 100

CCW_ACC_TIME P23 - CCW acceleration time 0.01 199.99 10 s 100

CCW_DEC_TIME P24 - CCW deceleration time 0.01 199.99 10 s 100

TF_RND_RAMP P25 - Rounded filter time constant 0.1 20.0 5 s 10

P30 - Emergency brake deceleration
DEC_TIME_EMCY 0.01 199.99 10 s 100
EN_LIN_RAMP P236 - Enable linear ramp 0 1 0 1

EN_RND_RAMP C27 - Rounded ramp 0 1 0 1

EN_INV_SPD_REF P237 - Invert reference signal software 0 1 0 1

0 Not enable
EN_DB C81 - Enable dead zones 0 1
1 Zone 1
2 Zone 2
DB1_START P179 - Dead zone 1 initial speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1

DB1_END P180 - Dead zone 1 final speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1

DB2_START P181 - Dead zone 2 initial speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1

DB2_START P182 - Dead zone 2 final speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1

PRC_TOT_APP_SPD_ D02 - Speed reference value before
-100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
REF ramp
D03 - Speed reference value after
PRC_END_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84

In the standard application, by default (P236=1), the speed reference value passes across a ramp
circuit that graduates its variations before it is used. Parameters P21, P22, P23 and P24 can be used
to establish independent acceleration and deceleration slopes in both directions of movement,
establishing the time required to pass from 0 to 100% in seconds. In particular (see diagram):

P21 sets the time the reference value requires to accelerate from 0 to +100%
P22 sets the time the reference value requires to decelerate from 100% to 0%
P23 sets the time the reference value requires to accelerate from 0% to -100%
P24 sets the time the reference value requires to decelerate from -100% to 0%

Setting sensitivity is 10 msec and the time must be between 0.01 and 199.99 seconds.
The default values are the same for all the parameters and are equal to 10 sec.
In the standard application, ramps can be enabled via a configurable logic input (I22) which works
parallel to connection P236: I22=H is the same as setting P236=1. This input ensures maximum
flexibility in ramp use in that the ramps are enabled only when required.
In the other application please refer to the specific documentation in order to enable the ramps
The ramp may also be rounded in the starting and finishing phases by setting C27=1 via the rounding
time set in seconds in P25 with resolution 0.1 sec and a range from 1 to 199.9 sec. (default 10 sec).


P23 P24

P21 P22

-100% 2xP25

Rounding can be enabled on its own with C27=1, which will filter the overall speed reference value
Some special applications may enable the linear ramps differently. See the respective instruction file

Using the parameters P179, P180, P181 and P182 it is possible to exclude, as working frequencies, all
those frequencies falling within the two bands defined between P179 - P77 and P78 – P182, where
P179, P77, P78 and P182 are expressed as % of the maximum working frequency (see diagram)

Wherever exclusion bands are pre-set the drive behaves in the following way:
If the set frequency reference falls within the exclusion band it is maintained at the lower value of the
band, if the set value is less than the mid band value, while if the value is greater than the mid band
value it assumes the upper value.

User’s manual 25
In a transitional phase however the system passes through all of the band’s frequencies (ramp). The
use or otherwise of the exclusion bands requires the setting of the corresponding connection C38:
Band 1 (P179-P180) C81=0 (Default) not excluded, C81=1 excluded
Band 2 (P181-P182) C81<2 not excluded, C81=2 excluded
For example if the working fmax = 50Hz and the plant presents two resonance frequencies which are
quite clear at 45Hz and 35Hz the frequencies between 43 - 47 Hz and 33 - 37 Hz could be excluded

P179 = (33/50)* 100.0 = 66.0%

P180 = (37/50)* 100.0 = 74.0% First band

P181 = (43/50)* 100.0 = 86.0%

P182 = (47/50)* 100.0 = 94.0% Second band

C81=2 Enables both exclusion bands


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P31 - KpV final speed regulator
END_SPD_REG_KP 0.1 400.0 4 10
proportional gain
P32 - TiV final speed regulator
END_SPD_REG_TI 0.1 3000.0 80 ms 10
lead time constant
P33 - TfV final speed regulator
END_SPD_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0.8 ms 10
(filter) time constant
C69 - Enable 2nd order filter on
EN_TF2_SPD_REG 0 1 0 1
speed regulator
P34 - TfV initial speed regulator
START_SPD_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0.8 ms 10
(filter) time constant
P44 - End speed for speed PI gain
PRC_SPD_THR_GAIN_CHG 0.0 100.0 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P45 - KpV initial speed PI
START_SPD_REG_KP 0.1 400.0 4 10
proportional gain
P46 - TiV initial speed PI lead time
START_SPD_REG_TI 0.1 3000.0 80 ms 10
C77 - Enable PI speed gains
EN_SPD_REG_D C72 - Enable feedforward 0 1 0 1
P168 - Second order feedforword
SPD_REG_KD_TF2 0.0 1000.0 0.0 ms 10
PRC_MOT_SPD_MAX P51 - Maximum speed for alarm 0.0 125.0 120.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
D03 - Speed reference value after
PRC_END_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_MOT_SPD D04 - Speed reading -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84

PRC_T_REF D05 - Torque request -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96

MOT_SPD D21 - Motor rotation speed 0 rpm 1


The application generates two speed reference values:

o One , sysSpeedReference, is a percentage of the maximum speed (set in parameter P65)
displayed in internal value d33 and on monitor o41.
o The other, sysSpeedRefPulses is electrical pulses for a period of PWM. This particular
reference is used so as not to be lose any pulses if the frequency input is used. Internal
normalization is done with 65536 pulses per mechanical revolution.

After these two reference values have been processed they are added together in order to obtain the

In the standard application, logic function I12 “Speed reference value inversion”, which is assigned
to an input (the default is input 6), or connection P237 are used to invert the reference value
according to the following logic (OR-exclusive):

I12 = 0 P237 = 0 Reference value not inverted (default values)

I12 = 1 P237 = 0 Reference value inverted
I12 = 0 P237 = 1 Reference value inverted
I12 = 1 P237 = 1 Reference value not inverted

The reference value is inverted before the ramp thus, if the ramp is not disabled, the direction of
rotation changes gradually (default C36=0 and I12=0).
There is another chance, to invert positive speed rotation setting C76=1.
Enabling this function, with the same speed reference and speed measured, the motor rotates in
reverse direction.
Parameters P18 and P19 are used to limit the total reference value within a range set between these
two values; P18 is the maximum limit (positive speed) and P19 is the minimum limit (negative speed).
These two parameters may be set at a range from ±105%, thus special settings may be used to limit
operation within the 2 quadrants or within just one quadrant.

The following settings are provided by way of example:

P18 = 100.0% P19 = 100.0% -100.0% < speed reference value < 100%
P18 = 30.0% P19 = 20.0% -20.0% < speed reference value < 30%
P18 = 80.0% P19 = -20.0% 20.0% < speed reference value < 80.0%
P18 = -30.0% P19 = 60.0% -60.0% < speed reference value < -30.0% 2ND ORDER SPEED REGULATOR FILTER

The speed regulator filter can be changed by using a 2nd order one.
To enable this function set C69=1. Parameter P33 will always set the filter time constant in
milliseconds, and thus its natural pulsation, given that internal damping is always set to 0.8 so that
the filter is quick to respond but does not overshoot.
Note that enabling a 2nd order filter means reducing the margin of system stability, hence the filter
time constant value must be thought through carefully before setting so as not to create instability:

User’s manual 27
x2 x2
I° II°

-40dB/dec Useful area for
-20dB/dec 2nd order filter

By taking as reference the 1st order filter time constant tolerated by the system, the 2 order filter
has to be set to double frequency (half time) so that it has the same phase margin.
The effects of the 2nd order filter will be better than the 1st order filter only when the frequency is
double that of the 2nd order filter.
Example: if a 1st order filter with a time constant P33=0.8 ms passes to a 2nd order filter, P33=0.4
ms has to be set to have the same stability margin. VARIABLE SPEED REGULATOR GAINS

Speed regulator gains can be varied according to actual speed: P45 is the proportional gain at zero
speed, P46 is the initial lead time constant and P34 is the initial filter time constant. Setting P44 (a
percentage of the maximum speed) with the end variation gain speed establishes a linear gain
variation that ranges from the initial values (P45,P46 and P34) to the final values in P31,P32,P33.
Setting P44=0.0 disables this function so that the gains set in P31, P32 and P33 are used.

P45 P32 Ta lead time constant

P33 Tf filter time constant

P46 P31 Kp proportional gain



It’s possible to enable the Torque feed-forward on speed reference using C72 connection:
It’ possible to estimate the torque reference needing for the speed variation requested with the speed
reference derivative using a II° order filter (time constant in P168 in ms) and taking account of total
inertia (setting parameter P169 Startup time).

Speed reference C72 t_rif

1 -
Z-1 [ % Nominal motor torque]
τ = P168

The Startup time is the time necessary for motor and load to reach the maximum speed (set in P65)
with the nominal motor torque. This data has to be set in milliseconds in parameter P169.
It’s useful to set some milliseconds of filter (P168) on order to avoid too much noise on torque
reference for the time derivative.
When it’s enabled this function the torque reference produced is added to the speed regulator output.
The torque feed-forward can be very useful in the servo-drive application when the target is to follow
very promptly the speed reference, because it increases the bandwidth without using high gains on
speed regulator.
Note1: torque feed-forward isn’t appropriate in load variable inertia applications.


Name Description Min Max Default UM
PRC_DRV_I_PEAK P40 - Current limit 0.0 200.0 200 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
P41 - Maximum torque at full
PRC_MOT_T_MAX 0.0 400.0 400.0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.95
P42 - Maximum torque in the
PRC_DRV_CW_T_MAX 0.0 400.0 400.0 % MON_T_NOM 40.96
positive direction of rotation
P43 - Maximum torque in the
PRC_DRV_CCW_T_MAX -400.0 -0.0 -400.0 % MOM_T_NOM 40.96
negative direction of rotation
PRC_DRV_T_MAX D30 - Maximum torque -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
D31 - Maximum torque by
PRC_DRV_I_T_MAX -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
current limit
PRC_DRV_I_MAX D29 - Current limit -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96 CHOOSING THE ACTIVE TORQUE LIMIT

The positive and negative torque limits are chosen to restrict the following values:
o P42 / P43 = maximum torque, in both directions according to rated torque;
o Maximum torque linked to maximum motor torque according to the rated torque
(parameter P41);
o Maximum torque set by the current limit;
o Maximum torque limit reference value generated by the application: sysMaxTorque
(symmetrical), sysMaxPositiveTorque and sysMaxNegativeTorque (asymmetrical)
o Maximum torque limited by the regulator output in order to back up the bus voltage
should the mains fail;
o Maximum torque controlled in the startup phase with the motor magnetized;
o Maximum torque limited in the controlled braking phase (as long as this function is
enabled by setting C47=1).

User’s manual 29


Maximum torque CW
torque (ΦΦnom)2

Maximum torque
set by current limit
Vbus (ΦΦnom)
P98 +
C34=1 regulator
Vbus_rif - C34=1 Mns off
- Maximum torque CCW
V controller C47


The induction motor has a maximum torque that depends on its construction characteristics.
The graph below illustrates the progress of a torque curve according to speed with the motor
powered by a constant frequency (Ns). The same graph can also be referred to when an inverter is
used, reading it as torque delivered according to slip, i.e. the difference between the rotation speed of
the electrical values and the rotor (Ns – N in the graph).

Id = starting current

In = rated current
Io = no-load current

Md = starting torque
Ma = acceleration torque
Mm = max. torque
Mn = rated torque

Nn = rated speed
Ns = synchronism speed

3-phase induction motor torque (M) and current (I)

curve according to number of revolutions (N).

The graph illustrates how the delivered torque increases according to slip up to a certain point
represented by the maximum motor torque. If the maximum torque is exceeded, control is lost in that
the torque decreases even when the current is increased.

It is proved that the maximum motor torque decreases during flux weakening in proportion to the
square of the φ/φnom ratio. Thus the motor has three working areas:

ƒ Constant torque: the maximum torque is available up to the rated speed (as long as the
current to deliver it is available);
ƒ Constant power: over the rated speed, flux is reduced proportionally to speed, the
available torque also drops in proportion to speed, the power delivered is constant;
ƒ Maximum torque: after reaching the maximum torque, which decreases with the square
of the speed, the available torque will start to drop with the square of the speed and the
power delivered will decrease in proportion to the speed.

Max. torque

Available torque



0 Nominal speed Speed

To ensure regulation stability, P41 must be set with the Maximum torque divided by Rated motor
torque. This limit will decrease during flux weakening with the square of the speed. MAXIMUM CURRENT LIMIT

The drive is fitted with a maximum current limiting circuit that cuts in if exceeded, restricting the
maximum current delivered to the lowest value from among parameter P40, the value calculated by
the drive thermal image circuit, and the motor thermal protection circuit.
P40 is used to programme the maximum current limit delivered by the drive from 0% to the maximum
authorised value, which depends on the type of overload chosen with connection C56.

Drive thermal ILIMITE IQ MAX Maximum torque set

image by current limit
2 2
Motor thermal IFLUSSO

Possibile limit on
flux current

If the current limit exceeds the flux current, then only the torque current will be limited and thus the
maximum torque delivered is limited. Otherwise, the delivered torque is set to zero and the flux
current is also limited

User’s manual 31

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P83 - Kpc current regulator proportional
I_REG_KP 0.1 100.0 2.6 10
P84 - Tic current regulator lead time
I_REG_TI 0.0 1000.0 8.5 ms 10
P85 - Tfc current regulator (filter) time
I_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0 ms 10
PRC_I_REG_KP_COE P126 - KpI Corrective coeff. estimated Kp
0.0 200.0 100 % 40.96
FF for current loops
P158 - Corrective coefficient for
PRC_I_DECOUP 0.0 200.0 0 % 40.96
decoupling terms
C59 - Disable dynamic decoupling +
DIS_I_DECOUP 0 1 0 1
P160 - PWM delay compensation on the
I_DELAY_COMP -800.0 800.0 40 % TPWM 40.96
PRC_IQ_REF D07 - Request torque current Iq rif -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96

PRC_ID_REF D08 - Request magnetizing current Id rif -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96

PRC_IQ D15 - Current torque component -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96

PRC_ID D16 - Current magnetizing component -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96

PRC_VQ_REF D20 - Vq rif -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96

PRC_VD_REF D22 - Vd rif -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96

MOT_I D11 - Current module 0 A rms 16

EL_FRQ D13 - Rotor flux frequency 0 Hz 16

ACTV_POW D01 - Active power delivered 0 kW 16

SLI_FREQ D34 - Slip frequency -20 20.0 0 Hz 40.96

PRC_MOT_T D35 - Actual torque produced -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96

Current regulators generate the voltage reference values required to ensure torque and flux currents
that are equal to their reference values.
The current signals processed by these regulators are expressed according to the maximum drive
current, which means that they are affected by the ratio between the rated motor current and the
rated drive current (P61). To ensure good control, this ratio should not drop below 35 - 40% i.e. Do
not use a drive that is more than two and a half times larger than the motor, nor a motor that is more
than one and a half times larger than the drive.
The flux current is displayed as a percentage of the rated motor current in d16, while the torque
current is displayed as a percentage of the rated motor current in d15. The constants of these
regulators are established in engineering units by parameters P83, proportional gain Kp; P84, time in
ms of the lead time constant Ta equal to the integral regulator time constant multiplied by the gain
(Ta = Ti*Kp); and P85, filter constant in ms.

Parameters P83 and P84 cannot be changed directly because they are considered to be
perfectly calculated by the auto-tuning. P83 can only be changed by accessing TDE MACNO
reserved parameter P126 “Multiplication coefficient Kp and current loop”

There is dynamic decoupling between the direct axis and the orthogonal axis with a low default gain.
Should there be any doubts as to whether the dynamic decoupling is working properly, then it can be
disabled by setting C59=1.


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

PRC_FLX_REF P35 - Flux Reference 0.0 120.0 100 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96

P36 - Kv Max operating voltage
V_REF_COEFF 0.0 100.0 100 327.67
multiply factor
PRC_FLX_MIN P52 - Minimum Flux admitted 0.0 100.0 2 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96
P80 - Kpi voltage regulator
V_REG_KP 0.1 100.0 9.1 10
proportional gain
P82 - Tfi voltage regulator (filter)
V_REG_TF 0.0 1000.0 11 ms 10
time constant
MOD_INDEX_MAX P122 - Max. modulation index 0.500 0.995 0.98 1000
P125 - Voltage reference
PRC_V_REF_DCBUS 0.0 100.0 96.00 % 327.67
function of DC bus
P127 - KpV Corrective coeff.
PRC_V_REG_KP_COEFF 0.0 200.0 100 % 40.96
estimated Kp for voltage loops
P161 - PWM delay
V_DELAY_COMP -800.0 800.2 50.0 % TPWM 40.96
compensation on the voltages
D09 - Voltage reference value at
V_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
max. rev.
D17 - Stator voltage reference
MOT_V 0 V rms 16
value module
D18 - Stator voltage reference
PRC_MOT_V -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
value module
MOD_INDEX D19 - Modulation index -100 100 0 40.96

MOT_FLX D27 - Motor Flux 0 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96

The flux regulator generates the request for the flux current required to maintain the magnetic rotor
flux equal to the reference value set in parameter P35 when the working area is with Constant

Constant torque working area

+ Voltage
P35 regulator
Flux reference - Flux current
value P80; P81 and P82 reference value

D27 Estimated flux

When operating with Constant Power the regulator generates a request for the flux current required
to ensure the stator voltage module is the same as the voltage reference value and thus to weaken
the flux gradually as the speed increases.
The active voltage reference value (displayed in d09) is always the smallest of the three values,
which are all normalized in relation to the rated motor voltage (P62):

o Parameter P64 “Maximum operating voltage” multiplied by coefficient P36;

o A term linked to the direct bus voltage with a margin set with P125 (default 96%), because
the maximum stator voltage that can be delivered may not exceed the direct voltage divided
by √2;
A term linked to the estimated stator voltage to be applied during flux weakening based on the
required current so that there is a margin with regard to the maximum voltage available and thus to
be better equipped to deal with variations in the required torque

User’s manual 33
0-100% Constant power working area
(flux weakening)

Vbus × P125 +
2 × Vnom Voltage - Flux current
reference value P80; P81 and P82 reference value
Estimated flux
weakening voltage D18 Delivered
voltage module

The flux current is normalized in relation to the magnetizing current (P73), the rotor flux is normalized
in relation to the rated flux and is displayed as a percentage in d27. The stator voltage module is
normalized in relation to the rated motor voltage (P62) and is displayed as a percentage in d18 and
as a value in Volt rms in d17
The constants of this regulator are established in engineering units by parameters P80, proportional
gain Kp; P81, time in ms of the lead time constant Ta equal to the integral regulator time constant
multiplied by the gain (Ta = Ti*Kp); and P82, filter constant in ms.

Parameters P80 and P81 cannot be changed directly because they are considered to be
perfectly calculated by the auto-tuning.

They can only be changed by accessing TDE MACNO reserved parameter P127 “Multiplication
coefficient Kp and Ta flux loop”
The voltage/flux regulator limit is normally set at ± rated motor current so that the total flux may be
changed quickly during the transient state.
If the estimated flux drops below 5% of the rated flux, the lower voltage regulator limit is brought to a
value that will generate a flux of at least 4%. This is done so as not to lose control in a zone where
the flux has been weakened widely. STARTUP WITH A MOTOR MAGNETIZED

C38 provides 3 different ways for starting up the motor:

C38=0 Standard When RUN is enabled, the machine is magnetized with the maximum
delivered torque at zero for a time equal to P29. The flux is then checked to
see whether it exceeds the minimum (P52). If it does, the torque is “freed”, if it
operation does not the drive triggers alarm A2 “Machine not magnetized”.

In this case, logic input (I15) is used to magnetize the machine. After setting
I15=H (configuring one of the logic inputs as required) the machine is
magnetized with the maximum delivered torque at zero for a time equal to P29.
The flux is then checked to see whether it exceeds the minimum (P52). If it
C38=1 Enable independent flux
does, the torque is “freed”; the display shows that the machine has been
magnetized and the next time the RUN command is enabled, the motor will
start up straight away. If the flux does not exceed the minimum, the drive
triggers alarm A2 “Machine not magnetized”

The machine is always magnetized. If the flux drops below the minimum value
(P52) the drive triggers alarm A2.
C38=2 Machine always magnetized
If the drive is ready, the motor will start up as soon as the Run command is

When the machine is magnetized, it means that the motor is powered and that a current equal
to the magnetizing current is being delivered. Thus special care must be taken especially
when C38 ≠ 0 in that a voltage ≠ 0 may be created on terminals U,V,W without enabling the
RUN command


When the drive is switched off it is dangerous to switch on immediately, due to the unknown magnetic
flux position that could produce a motor over–current. The only chance it’s to wait the time needed for
the magnetic flux to reduce itself with its time constant that depend on the motor type and can vary
from few milliseconds to hundreds of milliseconds.
For this reason has been introduced the parameter P28 that set the wait time after power switch off
after that, it’s possible to switch on the power another time: also if the user gives the RUN command
during this wait time, the drive waits to complete it before enabling another time the power.
Parameter P28 is defined in time units of 100us so the default value 10000 correspond to 1 second.



Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

MAIN_SUPPLY P87 - Main Supply voltage 180.0 780.0 400 V rms 10

P97 - Minimum voltage level for
DCBUS_MIN_MAIN_LOST 100.0 1200.0 425 V 10
forced mains off
P98 - Voltage reference value in
DCBUS_REF_MAIN_LOST 220.0 1200.0 600 V 10
Support 1
P86 - Kp3 Bus control
DCBUS_REG_KP 0.05 10.00 3.5 100
proportional gain
P105 - Corrective factor for Bus
KP_DCBUS 80.0 200.0 100 % 10
P106 - Minimum voltage of DC
DCBUS_MIN 220.0 1200.0 400 V 10
P107 - Maximum voltage of DC
DCBUS_MAX 350.0 1200.0 800 V 10
P108 - Bus voltage threshold for
DCBUS_BRAKE_ON 350.0 1200.0 770 V 10
brake ON
P109 - Bus voltage threshold for
DCBUS_BRAKE_OFF 350.0 1200.0 760 V 10
brake OFF
P123 - Smart brake voltage cut-
DCBUS_REF 300.0 1200.0 750 V 10
in level
C45 - Rectification bridge 0 = 0 Diods
diodes, 1 = semicontrolled Half controller
PW_SOFT_START_TIME P154 - Soft start enabling time 150 19999 500 ms 1
Trying to
MAIN_LOST_SEL C34 - Managing mains failure 1 Recovery 0 1
2 Free
C35 - Automatic alarm reset
when mains back on
EN_DCBUS_MAX_CTRL C47 - Enable smart brake 0 1 0 1

EN_PW_SOFT_START C37 - Enable soft start 0 1 1 1

DC_BUS D24 - Bus voltage 0 V 16

User’s manual 35 POWER SOFT START

The bridge rectifier build in the drive may be uncontrolled (diode) or semi-controlled (up to OPEN 40
it is uncontrolled). If the diode bridge is implemented, the power soft start function acts bypassing a
soft start resistor (in series with the output of the power bridge), after the DC Bus Voltage has
charged; otherwise the same function unblocks the semi-controlled input power bridge permitting the
gradual charge of the DC Bus voltage and supplying the drive feeding for the following work.
N.B: It is fundamental to correctly set up the connection C45 build in Power Bridge : 0=
uncontrolled (diode) ; 1 = semi-controlled

The function becomes active if the connection C37=1 and the presence of mains supply voltage
becomes noticed, with the following logic:
Mains supply presence: in case the presence of alternated mains supply voltage becomes noticed
once (at soft start) with the logic power input MAINS_OFF=H, from that moment the control refers
only to the MAINS_OFF to check the mains presence. Otherwise, in the case of drive feeding with a
continuous direct voltage on the DC Bus, it is possible to begin the soft start, even if the measured
voltage on the DC Bus exceeds the indicated value in P97.
Mains break out: the mains break becomes noticed either when the MAINS_OFF signal is
monitored (if this went to the high logic level at least one time during the soft start) either monitoring
directly the DC Bus voltage with minimum threshold setup in P97.
The function of “Soft start enable” may be assigned to one of the logic input thus to enable or disable
the soft start through an external contact.
The power fault alarm (power fault A03), that checks drive over current, insert the soft start limiting
The soft start follows the following criteria

C37 A03 Mains Presence Soft start enable oL10





1 L H ON H

From default PR.ON=1 and C37=1 thus connecting the drive to the mains supply, the power is
enable immediately with the soft charging of the capacitors.
The soft start charge of the intermediate circuit capacitors lasts a preset time set in P154, after this
time the voltage level is checked to verify the voltage level reached: if this is below the minimum
(P97), the soft start alarm starts.

The drive is not enabled to switch on if soft start function has not ended successfully. VOLTAGE BREAK CONTROL FOR MAINS FEEDING

The mains break control is configurable through the following connections:

Name Description

MAIN_LOST_SEL C34 - Managing mains failure

ALL_RST_ON_MAIN C35 - Automatic alarm reset when mains back on


This operating procedure is adapted to those applications in which it is fundamental to have

unchanged working conditions in each situation. Setting C34=0 the drive, even if the mains supply
voltage is no longer available, continues to work as though nothing has been modified over the
control, pulling the energy from the present capacitor to the inner drive. This way making the
intermediate voltage of the DC Bus will begin to go down depending on the applied load; when it
reaches the minimum tolerated value (in parameter P106) the drive goes into alarm A10 of minimum
voltage and leaves to go to the motor in free evolution.
Therefore, this function will allow exceeding short-term mains break out (tenths/hundredths of
milliseconds on the basis of the applied load) without changing the motor operation in any way.

DC bus voltage


400V Minimum voltage

allowed (P106)

Continue to work

Break mains Return time


If the alarm condition starts, there is the possibility to enable, setting C35=1 the alarms to an
automatic reset at the mains restore. RECOVERY OF KINETIC ENERGY (C34=1)

This operating procedure is adapted to those applications in which it is temporarily possible to reduce
the speed of rotation to confront the mains break. This function particularly adapts in the case of
fewer applied motors and with high energy.
The qualification of such a function is obtained setting C34=1.
During the mains break out, the voltage control of the DC Bus is achieved using a proportional
regulator, with fixed proportional gain set in P86 (default=3.5), that controls the DC Bus voltage d24,
compare it with the threshold in P98 (default=600V) and functions on the torque limits d30 of the
motor that, in time, will slow down to work in recovery. Such regulation, when qualified (C34=1), at
mains break out (o.L.12=H) or if the DC Bus voltage goes below the threshold set in P97 (425V),
replaces the normal regulation (o.L.13=H) and is excluded when mains supply is on.

User’s manual 37
DC bus voltage


400V Minimum voltage

allowed (P106)

Recovery of Kinetic Energy

Break Return time

mains mains

If the alarm condition starts, there is the possibility to enable, setting C35=1 the alarms to an
automatic reset at the mains restore OVERCOMING MAINS BREAKS OF A FEW SECONDS


This operating procedure is adapted to those applications in which it is fundamental to not go into
alarm in the case of mains break out and is temporarily prepared to disable the power in order for the
motor to resume when the mains returns.
The qualification of such a function is obtained setting C34=2.
When there is a mains break or if the voltage of the Bus goes below the threshold set in P97r (425
V), the drive is immediately switched off, the motor rotates in free evolution and the Bus capacitors
slowly discharges. If the mains returns in a few seconds, a fast recovery of the motor is carried out in
a way in which the working regulation of the machine is resumed.

DC bus voltage


400V Minimum voltage

allowed (P106) C34=2
Free motor

Time of soft start

Break Return time

mains mains

At the return of the mains, it will need to wait for the time of soft start for the gradual recharging of
capacitors for the motor to be able to resume. EMERGENCY BRAKE (C34=3)

This particular control is adapted to those applications in which the machine may be stopped with an
emergency brake in case of mains breaks.
Under this circumstance, the linear ramps becomes qualified and the ramp time is imposed with the
parameter P30. When the minimum speed is reached, alarm A10 of minimum voltage starts and the
motor is left rotating in free evolution. If in the meantime the mains returns, the emergency brake will
be not interrupted.

DC bus voltage

Emergency brake


Minimum speed (P52)

Break Return time


The drive is in a position to work on four quadrants, therefore is also in a position to manage the
motor recovery Energy. There are three different, possible controls: RECOVERY MAINS ENERGY

To be able to restore the kinetic Energy into the mains, it is necessary to use another OPEN drive ,
specifically the AC/DC Active Front End (AFE). A Power Factor Controller deals with the position to
have a power factor close to unity. Specific documentation is sent back from specific details. This
solution is adapted to those applications in which the additional cost justifies another drive with a lot
of energy that is recovered in the mains or for particular thermal dissipation problems in the use of a
braking resistor.

U + + U
V AFE Drive V Motor
W - - W
Inductor OPEN drive
Mains OPEN drive

User’s manual 39
The use of an AC/DC AFE permits a controlled voltage level of the intermediate power (DC Bus) and
raises to best control the motors winded to a voltage close to the line voltage. The drive’s dynamic
behavior results in a way that optimizes the work as motor or generator.
There is a possibility to connect more than one drive to the DC Bus, with the advantage of energy
exchange between drives in case of contemporary movements and only one energy exchange with
the mains.

DC bus voltage

Recovery of mains energy



A further possibility of recovery control of kinetic energy exists: if the outer braking resistance is not
present (or is not working properly), it is possible to enable (setting C47=1) the braking with DC Bus
control. This function, when the Bus voltage reaches the threshold set in P123, limits the maximum
admitted regenerated torque, slowing down the motor. In practice, the motor will slow down in
minimum time thus the over voltage alarm does not start.
This function is not active by default (C47=0) in a way to leave the intervention of the braking circuit.

P12 DC bus voltage

Controlled braking of the DC Bus



The standard solution for the OPEN drive is the dissipation of kinetic Energy on braking resistor. All
the OPEN drives are equipped with an eternal braking circuit, while the braking resistor must be
connected externally, with the appropriate precautions.
With this solution, the Bus’ maximum level of voltage becomes limited through a power device that
connects in parallel the resistor with the DC Bus capacitors, if the voltage exceeds the threshold
value in P108, the drive keeps it inserted until the voltage goes below the value of P109; in such a
way, the energy that the motor transfers onto the DC Bus during the braking, is dissipated from the
This solution guarantees good dynamic behavior also in braking mode.
In the follow figure it’s shown the Bus voltage and the speed during a dissipation on breaking

P10 DC bus voltage

Energy dissipation on
breaking resistor


A maximum voltage limit allowed exists for the DC Bus voltage. This is checked by the software
(threshold P107), and by the hardware circuitry: in case the voltage exceeds this level, the drive will
immediately go into an over voltage alarm A11 to protect the internal capacitors.
In case of A11 alarm condition starts, verify the correct dimensioning of the braking resistor power.

Refer to the installation manual for the correct dimensioning of the outer braking resistor.

The braking resistor may reach high temperatures, therefore appropriately place the
machine to favor the heat dissipation and prevent accidental contact from the operators.

User’s manual 41

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

0 No
C46 - Enable motor thermal
MOT_THERM_PRB_SEL probe management 1 1
3 I23
4 KTY84-130
P91 - Maximum motor
MOT_TEMP_MAX temperature (if read with 0.0 150.0 130 °C 10
C57 - Enable radiator heat
DRV_THERM_PRB_SEL probe management 0 1 1 1
P95 - Motor NTC or PTC
MOT_PRB_RES_THR 0 19999 1500 Ohm 1
resistance value for alarm
P96 - Motor thermal logic
PRC_MOT_DO_TEMP_THR 0.0 200.0 100 % PRC_MOT_I_THERM 40.96
output 14 cut-in threshold
P115 - Multiplication factor for
KP_MOT_THERM_PRB motor PTC/NTC/PT100 0.00 200.00 100 163.84
analog reference value
P117 - Multiplication factor for
KP_DRV_THERM_PRB radiator PTC/NTC analog 0.00 200.00 100 163.84
reference value
P118 - Max. temperature
DRV_TEMP_MAX permitted by radiator 0.0 150.0 90 °C 10
P119 - Max. temperature
DRV_START_TEMP_MAX permitted by radiator 0.0 150.0 75 °C 10
PTC/NTC for start-up
P120 - Radiator temperature
DRV_DO_TEMP_THR 0.0 150.0 80 °C 10
threshold for logic output o.15
C32 - Motor thermal switch '
Block drive ?
C33 - Auto-ventilated thermal
D25 - Radiator temperature
DRV_TEMP 0 °C 16
MOT_TEMP D26 - Motor temperature 0 °C 16
D40 - Regulation card
D41 - Thermal probe
PRC_DRV_I_THERM D28 - Motor thermal current -100 100 0 % soglia All 40.96 MOTOR THERMAL PROTECTION

Parameters P70 (thermal current as a % of the rated motor current), P71 (motor thermal constant in
seconds) and the current delivered by the drive are used to calculate the presumed operating
temperature of the motor considering an ambient temperature equal to the permitted maximum; the
losses are evaluated with the square of the absorbed current and filtered with the motor thermal
constant. When this value exceeds the maximum thermal current set in P70 (value proportional to the
square of this current) the thermal protection cuts in, enabling logic output o.L.1 and alarm A06. The
action taken may be programmed via connection C32 and by enabling alarm A06:
If A06 is disabled, no action will be taken.
If A06 is enabled, action will depend on C32:
• C32 = 0 (default value) the thermal alarm will cut in and reduce the current limit to match
the motor thermal current.
• C32 = 1 the thermal alarm cuts in and stops the drive immediately.

Internal value d28 and analog output 28 display a second-by-second reading of the motor thermal
current as a percentage of the rated motor current. When 100% is reached, the motor thermal switch
cuts in.
P96 can be set with an alarm threshold which, when breached, commutes logic output o.L.14 to a
high level indicating the approximation to the motor thermal limit.
The maximum motor thermal current depends on the operating frequency, provided that the motor
does not have assisted ventilation regardless of its revolutions.
Four permitted thermal current curves are used to reduce the current in accordance with motor
operating frequency (see diagram); the required curve is chosen with Connection C33 as per the
Itermica /
Inominale [%]
Curve 2
Curve 0

Curve 1

Curve 3

70 100 120 flav/fnm [%]

C33 Characteristics

No reduction according to frequency; to be chosen for

assisted ventilation motors
Choose for self-ventilated high speed motors (2 poles) where
1 ventilation is more efficient. There is no current reduction for
frequencies over 70% of the rated frequency
2 [default] Typical curve for self-ventilated motors

3 Curve for motors that heat up excessively with curve 2

The drive can manage the motor thermal probe. For the correct wiring of the probe, make reference
to the installation manual.
The connection C46 selects the type of probe used:

C46 Description Visualizationin d26

0 No motor thermal protection enabled

PTC management: The thermal resistance is measured and
1 compared to the maximum setup in the parameter P95, If the Thermal probe resistance in Ω (D41)
temperature exceeds the threshold, the A5 alarm starts.
NTC management: The thermal resistance is measured and
2 compared to the minimum setup in the parameter P95, If the Thermal probe resistance in Ω (D41)
value is below, the A5 alarm starts.
Termo-switch management: it’s possible to configure a
3 logic input to I23 function, in this case if this input goes -----
to a low level the A5 alarm starts
4 KTY84 Motor temperature (D26)

User’s manual 43

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

EN_VF_CNTL C80 - Enable V/f control 0 1 0 1

P170 - Slip motor %
PRC_VF_SLIP_CMP 0.0 400.0 0.0 40.96
compensation PRC_MOT_F_MAX
P171 - Slip compensation
VF_TF_SLIP_CMP 0.0 150.0 35.0 ms 10
factor filter
P172 - Stator voltage drop %
PRC_VF_BOOST 0.0 400.0 70.0 40.96
compensation PRC_DELTA_VRS
VF_EN_DCJ C83 - Enable dc brake 0 1 0 1
P173 - Current limit during
PRC_VF_DCJ_I_MAX 0.0 100.0 100.0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
continuous braking
P174 - Continuous breaking %
PRC_VF_DCJ_F_MAX 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
maximum frequency limit PRC_MOT_F_MAX
C88 - Calculate V/f
characteristic nominal knee
P175 - V/f characteristic %
PRC_VF_CHR_V1 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
point 1 voltage PRC_MOT_V_MAX
P176 - V/f characteristic %
PRC_VF_CHR_F1 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
point 1 frequency PRC_MOT_F_MAX
P177 - V/f characteristic %
PRC_VF_CHR_V2 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
point 2 voltage PRC_MOT_V_MAX
P178 - V/f characteristic %
PRC_VF_CHR_F2 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
poitn 2 frequency PRC_MOT_F_MAX
P183 - Voltage regulator
PRC_VF_V_REG_D derivative coefficient 0.0 100.0 100.0 % 327.67
multiplying term
0 No
C84 - Enable search during 1 Freq +
motor rotation 2 Freq -
3 Rif 0 +
4 Rif 0 -
P184 - Initial search
PRC_VF_FSTART_SEARCH frequency with rotating 0.0 100.0 100.0 40.96
P185 - Minimum search
PRC_VF_FMIN_SEARCH frequency with rotating 0.0 100.0 2.9 40.96
P191 - Torque limit during
PRC_VF_T_MAX_SEARCH 0.0 100.0 150.0 % DRV_T_NOM 40.96
fly restart
VF_EN_STALL_ALL C82 - Enable stall alarm 0 1 1 1
P186 - Working time during
VF_STALL_TIME 1 100 30 s 40.96
P187 - Vs amplitude %
PRC_VF_V_MAX_STATIC 0.0 100.0 97.5 327.67
maximum static value PRC_MOT_V_MAX
VF_EN_ENGY C86 - Enable energy saving 0 1 0 1
P188 - Energy saving
VF_TI_ENGY 100 2000 400 ms 1
regulator filter time constant
P189 - Energy saving
PRC_VF_FLX_MIN_ENGY 0.0 100.0 20.0 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96
admissible minimum flux
VF_TF_I_MAX_AL P190 - Current alarm filter 0.0 150.0 10.0 ms 10
0 No
C85 - Enable open loop Imax
working state in V/f
in V
C87 - Enable flux angle
VF_EN_BYPASS 0 1 0 1
bypass - frequency input


“V/f control” manages the an asynchronous motor without feedback.

This type of control has a good dynamic performance also in flux weakening area (4-5 times base
frequency) and it’s able to start the motor also with high load (2 times the nominal motor torque), but

it’s no useful in that application where it’s necessary to produce torque in steady state at frequency
below 1Hz (in this case we recommend to use a motor with feedback and a Vector control).

To enable the voltage-frequency control set C80=characteristic

The most easier way to set the voltage-frequency characteristic is to use the automatic procedure.
First of all set the maximum motor voltage (P64) and the maximum working speed (P65) and then set
C88=1 .
Name Description

PRC_MOT_V_MAX P64 - Max. operating voltage

MOT_SPD_MAX P65 - Max. operating speed (n MAX)

VF_EN_CHR_AUTOSET C88 - Calculate V/f characteristic nominal knee

Automatically the drive set the voltage-frequency characteristic in two possible way:

1. Linear way :

In this case, none characteristic points are set (P174-P175-P176-P177=0) and the maximum
operating voltage P64 is set:

2. Characteristic FLUX WEAKENING AREA:

When the maximum motor frequency is greater than nominal frequency automatically is set
one characteristic point into nominal knee:
P175= 100%



Using the parameters P175 , P176 , P177 and P178 it is possible to define a three-section working
curve by points (so as to be better able to adjust to the desired characteristics).

User’s manual 45
Points P176 and P178 define the frequency percentage with reference to the maximum working
frequency while points P175 and P177 define the percentage voltage with reference to the maximum
working voltage (P64).
The following curve should clarify the explanation.


If a number of points which is less than two is sufficient to define the curve just program at 0 the
frequencies of the points which are not used (P176 and/or P178), so that they will not be considered
in the interpolation.
There are some limitations on setting the characteristic:
- Frequencies (P176 and P178) must be in rising order and the distance between two
adjacent points must be greater than 5%
- Corresponding voltages (P175 and P177) must be in rising order.
If this limitations are not respected the system doesn’t take in account the point whose component
was set wrongly and it is cleared to 0. Every time one of this parameters (from P175 to P178) is
changed, it is better to verify if the system has accepted the new value.
A linear type Voltage-Frequency characteristic is provided for the default for which



As an example we calculate the settings of the parameters in the case of a motor with a rated voltage
of 380 Volts and a frequency of 50 Hz, which we want to work at full flux up to 50 Hz and a constant
voltage from 50 Hz to 75 Hz.
Having traced the desired voltage-frequency we see that to program it is sufficient to use only one
section point (see diagram).
From the maximum speed frequency desired (P65) and from the maximum working voltage (P64) we
can calculate the P177 and P178 values with reference to the maximum values, while P175 and
P176 will remain at 0.




Using P36 parameter it is possible to increase the voltage value at low frequencies so as to
compensate for the drop due to the stator resistance and so as to be able to have current and the
refore torque even in the start up phase; this is necessary if the motors starts up under load. The
value which can be set refers to the drop voltage on the Stator Resistor (P66) and can be adjusted
from 0 up to a maximum of 400.0%. Particular care must be taken in setting the P172 value as it
determines the current values fed at low speed: a value too low for P30 results in limiting the torque
of the motor, while a value too high results in feeding high currents at low speed, whatever the load
condition is.
In the start up under load it is useful to introduce a waiting time on the common ‘converter running so
that the motor can magnetize itself, so that it has from the outset the torque expected available. The
P29 parameter makes it possible to quantify this wait time in milliseconds, in which the system is in an
on-line state, but the frequency reference is forcibly held at 0. The most suitable value for P29 should
be chosen according to the rating of the motor and the load conditions, but in any case should be
from a minimum of 400ms for motors of 7.5 KW up to 1s for motors of 55KW. SLIP COMPENSATION

By using parameter P170 it is possible to partly compensate for the motor’s fall in speed when it takes
up the load; the adjustment is in fact that regulation of motor controls stator frequency and does not
control the real speed.
This compensation is obtained by increasing the motor’s working frequency by a quantity which is
proportional to the percentage working torque multiplied by the percentage value set in P170 , in
relation to the motor’s rated frequency.
The value to be set depends both on the motor’s rating and poles, in any case it can in general terms
vary from 4% for a 7.5 KW motor to 1,8 - 2.0% for 45 KW motors. In default the compensation is
excluded P170 = 0.

User’s manual 47

Since the driver has a maximum current limit it can always be started running with no problems even
if the motor is already moving, for example, by inertia or dragged by part of the load. In that event, on
starting up, given that normally the frequency reference starts from values close to zero to gradually
rise with the ramp times to the working value, the motor is first subjected to a sudden deceleration,
within the limit, to then hook onto the reference and follow it with the ramp; this may be undesirable
from a mechanical standpoint, and the process could also trigger the overvoltage alarm for
converters which do not have a braking device. To avoid this it is possible to suitably program
connection C84 , “Enable motor flying restart“, which makes it possible to identify the speed of
rotation of the motor, stressing it as little as possible, and to position the output reference from the
ramp at a value corresponding to that rotation so as to start from that reference to then go on to
working values. This motor search function is primarily in one direction and thus needs to know in
advance the direction of rotation of the motor, positive frequency or negative frequency, which must
be programmed in C84 ; if the selection is wrong the motor is first braked to about zero speed to then
follow the reference to go to working speed (as if the search function had not been used). If there is a
passive load and the inertia keeps the motor in rotation, it’s possible to select a search dependently
upon the sign of enabled frequency reference (C84=3-4).
There are two different values for C84 to enable this kind of search, the only difference is for manage
the case in which the frequency reference was zero: in this particular situation with C84=3 the system
searches for positive frequency, while with C84=4 the search will be made for negative frequency.
The C50 connection has five programming values which are selected as indicated below :
o C84=0 flying restart doesn’t enabled
o C84=1 flying restart managed with positive frequency quadrant search
o C84=2 flying restart managed with negative frequency quadrant search
o C84=3 flying restart managed dependently upon the sign of enabled frequency
reference (like C84=1 for 0)
o C84=4 flying restart managed dependently upon the sign of enabled frequency
reference (like C84=2 for 0)
The start frequency in motor flying restart can be set in parameter P184 (default 100%) in percentage
of maximum frequency. This parameter can help the search algorithm limiting the range of frequency.
With parameter P185 it’s possible to set the minimum target frequency in order to inject an active
current also if the motor is stopped.
If the maximum frequency is greater than 250% of nominal motor frequency could be some problems
in the motor flying restart because it’s difficult to inject the active current with a slip so high. In that
case the only possibility is to reduce the start search frequency (with P184) on condition that really
the motor cannot run more quickly.

If it’s enabled the motor flying restart, the power is switch-on with the motor standstill and
there is low load, it’s possible to have a transient initial state in which the motor starts
running in the searching sense.

If the flying restart doesn’t work correctly it’s possible to increase the reserved parameter P191
(default value 5%) for increase the admitted search window .
In default the flying restart isn’t managed ( C84=0 )




Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P01 - Corrective factor for
KP_AI1 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
analog reference 1 (AUX1)
P02 - Corrective offset for
OFFSET_AI1 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
analog reference 1 (AUX1)
AI1 D42 - Analog Input AI1 -100 100 0 % 163.84
P200 - Enable analog
EN_AI1 0 1 0 1
reference value A.I.1
D64 - Reference from Analog
REF_AI1 -100 100 0 % 163.84
Input AI1
0 Speed ref.
1 Torque ref.
Torque limit
P203 - Meaning of analog 2
AI1_SEL ref. 0 1
input A.I.1
3 Set point PID
4 Feedback PID
Manual set
point PID
P03 - Corrective factor for
KP_AI2 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
analog reference 2 (AUX2)
P04 - Corrective offset for
OFFSET_AI2 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
analog reference 2 (AUX2)
AI2 D43 - Analog Input AI2 -100 100 0 % 163.84
P201 - Enable analog
EN_AI2 0 1 0 1
reference value A.I.2
D65 - Reference from Analog
REF_AI2 -100 100 0 % 163.84
Input AI2
0 Speed ref.
1 Torque ref.
Torque limit
P204 - Meaning of analog 2
AI2_SEL ref. 1 1
input A.I.2
3 Set point PID
4 Feedback PID
Manual set
point PID
P05 - Corrective factor for
KP_AI3 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
analog reference 3 (AUX3)
P06 - Corrective offset for
OFFSET_AI3 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
analog reference 3 (AUX3)
AI3 D44 - Analog Input AI3 -100 100 0 % 163.84
P202 - Enable analog
EN_AI3 0 1 0 1
reference value A.I.3
D66 - Reference from Analog
REF_AI3 -100 100 0 % 163.84
Input AI3
0 Speed ref.
1 Torque ref.
Torque limit
P205 - Meaning of analog 2
AI3_SEL ref. 2 1
input A.I.3
3 Set point PID
4 Feedback PID
Manual set
point PID
P206 - Filter time constant for
TF_TRQ_REF_AN 0.0 20.0 0 ms 10
analog torque reference value

User’s manual 49
D68 - Analog Torque
PRC_T_REF_AN -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
reference from Application
D10 - Torque reference value
PRC_APP_T_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
(application generated)
D70 - Analog Torque Max
PRC_T_MAX_AN_POS -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
from Application
D32 - Maximum torque
PRC_APP_T_MAX imposed (application -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
P241 - Multiplication factor
MUL_AI_IN_SEL 0 4 0 1
P242 - Multiplication factor
MUL_AI_OUT_SEL 0 2 0 1
P243 - Max analog input value
MUL_AI_MAX -180.00 180.00 100.0 % A.I. 163.84
for multiplication factor
P244 - Min analog input value
MUL_AI_MIN -180.00 180.00 0.0 % A.I. 163.84
for multiplication factor
P245 - Multiplication factor
MUL_KCF_MAX with max analog input -100.0 100.0 1.0 100
P246 - Multiplication factor
MUL_KCF_MIN with min analog input -100.0 100.0 -1.0 100
P248 - Storing input
STR_MUL_AI 0 2 0 1
multilpicative factor
D72 - Speed reference from
PRC_SPD_TOT_AN -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
AI1 + AI2 + AI3
MUL_KP D73 - Multiplication factor -100.0 100.0 0 % 16

PRC_SPD_REF_AN D74 - Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84

D33 - Speed reference
PRC_APP_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
(application generated)

User’s manual 51
It’s possible to enable separately all references using connections or logic input functions.
For speed and torque references the active reference is the sum of all enabled references, for torque
limit prevails the more constrain active reference, between the sum of analog and the Fieldbus

There can be up to 3 differential analog inputs (A.I.1 ÷ A.I.3) ± 10V which, after being digitally
converted with a resolution of 14 bits, can be:

o conditioned by digital offset and a multiplicative coefficient

o enabled independently through configurable logic inputs or connections
o configured as meaning through the corresponding connection (P203 ÷ P205)
o added together for the references with the same configuration

For example in the case of A.I.1, the result of the conditioning is given by the following equation:
REF1= ((A.I.1/10)*P1) + P2
By selecting a suitable correction factor and offset the most varied linear relationships can be
obtained between the input signal and the reference generated, as exemplified below.


100% 100% +100%

-10V -5V

+10V Vin +5V Vin 0 +10V Vin

P1=100.0 P1=200.0
P2=0 P1=200.0
-100% P2=-100.0
Default setting

100% 100%
P1=80.0 P1=-80.0
P2=20.0 P2=100.0
20% 20%

0 +10V Vin +10V Vin

Note: for the offset parameters (P02, P04 and P06) an integer representation has been used on the
basis of 16383, in order to obtain maximum possible resolution for their settings.

For example if P02=100 offset = 100/16383 = 0.61%

As said above, the enabling of each analog input is independent and can be set permanently by
using the corresponding connection or can be controlled by a logic input after it has been suitably
For example to enable input A.I.1 the connection P200 or the input logic function I03 can be used,
with the default allocated to logic input 3.
The connections P203 ÷and P205 are used to separately configure the three analog inputs available:

C203 ÷ C205 Description

0 Speed ref.

1 Torque ref.

2 Torque limit ref.

3 Set point PID

4 Feedback PID

5 Manual set point PID

Several inputs can be configured to the same meaning so that the corresponding references, if
enabled, will be added together.
Note: using the appropriate multiplicative coefficient for each reference it is therefore possible to
execute the subtraction of two signals.
In the case of the torque limit, if there is no analog input configured to the given meaning and
enabled, the reference is automatically put at the maximum that can be represented, i.e. 400%. In
internal quantities d32 it is possible to view the torque limit imposed by the application.

In the case of the torque reference there is a first order filter with time constant that can be set in
milliseconds in parameter P206. In the internal quantity d10 the torque reference can be viewed as
set by the application


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P211 - Digital speed reference
PRC_SPD_JOG -100.00 100.00 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
value (JOG1)
P212 - Enable jog speed
EN_SPD_JOG 0 1 0 1
PRC_SPD_REF_JOG D76 - Jog Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P213 - Motor potentiometer
PRC_START_DG_POT -100.0 100.0 2.00 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
starting speed
P214 - Load final digital
EN_MEM_DG_POT 0 1 0 1
potentiometer reference value
P215 - CW motor
PRC_MAX_REF_DG_POT potentiometer speed reference -105.0 105.0 105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P216 - CCW motor
PRC_MIN_REF_DG_POT potentiometer speed reference -105.0 105.0 -105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P217 - Digital potentiometer
DG_POT_RAMPS 0.3 1999.9 50 s 10
acceleration time
P218 - Enable motor
EN_DG_POT potentiometer reference 0 1 0 1
D67 - Digital Potentiometer
PRC_SPD_REF_DG_POT -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
Speed reference
D33 - Speed reference
PRC_APP_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
(application generated)


The value programmed in parameter P211 can be used as digital speed reference either by
activating the logic function “Enable Jog” I.05 assigned to an input (default input L.I.5) or with the
connection P212=1. The resolution is 1/10000 of the maximum working speed. DIGITAL POTENTIOMETER SPEED REFERENCE

A function that makes it possible to obtain a terminal board adjustable speed reference through the
use of two logic inputs to which are assigned the input functions digital potentiometer up I09”
(ID_UP_POTD) and “Digital potentiometer down I10” (ID_DN_POTD) .
The reference is obtained by increasing or decreasing an internal counter with the ID_UP_POTD and
ID_DN_POTD functions respectively.
The speed of increase or decrease set by parameter P217 (acceleration time of the digital
potentiometer) which sets how many seconds the reference takes to go from 0 to 100%, keeping the
ID_UP_POTD active (this times is the same as to go from 100.0% to 0.0% by holding ID_DN_POTD
active). If ID_UP_POTD are ID_DN_POTD are activated at the same time the reference remains still.
The movement of the reference is only enabled when the converter is in RUN.
The functioning is summarised in the following table :

Converter running
H H L x x increases

H L H x x decreases

H L L x x stopped

H H H x x stopped

L x x x x stopped

L -> H x x L L P8

L -> H x x H L REF4 L.v.

L -> H x x L H REF4 L.v.

L -> H x x H H REF4 L.v.

H = active x = does not matter L = not active L -> H = From Off-line to On-line

The digital potentiometer reference requires, to be enabled, activation of function I06 after allocating
an input or activating connection P218 (P218=1) .
In the parameters P215 and P216 the maximum and the minimum admitted reference values can be
marked for the digital potentiometer reference.


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

REF_FRQ_IN D12 - Frequency in input 0 KHz 16

P224 - Frequency speed
FRQ_REF_SEL 0 2 0 1
reference selection
P223 - Enable frequency
EN_FRQ_REF 0 1 0 1
speed reference value
FRQ_IN_SEL C09 - Frequency input setting 0 3 1 1
P220 - Encoder pulses per
FRQ_IN_PPR_SEL 0 9 5 1
P225 - Filter time constant of
TF_TIME_DEC_FRQ frequency input decoded in 0.0 20.0 1.6 ms 10
D14 - Frequency speed
PRC_APP_FRQ_SPD_REF reference value (application -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
D77 - Time Decode
PRC_SPD_REF_TIME_DEC Frequency input Speed -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P226 - Corrective factor for
KP_TIME_DEC_FRQ frequency input decoded in 0.0 200.0 100 163.84
P88 - High precision analog
MAXV_VF speed reference value: 2500 10000 10000 mVolt 1
Voltage matches max. speed
P221 - NUM - Frequency input
FRQ_IN_NUM -16383 16383 100 1
slip ratio
P159 - High precision analog
speed reference value:VCO
KP_NEG_VF -16383 16383 4096 1
setting for negative voltage
reference values
P150 - High precision analog
speed reference value:VCO
KP_POS_VF -16383 16383 4096 1
setting for positive voltage
reference values
P222 - DEN - Frequency input
FRQ_IN_DEN 0 16383 100 1
slip ratio
P10 - Offset for high precision
OFFSET_VF -19999 19999 0 1/100 mV 1
analog reference value

User’s manual 55

This speed reference in pulses can be provided in 4 different ways (alternatives to each other), that
can be selected by means of connection C09.

C09 Description Mode of working

0 Analogic Analog reference ±10V (optional)

1 Digital encoder 4 track frequency reference (default)

2 Digital f/s Frequency reference (freq. and up/down) counting all edges

3 Digital f/s 1 edge Frequency reference (freq. and up/down) counting one edge

To be used Speed reference in pulses must be enabled either by activating the function “ Enable
reference in frequency I19 “assigned an input or by means of connection P223=1 .
The incremental position reference is always enabled and it’s possible to add an offset depending on
analog and digital speed reference enable. DIGITAL FREQUENCY REFERENCE

About the digital frequency reference, there are two working modes can be selected with C09:
o Setting C09 = 1 a reference can be provided with an encoder signal with 4 tracks of a
maximum range varying between 5V and 24V and a maximum frequency of 300KHz.

o Setting C09 = 2 a speed reference can be provided with an frequency signal with a
maximum range varying between 5V and 24V and a maximum frequency of 300KHz.
(setting C09 =3 will be manage the same input, but internally will be count only rising edge,
this option is useful only if it is used the time decode)
The number N of impulses/revolution for the reference is set by connection C220:

N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

N° of impulses/revolution Disable 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384

There are the parameters P221 and P222 that permit specification of the ratio between the reference
speed and input frequency as a Numerator/Denominator ratio.
In general terms, therefore, if you want the speed of rotation of the rotor to be X rpm, the relationship
to use to determine the input frequency is the following:

and vice versa

Let us now look at a few examples of cascade activation (MASTER SLAVE) with frequency input
according to a standard encoder.
By a MASTER drive the simulated encoder signals A,/A,B,/B are picked up to be taken to the
frequency input of the SLAVE. By means of parameters P221 and P222 the slipping between the
two is programmed.

Master Slave

N° of pulses/revolution = 512 N° of pulses/revolution = 512

P65 = 2500 rpm P65 = 2500 rpm

P221 = P222 = 100

The slave goes at the same speed as the master

User’s manual 57
Master Slave

N° of pulses/revolution = 512 N° of pulses/revolution = 512

P65 = 2500 rpm P65 = 2500 rpm

P221 = 50 P222 = 100

The slave goes at the half speed as the master

Master Slave

N° of pulses/revolution = 512 N° of pulses/revolution = 512

P65 = 2500 rpm P65 = 2500 rpm

P221 = 100 P222 = 50

The slave goes at the double speed as the master

To obtain good performance at low speed it is necessary to select an encoder resolution for the
master that sufficiently high.

More precisely, the signal coming from the encoder can be adapted according to the report
P221/P222 and, if necessary, one of the analog input FREQUENCY SPEED REFERENCE MANAGEMENT

The speed reference in pulses is very accurate (no pulses is lost) but for its nature it has an irregular
shape because are counted the edges every sampling period (TPWM) and this produce a speed
reference with many noise. Also if the frequency input is constant, between a PWM period and
another could be counted a variable number of pulses, ± one pulse. This produce a low resolution
reference, expecially when the frequency input decreases.
For not use a big filter with frequency reference it’s possible to use its time decode that has a good
resolution. It is measured the time between various edges of frequency input with resolution of 25ns,
reaching a percentage resolution not less than 1/8000 (13 bit) working to 5KHz of PWM (increasing
PWM resolution decreases linearly).

There are 3 different ways to manage frequency speed reference, selectable with parameter

P224 Description
0 Pulses reference
1 Decoded in time reference
2 Pulses and decoded in time reference

Enabling the frequency speed reference can be done by the parameter P223 = 1 (EN_FRQ_REF) or
bringing at active logic state input function I19.


0 sysSpeedPercRef

A FRQ_IN_NUM(P221) Multiply
0.0 0
216 IN
Mul X OUT Division
er 2
Div / OUT 0.0
FRQ_IN_SEL (C09) Selector FRQ_IN_PPR_SEL sysSpeedRefPuls
(P220) 1

In this mode, the speed reference is given only in pulses ensuring maximum correspondence master-
slave, but with a strong granular signal especially for low frequency input.

Linear ramps are not enabled. DECODED IN TIME REFERENCE (P224=1)

A FRQ_IN_NUM(P221) Multiply
/A Input 0.0 0 IN OUT Division
/B Encod
er 2 FRQ IN DEN (P222) Div 0.0 / 0
L 1

Filter 1° order
IN OUT Multiply
Mul XOUT sysSpeedPercR

0 sysSpeedRefPul

In this working mode the frequency speed reference is decoded in time with maximum linearity also
for very low input frequencies.
In this mode is possible to create a dynamic electrical axis, possibly with linear ramps enabled, but
that is not rigid in the sense that there is no guarantee master-slave phase maintenance.


A FRQ_IN_NUM(P221) Multiply
/A Input 0.0 0 IN OUT Divisio
/B Encod
er 2 FRQ IN DEN (P222) Div / 0.0
L 1

Filter 1° order
IN OUT Multipl
Mul XOUT sysSpeedPercR
bl d
di bl d

This is the most complete and powerful mode, which makes use of both references:

ƒ the frequency speed reference decoded in time ("sysSpeedPercReference”) has very good
resolution also for low frequency input, thus allows high speed regulator gains

ƒ the pulses speed reference (“sysSpeedRefPulses "), going to impose a reference to the
integral part of the speed regulator, will not miss pulses, ensuring maximum precision in the
master-slave electrical axes

If the linear ramps are enabled will act only after the first starting, then going to exclude themselves.


The control requires up to 8 optically insulated digital inputs (L.I.1 … L.I.8.) whose logic functions can
be configured by means of connection C1 ÷ C8.
The following table shows the logic functions managed by standard application:

I 00 ID_RUN Run command L.I.4 L

I 01 ID_CTRL_TRQ Torque control L

I 02 ID_EN_EXT External enable L.I.2 H

I 03 ID_EN_SPD_REF_AN Enable analog reference A.I.1. L.I.3 L

I 04 ID_EN_TRQ_REF_AN Enable analog reference A.I.2. L.I.5 L

I 05 ID_EN_JOG Enable speed jog L.I.7 L

I 06 ID_EN_SPD_REF_POTD Enable digital potentiometer speed reference L

I 07 ID_EN_LIM_TRQ_AN Enable analog reference A.I.3. L

I 08 ID_RESET_ALR Alarms reset L.I.1 L

I 09 ID_UP_POTD digital potentiometer UP L

I 10 ID_DN_POTD digital potentiometer DOWN L

I 11 ID_LAST_V_POTD Load last digital potentiometer value L

I 12 ID_INV_SPD_REF Invert speed reference value L.I.6 L

I 14 ID_EN_FLDB_REF Enable FIELD-BUS reference values L

I 16 ID_EN_PAR_DB2 Enable second parameter bank L

I 17 ID_EN_LP_SPZ_AXE Enable space loop for electrical axis L

I 18 Enable frequency speed reference value decoded in time
I 19 ID_EN_SPD_REF_FRQ Enable frequency speed reference value L

I 22 ID_EN_RAMP Enable liner ramps L.I.8 L

I 23 ID_TC_SWT_MOT Motor termo-switch L

I 24 ID_BLK_MEM_I_SPD Freeze PI speed regulator integral memory L

I 25 ID_EN_OFS_LP_SPZ Enable offset on overlap position loop reference L

I 26 ID_EN_SB Enable speed regulator second bank L

I 27 ID_RUN Enable Digital Setpoint PID L.I.4 L

I 28 Enable Automatic PID Control

I 29 Enable reference from Output PID

I 30 Enable Digital Manual Setpoint PID

User’s manual 61
NB: pay particular attention to the fact that it is absolutely not possible to assign the same
logic function to two different logic inputs: after changing the connection value that sets a
determined input, check that the value has been accepted, if not check that another has not
already been allocated to that input. In order to disable a logic input it’s necessary to assign
to it the logic function -1 : this is the only value that can be assigned to more than one inputs.
For example, to assign a specific logic function to logic input 1 you must first write the desired logic
number for connection I01 :
I01 = 14 Æ logic input 1 can be used to enable Fieldbus references
The logic functions that have been configured become active ( H ) when the input level is at high
status (20V < V < 28V), and there is a 2.2ms hardware filter. With the connection C79 it’s possible to
enable the active logic low state for a particular digital input, it’s necessary to sum 2 to the power of
ordinal input number:
For example to set digital inputs I0 and I3 to active low state, set: C79 = 2 0 + 2 3 = 9
The functions that have not been assigned assume default value ; for example, if the function
“external enable“ is not assigned it becomes, as default, “active ( H )” so the converter is as if there
were no assent from the field INPUT LOGIC FUNCTIONS SET IN OTHER WAYS

In reality the input logic functions can also be set by serial connection and by fieldbus, with the
following logic:

o I00 Run : stands alone, it has to be confirmed by terminal board inputs, by the serial
and by the fieldbus, though in the case of the latter the default is active and
so, if unaltered, controls only the terminal board input.
o I01÷ I31: is the parallel of the corresponding functions that can be set at the terminal
board, the serial or the fieldbus


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

1 Encoder
4 Resolver
5 Resolver RDC
SENSOR2_SEL C17 - Sensor2 selection 6 0 1
8 Sin/Cos incr
10 Endat 1317
11 Endat 1329
RES2_POLE P16 - Number of absolute sensor2 poles 1 160 2 1
P17 - Number of encoder2 pulse
ENC2_PPR 0 60000 1024 1
pulses/revolution s/rev
C18 - Enable incremental encoder2 time
EN_TIME_DEC_ENC2 0 1 0 1
EN_INV_POS2_DIR C20 - Invert sensor2 positive cyclic versus 0 1 0 1
EN_SENSOR2_TUNE C19 - Enable sensor2 auto-tuning 0 No 0 1
1 Yes
P48 - Tracking loop bandwidth direct
RES2_TRACK_LOOP_BW 100 10000 1800 rad/s 1
decoding of resolver2
P49 - Damp factor Traking loop resolver2 0.00 5.00 0.71 100
P07 - Second sensor amplitude
KP_SENS2 0.0 200.0 100 % 163.84

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

OFFSET_SIN_SENS2 P08 - Second sensor sine offset -16383 16383 0 1

OFFSET_COS_SENS2 P09 - Second sensor cosine offset -16383 16383 0 1

HW_SENSOR2 D62 - Sensor2 presence 0 1

SENS2_SPD D51 - Second sensor rotation speed 0 rpm 1

D52 - Second sensor Absolute mechanical 1638
position (on current revolution) 4
D53 - Second sensor Number of 1638
revolutions 4
SENS2_FRQ_IN D54 - Second sensor Frequency input 0 KHz 16
SENS2_ZERO_TOP D56 - Sensor2 Zero Top 0 1
C70 - Enable SinCos Analog-Digital
compensation into position



The control can have up to 4 optically insulated digital outputs (L.O.1 … L.O.4) whose logic functions
can be configured as active high (H) by means of connection C10 ÷ C13.
The following table shows the logic functions managed by standard application:

O 00 OD_DRV_READY Drive ready L.O.2

O 01 OD_ALR_KT_MOT Moto thermal alarm

O 02 OD_SPD_OVR_MIN Speed exceed minimum L.O.4

O 03 OD_DRV_RUN Drive running L.O.1


O 05 OD_K_I_TRQ Current/torque relay

O 06 OD_END_RAMP End of ramp L.O.3

O 07 OD_LIM_I Drive at current limit

O 08 OD_LIM_TRQ Drive at torque limit

O 09 OD_ERR_INS Tracking incremental error > threshold (P37 ane P39)

O 10 OD_PREC_OK Power soft-start active

O 11 OD_BRK Braking active

O 12 OD_POW_OFF No mains power

O 13 OD_BUS_RIG Bus regeneration enable (Support 1 )

O 14 OD_IT_OVR Motor thermal current above threshold (P96)

O 15 OD_KT_DRV Radiator overheating (higher than P120 threshold)

O 16 OD_SPD_OK Speed reached (absolute value higher than P47)

O 17 OD_NO_POW_ACC Power electronic card not supplied

O 18

O 19 OD_POS_INI_POL Regulation card supplied and DSP not in reset state

O 20 SENS1 Absolute position available

O 21 Motor holding brake

User’s manual 63
If you wish to have the logic outputs active at the low level (L) you need just configure the connection
corresponding to the chosen logic function but with the value denied: for example, if you want to
associate the function “ end of ramp ” to logic output 1 active low, you have to program connection
10 with the number -6 ( C10=-6 ).

Note: if you want to configure Output logic 0 to active low you have to set the desired connection to
value -32


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

AO1_SEL C15 - Meaning of programmable analog output 1 -99 100 11 1

AO2_SEL C16 - Meaning of programmable analog output 2 -99 100 4 1

PRC_AO1_10V P57 - % value of 10V for analog output A 100.0 400.0 200 % 10

PRC_AO2_10V P58 - % value of 10V for analog output B 100.0 400.0 200 % 10

OFFSET_AO1 P110 - Offset A/D 1 -100.0 100.0 0 % 327.67

OFFSET_AO2 P111 - Offset A/D 2 -100.0 100.0 0 % 327.67

There can be a maximum of two analog outputs, VOUTA and VOUTB ± 10 V, 2mA.
To each of the two outputs can be associated an internally regulated variables selected from the list
here below; the allocation is made by programming the connection corresponding to the output
concerned, C15 for VOUTA and C16 for VOUTB, with the number given in the table below
corresponding to the relative quantities. By means of the parameters P57 (for VOUTA) and P58 (for
VOUTB) it is also possible to set the percentage of the variables selected to correspond to the
maximum output voltage (default values are P57=P58=200% so 10V in output correspond to 200% of
variable selected). The default for VOUTA is a signal proportional to the current supplied by converter
(C15=11), in VOUTB the signal is proportional to the working speed (C16=4).
It is also possible to have the absolute internal variable value desired: to do this it is simply necessary
to program the connection corresponding to the denied desired number: for example taking C15=-21
there will be an analog output signal proportional to the absolute value of the working frequency.
It is also possible to have a analog output fixed to +10V: to do this it is simply necessary to program
the connection corresponding to 64.


C15 100Ω



C16 100Ω


O 00 Actual mechanical position read by sensor[100%=180]

O 01 Actual electrical position read by sensor(delta m) [100%=180]

O 02 Reference speed value before ramps [% n mAX]

O 03 Reference speed value after ramps [% n MAX]

O 04 Rotation speed (filtered Tf= 8 TPWM, 1.6ms at 5KHz) [% n MAX] A.0.2

O 05 Torque request [% C NOM MOT]

O 06 Internal value: status (MONITOR only)

O 07 Request to current loop r torque current [% I NOM AZ]

O 08 Request to current loop for flux current [% I NOM AZ]

O 09 Request voltage at maximum rev. [% VNOM MOT]

O 10 Internal value: alarms (MONITOR only)

O 11 Current module [% I NOM AZ] A.0.1

O 12 Sensor 1 Zero Top [100%=180]

O 13 U phase current reading [% I MAX AZ]

O 14 Internal value: inputs (MONITOR only)

O 15 Torque component of current reading [% I NOM AZ]

O 16 Magnetizing component of current reading [% I NOM AZ]

O 17 U phase voltage duty-cycle

O 18 Stator voltage reference value module [% VNOM MOT]

O 19 Modulation index [0<->1]

O 20 Request Q axis voltage (Vq_rif) [% VNOM]

O 21 Delivered power [% PNOM]

O 22 Request D axis voltage (Vd_rif) [% VNOM]

O 23 Torque produced [% C NOM MOT]

O 24 Bus voltage [100%=900V]

O 25 Radiator temperature reading [% 37,6°]

O 26 Motor temperature reading [% 80°]

O 27 Rotor flux [% NOM]

O 28 Motor thermal current [% alarm threshold A6]

O 29 Current limit [% I MAX AZ]

O 30 CW maximum torque [% C NOM MOT]

O 31 CCW maximum torque [% C NOM MOT]

O 32 Internal value: outputs (MONITOR only)

O 33 Internal value: inputs_hw (MONITOR only)

O 34 V phase current reading [% I MAX AZ]

O 35 W phase current reading [% I MAX AZ]

O 36 Actual electrical position (alfa_fi ) [100%=180 ]

O 37 Analog input A.I.1 [100%=16383]

O 38 Analog input A.I.2 [100%=16383]

O 39 Analog input A.I.3 [100%=16383]

O 40 Sensor 2 Zero Top

O 41 Application speed reference value ("sysSpeedPercReference") [% n MAX]

O 42 Application torque reference value ("sysTorqueReference") [% C NOM MOT]

O 43 Application positive torque limit ("sysMaxTorque") [% C NOM MOT]

Frequency speed reference value from application ("sysSpeedRefPulses") [Pulses
O 44
per TPWM]

User’s manual 65
Overlapped space loop reference value from application
O 45
("sysPosRefPulses")[Pulses per TPWM]
O 46 Amplitude to the square of sine and cosine feedback signals [1=100%]

O 47 Sen_theta (Direct resolver and Sin/Cos Encoder) [Max amplitude = 200%]

O 48 Cos_ theta (Direct resolver and Sin/Cos Encoder) [Max amplitude = 200%]

O 49 Rotation speed not filtered [% n MAX]

O 50 Delta pulses read in PWM period in frequency input [Pulses per PWM]

O 51 Overlapped space loop memory lsw [Electrical pulses (x P67)

O 52 Overlapped space loop memory msw [Electrical turns (x P67)]

O 53 Incremental SIN theta Sin/Cos Encoder

O 54 Incremental COS theta Sin/Cos Encoder

O 55 Ended initial reset

O 56 PTM motor thermal probe

O 57 PTR radiator thermal probe

O 58 Pulses read by sensor

O 59 SENS2 Rotation speed not filtered

O 60 SENS2 Actual position

O 61 SENS2 Sin_theta

O 62 SENS2 Cos_theta

O 63 SYNC delay measured

O 64 Application negative torque limit (“sysMaxNegative Torque”) [%C NOM MOT]

O 65 Energy dissipated on breaking resistence [joule]

O 66 Analog input A.I.16 bit [100%=16383]

O 68 Stop in position target [100%=180]

O 69 Stop in position actual position [100%=180]

O 70 Stop in position error [100%=180]

O 71 Stop in position o33 timer [ms]

O 85 Setpoint PID

O 86 Process value PID

O 87 Component P of PID

O 88 Component I of PID

O 89 Component D of PID

O 90 Error SP-PV of PID

O 91 Output PID


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

ENC_OUT_ZERO_TOP C49 - TOP zero phase for simulated encoder 0 3 0 1

ENC_OUT_DIR C50 - Invert channel B simulated encoder 0 1 0 1

ENC_OUT_PPR_SEL C51 - Choose pulses ev. simulated encoder 0 11 5 1

ENC_OUT_SEL C52 - Simulated encoder selection 0 3 0 1

OPD_ENC_OUT_SEL C54 - Incremental/absolute Simulated Encoder 0 2 0 1

P124 - Simulated encoder Kv gain
PRC_ENC_OUT_LOOP 0.0 100.0 100 % 327.67
multiplication coeff.

With C52 I possible select the signal for the frequency output as indicated in the follow table:

C52 Value Description

The frequency output is the simulated encoder that can be

configures conforming the follow paragraph
The frequency output is the squared signal from the motor
speed (sensor 1)
The frequency output is the squared signal from the speed
sensor 2
The frequency output is the squared signal from the frequency

The frequency of the output signals depends on the motor revolutions, the number of sensor poles
and the selection made (see connection C51 in the core file) and their behaviour in time depends on
rotation sense (CW or CCW) and on C50 as shown in the figures below

d21>0 C50=0 d21>0 C50=1

d21<0 C50=0 d21<0 C50=1

User’s manual 67
The simulated encoder outputs are all driven by a “LINE DRIVER”. Their level in the standard drive
version is referred to +5V and then it is connected to the internal supply (TTL +5V).
In option (to be requested in the ordering) there is the possibility to refer the signal level to an
external supply whose value must be between +5V and +24V, connection on terminal 5 and 6.
In the connected device it is better to use a differential input to avoid loops with the 0V wire, to limit
noise effects it is better to load this input (10mA max).

It is necessary to use a twisted shielded cable to make a proper connection.

WARNING: the external power supply GND is connected with the 0V of the drive (it is not

WARNING: for the encoder simulation with internal supply (standard drive version) you must
not connect the terminal 5 (Vccin), because it could seriously damage the drive, and set the
SW1 switch as indicated in the follow image.


ON 1

WARNING: for the encoder simulation with external supply, you must connect the terminal 5
(Vccin) and 6 (GND) and set the SW1 switch as indicated in the follow image.



The two bidirectional simulation encoder channels could have a number of pulses per motor
revolution selectable with C51 according to the following table, that also depends on the number of
sensor polar couples:

C51 Pul/rev motor/(P68/2)

0 0

1 64

2 128

3 256

4 512

5 1024

6 2048

7 4096

8 8192

9 16384

10 32768

11 65536

WARNING: The choice of the number of pulses for revolution depends on the maximum speed
and the number of sensor polar couples (P68/2). In the following table are reported this
limitation. If it is selected a number of pulses too high compared with the maximum speed it is
triggered the alarm A15 code =1.

Maximum speed (rpm) x P68/2 Pul/rev motor/(P68/2)

400 65536

800 32768

1600 16384

3200 8192

6400 4096

12800 2048

25600 1024

32767 512

NB: In the particular case of Resolver decoded with RDC19224, the choice of the number of pulses
for revolution depends on the maximum speed and the number of sensor polar couples (P68/2) in
this way:

Maximum speed (rpm) x P68/2 Pul/rev motor/(P68/2)

1500 16384

6000 4096

24000 1024

The default value is C51=5 correspond to 1024 pul/rev.

As can be seen, the number of pulses also depends on the number of sensor poles which are set in
parameter P68, and, in particular, the above-mentioned values are valid if the sensor is two-pole.
The pulse output is controlled by a line driver (ET 7272); the limitation of the number of pulses
regards the maximum speed is done for limit the maximum frequency for channel to 437KHz. INCREMENTAL OR ABSOLUTE SIMULATED ENCODER

The C54 connection allows to select two different modes of working for simulated encoder:
ƒ Incremental Simulated Encoder C54=0 (default): in this mode the simulated encoder
channels follow the motor rotation in incremental way and the third channel (zero pulse)
looses of meaning
ƒ Absolute Simulated Encoder C54=1: in this mode also the third channel (zero pulse) is
managed but in the first edge of sensor zero pulse there will be a correction into simulated
encoder channels.

This choice is significant only for sensors with a zero pulse (Encoder, Encoder and Hall sensors,
Sin/Cos Encoder), in the other case (Resolver, Endat) the Simulated Encoder is always absolute,
without any correction into simulated encoder channels.
The third channel generates a number of zero pulses in phase with channel A, equal to the number of
sensor poles divided by two (P68/2); in particular there is one single zero pulse per motor revolution
with a two-pole sensor.
The position of the zero pulse depends on the fit of the sensor on the drive shaft; with reference to
the original position, decoding the zero of the sensor position, this position may be changed with
jumps of 90° electrical (with reference to the sensor) by means of connection C49 according to the
following table:

User’s manual 69
C49 Displacement

0 +0°

1 +90°

2 +180°

3 +270°

The default value is 0.

These electrical degrees correspond to the mechanical degrees if the resolver has two poles .
Connection C50 inverts the encoder B channel, thus inverting its phase with respect to channel A,
with the same motor rotation direction.
By default C50=0
By P124 (default = 100%) is possible to reduce the loop gain. This can increase the stability of the
system, but reduce the speed response.



Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P37 - Maximum tracking error (less significative
FLW_ERR_MAX_LSW -32767 32767 32767 ppr 1
POS_REG_KP P38 - Kv position loop proportional gain 0.0 100.0 4 10
P39 - Maximum tracking error (less significative
FLW_ERR_MAX_MSW 0 32767 0 rpm 1
EN_POS_REG P239 - Enable overlapped space loop 0 1 0 1
P240 - Enable overlapped space loop memory
clear in stop

Continuous position control during rotation is used to synchronise both speed and space with the
speed reference value used.
To enable this function, set input function I17 “Enable overlapped space loop” to high logic level or
set C239=1. From then on, an internal counter will be save any position errors regarding the space
crossed by the reference value. If the drive RUN command is disabled, the error will be accumulated
until it can be corrected once RUN has been enabled again.
Using parameters P37 (65536=1 mechanical turn) and P39 (number of mechanical turns) it’s possible
to set a maximum tracking error threshold, if the absolute error value becomes greater than this
value, the logic output o.9 “Tracking error” goes at high level.
The overlapped space loop reference value is generated by the application and regards the
“theta_rif_pos” value, which is also expressed in electrical pulses for a period of PWM.
Note that once this function has been enabled, the overlapped space loop reference value will
become the real position reference value, while the other speed reference values will represent feed-
The space loop regulator is a pure proportional gain and its gain can be set on P38: set a value that
ensures a quick response, but one that does not make the motor vibrate at a standstill.
The continuous position control is most commonly applied to the electric axis: by taking the speed
reference value from the MASTER’s Simulated Encoder and taking it to the SLAVE’s frequency input,
the motion of the two motors can be synchronised. Once the overlapped space loop is enabled, the
two motors will always maintain the same relative position whatever their load. If the SLAVE reaches
its torque limit, the counter will save the position error and then correct it as long as the internal
counter limit has not been reached, in which case the synchronisation will be lost. FREQUENCY SPACE REFERENCE (ELECTRICAL AXES)

Managing a frequency space reference means always guarantee the same phase angle between
master and slave. To do this work is necessary to enable the overlapped position loop with parameter
P239 or bringing at active state input function I17.

It should then provide a speed feed-forward reference, the best solution is to use the frequency
speed reference decoded in time (P224=1 and P219=0), alternatively, wanting to work in pulses,
clear P224=0.

Note: Wanting to manage in space the frequency reference, it’s not possible to enable pulses and
decoding in time reference(P224 = 2).

The recommended block diagram is:

User’s manual 71
Selector sysPosRefPulses
A FRQ_IN_NUM(P221) Multiply
/A Input 0.0 0 IN OUT Division
B Encod
Mul X Selector
er 2
Div / OUT 0.0
FRQ_IN_SEL (C09) Selector
(P220) 1

Filter 1° order
IN OUT Multiply
Mul XOUT sysSpeedPercRef

The frequency speed reference decoded in time ("sysSpeedPercReference”) has to be enabled with
P223=1 o I19=H ,it has very good resolution also for low frequency input, thus allows high speed
regulator gains

The pulses space reference (“sysPosRefPulses”) has to be enabled with C65=1 o I17=H from then
on will not miss pulses, ensuring maximum precision in the master-slave electrical axes.

Since the overlapped position loop is enabled, it is useless enable also the linear ramps on
frequency speed reference decoded in time.


User’s manual 73
For a better understanding of the PID function it is useful to identify three parts of the controller
1. PID input signals. In this section conditioning and setting of the analog references (see
chapterxxx),Frequency reference (see chapter xxxx) and second sensor (see…) is
considered and managed. The output of this part can be used as input to the PID
regulator block.
2. PID Regulator Block. This is the PID regulator or controller with its parameter and
setting as gains and scaling factors.
3. PID output signals . This section is used for conditioning and managing the PID
regulator output signal to be used as reference input in the drive.
PID Input signals there considers three different possible setting of OPD Explorer: Set Point PID
Regulator, Feed back PID Regulator and Manual set point PID Controller.
In all the three different setting the signals coming from the analog inputs AI1,AI2, and AI3, from the
frequency input as speed reference and from the second sensor are eventually either added or
compared together.
With the exception of the feedback setting the reference can be a digital set point with the appropriate
The three generated signals as from above will be then after treated thru a scaling block as here
below written:

With reference to the input signals and specifically for only the manual set point and the reference
set point it is possible to have an acceleration and deceleration time with the appropriate
parameters. The time has to be intended from the minimum value to reach the set value and
The PID regulator can work in two different ways as for the actual value of input “auto” handled with a
selector set by parameter P262 and the input I28.
If signal “auto” is “false” PID output is related to the manual set-point, while if “auto” is true the PID
works in automatic way.
With the following premises:
- Input “SP” is the regulation reference with PID enabled (“auto”=TRUE) displayed thru
internal value “ACT_SP_PID” (D83)
- Input “PV” is the feedback signal of the regulator with PID enabled (“auto”=TRUE)
displayed thru internal value “ACT_PV_PID” (D85)
- Input “KP_Filter” defines the time for the first order filter that acts only on the
proportional part
- Thru input “Man_SP” it is possible to set the output value “XOUT” when PID is disabled
- The PID parameters are:
• “KP” proportional gain
• “TI” integral time defined in ms (if set = 0 integral gain is disabled)
• “TD” derivative time defined in ms (if set = 0 integral gain is disabled)
- Thru inputs “XMAX” (parameter “LMN_MIN_OUT_PID” P277) and “XMIN” (parameter
“LMN_MIN_OUT_PID” P276) it is possible to limit the regulation value as “XOUT”.
When output “XOUT” reaches its regulation limit the integral part will be freezed and
In manual mode (Auto = false) PID ouput has following value :
“Error” (error value displayed in D92) = SP - PV;
“LMN_P” (proportional part displayed in D89) = 0.0;
“LMN_I” (integral part displayed in D90) = Man_SP - (KP * Error);
“LMN_D” (derivative part displayed in D91)= 0.0;
“XOUT” (PID regulator output displayed in D93) = Man_SP

User’s manual 75
In automatic mode (auto = true) ) PID ouput has following value :
“Error” (error value displayed in D92) = SP - PV;
“LMN_P” (proportional part displayed in D89) = filtered (KP * Error);
“LMN_I” ((integral part displayed in D90) = LMN_I + (KP * Error / (T_DRW_PWM * TI);
“LMN_D”( derivative part displayed in D91)=TD*KP*(Error - Error_Last)*T_DRW_PWM;
“XOUT” (PID regulator output displayed in D93) = LMN_P + LMN_I + LMN_D

Whereas T_DRW_PWM = 1000 / P101 with P101 = PWM frequency and Error_Last is the error
value of the previous control cycle.

N.B. In the folder “PID Controller” with the parameter "EN_PID" ( P249 - Enabling Genera PID
Control) is possible to disable the PID control function. If this parameter is disabled the PIC
control is not active.



Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

MODBUS_ADDR P92 - Serial identification number 0 255 1 1

MODBUS_BAUD P93 - Serial baud rate 192 Kbit/s 1

The OPEN drive products line is compatible with the protocol of the serial communication Modbus
At a physical level , the supported standard is the RS485, see the drive installation manual for
information about it. Specifications about the Modbus Protocol are available at the Internet address :


The drive configuration as Modbus node requires the correct configuration of the following

Name Description Range Default

P92 Serial identification number 0÷255 1

P93 Serial baud rate 19,2 ; 38,4 ; 57,6 19,2 Kbit/s

By setting these parameters in real time, they will become instantly active :

Note: the communication mode in broadcast with address = 0 is not managed


The drive represents the slave in the communication : this means that it is only able to answer to
messages received if its address (settable in P92) corresponds with the one indicated in the message
itself. If the address is wrong or there is an error of communication in CRC, the drive will not send any
answer, as the protocol requires.
Every word transmitted is composed by 11 bit : 1 bit for start, 8 bit for the data and 1-2 bit for stop.
The parity check is not supported.

Start Stop

The Modbus protocol requires a long functions series; our application requires less than these : in the
following table you can find the implemented functions and their codification :

Code Function Description

1 Read Coil Status Reading of digital input/output

03 Read Holding Registers Reading of memorised data

15 Force Multiple Coils Writing of digital inputs

16 Preset Multiple Registers Writing of memorised data

Hereinafter you can find the description of the action and of the related address of each function. 01 READ COIL STATUS

This function allows the user to read the status of the digital inputs and outputs.
It is important to underline that the standard management of the digital inputs requires that the RUN
enable must be given both via terminal board and via serial line; all the other inputs instead can be
commanded by one of the two ways just listed. The default RUN input from the serial line is high
while all the others are low: in this way the user who is not using it, can have the total control of
digital inputs from the terminal board.
Thanks to Read Coil Status function it is possible to read the status of the digital inputs and related
outputs you are interested in, just specifying the correct address written in the following table :

starting address(hex) Max number of data Description

0300 32 Digital input logical functions

0320 32 Standard digital outputs logical functions

0340 32 Applicative digital output logical functions

The order number of the inputs and the outputs is the one specified in the related tables (see specific
description of the control’s core) .

User’s manual 77 03 READ HOLDING REGISTER

This function allows the user to read the values of all the Parameters, Connections, Internal Sizes
and some status variables. Writing the correct address you can access these data (see the table
under for the address) ; considering the internal representation you can rightly interpret the read data
: as usual it is necessary to see the related tables in the specific description of the core :

starting address (hex) Max number of data Description

0000 200 Parameters table

00C8 100 Connections table

012C 100 Application Data table

0380 64 Internal sizes

0200 1 Drive status

0202 1 Drive alarms

0203 1 Alarm enabling

0300 1 Digital input logical functions

0320 1 Standard digital outputs logical functions

0340 1 Applicative digital output logical functions

052C 800 Representation parameters table

084C 400 Representation connection table

0C00 128 Analog outputs and monitor values

0D00 500 Representation extra parameters table

09DC 64 Representation internal parameters table

It is not possible to read more than 127 registers at a time due to the memory limits of the buffer.
The order number of the parameters, of the connections and of the internal sizes is the one related to
the lists contained in the description of the control’s core.
See the specific documentation for data area application.
The status variable is the same for all the implementations; hereinafter you can find the meaning of
the most important bit :

Brake :
1 = Mains supply off 0 = off ; 1 = on

15 10 8 5 3 2 1 0
Drive status

1 = Power soft 1 = alarm actives

start on Drive state :
Working state:
0 = Stop
0 = generator
1 = Drive ready 1 = Run
1 = motor

referring to alarms and their enabling, the order number for the bit of the word corresponds to the
number of the alarm itself. (e.g. A2= external enable corresponding to the bit 2 of drive alarms )


This function enables to set the value of digital inputs via serial line. As previously said, the digital
inputs via serial line are all parallel to the related digital inputs via terminal board except the RUN
enable ( where the two inputs are in series )

Starting address Max data number Digital inputs

Starting address(hex) Max data number Description

0360 32 Digital inputs 16 (10 HEX) PRESET MULTIPLE REGISTERS

This function allows to set the value of the parameters, connections and to enable the alarms even if
the corresponding keys are opened.
To correctly set these data it is required the right address ( that you can find in the following table)
and it is necessary to consider the internal data representation, referring to the specific descriptions
of the core. The application area’s meaning depends on the present application (see specific

starting address Max data number Description

0000 200 Parameters table

00C8 100 Connections table

012C 100 Applications data table

0203 1 Alarms enabling

0360 1 Digital input

If it is written a value not included in the range, the value will be ignored and the previous one will

The following exception codes in the answer are managed:

Code Name Description

01 Not managed function The drive doesn’t manage this Modbus function

02 Wrong data address The address is not valid

03 Wrong data value The data number required is too big

User’s manual 79

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

ID_CANOPEN P162 - CAN BUS node ID 1 127 1 1

0 1M
1 800 k
2 500 k
CANOPEN_BAUD_SEL C48 - CAN Baud rate 3 250 k 0 1
4 125 k
5 50 k
6 20 k
7 10 k
P247 - Enable FIELD-BUS
reference values
PRC_T_REF_FLDBUS D69 - Fieldbus Torque reference -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
D71 - Fieldbus Torque Max
PRC_T_MAX_FLDBUS -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_SPD_REF_FLDBUS D75 - Fieldbus Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
D78 - Fieldbus Speed Reference in
SPD_REF_PULS_FLDBUS 0 Pulses per Tpwm 1
D10 - Torque reference value
PRC_APP_T_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
(application generated)
D32 - Maximum torque imposed
PRC_APP_T_MAX -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
(application generated)
D33 - Speed reference (application
PRC_APP_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
D14 - Frequency speed reference
PRC_APP_FRQ_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
value (application generated)
C23 - Enable CANOpen SYNC
EN_SYNC_REG 0 1 0 1
traking loop
P11 - CanOpen SYNC loop
SYNC_REG_KP 0 200 5 1
regulator Proportional gain
P12 - CanOpen SYNC loop 2000
SYNC_REG_TA 0 400 1
regulator lead time constant 0
D57 - Delay from SYNC reception
to Speed routine execution
D58 - PWM offset for SYNC delay
PWM_SYNC_OFFSET 0 pulses 1


The drive configuration as CAN node includes the use of the following customer parameters ( of
conventional use ):

Name Description Min Max Default

ID_CANOPEN P162 - CAN BUS node ID 1 127 1

0 1M
1 800 k
2 500 k
CANOPEN_BAUD_SEL C48 - CAN Baud rate 3 250 k 0
4 125 k
5 50 k
6 20 k
7 10 k

These parameters must be rightly configured and saved in the permanent memory of the
drive (C63=1). At start up these data are considered and become operating.


The configuration of the communication objects CAN OPEN DS301 can uniquely be done via CAN.
At first switch on, the drive is a non-configured node which satisfies the “pre defined connection set”
for the identifiers allocation; for this, the following objects are available:
rx SDO with COB-ID = 600h + ID CAN node (parameter P162)
tx SDO with COB-ID = 580h + ID CAN node
an emergency object with COB-ID = 80h + ID CAN node
NMT objects (Network Management) : in broadcast (COB-ID=0) for Module Control services and
COB-ID = 700h + ID CAN node for Error Control.
The SYNC object in broadcast with COB-ID = 80h
With the SDO available, the drive can be totally configured as CAN node and only after the
communication objects can be saved in the permanent memory using the proper command “store
parameters” (1010h)” on the Sub-Index 2.
Also the object “restore default parameters (1011h)” Sub-Index 2 is managed to load all the default
communication objects and to save them automatically in the permanent memory (switch off and then
on the drive to make objects operating ).


SDO are used to access the objects dictionary. In our implementation a maximum of 4 server SDO
can be available which can be configured with the following objects:
1200h 1 server SDO parameter
1201h 2 server SDO parameter
1202h 3rd server SDO parameter
1203h 4 server SDO parameter

The transfer mode depends on the length of the data to be transferred : up to 4byte data length, the
modality expedited is used as it is simple and immediate; for bigger size objects the modality
segmented and block are both supported. See the specific Communication Profile DS301 for having
details on the different transmission modes; hereinafter are written only some peculiarities of our
a writing access to SDO must indicate the number of significant byte (data set size)
the writing data by SDO is liable to the same rules ( drive state, keys, tolerated range…) seen for the
other modalities of parameters modify (serial and keyboard).
If SDO are structured in more segments, the drive will start writing the data at the indicated address
with the first segment, without using a temporary buffer
A controller is intended to avoid that two SDOs access the same object at the same time.
With the transmission in block modality, the computation of CRC and the “Protocol Switch Threshold”
are not supported.
It is possible to set the block size of the SDO Block Download service at the address 2000h of the
objects dictionary, in the manufacturer specific section. PROCESS DATA OBJECT (PDO)

PDO are used for the data exchange in real-time in the objects dictionary that supports this function. TRANSMIT PDO

In our implementation up to a maximum of 4 TPDO can be configured with the following objects :
1800h 1 Transmit PDO Communication parameter
1801h 2nd Transmit PDO Communication parameter
1802h 3 Transmit PDO Communication parameter
1803h 4th Transmit PDO Communication parameter

User’s manual 81
the 5 Sub-Index related to every type of TPDO are all managed : it is possible to set the transmission
type (see the following table), the inhibit time with 100μs resolution and the period of the event timer
with 1ms resolution

transmission type PDO transmission

0 Synchronous: data are refreshed and transmitted with every SYNC received.

Synchronous and cyclical: the number indicates how many SYNC are in between
two following transmissions

241-251 ---------- reserved --------------------------

252 Data are refreshed and sent at the following RTR when the SYNC is received

Data are refreshed and sent when the RTR is received (remote transmission
Event timer : cyclical transmission with a period time settable in ms in the Sub-
Index 5

255 Manufacturer specific : it is settable time by time

Note: in the transmission type 255, it is possible to choose on which event the TPDO transmission
works. The event choice can be effectuated only during the compiling the software code.
The TPDO mapping can be dynamically effectuated by rightly configuring the following
communication objects:
1A00h 1st Transmit PDO Mapping parameter
1A01h 2 Transmit PDO Mapping parameter
1A02h 3 Transmit PDO Mapping parameter
1A03h 4 Transmit PDO Mapping parameter
the PDO mapping must be done by following these instructions:
1- the number of the mapped objects in Sub-Index 0 must be equal to zero
2- the addresses of all mapped objects must be configured
3- the correct number of mapped objects in the Sub-Index 0 must be
indicated RECEIVED PDO

In our implementation a maximum of 4 RPDO can be configured with the following objects:
1400h 1 Receive PDO Communication parameter
1401h 2nd Receive PDO Communication parameter
1402h 3 Receive PDO Communication parameter
1403h 4th Receive PDO Communication parameter
The first 2 Sub-Index related to each RPDO are managed: in this way it is possible to set the
transmission type:

transmission type PDO receiving

synchronous: when the following SYNC is received, the values received on

the RPDO will be activated.

241-253 ---------------------------- reserved --------------------------

254 Asynchronous: the values received in the RPDO are immediately activated.

The RPDO mapping can be dynamically effectuated by rightly configuring the following
communication objects:

1600h 1st Receive PDO Mapping parameter

1601h 2 Receive PDO Mapping parameter
1602h 3rd Receive PDO Mapping parameter
1603h 4 Receive PDO Mapping parameter
RPDO mapping must be executed by following the next directives as well:

Set the number of mapped objects in Sub-Index 0 to be equal to zero
Configure the addresses of all mapped objects
Indicate the correct number of mapped objects in Sub-Index 0


The emergency object is transmitted by the drive when a new enabled alarm comes trough or when
one or more alarms are reset. The Emergency telegram is made by 8byte as shown in the following

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Emergency Error Manufacturer specific
Error Code register alarms LSB –MSB

In our implementation only two codes of the error code are implemented :
00xx = Error Reset or No Error
10xx = Generic Error
Speaking of the Error register (object 1001h), the following bits are managed corresponding to the
following alarms:

Bit Meaning Corresponding alarms

0 General error all
1 Current A3
2 Voltage A10 - A11 -A13
3 temperature A4 - A5 - A6

In Manufacturer specific only the bytes 3 and 4 are assigned which contain the state of the various
alarms of the drive. Further 3 bytes for the transmission of possible other user’s data are available.
The management of 1003h “pre-defined error field “ object memorises the chronology of the alarm
events (from start up of the drive) up to a maximum of 32 elements.
At every new alarm event 4 bytes are memorised, 2 are mandatory and correspond to the Error
Code; the other 2 are Manufacturer specific and in our specific case correspond to the state of all the
drive alarms.

Additional information Error code
alarms MSB alarms LSB Error code MSB Error code LSB


This function allows the NMT master to check and set the state to every NMT slave.
All the services of Module Control and also the Node Guarding Protocol which uses the COB-ID =
700h + ID CAN node are implemented: this allows the slave to communicate that the bootup ended
and the pre-operational modality is active, thus the master can interrogate the different slaves with an
The Life guarding function is implemented as well: the drive (NMT slave) can be set up by the

their product yields the Node life time

100Ch Guard time in ms
note: node life time is internally saturated in the
100Dh Life time factor (multiplier factor)
period time of 32767/fpwm sec.

User’s manual 83
Life guarding is enabled only if life time Node is different to zero; in this case the check-up starts after
having received the first RTR from the NMT master.
The Communication profile DS301 doesn’t decide which action it has to start if the time constrain of
life guarding hasn’t been respected. It’s possible to decide how to act, during the firmware
compilation step. By default, no action is done.


The following objects of the communication profile are supported:

Index (hex) Object Name Type Access

1000 VAR Device type UNSIGNED32 Reading

1001 VAR Error register UNSIGNED8 Reading

1002 VAR Manufacturer status register UNSIGNED32 Reading

1003 ARRAY Pre-defined error field UNSIGNED32 Reading

1005 VAR COB-ID SYNC UNSIGNED32 Reading/writing

1006 VAR Communication cycle period UNSIGNED32 Reading/writing

1008 VAR Manufacturer device name Vis-String constant

1009 VAR Manufacturer hardware version Vis-String constant

100A VAR Manufacturer software version Vis-String constant

100C VAR Guard time UNSIGNED16 Reading/writing

100D VAR Life time factor UNSIGNED8 Reading/writing

1010 ARRAY Store parameters UNSIGNED32 Reading/writing

1011 ARRAY Restore dafault parameters UNSIGNED32 Reading/writing

1014 VAR COB-ID EMCY UNSIGNED32 Reading/writing

1015 VAR Inhibit Time EMCY UNSIGNED16 Reading/writing

1018 RECORD Identity Object Identity (23h) Reading

1200 RECORD 1st Server SDO parameter SDO parameter Reading/writing

1201 RECORD 2nd Server SDO parameter SDO parameter Reading/writing

1202 RECORD 3rd Server SDO parameter SDO parameter Reading/writing

1203 RECORD 4th Server SDO parameter SDO parameter Reading/writing

1400 RECORD 1st receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1401 RECORD 2nd receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1402 RECORD 3rd receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1403 RECORD 4th receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1600 RECORD 1st receive PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

1601 RECORD 2nd receive PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

Index (hex) Object Name Type Access

1602 RECORD 3rd receive PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

1603 RECORD 4th receive PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

1800 RECORD 1st transmit PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1801 RECORD 2nd receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1802 RECORD 3rd receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1803 RECORD 4th receive PDO parameter PDO CommPar Reading/writing

1A00 RECORD 1st transmit PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

1A01 RECORD 2nd transmit PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

1A02 RECORD 3rd transmit PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing

1A03 RECORD 4th transmit PDO mapping PDO Mapping Reading/writing



The words reported in bold type can be mapped in PDO.

Object Type Name Description Access
SDO Block size Block
2000 VAR INTEGER16 Block size Reading/writing
Formats of the 200
2001 VAR DOMAIN Tab_formati reading
Formats of the 100
2002 VAR DOMAIN Tab_con_formati Reading
Formats of the 64 internal
2003 VAR DOMAIN Tab_exp_int reading
Formats of the 64 monitor’s
2004 VAR DOMAIN Tab_exp_osc Reading
Values of the default
2005 VAR DOMAIN Tab_par_def Reading
Values of the default
2006 VAR DOMAIN Tab_con_def Reading
Sensor managed by the
2007 VAR INTEGER16 hw_software Reading
Sensor managed by
2008 VAR INTEGER16 hw_sensore Reading
electronic card

2009 VAR INTEGER16 K_zz Monitor counter Reading

200A VAR INTEGER16 Via_alla_conta Monitor trigger Reading

Data saved in the channel A

200B VAR DOMAIN Tab_monitor_A Reading
of the monitor
Data saved in the channel B
200C VAR DOMAIN Tab_monitor_B Reading
of the monitor
Actual values of the
200D ARRAY INTEGER16 Tab_par [200] Reading/writing
Actual values of the
200E ARRAY INTEGER16 Tab_con [100] Reading/writing
Actual values of the internal
200F ARRAY INTEGER16 Tab_int [64] Reading
UNSIGNED Actual values of the logical
2010 VAR Tab_inp_dig Reading
32 input’s functions
UNSIGNED Actual values of the logical
2011 VAR Tab_out_dig Reading
32 output’s functions
Actual values of the
2012 ARRAY INTEGER16 Tab_osc [64] Reading
checked words

User’s manual 85
Logical status of the 8
2013 VAR UNSIGNED16 ingressi Reading
inputs of the terminal board
Logical status of the 3
2014 VAR UNSIGNED16 ingressi_hw Reading
inputs from the power
Logical status of the 4 digit
2015 VAR UNSIGNED16 uscite_hw Reading
UNSIGNED Values set by CAN of the
2016 VAR Tab_inp_dig_field Reading/writing
32 output logical function

2017 VAR UNSIGNED16 stato Variable of the drive’s status Reading

2018 VAR UNSIGNED16 allarmi Drive alarms’ status Reading

Word for enabling drive’s

2019 VAR UNSIGNED16 abilitazione_allarmi Reading
Speed reference in % of
201A VAR INTEGER16 f_fieldbus Reading/writing
nMAX in 16384
torque limit in % di Tnom in
201B VAR INTEGER16 limit_fieldbus Reading/writing
torque reference in % di
201C VAR INTEGER16 trif_fieldbus Reading/writing
Tnom in 4095
Speed reference in electr.
201D VAR INTEGER16 theta_fieldbus Reading/writing
pulses x Tpwm
Tab_dati_applicazione Data Area available for the
201E ARRAY INTEGER16 Reading/writing
[100] application
Writing standard logical
201F VAR UNSIGNED32 Ingressi_wr Reading/writing
Writing application logical
2020 VAR UNSIGNED32 Ingressi Reading

2021 VAR UNSIGNED32 Uscite_standard_rd Reading standard inputs Reading

2022 VAR UNSIGNED16 word_vuota Unused Word Reading/writing

2023 VAR UNSIGNED32 double_vuota Unused Double word Reading/writing

Formats of extra
2024 VAR DOMAIN Tab_formati_extra Reading

This table is made by 800word (200*4) 4 words for each parameter :

1st word : it defines the parameter typology, its internal representation and the number of decimal and
integer digits which are shown up on the display. Each nibble has the following meaning:

0x 0 0 0 0 (in hexadecimal)

number of digits visualised in decimal

number of digits visualised in integer
internal representation :
0 Direct value
1 Percent of the base (100/base)
2 Proportional to the base (1/base)
3 Direct value unsigned
Type of parameter:
0 Not managed
1 free (changeable on-line)
2 Reserved (changeable off-line + key P60)
4 TDE (changeable off-line + key P99)

For example:
0x1231 Æ free parameter proportional to the base: the real value is = internal representation/base
(4th word).
2nd word : it defines the min. value admitted in the internal representation of the parameter

3rd word : it defines the max value admitted in the internal representation of the parameter
4 word : it defines the representation base of the parameter

example 1: (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’):

1 word = 0x1131
2nd word = 0000 free parameter in percent of the base: the real value is = (internal
3 word = 8190 representation divided by the base)*100
4th word = 4095
if the current value is 1000Æ (1000/4095)*100 = 24,4%
the variation range is included between 0 and 200%

example 2 : (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’):

1st word = 0x2231

2 word = 5 reserved parameter proportional to the base : the real value is
3rd word = 1000 internal representation divided by the base
4 word = 10
if the current value is 400Æ (400/10) = 40,0%
the variation range is included between 0,5 and 100% FORMAT CONNECTIONS TABLE ( TAB_WITH_FORMATS


This table is composed by 400 words (100x4), 4words for each connection:
1 word : it defines the type of connection ,its internal representation and the number of integer and
decimal digits that will show up on the display. Each nibble has the following meaning:

0x 0 0 0 0 (hexadecimal)

Number of digits visualised in decimal

Number of digits visualised in integer
Internal representation :
0 Direct value
1 Percent of the base (100/base)
2 Proportional to the base (1/base)

Parameter type:
0 Not managed
1 free (changeable on-line)
2 Reserved (change off-line + key P60)
4 TDE (change off-line + key P99)

2nd word : it defines the min admitted value in the internal representation of the connection
3 word : it defines the max admitted value in the internal representation of the connection
4th word : it defines the base of the representation of the connection (always 1)

The internal representation is always the direct value.

Example (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’) :

1st word = 0x2020

2 word = 0 reserved connection : its value is included between 0 and 18
3rd word = 18
4 word = 1


This table is made by 1000word (200*5) 5 words for each parameter :

1st word : it defines the parameter typology, its internal representation and the number of decimal and
integer digits which are shown up on the display. Each nibble has the following meaning:

0x 0 0 0 0 (in hexadecimal)

number of digits visualised in decimal

number of digits visualised in integer
internal representation :
0 Direct value
1 Percent of the base (100/base)
2 Proportional to the base (1/base)
3 Direct value unsigned

Type of parameter:
0 Not managed
1 free (changeable on-line)
2 Reserved (changeable off-line + key P60)
4 TDE (changeable off-line + key P99)

For example:

0x1231 Æ free parameter proportional to the base: the real value is = internal representation/base
(4 word).

2nd word : it defines the min. value admitted in the internal representation of the parameter
3rd word : it defines the max value admitted in the internal representation of the parameter
4 word : it defines the representation base of the parameter
5th word : it defines the default value of the parameter

example: (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’):

1st word = 0x1131

2 word = 0000 free parameter in percent of the base: the real value is = (internal
3rd word = 8190 representation divided by the base)*100
4 word = 4095
5th word = 4095
if the current value is 1000Æ (1000/4095)*100 = 24,4%
the variation range is included between 0 and 200%
the default value is 100%


This table is composed by 64 words, one word for each internal value :

1st word : it defines the representation of the internal values

0x 0 0 0 0 (hexadecimal)

internal representation :
1 Direct value /2 to the power of…
2 Percent with base 4095
3 Percent with base 32767
4 Percent with base 16383

example 1 (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’)

0x0002 internal representation of the value : percent of 4095.
For example if its value is 2040 Æ (2040/4095)*100 = 49,8%

Example 2 (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’)

0x0041 internal representation of the size : direct value divided by 24
For example if its value is 120 Æ (120/24) = 7,5 FORMAT OF MONITOR VALUES TABLE (TAB_EXP_OSC


This table is composed by 64 words, one word for each monitor value.
1st word : it defines the representation of internal values :

0x 0 0 0 0 (hexadecimal)

internal representation :
2 Percent with base 4095
3 Percent with base 32767
4 Percent with base 16383

example 1 (hexadecimal if leaded by ‘0x…’):

0x0003 internal representation of the internal value: percent of 32767.
For example if its value is 5000 Æ (5000/32767)*100 = 15,2% MANAGEMENT OF THE SPEED SENSOR (HW_SOFTWARE

2007H AND HW_SENSOR 2008H)

The two variables hw_software and hw_sensor can assume the following values :

value Corresponding sensor

0 --- none ---
1 Incremental encoder
2 Incremental encoder + Hall probes
4 Resolver
8 Sinuisoidal encoder Sin/Cos analog
9 Sinuisoidal encoder Sin/Cos absolute analog
10 Endat

hw_software represents the managed sensor of the version of the drive firmware.
hw_sensor represents the sensor managed by the feedback board mounted in the drive.

200CH +2012H)

These objects are related to the monitor of the drive internal values.
K_zz (2009h) is the internal counter of the 2000 points circular buffer.
Start_count If ≠0 it indicates that the trigger event set with C14 went off
Tab_monitor_A (200Bh) and Tab_monitor_B (200Ch) are circular buffer where the internal values
selected by C15 and C16 are stored
Moreover parameter P54,P55 and P56 are involved. P54 sets the sample time of the monitor( units =
PWM period); P55 sets the post-trigger points; P56 sets the trigger level if this is effectuated on the
monitored internal values
See the product documentation for detailing of the monitored internal values
The object Tab_osc (2012h) is an array of 64 internal values with the most recent values of all the
monitoring variables. In this way the single objects can be mapped as PDOs to keep under control
the internal values of the drive. INPUT LOGIC FUNCTIONS (OBJECTS 2010H, 2013H, 2014H,

2016H, 201FH, 2020H, 2021H, 2022H)

The management of the input logic functions is totally controlled via CAN.
In the variable inputs (2013h) it is possible to read the status of the 8 input available in the terminal-
box in the less significant bit. The 8 logic input are configured by the C1-C8 connections, each one
checking a particular input logic function.
Standard input logic functions (I00 ÷ I28)
The status of the 32 input logic functions is available in two different dictionary objects:
the array Tab_inp_dig (2010h) in which it’s possible to read function by function using sub-index (
logic state 0 = low ; 32767 = high) and the 32 bit variable Ingressi_standard_rd (2021h) in which
every bit is related to the state of corresponding function.
Via CAN it’s possible to set the status of the input logic functions: writing function by function with the
array Tab_inp_dig_field (2016h) (0=low, 32767=high) or setting the state of all 32 logic functions
writing the 32bit variable Ingressi_standard_wr (201Fh).
The implemented logic provides that:
- The 0 logic input function (drive switch on/off) is given by the logic AND of the different input
channels : terminal board, field-bus and serial line
- All the other logic functions can be set high by the logic OR of the different channels.
At start up, Tab_inp_dig_field [0]=high : in this way if this value is never over-written, the drive can be
controlled via terminal-board.
Application input logic functions (I29 ÷ I63)
The status of the 32 application input logic functions is available in the 32 bit variable
Ingressi_appl_rd (2022h) in which every bit is related to the state of corresponding function.
Via CAN it’s possible to set the status of all application input logic functions writing the 32bit variable
Ingressi_appl_wr (2020h).
The implemented logic provides that:
- The 32 application input logic functions can be set via CAN
- If one application input logic function is configured to a connector logic input, the physical
state imposes the state of corresponding logic function. OUTPUT LOGIC FUNCTIONS (OBJECTS 2011H, 2015H, 2023H)

Via CAN bus ,it is possible the monitoring the state of :

- the status of the 4 logic outputs in the 4 less significant bits of the variable output (2015h)
- the status of the 32 logic output functions in the array Tab_out_dig (2011h) using the sub-
index. Like the inputs logic levels are: 0=low and 32767=high
- the status of all 32 output logic functions in the 32 bit variable Uscite_logiche_rd (2023h) in
which every bit is related to the corresponding function

90 STATUS WORDS (OBJECTS 2017H, 2018 AND 2019H)

the object 2017h is available as status word of the drive with the following meaning:

Break :
1 = Mains break 0 = off ; 1 = on

15 10 8 5 3 2 1 0

1 = Power switch 1 = Alarm active

on Drive status:
0 = Stop
0 = generator
1 = Drive ready 1 = Run
1 = motor

The object 2018h is available as the status of the different alarms of the drive bit by bit; for example,
the status of A8 alarm is shown by the bit n.8 of the word.
The object 2019h is the alarm enabling mask. Again the meaning is bit by bit. This variable is
available as read only access ; see parameter P163 for read and write access. CONTROL REFERENCE VIA CAN BUS (OBJECTS

201AH,201BH,201CH AND 201DH)

These objects can be used to give: speed-reference, torque-reference, torque-limit to the drive. For
doing this it is necessary to enable their management, setting C52=1.
f_fieldbus (201A) = speed reference in percent of the max speed set. Base representation is equal
to16384; thus 16384 is equal to 100%.
Theta_fieldbus (201D) = speed reference in electric pulses per period of PWM, considering that
there are 65536 pulses per revolution and that the term ‘electric’ means
they must be multiplied by the number of polar pairs of the motor.
Trif_fieldbus (201C) = couple reference in percent of the nominal torque of the motor. Base of
Representation = 4095 : thus 4095 is = 100%

Limit_fieldbus (201A) = torque limit in percent of the nominal torque of the motor ( it is in alternative
to the other existing limits, the most restricted is the one that values).
Representation base is 4095 : thus 4095 = 100%

User’s manual 91

5.1 KEYS

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P60 – Access key to reserved
RES_PAR_KEY 0 65535 0 1
P99 – Access key to TDE
TDE_PAR_KEY 0 19999 0 1

P60 and P99 are two parameter that if correctly set allow some reserved parameter (only at a
standstill). In particular:
• If the value of P60 is the same of the key is possible to modify the reserved parameters
• If the value of P99 is the same of the key is possible to modify the TDE parameters


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

DEF_PAR_RD C61 - Read default parameters 0 1 0 1

EEPROM_PAR_RD C62 - Read parameters from EEPROM 0 1 0 1

EEPROM_PAR_WR C63 - Save parameters in EEPROM 0 1 0 1

PAR_ACT_BANK C60 - Parameter bank active 0 1 0 1


The drive has three types of memory:

The non permanent work memory (RAM), where the parameters become used for operation and
modified parameters become stored; such parameters become lost due to the lack of feeding
The permanent work memory (FLASH), where the actual working parameters become stored to be
used in sequence (C63=1, Save Parameters on FLASH).
The permanent system memory where the default parameters are contained.
When switched on, the drive transfers the permanent memory parameters on to the working memory
in order to work. If the modifications carry out on the parameters, they become stored in the work
memory and therefore become lost in the break of feeding rather than being saved in the permanent
If after the work memory modifications wants to return to the previous security, it is acceptable to load
on such a memory, a permanent memory parameter (Load FLASH Parameter C62=1).
If for some reason the parameters in FLASH change, it is necessary to resume the default
parameters (C61=1 Load Default Parameters), to make the appropriate corrections and then save
them in the permanent working parameter (C63=1).
It is possible to save the data in the permanent memory also at drive switched on/RUN, while the
loading may only be affected aside with drive switched off/STOP, after having opened the key to
reserved parameters.

Restore the default parameters

System permanent Non permanent

memory with default memory (RAM)
parameters (FLASH)

Save parameters in FLASH

C63=1 C62=1 Reading
parameters and
Permanent memory connections at start
(FLASH) up

Loading the FLASH


Because the default parameters are standard to be different than those that are personalized,
it is correct that after the installation of each drive, there is an accurate copy of permanent
memory parameters to be in the position to reproduce them on an eventual drive exchange. ACTIVE BANK PARAMETERS

This function allows to switch over the internal sets of parameters and connections between two
distinct memory banks (drive must be switched off, no RUN).
To activate this function, it is necessary to use the logic input I16, configuring it on a logic input on
both banks. The connection C60 indicates the actual data bank in the permanent memory: C60=0
bank 0; C60=1 bank 1. The commutation of the functions logic stage I16 brings an automatic
variation of data of C60 and a successive automatic reading of data from the permanent memory.

C60 Permanent memory

Indicates FLASH
the active
RAM working
memory Data bank 0

Data bank 1
On the front of commutation of I16
changes C60 and a reading from
FLASH is required

For initial configuration of the input function I16, follow these steps:
1. Prepare in RAM, the data in bank 0, configuring input function I16 and holding it to a
low logic level (make sure C60=0).
2. Save to the permanent memory with C63=1.
3. Always keep I16=L, prepare in RAM the data from bank 1, configuring the same input
to the function I16.
4. Set C60=1 and save the data in the permanent memory with C63=1.
5. At this point, changing the state of logic input corresponding to function I16, the
bank’s commutation will have automatic reading

User’s manual 93

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

SW_RUN_CMD C21 - Run software enable 0 1 1 1

EN_STOP_MIN_SPD C28 - Stop with minimum speed 0 1 0 1

DRV_SW_EN C29 - Drive software enable 0 1 1 1

ALL_RESET C30 - Reset alarms 0 1 0 1

ALL_COUNT_RESET C44 - Reset alarm counters 0 2 0 1

C71 - Enable braking resistance
C73 - Enable Safety STOP only like
EN_BOOT C98 - Enable boot mode 0 1 0 1

SPD_ISR D45 - Speed routine duration 0 us 64

I_ISR D46 - Current routine duration 0 us 64

SPD_ISR D45 - Speed routine duration 0 us 64


The Drive Ready condition (o.L.0=H) is given by alarms are not active and at the same time both the
software and hardware enables:
* The software enable, given by state of the connection C29, (C29=1 of default).
* The external enable (the function of the input is assigned to the default input L.I.2)
If an enable is missing or an alarm is active, the ready drive signal goes into an non-active state
o.L.0=L and this state remains until the causes that brought about the alarm conditions are removed
and the alarms are reset. An alarm reset can be achieved by activating the function “Alarm reset”
that, by default, is assigned to input L.1 (or setting C30=1).
Keep in mind that the “Alarm reset” is achieved by the active front of the signal, not on the active


When the drive is “Ready to switch on / RUN” o.L.0=H, motor may start running “Drive switch on/run”
o.L.3=H, by activating both the hardware and software switch on enables:
* Function “Logic switch on/RUN input” (default input 4 assigned) RUN=H
* Software switch on/RUN C21 (C21=1) is active by default.
Switch on/RUN disable and enable (from STOP offline, to RUN online) is given by the logic of the
following table:

Drive ready o.L.0 Switch on / RUN C21 ON-LINE



H X 0 L

H H 1 H

It is mentioned that the input function “Switch on/RUN input” can given also via serial line or field-bus.
See for details the Standard Application Manual.


By default, the drive switch off instantaneously as soon as one of the switch on functions is disabled
(immediate shutdown); that may also cause an almost immediate rotation shutdown, if the motor is
loaded and the inertia is low, while coasting if the motor is without load and mechanical inertia is high.
Using the connection C28, it is possible to choose to switch off the drive only with motor at minimum
speed. With C28=1, 0=immediate switch off by default, when SWITCH ON/RUN function is disable,
the speed reference is brought to zero, thus the motor starts to slowdown following the ramp (the
drive is still switched on). The system is switched off /STOP (offline) only once the motor absolute
speed goes below the threshold set in P50 (2.0% default), that is when the motor is almost
motionless (shutdown for minimum speed).
Calibrating P50 may coincide the drive block with the motionless motor. The state of speed above
the minimum is signaled from the logical output function o.L.2, moreover the output function o.L.16 is
available, that signals the drive speed (absolute value) is above the threshold speed level P47. In
every way, whichever is the chosen type of shutdown, there is an immediate drive block in presence
of any alarm condition, oL.0 = L.


The OPEN drive converters have the possibility to give the separated IGBT supply. This supply
voltage can be see like safety STOP input and there are two different managements for this input,
selectable with C73 connection:

For OPEN DRIVE versions with Safe Torque Off safety function (STO) according to EN 61800-
5-2 and EN 13849-1 see STO installation manual MACHINE SAFETY (C73=0)

Setting C73=0 (default) the Safety STOP is compatible with EN945-1 specification against accidental
starts. When this input is at low logical level the IGBT power bridge isn’t supplied and the motor
couldn’t run more than 180°/motor poles couple for brushless motor (for asynchronous motors the
movement is zero), also if there is a brake in the power bridge.
The converter signals this state with the alarm A13.1, the output o17 “Power electronic not
supplied” goes at high level, the output o0 “Drive ready” goes at low level and the Power Soft start
command is taken off.
To recover the normal converter state, follow this steps:
ƒ Give +24V to the IGBT driver supply input (Safety STOP). At this point the converter
goes at low level the output o17 “Power electronic not supplied”.
ƒ Reset the converter alarms for eliminate the alarm A13.The normal converter state is
ƒ After 500ms the converter is able to start the Soft start sequence POWER PART ENABLE INPUT (C73=1)

Setting C73=1 the Safety STOP is like a Power part enable input. Like in the preceding case,
when this input is at low logical level the IGBT power bridge isn’t supplied and the motor couldn’t run
more than 180°/motor poles couple for brushless motor (for asynchronous motors the movement is
zero), also if there is a brake in the power bridge.
The converter signals this state with the output o17 “Power electronic not supplied” that goes at
high level, the Power Soft start command is taken off, but unlike before no alarms goes at active
state. To recover the normal converter state, follow this steps:
ƒ Give +24V to the IGBT driver supply input (Safety STOP). At this point the converter
goes at low level the output o17 “Power electronic not supplied”.
ƒ After 500ms the converter is able to start the Soft start sequence

In this case it isn’t necessary to reset the alarms after take back at high level the Safety STOP input,
it will be sufficient to wait 500ms + soft start time, after that the converter could be goes on run.

User’s manual 95


The drive has a range of functions that cut in if there is a fault in order to prevent damage to both the
drive and the motor. If a protection switch cuts in, the drive output is blocked and the motor coasts.
If one or more of the protection switches (alarms) cut in, they are signalled on the displays, which
start to flash and to show a cycle of all the alarms triggered (the 7-segment display shows the alarms
that have been set off in hexadecimal).
Should the drive malfunction or an alarm be triggered, check the possible causes and act
If the causes cannot be traced or if parts are found to be faulty, contact TDE MACNO and provide a
detailed description of the problem and its circumstances.
The alarm indication are divide in 16 categories (A0÷A15) and for each alarm can be present code to
identify better the alarm (AXX.YY)



RUN command not given Check operating status of input I00

Ensure wiring is correct and check mains and

Motor does not run Terminals L1, L21 and L3 are not motor connection
wired properly or the power
voltage is disabled Check any contactors upstream and
downstream of drive are closed

Terminals U,V and W are not

wired properly

Motor does not turn An alarm has been triggered See following paragraph

Parameters programmed Check parameter values via the programming

incorrectly unit and correct any errors

Motor direction inverted Wrong Positive direction Invert positive speed rotation setting C76=1.

Speed reference value inverted Invert reference value

Check wiring and apply reference signal if not

No reference signal
Motor revolutions cannot present
be regulated
Excessive load Reduce motor load
Check parameters and change if necessary
Irregular motor Acceleration – deceleration
time/times is/are too low

acceleration and braking

Load too high Reduce load

Rated motor speed, minimum or

Number of motor
maximum speed, offset, or Check parameters and compare setting with
revolutions too high or
reference gain value are set motor rating plate
too low

Excessive load Reduce load

Reduce load points.

Motor does not turn Motor load changes a lot or
smoothly displays excessive load points Increase motor size or use a larger frequency



Check if in a transient state the active current reference is

Over –current It has been measured a current
A0.0 increased to high values in a short time. Eventually increase the
alarm greater than its limit
current limit regulator gain.

If the motor has to work in limit for a long time, disable this
alarm set C82=0 or lengthen the limit time admitted increasing
Drive worked in torque or current P186.
A0.1 limit for a time equal to P186 The motor is in stall because it has not been given sufficient
in stall
seconds voltage boost at low frequencies: increase the parameter P172.
The start-up load is too high: reduce it or increase the rating of
motor and drive.

Loaded default EEPROM data related to a It’s possible to reset this alarm but keep attention: now all
parameters different core parameters have its default value.

A Check Sum error occurred Try rereading the values with the EEPROM
EEPROM while the EEPROM was reading . The reading may have been disturbed in some way. If the
Read failure the values. Default values loaded problem continues contact TDE as there must a memory
automatically. malfunction.
When data is being written in the
Try rewriting the values in the EEPROM
EEPROM the required values are
EEPROM . The information may have been disturbed in some way.
A1.2 always shown afterwards: an
Write failure If the problem continues contact TDE as there must be a
alarm triggers if differences are
memory malfunction.

A1.3 Read and write Alarms A1.1 and A1.2 appears There are some problems with EEPROM.

Check that the motor is properly connected to the drive.

Try to increase parameter P29 (machine magnetizing waiting

Motor not Magnetic flux (d27) is below the time) and reduce P52 if necessary as this specifies the
fluxed minimum flux set in P52. minimum flux alarm threshold.

Check d27 to ensure that the flux increases when RUN is


Check the connection wires on the motor side, in particular on

The drive output current has the terminals, in order to prevent leakages or short circuits.
reached a level that has set off an Check the motor insulation by testing the dielectric strength,
alarm; this may be caused by an and replace if necessary.
overcurrent due to leakage in the
A3.0 Power failure
wires or the motor or to a short Check the drive power circuit is intact by opening the
circuit in the phases at the drive connections and enabling RUN; if the safety switch cuts in,
output. There may also be a replace the power. If the safety switch cuts in only during
regulation fault. operation, there may be a regulation problem (replace along
with current transducers) or vibrations causing transient D.C.

This alarm is application specific.

A4.0 Please refer to specific

Connection C46 runs a range of Check the temperature reading in d26 and then check the
motor heat probes. If C46=1 or 2, motor. With a KTY84, if -273.15 appears the electrical
a PTC/NTC is being used and its connection towards the motor heat probe has been interrupted.
Ohm value (d41) has breached If the reading is correct and the motor is overheating, check that
the safety threshold (P95). If C46 the motor cooling circuit is intact. Check the fan, its power unit,
= 3 a digital input has been the vents, and the air inlet filters on the cabinet. Replace or
A5.0 temperature too
configured to I23 logical input clean as necessary. Ensure that the ambient temperature
function and this input is in not around the motor is within the limits permitted by its technical
active state. If C46=4, a KTY84 is characteristics.
being used: the temperature
reading (d26) must be higher than
the maximum temperature (P91).

User’s manual 97

Check the temperature reading on d25 and then check the

radiator. If -273.15 is displayed, the electrical connection
towards the radiator heat probe has been interrupted. If the
reading is correct and the motor is overheating, check that the
Radiator drive cooling circuit is intact. Check the fan, its power unit, the
The radiator temperature (d25) is vents, and the air inlet filters on the cabinet. Replace or clean
A5.1 temperature too
higher than the maximum (P118). as necessary. Ensure that the ambient temperature around the
drive is within the limits permitted by its technical

Check parameter P118 is set correctly.

The Adiabatic Energy

dissipated on Braking Check the correct setting of parameters P140, P142 and
resistance during the time P144 compared to the Resistance plate. Check the correct
A5.2 adiabatic
selected in P144 has dimensioning of Braking Resistance Maximum Power
overcame the threshold set related to maximum speed, load inertia and braking time.
in KJoule in P142
Brake The Average Power Check the correct setting of parameters P140, P146 and
resistance dissipated on Braking has P148 compared to the Resistance plate. Check the correct
dissipated overcome the threshold set dimensioning of Braking Resistance Average Power
power in Watt in P146 related to maximum speed, load inertia and braking time
Motor thermal
Thermal probe not detected the Verify the presence of the connection of the probe and that it is
A5.4 probe not
presence. correct.

Check the motor load. Reducing it may prevent the safety

switch cutting in.
The motor electronic overload
Motor I2t safety switch has cut in due to
A6.0 Check the thermal current setting, and correct if necessary
thermal alarm excessive current absorption for
an extensive period. (P70). Check that the heat constant value is long enough (P71).
Check that the safety heat curve suits the motor type and
change the curve if necessary (C33).

The RUN command was disabled

Auto-tuning test
A7.0 during a test. Run command Reset the alarms and repeat the test by re-enabling it.
switched off too early.

The external safety switch has cut in disabling drive enable.

Restore and reset.
A digital input has been
Missing enable
configured to I02 logical input
A8.0 logic input from The connection has been broken. Check and eliminate the fault.
function and this input is in not
the field
active state
Input function has been assigned, but enable has not been
given. Authorise or do not assign the function.

Watchdog A LogicLab watchdog alarm on Check if the LogicLab slow task duration is greater than 500 ms
alarm LogicLab slow cycle appears and try to reduce this execution time

Fast task Try to reduce the LogicLab fast task execution time under
The logicLab fast task is too long
A8.2 LogicLab too admitted limit.
in time
long Please refer to the specific documentation.

Application out There is no valid application

A8.3 Reload the application using OPDExplorer
of service running in the drive

Hardware Feedback option card and drive

board and firmware Check internal values d62 and d63 for the firmware and option
firmware are card codes. There must be some irregularity.
incompatible incompatible

A9.1 Sensor not connected Check the connection towards the sensor.

In a transient state, the speed reading has exceeded the
(more than 10 Overspeed: speed reading higher
A9.2 permitted limit. Adjust the speed regulator gains or raise the
consecutive than threshold set in P52.
limit in P52.


Undervoltage may occur when the mains transformer is not

powerful enough to sustain the loads or when powerful motors
DC Bus under are started up on the same line.
Intermediate drive circuit voltage
A10.0 (DC Bus see d24) has dropped
below the minimum value (P106). Try to stabilise the line by taking appropriate measures. If
necessary, enable the BUS support function for mains failure
(C34=1). This however can only help motors with light loads.

Emergency With connection C34= 3 was

bracking on been select the emergency brake
A10.1 Try to understand why main supply is lost.
main supply when main supply is lost. This has
lost occurred

Intermediate drive circuit voltage The safety switch cuts in mainly due to excessively short
(DC Bus see d24) has exceeded braking times. The best solution is to lengthen the braking
A11.1 HW detection times.
the maximum analog thresold
An overvoltage in the mains may also trigger the safety switch.
Intermediate drive circuit voltage
A11.2 SW detection (DC Bus see d24) has exceeded
the maximum value (P107). If the drive is fitted with a braking circuit, check that the
resistance value is not too high to absorb the peak power.

A11.3 A11.0 and A11.1 appears If the resistor is not too hot, check the resistor and connection
continuity and ensure that the circuit functions correctly.

A12.0 Software alarm C29 different from 1 Check and enable connection C29 “Drive software enable”

Run whitout
A12.1 RUN without Power Soft start Check why the Power Soft start isn’t enabled
power soft start

Run with
A12.2 T.radiator too RUN with Trad>P119 Check the radiator temperature (d25)

Problems in the communication
A12.3 problems with Please contact TDEMacno assistance
with the power card
power card

Check the voltage of the three input phases.

The bridge that enables the line
by gradually loading the DC bus
Try switching off and then back on, measuring the DC Bus level
Rectifier bridge condensers has not managed to
A13.0 (with the monitor or tester).
problem load the intermediate drive circuit
sufficiently within the time set
(P154). If the problem repeats, contact TDE as there must be a soft
start circuit malfunction.

Safe Torque Off: +24Vare missing Bring +24V to connectors S1 and S3.
Safe Torque in connectors S1 and S3. For this
Off reason it’s enabled certified STOP If the user want to use the Safe Torque Off function without
function alarms, it’s necessary to set C73=1.

During autotuning was been

Motor phase detected that motor phase are not
A14.0 Swap over two phases and repeat the connection tests.
inverted connected in the same order of

During autotuning was been

Motor not
A14.1 detected that drive and motor Check motor phases
aren’t connected properly

Wrong number
of Motor/sensor parameters being Number of motor poles (P67) set incorrectly or more sensor
Motor/Sensor written poles (P68) than motor poles have been set.

Number of revolutions per pulse selected (C51) is not

A15.1 Simulated Encoder pulses compatible with the maximum speed (P65). See “Feedback
encoder pulses
Option” enclosure.

User’s manual 99

Wrong Sensor
An error occurred during the See specific test description in the “Feedback Option”
A15.3 pulses number
“Sensor and motor poles” test. enclosure.
read in Autotest

MiniOPD’s Specific Alarms Date:03/12/2010

The new MiniOPD consists of 2 fast-communicating microprocessors. One microprocessor is located

in the Regulation board (as in standard OPDs); the second one is located in the Power board.
Thanks to this new configuration, the MiniOPD features some types of alarms that are not included in
the OPD series. These alarms have been renamed, so as to guarantee maximum compatibility with
those who already use the OPD series.

MiniOPD’s specific alarms are listed in Table 1:

Alarm Description
A.10.0 Minimum voltage of Power circuit
A.10.5 Overcurrent alarm detected by Power board
A.10.6 Communication alarm: communication fault with Power board
A.10.7 Alarm due to Power board fault (Micro’s watchdog)
A.10.8 Alarm due to wrong power supply in the Power board (15V wrong)
A.10.15 Alarm - Brake (hardware)

Table 1

These alarms take the form of sub-alarms of alarm A.10, to indicate that they all depend on the
Power board.
If Alarm A.10.0 – Minimum Voltage of Power Circuit – occurs first, followed by a second alarm from
the Power board (typically a Communication Alarm or 15V Wrong Power Supply Alarm), the latter
alarms are not shown by the Drive, as they are a direct consequence of alarm A.10.0.



The keypad has three buttoms, “S” ( selection), “+” (increase), “-“ (reduce) and a four numbers and
half display, with the decimal points and the sign “-“.


FIG. 1 (Physical disposition)


The converter is a full digital, then other hardware settings are not
necessary, if not made in factory, and the setups, settings and
visualizations, all digital, they go effect through the keypad and the display,
or by serial line or by fieldbus. For easy access of formulations and
mnemonics all the accessible greatnesses have been grouped in the
following menu:

• Parameters (PAR)
• Application Parameters (APP)
• Connections (CON)
• Internal dimensions (INT)
• Allarms (ALL)
• Digital Input (INP)
• Digital Output (OUT)

User’s manual 101

In each group the dimensions are orderly in progressive order and they are
visualized only that indie use.


They are definite parameters of dimension of setting whose numerical value

has an absolute meaning (for example: P63 = nominal frequency motor =
50 Hz) or they are of proportional value to the limit range (for example: P61
= motor nominal current = 100 % of the drive nominal current). They are
distinguished in free parameters, some modifiable always (Online), other
only to converter not in run (offline), reserved, modifiable only offline and
after access code to the reserved parameters (P60), or reserved for the
TDE MACNO, visible after having written the access code TDE MACNO
parameters (P99) and modifiable only offline. The characteristics of each
parameter are recognizable from the code of identification as under:

FIG. 2 (Parameters PAR)

For example: P60 r = parameter 60: reserved

1P00 t = parameter 100 TDE MACNO reserved


For their definition refer to the description of the parameters. They are
distinguished in free parameters, some modifiable always (Online), other
only to converter not in run (offline), reserved, modifiable only offline and
after access code to the reserved parameters (P60), or reserved for the
TDE MACNO, visible after having written the access code TDE MACNO
parameters (P99) and modifiable only offline. The characteristics of each
parameter are recognizable from the code of identification as under:

FIG. 3 (Application Parameters PAR)

For example: P60 r = parameter 60: reserved

1P00 t = parameter 100 TDE MACNO


They are certain connections that dimensions approach that are of

numerical value comes connected to a function or a clear command{for
example: ramp insertion, C26 = 1; or no ramp, C26 = 0; or save parameters
on EEPROM memory, C63 = 1}. They are in free connections, some of the
like modifiable always (Online), other with converter in stop (offline) and
reserved, modifiable only offline and after access code to the reserved
parameters (P60).

User’s manual 103

The characteristics of each connection are individually recognizable of
identification code as under report.

FIG. 4 (Connections CON)


Overall functions of protection of the converter, of the motor or in the

application whose status to active alarm or non active alarm it may be
visualized in the display. The actived protection, stops the converter and
does flash the display, excepted if it is disabled. With a single visualization
is possible have all the indications with the following:

For ex. A03.L = power fault doesn’t activate

The alarms are all memorized and so they remain till that is not missing the
cause of the alarm and have been resetted (input of resetting alarms
activate) or (C30 = 1).

FIG. 5 (Allarms ALL)


Overall functions of protection of the converter, of the motor or in the

application whose status to active alarm or non active alarm it may be
visualized in the display. The actived protection, stops the converter and
does flash the display, excepted if it is disabled. With a single visualization
is possible have all the indications with the following:

FIG. 6 (Internal Values INT)


The visualization between I00 and I28 is the status of the logical functions
of sequence or protection that is assigned in the all digital input of the
regulation. From I29 to I31 is the visualization of the status of the input from
the power. Code of identification (input) logical input.

FIG. 7 (Logics functions of input INP)

User’s manual 105


Visualization of the status, of the logical functions, of protection or sequence

(for example: drive ready, converter in run) scheduled in the control, that
may or may not be assigned of predicted digital output. Code of

FIG. 8 (Logics functions of output OUT)


It is the status that the display assumes right after the lighting or when none
is programming (P112 seconds, 10 of default, after the last movement,
except that is not is visualizing an internal dimensions, or an input, or a
digital output). When the keypad is on tat the status rest, if the converter is
not in run comes visualized “STOP”; if the converter is in run comes
visualized the internal dimension selected with C00 connection or the status
“run”. If the converter finds the status alarm, for intervention of an or more
protections, the written on the keypad start to flash and they come
visualized all the active alarms (one by one).


Leaving from the status of rest pressing the “S” key the principal menu is
gone into of circular type that contains the indication of the type of
visualizable dimensions:

PAR = parameters
APP = application parameters
CON = internal connections
INT= internal dimensions
ALL= allarm
INP = digital input
OUT = digital output

To change from a list to another enough is necessary to use the “+” or “”

keys and the passage will happen in the order of figure. Once select the list
you pass on the relative undermenu pressing “S”; the reentry to the
mainmenu from the following visualizations will be able future through the
pressure of the key “S” simple or double in brief succession (less in a
second), like showed after. The return to the status of rest comes instead
automatically after 10 (P112) seconds of inactivity is from some under menu
that goes by the main menu.

FIG. 9 (Main Menu)

User’s manual 107


From “PAR” or “CON” You enter into the undermenu list pressing “S”; once
entered into the list is able look through the parameters or the existing
connections by pressing the keys “+” or “–” to move in increase or in
decrement; even in this case the list is circular. At the number
corresponding to the various parameters or connections appear the letter “r”
if they are reserved, “t” if reserved in the TDE MACNO and the letter “n” if it
modification requires that the converter in not in run (offline); all the
reserved parameters are of type “n” modifiable only by stop (offline). If You
pressed the key “S” comes visualized the value of the parameter or of the
connection that may be read; at this point repress “S” once You return to
the undermenu list, press twice “S” in fast succession (less 1 seconds),
return to the main menu. The system returns automatically to the status of
rest and after 10 seconds of have past inactivity. To modify the value of the
parameter or of connection once entered into visualization it necessary
press both keys “+” and “–”; in that moment it starts to flash the decimal
point of the first figure to the left warning that from that moment the
movement of the keys and “+” modifies the value; the change of value may
only by stop if the parameter is of kind “n” and only after having set up the
code of access P60, if the parameter is of the kind “r”, only after having set
up the code of P99 (access for the reserved parameters TDE MACNO),
kind “t”. The parameters and the reserved connections TDE MACNO
doesn’t appear in the list if doesn’t call the code of P99. Once the value is
corrected You press the key “S” return to the under menu list making
operational the parameter or the corrected connection; if after correct the
value want go out without change the values wait 10 seconds; if the value is
no touched for the exit press again the “S” key (it is operative the same
original value). About parameters and connections, the return to the status
of rest display is in automatically way after 10 seconds from any kind of

FIG. 10 (Submenu management parameters PAR)

FIG. 11 (Submenu management application parameters APP)

FIG. 12 (Submenu management connections CON)

User’s manual 109


From INT You enter into the list of undermenu of the internal dimensions
pressing “S”. In the list you are moving with the keys “+” or “–” till that
appearing address of dimensions wanted visualize “d x x”; pressing “S”
disappears the address and appear the value of the dimension. From this
status You go back to undermenu list, repressing “S”, and go again to the
main menu repressing “S” twice in fast succession; from the menu and from
the undermenu. You return automatically to the status of rest after a time of
10 seconds.

FIG. 13 (Visualization of the internal dimensions INT)

7.4.3 ALARMS (ALL)

From ALL You enter into of undermenu list of the alarms pressing “S”. From
the corresponding undermenu with the keys “+” and “–” move all addresses
desired for the alarms; with this, in the box to the right, appears the status of
the alarm “H” if active, “L” if don’t. If the alarm has been disabled; in this
case too with the active status doesn’t appear any stop of the regulation,
the address of the alarm is preceded by the sign “–”.

To exclude the event of an alarm You must enter into the menu to
modify both the keys “+” and “–” and when the flashing point appears
of the first number You can enable or disable the alarm with the keys
“+” or “–”; if the alarm is disabled appears the sign the “–” to the left
of the writing “A.XX.Y”.
From the status of modification returns to the list of undermenu and You
return operative the select made pressing “S”, from the menu and from the
undermenu You turn automatically to the status of rest after a time closed to
10 seconds.

FIG. 14 (Alarms ALL)


From the INP or from the OUT You enter into corresponding list of under-
menu pressing “S”. From the corresponding list of undermenu with the keys
“+” and “–” move to the address desired for the digital input (i) and the
output (o); together to this, in the box, appear the status: “H” if activate, “L”
if not active. From this status You returns to the main menu pressing “S”.

User’s manual 111

FIG. 15 (Digital input INP)

To note the last three digital input are about the power logical input:


I 29 / PTM H= OK; L= active alarm

I 30 / MAXV H= OK; L= active alarm
I 31 / MAINS SUPPLY OFF H= OK; L= active alarm

FIG. 16 (Digital output OUT)


The programming key device allows to transfer parameters from and to the
Drive inverter or between inverters. The data are stored in a EPROM type
memory, so battery backup is not necessary. The switch put on the key
upper front side allows to protect the stored data against possible writing

FIG. 17 (Keypad)

Use method:

Parameter transmission from the key to the inverter:

a) Plug the key into the suitable connector;

b) Select, via the keypad ▼ and ▲, the “Load” function and press “S”.

During the data transfer the “RUNN” indication is displayed.

If the key contains invalid parameters, the factory preset parameters will be
used and the message “Err”, will be dispalyed for 4 s. Otherwise, data will
be permanently stored and the confirmation message “donE” will be
displayed for 2 s.

Parameter transmission from the inverter to the key:

a) Plug the key into the suitable connector;

c) Select, via keypad ▼ and ▲, the “Save” function and press “S”.
If the key is write-protected. The control is interrupted and the message
“Prot” is displayed for 4 s. Otherwise, inverter parameters are stored on the
key and, at the end of the operation, the message “RUNN” and the
message “donE” will be displayed for 2 s to confirm the operation.

User’s manual 113


Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

P01 - Corrective factor for analog reference
KP_AI1 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
1 (AUX1)
P02 - Corrective offset for analog reference
OFFSET_AI1 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
1 (AUX1)
P03 - Corrective factor for analog reference
KP_AI2 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
2 (AUX2)
P04 - Corrective offset for analog reference
OFFSET_AI2 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
2 (AUX2)
P05 - Corrective factor for analog reference
KP_AI3 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
3 (AUX3)
P06 - Corrective offset for analog reference
OFFSET_AI3 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
3 (AUX3)
P07 - Second sensor amplitude
KP_SENS2 0.0 200.0 100 % 163.84
OFFSET_SIN_SENS2 P08 - Second sensor sine offset -16383 16383 0 1
OFFSET_COS_SENS2 P09 - Second sensor cosine offset -16383 16383 0 1
P10 - Offset for high precision analog
OFFSET_VF -19999 19999 0 1/100 mV 1
reference value
P11 - CanOpen SYNC loop regulator
SYNC_REG_KP 0 200 5 1
Proportional gain
P12 - CanOpen SYNC loop regulator lead
SYNC_REG_TA 0 20000 400 1
time constant
P13 - Corrective factor for 16 bit analog
KP_AI16 -400.0 400.0 100 % 10
reference (AUX16)
P14 - Corrective offset for 16 bit analog
OFFSET_AI16 -100.0 100.0 0 % 163.84
reference (AUX16)
TF_LI6-7-8 P15 - I06,07,08 logical inputs digital filter 0.0 20.0 2.2 ms 10
RES2_POLE P16 - Number of absolute sensor2 poles 1 160 2 1
ENC2_PPR P17 - Number of encoder2 pulses/revolution 0 60000 1024 pulses/rev 1
PRC_CW_SPD_REF_MAX P18 - Max. CW speed reference value limit -105.0 105.0 105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_CCW_SPD_REF_MAX P19 - Max. CCW speed reference value limit -105.0 105.0 105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
CW_ACC_TIME P21 - CW acceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
CW_DEC_TIME P22 - CW deceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
CCW_ACC_TIME P23 - CCW acceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
CCW_DEC_TIME P24 - CCW deceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
TF_RND_RAMP P25 - Rounded filter time constant 0.1 20.0 5 s 10
I_RELAY_THR P26 - Current/power relay cut-in threshold 0.2 150.0 100 % 40.96
P27 - Filter time constant for current/power
TF_I_RELAY 0.1 10.0 1 s 10
MOT_WAIT_DEMAGN P28 - Motor demagnetization waiting time 0 3000 0 ms 1
MOT_WAIT_MAGN P29 - Motor magnetization waiting time 50 3000 300 ms 1
DEC_TIME_EMCY P30 - Emergency brake deceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
P31 - KpV final speed regulator proportional
END_SPD_REG_KP 0.1 400.0 4 10
P32 - TiV final speed regulator lead time 3000.
END_SPD_REG_TI 0.1 80 ms 10
constant 0
P33 - TfV final speed regulator (filter) time
END_SPD_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0.8 ms 10
P34 - TfV initial speed regulator (filter) time
START_SPD_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0.8 ms 10
PRC_FLX_REF P35 - Flux Reference 0.0 120.0 100 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96
P36 - Kv Max operating voltage multiply
V_REF_COEFF 0.0 100.0 100 327.67
P37 - Maximum tracking error (less
FLW_ERR_MAX_LSW -32767 32767 32767 ppr 1
significative part)
POS_REG_KP P38 - Kv position loop proportional gain 0.0 100.0 4 10
P39 - Maximum tracking error (less
FLW_ERR_MAX_MSW 0 32767 0 rpm 1
significative part)
PRC_DRV_I_PEAK P40 - Current limit 0.0 200.0 200 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
PRC_MOT_T_MAX P41 - Maximum torque at full load 0.0 400.0 400.0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
P42 - Maximum torque in the positive
PRC_DRV_CW_T_MAX 0.0 400.0 400.0 % MON_T_NOM 40.96
direction of rotation
PRC_DRV_CCW_T_MAX P43 - Maximum torque in the negative -400.0 -0.0 -400.0 % MOM_T_NOM 40.96

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
direction of rotation
PRC_SPD_THR_GAIN_CHG P44 - End speed for speed PI gain change 0.0 100.0 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
START_SPD_REG_KP P45 - KpV initial speed PI proportional gain 0.1 400.0 4 10
START_SPD_REG_TI P46 - TiV initial speed PI lead time constant 0.1 80 ms 10
DO_SPD_REACH_THR P47 - Speed threshold for logic output o.16 0.0 100.0 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P48 - Tracking loop bandwidth direct
RES2_TRACK_LOOP_BW 100 10000 1800 rad/s 1
decoding of resolver2
RES2_TRACK_LOOP_DAMP P49 - Damp factor Traking loop resolver2 0.00 5.00 0.71 100
DO_SPD_MIN_THR P50 - Minimum speed for relay 0.0 100.0 2.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_MOT_SPD_MAX P51 - Maximum speed for alarm 0.0 125.0 120.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.83
PRC_FLX_MIN P52 - Minimum Flux admitted 0.0 100.0 2 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96
DRV_I_NOM P53 - Rated drive current 0.0 0 A 10
PRC_AO1_10V P57 - % value of 10V for analog output A 100.0 400.0 200 % 10
PRC_AO2_10V P58 - % value of 10V for analog output B 100.0 400.0 200 % 10
P59 - Minimum and maximum speed
HYST_DO_SPD 0.0 100.0 1.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
reached output hysteresis
RES_PAR_KEY P60 - Access Key to reserved parameters 0 65535 0 1
PRC_MOT_I_NOM P61 - Rated motor current ( I NOM MOT) 10.0 100.0 100 % DRV_I_NOM 327.67
MOT_V_NOM P62 - Rated motor voltage 100.0 380 Volt 10
MOT_F_NOM P63 - Rated motor frequency 10.0 50.0 Hz 10
PRC_MOT_V_MAX P64 - Max. operating voltage 1.0 200.0 100 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
MOT_SPD_MAX P65 - Max. operating speed (n MAX) 50 60000 2000 RPM 1
MOT_COS_PHI P66 - Nominal power factor 0.500 1.000 0.894 1000
MOT_POLE_NUM P67 - Number of motor poles 1 12 4 1
RES_POLE P68 - Number of absolute sensor poles 1 12 2 1
ENC_PPR P69 - Number of encoder pulses/revolution 0 60000 1024 pulses/rev 1
PRC_MOT_I_THERM P70 - Motor thermal current 10.0 110.0 100 % PRC_MOT_I_NOM 10
MOT_TF_THERM P71 - Motor thermal time constant 30 2400 180 s 1
PRC_MOT_I_T_NOM P72 - Nominal torque current 5.0 100.0 95.2 % PRC_MOT_I_NOM 327.67
PRC_MOT_I_FLX_NOM P73 - Nominal flux current 5.0 100.0 30.2 % PRC_MOT_I_NOM 327.67
T_ROTOR P74 - Rotor time constant Tr 10 10000 182 ms 1
T_STATOR P75 - Stator time constant Ts 0.0 50.0 8.5 ms 10
PRC_DELTA_VRS P76 - Voltage drop due to stator resistor 1.0 25.0 2.0 % MOT_V_NOM 327.67
P77 - Voltage drop due to leakage
PRC_DELTA_VLS 5.0 100.0 20.0 % MOT_V_NOM 327.67
MOT_T_NOM P78 - Nominal motor torque 0.5 0.0 Nm 10
P79 - Connection tests: Encoder: pulses
TEST_CONN_FEEDBACK counted, Resolver or Sin Cos Enc: time -19999 19999 0 0
V_REG_KP P80 - Kpi voltage regulator proportional gain 0.1 100.0 9.1 10
P82 - Tfi voltage regulator (filter) time 1000.
V_REG_TF 0.0 11 ms 10
constant 0
I_REG_KP P83 - Kpc current regulator proportional gain 0.1 100.0 2.6 10
P84 - Tic current regulator lead time 1000.
I_REG_TI 0.0 8.5 ms 10
constant 0
P85 - Tfc current regulator (filter) time
I_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0 ms 10
DCBUS_REG_KP P86 - Kp3 Bus control proportional gain 0.05 10.00 3.5 100
MAIN_SUPPLY P87 - Main Supply voltage 180.0 780.0 400 V rms 10
P88 - High precision analog speed
MAXV_VF reference value: Voltage matches max. 2500 10000 10000 mVolt 1
P89 - Tracking loop bandwidth direct
RES_TRACK_LOOP_BW 100 10000 1800 rad/s 1
decoding of resolver
RES_TRACK_LOOP_DAMP P90 - D Traking loop bandwidth 0.00 5.00 0.71 100
P91 - Maximum motor temperature (if read
MOT_TEMP_MAX 0.0 150.0 130 °C 10
with PT100)
MODBUS_ADDR P92 - Serial identification number 0 255 1 1
MODBUS_BAUD P93 - Serial baud rate 192 Kbit/s 1
P95 - Motor NTC or PTC resistance value
MOT_PRB_RES_THR 0 19999 1500 Ohm 1
for alarm
P96 - Motor thermal logic output 14 cut-in %
PRC_MOT_DO_TEMP_THR 0.0 200.0 100 40.96
threshold PRC_MOT_I_THERM
P97 - Minimum voltage level for forced 1200.
DCBUS_MIN_MAIN_LOST 100.0 425 V 10
mains off 0

User’s manual 115

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
DCBUS_REF_MAIN_LOST P98 - Voltage reference value in Support 1 220.0 600 V 10
TDE_PAR_KEY P99 - Access key to TDE parameters 0 19999 0 1
P100 - Value of access key to reserved
RES_PAR_KEY_VAL 0 19999 95 1
DRV_F_PWM P101 - PWM frequency 1000 16000 5000 Hz 1

PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP P102 - Dead time compensation 0.0 100.0 22.0 32.76
PRC_DRV_I_MAX P103 - Drive limit current 0.0 800.0 200 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
T_RAD P104 - Radiator time constant 10.0 360.0 80 s 10
KP_DCBUS P105 - Corrective factor for Bus voltage 80.0 200.0 100 % 10
DCBUS_MIN P106 - Minimum voltage of DC Bus 220.0 400 V 10
DCBUS_MAX P107 - Maximum voltage of DC Bus 350.0 800 V 10
DCBUS_BRAKE_ON P108 - Bus voltage threshold for brake ON 350.0 770 V 10
DCBUS_BRAKE_OFF P109 - Bus voltage threshold for brake OFF 350.0 760 V 10
OFFSET_AO1 P110 - Offset A/D 1 -100.0 100.0 0 % 327.67
OFFSET_AO2 P111 - Offset A/D 2 -100.0 100.0 0 % 327.67
DRV_I_PEAK P113 - Maximum drive current 0.0 0 A 10
P114 - Current in connection tests for UVW,
PRC_I_TEST_CONN 0.0 100.0 100 % DRV_I_NOM 327.67
Poles and reading Rs
P115 - Multiplication factor for motor 200.0
KP_MOT_THERM_PRB 0.00 100 163.84
PTC/NTC/PT100 analog reference value 0
T_JUNC P116 - Junction time constant 0.1 10.0 3.5 s 10
P117 - Multiplication factor for radiator 200.0
KP_DRV_THERM_PRB 0.00 100 163.84
PTC/NTC analog reference value 0
P118 - Max. temperature permitted by
DRV_TEMP_MAX 0.0 150.0 90 °C 10
radiator PTC/NTC
P119 - Max. temperature permitted by
DRV_START_TEMP_MAX 0.0 150.0 75 °C 10
radiator PTC/NTC for start-up
P120 - Radiator temperature threshold for
DRV_DO_TEMP_THR 0.0 150.0 80 °C 10
logic output o.15
TEST3-4_ACC_TIME P121 - Test 3 and 4 acceleration time 0.01 6.8 s 100
MOD_INDEX_MAX P122 - Max. modulation index 0.500 0.995 0.98 1000
DCBUS_REF P123 - Smart brake voltage cut-in level 300.0 750 V 10
P124 - Simulated encoder Kv gain
PRC_ENC_OUT_LOOP 0.0 100.0 100 % 327.67
multiplication coeff.
PRC_V_REF_DCBUS P125 - Voltage reference function of DC bus 0.0 100.0 96.0 % 327.67
P126 - KpI Corrective coeff. estimated Kp
PRC_I_REG_KP_COEFF 0.0 200.0 100 % 40.96
for current loops
P127 - KpV Corrective coeff. estimated Kp
PRC_V_REG_KP_COEFF 0.0 200.0 100 % 40.96
for voltage loops
P128 - Voltage motor at nominal speed with
MOT_V0 0.0 100.0 100.0 % MOT_V_NOM 327.67
no load
PRC_I_TEST_DELTA_VLS P129 - Test current to establish VLS 0.0 100.0 30.0 % 327.67
TEST_SPD_T_MAX P130 - Torque during start-up test 0.0 100.0 100 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
K_FLX45 P131 - Magnetic characteristic point 1 0.0 120.0 90.2 % 40.96
TEST_SPD_MAX P132 - Speed during start-up test -100.00 100 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
K_FLX55 P133 - Magnetic characteristic point 2 0.0 120.0 90.5 % 40.96
P134 - Maximum revolutions during start-up 3000.
TEST_SPD_SPACE_MAX 0.00 100 revolutions 10
test 0
K_FLX65 P135 - Magnetic characteristic point 3 0.0 120.0 91.1 % 40.96
PRC_MOT_FRICTION P136 - Friction torque 0.0 100.0 0 % MOT_T_MOM 40.96
K_FLX75 P137 - Magnetic characteristic point 4 0.0 120.0 91.8 % 40.96
P138 - Multiplication factor for regulation 200.0
KP_REG_THERM_PRB 0.00 100 163.84
card thermal probe 0
K_FLX82 P139 - Magnetic characteristic point 5 0.0 120.0 92.7 % 40.96
BRAKE_R P140 - Braking resistance 1 1000 82 Ohm 1
K_FLX88 P141 - Magnetic characteristic point 6 0.0 120.0 94.2 % 40.96
P142 - Braking resistance Maximum
BRAKE_R_MAX_EN 0.0 500.0 4.5 KJoule 10
adiabatic Energy
K_FLX93 P143 - Magnetic characteristic point 7 0.0 120.0 95.8 % 40.96
P144 - Time measure of Braking resistance
BRAKE_R_MAX_EN_TIME 0 30000 2000 ms 1
adiabatic Energy

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
K_FLX97 P145 - Magnetic characteristic point 8 0.0 120.0 98.1 % 40.96
P146 - Maximum Power dissipated on
BRAKE_R_MAX_POWER 0.0 600.0 1.5 KWatt 100
Braking resistance
K_FLX100 P147 - Magnetic characteristic point 9 0.0 120.0 100.0 % 40.96
K_FLX102 P149 - Magnetic characteristic point 10 0.0 120.0 102.0 % 40.96
P150 - High precision analog speed
KP_POS_VF reference value:VCO setting for positive -16383 16383 4096 1
voltage reference values
PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP_XB P151 - Xb = cubic coupling zone amplitude 0.0 50.0 0.0 % DRV_I_NOM 163.84
P152 - Yc = compensation at rated drive %
PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP_YC 50.0 100.0 100 327.67
PRC_DEAD_TIME_CMP_X0 P153 - Xoo = dead zone amplitude 0.0 50.0 0 % DRV_I_NOM 163.84
PW_SOFT_START_TIME P154 - Soft start enabling time 150 19999 500 ms 1
P155 - Ambient temperature reference value
OVR_LOAD_T_ENV 0.0 150.0 40 °C 10
during overload
DRV_F_PWM_CARATT P156 - PWM frequency for drive definition 1000 16000 5000 Hz 1
DEAD_TIME P157 - Dead time duration 0.0 20.0 4 µs 10
P158 - Corrective coefficient for decoupling
PRC_I_DECOUP 0.0 200.0 0 % 40.96
P159 - High precision analog speed
KP_NEG_VF reference value:VCO setting for negative -16383 16383 4096 1
voltage reference values
P160 - PWM delay compensation on the
I_DELAY_COMP -800.0 800.0 40 % TPWM 40.96
P161 - PWM delay compensation on the
V_DELAY_COMP -800.0 800.2 50.0 % TPWM 40.96
ID_CANOPEN P162 - CAN BUS node ID 1 127 1 1
P164 - Resolver or Incremental Sin/Cos sine
KP_SINCOS1_CHN 0.0 200.0 100 % 163.84
and cosine signal amplitude compensation
P165 - Resolver or Incremental Sin/Cos sine
OFFSET_SIN1 -16383 16383 0 1
P166 - Resolver or Incremental Sin/Cos
OFFSET_COS1 -16383 16383 0 1
cosine offset
DRV_E_CARATT P167 - Characterization voltage 200.0 780.0 400 V rms 10
SPD_REG_KD_TF2 P168 - Second order feedforword filter 0.0 0.0 ms 10
START_TIME P169 - Start up time 0 19999 10 ms 1
PRC_VF_SLIP_CMP P170 - Slip motor compensation 0.0 400.0 0.0 40.96
VF_TF_SLIP_CMP P171 - Slip compensation factor filter 0.0 150.0 35.0 ms 10
PRC_VF_BOOST P172 - Stator voltage drop compensation 0.0 400.0 70.0 % PRC_DELTA_VRS 40.96
P173 - Current limit during continuous
PRC_VF_DCJ_I_MAX 0.0 100.0 100.0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
P174 - Continuous breaking maximum %
PRC_VF_DCJ_F_MAX 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
frequency limit PRC_MOT_F_MAX
PRC_VF_CHR_V1 P175 - V/f characteristic point 1 voltage 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
PRC_VF_CHR_F1 P176 - V/f characteristic point 1 frequency 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
PRC_VF_CHR_V2 P177 - V/f characteristic point 2 voltage 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
PRC_VF_CHR_F2 P178 - V/f characteristic poitn 2 frequency 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.96
DB1_START P179 - Dead zone 1 initial speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1
DB1_END P180 - Dead zone 1 final speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1
DB2_START P181 - Dead zone 2 initial speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1
DB2_START P182 - Dead zone 2 final speed 0 30000 0 rpm 1
P183 - Voltage regulator derivative
PRC_VF_V_REG_D 0.0 100.0 100.0 % 327.67
coefficient multiplying term
P184 - Initial search frequency with rotating %
PRC_VF_FSTART_SEARCH 0.0 100.0 100.0 40.96
P185 - Minimum search frequency with %
PRC_VF_FMIN_SEARCH 0.0 100.0 2.9 40.96
rotating motor PRC_MOT_F_MAX
VF_STALL_TIME P186 - Working time during limit 1 100 30 s 40.96
PRC_VF_V_MAX_STATIC P187 - Vs amplitude maximum static value 0.0 100.0 97.5 327.67
P188 - Energy saving regulator filter time
VF_TI_ENGY 100 2000 400 ms 1
P189 - Energy saving admissible minimum
PRC_VF_FLX_MIN_ENGY 0.0 100.0 20.0 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96
VF_TF_I_MAX_AL P190 - Current alarm filter 0.0 150.0 10.0 ms 10
PRC_VF_T_MAX_SEARCH P191 - Torque limit during fly restart 0.0 100.0 150.0 % DRV_T_NOM 40.96

User’s manual 117

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
DEAD_TIME_HW P198 - Dead time hardware duration 0.0 20.0 0.0 µs 10
MIN_PULSE P199 - Minumum command pulse duration 0.0 20.0 1.0 µs 10
EN_AI1 P200 - Enable analog reference value A.I.1 0 1 0 1
EN_AI2 P201 - Enable analog reference value A.I.2 0 1 0 1
EN_AI3 P202 - Enable analog reference value A.I.3 0 1 0 1
AI1_SEL P203 - Meaning of analog input A.I.1 0 4 0 1
AI2_SEL P204 - Meaning of analog input A.I.2 0 4 1 1
AI3_SEL P205 - Meaning of analog input A.I.3 0 4 2 1
P206 - Filter time constant for analog torque
TF_TRQ_REF_AN 0.0 20.0 0 ms 10
reference value
EN_AI16 P207 - Enable analog reference value A.I.16 0 1 0 1
AI16_SEL P208 - Meaning of analog input A.I.16 0 4 0 1
PRC_SPD_JOG P211 - Digital speed reference value (JOG1) -100.00 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
EN_SPD_JOG P212 - Enable jog speed reference 0 1 0 1
PRC_START_DG_POT P213 - Motor potentiometer starting speed -100.0 100.0 2.00 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
P214 - Load final digital potentiometer
EN_MEM_DG_POT 0 1 0 1
reference value
P215 - CW motor potentiometer speed
PRC_MAX_REF_DG_POT -105.0 105.0 105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
reference value
P216 - CCW motor potentiometer speed
PRC_MIN_REF_DG_POT -105.0 105.0 -105.02 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
reference value
P217 - Digital potentiometer acceleration 1999.
DG_POT_RAMPS 0.3 50 s 10
time 9
P218 - Enable motor potentiometer
EN_DG_POT 0 1 0 1
reference value(A.I.4)
P219 - Meaning of frequency speed
reference value decoded in time
FRQ_IN_PPR_SEL P220 - Encoder pulses per revolution 0 9 5 1
FRQ_IN_NUM P221 - NUM - Frequency input slip ratio -16383 16383 100 1
FRQ_IN_DEN P222 - DEN - Frequency input slip ratio 0 16383 100 1
P223 - Enable frequency speed reference
EN_FRQ_REF 0 1 0 1
FRQ_REF_SEL P224 - Frequency speed reference selection 0 2 0 1
P225 - Filter time constant of frequency
TF_TIME_DEC_FRQ 0.0 20.0 1.6 ms 10
input decoded in time
P226 - Corrective factor for frequency input
KP_TIME_DEC_FRQ 0.0 200.0 100 163.84
decoded in time
SB_MOT_SPD_MAX P227 - Second bank Max. operating speed 50 30000 3000 rpm 1
P228 - Second bank KpV speed regulator
SB_SPD_REG_KP 0.1 400.0 6 10
proportional gain
P229 - Second bank TiV speed regulator 3000.
SB_SPD_REG_TI 0.1 30 ms 10
lead time constant 0
P230 - Second bank TfV speed regulator
SB_SPD_REG_TF 0.0 25.0 0.4 ms 10
(filter) time constant
SB_CW_ACC_TIME P231 - Second bank CW acceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
SB_CW_DEC_TIME P232 - Second bank CW deceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
SB_CCW_ACC_TIME P233 - Second bank CCW acceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
SB_CCW_DEC_TIME P234 - Second bank CCW deceleration time 0.01 10 s 100
SB_ON P235 - Second bank active 0 1 0 1
EN_LIN_RAMP P236 - Enable linear ramp 0 1 0 1
EN_INV_SPD_REF P237 - Invert reference signal software 0 1 0 1
EN_I_CNTRL P238 - Enable only current control 0 1 0 1
EN_POS_REG P239 - Enable overlapped space loop 0 1 0 1
P240 - Enable overlapped space loop
memory clear in stop
MUL_AI_IN_SEL P241 - Multiplication factor selection 0 4 0 1
MUL_AI_OUT_SEL P242 - Multiplication factor target 0 2 0 1
P243 - Max analog input value for 180.0
MUL_AI_MAX -180.00 100.0 % A.I. 163.84
multiplication factor 0
P244 - Min analog input value for 180.0
MUL_AI_MIN -180.00 0.0 % A.I. 163.84
multiplication factor 0
P245 - Multiplication factor with max analog
MUL_KCF_MAX -100.0 100.0 1.0 100
input (MUL_AI_MAX)
P246 - Multiplication factor with min analog
MUL_KCF_MIN -100.0 100.0 -1.0 100
input (MUL_AI_MAX)

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
EN_FLDBUS_REF P247 - Enable FIELD-BUS reference values 0 1 0 1
STR_MUL_AI P248 - Storing input multilpicative factor 0 2 0 1
EN_STOP_POS P255 - Enabling Stop in position 0 2 0 1
STOP_POS_CMD P256 - Stop in position comand selection 0 1 0 1
P257 - Enabling Stop in position after
ZERO_TOP_SEL P258 - Stop in position comand selection 0 1 0 1
PRC_SPD_INDEX P259 - Indexing speed reference value 0.00 2.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
STOP_POS0 P260 - Target 0 Stop in position 0.00 0 % 360 degree 163.84
STOP_POS1 P261 - Target 1 Stop in position 0.00 0 % 360 degree 163.84
STOP_POS2 P262 - Target 2 Stop in position 0.00 0 % 360 degree 163.84
STOP_POS3 P263 - Target 3 Stop in position 0.00 0 % 360 degree 163.84
ANG_MOV P264 - Angular movement Stop in position -50.00 50.00 0 % 360 degree 163.84
POS_WINDOW P265 - Position Reached window 0.00 50.00 0.15 % 360 degree 163.84
TIME_WINDOW P266 - Time on Position Reached window 0 19999 10 ms 1
PRC_SPD_MIN_AUTO P267 - Minimum speed for automatic stop 0.00 1.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
SPD_MIN_HYST P268 - Minimum speed hysteresis 0.00 0.0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
GBOX_NUM P269 - Gearbox NUM 0 16384 100 1
GBOX_DEN P270 - Gearbox DEN 0 16384 100 1
EN_PID P271 - Enabling PID Control 0 1 0 1
DGT_SP_PID P272 - Digital Setpoint PID -200.0 200.0 0.0 % 163.84
SEL_SP_PID P273 - PID Setpoint selection 0 6 0 1
SEL_PV_PID P274 - PID Process value selection 0 6 1 1
KP_PID P275 - KP proportional gain -200.0 200.0 1.00 163.84
P276 - Filter time constant component P
TF_PID_KP 0.0 20.0 0.4 ms 10
TI_PID P277 - TI Integral time 0 19999 0 ms 1
TD_PID P278 - TD Derivative time 0 19999 0 ms 1
LMN_MIN_OUT_PID P279 - Limit Min value of output PID -200.0 200.0 -100.0 % 163.84
LMN_MAX_OUT_PID P280 - Limit Max value of output PID -200.0 200.0 100.0 % 163.84
EN_REF_PID P281 - Enabling PID Reference 0 1 0 1
SEL_OUT_PID P282 - PID Output selection 0 7 0 1
EN_HLD_BRAKE P289 - Enable Motor Holding brake 0 1 0 1
P290 - Motor holding brake disable delay at
HLD_BRAKE_DIS_DLY 0 19999 0 ms 1
P291 - Motor holding brake enable delay at
HLD_BRAKE_EN_DLY 0 19999 0 ms 1

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

SENSOR_SEL C00 - Speed sensor 0 13 1 1
LI1_SEL C01 - Meaning of logic input 1 -1 31 8 1
LI2_SEL C02 - Meaning of logic input 2 -1 31 2 1
LI3_SEL C03 - Meaning of logic input 3 -1 31 3 1
LI4_SEL C04 - Meaning of logic input 4 -1 31 0 1
LI5_SEL C05 - Meaning of logic input 5 -1 31 4 1
LI6_SEL C06 - Meaning of logic input 6 -1 31 12 1
LI7_SEL C07 - Meaning of logic input 7 -1 31 5 1
LI8_SEL C08 - Meaning of logic input 8 -1 31 22 1
FRQ_IN_SEL C09 - Frequency input setting 0 3 1 1
LO1_SEL C10 - Meaning of logic output 1 -64 63 3 1
LO2_SEL C11 - Meaning of logic output 2 -64 63 0 1
LO3_SEL C12 - Meaning of logic output 3 -64 63 6 1
LO4_SEL C13 - Meaning of logic output 4 -64 63 2 1

User’s manual 119

DISPLAY_SEL C14 - Display selection 0 127 0 1
C15 - Meaning of programmable analog
AO1_SEL -99 100 11 1
output 1
C16 - Meaning of programmable analog
AO2_SEL -99 100 4 1
output 2
SENSOR2_SEL C17 - Sensor2 selection 0 13 0 1
C18 - Enable incremental encoder2 time
EN_TIME_DEC_ENC2 0 1 0 1
EN_SENSOR2_TUNE C19 - Enable sensor2 auto-tuning 0 1 0 1
C20 - Invert sensor2 positive cyclic
EN_INV_POS2_DIR 0 1 0 1
SW_RUN_CMD C21 - Run software enable 0 1 1 1
LEM_SEL C22 - LEM selection 0 1 1 1
C23 - Enable CANOpen SYNC traking
EN_SYNC_REG 0 1 0 1
DC_BUS_FULL_SCALE C24 - DC Voltage drive full scale 0 2 0 V 1
RES2_DDC_BW C25 - Second Resolver DDC bandwidth 0 1 0 Hz 1
EN_RND_RAMP C27 - Rounded ramp 0 1 0 1
EN_STOP_MIN_SPD C28 - Stop with minimum speed 0 1 0 1
DRV_SW_EN C29 - Drive software enable 0 1 1 1
ALL_RESET C30 - Reset alarms 0 1 0 1
EN_MOT_THERMAL_ALL C32 - Motor thermal switch ' Block drive’ 0 1 1 1
MOT_THERM_CURV_SEL C33 - Auto-ventilated thermal motors 0 3 0 1
MAIN_LOST_SEL C34 - Managing mains failure 0 3 0 1
C35 - Automatic alarm reset when
mains back on
EN_PW_SOFT_START C37 - Enable soft start 0 1 1 1
MAGN_SEL C38 - Motor Magnetization selection 0 2 0 1
C41 - Enable sensor and motor phase
EN_TEST_CONN 0 1 0 1
EN_AUTOTUNING C42 - Enable auto-tunings 0 3 0 1
ALL_COUNT_RESET C44 - Reset alarm counters 0 2 0 1
C45 - Rectification bridge 0 = diodes, 1
= semicontrolled
C46 - Enable motor thermal probe
management (PT100/PTC/NTC)
EN_DCBUS_MAX_CTRL C47 - Enable smart brake 0 1 0 1
CANOPEN_BAUD_SEL C48 - CAN Baud rate 0 7 0 1
C49 - TOP zero phase for simulated
C50 - Invert channel B simulated
ENC_OUT_DIR 0 1 0 1
C51 - Choose pulses ev. simulated
ENC_OUT_PPR_SEL 0 11 5 1
ENC_OUT_SEL C52 - Simulated encoder selection 0 4 0 1
EN_TEST_SPD C53 - Enable test of start-up time 0 2 0 1
C54 – Internal Simulated Encoder
I_RELAY_SEL C55 - Current relay output 0 2 0 1
I_OVR_LOAD_SEL C56 - Current overload 0 3 3 1
C57 - Enable radiator heat probe
management (PTC/NTC)
C59 - Disable dynamic decoupling +
DIS_I_DECOUP 0 1 0 1
PAR_ACT_BANK C60 - Parameter bank active 0 1 0 1
DEF_PAR_RD C61 - Read default parameters 0 1 0 1
EEPROM_PAR_RD C62 - Read parameters from EEPROM 0 1 0 1
EEPROM_PAR_WR C63 - Save parameters in EEPROM 0 1 0 1
EN_FLDBUS C64 - Enable fieldbus manage 0 3 0 1
RES_DDC_BW C66 - Resolver DDC bandwidth 0 1 0 Hz 1
RES_CARR_FRQ_RATIO C67 - Resolver carrier frequency -3 3 0 1
EN_SENSOR_TUNE C68 - Enable sensor auto-tuning 0 1 0 1
C69 - Enable 2nd order filter on speed
EN_TF2_SPD_REG 0 1 0 1
C70 - Enable SinCos Analog-Digital
compensation into position
C71 – Enable braking resistance
EN_SPD_REG_D C72 - Enable feedforward 0 1 0 1
C73 - Enable Safety STOP only like

C74 - Enable incremental encoder time
C75 - Disable Autotuning starting from
default values
EN_INV_POS_DIR C76 - Invert positive cyclic versus 0 1 0 1
C77 - Enable PI speed gains
C79 - Enable negative logic for digital
EN_NOT_LI 0 255 0 1
EN_VF_CNTL C80 - Enable V/f control 0 1 0 1
EN_DB C81 - Enable dead zones 0 2 0 1
VF_EN_STALL_ALL C82 - Enable stall alarm 0 1 1 1
VF_EN_DCJ C83 - Enable dc brake 0 1 0 1
C84 - Enable search during motor
VF_EN_SEARCH 0 1 0 1
VF_EN_OPEN_LOOP C85 - Enable open loop working state 0 2 0 1
VF_EN_ENGY C86 - Enable energy saving 0 1 0 1
C87 - Enable flux angle bypass -
VF_EN_BYPASS 0 1 0 1
frequency input
C88 - Calculate V/f characteristic
nominal knee
EN_BOOT C98 - Enable boot mode 0 1 0 1

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale

FW_REV D00 - Software version 0 256
ACTV_POW D01 - Active power delivered 0 kW 16
PRC_TOT_APP_SPD_REF D02 - Speed reference value before ramp -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_END_SPD_REF D03 - Speed reference value after ramp -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_MOT_SPD D04 - Speed reading -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_T_REF D05 - Torque request -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_IQ_REF D07 - Request torque current Iq rif -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
PRC_ID_REF D08 - Request magnetizing current Id rif -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
V_REF D09 - Voltage reference value at max. rev. -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
PRC_APP_T_REF D10 - Torque reference value (application generated) -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
MOT_I D11 - Current module 0 A rms 16
REF_FRQ_IN D12 - Frequency in input 0 KHz 16
EL_FRQ D13 - Rotor flux frequency 0 Hz 16
D14 - Frequency speed reference value (application
PRC_APP_FRQ_SPD_REF -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_IQ D15 - Current torque component -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
PRC_ID D16 - Current magnetizing component -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
MOT_V D17 - Stator voltage reference value module 0 V rms 16
PRC_MOT_V D18 - Stator voltage reference value module -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
MOD_INDEX D19 - Modulation index -100 100 0 40.96
PRC_VQ_REF D20 - Vq rif -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
MOT_SPD D21 - Motor rotation speed 0 rpm 1
PRC_VD_REF D22 - Vd rif -100 100 0 % MOT_V_NOM 40.96
MOT_POS D23 - Actual position 0 ±16384 1
DC_BUS D24 - Bus voltage 0 V 16
DRV_TEMP D25 - Radiator temperature reading 0 °C 16
MOT_TEMP D26 - Motor temperature 0 °C 16
MOT_FLX D27 - Motor Flux 0 % MOT_FLX_NOM 40.96
PRC_DRV_I_THERM D28 - Motor thermal current -100 100 0 % soglia All 40.96
PRC_DRV_I_MAX D29 - Current limit -100 100 0 % DRV_I_NOM 40.96
PRC_DRV_T_MAX D30 - Maximum torque -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_DRV_I_T_MAX D31 - Maximum torque by current limit -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
D32 - Maximum torque imposed (application
PRC_APP_T_MAX -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_APP_SPD_REF D33 - Speed reference (application generated) -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
SLI_FREQ D34 - Slip frequency -20 20.0 0 Hz 40.96
PRC_MOT_T D35 - Actual torque produced -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
D36 - Absolute mechanical position (on current
MOT_TURN_POS 0 ±16384 1
MOT_N_TURN D37 - Number of revolutions 0 1
OFFSET_SINCOS_ENC D38 - Compensation Sin/Cos analog/digital term 0 pulses 1

User’s manual 121

Name Description Min Max Default UM Scale
SENSOR_FRQ_IN D39 - Input frequency 0 kHz 16
REG_CARD_TEMP D40 - Regulation card temperature 0 °C 16
MOT_PRB_RES D41 - Thermal probe resistance 0 Ohm 1
AI1 D42 - Analog Input AI1 -100 100 0 % 163.84
AI2 D43 - Analog Input AI2 -100 100 0 % 163.84
AI3 D44 - Analog Input AI3 -100 100 0 % 163.84
SPD_ISR D45 - Speed routine duration 0 us 64
I_ISR D46 - Current routine duration 0 us 64
I_LOOP_BAND D47 - Current loop bandwidth 0 Hz 1
PRC_APP_T_MIN D48 - Minimum torque limit by application -100 100 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
WORK_HOURS D49 - Work Hours 0 hours 1
SENS2_SPD D51 - Second sensor rotation speed 0 rpm 1
D52 - Second sensor Absolute mechanical position
SENS2_TURN_POS 0 16384 1
(on current revolution)
SENS2_N_TURN D53 - Second sensor Number of revolutions 0 16384 1
SENS2_FRQ_IN D54 - Second sensor Frequency input 0 KHz 16
SENS1_ZERO_TOP D55 - Sensor1 Zero Top 0 pulses 1
SENS2_ZERO_TOP D56 - Sensor2 Zero Top 0 pulses 1
D57 - Delay from SYNC reception to Speed routine
PWM_SYNC_OFFSET D58 - PWM offset for SYNC delay control 0 pulses 1
SERIAL_NUMBER D59 - Drive Serial Number 0 1
FLD_CARD D60 - Fieldbus Card 0 1
APPL_REV D61 - Application Revision 0 40.96
HW_SENSOR2 D62 - Sensor2 presence 0 1
HW_SENSOR1 D63 - Sensor1 presence 0 1
REF_AI1 D64 - Reference from Analog Input AI1 -100 100 0 % 163.84
REF_AI2 D65 - Reference from Analog Input AI2 -100 100 0 % 163.84
REF_AI3 D66 - Reference from Analog Input AI3 -100 100 0 % 163.84
PRC_SPD_REF_DG_POT D67 - Digital Potentiometer Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_T_REF_AN D68 - Analog Torque reference from Application -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_T_REF_FLDBUS D69 - Fieldbus Torque reference -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_T_MAX_AN_POS D70 - Analog Positive Torque Max from Application -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_T_MAX_FLDBUS D71 - Fieldbus Torque Max reference -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
PRC_SPD_TOT_AN D72 - Speed reference from AI1 + AI2 + AI3 -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
MUL_KP D73 - Multiplication factor 100.0 0 % 16
PRC_SPD_REF_AN D74 - Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_SPD_REF_FLDBUS D75 - Fieldbus Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
PRC_SPD_REF_JOG D76 - Jog Speed reference -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
D77 - Time Decode Frequency input Speed
PRC_SPD_REF_TIME_DEC -100 100 0 % MOT_SPD_MAX 163.84
SPD_REF_PULS_FLDBUS D78 - Fieldbus Speed Reference in Pulses 0 Pulses per Tpwm 1
REF_AI16 d79 Reference from analog Input AI16 % 163.84
PRC_T_MAX_AN_NEG D80 - Analog Negative Torque Max from Application -400 400 0 % MOT_T_NOM 40.96
ACT_SP_PID d85 Actual Setpoint PID % 163.84
ACT_PV_PID d86 Actual Feed-back PID % 163.84
ACT_COM_P_PID d87 Actual Componente P of PID % 163.84
ACT_COM_I_PID d88 Actual Componente I of PID % 163.84
ACT_COM_D_PID d89 Actual Componente D of PID % 163.84
ACT_ERR_PID d90 Actual Errore SP-PV of PID % 163.84
ACT_OUT_PID d91 Actual Output PID % 163.84

s.p.a. tecnologie digitali elettroniche

Via dell’Oreficeria, 41 - 36100 VICENZA - Italy

Tel. +39 0444 343555 - Fax +39 0444 343509

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