Customer Support: The Terminator Is Patent Pending: Purple
Customer Support: The Terminator Is Patent Pending: Purple
Customer Support: The Terminator Is Patent Pending: Purple
P/P Volume Pot Map
Dead Terminal
5-Way Super
Selector 500k Left Lug
Terminal Map Normally open contact.
Closes when pulled
"Goes to Eleven"
"Yin-Yang" 250k = Warmer Tone
P/P Volume Pot
Dead Terminal 500k = Brighter Tone
Customer Support:
The Terminator is Patent Pending
Please watch our Installation Videos!!! Basic Installation Instructions:
• Carefully remove all components being replaced by the Terminator
Beware of tight fitting knobs!
• Cut solder off remaining wires, grounds and pickup wires, and strip wires
Forcing a 6mm metric knob with a
back approximately 1/8”
course 18 tooth knurl onto our pots • Using painter’s tape, tape wires to the guitar body away from the control
will damage them. Our pots have a ¼” cavity
24 tooth fine knurl brass shaft. • Carefully install Mad Hatter components into guitar. For small control
(Terminator EVO volume and certain cavities, wire components outside of control cavity and install in guitar
P/P Pots do have a 6mm shaft. They after wiring
have aluminum shafts.) • Tape wires related to the Mad Hatter components away from the control
You can enlarge the inside diameter of your metric
knob to better fit a standard ¼” diameter shaft by using • Determine your desired value of each Potentiometer and note where to
attach wires
a 7/32” drill bit. By hand carefully twist the 7/32” drill
• Following the wiring instructions, attach needed wires between Mad
bit into your knob. This will slightly open up the inside Hatter components using wire provided with Kit. All components need to
diameter. be connected together with a black ground wire
• Attached pickup, bridge, output jack and all other ground wires to
ANY of the ground lugs. If needed you can also utilize one of the unused
Set screw style knobs work great with our Dead Terminals with a jumper wire from a ground terminal if more
pots. To install place the screw of the knob ground connection points are needed
over the gap on the spline shaft and • Attach Red wire from Output Jack as per instructions
tighten screw into gap. • Individually attach each pickup as per instructions
• Attach desired tone cap to tone pot, Blue leads = .022uf,
Black leads = .047uf.
• Ensure all wires are properly attached and no stray wires touching other
• Test to ensure everything is operating correctly
• Route wires within control cavity and close up
***Note – Only use the Little Ass Screwdriver provided with the Kit. A
larger screwdriver may damage components***
Basic Troubleshooting –
No Sound – Typically shorted wire, check for shorted wires, or wires not
connected properly