4600 LS and Trimble Digital Fieldbook
4600 LS and Trimble Digital Fieldbook
4600 LS and Trimble Digital Fieldbook
Economical, Fully
Integrated Single-Frequency
GPS Survey Unit
Operations optimized with Trimble Digital Fieldbook
The 4600 LS™ GPS receiver is a cost-effective L1 GPS
survey instrument for productive control, topographic
and GIS surveys. The 4600 LS can be used effectively
for static, L1 FastStatic, and kinematic surveys over short
to moderate baselines. The operation of the 4600 LS is
optimized with the use of the Trimble® Digital Fieldbook
software running on the Trimble Recon™ controller.
The 4600 LS is extremely portable and very simple to
use. The GPS receiver, antenna and C-cell batteries are
integrated into a single unit weighing only 1.7 kg (3.7 lb).
For postprocessed surveys, no external batteries or cables Key Features
are required. The unit features one-button operation, and
three LED indicators let you easily monitor your entire and Benefits
The 4600 LS runs on less than 1 W of power consumption • Survey data stored in job files: Review the details of
• High productivity at an
and uses standard C-size batteries. One set of C-cells the survey project in the field. Raw GPS (*.dat) files are
lasts four days. automatically downloaded when the survey job file is affordable price
transferred to Trimble Geomatics Office. • Portable and simple to use
Rugged • Receiver configuration: View satellites using a sky plot
Designed for extreme field conditions, the 4600 LS view and manage GPS files stored in the 4600 LS. • Less than 1 W power
operates from –40 °C to +65 °C (–40 °F to +149 °F) consumption
• Map view: View the survey in a plan view, helping to
and is fully sealed. Thanks to its rugged construction, it
make sure all required points have been measured. Tap • Integrated GPS receiver
will withstand a fall onto a hard surface from either a
and hold to review items. antenna
tripod or rangepole.
• Navigate to point: If points to be measured are loaded • 12 Channels
Trimble Digital Fieldbook to Trimble Digital Fieldbook, you can use this function to
The Trimble Digital Fieldbook software, running on the find the approximate location of the points more quickly. • Dual ports
rugged Trimble Recon controller platform, optimizes • Feature Code libraries: Lists of predefined feature codes
4600 LS operations by allowing users to perform static improve quality control in the field and help to ensure
and kinematic surveys. With an exceptionally easy-to-use, only valid codes are collected. Codes can be used for
color, graphical interface, Trimble Digital feature code processing in Trimble Geomatics Office.
Fieldbook simplifies workflow and is very
easy to learn to use. In addition, the Postprocessing
software is available in several different The 4600 LS incorporates high-quality L1 carrier phase
languages. and C/A-code measurements for reliable and productive
static, L1 FastStatic and kinematic surveys.
Key features of Trimble The 4600 LS can store over 64 hours of L1 FastStatic
Digital Fieldbook data, which is compatible with Trimble’s other survey grade
• Coordinate system support: Grid points GPS receivers.
in local coordinate system can be
When used with Trimble Geomatics Office, control surveys
uploaded to the software and used
can be performed with short occupation times to generate
to measure the points. Coordinate
sub-centimeter results. In addition, Trimble Geomatics
system details are fully compatible with
Office is designed to streamline GPS postprocessing
Trimble Geomatics Office™ software,
tasks, reducing the time needed to process the GPS data
making the management of them simple.
collected in the field. A variety of quality assurance
• Background maps: View DXF and other and quality control (QA/QC) tools make identifying
files as well as control points for project unexpected results very simple, as are the tools to
visualization. Tap and hold to review correct field errors.
items or navigate to them directly from
the map.
4600 LS and Trimble Digital Fieldbook
Economical, fully integrated single-frequency GPS sur vey unit
Trimble Geomatics and Engineering Division
5475 Kellenburger Road • Dayton, Ohio 45424-1099 • U.S.A.
800-538-7800 (Toll Free) • +1-937-245-5154 Phone • +1-937-233-9441 Fax
Trimble GmbH
Am Prime Parc 11 • 65479 Raunheim • GERMANY
+49-6142-2100-0 Phone • +49-6142-2100-550 Fax
Trimble Navigation Singapore Pty Limited
80 Marine Parade Road • #22-06, Parkway Parade
Singapore 449269 • SINGAPORE
+65-6348-2212 Phone • +65-6348-2232 Fax
© 2003, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Trimble and the Globe & Triangle logo are trademarks of Trimble Navigation
Limited registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and other countries. 4600 LS and Trimble Geomatics Office are
trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited. Recon is a trademark of Tripod Data Systems Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Trimble
Navigation Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Reorder PN 022543-059A (11/03)