FRELIMO - REPORT (1) - For Merge
FRELIMO - REPORT (1) - For Merge
FRELIMO - REPORT (1) - For Merge
REG.NO : DECCA/18/04/676
This document “Field Report Practice-Report for Pharmacy practice” was prepared by Mwita
Marwa with the help of Frelimo Hospital Pharmacists. The report is intended to inform all the
Practice conducted in the health centre.
The report has an underlying premise the concept that Pharmaceutical science Students
should accept responsibility for changing the entire medication use process so as to minimize
the environmental effects of Pharmaceuticals the entire process of prescribing, dispensing,
pharmaceutical care, disposal of unused medication and ultimately reduction in metabolic
waste discharge.
The aim of field work is to make sure understand and be able to dispense drugs to client,
interpret well the prescription as well as storage of drugs and arrangement according to their
alphabetical, pharmacological and Dosage form .The time period of such practices was about
only Six weeks.
In Frelimo Hospital it has pharmacy department which deals with all activities which involve
with medicine and medical supplies. At Frelimo District Hospital the pharmacy it involved
the following departments which as follows
Main store
Outpatient Department (OPD)
Health Insurance Department (BIMA)
Care and Treatment Clinic Department (CTC)
I thank to Almighty God for his guidance in the time of my field work practice. Also, I would
like to give my sincere thanks to the entire Decca College of Health and allied Science
administration for their concern about learning and putting into practice what we have learnt
by arranging a fieldwork practices.
I sincere gratitude to my supervision for taking their valuable time accompanying and
directing to my field work these are the principal of Decca College. Dr Cassian, Mr
Mbowela(HOD), Mr.Shalom obeid ,Head of class master,and other Tutors (Mr. Jafar,
Madam Mwakasoba Mr.Medad and Mr Edwin
I would like to give thanks to the administration of Frelimo Hospital for allowing me to
conduct my field work practice, Assistant Medical Officer and Doctor In Charge Dr. PILILA
Patron and also a Nurse Officer Mr JOHNSON Head of Pharmacy Department and Medical
Store Ph.KALINGA and his assistance Mrs.Jackline head of CTC Department, Dr. Isack and
other doctors and nurses.
Also I thank to all patients whom played a great role in accomplish my field work practice.
Lastly, I want to give thanks to my family for their support which helps to accomplish my
field practice
ABC abacavir
ADR adverse drug reaction
AHP allied health professional
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ARV’s antiretroviral
ATP adenosine triphosphate
BP blood pressure
Caps capsule
CDC centres for disease control and prevention
CTX Co-trimoxazole
CHMT council health management teams
CTC care and treatment centre
DED district executive officer
DHS demographic and health survey
DMO district medical officer
EML essential medicine list
GOT government of Tanzania
HIS health information system
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HSA health system assessment
HMIS Health Management Information System
IP inpatient
ITN insecticide-treated bed net
MSD medical stores department
NACP national AIDS control program
NHIF national health insurance fund
NIMR National Institute for medical research
OC Other Charges
OPD Outpatient Department
PHS Primary Health Care
PLWHA People Living With HIV/AIDS
PSU Pharmaceutical Services Unit
RHMT Regional Health Management Team
RMO Regional Medical Officer
SHIB Social Health Insurance Benefit
STG Standard Treatment Guideline
TB Tuberculosis
TFDA Tanzania Food and Drug Authority
VTC Voluntary (HIV) Counselling and Testing
WHO World Health Organization
ZTC Zonal Testing Centre
3.0 MTUHA.......................................................................................
4.1 HOW TO ACCES DATA IN E LMIS.....................................................
In Frelimo District Hospital it have pharmacy department which deals with all
activities which involve with medicine and medicinal supplies. At Frelimo District Hospital
the pharmacy includes the following departments as follows
Main store
Outpatient Department (OPD)
Health Insurance Department (BIMA)
Care and Treatment Clinic Department (CTC)
CTC Store
On my first day at field practice I introduced myself to my fellow health personnel. The
introduction includes my full name, where I live including with the college name on which I
study health service. After the introduction I got chance to be introduced with health
personnel who works in the health centre.
Onwards after I got to know my fellow health personnel they gave me hope that I will
easily get to understand how to conduct health services, I had to be patience for some days
and concentrate on what they are doing and what they taught me.
Receiving and Interpret prescription from the pertinent establish clearly locality of
Identify pack and label medicine and medical supplies for dispensing-Issue medicine and
medical supplies to patient with clear instruction and advance
Keep record of dispensed medicine and medical supply
Practice Ordering, Receiving, Location and coding of medical and medical supply storage
Carry out store control of medicine and medical supplies
MUTUHA is a short term of mfumo wa taarifa za uendeshaji huduma za afya. is the system
designed to collect facility based health and health related data, compile, store and retrieve
for data analysis to produce report which in turn inform service providers, health managers,
decision markers/policy makers and the public to make informed decision on health planning,
monitoring and evaluation and provision of services at all levels of health care delivery.
II. Pharmacy
III. Medical store
IV. Substore
V. Laboratory
VI. Outpatient
VII. Inpatient
There are four most common periods in MTUHA frequencies organized but at FDH most
data are collected and retrieve in monthly frequency.
In the elmis after login there are two option first is my facility which always is the
district hospital and other facility which are always the health canter’s and
dispensaries within the district.
In the elmis the are two form of ordering which are emergency order and regularly
order .
II. Emergency order: Is the form of order that is placed or requesting other than that of
the specific period of time due to the shortage or out of the stock.
III. Regularly order: Is the form of order that are requested for a specific duration of time
which can be after tree months or six months.
In order to order you suppose to fill in the elmis system like the amount that you
received at the previews order, the balance that you have, losses or adjustment and
also the amount that you want to order the system can calculate and gives you the
actual amount in which the order can consume and also you can compare to the
amount that you have on hand.
Form 2A: Dispensary or Health Centre Report & Request for Priority
Medicines and Related medical supplies and equipments.
Form 2B: Hospital Report & Request for Priority Medicines and Related
Medical Supplies
Form 2C: Blank Report & Request for Additional Medicines and Related
SMedical Supplies and Equipment To order additional medicines and related
medical supplies not printed on Forms 2A & 2B.
How to report consumption of medicine and medical supplies using R&R form
The consumption of medicine and medical supplies are calculated by taking the
staring balance plus the received amount minus losses or adjustment also the system
of eLMIS helps to calculate after entering those data to the required or appropriate site
the actua consumption of that product are indicated end light side and also the system
indicate the amount to be ordered and the actual costs.
First you must identify what kind of order you want to request whether is emergency
order or regularly order
Second you must complete to fill R&R form.
Third you must approve the data entered
Fourth the district pharmacist ( DH ) he/she must submit the R&R form electronically
by using the eLMIS system.
- The Main Store is too small that some of medicine doesn’t have a place to be kept,
despite they just been kept in small store that doesn’t have suitable temperature for
safety medicine.
- Too many of patient that result the dispensing process to be slow and difficult on time
to time communicating and explanation of the use of medicine.
- Small room of OPD department that deals with dispensing of medicine to outpatient.
This are some of challenges that i faced and realize to be volunteer in Frelimo
District Hospital
- Increasing of Main Store for the safety of medicine that should also have in suitable
- Increasing of OPD department in order the resultant of too many outpatient to be
decreased and additional of Pharmacist