【Switching Power Controller IC】: THX202H
【Switching Power Controller IC】: THX202H
【Switching Power Controller IC】: THX202H
Principal Discription················································································································· 7
PWM controller of high-performance
current mode is specially designed for
AC/DC transformer with high performance
and price ratio, which supplies continuous
output power of 5W within the range of
wide-voltage between 85V and 265V, the
output power of peak value can be up to
18W. The combination of optimized
reasonable circuit design and bipolar
facture technology with high performance
and price ratio economizes the whole cost
ultimately. The power controller can be
applied to the typical flyback circuit
topology so as to form a simple AC/DC
transformer. The startup circuit inside IC Meanwhile, the perfect function of
is designed as a particular current overload and saturation prevention is
inhalation way, so it can start up with the provided inside of IC, which can keep
magnification function of the power switch away some abnormal status, such as
tube itself, which lessens the power overload, saturation of transformer, and
consumption for starting the resistance output short circuit, so as to improve the
remarkably; when the output power is reliability of the power supply. Besides,
lower, IC will reduce the working there is a 2.5V voltage reference integrated
frequency automatically, therefore, the inside IC for providing precise voltage to
standby power consumption becomes the clock circuit, and clock frequency can
extremely low. When the power tube is be set up by an exterior timing capacity.
closed, the interior circuit will bias it Now the standard encapsulation and
reversely, utilize the characteristic of high the environmental protection leadless
pressure resistance CB of bipolar transistor encapsulation that meets European
directly, and improve its pressure resistance standard of DIP8 are supplied.
capacity to the high voltage of 700V, which
ensures the security of the power tube.
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z Set-in high-voltage power switch tube of 700V and few peripheral components
z With the modulation of lock pulse width, the testing is according to the pulse limit
z With the function of output frequency reduction, the non-output power consumption can
be less than 25W.
z Inner-built ramp and anti-feedback compensation function
z The independent upper-limit current testing controller deals with over-current and
over-load of the controller real-timely.
z The period emission pole is turned off and it outputs by deflected voltage, and the
pressure resistance of the power tube is improved.
z Set-in current limit resistance with temperature compensation, which makes the current
limit precise
z Set-in heat protection circuit
z Startup is accomplished with the magnification function of the switch power tube, and
the power consumption of startup resistance is reduced more than10 times.
z Few peripheral components
z Low startup and operating current
z VCC over-voltage automatic limit
z Wide-voltage output power reaches 5W, and the narrow-voltage output power reaches
Applied Field
z Adaptor (for example, travel charger, out power station)
z As internal power source of environmental-protection and energy-saving type of
household appliances (such as electromagnetic oven and microwave oven)
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*: During PCB layout, Pin6 should be treated with hanging method and the security
distance should be kept more than 1mm between Pin6 and Pin7, so as to avoid
Limit parameter
Power supply voltage VCC ····························································································16V
Startup input voltage·······································································································16V
Pins input voltage ······························································································· VCC+0.3V
Endurance voltage of OC collector···································································· -0.3-700V
Switching current of peak value ················································································300mA
Total dissipation power···························································································1000mW
Operating temperature range ·············································································0---+125℃
Deposit temperature range···········································································-55---+150℃
Welding temperature ························································································+260℃,10S
Operating temperature 0 70 ℃
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Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Maximum pressure Ioc=10mA 700 - - V
resistance of
switching tube
on-saturation pressure Ioc=250mA - - 1 V
Output rise-time CL=1nF - - 75 ns
Output fall-time CL=1nF - - 75 ns
Output limit current Tj=0-100℃ 250 270 290 mA
OE clamp voltage OE=0.001-0.29A - 1.5 - V
Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Reference output Io=1.0mA 2.4 2.5 2.6 V
power adjustment Vcc=5.5-9V - 2 20 mV
Load adjustment Io=0.1-1.2mA - - 3 %
Temperature stability - 0.2 - mV/℃
Output noise voltage F=10Hz-10KHz - - 50 μV
Long-term stability Operate 1000h under the - 5 - mV
condition of T=85℃
Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Oscillating frequency Ct=330PF 59 66 73 KHz
Frequency change Vcc=5.5-9V - - 1 %
ratio with voltage
Frequency change rate Ta=0-85℃ - - 1 %
with temperature
Vibration amplitude of - 2.2 - V
Drop edge of Ct=330PF - 800 - ns
Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Pull-up - 0.50 0.60 mA
Input current
impedance pull-down - 30 - KΩ
Power supply rejection Vcc=5.5-9V - 60 70 dB
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Current sampling
Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Current sampling 0.55 0.60 0.65 V
upper limit current 0.25 0.27 0.29 A
Power supply - 60 70 dB
rejection ratio
transmission delay - 150 250 ns
Modulation of pulse width
Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Maximum duty cycle 53 57 61 %
Minimum duty cycle - - 3.5 %
Power current
Item Testing condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Startup acceptance 1.6 2.4 2.3 mA
Startup static current - 55 80 μA
Static current Vcc=8V - 2.8 - mA
Startup voltage 8.6 8.8 9.0 V
Close voltage of 4.0 4.2 4.5 V
Restart voltage - 3.6 - V
Over-voltage limit 9.5 10 10.5 V
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for the power tube, OE pulls down the emitter of the power tube to IS, and OB adopts
the driving parameter of ramp current ( it refers to that OB on-current is the parameter of
IS, when IS is 0V, OB on-current is about 24mA, then OB on-current increases linearly
with IS, when IS increases to 0.6V, OB on-current is about 24mA, this characteristic
makes effective use of the output current of OB, decreases the power consumption of
THX202H), if IS detects that the specified current FB, it will come into the close cycle;
during the close cycle, OB pulls down, the power tube will not shut off immediately, but
OE clamps 1.5V (after the power tube is shut off, the base will be biased reversely, which
improves the voltage endurance); during open or close cycle, if the power tube is
detected beyond the upper limit current, the trigger of the upper limit current will be
placed preferentially and forces FB to drop, the duty cycle will become less so as to
protect the power tube and transformer; at the beginning of next close cycle or when FB
is less than 1.8V, the trigger of the upper limit current will reset. In addition, THX202H
is installed over heat protection internally, when the internal temperature is higher than
125℃, it will broaden the cycle of the oscillator and makes the temperature of THX202H
less than 135℃; The ramp compensation is also placed internally, when THX202H is in a
big duty cycle or in the mode of constant current, it can stabilize the open/close cycle.
z If VCC declines to 4.2V or so, the oscillator will shut off, OSC1 and OSC2 are in the low
level, and the power supply keeps at close cycle; when VCC goes on declining to 3.6V or
so, THX201 will come into the start-up phase once again.
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Application Information:
1. Relationship between CT timing the feedback bandwidth, so some
capacitance and switching frequency external parameters will be affected,
CT capacitance is charged by 50uA such as transient-state characteristic.
constant current through internal current
source to for the rise-up edge, when the
voltage is charged to 1.6V, the internal
circuit will discharge CT with 1.9mA of
pull-down current to form the fall-down
edge of the clock, and accomplish a
clock cycle, which is about:
T=CT*48000 (S)
Fs=1/T (Hz)
Although the bipolar circuit can work
under higher frequency, but for the As for the value of CFB capacitance, the
switch of bipolar power, the influence typical application can be selected
caused by switch loss for the storage according to the frequency character of
time is still be considered. Generally, the feedback circuit between 10nF and
appropriate switching frequency is about 100nF. It is recommended to use 22nF.
below 70KHz. Under common
application situation, CT capacitance of 3. Over temperature protection
THX202H can be configured by 330PF, The interior of IC integrates the
when the relevant working frequency is function of over temperature protection.
around 66KHz. When the internal temperature of the
chip reaches 125 ℃ , the over-heat
2. FB feedback and control protection circuit will work, it will pull
In normal working state, the voltage down the clock signal, the switching
of FB will decide the value of the frequency will fall until the oscillator is
maximum switching current, the higher turned off.
the voltage is, the bigger the switching As shown in the following figure,
current is (it is only limited at the peak
value). FB pins pull up 600uA power
source internally, the pull-down
resistance is about 23KΩ (it
approximates the equivalent value). In
addition, when FB voltage is less than
1.8V, the oscillating cycle will be
enlarged, the switching frequency will
declined, the more it is less than 1.8V, 4. Driving characteristic and high
the lower the switching frequency is. The voltage endurance bias technology of
external FB capacitance will influence power tube
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The power tube adopts the ramp under-voltage protection, when the
current drive, the driving current will voltage of VCC reaches 8.8V, IC will set
increase with the output power, when FB out to start, the initial start-up voltage is
is 0, the current of OB is about 24mA, provided by the driving resistance, the
when FB is 6V, the current of OB is high voltage of input will be injected into
about 40mA, and the driving power the base of the switching tube through Ic
consumption will decrease remarkably current, consequently, the driving voltage
when the output is low. is formed. When IC works normally, the
The interior of IC integrates the voltage of VCC should be keep between
particular bias technology, when the 4.8V and 9V (including the situation of
power tube is shut, the output of OB will full load output), if the voltage of VCC
be pulled down to the ground, falls to 4.2V, the oscillator will enter the
meanwhile, it will bias the output of OE state of shutoff, when it decreases to
to 1.5V or so, bias the emitter junction, 3.6V further, IC will begin to reset.
accelerate the decreasing speed of Ic As shown in the following figure:
current, expand the effective safe 4.8-9V
working area, the switching tube affords VCC
the reverse voltage CB, therefore, the 4.4V
endurance characteristic of the switching
tube can be up to 700V. For more detail 3.8V
information for the voltage endurance
characteristic of the switching tube, CT
please refer to the relevant technical
data. VR
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Components Listing:
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No. Spec./Model encapsulation Amount Sign
1 Resistance 100R 0805 1 R5
2 1K 0805 1 R6
3 4.7K 1206 2 R1 R9
4 10K,1% 0805 1 R7
5 10.5K,1% 0805 1 R8
6 75K 1206 1 R4
7 1M 1206 2 R2 R3
8 Capacitance 331J/50V 0805 1 C4
9 222/1KV 1206 1 C5
10 223/50V 0805 1 C3
11 681J/50V 0805 1 C7
12 104/50V 0805 1 C8
13 Capacitance Y 222M/400V CT7,Y1 1 CY1
14 ELCC 6.8uF/400V EC3.5-8 2 C1 C2
15 22uF/16V EC3-5 1 C6
16 220uF/16V EC3-6.3 1 C9
17 470uF/16V EC3.5-8 1 C10
18 Diode 1N4001 DO-35 1 D3
19 FR107 DO-41 1 D2
20 SR260 DO-41 1 D4
Rectification DF06S DF-S 1 D1
22 Luminous tube LED2.5 D2.5 1 D5
Induction of EC-332K D4*8mm 1 L1
color code
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2. Bobbin diagram
3. Bobbin data
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Testing data:
Testing data
Input Voltage (V)
Testing item 85 110 135 180 220 265
Input power (standby power) when
W 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.21
Output voltage when Io=0A V 5.13 5.12 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13
Output ripple when Io=0A mV 15.4 13.0 12.8 15.4 16.8 16.4
Output voltage when Io=1A V 5.13 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12
Output ripple when Io=1A mV 15.6 14.0 13.4 13.0 13.4 13.4
Switch power when Io=1A % 70.5 73.1 73.9 75.2 73.7 73.1
Output voltage when Io=0.75A V 5.12 5.13 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12
Output ripple when Io=0.75A mV 11.8 10.2 11.0 11.0 10.2 10.8
Switch efficiency when Io=0.75A % 71.2 76.0 73.9 74.7 73.3 72.7
Output voltage when Io=0.5A V 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12
Output ripple when Io=0.5A mV 11.6 10.8 11.8 10.8 11.8 11.6
Switch efficiency when Io=0.5A % 70.5 73.2 74.4 72.9 71.9 70.9
Output voltage when Io=0.25A V 5.12 5.13 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12
Output ripple when Io=0.25A mV 10.6 10.8 11.0 10.6 12.4 11.4
Switch power when Io=0.25A % 68.5 70.1 70.7 69.6 67.7 65.3
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