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Reading With Writing 2 - 3

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Get Ready to Read

READING GOAL: Find the Places

Places are countries, cities, and buildings, like South Korea, New
York City, and schools. Find places in a text to understand where
people are.

a Look at the pictures. Circle the places.

,. 2.

! ~
- ~ i;

a house/ a school I a hospital

a playground Tokyo, Japan

D Read and listen. Cl) 23

, ~
Ya:.,.._- ....:

,, ;'

My heroes are my mom and dad. . ~ , . ·

7 My mom is an art t acher. She works m ,·

We live in a nice house

m GreenvLlle
.___..,_h __.,...__

the United States
______,,,,, . ......-
. _
,____,..~,,..__,,..___,....___,...__,---i.~ ,.,,.........,.. ..,,......__.__,.. ...._,.. ..,,. ..._... ,,,..,.,...__...-..., - - .......,.. ., , ,. .,

B Read O
again. hich place in the text is a city?
Choose the cor ect answer.
D a . resta, ant
D b. G'7enville
--{;l-e1he United States
Key Words G 2s
Read G 24 What places are
Listen, point, and say.
in the text?
Underline them .

C, www.jobcorner.osw/greatjobs


Great.Jobs ,.
,~ '~~f
What are some great jobs?

Paul My dad works in a cool restaurant!

r ~ ,i]
He's a cook. I want to be a cook in
Japan one day!
Tim My mom cleans and fixes teeth. She's a
dentist in Miami. She loves her job!
Sandra Doctors help sick people in hospitals
around the world. My dad is a doctor.
He's great!
Eva A vet is my hero! Dr. Brown helps my
cat. She's a good ve

t vet
i1 Find the key words in

.. . t~91.\ ~;-.
' ' ..;.'
I /'
-~ ~ :

- ~
the text. Then write
them in your picture
-~ 'e - -

Think! .

Which jobs do you

think are great? Which
job do you want?

Unit 7 Read 51
a Read Great Jobs again. Which buildings are in the text?
D a. hospital and restaurant Remember!
D b. restaurant and school Places in a text help
us understand where

IJ Choose the correct answer.

the people are.

1. Tim'sS/ dad is a dentist.

2. Paul wants to work in a hospital/ restaurant.
3. Eva's hero is a doctor/ vet.

B Complete the sentences.

I wek dentist doctor vet

1. 2.

A _ __c~o~o~k_ _ works in a A - - - - - works in an

restaurant. animal hospital.
3. 4.

A _ _ _ _ _ works in a
A - - - - - works in an
hospital. office.

· 52 Unit 7 Understand
l:J Work with a partner. Read Great Jobs again. What jobs are in the text?
Complete the diagram.


1. a dentist 2. - - - - 3. - - - - - 4. - - - - -



0 I can read the text.

0 1 can find places and use them to understand where people are.
":"~~.-,-- -·.· - ·:--.·• -·
-- --
· ·· ... Unit 7 Understand 53
UNi ili Get Ready to Read
READING GOAL: Understand Cause and Effect
Cause and effect help you understand why things happen in a
text. The cause is why something happens. And the effect is what
happens after.

a Look at the cause. Circle the effect.

IJ Read and listen. CD 26


Don is a cook. He is in his restaurant.

Oops! He hurts his tooth. Ouchi
:::.1_,-.~'0Wnn'J~.)l;'l,M"~V;.c::i..~"l!ll:;,.l\~:a!it!ll •

~,,,,,,,,w;,,,,M(5~!¥,,t ~ .. .... . . . , . ~ ~ . . . 0 , . _ W 4 ~

( !j!_92!~~~~~.!l~D Dr. Wang fixes his tooth.

B Read Dagain. Why does Don go to th e dent.ist? Choose II or >t
1. He falls at work. [v] ·
2. His teeth aren't clean.
0 0
3. He hurts his tooth.
0 0
54 Unit 8 Get Ready to Read
Key Words G 2s

Read G 21
A Look at the
underlined causes.
What are the
effects? Circle them .
Listen, point, and say.

Hero for a Dag soccer player

A cat sees a bird in a tree. The cat runs up the tree.
A soccer player is in a taxi. She sees the cat.
"Stop!" she says. "That's my cat!"The taxi driver stops.
The soccer player gets out of the taxi.
taxi driver
She says, "Help!" A police officer runs to the tree.

"Come down!"the police officer says to the cat.
The cat doesn't move.

A firefighter climbs the tree. She gets the cat.
The soccer player says, "Thank you:'The firefighter
police officer
says, "You're welcome:'The cat says, "Meow:'


Find the key words in

the story. Then write
them in your picture

hero of the story? Why?

Unit 8 Read 55
Understand Remember,
A cause iswh;
a Read Hero fora Day again. What happens after~
e soccer player says "Thank you"? i) i)
1s w at happe
afterthe caus:.s
Choose Yes or No. ..
1 . The cat says, "Meow:' Yes No
2. The firefighter says,
"You're welcome:' Yes No

[J Choose the correct answer.

1. Who is in the taxi?
!vi a. a soccer player D b. a police officer
2. What does the soccer player see?
D a. a bird in the air D b. a cat in a tree
3. Who says, "Come down"?
D a. the soccer player D b. the police officer

B Complete the sentences with key words. Then match.

1. The police officer runs to the tree.

2. The stops the car.

3. The gets the cat.

4. The sees her cat.

a. , b. C. d.
m Work with a partner. What are the causes and effects in the story?
Complete the table.

Cause Effect

[1 aAtree. cat sees a bird in

l )
[ The runs up the tree. ]

[ 2. The says, "Stop!" ] )

[ The stops.
[3 The says, "Help!" ] )
[A runs to the tree.
[ 4. A
climbs the
l ) [ She gets the
ijJ Look at l:J.Write. Combine the cause and effect with because.
1. The cat runs up the tree _b_e_c_Cl__UfilL_ it
sees a blr.dl n_±he tree._
2. The taxi driver stops _ _ _ _ _ the soccer player

3. The police officer runs to the tree _ _ _ _ _ the soccer player

4. The firefighter gets the cat - - - - - she


I can read the story. I can understand cause and

effect, and use it to understand
why things happen.

ii111· liU11
• 1 1 :t:
Reading Check
Find the places. Where are

the people? Understand

0 cause and effect. Why do

things happen?

~ ~"~"~•= ~~'''"~ ~ ~ w,-mn=onun,,runnmmmnarunnrnoomru,,,,,,,,,.,

I My Hero

s by Luke Smith 1
II Who is your hero? A firefighter? A police officer? A cook? A doctor?
§ My hero is my mom! She's a
vet. She's a dentist, too. ~ .._ I5
She's a dentist for pets! She ~._~ I
I_, works in an animal hospital. I
.· She works on farms, too. 1
I. She cleans cats'teeth. '=·
- She cleans horses'teeth, too. .
Sh h I . I b g
e have
they e ps anima s ecause
problems with _:'.= =
their teeth. People love
their pets. My mom is their
hero, too. I
Smmnanummrmummrmmamam:mrriltllilnmmmrrmm1nmmmm11mum1nnunurnurriJ . . .

rrnnm1mn1mnurmmnmrnmmmrmmnnn11n111111 1

Look at the places in the text. Where does Luke's k'

Choose v" or ,c. mom wor .
1. on farms
2. in a restaurant
0 0
3. in an animal hospital
0 0
D Look for cause and effect in the text. Why does Luke's mom help
animals? Choose v or )(.

1. because they are up in trees and can't get down

2. because they don't want to eat their food

3. because they have problems with their teeth

i:J Choose the correct answer.

1. Luke's hero is _ _ _ __
D a. a firefighter. [a b. his mom.
2. Luke's mom is _ _ _ __
D a. a vet and a dentist. D b. a doctor and a cook.

3. Luke's mom cleans _ _ _ __

D a. houses. D b. teeth.

4. Luke's mom is many people's - - - - -

D a. hero. D b. dentist.

iJ Unscramble and match.

1. csecro apeyrl • This person drives a car
for work.
soccer pJaY-~er.___
2. x i t a v d ier r • • This person cleans teeth.

• This person works in a

3. c rd too •

This person kicks a ball.

4. s n t de ti •
Get Ready to Write
-~~-"'t.. ,~ ~-
WRITING GOAL: Write a Paragraph
A paragraph is three or more sentences about the same idea.
The first sentence has the main idea. The other sentences give
information about the main idea.

a Read the paragraph. Underline in+ place.

Writing Tip
Use in to show where
tMngs happen.

t~ !~ My Hero
by Rick Vargas
My hero is my dad. He's a doctor.
He works in a hospital. We play soccer
in th.e park on Saturdays. After soccer,
we have lunch. in a restaurant .

D Look at a .Who is Rick's hero? Complete the diagram.

My Hero

1. __,m
~ y_..d~a~d~

Job What we do

2. - - - - - - - - 4. - - - - - - -

Where When
B Think about your hero. Complete the diagram.
My Hero

/ "-
Job What we do

/ '\..

Where When

l:J Now write a paragraph about your hero. Use your

words from Ci-
Choose new words, too. Then
draw your hero.

My hero is _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
He's/She's job
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ works in _ _ _ _ _ __
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Now write a paragraph about a person with

' a different job. ~ __.

I can write a paragraph.
.,,.~~,~( l
~~ --------
:...~ £1~

( -;;


• Read the story Yuck!

• Find likes and dislikes


• Read the text Jen's Cafe

and Lunch Place
• Find what is similar
and different

a Look at the picture. What do you see,?

• Write an opinion 1. What are the children doing?

2. Do you like their food? Why or
why not?
Many people eat
pizza with their hands.
But in Italy, people
eat pizza with a knife
and fork.

[J Read the Fun Fact. Then answer the Think. Pair-. Shar-e
questions. What do you eat with
your hands?
1. How do people eat pizza in Italy?
2. How do you eat pizza?

- . -
- · ._, -, Topic 5 Yum! 63
Get Ready to Read
READING GOAL: Find Likes and Dislikes
Likes are things people think are good. Dislikes are things people
think are bad. Find likes and dislikes in a text to understand how
people feel about things.

a Look at the pictures. Circle @ for likes and Q for dislikes.

1. 2. 3.

Q Read and listen. G 30
These are likes a n d ~ .

Todd: Look at my lunch! I like pizza . . . _._....._~'l,F,r..,· ...:;,:11:ft'

Mia: I like pizza, too!

-- .... - vn., =-1'

csut·i-d~~; li~uice)
"l4 ---J.- ·- - ,;,~
------- ,

j Vicky: (Ldo~t-.l~ke .P~~-~J

Mia: Wow! Really, Vicky?
Vicky: Really! But I like juice.
~.,........._,,,~- -
___..-...,,.,.. ............... _ -
-- ~ ~ . , , . . . . . _ , .r _,,,....._,.

B Read O again. What does Mia like? Choose the correct answer.
D a. pizza D b. juice D c. pizza and juice

61f Unit q Get Ready to Read ··

- Key Words G 32
Read a, 3, What are the likes
Listen, point, and say.
and dlsllkes?
Underline the likes.
Circle the dislikes.

[ +, C, www.whatkidslike.osw/max


Max is Toby and Linda's little brother. He can eat

"big kid" food now. burger

"Do you want a bite of my sandwich?" Linda asks.

"Yes;' says Max. Then he says, "Yuck!" Max doesn't
like sandwiches.
"Do you want a bite of my burger with cheese?"
Toby asks. "Yes;' says Max. Then he says, "Yuck:' Max cheese
doesn't like burgers, and he doesn't like cheese.
"Here Max, try some grapes;'Toby and Linda say.
"Yum!" says Max. He likes grapes. "Vay!" say Toby
and Linda.

I I I I grapes

Find the key words in

the story. Then write
them in your picture

What foods don't you like?
a Read Yuck! again. What does Max like?
D a. cheese Remember!
0 b. grapes Likes and dislikes
show how people

feel about things.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Max is Linda's friend/~ .
2. Max sees the sandwich and says, "Yum:'/"Yuck:'
3. Toby gives Max a bite of his burger/ sandwich.

B Complete the sentences.

burger cheese sandwich

1. 2.

Does Max like __gropes_?__ Toby likes _ _ _ _ __

3. 4.

' "-

Linda has a - - - - - - - Toby has a _ _ _ _ __

· 66 ·: Unit q-- Understandii::-.,~:-_ ·. -

CJ Work with a partner. What does Max like? Complete the diagram.

1. sandwiches 2. - - - - - 4. - - - - -

3. - - - - -

IJ Look at [:J. Write sentences. Use likes or doesn't like.

1. '."l 2.

Max doesn't like sandwiches.

3. 4.


I can read a story. 0 I can find likes and dislikes and

use them to understand how
people feel about things.
Get Ready to Read
READING GOAL: Find What Is Similar and
Things that are almost the same are similar. Things that are not
the same are different. Find what is similar and what is different
to learn more about a text.

a Underline the things that are similar. Circle the things that are different. ,

- --- --,..

D Read and listen. G) 33

These things are similar a n d ~ -

Lunch. Place
Today's Special: A burger

with\ lett uc~ , grapes~
::-::__..; ~- -·
a ~ mooth~E}), and

D Read O again. How are the places similar and different? Choose t/ or •',
1. The special at Jen's Cafe has a burger.
The special at Lunch Place has a burger. Iv' I 0
_ The special at Jen's Cafe has lettuce.
Iv' I 0 ____ I
The special at Lunch Place has cheese.

- Key Words 3s

Read ~ 34
What th ings are
Listen, point, and say.
similar? Underline
them. What things
are different?
Circle them.


Jen's Cafe is new, but Lunch Place is old . Jen's

Cafe is good, and Lunch Place is good, too! They
both have burgers and steak. Lunch Place has
stew, but Jen's Cafe doesn't. Both restaurants stew
have brown rice. Jen's
Cafe has pasta with
red sauce, and Lunch
Place has pasta with
white sauce. Jen's Cafe ,
has windows, but
Lunch Place doesn't.
I like Jen's Cafe. I can
sit by the window and
see the city. It's nice!
# ,(


Find the key words in

the text. Then write
them in your picture

Which restaurant do
you like? Why?
-.._ - • T -- -• • -•1,j'•

Unit 1 O Read 69
Understand Remember!
Two things that are

a Read Jen's Cafe and Lunch Place again.

How are the restaurants similar and different?
almost the same are
similar. Two things
that are not the same
are different.
Choose Yes or No.
1. They both have burgers. No
2. They both have stew. Yes No
3. The pasta is different at
the restaurants. Yes No

IJ Choose the correct answer.

1. Is Jen's Cafe a new restaurant?
a. Yes, it is. D b. No, it isn't.
2. What color is the sauce at Lunch Place?
D a. white D b. red
3. Where does Josh like to sit at Jen's Cafe?
D a. on the street D b. by the window

B Complete the sentences with key words. Then match.

1. Jen's Cafe has _ __pp.,_,.a..,,,s=ta~ _ with red sauce.

2. Both restaurants have brown _ __ __

3. Both restaurants have burgers and _ _ _ __

4. Jen's place doesn't have _ _ _ _

a. b. C. d.

70 Unit 1O Understand
m Work with a partner. How are the restaurants similar and different?
Complete the diagram.

Jen's Cafe
new 3. - - - - -

D Look at a.Write. Use has or doesn't have.

1. 2.

Jen's Cafe has brown rice , Jen's Cafe ________

and Lunch Place has brown rice. but Lunch Place _ _ _ _ __

Jen's Cafe ________ Jen's Cafe _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and Lunch Place - - - - - - with red sauce, but Lunch Place

_ _ _ _ _ with white sauce.


0 I can read the text. 0 I can find things that are similar
and different and use them to
learn more about a text.
Unit 10 Understand 71
Reading Check
Find likes and dislikes. How do people
feel about things? Find things that are
similar and different. What do they
tell you about the text?
Read and listen. 36

Our Favorite Foods

r 7
by Ji-Min Kim

I \

I like a lot of foods. I like brown ,

rice, but my brother likes white

rice. We like pasta. I like pasta with
red sauce, but my brother doesn't.
He likes white sauce.
We both like burgers. I like burgers
with cheese, but my brother doesn't
like cheese.
I like sandwiches, and my brother
likes them, too. I like cheese
sandwiches, but my brother
doesn't like them. He likes steak
My dad makes great stew. We both
like it! What foods do you like?

D Look at likes and dislikes in the text. What does Ji-Min's brother like?
Choose v or )(.

1. brown rice 0
2. burgers 0
3. stew 0
- ,-·•- ,, • - •- r ~ . , ~

72 Units q and 10 Reading Check

B How are Ji-Min and her brother similar and different? Choose ti or K.
1. They both like rice. 10 [!]
2. They both like pasta. 0 [!]
3. They both like cheese. 0 [!]
l:J Choose the correct answer.
1. Who likes brown rice? her brother
2. Who likes white rice? Ji-Min her brother
3. Who likes pasta with red sauce? Ji-Min her brother

4. Who likes pasta with white sauce? Ji-Min her brother

5. What does her brother like? burgers cheese

6. What kind of sandwiches does her

brother like? cheese steak
her brother herdad
7. Who makes stew?

iJ Complete the sentences.

burger grapes rice steak

cheese sandwich stew

1. 1 don't like - - -t-!P~

a ,.,_
,. with white sauce.

2. I like green and purple - - - - - -

3. I like white and brown - - - - - -

4. I like yellow and orange

S. We make _ _ _ _ _ _ in a hot pan.
_ _ _ _ _ _ or a burger for lunch?
6. Do you want a cheese

UNl ili S
Get Ready to Write
WRITING GOAL: Write an Opinion
An opinion shows what you think about something.
It shows if you like or dislike something.

m Read Fred's text. Underline the similar opinions.

Circle the different opinions.

Writing Tip
Use and to show things are similar.
8 ~ Use but to show things are different.

9 -
I like pizza, and my sister likes it, too .
I don't like burgers, but my sister likes
them. I like steak sandwiches, but my
sister doesn't like them. I like cheese
sandwiches, and my sister does, too .

D Look at a.
What does Fred like? What does his sister like?
What do they both like? Complete the diagram.

Fred His Sister

steak 3. - - - - -

--- 74 Units q and 10 Get Ready to Write ~

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