Chap 03 Current Electricity (Revision Notes)
Chap 03 Current Electricity (Revision Notes)
Chap 03 Current Electricity (Revision Notes)
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Revision Notes
Chap 3 Current Electricity
Topic 1
Electric Current, Resistance and Cells
Electric Current
Electric Current is defined as the rate of flow of charge , across the cross
section conductor i.e., I=
When charge flows at a constant rate , the corresponding electric current
can be written as :
Conventional current in an external circuit flows from positive terminal
to negative terminal
Free electrons flow from the negative terminal to positive terminal in
external circuit
1 Ampere current = 6.25 electrons flow per second
Direct current is unidirectional flow of electric charge
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Without external applied emf , free electrons experience force and
start moving .
Motion of conducting electrons in electric field is a combination of
motion due to random collision .
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Conductivity is the reciprocal of reciprocal of resistivity shown as
Ohm’s Law
Electrical resistance
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V-I characteristics (Linear and non- linear )
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However , it has linear characteristics for a narrow operating region .
Note that in the graph above we can also see the maximum forward and
reverse voltage in which the diode can be operated without causing
breakdown and burning up of the diode .
Since Voltage ,
S0, [ ]
The unit of power is J/s or W(watt)
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Carbon Resistors and their colour code
Components and wires are coded with colours to identify their value and
Each resistor in parallel circuit has the same full voltage of the source
applied to it .
The current flowing through each resistor in parallel circuit is different .
It depends upon resistance value .
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Emf E is the potential difference between the electrodes of cell , when no
current flows through it .
The emf and terminal potential difference of a cell : Let the emf of a
cell be E and its internal resistance ,r . If an external resistance R be
connected across the cell through a key , Then IR=V= potential
difference across the external resistance R . This is equal to the
terminal potential difference across the cell .
E = V + IR
V<E ( if there is flow of current )
When current is drawn from a cell , its terminal potential difference is
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(ii) Parallel combination of cells : The combination is used when the
external resistance R is much smaller as compared to the internal
resistance (r) of the cell , i.e.,
When m cells are connected in parallel across a resistance R , then
current through a resistor is given by
( )
Unit -
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Super conductivity :The phenomenon due to which the substance
looses all signs of its resistance , when cooled to its critical
Temperature coefficient of resistance : It is defined as the change in
the resistance per unit resistance per degree rise in temperature .
Revision Notes
Topic 2
Kirchhoff’s Laws, Wheatstone bridge and their
Kirchhoff’s Law
First Law
Kirchhoff’s first law is known as junction law which states that for a given
junction or node in a circuit , sum of currents entering in a junction will
be equal to sum of currents leaving that junction
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Second Law
Kirchhoff’s Second law is also known as loop law which shows that
around any closed loop in a circuit , sum of the potential difference
across all elements will be zero
This is called the law of conservation of Energy
Wheatstone Bridge
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It is a balanced bridge when there is no current through the
galvanometer and potential at node B will be equal to potential at node
D resulting as :
=0 or
Revision Notes
Topic 3
Metre Bridge , Potentiometer and their Applications
Metre Bridge
It is an instrument which is used to find the unknown resistance
of a coil or a material connected in a circuit .
It is also known as slide wire bridge which is an instrument that
works on the principle of Wheatstone Bridge
Metre bridge has two metallic strips which acts as holder for the
wire that are made of metals like copper .
In metre bridge
-Resistance box and unknown resistance R are connected
across the two gaps of metallic strips
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- one end of galvanometer is connected to the middle lead of
metallic strip placed between L shaped strips while other end is
connected to a jockey
- Jockey which is a metal wire having one end as knife edge is
used for sliding on the bridge wire
Now , { as , R = }
Further , {
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Hence ,
Potentiometer is a device which measures the emf of particular
cell and helps in comparing the emfs of different cells .
Potentiometer depends in deflection method where zero
deflection results in non drawn of current from the cell or circuit
It serves as an ideal instrument of infinite resistance for
measuring the potential difference
Potentiometer comprises of long resistive wire AB of length L
(about 6m to 10 m long ) made up of a manganin or constantan .
In this , a battery of known voltage E and internal resistance r
forms a primary circuit .
In the potentiometer circuit , one terminal of other cells is
connected at one end of main circuit while other terminal is
connected at any point on the resistive wire through
galvanometer G which forms the secondary circuit
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Specific resistance ( ) of wire is high while its temperature
coefficient of resistance is low
At point A , all high potential points of primary and secondary
circuits are connected together , while all low potential points
are connected to point B or Jockey
Value of known potential difference is more than the value of
unknown potential difference that is to be measured
The current in primary circuit should remain constant and jockey
should not slide with the wire
Principle of potentiometer
Potentiometer are displacement sensors that produce
electrical output in proportion to the mechanical displacement
It can be used to measure the internal resistance and emf of a
cell which cannot be measured by the voltmeter
The basic principle of potentiometer is that the potential drop
along any length of the wire is directly proportional to its
length . So when a constant current flows through a wire of
uniform cross – section and composition then .
V l
When there is zero potential difference between two points ,
there will be no flow of electric current
Application of Potentiometer : in measuring potential
difference and comparing emf of cells potentiometer in
measuring potential difference
In a potentiometer auxiliary circuit comprises of battery of
emf E connected across terminals A and B with rheostat Rh
resistance box and key K1 is closed , current will flow through
resistance R1 where a potential difference is developed
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If J is the position of jockey in potentiometer wire which gets
adjusted in such a way that galvanometer shows no deflection
, then AJ will be the balancing length l on potentiometer wire
Here, the galvanometer will show no deflection as potential is
same if key K is potential gradient of potentiometer wire ,
then potential difference across resistance R1 will result as :
If r is the resistance of potentiometer of length L , then current
through the potentiometer will be :
( )
Now potential gradient of potentiometer wire which is
potential per unit length is :
( )
( )
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When the length of wire AP as is measured , then potential
difference across it , will balance the emf , So, =K ,
where K is potential gradient of the wire .
When cell of emf E1 is disconnected while cell of emf E2 is
connected then
On comparing and dividing we get the expression :
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(ii) Now key K’ is closed so cell E comes in closed circuit . if the
process is repeated again then the potential difference V balances on
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