Horns: Description and Operation
Horns: Description and Operation
Horns: Description and Operation
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DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING (a) Circuit 62 and 66 test for battery voltage
from fuse C to body ground.
HORN (b) If voltage is incorrect repair as necessary.
(1) Disconnect wire connector at horn. Refer to Group 8W, Wiring Diagrams.
(2) Using a voltmeter, connect one lead to ground (5) Check relay for 70 to 75 ohms resistance from
terminal and the other lead to the positive wire ter- terminal 85 to 86 (Fig. 4). If resistance not OK,
minal (Fig. 3). replace relay.
(3) Depress the horn switch, battery voltage
should be present.
(4) If no voltage, refer to Horn System Test. If volt-
age is OK, go to Step 5.
(5) Using ohmmeter, test ground wire for continu-
ity to ground.
(6) If no ground repair as necessary.
(7) If wires test OK and horn does not sound,
replace horn.
(1) Remove the Power Distribution Center cover
and locate the horn relay (Fig. 7).
(2) Remove the horn relay.
HORN SWITCH (5) Remove four torx screws from top side of air-
bag module.
REMOVAL (6) Fold airbag module cover down to expose the
(1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative horn switch.
cable (Fig. 5). (7) Lift the horn switch off indexing tabs and
(2) Remove the Driver Airbag Module. Refer to remove from vehicle.
Group 8M Passive Restraint Systems, Driver Airbag
Module Removal and Installation. INSTALLATION
(3) Clip off strap tie holding the horn switch wire For installation, reverse the above procedures.
to the airbag module.
(4) Unclip horn switch wire connector from airbag