Applied Skills, AA
Audit and Assurance (AA) March/June 2021 Sample Answers
Section B
Castle Courier Co
Key control Test of control
The amount due to the tax authority is calculated by the Review a sample of calculations of the monthly employment
payroll supervisor who then passes it to the financial tax liability for evidence of review by the financial controller
controller for review. confirming the calculation is correct and that payment can be
This ensures that the amount paid to the tax authority is
correct. It also creates segregation of duties between the
payroll supervisor calculating the liability and the financial
controller reviewing the calculation which reduces the risk of
Control deficiency Control recommendation
The operations manager decides on the bonus to be paid Approved bonus parameters should be established by the
to delivery drivers each quarter and there are no approved board. All bonuses should be determined by a senior official,
parameters for the bonus levels. such as the sales director, in line with these parameters,
who should communicate the bonus in writing to the payroll
Without approved parameters, the operations manager may
award excessive bonuses or pay additional sums to friends
and family members resulting in additional payroll costs.
Delivery drivers must take breaks throughout the day which The company should monitor the activity of the delivery
are not monitored. drivers through electronic means, for example, by using
tracking devices attached to their vehicles to ensure that the
Drivers could take longer breaks than those authorised
prescribed breaks are taken by the employees.
resulting in payments being made to employees for time
not worked. Conversely, if drivers do not take the required Data should be downloaded and reviewed by a responsible
breaks, they may be in breach of law and regulations which official on a regular basis.
require drivers to take regular breaks, hence the company is
at risk of fines.
Corley Appliances Co
(b) Audit risks and auditor’s responses
Audit risk Auditor’s response
The payables ledger supervisor was dismissed in June 20X5 Discuss with the finance director the details of the fraud
due to a fraud. The value of this fraud has been recognised perpetrated by the payables ledger supervisor and what
as an expense in the draft statement of profit or loss. procedures have been adopted to date to identify any further
adjustments which are needed in the financial statements.
If additional frauds committed by the payables ledger
In addition, discuss with the finance director what additional
supervisor are not discovered, this could result in expenses
controls have been put in place to prevent any similar frauds.
being understated and payables being overstated. Control
risk is also increased if the fraud has gone undetected for a The audit team should undertake additional substantive
period of time. procedures over the payables balance, particularly the
fictitious supplier set up on the payables ledger to ensure this
has been removed.
In addition, the team should maintain professional scepticism
and be alert to the risk of further fraud.
Since the dismissal of the payables ledger supervisor, Review the unprocessed invoices file at the year end to
purchase invoices have yet to be logged onto the payables identify any invoices which relate to the supply of pre
ledger. year‑end goods and ensure they have been properly accrued
for in the year-end financial statements and recognised as a
There is a risk that the purchases and trade payables
balance at the year end will be understated if these invoices
are not logged onto the payables ledger before it is closed Discuss with the finance director the approach to be adopted
down for the year or accrued for. to resolve the issue of unprocessed purchase invoices.
The company purchased and installed a new dispatch Discuss the accounting treatment with the finance director
system. The costs which have been capitalised include staff and request that the training costs are written off to profit
training costs ($0·1m). or loss to ensure treatment is in accordance with IAS 16. If
adjusted, review the journal entry for accuracy.
As per IAS® 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, the cost of
an asset includes its purchase price and directly attributable
costs only. IAS 16 does not allow staff training costs to be
capitalised as part of the cost of a non-current asset, as
these costs are not directly related to the cost of bringing the
asset to its working condition.
The training costs should be charged to profit or loss.
Therefore property, plant and equipment (PPE) and profits
are overstated.
The company breached the terms of its overdraft facility Discuss with the finance director the availability of alternative
in June 20X5 and the bank will only confirm the decision financing if the bank is unwilling to continue to support the
whether, or not, to continue to support the business in company and review the adequacy of any going concern
November 20X5, which is after the auditor’s report will be disclosures in the financial statements.
signed. The company is dependent on the overdraft facility.
The audit team should undertake detailed going concern
If the bank refuses to continue to support the company, testing, in particular, reviewing the impact of a non-renewal
there may be doubts as to the company’s ability to of the overdraft facility.
continue as a going concern. The uncertainties may not be
adequately disclosed in the financial statements.
(c) Professional scepticism and examples where professional scepticism should be applied
Professional scepticism is defined in ISA 200 Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in
Accordance with International Standards on Auditing as an attitude which includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions
which may indicate possible misstatement due to fraud or error, and a critical assessment of audit evidence.
Examples where the auditor should apply professional scepticism for Corley Appliances Co are as follows:
Revenue recognition
ISA 240 The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements contains a rebuttable presumption that
fraud in relation to revenue is high risk and hence the auditor must apply professional scepticism to Corley Appliances Co’s revenue
recognition policies, especially in relation to the company’s returns policy which due to the judgement involved may be used as a
way to manipulate revenue.
Warranty provision
Accounting for warranty provisions will include an element of estimation based on previous experiences of the costs incurred by the
company to repair defective goods. The auditor should maintain professional scepticism keeping in mind that warranty provisions
may include management bias to either deliberately over or understate the provision. Management has reduced the warranty
provision in the year on the grounds they feel the goods they sell are built to a high standard. As the company is not involved in the
manufacturing of the goods they sell, it may be unreasonable to reduce the warranty provision on this basis.
As a fraud has been committed during the year, the auditor must maintain professional scepticism recognising the fact that internal
controls may be weak, hence allowing for employee manipulation of such internal control deficiencies. The auditor must also
consider the possibility that other frauds may have taken place during the year through management override of the entity’s internal
Bank overdraft
The company is reliant on its bank overdraft due to the significant levels of expenditure which it has incurred during the year on the
new dispatch system. Management may want to deliberately overstate profit and understate liabilities so that the bank renews the
overdraft facility.
Receivables valuation
The receivables collection period has been increasing over the past six months, but the finance director does not envisage that
an increase in the allowance for receivables is required. The auditor must apply professional scepticism in considering whether
management’s assessment of recoverability is reasonable, as any increase in the allowance will reduce profits.
Purrfect Co
– Obtain written representations from management that there have been no other contamination incidents and no other product
liability claims of which management are aware and for which provision may be required.
– Review the draft financial statements to establish that the legal claims have been appropriately provided for or disclosed in
accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
Applied Skills, AA
Audit and Assurance (AA) March/June 2021 Sample Marking Scheme
Castle Courier Co
Corley Appliances Co
(c) Professional scepticism and examples where professional scepticism should be applied
Professional scepticism definition 1
Examples 2
Total marks 20
Marks available Marks awarded
Purrfect Co