Practical Guide To Structural Robustness
Practical Guide To Structural Robustness
Practical Guide To Structural Robustness
structural robustness
and disproportionate
collapse in buildings
October 2010
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The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings iii
Bibliography 69
General 69
Best practice guides 69
Textbooks/Monographs 69
Technical papers 69
iv The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Table 3.1 Categories of obligation 11 Box 2.1 The robustness of a structure has to be looked at as a
Table 3.2 Source of statutory obligation 11 whole 2
Table 3.3 Scope of legislation 13 Box 2.2 Robust structures are generally stiff structures 3
Table 4.1 Building classes based on building type, number of Box 2.3 Robustness requires that all structures have a
storeys and occupancy 15 resistance to lateral loading and if none is readily
Table 10.1 Detailed accidental recommendations adapted defined, a notional percentage of the vertical load
from Table 11 from BS 5628-1 63 is a good starting point (however that percentage is
Table 10.2 Spacing of ties (from BS 5628-1) 65 derived) 4
Box 2.4 Robustness requires that there is always a load
resisting system for horizontal loading during all
stages of construction and this may have to be
provided via temporary works 4
Box 2.5 The ability to absorb energy is a key quality of
robustness 5
Box 2.6 Robust structures are insensitive to the precision of
design assumptions 6
Box 2.7 Robust structures are insensitive to construction
accuracy 6
Box 2.8 Designers need to consider the sensitivity of their
calculated results to variations in their design
assumptions 6
Box 2.9 Robustness is a quality influenced by detailing
quality 7
Box 2.10 For structures to be robust, they should be insensitive
to common building movements 7
Box 2.11 Robustness concepts are important for any assembly
of building components 8
Box 4.1 Copenhagen gas explosion 16
Box 4.2 Terminal at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport 17
Box 4.3 A strong floor located within a tall
building's height can contain debris from collapses
above 18
Box 5.1 Murrah building, Oklahoma City 29
Box 5.2 Load combinations 30
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings v
vi The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
This Guide has been prepared by an Institution of This document generally adopts the guidance
Structural Engineers’ Task Group responding to a for achieving robustness as described in
perceived need for more information on structural Approved Document A (and similar documents
robustness. That need was identified by the UK for Scotland and Northern Ireland). To cater for
Standing Committee on Structural Safety (SCOSS) the code transition period, the Guide defines
who determined a lack of confidence amongst the formal requirements of the Eurocodes and
designers on the application of Building Regulation highlights where these differ from traditional UK
requirements. The Guide’s target audience is practice; thereafter, detailed advice is given on the
engineers charged with designing the bulk of application of current practice with compliance
building structures which are relatively low rise, and to British Standards. Where additional guidance
for example in the UK would be limited to Class 2 from industry is quoted, this is compatible with
in the guidance to the Regulations. The Guide does Eurocode requirements but may be based around
not cover Class 3 structures. British practice. Eventually, the Eurocodes, plus
the National Annex, will constitute a very similar
Incorporating robustness in buildings is essential
approach to British Standard practice and this will
and a stated aim of most regulations and all
be supplemented with NCCI (non contradictory
material codes worldwide. However, robustness is
complementary information) to capture any
not a commodity readily defined. Hence, as well as
guidance not transferred.
providing interpretation and practical guidance on
the regulations and material specific construction Thanks are due to the significant effort put in by all
practice, this Guide also contains some generic members of the Task Group.
background on the fundamental attributes of
The Structural Eurocodes (BS EN 1990 –
BS EN 1999) are now available throughout the
EU. They will also be adopted in other countries
around the world. Although not yet mandatory
within the UK, their use is becoming increasingly
common, not least because maintenance of
existing British Standards ceased on 1 April
2010. Nonetheless, although over time current
BS codes will fall out of use, there may be a long
Allan Mann
period throughout which they will remain in use
as a means of demonstrating compliance with
Building Regulations. Moreover, many aspects of
the BS approach to robustness feature within the
Eurocodes (which themselves contain a limited
amount of information on accidental damage)
largely as a result of the UK’s long standing
experience with disproportionate collapse which
has been a requirement of Building Regulation
approval for many years.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings vii
Our infrastructure requires a great deal of investment A degree of robustness is a sound policy to adopt
though the demands placed on it over its life remain to prevent economic loss and to limit the risk of
uncertain. To help cope with such uncertainty, harm to the public. Indeed it has been argued that
engineers generally consider that attributes like given the current technical state of codes and safety
stability, solidity and robustness are ‘good things’. factors, the greatest risks to structures in reality lies
Yet because these are abstract qualities, they defy not with having inadequate safety margins but with
precise codification. The failure of the Ronan Point having inadequate robustness.
flats in London in 19681.1 highlighted the danger of
having non-robust structures and that event changed We all know more or less what is required but mostly
our attitudes forever. Subsequently, rules were by exception:
drafted to target the introduction of some measure (1) we don’t want structures to fail like a house of
of robustness into all new buildings. Despite those cards;
rules, the concepts remain hazy for many and there (2) we don’t want minor errors to have a
is much evidence that practising engineers lack disproportionate effect;
confidence and guidance on how to incorporate (3) we don’t want structures to fail to any great
robustness and how to comply with regulations. degree under accidental loading.
Since the Ronan Point failure there have been other A difficulty lies partly in defining which accidental
incidents highlighting the potential vulnerability effects should be considered and thereafter in
of structures to severe events. The failure at defining what damage can be tolerated. Because the
Oklahoma1.2 was one and in 2001, the devastating attribute of robustness is linked to stability, though
collapse of the World Trade Centre in New York remains separate from it, (an unstable structure is
rekindled international attention on building certainly not robust) the Guide makes reference to
robustness. Perhaps less discussed is the air stability throughout, during both the construction and
crash on the Pentagon building on the same day. building complete stages.
That event is of interest since it demonstrated the
survivability of a well built structure, even to extreme When considering robustness in this Guide, account
events. has been taken of the varying statutory requirements
within the UK. These are outlined in Chapter 3;
This Guide is not about complex rules for preventing however in summary form they are:
progressive collapse in complex buildings. It does ––Safety legislation applies to Great Britain and
not provide guidance on the special case of Class 3 Northern Ireland separately although the detailed
structures in the UK. Rather, the text is targeted at requirements are the same.
those charged with designing and constructing the ––Building Regulations are governed by separate
smaller, everyday structures, which make up the bulk requirements in England and Wales, Scotland, and
of our profession’s workload. Northern Ireland. There is much commonality which
is to be expected but some subtle differences do
The Guide explains statutory requirements and offers apply. These may change over time and at the time
advice on compliance but beyond that, it tries to of writing, all official guidance is being reviewed.
provide common sense advice on what constitutes
robustness; a quality that professional designers The text of the Guide is based around the regulations
ought to incorporate as a matter of prudence. It must in England and Wales; however if there are relevant
be noted that this Guide is intended as guidance variations elsewhere within the UK, these are
only and as such cannot be used as a substitute indicated.
for an Engineer’s own professional experience,
knowledge, verification and attention.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 1
2 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 3
of vertical load or perhaps due to inevitable column In the absence of buckling, beams are robust
plumb tolerance. Thus modern codes apply notional under vertical load if they have strong connections
lateral loads related to vertical loads. These notional and if they exhibit ductility; this is assured by
loads can prove more critical than wind loading when codified rules (such as controlling reinforcement
applied along the length of long narrow buildings. percentages in concrete members or the
elimination of local flange buckling in steel). Where
Some horizontal loads only apply during construction failure is by buckling, robustness requires that
(see examples in Box 2.3 and Box 2.4). lateral stability is not dependent on a few flimsy
bracings which might raise the danger of gross
failure linked to loss of minor members. The cost
Box 2.3 Robustness requires that all structures have a resistance to lateral of bracing is often trivial in comparison with the
loading and if none is readily defined, a notional percentage of the structure as a whole, so it is not good practice
vertical load is a good starting point (however that percentage is to skimp on it. Likewise, it is not good practice
derived). to skimp on beam end connection capacity;
When a structure is entirely erected within another building, it is not obvious whether there whatever the design forces, there should be
is any horizontal loading to apply at all. But if the structure has no lateral resistance, it some correlation between beam capacity and the
will sway and there have been cases of high bay warehouse racking toppling sideways. connections that support it (including the need for
Imperfections in vertical alignment or partial live loading on the span will all cause connections to act as ties).
structural sway. Such partial loading can exist during construction when floor concrete is
being poured from one side. In the permanent case that concrete may form a diaphragm, Like robustness, ductility is a sound attribute to
but during construction it may itself be the destabilising load. have and achieving it is partly a matter of design
and partly a matter of detailing. Without ductility,
The figure shows a mezzanine floor that was added within a factory and used to store structures would be vulnerable to brittle failure
heavy cable drums. Clearly a slight lean of the columns would have generated significant and we could not rely on procedures such as
lateral force. slab yield line analysis or plastic design. At a
simple level, ductility allows constant shear to be
carried as in a real hinge, and a sound objective of
steelwork detailing is to allow shear connections
to deform yet still carry normal loading even under
Wind Sway instability working conditions. At a more advanced level,
ductility allows moment to be carried at constant
magnitude when deformation under plastic hinge
conditions takes place. The objective of detailing
rules is to assure that the plastic hinge has
Sheltered sufficient capacity to permit load redistribution
internal frame while undergoing further deformation. This can
be quantified through the shape of the moment-
curvature (M-{) curve, specifically the part of the
A sheltered internal structure with heavy floor loading yet no defined explicit curve after maximum moment capacity is attained.
horizontal load to assure stability
The area under the M-{ curve can also be
considered as a measure of the component’s
Box 2.4 Robustness requires that there is always a load resisting system for ability to absorb energy. Through this concept,
horizontal loading during all stages of construction and this may have we can assess structures with respect to shock
to be provided via temporary works. dynamic loading, such as occurs in gas explosions,
During construction, many elements that are eventually sheltered within the completed blast, vehicle impact and earthquake action,
building are temporarily exposed to wind and there have been several instances of walls since all those incidents release a finite amount of
blowing over before building completion. There have also been instances of tall bridge energy. Consequently, quantifying and mobilising
girders toppling over in the period before the deck has been added. energy absorption capability is a key ingredient in
robustness strategies against accidental loading.
4 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Box 2.5 The ability to absorb energy is a key quality 2.6 Redundancy
of robustness
Looking at dynamic effects in terms of applied force suggests
the forces involved can be very high with corresponding When failure of any one loadbearing member leads
high stress, which is alarming yet misleading; a high force to the collapse of the entire structural system, as is
exists but it will be of very short duration. A good illustrative the case in pin-jointed trusses, the structure has no
example is to investigate the behaviour of a standard crash redundancy. Statically determinate structures can
barrier post under vehicle impact. The impacting vehicle has revert to a mechanism if just one part fails. In this
a certain amount of energy (0.5mv 2). When the vehicle hits case, the structure can be thought of as a chain
the post, it bends forming a plastic hinge at its base. The under tension – loss of one link implies loss of the
bulk of the vehicle’s energy is absorbed by Mpi. The amount ability to transfer load from one end to the other. This
of deflection at the top of the post is then height × i, and is known as a series or weakest-link system. Clearly,
the designer has some control over deflection magnitude by load transfer cannot take place in series systems
increasing or decreasing the value of M p selected: the more when failure has occurred and this is undesirable
deformation acceptable, the lower Mp can be but it cannot be from a robustness perspective.
too low otherwise the post would deform through 90º and fail
to stop the vehicle. On the other hand, in a parallel system, members
are interconnected in such a way that load is shared
Moreover, this post design is only valid if the post is capable between them, and failure of one member leads to
of significant plastic deformation. To sustain that deformation, load redistribution to other members. Such a system
the base connection capability is crucial. It has to be able to could have a degree of redundancy – consider a
resist Mp and to sustain Mp throughout the rotation i. This vessel anchored through four mooring lines and the
form of ductility is one characterised by energy absorption, consequences of one (or more) failing. The degree of
and robustness requires that at least some of the structural redundancy will depend on whether the re-distributed
system is capable of acting in this way. load can be taken up by the remaining members.
Other parts of the system may only need to exhibit rotational In turn, this will be a function of whether the failed
ability without absorbing energy (as for example in a door element has retained an ability to carry some load.
hinge), such joints only need carry shear whilst deforming Using the moored vessel analogy, the failed line could
significantly without fracturing. It will be found that the snap (brittle failure – only three lines are now carrying
concepts of ductility, energy absorption and rotational the load) or could yield (ductile failure – the failed line
capacity and how these are achieved by design and detailing still carries some load but anything in excess of yield
underlie many advanced studies of structural robustness. is distributed to the remaining three).
The example of the crash barrier post is good analogy for the
demands made on structural systems as a whole. In parallel or redundant systems, further distinctions
can be made depending on whether redundant
members pick up loads even when the structure
Applied energy = 0.5mv 2 experiences a low level of loading (active redundancy)
or whether they participate only after a certain degree
of degradation/damage has occurred (passive or
Car impact
fail-safe redundancy); back up tie cables can be
force: F
used to secure objects that might fall due to fatigue
or corrosion etc. A second important factor is the
so-called common cause failure, in other words
whether members that are expected to share loads
D are susceptible to common underlying factors that
may lead to their failure at the same time or under the
same conditions (e.g. all mooring lines suffer from the
same manufacturing defect).
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 5
Box 2.6 Robust structures are insensitive to the precision of design 2.7 Insensitivity/scale
When designing for wind as the dominant load, care must be taken that the structure is
not too sensitive. For example, it is customary for a reduced wind load to be taken during The concept of insensitivity is an attribute of
construction, but at a low speed of say 10m/sec, a credible marginal increase of 1m/sec robustness and this can be seen in many ways.
will raise the forces by (11/10)2 = 21%. Coping with such potential variance requires The description of the variation in wind load in
robustness, not more precision in the calculations. the example in Box 2.6 is just one example of a
design being too mathematical and too sensitive
to assumptions that could prove inaccurate: as a
Box 2.7 Robust structures are insensitive to construction accuracy generality, all loading magnitude is uncertain and
engineers have to guard against that.
The figure shows a short cantilever. Nominally the applied load on the connection bolts is a
shear load P and a BM of P x 20mm. But a credible 20mm error in construction tolerance Design care is required when the absolute errors
will result in a BM of P x 40mm which is a doubling of the presumed moment. Robustness of tolerance or building movement can have a
requires that consideration be given to credible construction error. Clearly if the cantilever disproportionate effect. Refined calculations are
was 1m long and the tolerance remained at 20mm, the effects would be much less. inappropriate if they neglect this fact. The examples
in Box 2.7 and Box 2.8 illustrate the point. The
converse to the boxed examples might occur in
design when axial loads are considered concentric,
it is always sensible to assume some accidental
6 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Edge beam
Box 2.10 For structures to be robust, they should be insensitive to common building movements
Robustness requires the question being asked about what might happen if supports move, say, due to settlement or differential thermal
movement over time. The figure shows a floor in a multi-storey building consisting of precast flooring units spanning onto edge beams.
The calculations showed the vertical capacity of the units to be perfectly adequate but the designers had not considered the possibility
of the side units bowing out of plane, either increasing torsion on the edge supports or worst still, allowing them to move far enough
apart to let the units drop through. In situ ties were required at intervals simply to stop this happening. The needs of safe erection also
dictate that designers consider any out of balance loadings that might exist during flooring installation.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 7
Box 2.11 Robustness concepts are important for any assembly of building components
The figure shows a suspended grillage ceiling which supported an air conditioning plant and services to a magnitude of about 1kN/m2.
The application of loading was indeterminate since the ducting was rigid, spanning over some supports and concentrating loads on
others. The whole grid was held up by proprietary anchors drilled into a concrete soffit. In service, one of the anchors pulled out,
subsequently overloading the adjacent ones which then also failed and a cascade was set up whereby the whole grillage came down.
This is an example of both progressive and disproportionate collapse. Robustness demands that when possibilities for failures of this
kind exist, there has to be high confidence that an initiating event cannot occur. In this case, site testing of anchor installation would
have been prudent. As the distribution of loading was fundamentally indeterminate, a good safety margin was required on notional
anchor pullout capacity to cover that uncertainty. Designers should always be conscious of the accuracy with which they can predict
loading and structural capacity.
Duct work
2.9 Failure modes and ductility Ductility at structural system level is implicitly linked
with energy absorption capability. For example,
large frames under severe dynamic loading can
As mentioned in Section 2.5, ductility is a sound be designed so that certain failure modes, which
quality for a structure to have if it is to be robust. involve a particular sequence and location of plastic
Most codes assure a level of useful ductility at hinge formation, can occur in preference to others.
component level by imposition of detailing rules. In this way, the energy absorption capability of the
Structural ductility allows parts to deform yet structure can be enhanced, thus allowing more
still carry load – it allows overloaded parts of the severe dynamic events to be contained. To allow
structure to yield and redistribute stress. the formation of these preferred failure modes,
connection ductility should be properly assessed and
The Building Regulations and codified methods catered for. It is also important in this case to avoid
of imparting robustness implicitly rely on a level any inadvertent switch of failure modes by providing
of ductility within the structure. Catenary action, additional but unwanted strength to elements that
which is a fundamental assumption of some survival have been assumed to participate in the preferred
strategies, relies on the ability of connections and failure modes. This strategy is used in earthquake
joints to deform without fracture and, for example, resistant design, where a weak beam-strong
reinforcing bars to elongate without fracture. column design has to be adhered to so that sway
In routine design, such ductility is not explicitly failure modes with considerable energy absorption
evaluated, instead achievement has to be assured by capability can develop in preference to soft-storey
good detailing which means using proven detailing modes which dissipate energy in a local part only.
techniques normally as recommended by relevant
trade organisations. In general, for routine building work it is not
necessary to make any explicit calculations on
It is implicit within the concepts of ductile response ductility. Explicit calculations are used in seismic
that structures may distort significantly under design and in blast resistant design, for which
accident conditions; this is tolerable provided that specific detailing methods that assure high ductility
the structure stays intact and does not collapse in the context of system failure can be found in
completely, although limited area collapses are textbooks and codes. Although there is no need to
permissible. The presumption of significant distortion consider these in routine design, an understanding
is only justified if the structure has been appropriately of the background and an intuitive application will
detailed. certainly help in more routine structural work.
8 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The need for a robustness assessment will be greater (1) Robustness is a ‘good thing’ to protect structures
as the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the against the unforeseen.
building increase and thus there will be an increasing
need to co-ordinate the fire safety and the normal (2) Robustness is not purely a mathematical quality
structural design cases. that can be measured in terms of strength.
Where a need is identified to review the robustness in (3) Robustness of structural systems starts by having
more detail, the following considerations will impact a structural form appropriate to building function.
on the assessment: Attributes such as redundancy, alternative load
––An appropriate form of the structure and level paths and clarity of load path are all good to have
of redundancy will reduce the chances of a and in some cases essential.
disproportionate event affecting life safety.
––The details and the ductility of the structure and the (4) Robustness is achieved by making the structure
type of connections will impact on the ability of a strong yet ductile with ductility having an
building to resist collapse during both the heating importance comparable to strength. Joints are
and the cooling phases. crucial to robust performance. Where reliance is
––The presence of alternative load paths (e.g. placed on a single joint, special care is required.
catenary action under large deflection) has a
significant impact on the fire load case and the (5) Robustness requires that all structures have
ability of the structure to continue to support load adequate load paths down to the foundations for
at elevated temperatures. vertical and horizontal loads (in each orthogonal
––In many instances, the larger deflections that result direction). In some cases, horizontal loads should
during a fire are acceptable as long as collapse is be notional, related to dead and imposed loads.
not initiated.
––Consideration should be given to real fire (6) A measure of a structural system’s robustness
performance rather than the approach dictated by is its insensitivity to any change in state
tests and the use of the standard fire curve. consequent upon a credible variation of any
design assumptions. Structural capacity should
The long term performance of a structure is not be sensitive to variations in assumptions
equally important as a fire can occur many such as load positioning, construction accuracy,
years after construction so a fire safety solution tolerances or in-service degradation.
needs to be sustainable and maintainable. The
communication of this information is required (7) Designers should always be mindful of the
by Approved Document B2.11 (as specified by hazards that are relevant to building/structural
Regulation 16B of the Building Regulations). function.
For more detailed consideration see References 2.13 (8) In any structure there should be one engineer
and 2.14. who has responsibility for the provision of overall
stability and overall robustness.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 9
In all structures, and particularly in hybrid structures, 2.1 BS EN 1990: 2002: Eurocode: Basis of structural
there must be one designer who takes primary design. London: BSI, 2002
responsibility for assuring stability and robustness of
the whole structure and who defines and documents 2.2 ‘Report on structural safety’. The Structural Engineer,
the strategy. This principle does not remove the need 33 (5), May 1955, pp141-149
for other individual designers to take responsibility for
the robust design of the various elements that make 2.3 Menzies, J.B. and Grainger, G.D. Report on the collapse
up the whole. Equally the same point applies during of the sports hall at Rock Ferry Comprehensive School,
construction; the risks of failure are highest in the Birkenhead. BRE Current Paper CP 69/76. Garston:
partially completed state and one designer should BRE, 1976
have overall responsibility for assuring robustness/
stability during the construction phase. In reviews 2.4 Whittle, R. and Taylor, H. Design of hybrid concrete
for design and construction, the question over how buildings: a guide to the design of buildings combining
robustness will be tackled ought to be raised. in-situ and precast concrete. Camberley: The Concrete
Centre, 2009
The strategy for achieving robustness lies partly
in the competence of the design team, partly in 2.5 Ji, T. ‘Concepts for designing stiffer structures’.
compliance with good building practice and partly The Structural Engineer, 81(21), 4 November 2003,
in compliance with regulations and codified rules. pp36-42
There are various documents which define overall
strategies (for example BS EN 19902.1) and Figure 2.2 2.6 Chapman, J.C. ‘Collapse of the Ramsgate Walkway’.
reproduces the flow chart from BS EN 1991-1-72.15 The Structural Engineer, 76(1), 7 January 1998,
(Figure 3.1 from the source). This leads on to detailed pp1-10; Discussion, 78(4), 15 February 2000, pp22-29
strategies already incorporated in British practice as
described in later chapters of this Guide. 2.7 Ellis, B.R. and Currie, D.M. ‘Gas explosions in buildings
in the UK: regulation and risk’, The Structural Engineer,
It has to be emphasised here that although much 76(19), 6 October 1998, pp373-380
UK regulation stems from the accident at Ronan
Point, the initiating event now underpinning the UK 2.8 Department of Education and Science. Report on the
design processes is a purely notional value whereas collapse of the roof of the assembly hall of the Camden
in BS EN 1991-1-72.15 the structure may be designed School for Girls. London: HMSO, 1973
for specific actions as indicated in the figure extract
below. Notwithstanding the UK rules, designers 2.9 Beeby, A.W. ‘Safety of structures and a new approach
should always consider specific risks that might apply to robustness’. The Structural Engineer, 77(4),
to their structures alone. Proximity to heavy moving 16 February 1999, pp16-21
vehicles is a common occurrence.
2.10 Heyman, J. ‘Hambly’s paradox: why design calculations
do not reflect real behaviour’. ICE Proceedings, Civil
Engineering, 114(4), November 1996, pp161-166
Strategies based on identified accidental Strategies based on limiting the 2.13 Institution of Structural Engineers. Introduction to the
actions e.g. explosions and impact extent of localised failure fire safety engineering of structures. London: Institution
of Structural Engineers, 2003
Figure 2.2 Strategies for Accidental Design Situations (Figure 3.1 from BS EN 1991-1-7)
10 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Structural engineers are legally obligated to design Category A legislative requirements are shown in
structures that are safe to construct, use, maintain Table 3.2.
and de-commission/demolish. Part of this obligation
is to ensure stability/solidity/robustness and to guard The Building Regulations in the UK are promulgated
against disproportionate collapse. This chapter under three different jurisdictions: England &
outlines the background and gives guidance as to Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. However,
how the designer’s obligations may be discharged. the requirement concerning robustness and
disproportionate collapse is essentially the same
Although obligations will vary around the world, the in all three, although the limits of application and
underlying requirements and principles are likely to some definitions vary. The regulations in England
be similar to the UK requirements regardless of the and Wales3.4 are currently the responsibility of the
structure’s location hence the following commentary Department of Communities and Local Government.
only references UK practice. The generic categories The same department also publishes Approved
of obligation in the UK are shown in Table 3.1. These Document A3.5 (AD-A) which is the key reference.
are not intended to be ranked although statutory
provisions always take precedence. In the following text, reference is generally limited to
the legislation and guidance for England and Wales.
Table 3.1 Categories of obligation Regardless of the jurisdiction, the aim of the Building
Regulations is the same. Regulation 83.4 offers helpful
Category Comment clarification. Headed “Limitation on requirements”,
A Statute Legislative requirements it states “Part A [inter alia] shall not require anything
B Contract Between employer/employee and to be done except for the purpose of securing
between employer/client reasonable standards of health and safety (our
emphasis) for persons in or about buildings (and any
C Common law Based on case law creating a duty others who may be affected by buildings or matters
of care connected with buildings)”.
D Code of Conduct Institution of Structural Engineers
Code of Conduct requires members As can be seen from Table 3.2 the Workplace
to have regard to the public’s Regulations3.13 relate to stability and solidity rather
safety; designers belonging to other than robustness. However the latter is a useful
Institutions are likely to have similar general phrase to use and is applicable to all
obligations structure types.
Statute Comment
Building Act 19843.1 Enabling legislation allowing for more detailed regulations to be
Building (Scotland) Act 20033.2 made
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 (as amended
1990 and 2009)3.3
Building Regulations 2000 (as amended 2004)3.4 Requires the design of relevant buildings to satisfy Part A
‘Structure’. Official guidance is given in Approved Document A3.5,
and item A3 in particular
Building (Scotland) Regulations 20043.6 Supported by Technical Handbook3.7 Section 1
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20003.8 Supported by Technical Booklet D3.9
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 19743.10 Requirement under s3 to have regard for those affected by the
designer’s work (i.e. their undertaking). Typically, ‘those affected’
will be contractors, users, and the public
Health and Safety at Work Order (Northern Ireland) 19783.11 As above (under Article 5)
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM) 3.12 Requirement to ‘eliminate hazards and reduce risks from
any remaining hazards’ and to provide relevant information
(Regulation 11)
Applies to all foreseeable risks
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (as Requirement for workplaces to have ‘stability and solidity’
amended) 3.13 (Regulation 4A)
a These regulations are amended or revoked from time to time, hence it is important to ensure current versions are being used.
b Safety regulations in Northern Ireland are identical in the detail to those elsewhere in the UK.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 11
Building Regulation A.33.4 requires that: “the building e.g. vehicular impact, but could also for example
shall be constructed so that in the event of an include the consequences of inadequate analysis or
accident the building will not suffer collapse to an design, or risk arising from a lack of competency of
extent disproportionate to the cause”. Approved the persons used in the design/construction process.
Document A3.5 provides one means of meeting Such risks must be managed. BS EN 19903.15
compliance with this key regulation. The specified (and reinforced elsewhere in the Eurocodes) also
measures (described elsewhere in this Guide) are emphasises this broad approach to risk.
stipulated to ensure adequate robustness and
safeguards against disproportionate collapse of The CDM Regulations3.12 reinforce the requirement
buildings arising from the effects of accidental to consider robustness during construction and
events; malicious action is not covered by the de-commissioning as well as the operational in-use
Building Regulations. phase covered by the Building Regulations3.4. It is
important that the designer’s intent and assumptions
A ‘building’ is defined in the Building Act3.1 (Section are conveyed to others as noted in the penultimate
121) as (part extract) “Any permanent or temporary paragraph of this Section below.
building, and, unless the context otherwise requires,
it includes any other structure or erection of whatever The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
kind or nature (whether permanent or temporary)”. Regulations3.13, as amended, require workplaces
in buildings to have ‘stability and solidity’. The
Approved Document A3.5 allows any method of regulations offer no formal guidance. However, it
structural analysis and design to be adopted providing would be reasonable to conclude that, for design
it meets the relevant requirement of the regulations3.4. purposes, this would be achieved by:
However, most submissions made under the Building ––compliance with the Building Regulations
Regulations utilise the scheduled list of approved ––any other relevant risks being accommodated
codes of practice as the means of demonstrating ––the structure being maintained to a reasonable
compliance. However, not all building types will fit structural standard
with the assumptions inherent in these codes, and ––the use of the workplace being as originally
compliance with British Standards and other codes envisaged by the designer, and
does not confer immunity from legal obligations. ––having any significant change to the structure
or its use being reviewed and assessed against
Approved Document A3.5 (Table 11) categorises robustness criteria.
buildings for the purpose of designing for robustness
and against disproportionate collapse. These The requirements of the Health and Safety at Work
classes (which do not cover all categories of Act3.10 and the CDM Regulations3.12 apply to buildings
building e.g. stations and surgeries) are described and all other types of structure. Compliance is to
in Chapter 4. Classes 1, 2A, 2B have prescriptive be achieved ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’
solutions presented, whereas the acceptable (SFARP) in respect of all foreseeable risks. Guidance
solutions for Class 3 are to be determined by the is available in Reference 3.16.
designer from an assessment of risk. Although
important, Class 3 buildings are not considered A summary of the scope of the various statutory
further in this Guide (though guidance is available in provisions is given in Table 3.3.
Reference 3.14).
The design process is required to include the
In general, the Building Regulations3.4 only require provision of adequate information to others to ensure
the effects of accidental events to be applied to the robustness and to guard against disproportionate
completed building. However, if a material alteration is collapse during the construction or subsequently
undertaken on an existing building then the inherent in the life of the structure. This information might
level of robustness is required to be maintained involve:
during the construction phase of this work as well. ––a description of the structural system, load paths
Notwithstanding this formality, Statute (the Health and stability system in the permanent state in
and Safety at Work etc. Act3.10 ) requires consideration sufficient detail that constructors and those in
of all foreseeable risk (i.e. accidental and malicious) the future who may be engaged to amend or
at all stages of the building’s life i.e. construction, de-commission the structure can appreciate issues
use, alteration and repair and decommissioning. of temporary stability
Such consideration would normally be discharged ––requirements of temporary bracing or suggested
by competent designers identifying and eliminating construction sequences and the like during the
hazards so far as is reasonably practicable, and then construction process. From these the contractor
reducing residual risks from any remaining hazards may develop a safe system of work
to which the structure is reasonably exposed. Hence ––design assumptions regarding the use and
structural engineers should prudently consider the maintenance of the structure
construction phase since that is the stage when ––adequately detailed drawings.
accidental damage or instability behaviour is most
likely to occur. Risk reduction can be achieved by: This data would normally be contained in the
––following good practice which is authoritative and pre-construction data or in the Health and Safety
accepted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) File if the project is notifiable under the Construction
as such, or (Design and Management) Regulations 20073.12
––working from first principles (and taking account (i.e. over 30 days or involving more than 500 person
of the general principles of robustness discussed days on site) or in other documents if less than
throughout this Guide). these limits. Robustness during the construction
phase is particularly important. For this to be
Risks in the context of health and safety legislation achieved, the contractor must be informed of this
include not only the consequence of physical actions key information.
12 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Structural alteration
with change of use
Work associated
Structural repair
a b c
Building Regulations3.4 Buildings All foreseeable and
unforeseeable accident risks
(excludes malicious actions)
Health and Safety at Work Act3.10 All structures All foreseeable risks
CDM Regulations3.12 All structures All foreseeable risks
d d d d
Workplace Regulations (Regulation 4A)3.13 Buildings that are workplaces All foreseeable risks
a Only in cases where the structure is judged as being dangerous do the provisions of the Building Act 19843.1 apply and allow it to be made safe.
b Only if change is material and relevant, as defined in the Building Regulations3.4.
c Only if the alterations are material as defined in the Building Regulations3.4.
d Only if workplace remains in use.
Contracts between the engaging party (usually the 3.5 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Building
client for the project or the contractor if a design Regulations 2000. Approved Document A: Structure.
and build procurement route) and the designer will London: NBS, 2004
require – explicitly or implicitly – that designs should
satisfy statutory provisions or some more stringent 3.6 Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004. Edinburgh: The
requirement e.g. measures to resist terrorist action Stationery Office, 2004 (SSI 2004/406)
(this should be agreed with the engaging party).
The standard of care expected in discharging this 3.7 Scottish Building Standards Agency. The Scottish
obligation should be stated in the contract, but it would building standards technical handbook: domestic; non-
normally be to undertake the design using due skill, domestic. Edinburgh: The Stationery Office, 2010
care and diligence. The designer would be expected to
be aware of contemporary good practice and industry 3.8 Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000. [s.l.]: The
advice and concerns. Contract requirements are Stationery Office, 2000 (Statutory Rule 2000/389)
subordinate to statutory requirements but contractual
obligations can impose more onerous requirements 3.9 Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland.
than are imposed by statute. Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009. Technical
Booklet D: Structure. London: HMSO, 2009
3.10 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Chapter 37.
3.4 Categories C and D: Common law and London: HMSO, 1974
Code of Conduct
3.11 The Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order
1978. London: HMSO, 1978 (SI 1978/1039 (N.I. 9))
The common law duty of care (Category C), and
professional obligations (Category D) will normally be 3.12 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.
satisfied by compliance with Categories A and B. Norwich: The Stationery Office, 2007 (SI 2007/320)
3.3 Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1979. [s.l.]: 3.15 BS EN 1990: 2002: Eurocode: Basis of structural
HMSO, 1979 (SI 1979/1709 (N.I. 16)) as amended by design. London: BSI, 2002
The Planning and Building Regulations (Amendment)
(Northern Ireland) Order 1990. [s.l.]: The Stationery 3.16 Institution of Civil Engineers. A review of, and commentary
Office, 1990 (SI 1990/1510 (N.I. 14)) and the Building on, the legal requirement to exercise a duty ‘so far as is
Regulations (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2009. reasonably practicable’ with specific regard to designers in
Chapter 4. [s.l.]: The Stationery Office, 2009 the construction industry. Available at:
3.4 The Building Regulations 2000. London: The Stationery asp [Accessed: 24 February 2010]
Office, 2000 (SI 2000/2531), as amended by The
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 13
14 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Gap > 1.5Ha
Houses 1–4 5 (single occupancy) 6+ b
Hotels, flats and other 1–4 5 – 15 16+
residential buildings
Offices 1–4 5 – 15 16+
Retail 1 – 3 and < 2000m2 4 – 15 and < 2000m2 16+ or > 2000m2
(1000m2 in EN) floor (no area limit in EN) floor floor area per storey
area per storey area per storey
Buildings to which public 1 – 2 and < 2000m2 < 5000m2 floor area > 5000m2 floor area
are admitted floor area per storey per storey per storey (significant
numbers in EN)
Educational 1 2 – 15 16+
Car parks 1–6 7+
Hospitals 1–3 4+
Industrial 1 – 3 and not containing 4 or containing
hazardous substances/ hazardous substances/
processes processes
Grandstands > 5000 spectators
(stadia in EN)
a H is height of building being considered. For buildings not meeting this requirement, treat as a building from the most appropriate
use, often industrial.
b Any building of 6 storeys (even if nominally single occupancy, is better assigned to Class 2B).
c This table re-arranges the listing in Table 11 of AD-A4.3
The most notable difference between AD-A4.3 and 4.3 Number of storeys
BS EN 1991-1-74.4 is the inclusion of buildings to
which the public are admitted in significant numbers
in Class 3 in the EN. No guidance is offered on what 4.3.1 Introduction
constitutes significant numbers, but this would be
expected to be considered in the risk assessment. The number of storeys a building has is fundamental
to its classification. However, no definition of storey is
There are also buildings of special purpose which given in AD-A4.3. Although there is usually no dispute
do not come into Class 3 by virtue of their size over the meaning, it has been defined elsewhere4.5 as
but still merit Class 3 treatment because of their that part of a building which is situated between either:
value, vulnerability or because the consequences ––the top surface of two vertically adjacent floors
of failure would be particularly serious. Examples ––the top surface of the uppermost floor and the
might include: surface covering of the building.
––animal research centres
––banks, bonded warehouses In the Scottish Regulations, it is 'the distance from the
––control centres (e.g. for industrial plants, underside of one floor to the underside of the floor
railways) immediately above'.
––data centres
––embassies and high commissions Part-storeys are discussed in Sections 4.3.3 and 4.3.4.
––government offices
––religious buildings 4.3.2 Basements
––leading museums and galleries.
Both AD-A4.3 and BS EN 1991-1-74.4 are clear that if
The same is true for innovative structures, and basements are designed to Class 2B, they do not
those designing such structures should recognise need to be included as a storey in the storey count.
that by their nature these are more vulnerable to The logic of this decision is obscure, but may derive
unknown effects. Innovative structures need to be from the greater reliability of horizontal ties anchored
sufficiently robust to tolerate behaviour which is into perimeter walls. It follows that basements should
different to that envisaged in the design. only be treated in this way if all four perimeter walls
(or equivalent structure) are present, and that part
Table 4.1 shows building classification in a basements should otherwise be treated as an above
convenient format. ground storey.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 15
The current regulations in Scotland and Northern provides general guidance on the interpretation
Ireland include basements in the storey count but of AD-A Requirement A3 for many domestic and
both permit exclusion of a basement from the count if small buildings; it also amplifies the definition of a
it complies with the requirements of Class 2B. basement including part basements.
Before the collapse After the collapse
The collapse of flats in Copenhagen following a gas explosion is instructive. The block was one of several on the site, with solid external
masonry walls 350mm thick through the full height into which in situ reinforced concrete floor slabs were built at all levels. There were
four floors of living accommodation over a semi-basement. This was set about 1.4m into the ground, so would qualify as basement by
the NHBC guidelines 4.7. However, from the photo it is difficult to see any reason for it to be discounted in assessing the building as being
of five storeys.
The explosion occurred when gas from an external source leaked into the semi-basement and was very severe. The pressure lifted
the floors thus relieving at least some, if not all, of the vertical load on the gable wall which then blew out. This left the floors above
unsupported, resulting in the extensive collapse seen in the photo.
If horizontal and vertical ties had been provided, it is possible that enough of the structure would have remained intact to prevent
the collapse.
2B 3
2A 2B
3 storey over 4 storey over 5 storey over 15 storey over 16 storey over
basement basement basement basement basement
16 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
4.3.3 Part floors at roof level Box 4.2 Terminal at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport
There are many building uses which are not If a strong floor can be designed to withstand
explicitly covered by Table 11 of AD-A4.3. collapse of the structure above, it clearly protects
Nurseries and kindergartens probably have to the occupants below. So a strong floor can be
be treated as educational, if (or as) the number considered to be the foundation for the floors above
of children per unit area is consistent. But what and the number of storeys counted from this level
about doctors’ surgeries and other day surgery up. However, below the strong floor the risk is
units, care homes, hospices and other quasi unchanged, and the storey count should be that of
hospitals? The appropriate tests are probably the whole building. An example of the advantage of
‘are people sleeping on the premises – and are strong floors is the partial collapse of Torre Windsor
they bedridden?’ So doctor’s surgeries and day in Madrid (see Box 4.3).
surgery units can be treated as offices, care
homes as residential but hospices as hospitals. An application of this principle is a building
AD-A (Section 5.4) refers readers to two comprising four storeys of say residential use on a
reports which discuss the evaluation of risk and podium at ground level; timber construction for the
consequence and these could be considered in upper storeys is not unusual. Provided the podium
unusual cases. is designed to meet the Class 2B requirements and
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 17
Box 4.3 A strong floor located within a tall 4.5 Extensions, alterations and change
building's height can contain debris from of use
collapses above
4.5.1 Introduction
18 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The limited objective of being ‘no more 4.5.6 The Camden ruling
unsatisfactory than before’ is helpful, as it implies
that while new buildings should meet or even An approach to resolving this dilemma that has
exceed the regulations, it should be possible to been followed in the past in the UK is that offered by
tolerate a degree of compromise with existing the London District Surveyor’s Association internal
building stock. How this is achieved must be document Guidance on achieving compliance
argued on a case-by-case basis, but it should be on disproportionate collapse in existing buildings
remembered that while the Building Regulations4.1 for Class 2B cases in single/multiple occupancy
are mandatory, AD-A4.3 is advisory. Constructing (available to local authorities) previously known as
a lightweight fifth penthouse floor on top of a the Camden ruling. This suggests adopting a design
reasonably sound existing four storey building would that demonstrates that any damage occurring
appear to maintain the risk close to the original within a fifth storey would be contained by the floor
level, and thus to meet the ‘no more unsatisfactory’ forming the roof to the fourth storey (including its
requirement in principle even if not precisely. own supporting structure). If this can be done, the
It would also appear to ‘secure reasonable alteration appears not to change the risk to the
standards of health and safety’ (see Section 3.2 occupants of the original lower four floors and the
re: Regulation 84.1) and could perhaps be described structure could thereby be assessed as Class 2A
as ‘only marginally more unsatisfactory than before’. rather than Class 2B.
4.5.5 Situation in Scotland However, this approach usually requires the original
roof to be strengthened or even a new strong floor to
The Building (Scotland) Regulations 20044.10 be inserted above it. Therefore if a collapse were to
(Schedule 2 to Regulation 4) designates a specific occur in the lower floors, the weight of the resulting
category of changes in the use or occupation of falling debris would be considerably greater. For this
buildings as being 'Conversions'. Regulation 12 reason, the ‘only marginally more unsatisfactory than
requires that when the use change falls within the before’ argument proposed above is preferred to the
category of a conversion then the converted building Camden ruling.
must be altered or strengthened to the standard
required by current structural regulations in so far Another problem occurs when adding a storey to
"…as is reasonably practicable, and in no case be a building of 2 or 3 storeys built before 2004. The
worse than before the conversion…”. Reasonably original construction would have fallen outside
practicable is defined in this case as “…having Regulation A3 (and now equivalent to Class 1), while
regard to all the circumstances including the expense the proposed extension brings it into the definition of
involved in carrying out the work.” Class 2A. Again this must be argued on its merits,
but the presumption of encouraging sustainable
This is a stiffer test than that described above for development would suggest that the ‘only marginally
buildings in England and Wales, but the philosophy more unsatisfactory than before’ argument might be
outlined should be applicable to both jurisdictions. applied here also.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 19
Generally, when contemplating any extension onto 4.10 The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004. Edinburgh:
an existing building or any alteration, engineers The Stationery Office, 2004 (SSI 2004/406)
may consider a risk assessment process to
demonstrate robustness. A holistic approach is 4.11 Institution of Structural Engineers. Appraisal of Existing
important, considering existing features such as Structures. 3rd ed. London: Institution of Structural
returns on walls, chimney breasts, and any other Engineers [due 2010]
features that enhance structural robustness.
Large openings and previous alterations may have
introduced weaknesses. An example of the process
developed by LDSA/LABC is included in Appendix 1.
The assessment process should always include
consideration of what might happen to adjacent
structures and whether the proposed alterations have
in any way degraded their robustness.
4.6 References
20 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
For most structures, the standard means of achieving Although the guidance in this document is
robustness is by compliance with the rules in predominantly concerned with achieving structural
Approved Document A5.1 and BS EN 1991-1-75.2. robustness within individual buildings, opportunities to
From these documents, the design criteria for the improve overall robustness by protecting the structure
various classes of structure are as follows: from hazardous events should always be considered
––Class 1 - No additional measures (i.e. other than when these events are reasonably foreseeable, e.g.
ultimate and serviceability design). protection of columns from vehicle impact, ensuring
––Class 2A - Provide effective horizontal ties or gas supplies are separated or protected etc.
effective anchorage of suspended floors and
roofs to walls, as described in the materials Robustness of a structure itself can be considered
codes. BS EN-1991-1-7 states that for this class at two levels, the overall structural concept and then
of structure, horizontal ties should be used for detailed provisions. These are discussed below.
frame structures, and anchorage of suspended
floors and roofs should be adopted for loadbearing
wall construction. In some cases, it may also
be appropriate to adopt horizontal tying for 5.2 Structural concept
loadbearing wall construction.
––Class 2B - Provide effective horizontal ties to
floors and roofs plus effective vertical ties or apply A building’s structural form will significantly
notional column/wall removal or design as key affect its robustness (this is discussed in more
elements (explained below). detail in Chapter 2). Traditional cellular forms
with many loadbearing walls assure a sensible
Note the difference in the treatment of horizontal level of robustness because loss of any one wall
ties between 2A and 2B: compliance with Category will generally not lead to the collapse of a large
2A may be achieved by ‘effective anchorage of proportion of the structure. In contrast, having a
suspended floors to walls’ rather than ’provision of large span supported on an easily dislodged and/
effective horizontal ties’. or vulnerable single column would not be a robust
structure. At the concept stage, the layout of the
While the intentions of the categories are clear building and its basic structural action will need
enough, buildings come in a variety of forms and developing. For any structure, there should be an
interpretation is required especially in structures of assessment of the hazards and provision of clear
mixed form (hybrid structures) or where alterations paths for horizontal and vertical loads back to the
are being made. foundations. Additionally, a robust structural concept
will be one which avoids situations where damage
A particular problem arises out of possible to small areas or failure of any single element
interpretations of AD-A5.1 versions. Notwithstanding progresses to widespread collapse. Notwithstanding
this approach whereby horizontal ties are not that ideal, there are clearly occasions when reliance
specified as a requirement when elements are does have to be placed on single elements, but at
removed or designed as key elements, it is the Task least once this is recognised, their robustness can
Group’s view that provision of ties is always required be improved by making such elements substantial.
in Class 2B buildings unless there is good evidence Experience has shown certain arrangements to be
to the contrary. Good engineering requires horizontal potentially vulnerable; examples include:
linkage across the structure though there is a ––significant transfer beams, these are single beams
question of magnitude and form to be resolved which which support a number of columns or hangers
will be material specific. ––apparently minor elements that are required to
ensure the stability of more significant elements
In some industries, it has not been the practice to ––significant cantilevers
provide any additional physical ties if the structure ––long span, simply supported beams.
is proven robust enough via the element removal
approach. An example of this would be that pursued The last two forms have no redundancy but that need
in timber engineering where full scale tests on timber not imply unacceptable vulnerability.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 21
Requirement satisfied
a Rules on the exclusion of basements vary in the building regulations of the various regions. When designing to EN1991-1-75.2
basements are included in the storey count. However in England and Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland, if they satisfy the
Class 2B requirement, they may be excluded from the count.
b In Class 2B, for horizontal ties, rather than using physical ties in some cases alternative methods may be demonstrated by test.
22 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 23
The application of these approaches is discussed The code specified tie forces aim to ensure that
below. beams or slabs can span across a removed
support. However, there is no theoretical
justification that ties designed to the codes will
in fact enable the structure to span across a
5.5 Tying damaged area in all possible circumstances.
Indeed a number of theoretical objections can be
raised and a particular difficulty exists when trying
The provision of ties having a defined capacity and to justify the sufficiency of ties following removal of
linking components helps to constrain the elements a corner column.
from displacement during an event and can make
possible alternative load carrying systems including One further difficulty in relying on the benefits of
catenary and vierendeel action. either catenary (see Section 5.9) or membrane
action lies with justifying the significant ductility
Roofs need to be tied down even in single storey required. Rules for tie design and location are
buildings (AD-A5.1 P29 and Diagram 16) not given in the material codes but there are no direct
least because of the vulnerability of light roofs to requirements for providing a ductility magnitude,
dislodgement in wind suction; but designers need this being assumed. Comments on providing
to consider what is appropriate for the particular appropriate ductility are given in later materials
circumstances. chapters (Chapter 2 also discusses ductility and
energy absorption).
Ties can act to prevent the structure being dislodged Vertical ties have two roles. The first is to provide
which is particularly important when supports some form of minimum resistance to vertical
are narrow, or at a perimeter where the ties must elements being removed. The second is to enable
be capable of resisting any outward force on the load sharing between floors above a damaged
supporting vertical element. The need for such vertical element. By linking a number of floors
tying was demonstrated in the Ronan Point collapse together, it is possible to provide a load path back
where a gas explosion blew out a loadbearing wall, to intact structure above, perhaps by developing
causing the slabs above to collapse. Lack of tying vierendeel action.
was also a factor in the Camden School collapse5.4.
Chapter 4 suggests that tying might have limited The rule for vertical ties (see Chapters 6 to 10)
the collapse extent in the Copenhagen blast (see is that each column or wall should be able to
description in Box 4.1). support the largest dead and imposed load
reaction applied to the column or wall from any
Ties need to be continuous (i.e. lapped or one storey (above or below). The requirement for
connected) across from edge to edge or around the the largest load could be problematic to define,
structure, while at their ends, horizontal ties to edge and BS 59505.5 for example limits this so that each
columns and walls must be satisfactorily anchored column splice only has to carry the largest load
back. All tie force paths should be geometrically arising between it and the next splice down. In
straight; changes in direction to accommodate practice, if it is possible to provide vertical ties at
openings or similar discontinuities should be all, their capacity is not usually a problem.
avoided wherever possible. Where such changes
are unavoidable, the tendency of the tie to straighten When required, vertical ties must be continuous
under load should be considered and restraining from the lowest level to the highest level and this
elements provided. For buildings composed of includes anchorage into the footing or foundation.
separate structures, or incorporating joints creating The rationale for tying into foundations is that
structurally independent sections, the tie force this helps reduce the possibility of lowest column
requirements are applied to each independent removal. Where such ties into the basement are
section, each treated as a separate unit. not practical, consideration as a key element (see
below) normally provides a practicable solution.
24 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 25
Following element removal, strategies for survival on pure catenary action where the tension steel
might be: takes axial load only. But more realistically, slabs
––Spanning the floor at right angles to its normal and beams will retain some degraded moment
design case or utilising two way spanning (in timber capacity at their ends and centre which will
this might make use of the floor boarding). reduce the tie forces demanded. There is also a
––Making use of the available reinforcement in common case where the catenary receives some
reinforced concrete slabs and beams to enable the midspan support via tie forces from a surviving
element to span two bays, albeit not necessarily by column above (see Figure 5.4). Because of the
pure bending action. complexities in all this, calculations cannot be
––Using the ability of a wall to cantilever as a deep accurate; they can only be crude approximations
beam over the notional opening (and this may be to suggest survival or failure. Currently there are
required where there is loss of a corner support). In no further guidelines and designers must assess
a similar way, using the wall above as a deep beam individual cases on their structural merits.
to span over an opening.
––The provision of bridging elements such as those The theoretical benefits of catenary action can
used in timber platform frame construction (see be seen from Figure 5.5 (and Figure 5.4) which
Chapter 9). shows a member carrying a distributed load w
albeit with significant sag deformation. The anchor
When considering alternative load paths after force required R h is wl²/8h, but h is indeterminate.
element removal, all the forces required should be If calculation is required, equilibrium can be
accounted for. For example if catenary action is established fairly quickly by trial and error: the
assumed, the horizontal forces developed must be maximum credible value of R h is the ultimate
resisted by the remaining structure. strength of the member as a tie (or some lower
connection capacity) and the maximum credible
value of h can be evaluated from the plastic
strained length of the tie or a sag based on some
5.9 Catenary action: horizontal presumed joint articulation. The maximum realistic
and vertical value of h before total failure will be material
dependent. If the value of R h so determined
exceeds wl 2 /8h, there exists some lower value
After element removal, a key survival strategy is of R h which will suffice to support the structure
to rely on the ability of the remaining connected (where there is some residual moment capacity,
members to span via catenary action accepting use of wl 2 /10 or 12 might be more appropriate
that deflections may be high. The strategy may rely than wl 2 /8).
Partial support
via hanging from
column above
Partial support
via end moment
Partial support
via in plane
catenary action
Surrounding structure
must resist catenary
26 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Rh = wL2/8h
In two-way spanning structures, similar benefits Clearly catenary systems only work if there is enough
can be achieved via radial tensile membrane action ductility in the joints to form and sustain a mechanism
and indeed when considering the loss of an internal and if Rh can be anchored; the structure surrounding
column below a slab (or equivalent) it is possible to the tie end must also resist Rh. Where support from
develop an in-plane compression ring action to resist a column hanger is assumed, the structure around
the radial tie forces generated5.6. Figure 5.6 shows the hanger top must be capable of sustaining the
such a slab structure with new equilibrium obtained, assumed capacity. An appropriate value of w along
not reliant on bending action alone. with appropriate factors is discussed in Section 5.13.
Line of compressive
ring action
Figure 5.6 Tensile membrane action (test results from a concrete slab)
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 27
Recipient panel
Donor panel
Recipient panel
Figure 5.7 Permitted localisation of damage Figure 5.8 Possible collapse modes of floors and roofs
(two adjacent floors)
28 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
A third approach, which is often easier to The consequences of any transfer beam failure (see
consider than element removal, is to consider Figure 5.9) or of its supporting structure is likely to
members as key elements, in effect making them be more serious than the failure of normal beams
strong enough to withstand a prescribed hazard or columns and this was well illustrated in the major
loading. The approach is beneficial if intuitively failures at Oklahoma City5.8, 5.9 (see Box 5.1). Not
such members are strong enough to survive. The all transfer beams support such large amounts of
key element approach offers advantages if loss structure; a worst case probably arises when the
of that single member would otherwise lead to transfer beam is on the building perimeter with
loss of a significant portion of building; examples columns above and hangers below. Where transfer
include loss of a significant transfer beam or a beams are clearly carrying significant portions
column supporting such a beam. of a building, the standard tie forces could prove
inadequate, and the recommended approach is to
The general design approach for key elements design the beams and their associated structure to:
is to consider uniform pressure acting over ––only sustain localised damage, or
their surface (in each orthogonal direction, ––be removable elements, or
one direction at a time) plus the surface of any ––be designed as key elements.
attached items such as cladding. Likewise, any
member restraining a key element should be Box 5.1 Murrah building, Oklahoma City
designed for the specified design pressure or
the restraining element benefits ignored. The
restraining element can be checked separately
to the key element however, if both would be
affected by the same event, then it is more logical
to consider both elements loaded simultaneously.
The pressure is applied in conjunction with the
accidental load case (see Section 5.13).
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 29
Transfer beam
carrying column
loading 5.14 Summary
30 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
5.15 References
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 31
Key reference: How to design concrete buildings to satisfy Furthermore, whilst the values of specific parameters
disproportionate collapse requirements O Brooker, The Concrete may vary, the approach described is good practice
Centre 20086.1. BS EN 1992-1-1: Eurocode 26.2 (EC2) and wherever construction takes place and should be
BS 8110-16.3 are also key references. considered a minimum requirement in the absence of
any more onerous local regulatory requirements.
32 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
6.4.2 Peripheral ties 6.4.4 Horizontal ties to external walls and columns
BS 81106.3 introduced the concept of peripheral To address the possibility of walls or columns being
ties. Arguably the edge of a structure is the most pushed outwards, each external wall or column
vulnerable to damage and moreover has reduced should be tied back into the main structure. In the
opportunities for developing alternative load paths via case of a wall incorporating a peripheral tie, the
two way spanning. Hence provision of a peripheral requirement is to ensure that the internal ties are
tie ensures an alternative load system in the edge of anchored into the peripheral tie. In all other cases, it
the structure. The peripheral tie also provides a zone is recommended that the column/wall ties are lapped
in which internal ties can be anchored and ensures with the internal ties. The tie minimum capacity
that perimeter vertical elements are interconnected is given in the appropriate code; these are either
with the main tying system. Peripheral ties should notional amounts or a percentage of the column/
also be provided around any large slab openings, wall load. For corner columns, the tie force should
such as those for atria. BS 81106.3 and EC26.2, be provided in two directions approximately at right
as implemented in the UK, define the tie force angles to each other.
magnitude and partial factors that can be used in
evaluating tie capacity (cs = 1 for reinforcement and 6.4.5 Vertical ties
prestressing steel); the tie force value Ft is typically
60kN (ultimate) which is easily carried by two H10 As discussed in Chapter 5, vertical ties provide the
bars. The resistant reinforcement should be located opportunity, in the event of lower column removal,
in the outer 1.2m of the slab or within perimeter for floor loads to be supported by hanging from the
beams or walls. column above; they also provide a minimum level
of robustness to inhibit column removal. Vertical
Peripheral tie value (derived from BS 8110): ties should be provided within every column and to
Ft = (20 + 4no) G 60 (where no is the total number of each wall carrying vertical load. The tie force to be
storeys in the structure) resisted is equal to the ultimate design load carried
on any floor level by the element (calculated with the
Note the units. The Ft value has no units. The force accidental load factors, see Section 5.13).
value is 1.0Ft in kN (60kN) which is to be located in
the slab edge 1.2m. Where the vertical element is supported at its lowest
level by anything other than a foundation, the overall
6.4.3 Internal ties robustness of the support should be considered and
most likely the supporting element will be designed as
Internal ties should be provided in two orthogonal a key element or perhaps an analysis will be carried
directions. To maximise their benefit, ties should be out to demonstrate that removal of the supporting
as ductile as possible and ideally placed towards element does not lead to disproportionate collapse.
the bottom of the section as tests and experience
have shown bottom bars to be more effective. Tie 6.4.6 Continuity of ties
ductility can be improved by using higher ductility
reinforcement, e.g. Class B or C. The maximum Ties should be effectively continuous. This means
spacing of internal transverse ties is 1.5lr where lr is that where bars forming ties are lapped, the detailing
the greater spacing between columns. However, it is should be such that failure is always in the bar and
generally beneficial to adopt a lower spacing, indeed not in the lap thus ensuring a ductile performance.
the requirement for these ties to interact with column In practice, this means that laps should always be
ties (see Section 6.4.6) means that a practical designed for the bar full capacity even if the required
maximum is the column spacing. tie force is lower. Additionally, where bars forming the
tie system are notionally lapped but not adjacent, the
For internal ties (as distinct from peripheral ties), the lap length should be increased and the need for links
tie force is evaluated differently and has different considered, as described in EC2 (Clause 8.76.2). This
units. For internal ties, the force is derived in kN/m is to ensure that an effective strut and tie system can
width (of the slab) whereas at the edge it is a defined be formed between the bars in the lap zone.
force confined to a defined width. Hence:
For tying systems to work, different types of ties must
Ftie is the greater of (1/7.5) (gk+ qk) (lr/5) Ft interact and the need for column (vertical) ties, internal
or and peripheral ties to be linked has been discussed
1.0Ft defined as kN/m across the internal slab width above (Sections 6.4.1 to 6.4.5). It is essential for
(this will not exceed 60 kN/m) vertical and horizontal ties to interact if catenary
action is to be developed. Such interaction can
where: generally be presumed if some or all of the tie steel
(gk + qk) is the sum of the average permanent and in each direction passes through the column, so it is
variable floor loads (in kN/m2). Note the variable load recommended that horizontal ties are placed in the
qk is not in this case reduced (see Section 5.13) bottom of the slab or beam at the column location. It is
lr is the greater of the distances (in m) between also worth highlighting that if the vertical tie is to share
centres of the columns, frames or walls supporting load up the building, the connection to the higher
any two adjacent floor spans in the direction of the tie floors needs to be capable of taking reverse shear. In
under consideration other words, if a floor is hung from the column above,
Ft = (20 + 4 no) G 60 (where no is the total number of the column is pulling down on the floor above, i.e. the
storeys in the structure). shear is reversed from the normal situation where the
column would be pushing up on the floor. This can
complicate some hybrid type connections (Chapter 7
incorporates a number of details).
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 33
6.4.7 Additional considerations for post tensioned application of detailing rules. In cases where ductile
concrete energy absorbing capacity is required for extreme
robustness (as in resistance to blast or earthquakes)
The principles for post tensioned construction are advanced rules6.10, 6.11 are available.
identical to those adopted for reinforced concrete.
In bonded prestressed concrete, continuous All relevant concrete codes include requirements
tendons provide an excellent tie since there are no for minimum reinforcement. In the cases of direct
or fewer laps. For bonded construction, the principal tension and flexure, these minimum reinforcement
challenge is to ensure sufficient interaction between contents ensure that section capacities after
the horizontal and vertical ties. Research6.8 has concrete cracking are approximately equal to or
shown that a significant improvement in post failure greater than those which existed before cracking.
capacity occurs when tendons pass directly over the Whilst this is a prerequisite to controlling crack
column; however this is not always possible. In this widths, minimum reinforcement also ensures that
situation, it is recommended that ducts are placed there is a reasonable amount of post-cracking
as closely as possible (either side of the column), ductility within the element. In the event of overload,
and additional bottom steel is provided through the this ductility provides warning and facilitates load
column in each direction to lap onto the duct line. shed to other elements preventing gross failure.
The tendons support at midspan as they are in the Similarly, design codes require minimum amounts
bottom there. of reinforcement at supports; even where no
moment has been assumed. These requirements,
For unbonded tendons, a failure of tendons in again driven by the need to control cracking, also
one bay may lead to failure in adjacent bays. provide alternative (or enhanced) load paths.
For this reason, it is not appropriate to consider Such additional reinforcement provides protective
unbonded tendons as part of the tying system, and strength against the possibility of moment reversal
so tying should be provided wholly with normal which can be a feature in accidental loading 6.12.
Minimum percentage of reinforcement in columns
assures a minimal tensile capacity for what are
supposedly compression members. Minimum link
6.5 Element removal and key element requirements in columns are defined to give a certain
design level of ductility at the column/floor connection.
In extreme cases, as in seismic design, greater
ductility is demanded and a greater number of links
An alternative to following the prescriptive rules for are provided and better link anchorage is specified.
tying is to consider the removal of an element and to Under overload, such links prevent column bars
investigate the subsequent collapse area following buckling and confine the concrete core, preventing
the principles of Chapter 5. There are no special disintegration, so adding to the section’s rotational
requirements for in situ concrete structures excepting capacity whilst maintaining moment resistance.
that partial factors for materials can be reduced. Nonetheless, even the non-seismic link provision will
ensure an amount of column rotation is possible prior
In EC26.2, for the accidental load case, the partial to failure.
factors are as follows:
It can be seen from above that there are a
cc for concrete = 1.2 and number of detailing requirements in current
cs for steel = 1.0. codes, related to minimum reinforcement areas
which add to the inherent robustness of concrete
In BS 81106.3 the cc for concrete under exceptional buildings. It is important that where such
loads is only reduced for flexure (= 1.3), as the partial minimum steel requirements are not provided, say
factor for shear is lower anyway. BS 8110 adopts a due to new construction techniques or systems,
partial factor cs for steel = 1.0, as does EC2. the effect on the overall structural robustness be
There are no special requirements for concrete key
element design and the approaches described in
Section 5.11 should be adopted.
6.7 References
6.6 Good detailing practice 6.1 Brooker, O. How to design concrete buildings to satisfy
disproportionate collapse requirements. Camberley: The
Concrete Centre, 2008
There is an implicit assumption of structural ductile
performance for the nominal Approved Document 6.2 BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004: Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
A6.9 tying recommendations to work in practice, not structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
least since catenary action presumes significant buildings. London: BSI, 2004
axial and rotational ductility. To some extent, codes
recognise the demands of ductility since a modest 6.3 BS 8110-1: 1997: Structural use of concrete – Part 1:
amount of moment redistribution is permitted in Code of practice for design and construction. London:
continuous beams and since slabs designed on BSI, 1997
yield line methodology presume rotation at hinge
positions. In routine design, ductility demands are 6.4 Institution of Structural Engineers. Standard method of
not calculated explicitly, rather they are catered for detailing structural concrete: a manual for best practice.
by assuring members are under-reinforced and by 3rd ed. London: Institution of Structural Engineers, 2006
34 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 35
Key reference. Most widely used proprietary product reaction i.e. 1.05(1.00Gk +0.33Qk). Most designers opt
manufacturers will be able to suggest suitable details for for providing effective floor anchorage to the walls/
their own product. BS EN 1992-1-1: Eurocode 27.1 (EC2) and beams rather than specifying ties. Such anchorage
BS 8110-17.2 are also key references. can be achieved in most cases simply by the friction
between the floor and the wall/beam although
consideration of parameters such as temperature and
camber may negate this approach. Where a floor unit
is prestressed, its camber prevents proper contact with
7.1 Introduction walls below running parallel to the span and so friction
can only be relied on when bedding mortar is used.
36 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
often added early to provide access routes, care is 7.3 Typical details
required over their temporary stability including the
effect of tolerances.
7.3.1 General
Precast units invariably span one way and shed
no load onto walls in line with their span. Thus it Typical details are available for the use of precast
is unsafe to assume that any walls below will be slabs in masonry, steel and concrete buildings for
restrained by friction against out-of-plane movement Class 2A and 2B buildings. These are shown in
unless bedding mortar/positive anchorage is Figures 7.1 to 7.10 inclusive. The principles of the
provided. details are compliant with both EC27.1 and BS 81107.2.
External load bearing cavity wall detail External non-load bearing cavity wall detail
Continuous mortar
Solid block wall to take up camber
Figure 7.1 Provision of effective external wall anchorage (via embedment). Class 1 and 2A
External load bearing cavity wall detail External non-load bearing cavity wall detail
In situ
150mm wide preformed
Precast concrete slab unit pocket along the edge of slab
with preformed troughs for unit at 1200mm centres with
tying requirements 10mm diameter ‘U’ bars per pocket
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 37
7.3.4 Precast floors/steel framed Class 1 and 2A 7.3.5 Precast floors/concrete framed Class 2A buildings
buildings and 2B buildings
Figure 7.3 shows effective ties from the floors to the
BS 5950-1:20007.9 requires in Clause (e) that: walls.
"where precast concrete or other heavy floor, 7.3.6 Precast floors/concrete framed Class 2B buildings
stair, or roof units are used they should be
effectively anchored in the direction of their The cross wall system (see Figure 7.4) illustrates
span, either to each other over a support, or typical connection requirements (further details can
directly to their supports as recommended in be obtained from References 7.10 and 7.11). Vertical
BS 8110". ties are provided via vertical bars cast into the walls
which pass through the floor area. The wall units
Typical details are shown in Chapter 8. above the floor can be designed to span horizontally
in the event of a loss of wall support below.
Reference 7.10 contains these details.
Typical load bearing internal wall (Class 2A) Typical load bearing external wall (Class 2A)
20 Pack 20 Pack
– high strength – high strength
mortar grout mortar grout
Varies Varies
20 pack of high
strength mortar grout
Horizontal tie
In situ concrete
10mm diameter
‘U’ bar in troughs
38 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Horizontal tie
In situ concrete
Wire loop
Horizontal tie
In situ concrete
Wire loop
10mm diameter
‘U’ bar in troughs
Figure 7.7 Ties between precast units Figure 7.8 Interconnection of flooring units to walls via site
connection (side pocket in hollow core unit), wall parallel to
floor span
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 39
7.3.7 Typical tie details: beam and column frame rotates and induces an additional transverse shear
in the floor slab. The existence of effects like these
Beam and column frame solutions require careful emphasise the need for robustness in the detailing.
detailing to manage the effects of torsion and
excessive movements particularly during construction Details (shown in Figures 7.9 and 7.10) tie the
and before any permanent continuity steel is effective hollow core floors into the beam and, when fully
(see Figures 7.9 and 7.10). Torsion and movement concreted, help with the torsion and restrain the
can be induced for example when there is a lack beams from moving. This detail requires that the
of support to the beam toe during construction. beam is torsionally stable during construction.
Movement can also be induced by temperature Certain proprietary details have been tested to
on exposed slabs. Such movements can cause demonstrate their strength (see Figure 7.11 where the
spalling, loss of bearing and cracking in the topping. end connection shown has been tested up to 900kN
Shear can be critical when the slab support beam ultimate load).
Figure 7.9 Interconnection between precast units onto an internal support beam (Class 2B beam and column frame typical details)
Precast concrete
spandrel beam
Precast concrete
slab unit
Figure 7.10 Interconnection between precast units onto an edge beam (Class 2B Beam and column frame typical details)
40 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Figure 7.11 Proprietary beam end fixings before and after installation
7.4 Class 2B buildings: notional removal of To justify these survival systems, the assumed tensile
elements reinforcement must be end-anchored, for example
via inside projecting U bars within the top of the unit.
The anchorage of ties used in catenaries should be
Following the general guidelines of Chapter 5, Class demonstrated (to the relevant code) and not just
2B buildings may be assessed by the notional assumed.
removal of elements. A notional removal concept is
a fairly natural one in precast assemblies especially A standard support possibility is to assume bridging
where some parts may be non-loadbearing. The of damaged areas by catenary action as described
notional removal route will require increased attention in Chapter 5. Loss of a central support will typically
to detail but in compensation, many panel structures mean that beams effectively double in span but
are able to function as deep beams and so provide the consequent excess forces may still be carried,
good spanning capability. albeit with increased deformation. For precast units,
the critical engineering aspects are to assure end
Where vertical ties have been incorporated, a anchorage (which implies continuity of reinforcement)
support system is possible via the suspension of any and to prevent longitudinal top reinforcement bursting
newly unsupported elements back to intact structure upwards at the point of maximum sag. To avoid this,
above the damaged area. Alternatively, support may links are required as shown in Figure 7.12 and the
be achieved via catenary or cantilever action of the column immediately above the lost support has to be
surrounding structure; this is particularly useful in checked for interconnection and tension. The design
the case of corner column failure where horizontal objective is that stitching the various components
tie reinforcement added on top of composite floor together will make the frame behave more like an
beams can take up the cantilever tensile stresses. in situ frame.
Figure 7.12 Catenary action in precast floor beams (with composite action)
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 41
Figure 7.13 Alternative means of protection against progressive collapse in wall frame structures
42 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Key reference: SCI Publication P341 Guidance on meeting It is of course essential that the structural form
the robustness requirements in Approved Document A adopted provides consistent load paths to ground for
(2004 Edition) 8.1. BS EN 1993-1-1: Eurocode 38.2 (EC3) and vertical and horizontal forces.
BS 5950-18.3 are also key references.
In pin jointed frames reliant on bracing or propping
for global stability, some redundancy is required in
the stability system or a judgment made that the
8.1 Introduction overall prop (say a concrete core or a bi-steel core)
is strong enough to function as a single robust point
(see Figure 8.1).
Normal, well detailed, steel frames should be
inherently robust benefiting from being tied together Traditional steel design approaches have in the past
in a similar manner to concrete frames and this assured a measure of robustness; thus clauses
tying offers opportunities for alternative load path imposing minimum connection sizes, minimum
development. Moreover, steel members and their weld sizes matched to material thickness, minimum
connections should automatically possess a degree slenderness ratios and so on all helped considerably
of ductility enabling frames to distort and absorb to add robustness to frames. However, current codes
energy under unusual conditions. However, where (both BS 59508.3 and EC38.2) have tended to delete
connections are pinned rather than fixed there is clauses imposing minimum slenderness ratios. This
less opportunity for the redistribution of moments consequently imposes more obligations on the
and caution is required as the attributes of strength designer to consider the robustness of the system as
and ductility are dependent on the frames having a separate issue having regard to the circumstances
appropriate connections. Appropriate connections of use. Even the traditional method of sizing lateral
possess characteristics of strength and are detailed restraints based on a percentage of compression
so that they have the ability to deform whilst still force has its origins not in precise science, but as
retaining load carrying capacity. Unlike concrete a rule of thumb to assure a sensible system having
structures, stability is more of an issue for structural adequate strength and stiffness. It is not sound
steelwork and a sound grasp of what systems engineering to prejudice the stability of a steel frame
stabilise members, sub frames and whole structures by skimping on restraint when the provision of
is essential if overall robustness is to be guaranteed. substantial restraint can be gained for little cost.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 43
Such traditional concepts should not be discarded, (The Eurocode uses a different formula for the notional
especially in regards to connection capacity. It horizontal forces which, with all the modification
is sound engineering to design connections to factors included, tends to give a smaller force than
minimum force levels, to keep connections in those obtained from BS 59508.3. However the EC38.2
proportion to the members they join, irrespective value is used in all load combinations which makes
of calculated demand, and not to use welds that sense because the lack of column verticality is related
are too small and sensitive to minor variations in to steel erection and not the load combination).
throat size. Connection detailing should be such
that ductility is in-built so that inherent assumptions The key reference8.1 describes in detail how
about load re-distribution can be realised. When the regulations8.8 are to be interpreted for their
considering resistance against collapse, the application to steel structures of every class and
possibility of moment/shear reversal on joints has the reference gives worked examples to foster
to be borne in mind. Having noted that, industry understanding. However, Reference 8.1 only deals
standard connections will comply with robustness with hot rolled sections; SCI Advisory Note AD2808.9
objectives for normal buildings. The ability of provides guidance on achieving structural integrity
connections to carry load under conditions of for light gauge steel structures designed to BS 5950
severe distortion may need to be examined explicitly Part 58.10 and Reference 8.11 gives guidance on
in unusual structures. Slimdek members.
Once complete, steel frames ought to be inherently BS 59508.3 contains specific clauses aimed at
robust, especially when they are of composite assuring robustness plus compliance with UK
construction or can benefit from the diaphragm regulations8.8. It is a specific aim of the design
action of the floors and even cladding (acting as (Clause ) that: “the structure should be
stressed skin or purlin restraints) when this is designed to behave as one three dimensional entity”
well fixed. Probably the most vulnerable stage and “the layout ….should constitute a robust and
of the steel structure’s life is the erection phase stable structure under normal loading to ensure that,
and there have been cases of progressive and in the event of misuse or accident, damage will not
disproportionate collapses simply because global be disproportionate to the cause.” Clause
stability was inadequately provided for during relates to overall stability and emphasises the need to
construction. It might even be argued that the identify the designer with overall responsibility.
infamous box girder bridge collapses of the 1960s
exemplified lack of robustness, since failure of a As with all other codes, the provisions for robustness
relatively minor detail was capable of precipitating are largely empirical. Reference 8.1 stresses the
a gross change in state. Codified rules are not use of informed engineering judgement rather than
intended to address robustness issues during promoting compliance by close attention to rules.
construction so the construction design teams need
to address the issue directly. Particular clauses of relevance in BS 59508.3 are:
––Clause Resistance to horizontal forces
To assure robustness during construction and ––Clause Notional horizontal forces
in-service, the design engineer should be clear ––Clause 2.4.5 Structural integrity (along with sub
on what provides stability and should ensure that clauses to
the load path for stability is continuous, back to a
robust foundation as a pre-requisite. Thereafter, BS 59508.3 Clause along with Clause
the specific checks for robustness need to be specifies a minimum value of horizontal load
carried out. that has to be resisted. In the absence of wind
(Combination 1) this is 0.5% of the factored vertical
There are no specific requirements in EC38.2 for dead and imposed loads applied at the same
robustness so the requirements are those derived level and this is deemed to account for practical
from EN 19908.4 and Eurocode 18.5 and BS EN 1993 imperfections likely to cause sway (such as lack of
parts 18.2 to 88.6. The main differences to current UK verticality). Where there is a wind load (Combinations
practice are: 2 and 3), the horizontal component of the factored
––The horizontal ties required for Class 2A buildings wind force should exceed 1% of the factored dead
are the same as those for Class 2B buildings. load applied at the same level. Clause
––There is no reduction in horizontal tie forces for schedules situations where the horizontal forces are
buildings less than 5 storeys. to be ignored and some structures for which the
––The tie force is based on a similar expression to notional horizontal forces (NHF) have to be increased.
BS 59508.3 using the uniform load but it uses the
accidental load case instead. The coefficients used It can be shown that the notional horizontal forces
are different to BS 5950 but in general, the end (0.5%) equate to a column plumb of 1 in 200 which
values are similar though dependant on the values is greater than the verticality tolerance customarily
of permanent and imposed load. specified, thus the forces provide margins against
––There is no ‘deemed to satisfy’ rule about making other effects as well.
the tie force equal to the shear force.
––The vertical tie force required is the maximum load The approaches to building in robustness and
from any floor attached to the column, not just that avoiding disproportionate collapse for steel structures
between splices. follow the same general principles as for all other
––The vertical tie force uses the accidental load case structural materials. Section 2.4.5 of BS 59508.3 sets
so will generally be less than in BS 5950. out the means by which steel structures may be
––There are no particular requirements for designed following the three approaches:
redundancy in stability systems. ––tying
––The requirements for tying precast floor, roof and ––notional element removal
stair units are in PD 6687:20068.7. ––designing key elements.
44 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 45
46 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
column splice down (or to the base). When applying For Class 2B buildings, BS 5950-18.3 Clause
this clause, it is the largest total reaction applied (d) requires that no substantial part of the
to the column at a floor level that should be used structure (in each of two approximately orthogonal
(i.e. the reactions from all the beams connected to directions) is connected at only one point to the
the column at that floor level). The reactions at the system resisting horizontal loading. Figure 8.2 shows
floor level are calculated using the full imposed load one example. Resistance systems can be moment
and load factors. resisting joints, cantilever columns, shear walls, stair
and lift cores, as well as triangulated bracing.
SCI publication P2128.14 has details of standard
splices, and quotes axial tension capacities to
simplify the design checks. Either bearing or non-
bearing column splices can be used to satisfy
vertical tying requirements. Non-bearing splices will
generally have higher tension capacities because
they inevitably require thicker cover plates and more
bolts for normal design. Capacities are limited by bolt
shear and adding additional bolts can easily increase
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 47
8.8 Floor units direction of the unit span as the steel beams act as
ties in the orthogonal direction.
Steel normally provides just the frame skeleton, the Tying of the floor units to the beams will often
floors being either in situ concrete on metal decking be necessary for purposes other than reducing
(which may also act as a horizontal diaphragm) or sensitivity to disproportionate collapse, such as to
precast units. There are provisions in BS 59508.3 mobilise floor diaphragm action against wind loading.
regarding anchorage of the floor units down to the
frame with the aim of preventing the floor falling The key reference 8.1 provides detailed guidance
through the frame if the steelwork is moved, or the on anchorage of precast units across a range of
floor units being uplifted as a result of accidental support configurations. Further guidance on the use
loading (e.g. explosion). and design of precast units is also provided in SCI
publication P2878.16 and P3518.17 and in Chapter 7.
BS 5950-18.3 Clause (e) requires that stairs, For Class 2B buildings, where precast units are the
precast concrete or other heavy floor or roof units main structural support and the tying is provided
are effectively anchored in the direction of their span, by reinforcement within the topping, the units need
either to each other over a support, or directly to their to be connected to the steelwork ties i.e. rebar
supports as recommended in BS 8110-1:19978.12 and mesh can be used for tying but that must be
(see Chapter 7). The tie forces between floor units anchored or tied into the steelwork as well. Figure 8.3
may be calculated from BS 8110-1 Clause 3.12.3 shows typical details for Class 2A and Figure 8.4 for
(see Chapter 7). Anchorage is only required in the Class 2B.
Continuous wet
In situ concrete stitch mortar to
take up camber
Figure 8.3 Anchorage of precast units to external steelwork (by friction and embedment). Class 1 and 2A
Figure 8.4 Anchorage of precast units to external steelwork (by positive ties). Class 2B
48 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
8.9 Notional removal of members If the system for resisting horizontal forces is
triangulated bracing, then each element of the
bracing system should be notionally removed, one at
8.9.1 Introduction a time. This includes the beam and column members
forming part of the bracing truss.
When Clauses (b), (c) or (d) are not
satisfied, BS 5950 requires that notional removal of
members or elements is considered as an alternative
check on robustness. The principles are standard 8.10 Key elements
as described in Chapter 5 (including co-incident
vertical loading) and involve notionally removing one
element at a time to see if the structure will remain The requirements for key elements are standard
semi-intact without exhibiting disproportionate failure. i.e. they should be capable of resisting 34kN/m2
If the notional removal of any element would result in under the conditions described in Chapter 5 (which
the collapse of an area greater than the prescribed includes co-incidental vertical loading).
amount, then that element should be designed
as a key element as recommended in BS 5950 BS 59508.3 Clause recommends that any
Clause (and below). other structural component that provides "lateral
restraint vital to the stability" of a key element should
8.9.2 Notional removal of columns also be designed as a key element and the same
clause defines the manner in which load is to be
Any element may be notionally removed. If a applied.
column is removed, the surrounding structure may
be supported in a displaced state by relying on a Although transfer beams are not specifically required
combination of beam catenary action and hanging to be key elements, the beams and their column
from the column above (just as in Chapter 5) supports should be robust. And if any beam supports
(observing the requirement for sensible column more than one column, it should probably be looked
splices and for the structure supporting the column upon as a key element.
as a hanger to be able to take the hanger load).
From experience, the system capacity will most
likely be determined by connection capacity. In
checking this scenario, if any beams fail completely 8.11 Resistance to extreme events
their debris load must be added to that of the floor
below; dynamic impact need not be considered (see
Chapter 4). Continuous steel frames have inherent robustness
via their ability to absorb energy through plastic
8.9.3 Notional removal of elements of the system for deformation and even elastically analysed
resisting horizontal forces structures (with semi compact cross sections)
may accept some redistribution. More information
The highest risk of disproportionate collapse on this property can be found in Chapter 2 and in
might be expected to occur if the lateral References 8.18. and 8.19.
stabilising system is deleted and so for that
reason, BS 59508.3 requires system redundancy
(which can be satisfied via double connection
points). Checking follows the standard process 8.12 Robustness of light steel frames
of removing one part of that system at a time
and provided there is a back up system in place,
there is a good chance that survival can be 8.12.1 Introduction
demonstrated, but there has to be a horizontal
load path back to each system for both systems BS 5950-58.10 provides detailed guidance on
to be effective. As the only requirement is survival, designing light steel frames for avoidance of
the reduced stiffness of the single remaining disproportionate collapse. Guidance is also given
bracing system should not matter so long as it is in SCI publication P3018.20. Light steel multi-storey
judged not so flexible as to permit generation of structures are generally constructed using a large
excessive de-stabilising effects. number of regularly distributed structural elements,
with a high degree of connectivity and structural
If the lateral stability system relies on frame action integrity. In most applications, the provision of
utilizing moment resisting connections, then each continuous ties between the components is
element of the frame with a moment resisting joint straightforward because of the multiple inter-
is part of that system and should be notionally connections.
removed, one element at a time.
The following general rules for robustness for light
If the system for resisting horizontal forces is a steel frames are consistent with the principles used in
concrete core, then each storey high segment of wall BS 59508.3 for hot-rolled steel frames.
forming part of the core should be considered as
an element of that system and notionally removed, Every building frame (i.e. all building classes) should
one at a time. The length of loadbearing wall to be effectively tied together at each principal floor
be considered as one element, is as described in and roof level. All wall studs should be anchored
Chapter 5. As an alternative, it may well be possible in two directions, approximately at right angles at
to show that the core wall segment will function as a each principal floor or roof which they support. This
key element thus negating the need to consider its anchorage may be provided by either joists or tie
removal. members. Members such as steel decking, provided
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 49
for other purposes, may be utilised as ties. When resistance to horizontal forces. For steel stud walls,
members are checked as ties, other loading may be the situation is considered to be similar to that of
ignored. Joists designed to carry the floor or roof masonry and requires consideration of the optional
loading will generally be suitable provided that their removal of a wall panel. The length of an external
end connections are capable of resisting tension. stud wall that is considered to be removed is the
Formulae for calculating the required tie force are length measured between vertical lateral supports.
given in BS 5950-58.10. For internal steel stud walls that length is 2.25 times
the storey height.
Class 2B should be designed to limit the effect of
accidental removal of supports; this may be achieved 8.12.4 Key element design
by the standard methods of tying, notional removal or
key element design. Members or lengths of loadbearing wall that cause
excessive areas of collapse when notionally removed
8.12.2 Tying should be designed as key elements. The design of
key elements is similar to that described for hot-rolled
The tying route is achieved by providing horizontal steel frames.
ties, vertical ties and a good distribution of vertical
bracing throughout the building. Note that volumetric/modular construction differs
from other forms of construction in that there is far
Horizontal tying should be arranged in continuous more connectivity, such that a stack of modules
lines wherever practicable throughout each floor may tolerate the notional removal of a whole module.
and roof level in two directions approximately at In this case it is better to use a scenario-based
right angles. A tying member at the periphery approach. Guidance is provided in SCI publication
of the building, for example at the head of a P3488.21 Building design using modules.
wall, should be connected back to the rest of
the structure. If the vertical loads are resisted
by a distributed assembly of closely spaced
elements, the tying members should be similarly 8.13 References
distributed to ensure that the entire assembly is
effectively tied. The forces for anchoring the vertical
elements at the periphery should be based on 8.1 Way. A.J.G. Guidance on meeting the robustness
the spacing of the elements and taken as 1% of requirements in Approved Document A. SCI Publication
the factored vertical load in the element at that P341. Ascot: SCI, 2005
level. If the main structural elements are discrete
columns, the horizontal ties anchoring the columns 8.2 BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel
nearest to the edge of a floor or roof should be Structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
capable of resisting a factored tensile load, acting buildings. London: BSI, 2005
perpendicularly to the edge, equal to the greater
of the load for an internal tie, or 1% of the factored 8.3 BS 5950-1: 2000: Structural use of steelwork in
vertical dead and imposed load in the column buildings – Part 1: Code of practice for design – Rolled
acting at that level. and welded sections. London: BSI, 2001
All splices in primary vertical elements should be 8.4 BS EN 1990: 2002: Eurocode: Basis of structural
capable of resisting a tensile force of not less than design. London: BSI, 2002
two thirds of the factored design vertical dead and
imposed load applied to the vertical element from 8.5 BS EN 1991-1-7: 2006: Eurocode 1: Actions on
the floor level below the splice. Unless the steel structures – Part 1-7: General actions – Accidental
frame is fully continuous in at least one direction, actions. London: BSI, 2006 and NA to BS EN 1991-1-7:
the primary vertical loadbearing structural elements, 2006: UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 - Actions on
whether discrete columns or panel walls, should structures – Part 1-7: Accidental actions. London: BSI,
be continuous at each beam-to-column/wall 2008
8.6 BS EN 1993: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
The system of bracing providing resistance to [Various parts]
horizontal forces, whether discrete members or
diaphragm panels, should be distributed throughout 8.7 PD 6687: 2006: Background paper to UK National
the building such that, in each of two directions Annex to BS 1992-1. London: BSI, 2006
approximately at right angles, no substantial portion
of the building is connected to a means of resisting 8.8 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Building
horizontal forces at only one point. Regulations 2000. Approved Document A: Structure.
London: NBS, 2004
8.12.3 Notional removal
8.9 Steel Construction Institute. Structural integrity of light
Where horizontal and vertical ties are not provided, gauge steel structures. Building Regulations Approved
the designer should check each storey to ensure that Document A (2000). SCI Advisory Note AD280. Ascot:
disproportionate collapse would not be precipitated SCI, undated
by the notional removal, one at a time, of vertical
loadbearing elements. If sufficient vertical bracing is 8.10 BS 5950-5: 1998: Structural use of steelwork in
not provided, a check should be made in each storey buildings – Part 5: Code of practice for design of cold
in turn to ensure that disproportionate collapse would formed thin gauge sections. London: BSI, 1998
not be precipitated by the notional removal, one at
a time, of each element of the systems providing
50 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
8.20 Grubb, P.J. et al. Building design using cold formed steel
sections: light steel framing in residential construction.
SCI Publication P301. Ascot: SCI, 2001
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 51
Key reference: Multi-storey timber frame buildings – a design 9.2.2 Roof structures e.g. trussed rafters
guide – BRE 20039.1.
BS EN 1995 -1-1: Eurocode 59.2 and BS 52689.3 – 9.6 are also Tests9.8 undertaken on a 10m span roof comprising
key references. 25º fink trusses have shown that trussed rafter
roofs have inherent robustness. This was found to
be the case both for suspended and plasterboard
ceiling arrangements and also under unfavourable
arrangements of wall plate end joints occurring
9.1 Introduction above removed supporting walls. The four
secondary components found to contribute most
substantially to resisting collapse following wall
Reference should be made to Chapter 2 of this Guide removal were the wall plate, chevron bracing, top
for general guidance which is also applicable to chord nodal bracing and even the tile battens with
buildings designed of timber. their interlocking tiling (full details can be found
in Reference 9.8). (Although the reference tested
BS 52689.3 – 9.6 and BS EN 19909.7 (EC0) both trussed rafters, it is considered that bolted trusses
require that timber structures should be robustly would behave in a similar manner.)
constructed and various rules are provided to
promote this objective. Essentially the same Experience from the USA9.9 indicates that most
principles apply as for any other material. The first failures in timber trusses occur in individual members
of these is that the inherent structural form should as a result of member shrinkage and connector slip
lend itself to assuring robustness; the second is that yet do not result in the failure or collapse of the truss
buildings should be designed for derived horizontal structure overall. Usually there is some readjustment
loads and thirdly all components need to be properly among other framing members so that stresses are
interconnected. The most common structural forms redistributed.
available for timber buildings are:
–– trussed rafter roofs Part A3 requirements9.10 make no direct reference
–– platform timber frame construction comprising to roofs but the British Standards for steelwork
loadbearing wall elements (e.g. studwork, structural (BS 59509.11) and masonry (BS 56289.12) both
insulated panels, cross laminated timber panels etc) incorporate a clause permitting the exclusion of
–– post and beam frames horizontal ties in roofs of lightweight construction.
–– portalised frames Hence it may be argued that collapse of light timber
and there are specific considerations for each type. roofs onto the floor below is unlikely to lead to floor
failure and thence progressive collapse. On the other
In the UK, trussed rafters are commonly used within hand, in all timber construction, the ability of floors to
hybrid structures; some longer span structures sustain falling trusses may be less likely than in other
utilise glulam beams and platform timber frame materials and for this reason the design of timber floors
construction is used for residential building up to below roofs should consider the possibilities of debris
seven storeys. Beam and post construction and loading (see Section 5.10). Moreover, because timber
glulam portal frames have been used for large span elements are so light, they are more easily dislodged
structures. Timber buildings commonly fall within (for example roof trusses under wind suction), so
Classes 2A and 2B. fixings and restraint are especially important for
assuring robustness, and caution is required in
Detailing of timber buildings requires attention to assessing the consequences of a roof failure.
robustness at all stages of construction and at
all material interfaces since the way many timber 9.2.3 Platform timber frame construction
structures are constructed relies on considerable
interaction between primary and secondary Structures comprising loadbearing walls such as
members. Although this potentially renders the platform timber frames typically use materials easily
structures vulnerable during assembly, once fastened together and the benefits to robustness have
completed, the interconnection provides many been demonstrated by full scale testing as reported
opportunities for survival. in Reference 9.13. However, despite the potential
contribution of secondary items such as claddings
and linings to the overall robustness of a structure,
engineers should be relying on properly engineered
9.2 Robustness of timber structures load paths not potential load paths through finishes
which may or may not be there depending on how
they are fixed. Reliance on connections is only justified
9.2.1 Introduction if the connection detailing rules of the relevant codes of
practice are complied with.
Reference should be made to Chapters 4 and 5
of this Guide for general guidance which is also Platform timber frame construction relies on a cellular
applicable to buildings designed of timber. plan form with all wall and floor components fixed
to each other. Reliance is placed on the diaphragm
action of the floors to transfer horizontal forces to a
52 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
distributed layout of loadbearing walls. In turn, these Since BS 5268-6.19.5 is limited to 2.7m height panels,
walls combine vertical support with horizontal racking BS 5268-6.29.6 guidance should be used for panels
resistance. The format is inherently robust proven above 2.7m (but limited to 4.8m) on all forms of
by many years of experience and through full-scale building. The current limits suggested by BS 5268
tests9.13. Robustness of the structural form exists as parts 6.1 and 6.2 take a stiffness limit of the panel
long as the following general principles are adopted: height divided by 300 as being acceptable to achieve
–– Provision of structural units that can be tied deflection limits. The TF2000 tests9.13 demonstrated
together. In particular, the fixing together of all that the actual stiffness of a timber frame building is
intersecting walls should be in accordance with significantly higher than the code limitations. Based
the minimum requirements given in Clause 4.9.2 of on TF2000, there is evidence that the BS 5268
Reference 9.5. racking design principles are adequate for strength
–– Ensuring that layouts and plan arrangements and stiffness for buildings up to eight storeys and that
provide returns and intersecting walls and floors. there is no reason for normal cellular platform frames
Return walls should be provided at the ends of all to have additional deflection limits imposed.
loadbearing walls.
9.2.4 Beam and post type frames e.g. glulam or
Consideration should be given to the layout of the engineered timber structures
loadbearing walls early in the design process to
assist with providing a robust structure. Cellular Open-plan structures such as assembly halls,
layouts are best suited to multi-storey platform schools, retailing premises and hospitals may
timber frames. Internal loadbearing walls may be constructed as beam-and-post timber frame
need to be strengthened to carry horizontal forces structures. Provision of stability in the two orthogonal
and where party walls separate the structure directions, temporary stability during construction
into separate units, the design has to ensure and adequate loading allowances should be sufficient
that horizontal forces can be taken by each unit. to ensure buildings are robust in both the permanent
The opportunities for load transfer across party and temporary conditions.
walls via structural ties are limited for reasons of
maintaining acoustic performance9.1. For buildings where the failure of a single member
(e.g. a column or principal truss) could cause a
Open plan layouts with no transverse structure catastrophic collapse out of proportion to the
are inappropriate for platform timber frames and element size, a relatively high degree of robustness
additional structure is required for stability. The should be provided. This can be achieved by
introduction of portal frame elements can provide designing the connections for the horizontal tie
solutions to open plan layouts, but attention is forces required by Annex A5 of EN 1991-1-79.15 (see
needed to maintain stiffness limits and connectivity Section 9.4.3). In addition, timber columns should
of the framing types as well as controlling differential be provided with fixed bases that are able to carry a
movement of different materials. moment and shear force equivalent to that resulting
from the notional horizontal loads (see Section 9.5.1).
The timber codes BS 52689.3–9.6 and EC59.2 provide
appropriate guidance for achieving strength and Single storey beam and post frames should have
stiffness of the components that make up multi- their roof structures adequately tied to the supporting
storey timber frames and meeting their minimum structures in accordance with the guidance given in
standards is a pre-requisite for robustness. The Section 9.4.2.
approach for checking building stability is covered
in BS 5268-6.19.5 for dwellings not exceeding seven 9.2.5 Timber portal frames
storeys and a worked example can be found in
Reference 9.14 (p39, topic: stability of platform timber As for steel buildings, a special case arises for large
frame). In particular, racking resistance, overturning span portals since failure of a single frame can
and resistance to sliding should be checked. results in a considerable collapsed area so potentially
putting the structures into Class 2A or 2B.
In addition to designing a structure for stability
by considering the equilibrium of forces and the There are similarities and differences between timber
strength and stiffness of elements, the stability or and steel portal frames. Steel portals have joints
robustness of a building is also achieved through capable of plastic action which will differ from timber
good practice detailing to ensure connectivity of frame behaviour which should be assumed to behave
items providing stiffness to the building. Examples elastically. The eaves joint on a timber portal frame
of robust connections for timber frame floor and wall must also be checked for combined bending and
connections can be found in Reference 9.14 (p26, compression to ensure that lateral torsional instability
topic: robustness and floor to wall connectivity of of the timber sections does not occur. This is similar
platform timber frame). to the checks that would be undertaken for steel
portal frames and is especially important where
Consideration must also be given to the deep, slender sections are proposed. This design
asymmetric layout of elements intended to provide check should be carried out in accordance with
resistance to horizontal forces (e.g. racking Clause 6.3.3 of EC59.2.
walls). For structures or layouts that are unable to
provide sufficient racking resistance, or have an Robustness should also be checked by assuring
unbalanced arrangement of racking resistance on that there is no risk from longitudinal instability (by
plan, the use of discrete stiffening elements such as failure of wall bracing systems for example) and by
rigid frames, should be considered. The deflection assuring that the horizontal restraint to the portal
limits for rigid frames should be appropriate for base is adequate to resist both the forces from
the structure and finishes but a limit of at least the permanent design load cases and the notional
height/500 should be adopted. horizontal load case (see Section 9.5.1).
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 53
9.3 Design for the construction period construction designed to facilitate interaction of
all components including the provision of effective
anchorage of suspended floors to loadbearing
Caution is required in multi-storey construction walls. This will generally be achieved in accordance
where racking resistance and overall building stability with Clause of BS 5268-2 and is satisfied
depend on lining materials or vertical loads from the by adopting industry-standard connection details
roof to contribute to stability. During construction, the between the floor edge and adjacent members.
building can be exposed to wind before such vertical Further details of how to achieve effective anchorage
loads are applied or before any plasterboard is fixed. are given in Section 9.6. Distinct horizontal and
Hence it is good practice to ensure that at least vertical ties are not required to be provided.
the lower half of the framing has adequate racking
resistance from permanent bracing or sheathing Class 2B buildings
materials alone (i.e. without contributions from For Class 2B buildings, robustness will be achieved
plasterboard), since reliance on temporary bracing by complying with the standard tying demands or
in large multi-storey construction has proven more by checking for notional removal of a loadbearing
complex than on low-rise projects. wall or by use of key elements (refer to Figure 5.1
and Note b). Because of the difficulty in providing
For multi-storey frames, the construction period can horizontal and vertical ties in platform frame
be prolonged and so construction loading should buildings, notional removal of loadbearing elements,
be considered as a potentially destabilising effect. one at a time in each storey of the building, in
Significant vertical loads can be applied through accordance with EN 1991-1-7 Clause A7 or Clause
storage of materials such as plasterboard packs and of BS 5268-29.3 is the preferred approach.
if stacked to one side these cause sway. Hence it Further guidance on the design of timber platform
is prudent to consider this sway possibility before frame buildings for Class 2B is given in Section 9.7.
plasterboard is fixed to stud walls, adding temporary
restraints or additional members as appropriate to limit Lightweight structures
wall stud slenderness in the temporary condition. Note that for both Class 2A and 2B structures,
the UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-79.15 allows
the minimum horizontal tie force to be limited
in magnitude for lightweight building structures
9.4 Design for disproportionate collapse (whose primary structure is timber or cold formed
thin gauge steel) to 15kN (Expression A1) and
7.5kN (Expression A2) for internal and peripheral
9.4.1 Introduction building ties respectively in recognition of the
reduced theoretical catenary tie force from a
Reference should be made to Chapter 5 of this Guide lightweight structure.
for general guidance which is also applicable to
buildings designed of timber.
54 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
of platform timber frame) provides recommendations effective anchorage, the approach for platform timber
for good practice in fixings from platform floors frame structures is to adopt good building practice
to walls and for adequate mechanical capacity to by providing lateral restraint to walls and industry-
transfer horizontal and vertical loads through the approved anchorage details of suspended floors to
structure. walls. Additionally, the design process should involve
checking the capacity of the component interfaces
Special care should be taken where wall panels along the load path (e.g. panel rail to soleplate,
are not braced by horizontal diaphragms at regular soleplate to floor deck, floor joists to head binder and
intervals (e.g. full height external panels in stair cores) head binder to panel rail and so on) against horizontal
in which case wind posts may be required. forces. The designer should be providing robust
connections at each and every junction as part of the
Where the action of an efficient ceiling diaphragm normal design process (see Section 9.5.2).
cannot be guaranteed (for example where a
decoupled resilient bar type ceiling is provided), A suspended floor can be considered effectively
Figure M3 of BS 5268-29.3 indicates that additional anchored if the connection between the floor and
edge blockings should be provided at floor loadbearing walls has a minimum mechanical fixing
perimeters where joists run parallel to the wall to specification in accordance with the details shown
ensure the lateral stability of the floor edge members in either Figure M3 of BS 5268-29.3 (see Figure 9.1),
(see Figure 9.1). UKTFA recommendations9.14 (p 26, topic: robustness
and floor to wall connectivity of platform timber
frame) or BS 5628-19.12 Annex D for timber floors
supported by loadbearing masonry. The UKTFA have
9.6 Application of ties to timber buildings also recommended minimum nailing densities in their
Technical Bulletin 39.16 which will assure adequate
anchorage of floors to walls.
The tests on the TF2000 building at Cardington9.13
demonstrated that correctly detailed timber frame In other building forms such as beam and post
structures should possess a degree of horizontal frames, where adoption of ties is possible, the tie
tying by the fixing densities provided between forces can generally be accommodated by existing
elements for overall building stability without the bolted connections in accordance with BS 5268-29.3
requirement for distinct horizontal ties. or EC59.2 as the partial safety factors for duration of
loading and material strength for accidental actions
Effective anchorage of suspended floors to generally make this load case less onerous than
loadbearing walls: to achieve the requirements of those for wind and vertical load.
(a) Floor joists perpendicular to wall (b) Floor joists parallel to wall
Minimum fixing specification for all Minimum fixing specification for all
Wall panel horizontal interfaces is 3.1mm diameter horizontal interfaces is 3.1mm diameter Wall panel
nails (minimum pointside penetration of nails (minimum pointside penetration of
37mm) at 300mm centres. For wider 37mm) at 300mm centres. For wider
interfaces nailing may be staggered. interfaces nailing may be staggered.
Bottom rail Structural deck to be mimimum 15mm Structural deck to be mimimum 15mm Bottom rail
thickness, unless particleboard in which thickness, unless particleboard in which
Soleplate case minimum thickness to be 18mm, case minimum thickness to be 18mm, Soleplate
and to extend to far side of rim beam. and to extend to far side of rim beam.
Head binder Floor joists at maximum Floor ceilings supported via resilient Head binder
600mm centres bars, blockings (of depth >0.75 joist
Top rail depth) are required at a maximum of Top rail
2000mm centres. Blocking to be fixed
at each end by a minimum of 2 no
75mm long x 3.1mm diameter nails.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 55
In checking the robustness of timber framed A separate engineered timber rim beam, usually
buildings, engineers need to apply judgment based installed loose on site, can be used to span
on the frame’s likely 3-dimensional structural between points of vertical lateral restraint (say
behaviour, backed, where appropriate, with a return walls) or key elements and act as a bridging
2-dimensional structural assessment of discrete member if loadbearing walls below are notionally
elements. The TF2000 full size test building9.13 has removed.
shown this approach conservative yet appropriate
for platform frame construction. The reference Using rim beams allows joisted floor structures
also provides guidance on the design process to be factory assembled as cassettes with a rim
for Class 2B buildings where notional removal of board used to connect the joist ends together for
loadbearing walls is part of the check. transportation. The rim beam can later function as
a vertical load transfer element in the completed
The TF2000 test building9.13 provided reassurance of structure. The provision of a continuous rim beam
the inherent robustness and availability of secondary ensures that structural continuity is achieved by
load paths within platform frames. For example, providing vertical load transfer as a bridging element
sheathed walls with no openings can be regarded and horizontal continuity by providing a nailing
as deep beams with vertical shear taken in the density in accordance with the recommendations of
panel to panel connections and tension taken out Figure M3 of BS 5268-2 (see Figure 9.1) and UKTFA
through the sheathing material in continuation with Technical Bulletin 39.16.
any timber framework across the panel junction e.g.
via rim boards. Furthermore, the TF2000 tests9.13 An example of the rim beam structural methodology
demonstrated that floors have reserve strength is shown in Figures 9.2 and 9.3 and generic guidance
through the transverse spanning capacity of the can be found in Reference 9.13.
floor sub deck and blockings when supported on
walls parallel to the span or via upper walls acting as The rim beams need to react onto wall intersections
deep beams. and the wall returns must be of 1200mm minimum
length (excluding framed openings). Such walls
Unfortunately, the TF2000 tests9.13 were specific can be non-loadbearing in the conventional sense,
to one building floor and panel shape and size. but must still be capable of transferring loads
So the findings cannot be used to show universal down through the structure; the use of lightweight
compliance with the regulations and independent partitions built off floating floors is not acceptable.
structural checks are required. It is possible to Any rim beams used are supported at the wall
undertake such calculations to prove that wall intersections by corner stud groups and to provide
panels can act as deep beams but often large or proper support, the beams must have full bearing
numerous openings exist, leading to a requirement onto the studs. To achieve this, the wall panels
for additional bridging members such as rim beams. should be lapped in the opposite manner to the
rim board
Loose rim
For 89mm wall studs,
joists may need
joist hangers
Section x-x
56 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
rim beams. If no stud clusters are present below Where the rim beams cannot be designed to
the rim beam bearing, hangers or fixings are to be span the required distance between return walls
provided off adjacent rim beams. Figures 9.4 – 9.10 one, or more, intermediate posts will need to be
indicate typical arrangements of rim beams and provided and treated as a key element and designed
their supports. accordingly (refer to Figure 9.9 and Section 9.9).
Following notional removal of a wall providing joist end support,
unless the joists are ‘top hung’ from the rim beam, they are
assumed to collapse and a check made that the collapsed area
D.C. Event 2
is within acceptable limits. The rim beam is designed to support
R3 the wall and floor joist above by bridging over the notionally
removed wall. Remaining rim beams above support joists and
walls above.
D.C. Event 1
External wall / party wall Internal wall External wall / party wall
2.25 H
Note Design span for internal rim beams Design span for external rim beams
See also Figure 9.5 (between return walls but $ 2.25 H) (between intersecting return walls)
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 57
Floor span
See beam
Figure 9.6
See Figures
9.7 and 9.8
No rim beam is required at Rim beams supporting wall and floor loads
intermediate support following notional panel removal
Figure 9.5 Plan view on a typical rim beam layout indicating the recommended arrangement of rim beam laps at wall sections
58 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
x x
Figure 9.7 Transfer beam/rim beam junction option 1 – no key element post
Level 3
Level 2
Notionally removed
wall panel
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 59
Rim beam at
floor level
Key element posts may be
required to reduce the span of
long rim beams on external
walls to within design limits.
Posts may be continuous over
a number of storeys
Rim beam at
floor level
forces taken
by floor
Steel H - brackets
to take post
reactions at top
and bottom into
floor diaphragm
Post 34kN/m2
on post
F on post F 34kN/m2 on adjacent wall
or capacity of fixings,
whichever is the least
Plan on post
Figure 9.9 Key element posts acting in conjunction with rim beams
9.8.1 Assumptions for rim beam design should be made to Clause and Figure M2
of BS 5268-29.3 and Reference 9.1 which defines
In designing rim beams, the standard assumptions these lateral restraints in more detail.
about sequential removal (see Chapter 5) are ––Rim beams and key element posts and their
applicable and the standard notional length of wall connections are designed to support the dead
removed remains as: weight of the supported structure, one third of the
––For external panels, the minimum length imposed loads plus a single storey of wall panel
considered is 2.4m, with no maximum length. with any supported claddings or linings.
For internal walls, the maximum length of wall ––Rim beams must also provide horizontal tying
considered is 2.25H where H is the clear height action at all levels through the structure. The fixings
of the panel between lateral supports (the top of presented for Class 2A buildings in Figure M3
the structural deck level below to the underside of BS 5268-2 (see Figure 9.1) are the minimum
of the structural joist level above). Reference required for robustness.
60 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
9.9 Rim beam and key element design ––Where joist span lengths are repetitive, using
principles alternate double-spanning joists with selected
walls designed as deep beams (a check should be
made that overall building instability does not occur
Key elements in timber buildings are designed as due to a lack of restraint at the back span of any
for other materials, for the notional 34kN/m2. cantilevered joists).
––Cantilevered joists supporting walls where the
The additional loads transferred by wall frame floor joists are designed to support the point load
connections to a key element post (KEP) should reaction from a single storey of wall panel plus
be included in the loads applied to the KEP when any supported claddings following notional panel
checking its capacity and restraint at floor levels. removal.
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 61
62 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Key reference: Masonry design for disproportionate collapse EN 1991-1-710.5 is the Eurocode which addresses
requirements under Regulation A3 of the Building Regulations robustness issues (see Chapters 4 and 5). It gives
(England and Wales)10.1. The Structural Masonry Designer’s guidance for design for accidental damage using
Manual10.2 provides useful advice and Eurocode 610.3 (EC6) and similar terminology and principles to those used in
BS 5628-110.4 are key references. Building Regulations Approved Document A10.6 (AD-A).
The Eurocode for masonry design, EC610.3 refers to
EN 1991-1-7 but does not give any guidance on how
the requirements of AD-A and EN 1991-1-7 are to be
achieved. Such guidance is given in BS 562810.4. With
10.1 Introduction the replacement of British Standards by Eurocodes, this
guidance will be transferred into a non-contradictory,
complementary information (NCCI) document, so that it
Loadbearing masonry structures in brick or block will not be lost. Unfortunately, there is some confusion in
are widely used for low rise structures and to some the published versions of the AD-A about the provision
extent for higher rise structures such that any Class of horizontal ties in Class 2B buildings (see Section 5.1).
up to Class 2B might be relevant. Masonry supports It is understood that the need for horizontal ties in all
are widely used within hybrid structures where the Class 2B buildings, except in timber frame buildings,
horizontal elements are timber or precast concrete will be reinstated in the AD-A. In BS 5628 and other
floors. Dislodgement of the walls increases the masonry industry publications, only one of the options
risk of precipitating collapse, so the floor survival for Class 2B buildings requires horizontal ties. Table 10.1
strategies discussed in Chapter 5 can be considered. gives the BS 5628 recommendations. The NCCI will
Most traditional masonry receives its stability by provide the finalised guidance.
being buttressed and by being loadbearing. High
compression provides for transverse shear/friction Practical masonry buildings can have varying numbers
resistance and high compression permits walls of storeys or basements though the latter can be partly
to carry lateral bending utilising pre-compression excluded from the number of storeys considered for
as a substitute for tensile strength or by facilitating classification (see Chapter 4 and Reference 10.7). There
resistance by arching to a degree which can be are risks of inadvertently reducing inbuilt robustness
surprisingly high (always providing the arch lateral with change of use and with the modern trend of
forces can be resisted). Lateral bending resistance adding storeys or basements to existing buildings. Such
in the transverse direction can be boosted by changes potentially change the building classification
incorporating bed joint reinforcement and this might so requiring a change of detailing which can be hard to
be used as an emergency span system to justify wall implement.
New build loadbearing masonry buildings falling within
Needless to say, non-loadbearing masonry is Classes 2A or 2B can be dealt with using the codified
potentially vulnerable to imposed lateral loads. Even prescriptive rules and the standard rules about tying in
loadbearing masonry may be sensitive if eccentric horizontal and vertical directions apply as with all other
vertical loads are added as a result of poor bearing materials. But for Class 2B buildings, the alternative
details. A robustness strategy should render all walls of accepting localised damage or considering local
resistant to lateral loading for general reasons of safety element removal may be found more useful since
and to avoid the need to consider taking their weight the incorporation of vertical ties is often difficult (see
into account as debris should they be assumed to Section 10.4). Theoretically, the route of designing key
fail. As many non-loadbearing walls are internal with elements is available but is often impractical.
no defined horizontal wind loading, care should be
taken to comply with code rules about height to wall
thickness and to justify any structural assumptions
about end restraint and anchorage. Particular care is Table 10.1 Detailed accidental recommendations adapted
required in the construction phase when all walls are from Table 11 from BS 5628-1
vulnerable to any lateral loading. Building class Recommendations
The traditional cellular plan form of masonry structures Class 1 Provide robustness, interaction of components and containment of spread of
offers inherent robustness if all the vertical and damage in accordance with the guidance in BS 562810.4 Clause 16
horizontal elements are interconnected and if sensible Class 2A As for Class 1, and additionally provide effective anchorage of all
traditional practice with regard to wall end returns suspended floors to walls or effective horizontal ties in accordance with
is deployed. Hence, as with all materials, achieving 33.4 and Table 12 of BS 5628
robustness starts with provision of a robust layout.
But modern demands for open space or for making Class 2B As for Class 1, and additionally:
openings can inadvertently erode that traditional Option (1) Provide (other than key Option (2) Provide effective
benefit. Additionally, masonry structures generally elements), supporting columns, beams horizontal ties in accordance
lack inherent tensile capacity (and ductility), and or slabs supporting one or more with 33.3 and Table 13, and
so become vulnerable to significant collapse in the columns or prove a loadbearing wall, or vertical ties in accordance with
event of accidental wall removal (see Box 4.1 of the loadbearing walls removable, one at a 33.5 and Table 12 of BS 5628
Copenhagen gas explosion in Section 4.3.2). time, without causing collapse
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 63
As a generality, and noting that many masonry The majority of loadbearing masonry buildings
elements occur within hybrid structures, the advice built in the UK are houses and hence at low risk
that one engineer should be responsible for overall of disproportionate collapse. Houses fall within
stability and robustness should be heeded. The consequence Class 1 of Eurocode 110.5 and Class
defining code, BS 5628-110.4, reminds designers of 1 of AD-A10.6. Hence, provided they are designed
this in Clause 16.1. and constructed in accordance with good practice
(including carrying wind loads) and with basic stability
BS 562810.4 considers the sensitivity of masonry rules, no further consideration over accidental actions
structures to overall instability. It prohibits using need be given. Nevertheless, it may well be the case
unbraced structural forms to resist lateral loading, that walls not carrying vertical loads (such as flank
e.g. pure cross wall structures that rely only upon wall walls in houses) require tying into the house floors or
flexural strength. The code states: roof plane to give them stability and robustness as
part of normal good practice.
“The design recommendations … assume
that all the lateral forces acting on the whole The main point for Class 2A buildings is that all floor
structure are resisted by walls in planes parallel elements must be anchored to masonry walls so as
to these forces, or by suitable bracing.” to form effective horizontal ties in a similar manner to
reinforced concrete structures and this can normally
and be achieved using routinely incorporated details.
Appendix C of BS 562810.4 shows suitable anchorage
“To ensure a robust and stable design it will be details for various connections between masonry,
necessary to consider the layout of structure timber and concrete elements: these are considered
on plan, returns at the ends of walls, interaction to have withstood the test of time in providing
between intersection walls and the interaction adequate robustness for masonry structures
between masonry walls and the other parts of the which fall within Class 2A. See also Chapter 7 and
structure.” Figures 10.1 and 10.2 noting the difference between
precast units spanning onto walls and units spanning
Within BS 562810.4 (Clause 16.1), overall robustness parallel to walls.
is addressed by requiring that the whole masonry
structure (or any part of it up to roof level) is designed Peripheral ties within the floor slab are primarily
for a minimum overturning force whose notional intended to deal with the loss of external walls,
minimum horizontal force value is 1.5% of the total but may also be used to anchor the internal ties.
characteristic dead (permanent) load above the level Although in principle internal ties can be anchored
being considered. to external masonry walls, it is doubtful if effective
Figure 10.1 Floor anchorage to masonry walls: timber floor using nailed or bolted joints hangers acting as a tie
64 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Precast units abutting external cavity wall Timber floor abutting external cavity wall
100mm 100mm
min. min.
Figure 10.2 Floor anchorage to masonry walls: precast units and timber
anchorage can be achieved in practice without the 10.4 Class 2B buildings: horizontal and
concurrent use of vertical ties. Thus in masonry, it vertical ties
is usual to require the external walls and piers to
be adequately connected to the floor construction
to prevent their premature failure under outward For Class 2B buildings, the requirements are as
pressure. This can be achieved by relying upon the set out in Table 10.1. Design will be based on the
shear strength of the connection, based on the type provision of effective horizontal and vertical ties or
of masonry unit, mortar strength class and design notional wall removal or use of key elements (though
vertical loading, or on its frictional resistance based proving the adequacy of key elements is difficult in
on design vertical loading and appropriate coefficient masonry, see Section 10.6).
of friction if the wall is loadbearing (but friction and
shear capacity cannot be additive), or by utilising an Where sufficient vertical loading is available, shear
in situ strip (see Chapter 7). Special joist hangers/ or frictional resistance can be relied upon to provide
straps are available where timber floors are used. the horizontal tie force. But the provision of the
complementary vertical ties can be practically difficult
Where ties are added, there are rules about their and can only be achieved within masonry voids if
spacing and these are given in Table 10.2. Typically, the walling unit has a minimum thickness of 140mm,
horizontal ties are 30mm x 5mm section when though other documents (e.g. EC610.3 ) give 150mm
designed to BS 562810.4 or BS 8103-210.8. Ties should (the minimum thickness allows room for ties and
not be less than 600mm long and should cross grouting). Special blocks are available which allow
over 2 joists (for example see Figure 10.2). However, concreting or grouting up of the tie. Alternatively,
AD-A10.6 Section 2C, requires that ties are not less discrete concrete columns (ties) can be formed in
than 1.2m long and cross over 3 joists. For ties to be the wall space. The use of full storey height steel
effective, the full load path has to be observed e.g. straps or steel sections (e.g. wind posts) as vertical
beam adequately connected to pad stone and pad ties is also possible, but the need to anchor these
stone adequately connected to wall. at floor levels can present difficulties. BS 562810.4
(Clause 33.5) has requirements for the minimum
Table 10.2 Spacing of ties (from BS 5628-1) thickness and strength of walls incorporating ties
and for their strength. Though, it is understood
Construction Spacing of horizontal restraint ties those minimum widths need not apply when using
Up to 3 4 storeys 5 storeys vertical steel straps or steel sections as ties since
storeys accommodation of internal bars is not a requirement.
Houses of Class 1 2.00m 1.25m 1.25m
and 2A Where provided, vertical ties should be distributed
around the building. BS 562810.4 (Table 12) specifies
Other Buildings of 1.25m 1.25m Not maximum spacings and minimum forces to be
Class 2A applicable resisted; as with horizontal ties, the forces to be
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 65
hq lateral
8nt h
q lateral =
1.05h 2
hq lateral
66 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 67
10.8 References
68 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
Technical papers
Arup Security Consulting. Review of International
Research on Structural Robustness and Alexander, S. ‘New approach to disproportionate
Disproportionate Collapse - Final Report. Document collapse’. The Structural Engineer, 82(23/24),
Reference 125394-00/3.01/REP-001. Prepared on 7 December 2004, pp14-18
behalf of DCLG and CPNI, March 2010
Baker, J.W. et al. ‘On the assessment of robustness’.
Institution of Structural Engineers. Safety in tall Structural Safety, 30(3), 2008, pp253-267
buildings and other buildings of large occupancy.
London: Institution of Structural Engineers, 2002 Burland, J. ‘Interaction between structural and
geotechnical engineers’. The Structural Engineer,
Institution of Structural Engineers. Stability 84(8), 18 April 2006, pp29-37; Discussion, The
of buildings. London: Institution of Structural Structural Engineer Online, 85(3), 6 February 2007,
Engineers, 1988 pp19-20
Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the Ellingwood, B.R. and Leyendecker, E.V. ‘Approaches
design of steelwork building structures. 3rd ed. for design against progressive collapse’. ASCE
London: Institution of Structural Engineers, 2008 Journal of the Structural Division, 104(3),
March 1978, pp413-423
Institution of Structural Engineers. Standard method
of detailing structural concrete: a manual for best Ellingwood, B.R. and Dusenberry, D.O. ‘Building
practice. 3rd ed. London: Institution of Structural design for abnormal loads and progressive collapse’.
Engineers, 2006 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,
20(3), May 2005, pp194-205
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 69
70 The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings
A method of assessing single storey vertical extensions for compliance with Requirement A3, Disproportionate Collapse
– Carry out a full survey of the building, noting any previous alterations and signs of distress
– Check lintels and bay windows to ensure they are capable of load transfer in the event of partial failure of the structure
– View and assess the position of the building in relation to robustness features and susceptibility to vehicular impact or
other risks that could be associated with the location and use of building.
Creating a No Creating a No Go to
multi-storey single-storey
2 A
basement? basement?
Are the chimney No Are the remaining Yes – Replace with beams and anchor the
B ends of the beam to supporting walls. Go to
breasts in parts supported on
place? gallows brackets? – Or assess robustness of the structure.
Yes No
Has the spine wall Yes Has the wall been Yes – Replace with box frame.** Go to
C been removed at removed flush with
– Or assess robustness of the structure. D
any level? return walls?
No No
Has the
rear wall been Are the
altered or contain large Yes load bearing elements No – Replace with box frame.**
D door/window openings with connected to the return
– Or assess robustness of the structure.
small sections of walls and sufficient to
load bearing have buttressing
elements? effect?
No Yes
The Institution of Structural Engineers Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings 71