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Gas Springs

Te c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n

... technology gives comfort


In the early sixties, STABILUS became the first company in the world
to develop the Gas spring for mass production. Since then, over 1.5
billion Stabilus gas springs have been produced. The first high volume
applications were automobile doors and swivel chairs, whose comfort
and reliability were enhanced by the properties of the gas springs.
In the meantime, the gas spring has found its way into numerous tech-
nical applications in all branches of industry as an indispensable
design element.

This brochure is mainly intended as an informative reference document

for engineers and salesmen, as well as for technical college and
university graduates, without actually claiming to be an instruction
manual. The basic physical properties of the gas spring are high-
lighted, as they are of considerable interest to the design engineer.
The subsequent description of the gas spring variants is subdivided
according to their function and application. Hence the LIFT-O-MAT®
gas springs are discussed first, followed by a description of
the infinitely-variable BLOC-O-LIFT® locking gas springs; the

The final portion of the information booklet describes the

HYDRO-BLOC® locking elements, as well as a procedure for selecting
the proper gas spring.
Due to the inherent flexibility of gas springs, the representation of all
types and application options is beyond the scope of this brochure.
Therefore, we will be focusing primarily on the most common gas
spring variations.

STABILUS has set the standard for gas spring technology through our
long-standing experience in development, production and industry
consultation. The contents of this brochure is a reflection of our
competence as the world market leader. We hope this brochure will
prove useful to both old and new friends of our company.

Koblenz, January 2007


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or
be reproduced without our prior permission.


1. Gas Springs, Properties and Operation 4 3. 5 Tips on Installation and Use 22

1.1 Physical Properties of the Ideal Gas Spring 4 3.6 Stabilus Gas Springs STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® 22
1.1.1 Spring Force and Characteristic Curve of the Ideal 3.6.1 STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Valve Systems 23
Gas Spring 4 3.6.2 STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Columns 23
1.1.2 Force Ratio of the Ideal Gas Spring 5 3.6.3 STABILUS Outer Tube with Bottom Spring 24
1.1.3 Work of the Ideal Gas Spring 6 3.6.4 STABILUS Telescope Outer Tube 24
1.2 Technical Gas Spring Real 6 3.6.5 Multi-Function Column 24
1.2.1 Spring Force and Spring Characteristic of the 3.6.6 Non-Twisting Column 25
Technical Gas Spring 6 3.6.7 Column with Additional Stop Function 25
1.2.2 Temperature Behavior of the Technical Gas Spring 7 3.6.8 Tips on Installation and Use 25
1.2.3 Lifetime of the Technical Gas Spring 8 3.7 STABILUS Actuation Systems for Locking Gas Springs 25

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply 9 4. STABILUS Locking Elements without Extension Force:
2.1.1 LIFT-O-MAT® Piston Package 9
2.1.2 LIFT-O-MAT® Seal and Guide Element 10 5. Gas Spring Range and Mounting Situation 27
2.1.3 LIFT-O-MAT® End Fittings 11 5.1 Estimation of Extension Force F1 27
2.1.4 LIFT-O-MAT® Gas Spring with Hydraulic and 5.2 Calculation of the Manual Force Characteristic,
Dynamic Motion 12 Simulation Calculation 27
2.1.5 LIFT-O-MAT® with a Decreasing or Progressive
Spring Characteristic Curve 12 6. Appendix 30
2.1.6 LIFT-O-MAT® with End Position Locking 13 6.1 Used Symbols and Units 30
2.1.7 LIFT-O-MAT® FR 14 6.2 Worksheet 10014184 31
2.2 STABILUS Gas Spring HYDRO-LIFT® 15
2.7 Lightweight Design: Gas Springs with Aluminum
Pressure Tube 17
2.8 Gas Springs with Shrink Tube 17
2.9 Tips on Installation and Use 18

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and Variable

Position Lock 19
3.1 STABILUS Gas Spring BLOC-O-LIFT® 19
3.2 Valve Actuation Range and Damping 19
3.3 BLOC-O-LIFT® Standard Actuation 20
3.4 Locking Characteristics of BLOC-O-LIFT® Gas Springs 20
3.4.1 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Spring-Locking 20
3.4.2 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Rigid-Locking 20
3.4.3 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Position-Independent,
Rigid-Locking 20
3.4.4 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Position-Dependent,
Rigid-Locking 21

1. Gas Springs, Properties and Operation

Gas springs are primarily used to provide a counterbalance or force 1.1 Physical Properties of the Ideal Gas Spring
assistance, but can also be used to provide damping or an end-stop.
In any case, gas springs are implemented to achieve a comfortable and In order to explain the basic function and physical properties of the gas
reliable adjustment function, in addition to a leaving a clear mark of spring on an understandable mathematical basis, an ideal model will
quality on the end product. be applied. Therefore, the influences of friction, flow and temperature
will not be considered in this section. This ideal model can be applied
The gas spring’s function is based on the potential energy of com- to all varieties of the gas spring, regardless of the construction.
pressed gas, and compared to mechanical springs, offer the following
advantages: The gas spring is a closed system consisting of a pressure tube and
piston rod with piston, as well as compressed Nitrogen (N2) as an energy
- a flat spring rate which means a relative constant force, source and a lubrication oil. Figure 1.1. shows a block diagram of the
even for high forces and over long strokes, gas spring
- compact construction
- straightforward and quick assembly
- a selectable linear, digressive or progressive characteristic,
given a similar outer shape.
- damped motion control, definable over specific positions
or over the full stroke.
- infinitely lockable
- rigid or elastic in locked position
- end stop function

Further gas spring functions can be realized using combinations of the

above properties. Devices with dampened adjustment motion are
frequently used in combination with end-position locking. A further
variant is the design of devices with dampened motion and progressive
spring characteristic etc. According to the function and application,
STABILUS gas springs are subdivided into three types:

Figure 1.1: Diagram of the gas spring

1.1.1 Spring Force and Characteristic Curve of the Ideal Gas

The piston rod with cross section AK is axially guided within the
pressure tube as shown in figure 1.1. The cross section of the pressure
tube is designated with AR (see figure 1.1.) A seal between the piston
The LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring is primarily intended as an force element rod and pressure tube seals off pressurized gas p from the ambient
for position adjustment. Typical application examples in the auto- pressure pU. A nozzle in the piston ensures that the pressure is the
motive industry are gas springs which allow easy opening of Tailgates, same on both sides of the piston.
Trunklids and Hoods. Balancing the forces on the piston in any position yields:

The BLOC-O-LIFT® locking gas spring fulfils the same tasks as the F+p·(AR-AK)-p·AR = 0
LIFT-O-MAT®; however, the BLOC-O-LIFT® additionally allows infinitely- F = p·AK (1)
variable locking. Applications for the BLOC-O-LIFT® are the back
adjustment in swivel chairs and the recline adjustment in hospital
bedsSTAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® locking gas springs are used to
adjust the height of swivel chairs.The supporting columns with these gas
springs can withstand transverse forces and bending moments while
providing infinitely-variable height adjustment and comfortable

1. Gas Springs, Properties and Operation

The spring force F is thus the product of the inside pressure and the If for example, pressure p1, with which the gas spring is filled, is
piston rod cross sectional area. In the extended position, the pressure increased, an upward parallel displacement of the spring characteristic
of the gas spring (s=s 1 ) is p1. The resultant spring force in the will occur. Larger diameter piston rods at identical filling pressures and
extended position is: tube geometry will also result in a force increase of the gas spring.
Whereas the force increases in extended condition (s1) increases
F1 = p1·AK linearly, the force in compressed condition (s2) increase even further,
because of the greater compressed piston rod volume. If pressure
As the piston rod is pushed into the pressure tube, the gas volume is tubes of a smaller cross-section AR are used, or if oil is added in the
reduced by the volume of the inserted piston rod, resulting in an pressure tube, the gas volume V1 will be reduced.
increase in pressure. Therefore, the gas spring in the compressed
condition (s=s2 ) at pressure = p2 will yield a spring force of:

F2 = p2·AK

Both forces have been plotted on the diagram in figure 1.1 which
illustrates a linear relationship. In the ideal gas spring, this
characteristic curve applies to the compression and extension force
of the gas spring.

The correlation between the change in pressure and volume is

described by the following polytropic equation:

p·Vn = Constant = p1·V1n Fig. 1.2: Spring characteristic dependent on different factors

The shape of the characteristic curve can be calculated using The spring force in the extended condition remains unchanged.
equation However, the rate of change in spring force increases, because of the
greater reduction in gas volume during compression.
F = p1·AK(V1 / V)n (2)
1.1.2. Force Ratio of the Ideal Gas Spring
with V = V1-AK·(s2-s1) In Fig. 1.2 force ratio x has been given as an additional parameter.
It is a measure of the increase in spring force over the stroke of the gas
and V1 = AR·(s2-s1) spring independent from the shape of the curve. The force ratio x is
defined as the ratio of the gas spring force at the compressed condition
where V1 is the compressible gas volume in extended condition, i.e. to force at the extended condition.
at the start of the stroke s1 of the gas spring. AK·s is the volume of
the inserted piston rod. x = F2/F1 = V1/V2
Equation [2] indicates the parameters which influence the characteristic x = V1/(V1-AK·(s2-s1)) (3)
curve of the gas spring. They are as follows:
For a force ratio x close to one, which is a result of a large pressure
- the pressure of the filled gas p1 , tube volume relative to piston rod volume, the characteristic curve is
- the cross-section of the piston rod AK ,the available gas volume V1 virtually a straight line. Compared to mechanical coil springs, the force
or respectively the cross-section of pressure-tube AR. increase over the travel of the spring is minimal.

By varying the above factors in equation [2] we obtain the curve shown Through differentiation of the spring force equation [2] we obtain with
in figure 1.2. which illustrates the isothermal change of condition n = 1 spring rate c for:
(n=1). This simplification is applicable if the gas spring is not
actuated continuously, as the temperature of the gas during the c = dF/ds = p1·A K2 ·V1/(V1-AK·(s2-s1))2 .
compression of the piston rod is nearly constant.

1. Gas Springs, Properties and Operation

Given a linear spring characteristic curve, the spring rigidity can be 1.2 Technical Gas Spring Real
calculated in a straightforward manner using the difference quotients
of the spring characteristic: Up to this point, the influences of several factors had been ignored in
the description of the ideal gas spring. The following explains the
c = ΔF/Δs = F1·(x-1)/(s2 -s1) (4) effect of the previously disregarded variables such as friction resistance,
flow resistance in the piston nozzle and gas temperature on the
function of the gas spring. The explanations of the technical gas spring
1.1.3.Work of the Ideal Gas Spring are relevant to all discussed gas spring types.
The potential energy stored during the compression of the gas spring
is made available during extension as an output force capable of 1.2.1 Spring Force and Spring Characteristic of the Techni-
exerting work. The spring force corresponds to the surface area under cal Gas Spring
the characteristic curve F(s), as shown in Fig. 1.3 : Fig. 1.4 shows an example of the technical gas springs characteristic
curve. At point B, the gas spring is fully compressed, At point A, full
with dW = F·ds extended. Extension starts point B, where the extension force along
line A-B is available to move the piston rod or the respective load on
and equation (2): dW = p1·AK·(V1 /V)n·ds (5) the piston road. To compress the piston rod, a force must be applied
which is greater than frictional force, as well as the force along line AB.
Work W can be determined by integrating equation (5) The nature and magnitude of the friction force is dependent on the
operation of the gas spring. If the piston rod is being compressed or
with n=1 (isothermal condition change) for any stroke position of the extended, the dynamic friction force FR dyn will ensue, whereas in still
gas spring as follows: condition, the static friction force FR stat is active. The differences are
illustrated by the following discussion of measuring techniques.
W = -p1·V1·ln(V1/V)
Dynamic Measurement
For the characteristic in Fig. 1.3 the useful spring force W 2 in From the fully extended position, the gas spring is compressed at a
compressed position s=s 2 is: constant test velocity until fully compressed. The subsequent,
automatic extension is controlled at the same constant velocity. During
W2 = -p1·V1·ln(V1/V2 ) compression/extension, the force reaction is recorded, resulting in the
characteristic curve. The difference between the extension and com-
Note: there is less available work in a real gas spring due the effects pression forces, as well as the technical gas spring and the ideal gas
of friction during compression and extension (see. Chap. 1.2.1). spring is analogous to Fig. 1.4 ±FR dyn /2.

This friction force occurs because of the sliding friction on the piston
sealing ring and the seal and guide elements as well as flow resistance
in the piston nozzle. The extent of the flow resistance is dependent on
the measurement or actuation speed. Therefore, faster extension and
compression speeds result in a higher dynamic friction whereas lower
speeds incur minor dynamic friction. The flow resistance can be
influenced by the shape and size of the flow path in the piston, thus
allowing the resultant damping to be tuned to a specific application.
(see Chap. 2.1).

The piston rod seal is constructed to achieve an optimum balance

between minimum sliding friction and a long lifetime of the gas spring.
The pressure of the seal exercised on the piston rod is dependent on
the spring force, respectively on the filling pressure of the gas spring.
Large extension forces require a strong pressure on the seal, to prevent
Fig. 1.3: Spring force of the gas spring gas loss and maintain the gas spring function over time and use.

1. Gas Springs, Properties and Operation

In order to obtain reproducible measurements, specified measuring

points (5mm from compressed and extended position as standard)
have been designated, and the related force designations have been
defined. (see Fig. 1.4) The measuring points and corresponding force
values of the gas spring are specified in the relevant STABILUS gas
spring drawing.

Fig. 1.5: Spring characteristic in the first, second and third


The force peak at the beginning of the first stroke is designated as the
break-away force FLB1. It only occurs when the gas spring has not
been used for a long while. During extended periods of unuse, the
lubrication migrates away from under the sealing lip resulting in an
increased static friction. As seen in the above chart, the second and
third strokes have virtually identical function values and the
break-away force has been fully eliminated.

Force Ratio (Spring Characteristic Curve)

As already stated in Chap. 1.1.2, the magnitude of the spring force is
determined by the filling pressure, the force ratio and by the gas spring
dimensions (pressure tube and piston rod cross-section). The force
ratio value is normally situated in the range

1,01 < x < 1,6.

The bottom limit is obtained from an ideal gas spring geometry

Fig. 1.4: Spring characteristic of the technical gas spring similarly to equation [3], the upper limit is a practical value based on
component stability and reasonable safety factors.
Static Measurement
Similar to the dynamic measurement, the static measurement is 1.2.2 Temperature Behavior of the Technical Gas Spring
performed with a constant speed. However, the motion is interrupted In addition to friction and flow resistance, the gas spring forces are
at the measuring points and the spring force is measured in a static directly dependent on temperature, due to the compressed gas in the
condition. The difference between the compression and extension system. The dependency is can be derived as a first approximation of
forces, as well as the difference between the ideal and technical gas the ideal gas equation:
spring, is ±FR stat /2. The friction force FR stat is caused by the static
friction of the sealing elements. It is less than the dynamic friction, p(T)/p = T/T0 = F(T)/F
which is indicated for example by F1stat is greater than F1 dyn. Typically,
when the extension force is discussed, it is the static force which is The spring force of the gas spring in extended position and obtained
referred to. Both measurements are carried out at the standard at a random temperature is then:
temperature T0 =20°C. these measurements are used to describe all
function values of the gas spring.To obtain reproducible measurement F1(T) = F1·T/T0
results, two stabilizing strokes are completed prior to the actual
measurement stroke.The springs characteristics obtained from the first,
second and third stroke (measurement stroke) are shown in Fig. 1.5.

1. Gas Springs, Properties and Operation

Where F1 is the spring force at standard temperature T0 =20°C 1.2.3 Lifetime of the Technical Gas Spring
(293 K). The force curves of a gas spring at temperatures T = T0 , T > Gas springs for e.g. automobile applications are designed in such a way
T0 and T < T0 are shown in Fig. 1.6. In general, the gas spring is that they can reach some 50,000 cycles via the whole stroke without
intended for a maximum operating temperature of 80°C.This accounts problem. Which means a loss in spring force during endurance testing
for the real properties of nitrogen (N2) in respect to temperature and is of less than 10%.
pressure changes. The force change of the gas spring as a function of
pressure and temperature is also represented in Fig. 1.6. It is also possible to equip the gas spring with special sealing system
for special circumstances or requirements. In addition to the number
of actuation cycles, the lifetime of the gas spring is also dependent on
F the natural permeability of the components.Applications with operating
temperatures in the range of ambient temperatures have a positive
effect on the life-time of gas springs. Generally speaking, the force loss
depends on the current application (ambient temperature, environ-
F1 (T > T0) mental influences etc.) and the sealing elements used. The force loss
F1 (T = T0) of the STABILUS standard gas springs is less than eight percent of the
F1 (T < T0)
specified output force during the first two years.
T > T0 T= T0 T < T0

Fülldruck 100 bar

30 50

ideales Gas

T[ C]
-40 -20 0 40 60 80



Fig. 1.6: Spring force change and spring force behavior at

different temperatures

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

The basic function of gas springs is to provide force support. In addition

to lifting, gas springs can also be used for targeted damping of a
movement with a defined speed. In addition, there are numerous
other functions that these gas springs can perform to provide even
more comfort and safety in the application.
This chapter provides an overview of the non-locking STABILUS gas
springs, which are usually used in applications with only two end
positions, such as doors and flaps that need to be moved comfortably
from a closed to an open position (e.g., vehicle tailgate).
Fig. 2.1 illustrates the additional functions available, and at the same
time, it provides a summary of the different product designations and
variants of these gas springs.

Fig. 2.2 LIFT-O-MAT®, structure and spring characteristic curve

Next is an overview of the major components of the LIFT-O-MAT® gas

spring, since they play an important part in the core tasks of adjusting
and damping. The adjustment or spring force is generated by the gas
pressure inside the device; damping is generated by the piston

2.1.1 LIFT-O-MAT® Piston Package

In principle, a piston with a simple nozzle bore would be sufficient for
hydraulic damping of a gas spring motion. On the one hand, this
bore could get easily clogged and would not guarantee functional
safety; on the other hand, it would be difficult to influence the
damping characteristics. Therefore, STABILUS uses the STABILUS
labyrinth piston shown in Fig. 2.3, the main component of the piston
package, in all hydraulically damped gas springs.

The STABILUS labyrinth piston damps the motion of the piston when
the gas spring extends, thus providing a defined speed. The extent of
the damping depends on the length of the labyrinth channel that is
passed through. It determines the flow resistance of the piston
labyrinth. With a specific position of the piston bore, any extension
speed desired can be set within a wide speed range. A "long flow
channel" in the piston creates slow extension speeds due to the high
flow resistance; a "short flow channel" provides for fast extension
Fig. 2.1 Overview of STABILUS gas springs for force supply speeds.


The LIFT-O-MAT® is the standard type of the STABILUS gas springs. Its
name symbolizes its function, namely "lifting" something, such as a
tailgate. However, this is only one of numerous application possibilities.
It always provides force support, thus making the application more
comfortable. In addition, it can also control the extension speed or the
damping, depending on the function. Fig. 2.2 illustrates the structure
and spring characteristic curve of a LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring in a

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

Fig. 2.3 Flow channel in the Stabilus labyrinth piston,

gas spring extension-damped

The axially movable piston ring acts as a control element. In the Fig. 2.4 Function of different piston packages
example shown, the ring seals the free flow cross-section between
piston circumference and pressure tube in the piston rod extension
The piston required for the respective application can be selected from
direction. The gas must now flow through the labyrinth (for example,
a wide range of piston models, so that the extension speed v and the
see long flow channel in Fig. 2.3), before it reaches the pressure cham-
force needed to compress the gas spring allow for comfortable
ber on the opposite side. Compared with the undamped piston
adjustment of the application.
package (piston without a piston ring), the extension force, as well as
the extension speed v of the gas spring, are reduced. In the compression
The extension speeds that can be selected range from 0.01 to 0.8 m/s.
direction of the piston rod, the piston ring fits onto the pinion-shaped
The adjustment of the application is nearly undamped, if the piston
disk (star disk), thus unblocking the flow cross-section between the
package of the gas spring is mounted without a piston ring. In this
piston circumference and the pressure tube. The gas can then flow
version, the LIFT-O-MAT® is used mainly to counterbalance weight.The
through the piston unobstructed, so that the compression force
extension speed of this model is significantly higher than in the
remains the same compared with an undamped gas spring. With this
damped gas spring. Therefore, a comfortable adjustment function
piston package, the gas spring is extension-damped. Depending on the
requires special matching of the gas spring to the respective application.
combination and arrangement of the piston package components, the
In addition to damping the adjustment motion, the piston package
functional properties, extension speeds, and spring curve characteristics
also limits the gas spring stroke in the extension direction, and it
of the gas spring shown in Fig. 2.4 will result.
guides the piston rod in the pressure tube.

2.1.2 LIFT-O-MAT® Seal and Guide Element

Another support location for the piston rod is the guide element at the
end of the pressure tube. Immediately behind it is the seal that
prevents the pressurized gas from escaping, which inevitably would re-
duce the function. Depending on the mounting orientation of the gas
spring, there are different seal systems to ensure the highest level of
functional safety.

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

Fig. 2.5 shows three gas spring variants, which only differ in the Dust and contaminant deposits on the piston rod can have a negative
structure of their seal and guide elements. Variant I with the standard impact on the life of gas springs. In environmental conditions that are
seal should preferably be in-stalled with the piston rod pointing down less than optimal, a protective tube offers protection against
to ensure continuous lubrication of the seal with the lubricant accu- contaminants, dust, moisture, or possible mechanical impact on the
mulating in the seal. Variant II, however, has the STABILUS double piston rod. In that case, a mounting orientation should be selected that
seal system, which allows for mounting in any orientation. Even if the prevents the protective tube from getting filled with contaminants or
gas spring is mounted with the piston rod pointing upward, the oil moisture.
enclosed between the seals ensures the lubrication of both seals. The
second seal extends the life of the gas spring; therefore, this model is In order to improve the functional safety and corrosion resistance even
used in applications that require a high number of duty cycles. further, additional protective caps made of plastic protect the crimping
and beading area of the gas spring against moisture, dust, and

2.1.3 LIFT-O-MAT® End Fittings

A large variety of end fittings allows for fast and easy installation of
the gas spring in the application. Fig. 2.6 shows a selection of
Stabilus LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring end fittings, for mounting on the
piston rod side or on the pressure tube side.

Fig. 2.5 LIFT-O-MAT® seal and guide element

Variant III has the STABILUS oil chamber. This variant is suitable for
applications where the gas spring swivels when the application is
adjusted, thus changing its position. If the gas spring is mounted with
the piston rod pointing down, it fills up the oil reservoir, in which the
oil flows along the free ring slot on the oil chamber jacket. If the gas
spring then swivels, for example when the application is opened, and
the piston rod points upward, there will still be enough oil in the
reservoir to lubricate the seal.
Fig. 2.6 Selection of LIFT-O-MAT® standard fittings
All seal systems can be augmented by a "felt chamber" upon request.
In that case, a felt ring impregnated with special grease provides
additional lubrication of the piston rod across the entire stroke. This
reduces the friction and breakaway force further, thus ensuring the
optimum function of the gas spring even in sensitive applications.

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

2.1.4 LIFT-O-MAT® Gas Spring with Hydraulic and Dynamic

Motion Damping
To approach the end position comfortably, end position damping is
provided in most application cases. Fig. 2.7a and 2.7b show the two
principles that can be used for damping the piston rod motion:
hydraulic and dynamic damping.

LIFT-O-MAT® with Hydraulic Damping

The LIFT-O-MAT® with hydraulic damping takes advantage of the flow
resistance of the piston nozzle, which is lower in gas (see Fig. 2.7a,
pneumatic damping range s2) than in oil (see Fig. 2.7a, hydraulic
damping range s1). If the gas spring is mounted vertically with the
piston rod pointing down, the oil accumulates at the seal and guide
element of the gas spring. As soon as the piston dips into the oil when Fig. 2.7b LIFT-O-MAT® with dynamic damping
the piston rod is pushed out, the piston rod moves much more slowly.
With a combination of different oils and labyrinth pistons, this braking 2.1.5 LIFT-O-MAT® with a Decreasing or Progressive Spring
effect can be customized to the application. The piston rod extension Characteristic Curve
speeds that can be selected for hydraulic damping range from 0.01 to Some applications do not require a linear, but a specially adjusted,
0.35 m/s. The length of the hydraulic damping section is given by the stroke-controlled force supply. Such is often the case in end positions
amount of oil in the device. However, this damping effect can only be of applications that require disproportionately high or low spring forces
utilized in a vertical mounting orientation with the piston rod pointing relative to the main adjustment range. The LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring is
down. particularly suited to this, since its spring characteristic curve can be
easily customized to the application by simple addition of coil springs.

Progressive Spring Characteristic Curve

A coil spring between piston and pressure tube bottom creates a
progressive spring characteristic curve, as shown in Fig. 2.8. The gas
spring is supported by the force of the coil spring, which increases the
gas spring force when the piston rod is compressed. This solution is
suitable in cases where a particularly high extension force in the
compressed position of the gas spring is needed.

Decreasing Spring Characteristic Curve

Fig. 2.7a LIFT-O-MAT® with hydraulic damping If the coil spring is placed between the piston and the seal on the
piston rod, the gas spring force is reduced by the force of the coil
LIFT-O-MAT® with Hydraulic Damping spring.The result is a decreasing spring characteristic curve.The spring
Unlike hydraulic damping, the LIFT-O-MAT® with hydraulic damping force of the extended gas spring is thus appropriately lower than the
can be mounted in any orientation. The extension speed of the gas force of the standard gas spring.
spring is controlled by a longitudinal groove inside the pressure tube.
In this case, the piston rod does not have a flow channel, so that the The spring characteristic curves of both variants can be varied by
gas flows through the free groove cross-section when the piston rod selecting a different coil spring length (it determines the break point
is adjusted. By varying the groove geometry, it is possible to adjust the s3 of the spring characteristic curve) and the coil spring force (it
motion speed of the piston rod over the entire stroke, thus optimizing determines the slope of the spring characteristic curve in break point
it to the respective application. Fig. 2.7b shows an example of the s3). Often, a rubber cushion is used instead of the coil spring, so that
extension speed behavior of a gas spring with a groove cross-section in addition to the spring effect of the cushion, the end stop is damped
that tapers off toward the end position of the stroke. The motion when the piston rod is pushed in or out. A combination of both
proceeds at a continuously decreasing extension speed, until the variants is also used.
piston rod comes almost to a halt, thus ensuring a smooth stop of the
application. When using this technology, damping in the compression
direction is also possible; this can be useful in applications such as car
hoods. Likewise, different groove geometries are possible, for example
for damped approaching of interim positions.

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

STABILUS offers two gas spring variants with a mechanical stop

element for locking forces of up to 3000 N max.

External Mechanical Locking

In this variant, a support tube is fitted on the piston rod end, which
pivots out when the gas spring reaches the fully extended position. If the
external load exceeds the gas spring force, the tube will support itself on
the front side of the pressure tube, thus preventing the piston rod from
compressing (see Fig. 2.9).To release the positional locking, the support
tube must be removed from the locked position by pressing the button
labeled "PRESS", at which point it swivels out. In addition to the locking
function, the support tube offers protection against contamination of the
piston rod.

Internal Mechanical Locking

The design of this locking function is similar to that of the ballpoint pen
principle. As shown in Fig. 2.9, it is located in the pressure tube. The
mechanical lock kicks in when the piston rod is pushed in slightly from
the extended position.

To ensure that the positional lock does not release automatically, the
load on the piston rod must be greater than the extension force of the
gas spring; therefore, the spring force of this LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring
should be lower than the external load exerted by the application. To
release the locking, the piston rod should be pushed briefly into the
direction of extension. Since the external load exceeds the extension
force, the LIFT-O-MAT® compresses in a damped manner. A sticker on
the gas spring shows the proper procedure. A major advantage of this
variant compared with external end position locking is: Releasing the gas
spring and adjusting the application can be don with one hand!
Fig. 2.8 LIFT-O-MAT® with progressive and decreasing spring
characteristic curve

2.1.6 LIFT-O-MAT® with End Position Locking

If legal requirements demand safety precautions against unintentional
adjustment, or if the gas spring is subjected to application forces that
exceed its extension force, additional stop devices are the ideal

With integrated, mechanical stop elements (see Fig. 2.9), the

LIFT-O-MAT® can lock the application. A typical application example
are mobile sales stands, in which the LIFT-O-MAT® can be used to open
flaps, as well as a locking element against unintentional closing
(e.g., under a heavy wind or snow load). If more than one gas spring
is used in an application, it is usually sufficient to equip just one of the
gas springs with the mechanical stop element.

The advantages of a mechanical end position lock in LIFT-O-MAT®

gas springs can be put in a nutshell:
- Locking and unlocking directly in the adjustment element
- Additional protection against unintentional closing Fig. 2.9 LIFT-O-MAT® with external and internal end position
- Absorption of external forces, such as wind and snow loads locking

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

2.1.7 LIFT-O-MAT® FR
In addition to force supply, some applications also require variable
positioning capability over the entire adjustment range. The
LIFT-O-MAT® FR (FR = friction) fulfills both requirements.

Fig. 2.11 LIFT-O-MAT® FR, spring characteristic curve and

holding range of the application

If the characteristic curve of the application load FA is within the spring

Fig. 2.10 LIFT-O-MAT ® FR, structure
characteristic curve of the LIFT-O-MAT® FR, the application can be
variably positioned across the entire adjustment range. Due to the
The only difference to the LIFT-O-MAT® is a friction element integrated relatively low "holding force", the application can be opened and
in the piston package, which increases the force for pushing in the closed easily with minimal manual support. If a LIFT-O-MAT® gas
piston rod. At the same time, this reduces the extension force of the spring were to be used for the application load curve shown, the
gas spring. The spring characteristic curve of the LIFT-O-MAT® FR is application "holding range" compared with the LIFT-O-MAT® FR would
therefore broader than that of the LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring be reduced. In ranges A and B, LIFT-O-MAT® ensures automatic
(see Fig. 2.11). opening or closing of the lid, whereas the LIFT-O-MAT® FR provides
for fully variable positioning of the lid in these ranges.

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

2.2 STABILUS Gas Spring HYDRO-LIFT® the "sink range" when the piston rod is pushed in, it reduces the gas
spring force or the manual force needed to close the lid. In the "fall
Just like the LIFT-O-MAT® FR, the HYDRO-LIFT® provides force supply range", the lid then closes automatically.
and fully variable positioning in the application. However, the piston
of the HYDRO-LIFT® features a pressure valve on the back of the 2.3 STABILUS Gas Spring HYDRO-LIFT®-T
pis-ton.The valve prevents the gas exchange or the compression of the
piston rod until the spring-preloaded seal releases the piston bore. The opening and closing forces of a flap with gas springs are affected
Because of the spring-loading of the seal, the force needed to push in by the ambient temperature, due to laws of physics. At lower
the piston rod is greater than the force of the regular LIFT-O-MAT® gas temperatures, the filling medium nitrogen contracts and the spring
spring (see Fig. 2.12). force decreases.

The compression force of the gas spring and/or the band width of the At higher temperatures, the filling medium expands and the spring
spring characteristics can be customized to the respective application force increases.The HYDRO-LIFT®-T was developed to keep the temperatu-
by the right choice of valve coil spring. re influence as low as possible on the functional forces of a flap. This
device is equipped with an additional, bimetal-controlled piston valve.
Valve coil spring Seal Piston bore At temperatures above +10°C, the valve is open. At temperatures
below +10°C, the valve closes and increases the holding force.
While achieving a safe holding force at temperatures as low as -30°C,
this function allows for a lower extension force.

The overall lower force level relieves the coupling points of the gas

Holding range Drop spring, which makes closing with less effort much more comfortable.

Force Application load

Fig. 2.13 Structure of HYDRO-LIFT®-T


Fig. 2.12 HYDRO-LIFT® with "hold, sink, and fall range”

The extension force of the HYDRO-LIFT® is selected so that the piston

rod in the application can only be extended with additional force (e.g.,
manual force required to open a lid). If the external load of the appli-
cation is smaller than the compression force of the HYDRO-LIFT®, the
lid remains in its position within the "holding range" (see Fig. 2.11).

Depending on the design of the HYDRO-LIFT®, the holding function

can be active across the entire adjustment range (as in the LIFT-O-
MAT® FR) or in one or more partial ranges of the application. In addi-
tion to the "holding range," Fig. 2.12 shows two other function ran-
ges of the application. The "sink range" is achieved with one or more
grooves in the pressure tube, which serve as piston bypasses, thus neu-
tralizing the function of the pressure valve. The "fall range" is created
by expanding the pressure cylinder cross section. If the piston reaches

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply


What makes the KOMBI-LIFT special are its two pre-settable positions The INTER-STOP makes it possible to limit the opening angles of flaps,
of the extended length, which can be a helpful feature in applications which is useful for tailgates in garages with low ceilings, or for hoods
such as tailgates of tall vehicles (vans), to prevent them from bumping with a normal opening position and a service position. For this purpo-
into the garage roof or door. Short persons can limit the opening angle se, the function of a LIFT-O-MAT® with hydraulic damping is combined
of the tailgate, making closing it easier. with the holding function of a HYDRO-LIFT. Unlike in the HYDRO-LIFT,
the holding force of the INTERSTOP acts in the extension direction. De-
To achieve this function, the KOMBI-LIFT has a switch on the piston pending on the application, two different systems can be used:
rod, which opens or closes the valve in the piston. (see Fig. 2.14). The
pressure tube has a groove that acts as a bypass in a certain range. INTER-STOP without Holding Range
Due to this combination, the KOMBI-LIFT is partly a locking and In the first part of the stroke (range I), the INTER-STOP works like a gas
partly a non-locking gas spring – as the product name indicates. spring with dynamic damping. The device stops smoothly at the
holding point. With manual support in the opening direction, the
1 valve in the piston opens, gas is exchanged between the function
areas, and the holding point is overcome. The holding force must be
chosen as to ensure the stop function at a temperature of 80°C. In the
second part of the stroke (range III), the device acts like a normal gas
spring and approaches the end stop in a damped motion.


tu r n

Position switch
Locking in extension Non-locking

tu r n

Fig. 2.14 Structure and application sample KOMBI-LIFT Fig. 2.15 Different opening functions of the INTER-STOP

If the valve remains open (switch position 1), the piston rod extends The closing of a flap with INTER-STOP is the same as with a
fully. However, if the valve is closed (switch position 2), the piston rod LIFT-O-MAT.
extends only partially, namely in the groove area. To extend it further,
all that is needed is a change in switch position, which opens the INTER-STOP with Holding Range
valve. Due to the special design of the piston, the piston rod can be In the first part of the stroke, the device acts as described before. In the
compressed without locking, regardless of the preset switch position. holding range, which is the latter part of the stroke, the piston valve is
opened with additional manual effort, thus enabling continuos
positioning of the flap until the end stop.

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

2.6 STABILUS Gas Spring ELEKTRO-LIFT 2.7 Lightweight Design: Gas Springs with
Aluminum Pressure Tube
The ELEKTRO-LIFT has the same technical properties as the standard
LIFT-O-MAT® . Equipped with a sliding contact at the piston, plastic To meet the need for weight reduction through lightweight design,
end fittings, and an insulating plastic shrink-tube (see Fig. 2.14.), the Stabilus also offers gas springs with aluminum pressure tubes.
ELEKTRO-LIFT can also conduct an electric current of 25 A max. at 12 Depending on the dimensions of the pressure tube, it is possible to
V. Flat connectors provided at the piston rod and pressure tube ends achieve a weight reduction of up to 30% compared with conventional
act as electrical connections. Bare or interfering cable connections, gas springs with steel pressure tube. Thanks to their bright polished
such as cables to the rear window wiper or heater in the vehicle, can metal surface, gas springs with an aluminum pressure tube feature an
be omitted. In applications where the ELEKTRO-LIFT is to be used as a attractive high-tech design.
ground connector only, metal fittings can replace the plastic fittings.

In addition, the ELEKTRO-LIFT can assume a switch function, thus 2.8 Gas Springs with Shrink Tube
eliminating an additional electrical switch in the application. In that
case, there is a plastic cap at the pressure tube end; when the piston In ELEKTRO-LIFT gas springs, the pressure tubes have been equipped
rod is compressed, the switching contact lies on the collar of the cap. with shrink tubing to insulate the steel pressure tube for many years
As soon as the switching contact touches the piston rod during now. This technology can also be chosen for special corrosion require-
extension, the electric circuit is closed. To set the switching point, this ments. In addition to enhanced corrosion resistance, these materials
variant is available with an adjustable switching contact, for example improve the gas spring's resistance to certain chemical and
for trunk lighting applications. mechanical stresses.

Fig. 2.16 ELEKTRO-LIFT, variants

Fig. 2.17 Gas springs with shrink tube

2. Gas Springs for Force Supply

2.9 Tips on Installation and Use

As described in Fig. 2.5, the gas spring should be installed preferably

with the piston rod pointing down, to ensure continuous lubrication
of the seal with the lubricant accumulating in the seal.

If the gas spring is installed at a slope, the maximum slope depends

on the oil fill amount. In that case, please notify us of the mounting
orientation of the gas spring in your application. If the gas spring
pivots around the horizontal during adjustment, the mounting
orientation of the gas spring depends on the most frequent
application end position.

In this application case, the gas spring should be equipped with an oil
chamber system. If the piston rod points permanently upward in the
application, a STABILUS gas spring with a double seal system shall be

Transverse forces may result in the premature wear of the gas spring.
The mounting and actuation of the gas spring should therefore be free
of transverse forces. If the gas spring needs to move in a
3-dimensional plane, ball joints (see Fig. 2.6) can be used as
connecting elements to prevent jamming.

The design of the standard gas spring is chosen so it can be used in

ambient temperatures of -30°C to +80°C. A brief exposure to 110°
(max. 1 hour) is permissible. The gas spring is maintenance-free.

When mounting and operating the gas spring, please make sure that
the piston rod in particular is protected from contaminants, paint, and
damage. We have prepared a directive for the disposal of gas springs,
which you can order. Please also follow our tips and hints on the
correct installation of gas springs, which can be found in our
Comprehensive Gas Spring Catalog, as well as on the Internet at

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
In addition to the above mentioned functional characteristics of the 3.2 Valve Actuation Range and Damping
LIFT-O-MAT® gas spring, such as adjustment and damping, locking gas In addition to the BLOC-O-LIFT® spring characteristic curve shown in
springs have the added property of infinitely variable position locks. Fig. 3.2, there is also a valve force characteristic curve. The valve
actuation force depends on the diameters of the piston rod, the valve
This property is achieved with a small-sized, integrated valve system pin, as well as the filling pressure of the gas spring. Since the
to maintain the compact design of the gas spring. There are two basic diameter of the valve pin is the same, different piston rod diameters
types of locking gas springs. Fig. 3.1 provides an overview and shows result in different actuation forces. For devices with a 10-mm piston
the major areas of application. rod diameter, they are approximately 20%; for devices with an 8-mm
piston rod diameter, they are approx. 30% of the extension force of
the gas spring. The actuation range depends on the design of the
valve system and ranges from 1 to 2.5 mm (see Chapter 3.3).

The extension speed of the piston rod and the damping can be specified
in the BLOC-O-LIFT® with different diameters of the nozzle bore in the
piston. The BLOC-O-LIFT® shown in Fig. 3.2 should be installed with
the piston rod pointing down, to allow the lubricant in the device to
collect in the seal. If a gas spring is equipped with a double seal
system similar to Fig. 3.4, it can be used in any mounting position.
Fig. 3.1 Overview of locking gas springs from STABILUS


The theoretical principle of the BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring was
explained in Chapter 1. The structure and specialty of the
BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring is shown in Fig. 3.2. In the piston, a valve
can be used to separate the two pressure chambers to the left and the
right of the piston in a gas leak-proof manner. If the valve is opened
by tappet actuation, the BLOC-O-LIFT® acts like a LIFT-O-MAT® gas
spring and provides force supply:

The piston rod extends, damped by the gas spring force, or it can be
compressed against the force of the gas spring. As soon as the valve
tappet is released from the outside, the valve pin closes automatically
due to the gas pressure acting on it. The gas exchange between
pressure chamber 1 and 2 is interrupted and the piston or piston rod
of the BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring is locked.This way, BLOC-O-LIFT® can
be locked in any stroke position.

Further criteria for locking gas springs, which need to be customized

for the respective application, are, in addition to the extension force
- Actuation force Fig. 3.2 BLOC-O-LIFT®, structure, valve function, and spring
- Actuation range characteristic curve
- Damping
- Locking characteristics (spring-locking or rigid)

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
3.3 BLOC-O-LIFT® Standard Actuation under external load depends on the extension force of the gas spring,
Basically, there are two different valve designs: the sliding valve and the piston rod diameter, and the respective position of the locked
the seat valve. Both types are shown in Fig. 3.3. piston in the pressure tube. If the piston is near the pressure tube
closed end, there will be a small deflection in the compressed
direction and a comparatively large deflection in the extension
direction. If the piston is locked in the medium range of the stroke, the
spring compression and extension deflection will be the same.

Fig. 3.3 BLOC-O-LIFT® standard and short actuation

Fig. 3.4 BLOC-O-LIFT®, spring-locking with double seal
Sliding Valve
The sliding valve is used in devices with standard actuation. The 3.4.2 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Rigid-Locking
actuation range for opening the valve is a maximum of 2.5 mm. This In numerous applications, for example in steering column adjustment
design is resistant to pressure and tension; that is, the valve remains or backrest adjustment in cars, rigid-locking is absolutely necessary. In
closed even when subjected to external pressure and tensile forces principle, rigid-locking could be achieved by filling the pressure tube
from the application. with oil that cannot be compressed. However, since the volume of the
piston rod to be pushed in has to be displaced, the gas spring cannot
Seat Valve be filled completely with oil; a certain gas volume must remain.
The advantage of this type lies in the very short actuation range
(max. 1 mm) for opening the valve, which responds immediately when If the BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring is installed with the piston rod
actuated and releases or locks the gas spring. Like the seat valve, the pointing down, oil will collect above the piston because of gravity.
sliding valve is pressure-resistant. When subjected to high tensile However, if the piston rod cannot be mounted pointing down, a
forces, it opens, because due to the shape of the valve pin, the pressured separating piston will ensure functional positioning of the oil. The
area at the valve seat increases relative to the valve shaft area. resulting two types are explained hereafter:

3.4 Locking Characteristics of BLOC-O-LIFT® Gas Springs 3.4.3 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Position-Independent, Rigid-Locking
Depending on the application, rigid or spring-locking can be used. If the application is to remain rigidly locked when subjected to high
These characteristics can be achieved with the right structure of external loads, rigid-locking BLOC-O-LIFT® gas springs are used. In this
BLOC-O-LIFT® gas springs. When rigid-locking is chosen, the locking case, BLOC-O-LIFT® is equipped with a separating piston that
direction can be chosen as well. Furthermore, one differentiates separates the gas and oil chambers.
between position-dependent and position-independent types.
Whereas the gas chamber compensates the compressed piston rod
3.4.1 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Spring-Locking volume and the oil expansion caused by the heat, the oil enables rigid
In certain applications, for example in the backrest adjustment of locking. The separating piston can be placed as shown in Fig. 3.5,
swivel chairs, springy, flexible locking is desirable. Fig. 3.4 shows a either on the piston rod or between piston and pressure tube end.
spring-locking BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring. Because the filling gas can In both cases, the working chamber of the piston is filled completely
be compressed, a spring effect results even when the valve is closed. with oil. Since oil cannot be compressed, variant I is rigid in compression
direction, variant II is rigid in extension direction when the valve is
First, the piston rod can be pushed in easily, but after a few minutes, closed (see Fig. 3.5).
it becomes harder to compress it against the increasing gas pressure.
This physical effect can be compared to the function of an air pump The maximum permissible oil locking force depends on the extension
with the air pump valve closed. Because of the filling pressure of the force of the gas spring and the device strength, taking into
gas spring, the stroke of the gas spring with a closed valve is much consideration all required safety factors.
smaller than the air pump stroke. The relative deflection of the spring

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
If the piston is charged in the direction of the gas chamber while the 3.4.4 BLOC-O-LIFT®, Position-Dependent, Rigid-Locking
valve is closed (variant I in extension direction, variant II in compression It is possible to achieve the function of the variant described in Fig. 3.5
direction), then the BLOC-O-LIFT® is rigidly locked in this adjustment less expensively, if the BLOC-O-LIFT® can be mounted in the
direction up to the respective gas locking force. Higher external forces will application as shown in Fig. 3.6. Here, additional construction
result in piston rod deflection, because the separating piston is displaced elements (e.g., separating piston) can be omitted.
due to the external load and the gas volume is compressed. The gas
locking force varies with extension force F1 and the charging pressure of If the gas spring is mounted with the piston rod pointing down, the oil
the gas spring.The gas locking force/extension force ratio corresponds to in the device collects under the piston. This gas spring can then be
the ratio of the separating piston/ piston rod cross-section; for design locked rigidly in extension direction, as long as the piston is covered
type I, it is approximately 4.5, for design type II, approximately 5.5. Both with oil. If the piston rod is pointed up, the gas spring can be locked
gas spring types can be used in any mounting orientation. While variant rigidly in compression direction.
II does not require additional design elements for this purpose, variant I
is equipped with the STABILUS double seal system, also shown in Fig. 3.5.

Fig. 3.6 BLOC-O-LIFT®, position-specific, rigid-locking in

extension or compression direction

If the opposite load is applied to the BLOC-O-LIFT®, the piston rod will
deflect when the external load exceeds the gas locking force. The oil
and gas locking forces of these variants correspond to those devices
Fig. 3.5 BLOC-O-LIFT®, position-independent, rigid-locking in with position-independent mounting orientation. Both variants can al-
extension or compression direction so be mounted at an incline. However, in this case, the adjustment ran-
ge where the piston is covered with oil is smaller than when the gas
spring is installed vertically. Thus, BLOC-O-LIFT® can only be locked ri-
gidly in this limited stroke range. In addition, gas spring is equipped
with a double seal system for lubrication of the piston rod seal.

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
3.5 Tips on Installation and Use
The notes in chapter 2.4 on the LIFT-O-MAT® also apply to the
BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring. The device description contains instructions
on the installation position due to the different locking functions.

If oil-locking gas springs (see Chapter 3.4.2) are used in changing

ambient temperatures, care should be taken that the gas spring can
move freely on one end according to the thermal expansion of the oil,
even when the gas spring is locked. A load on the gas spring beyond
the locking force can result in destruction or malfunction of the spring.
BLOC-O-LIFT® is locked safely when there is little play between the
outer actuation system and the valve tappet while the valve is locked.
To unlock the device, the valve tappet should be pushed in by the
amount indicated on the gas spring drawing. The maximum valve
stroke depends on the device design and is indicated in the gas spring

3.6 Stabilus Gas Springs STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC®

STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® are spring-locking gas springs
used in swivel chairs for suspension, variable locking, and damped
height adjustment, even under eccentric loads. For this purpose, the
pressure tube or the support tube of these devices are dimensioned to
accommodate the transfer of bending moments. For both gas springs,
Fig. 3.7 STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® structures
the locking valve is located on the pressure tube end, as shown in Fig.
3.7. For this reason, a guide tube is necessary, which forms an annu-
The difference between these two locking gas springs lies in their
lar gap between its outer diameter and the pressure tube inner
structure.The STAB-O-MAT® absorbs the loads resulting from the weight
diameter. The guide tube is located between the valve body and the
on the seat and bending moments (caused by uneven weight distribu-
seal and guide element. This pressure and guide tube combination of
tion on the seat) with the properly designed pressure tube; in the
a gas spring is also called a double tube system. The piston of the
STAB-O-BLOC®, the functions of "suspension, damping, and adjusting"
STAB-O-MAT® or STAB-O-BLOC® is closed.
are performed by the internal pressure tube and the "transmission of
bending moment" by the outer support tube.
When the valve is open and the piston rod pushed in, the gas from
pressure chamber 2 can flow through the annular gap into pressure
Because of these properties, the STAB-O-MAT® is considered
chamber 1. With the valve closed, the spring deflection and the spring
"self-supporting" and the STAB-O-BLOC® is "non-self-supporting." The
characteristics during extension and compression of the piston rod
combination of STAB-O-BLOC® with support tube is called
correspond to those of the spring-locked BLOC-O-LIFT® (s. Chap. 3.1.1).
"STAB-O-BLOC® Telescope." The STAB-O-BLOC® can be fastened in the
The extension force of the STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® in the
support tube with a screw cap. This way, it can easily be replaced with
swivel chair application is usually between 300 N and 400 N.The dam-
other extension force variations, without having to change the support
ping effect during compression and extension is determined by the
tube, which is fastened to the seat carrier.The strength of the taper at the
choice of the nozzle bore diameter.
end of the pressure or support tube, which is clamped into the seat
carrier of the swivel chair, determines the bending moment that can be
transmitted.STABILUS tapers are designed for reversed bending moments
of up to 240 Nm (acc. to DIN 4550 and 4551). The permissible reversed
bending stress for the respective taper dimensions can be found in the
STABILUS gas spring product line catalog.

STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Telescope are available with the

same forces and dimensions, so that they are interchangeable. The
extended length of gas springs in standard devices is between 320 mm
and 700 mm, with strokes ranging from 90 mm to 265 mm.

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
The connection geometry at the piston rod end is designed for the A taper at the outer tube end ensures easy mounting and safe
devices to be fastened to an outer tube, together with an axial ball attachment of the gas spring columns to the star base of the swivel
bearing (see Fig. 3.8). chair.The STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Telescope are secured to
the outer tube with a safety clamp at the piston rod end. The pressure
3.6.1 STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Valve Assemblies or support tube end is then pointed up, for fastening to the respective
The valve body of the STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® can be opposite taper of the seat carrier. The valve tappet is easily accessible
equipped with a sliding or seat valve (compare BLOC-O-LIFT® Fig. 3.6). for the release systems on the seat carrier. In the compression direction
This will result in different valve strokes or actuation ranges and of the gas spring, the external load is supported by the axial ball
forces for releasing the gas spring. The following table 3.1 shows all bearing secured to the end of the piston rod, which simultaneously
actuation variations. ensures a slight rotation of the seat carrier. In the one-piece version,
the bearing is a captive unit, thus contributing to easy installation or
removal of the gas spring. The rubber cushion positioned between the
pressure tube end and the axial bearing is a soft stop in the lowest seat
position, when the gas spring is compressed and cannot deflect any
further. For optimized guidance when adjusting and swiveling the gas
spring or the seat carrier, the outer tube has a fitted guide bushing.The
length of this bushing is designed to transmit the bending moments
that are led into the pressure or support tube safely to the outer tube.
The stroke and extended length of the gas spring, as well as the length
of the outer tube, must therefore be matched.The piston rod of the gas
spring is then free from transverse forces and bending moments. The
required guided length of the gas spring when extended (see Fig. 3.8)
Table 3.1 Valve and Actuation Variations depends on the gas spring stroke. The effective length should be at
least 70 mm.
The standard tappet height (see Fig. 3.7) is 6.0 mm for the
STAB-O-BLOC®, 6.5 mm for the STAB-O-MAT® gas springs. To limit the Additional column versions are available to increase the ease of gas
play between the release mechanism in the seat carrier and the spring adjustment and bounce properties of the swivel chair; they are
actuator pin of the gas spring, all actuator variants are available with an described in the following sections.
adjustable tappet (can be set with a screw).

3.6.2 STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Columns

STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® Telescope and an outer tube are
combined into a swivel chair column. Fig. 3.8 shows a gas spring
column with a standard outer tube, with the gas spring shown in the
compressed and extended position.

Fig. 3.8 STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® columns,

structures with standard outer tube

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
3.6.3 STABILUS Outer Tube with Bottom Spring
Special seating comfort can be achieved if, in addition to a rubber
cushion, a coil compression spring (shown in Fig. 3.9) is integrated in
the outer tube. This spring is connected to the piston rod of the gas
spring via flexible coupling.

Fig. 3.10 STABILUS swivel chair column with standard and

telescope outer tube, structure

3.6.5 Multi-Function Column

It is not always desirable that swivel chairs remain at the set height,
but return to a certain position upon removal of the load. The
MULTI-FUNCTION COLUMN not only returns to the highest seat
position, but also swivels back to the starting position.This ensures an
appearance of "neatness" at all times. Naturally, all other functions of
variable seat adjustment are still available in the MULTI-FUNCTION
COLUMN. The MULTI-FUNCTION COLUMN is especially suited for
conference room chairs and special chair applications, for example in
Fig. 3.9 STABILUS swivel chair column with bottom spring theGerman Parliament in Berlin or the European Parliament in
If the piston rod is compressed and the gas spring cannot deflect
further, a coil compression spring provides an additional bottom spring
function. In all other stroke positions of the gas spring, the gas spring
and the coil compression spring act together, which ensures pleasant
resilience when the gas spring is locked. As an alternative to the coil
spring, special end position buffers can be used, which also offer
more comfort in the lowest seat position.

3.6.4 STABILUS Telescope Outer Tube

The height adjustment of STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® gas
springs is usually limited by the required guided length in the outer
tube. An increased adjustment range automatically results in a longer
outer tube, thus causing the lowest seat position to be higher.

The STABILUS Telescope Outer Tube solves this problem. For this purpose,
a telescoping tube is integrated in the outer tube.While the gas spring
is guided in the telescope tube, the telescope tube is guided in the
outer tube (see Fig. 3.10). It extends as soon as the pin on the gas
spring reaches the guide bushing during adjustment of the gas spring. Fig. 3.11 Multi-function column NEW

3. Gas Springs for Force Supply and
Variable Position Lock
3.6.6 Non-Twisting Column 3.7 STABILUS Actuation Systems for Locking Gas Springs
In certain applications, swivel chairs should not turn, either due to the The actuation system consists of an actuation element, for example on
situations or facilities they are used in. This can be ensured with the seat carrier, the release head on the gas spring, and – for "
non-twisting columns. At the same time, all advantages and the full remote control" – a Bowden cable as the transmission element
comfort of the variable locking height adjustment functions of the between actuation element and release head. The choice of actuation
STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC® columns are available. element is usually determined by the free installation space and the
customer's wishes regarding form and function.
3.6.7 Column with Additional Stop Function
The telescope column with stroke-controlled stop function protects The various types of STABILUS release heads are shown in Fig. 3.13.
stools and task chairs for standing/seated workstations in a specific Also shown is a universal actuation element for BLOC-O-LIFT® gas
range against accidental rolling away.Above a defined actuation point springs.
within the stroke range, a rubber stopper rebounds out of the column
when a load is applied by the user of the chair, thus preventing the
chair from rolling away. Below this actuation point, the stopper
remains in and the chair can be used and adjusted like a normal
swivel chair.

Fig. 3.12. Column with additional stop function NEW

3.6.8 Tips on Installation and Use Fig. 3.13 Stabilus release heads and actuation element
The mounting orientation of the STAB-O-MAT® and STAB-O-BLOC®
Telescope is determined by the respective end fittings.The taper at the
pressure or support tube end is attached to the opposite taper of the The release head or valve tappet of the BLOC-O-LIFT® gas spring can
seat carrier. The outer tube taper is installed in the respective be operated by release lever or Bowden cable. Both release head
opposite taper of the star base.The piston rod of the gas spring should types are screwed onto the piston rod and secured with a nut. They
always point down. Please follow the strength classes and taper also contain the piston rod-side connection to the application, which
dimensions given in the STABILUS Gas Spring Catalog, as well as the allows for a compact design and easy installation of the gas spring.
respective standards (e.g., DIN 4551 for office swivel chairs in The Bowden cable is installed by placing the sleeve on the jib of the
Germany). actuation head.
To protect the piston rod from transverse force and bending moment
loads or jamming, the pressure tube of the gas spring shall be properly The design of the release head of the STAB-O-BLOC® / STAB-O-MAT®
guided in the guide bushing of the outer tube. The piston rod end is gas spring is designed to include the release head in the pressure
attached to the outer tube bottom, allowing for some radial play.When tube taper. It can be removed any time by releasing the fastening
using STABILUS gas spring columns, both are automatically clamps. The lever and Bowden cable lengths depend on the respective
guaranteed. application. Dimensions, strengths, and installation tips for the
actuation systems are included in the STABILUS specifications.
When mounting the multi-part axial bearings, the assembly sequence Depending on the installation situation, radial guidance of the
according to the drawing shall be followed. The swivel chair can then Bowden cable might be more favorable. There is a special
be swiveled noiselessly and comfortably. For further application hints configuration available for this as well.
see Chap. 2.9.

4. STABILUS Locking Elements without Extension
Damped adjustment and infinitely-variable locking are the characteristic chamber contains a pressurised gas pocket. When the valve is closed
functional properties of the HYDRO-BLOC®. This construction type the HYDRO-BLOC® consequently behaves similarly to the gas-locked
does not have an extension force and is thus most suitable for BLOC-O-LIFT® (see Fig. 3.3). However, the spring effect in the HYDRO-
applications that do not require any force support but damping and BLOC® is considerably less because of the relatively small gas pocket,
infinitely-variable locking. Application examples are found in the so that it locks rigidly in both adjustment directions. The valve release
automobile industry for the length adjustment of the steering column force is approx. 125 N, the valve stroke is 2.5 mm. Fig. 4.2 shows
and in furniture as an adjustment element for backrests as well as for another construction of the HYDRO-BLOC®.The constructions differ in
seat inclination adjustment. the separation piston support. Whereas the separation piston of the
HYDRO-BLOC® shown in Fig. 4.1 is positioned against the radial groove,
Fig. 4.1 shows the structure of the HYDRO-BLOC®.The HYDRO-BLOC® the coil spring shown in Fig. 4.2 supports the separation piston.
differs from the BLOC-O-LIFT® in its inner structure. The piston of the
device is arranged in such a way that in addition to a piston rod
pointing outwards it has room for a gimbal fixed compensation piston
rod. The use of a compensation piston rod results in the components
of the internal pressure of the device being mutually eliminated in the
axial direction. The piston rod thus has no resultant output force.

Fig. 4.2: HYDRO-BLOC® with the initial tension on the coil

spring of the separation piston

The temperature-dependent oil expansion is compensated by the coil

spring, a gas pocket in the work chamber is not necessary. This is why
the device is rigid in both adjustment directions when the valve is
Fig. 4.1: HYDRO-BLOC®, structure and characteristic
closed. It is only when the external load exceeds the initial tension
force of the coil spring that the piston rod can be compressed. On this
To adjust the HYDRO-BLOC® it is only necessary to overcome the device variant the valve released force is mainly determined by the force
friction force of the seal elements and flow resistance of the piston of the valve spring. It is approx. 100 N, and the valve stroke 3.5 mm.
nozzles, as shown in the characteristic curve in Fig 4.1.
Both device models can be installed in any position; the preferred
The friction is slightly greater in this construction type than in the installation position for the HYDRO-BLOC® shown in Fig. 4.1 is
BLOC-O-LIFT® because of the additional seal required for the compensation horizontal. For more tips on installation and application see chapter
piston rod.The damping of the adjustment motion may be determined 3.5.The release heads for BLOC-O-LIFT® gas springs shown in Fig. 3.3
by varying the nozzle diameter as is the case for the BLOC-O-LIFT®. can also be used for HYDRO-BLOC®.
The separation piston separates the pressureless compensation
chamber from the piston work chamber. The compensation chamber
only serves to accept and protect the compensation piston rod when
adjusting the device in the compression direction. To compensate for
the change in oil volume during temperature changes the work

5. Gas Spring Range and Mounting Situation

You can select your gas springs from the STABILUS gas spring type The extended length B can be chosen in such a way that the gas spring
programmes. They include numerous variants related to stroke A, serves as a stop when opening the flap. The required minimum thrust
extended length B, thrust force F1 and connection techniques of the A of the gas spring is then the result of the difference between the
STABILUS gas springs. extended and compressed length E.

The determination of dimensions A and B required for the applicati- The stroke or the extended and compressed length can be graphically
on as well as the necessary thrust force F1 of the gas spring occurs in represented by measuring a correct scale drawing or using
most cases by straightforward estimating techniques. A particularly trigonometric functions. The gas spring stroke should also take into
comfortable opening and closing behaviour of the application is account the length tolerance of the application and gas spring.
obtained when the required gas spring and its connection points are
obtained by simulation calculation using the STABILUS mounting Extension force F1 of the gas spring can be calculated on the basis of
proposal programme. the moment balance on the application pivot bearing.
The extension force is measured in such a way that the flap remains
5.1 Estimation of Extension Force F1 open. Moreover, force reserve factor R is included in the calculation
Fig. 5.1 gives a schematic representation of a random flap (e.g. a equation in Fig. 5.1.
machine hood, cupboard door, loader ramp etc.) in opened and closed
position. All the dimensions and forces required for estimating For R=1 the force balance is obtained from the weight force of
techniques are listed. application FG (in the centre of gravity) and of the thrust force of gas
spring F1 . The flap is then suspended. The greater the selected force
reserve factor, the greater will be the "manual force" required to
close the application.

As a general rule the force reserve factor is of between 1.2 and 1.3.
For ambient temperatures of more than 30°C R may be smaller, for
ambient temperatures of less than 10°C R should be greater (see
Chap. 1.2.2).The rigidity and weight of the application determine num-
ber n of the required gas springs. Large, flexible flaps usually require
two gas springs to prevent the tilting or sagging of the application.

5.2 Calculation of the Manual Force Characteristic,

Simulation, Calculation
To assess or optimize the adjustment function of an application the
extent of the necessary manual forces is considered over the full
adjustment range of the application. The manual force characteristic
for opening and closing the application can be determined through
simulation in the STABILUS mounting proposal programme.

The goal of the simulation calculation is to obtain the optimal

arrangement of the gas spring or extension force and spring
characteristic in combination with the optimal connection points in the
application. The optimum depends on the relevant function. For
instance gas springs in vehicle tailgates are measured to ensure that
the application requires no further manual force once the application
has opened slightly and that during closing the tailgate automatically
snaps in the lock.

Other applications require the immediate opening or extension of the

gas spring (e.g. swivel chair-backrest), other applications must be
maintained in a specific position (e.g. top part of a sun bed etc.). All
these different requirements can be represented in the manual force
Fig. 5.1: Stroke and extension force of a gas spring to open a behaviour. The drafting of a mounting proposal is done by STABILUS
flap or STABILUS agents.

5. Gas Spring Range and Mounting Situation

The necessary indications for processing the mounting proposal of an In the example (see Fig. 5.2) manual force characteristic E indicates
application with a rotating joint are given in drawing SK 0902FP in the opening behaviour of the flap at nominal F1 and at an ambient
annex 6.2. If the application is activated with a four-bar hinge, the temperature of the gas spring. To open the flap from a closed position
plans are also required in addition to the geometrical description of the manual force is initially of approx. 45 N. During the further
the fourbar hinge. opening process the manual force decreases gradually, because of the
increasing lever action of the gas spring, until the intersection point
Fig. 5.2 shows the result of the simulation calculation based on the with the abscissa (approx. 20° opening angle) is reached. As from this
example of an application drawing from Fig. 5.1. The left side of the point the manual force becomes negative.
picture shows the kinematic representation of the application. The
elements and forces used are numbered. The flap now opens now automatically up to the stop (90° opening
angle). Manual characteristic B describes the closing process from an
Rod 2 is used as a replacement representation of the tailgate and is open position of the application (90° opening angle). Hence some 33N
connected to the pivot bearing.The tailgate is represented in open and manual force are required to start the closing process of the flap.
closed condition, the suspension angle on the bearing is of 90°. The After the intersection of the characteristic with the abscissa the
gas spring as shown as element 3 in which the position of the gas manual force becomes negative, so that the flap automatically falls in
spring connections are marked by circles on the piston rod and the lock.The intersection of the characteristic with the abscissa is main-
pressure tube. In addition to the components of the application, the ly dependent on the connection points of the gas spring, thrust force
operating forces such as the weight force of tailgate FG (4) and ma- F1 and spring characteristic x as well as on the ambient temperature
nual force FH (5) for opening and closing the flap are shown according of the application.
to their position and direction.
The example in Fig. 5.2 shows the characteristics at 80°C and -30°C
in addition to the manual force characteristic at ambient temperature.
These characteristics also take into account the tolerance of extension
force F1 of the gas spring, so that he minimum and maximum manual
forces of the application can be illustrated off. The manual force at the
start of characteristic C (90° opening angle) is also called the "holding
force" of the application, because it represents the force reserve for
holding the flap open at the lowest ambient temperature (here: -30°C)
and bottom extension force tolerance. The force reserve should be at
least 45 N. The values on which this example is based are listed in the
data sheet of the mounting proposal (see Fig. 5.3).

Fig. 5.2: Result of the simulation calculation, kinematic and

manual force characteristics

The paths in which these forces act over the full range of the application
are represented as arcs.The manual forces for opening and closing the
application can be calculated at different positions along the arc. The
manual force characteristics of the application are shown on the right
side of the picture in Fig. 5.2. The characteristics are identified by
characters and the legend is located in the top picture corner.

At the origin of the abscissa (0°-opening angle) the flap is closed, the
gas spring is compressed. Positive manual forces mean that the
application requires that manual force be applied to achieve adjustment.
For negative manual forces the moment of the gas spring is
sufficiently large such that the application can adjust automatically.

5. Gas Spring Range and Mounting Situation

Fig. 5.3: Data sheet of the STABILUS mounting proposal


The performance characteristics of the STABILUS mounting

proposal programme are briefly summarised below:
- Variation of the connection positions of the gas springs,
- Variation in the extension force and hysteresis,
- Variation of the spring characteristic,
- Random characteristic (linear, degressive, progressive),
- Calculation of random constructions of single and four-bar hinge
- Compliance with building length tolerances,
- Compliance with force tolerances,
- Compliance with the operating temperature range.

For requests concerning the drafting of a mounting proposal please

refer to drawing 10014184 in annex 6.2.

6. Appendix

6.1 Used Symbols and Units

AR Pressure tube cross-section (Y inside ) [mm 2]

AK Piston rod cross-section [mm 2]
c Spring rigidity [N/mm]
F Spring force of the gas spring [N]
F1 Extension force at the stroke start* of the gas spring [N]
F2 Extension force at the stroke end* of the gas spring [N]
F3 Compression force at the stroke start* of the gas spring [N]
F4 Compression force at the stroke end* of the gas spring [N]
FD Gas or oil blocking force in the pressure direction [N]
FH Manual force [N]
FLB Break-away force [N]
FR Friction force of the gas spring [N]
FZ Gas or oil blocking force in the pull direction [N]
LB Solid length of the coil spring [mm]
n Polytropic exponent [/]
N2 Nitrogen [/]
p Overpressure of the gas in the pressure tube [N/mm 2 ]
p1 Overpressure in the extended gas spring [N/mm 2 ]
p2 Overpressure in the compressed gas spring [N/mm 2 ]
pU Ambient pressure (approx. 0.1 N/mm 2 ) [N/mm 2 ]
s Stroke, range of spring of the gas spring [mm]
s1 Stroke start (extended gas spring)/Hydraulic damping
range [mm]
s2 Stroke end (compressed gas spring)/Pneumatic damping
range [mm]
s3 Tappet of the coil spring [mm]
T Temperature [K]
T0 Standard temperature (293 K = 20°C) [K]
v Extension speed [m/s]
V Gas space or free pressure tube volume [mm 3 ]
V1 Gas space at stroke start [mm 3 ]
V2 Gas space at stroke end [mm 3 ]
W Spring force [Nmm]
W2 Spring force at stroke end [Nmm]
x Spring characteristic F 2 /F 1 [/]

*: for standard devices 5 mm after stroke start and 5 mm before

stroke end

6.2 Worksheet 10014184

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. S. TA
s t aBbI Li lU
u Ss . c o m

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