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Learning Packet 3-5

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Learning Packet 3, 4 and 5

Submitted to:
Jeff Harold B. Uy

Submitted by:
Gatil, Imee Lyn B.

Task: There is certainly no shortage of tech-based tools to use in the classroom. List down at
least five (5) tools you can use as a teacher in a digital classroom, and provide some of their
advantages when utilized. TOOLS

1. Google classroom  Agreat way to get feedback from
 Allows students to post questions and
receive answers from their teachers
and fellow students.
 Teachers can post intriguing
questions and lesson materials for
review at home
2. Prezi  It’s free and Web-Based.
 Link text and images to movement.
 Breaks the mold.
 Its interactive and zoomable canvas.
3. Quizlet  It functions as a memorization tool to
assist students’ learning.
 It allows students to share their works
with others in friends and groups.
 It can be operated in mobile devices.
4. Khan Academy  Learners can literally learn anything
and all for free. Like lessons are
presented by way of videos,
interactive activities and challenges.
 Provide extra work to the gifted and
talented students por help those who
are struggling with certain content.
5. Adobe Spark Video  With an account, all projects are
stored in the cloud and can be
accessed from anywhere.
 Different layouts and options.
 Easy to use interface.

Task: Lady Justice, according to Greek origins, is most often depicted with a set of scales
typically suspended from one hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a case's support
and opposition. Using the balance scale below, which weighs heavier (more
important/relevant) in terms of significance to teaching in the modern era? Teacher or
technology? Write your answer inside the boxes and your reasons on the space provided.

I believe that teachers are more important than
technology in the modern era of teaching. Teachers also
held great importance to students learning and growth.
The teacher is the one that guides the student’s learning
and impart knowledge. They are the one that design
and organize the student’s learning and provides real
life experiences that the technology could not give.
Technology only aids the teacher’s work. Teachers and
students could still learn and teach without technology.
It is because teaching and learning already existed even
before the existence of technology.
I. Directions: Provide the term/s that the following items ask.
1. Communicative Language Teaching( CLT)
2. Audio-lingual Method
3. Cognitive Theory of Learning
4. Grammar Translation Method
5. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

II. Directions: Identify what CALL program/material (specific software, generic software, Web-
based learning programs, CMC programs) does each item below refer to.
6. Web-based learning programs
7. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs
8. Generic software
9. Generic software
10. CALL-specific software
III. Directions: Create a diagram of how technology in language education emerged from
1900s to the present. (15 points)

(1900-1920) Classroom begin incorporating
Overhead projectors, initially
radios into
The one-room schoolhouse used for US military training,
quickly spreads to school.
history and arithmetic lessons.

(1939) (1950)
52% of schools are using silent
The first TV appears in a Headphones become popular
films and 3% are using films
classroom in LA. in school language labs.
with sound.

(1960) BASIC is developed at (1967)
Darthmouth College with
Whiteboards are invented to Texas Instruments develops
intent of giving students a
replace the Chalkboard. the handheld calculator.
simple programming language
that is easy-to-learn.

(1972) (1988)
Scantrons areused to Laptops are introduced and
Apple Macintosh computer is
automatically grade multiple are eventually utilized as
choice tests. teaching tools.

(1990) (1991) According to NCES, about 99%
of American public schools
CD-ROMs become a SMART boards are introduced
have Internet access. About
predominant form of storage. in schools.
35% had Internet access in

90% of students under the age
1.5 million iPads are used in
of 18 have access to mobile
US schools.
Term Requirement:
Create a sample case of a student who is suffering from a language learning difficulty.
Accomplish the matrix below, emphasizing the strategies/tools you are going to use as a
language teacher to address the special need of your student.

UDL Assessment Form

Teacher: Imee Lyn B. Gatil

Name of Student:
Laarnie B. Gatil


Subject Area: English I: Asian and Philippine Literature

Grade Level: 7
Learning Difficulty & Capability: *(Identify the areas he/she has difficulty with; and include
the capabilities/talents/likes of the student)
Laarnie B. Gatil is a seventh-grader who is intelligent and an honored student in their class.
Her favorite subjects are mathematics and science. She can read and write in Filipino
sentences but have a hard time in writing and speaking using the English language. Though
she can read in English, she still struggles in her fluency of the language and comprehending
the English texts or unfamiliar English words.
It affects her class participation in the English subject and have a hard time to communicate
to the teacher. It affects her communication skills and confidence because of her difficulty in
the English language. She is better on numbers than words. This will be a problem in his
growth in learning the English subject and the language.
Multiple means of representation:

 Provide video presentations or clips for the topic content that highlights and display
simple and understandable complex English terminologies.
 Provide graphic pictures or symbols with alternative descriptions of the text or word.
 Use highlight color or color shading to emphasize the words and its ideas.

Multiple means of action and expression:

 Supplement writing assignments with presentation-based tasks where students can

demonstrate learning through speaking.
 Encourage the use of technologies to ensure and help the students to accurately
express their understanding of the English text and terminologies. (App Dictionaries)
 Ask the student to write or speak using the given English terminologies in a sentence
based on their understanding.
 Sentence frames, graphic organizers and use of the WIDA English Language
Development Standards to provide necessary supports.
Multiple means of engagement:

 Brainstorming sessions
 Collaborative discussions or conversations
 Give feedback on language structure
 Use of vocabulary

Task: If you are going to invent an electronic/digital device which can be used by a language
teacher for his/her language class, what could it be? Draw/draft a design of your invention and
indicate its purpose or function.



It is a program for an AI Interactive Native

Language Speaker through a hologram.
This will serve as a great language
experience in a first-hand conversation
with that native speaker in the hologram.
It will be designed for better way to learn
a language by experiencing it in real
situation. It will help the student
developed their language by interacting
with the hologram of the chosen native
I. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement tells a fact, but FALSE if otherwise.
II. Directions: Identify if the following definitions/examples belong to digital or non-digital
resources. Write DR for digital resources and NDR for non-digital resources.
6. DR
7. DR
8. NDR
9. NDR
10. DR

III. Directions: Using the TPACK Model, think of a language topic wherein each knowledge is
involved in it. (see example on page 46 about ‘phrasal verbs’)

TOPIC: Part of Speech

Try to ask the students what Try to ask the student to The teacher can use
do they know about part of construct a sentence with the PowerPoint Presentation to
speech. Then introduce and application/ use of the part assist his/her discussion. The
explain/discuss the topic and of speech or group the class teacher can also use audio or
its examples. into five and let them video clips for the students to
construct three sentences for further understand the topic.
each part of speeches. Then
let them present/explain
their output in front of the
Create an analytic scoring rubric assessing any of the following language tasks:
• Performance task
• Written task
• Term project
Make it sure to integrate in your rubric digital/non-digital
resources that your students will use to do one of the tasks It shows an example of a
mentioned above. Encode your output on a short bond formative assessment. It
paper. assesses the students’
understanding and mastery
Format: Analytic Rubric of their skills. This will help
students identify their
(Name of the Rubric)
strengths and weaknesses
Student: Gatil, Imee Lyn B. Date: and target the areas that
___________ need work.

Program/Year/Section: BSED-English 3 Score:


CATEGORY 5-Advance 4-Profecient 3-Average 2-Beginner

Organization The order and The There are few There are some
structure of the paper/information noticeable noticeable
information is are mostly mistakes/errors mistakes/errors
accurate and organized and in in order and in order and
uses the format order. The structure of the structure of the
accurately. minutes format is information and information and
mostly used. minutes format. minutes format.
Content Clear and Able to identified Some business There are few
detailed the assignment to and events are mentioned
information and the members of mentioned. The events and
description of the team with its assignments of information and
all events and clear and detailed the members without much
business. information and are identified. clear and
progress. detailed
Grammar The One or two errors There are few There several
punctuations in punctuations noticeable errors in
and spelling are spelling and the mistakes/errors punctuations
accurate and structure of the in punctuations spelling and the
the sentences sentences. spelling and the structure of the
are well structure of the sentences.
structured and sentences.

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