K Suresh
K Suresh
K Suresh
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
Bachelor of Commerce
Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
APRIL 2020
Accredited with “A” grade by NAAC
Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai – 600 119
This is to certify that this Professional Training Report is the bonafide work of SURESH.K
(37740247) who carried out the Professional Training at “CELABRITY FASHIONS LIMITED”
under our supervision for a period of 30 days from 16th January 2020 to 12th March 2020.
Dr.N.Mathan. Mr.S.Prasad.
Internal guide External Guide
I SURESH.K (Reg.no 37740247) hereby declare that the Professional Training done
by me under the guidance of Dr.N.MATHAN.M.Com.,M.Phil.,MBA.,DFA.,Ph.d.
PALLIKARANAI, CHENNAI-600100 is submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Bachelor of Commerce.
I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Professional Training
Guide Dr.N.MATHAN. M.Com., M.Phil., MBA, DFA, Ph.D. for his valuable guidance,
suggestions and constant encouragement paved way for the successful completion of my
project work.
I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
Department of Business Administration who were helpful in many ways for the completion
of the training.
Through this professional training I came to know the present condition of CELEBRITY
FASHIONS LIMITED. It helped me out knowing the process of making textile production
from the company.
Chapter – 1
1.1 Introduction
Celebrity Fashions Ltd is one of India's consummate garment exporters with the
capability to manufacturing the largest number of trousers in the country. The company
is engaged in manufacture and sale of garments. The company has their own national
premier menswear brand, Indian Terrain. The company has two subsidiaries, namely
Indian Terrain Fashions Ltd and Celebrity Clothing Ltd.
The company has two divisions, namely exports and domestic divisions. Exports
division is further sub-divided into Tops and Bottoms division. The Domestic division
(brand Indian Terrain) and Bottoms division 5cater to different markets / products. The
company's products include men's or boy's shirts, women's or girl's shirts, men's or
boy's shorts / trousers and women's or girl's shorts / trousers.
Celebrity Fashions Ltd was incorporated on April 28, 1988 as a private limited company
with the name Celebrity Fashions Put Ltd. The company set up their first manufacturing
facility in Mylapore, Chennai. During the year 1992-93, they set up two manufacturing
facility at Velachery and Chrompet in Chennai. During the year 1997-98, the company
set up their fourth manufacturing facility at Pallikaranai, Chennai.
In the year 1998, the company became a deemed public company. In the year 1999,
the company reverted back to the status of a private limited company subsequent to the
amendment to the Companies Act 1956. During the year 1999-2000, the company set
up their fifth manufacturing facility at Porur, Chennai.
During the year 2000-01, the company launched the Indian Terrain Brand and also
inaugurated Indian Terrain's first showroom at Chennai. They created a Design Studio
in the Corporate Office, Chennai. The company set up their sixth manufacturing facility
at Thiruvencherry, Chennai. Also, they set up of washing plant at Thiruvencherry,
During the year 2002-03, the company set up their seventh manufacturing facility at
Porur, Chennai. During the year 2003-04, they set up separate warehouses, one for
trims and packing material and one for fabrics at Narayanapuram, Chennai. In the year
2004, Celebrity Designs (India) Put Ltd and Indian Terrain Clothing Put Ltd were
amalgamated with the company with effect from April 1, 2003.
During the year 2005-06, the company commenced construction of 1200 machines
trouser, an export oriented manufacturing plant with wrinkle free washing plant at the
apparel park in SIPCOT, Irungattukottai. In July 2006, the plant started trial production.
In September 12, 2005, the company was converted into a public limited company and
the name was changed to Celebrity Fashions Ltd. In January 12, 2006, the equity
shares of the company were listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd and the
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
The company entered into a Business Transfer Agreement with Ambattur Clothing Ltd
and acquired their MEPZ-SEZ Bottoms plant with effect from April 1, 2006.
During the year 2008-09, the company sold their plant at Irungattukottai, Jwala with
effect from April 1, 2008. Also, they reduced their operations base at their MEPZ,
Chennai Plant by converting the same into single shift of operations from double shift of
In September 2009, the company floated two subsidiaries namely Indian Terrain
Fashions Ltd and Celebrity Clothing Ltd. The company let out their property at
Chrompet to one of the Hospitals from April 1, 2010 at a rental income of Rs 1.50 crore
per annum. Further, the company has proposed to sell/ lease-out another property at
In September 2010, as per the scheme of arrangement, the Indian Terrain division of
the company was transferred to Indian Terrain Fashions Ltd on a going concern basis
with effct from April 1, 2010.
All of you are familiar with the term “ 30 days Industrial Training.” It is an
organized method or activity of enhancing and improving skill set and
knowledge of engineering students which boost their performance and
consequently helping them to meet their career objectives. 30days
training is crucial for students because it is the best way to acquire as much
mastery about their field as possible which helps in building confidence of
the students.
Today many companies and institutes provide industrial training to the pass out students.
This training helps students in getting practical knowledge of the current industry
scenario. After attending industrial training students get enhanced job opportunities and
career options.
➢ Practical Knowledge – In industrial training, you will get practical
knowledge about technologies and work environment. It will assist
you to understand that, how exactly companies actually work. In
industrial training, trainers focus on live approach and provide
projects which feel like corporate culture.
There were various stage – from a historical perspective –where the textile
industry evolved from being a domestic small scale industry , to the status
of supremacy it currently hold. The cottage stage was the first stage in its
history where textiles were produced on a domestic basis.
During this period cloth was made from material including wool, flax and
cotton . The material depended on the area where the cloths was being
produced , and the time they were being made
The center of the cotton industry in Great Britain was Lancashire – and
the amount exported from 1701 to 1770 had grown ten times . However
wool, was the major export item at this point of time.
In the industrial revolution era, a lot of effort made to increase the speed
of the production through inventions such as the flying shuttle in 1733, the
flyer –and –bobbin system , and the Roller spinning machine by John
Wyatt and Lewis Paul in 1738.
Lewis Paul later came up with the carding machine in 1748 and in 1764
the spinning jenny was also developed . The water frame was invented in
1771 by Richard . The power looms was invented in 1784 by Edmund
This sector also help the Indian economy through foreign exchange
earning from the export of woolen production . It has been calculated that
export earning in the fiscal 2005-2006 was Rs 2098.27 crores
➢ A large portion of the produce is meant for the foreign audience that
is why this industry is capable of earning foreign exchange for both
the artisans and country
The total number of people employed in this industry amount to 63.81
lakhs . Foreign exchange earned by this industry through export route
expanded rapidly from RS 15,616 crores in 2004-2005 to RS 17277 crores
in 2005-2006
Indian Textile Industry is going through a major change in its outlook after
the expiry of Multi-Fiber Agreement.
Multi Fiber Agreement was introduced in the year 1974 as a short term
measure directed towards providing a limited time period to the developed
countries for adjusting their textile industries in accordance with that of the
developing countries. The textile industries are characterized by their labor
intensive nature of commodity production. Availability of surplus labor is
abundant in the developing countries. These countries have comparative
advantage in the production of textile related products and hence are able
to supply goods at a very low price. The basic idea behind this policy was
to eradicate all sorts of quota system from the apparel and textile industry
all over the world so that a level playing field could be established. This
whole process of dismantlement of quota system was completed on
Now, this era after MFA is being looked upon by the experts as a means
through which the Indian textile and apparel industry is going to grow a
much faster pace and would consequently be able to leave a mark on the
whole world. Integration of this Indian industry with that of the whole world
started from the last period of 1980s. It came up to the top ten league of
countries involved in export of textile as well as apparel products after
1998. According to the statistics of United Nations Statistical Division,
2005 it was clear that during the entire 1990s, the average compounded
growth rate of clothing item export was more or less 13%. This report has
also highlighted the fact that the entire textile industry along with the
apparel one has seen a jump in its export from US$ 0.9 billion to US$ 13.5
billion during the period 1985-2003 which accounts to 15 times increase
from the base period.
Now, let us see some of the figures in order to understand the absolute as
well as relative change in the textile industry in terms of projections from
the financial year 2002-2003 up to 2006-2007 where the final financial
year represents the projected figure .The total produce of Indian Textile
Industry in fabric sector
Fig Total Produce of Indian textile Industry In Fabric Sector
The figure above shows total produce of Indian Textile Industry in fabric
sector along with the produce in all the sub sectors under it. This highlights
the fact that the total production of fabricated products by the Indian
Textile Industry between the period 2002-2003 and 2004-2005 increased
at a moderate rate from 41973 million square meters to 45378 million
square meters. But after the MFA period (ie. after 01.01.2005), the same
has increased from 45378 million sq. mts to 54260 million sq. mts between
the period 2004-2005 and 2006-2007. Hence it is evident that the
percentage increase in the fabric textile product during the period 2004-
2005 and 2006-2007 has seen a rise of around 16.37% whereas it was
only 7.5% during 2002-2003and 2004-2005. Thus, the competitive edge
that was created after MFA is quite clear .Now, let us analyze the growth
pattern evidenced in the spurn yarn sector.
At the eve of the new millennium the total yarn production was hovering
around 3160 million Kgs. The rate of growth in spurn yarn production
evidenced a sluggish growth up to 2003-2004.
But during the next two financial years this production again saw an
increasing trend and during the 2006-2007 fiscal the same is expected to
surpass the 3700 million Kg mark. The total production of Spun Yarn over
the years 1999-2000 to 2006-2007 is summarized in the figure below. It
highlights the fact that the growth rate of production in this sector was
almost stagnant between the years 1999 and 2004. From the financial
year 2004-2005, the total production of yarn geared up and is projected to
do still better during the fiscal 2006-2007.
Fig no Production of spun yarn
Production of cloth by the Indian textile Industry has evidenced an
increase in its growth at a rate of 8.7% during 2006-2007. Among this
sector, the highest rate of growth has been seen in the Hosiery sub-sector
followed by power loom sub-sector amounting to 10.1% and 8.8%
❖ Strength: Indian industry has a very strong multi-fiber base and raw
material. India ranks third largest producer of cotton and second
largest producer of silk and fifth largest producer of synthetic fiber
and largest producer of jute.
Other parts of the world have developed new techniques for the
Improvement in quality and production technique. India is still following few
traditional methods and there is a lack of technology up gradation because
of acceptance.
Inadequate product diversification in Indian industries is a major weakness
and they do not practice manufacturing new products and stick onto the
same traditional products.
2.1.4 Opportunities:
➢ Unrestricted market
➢ Growing domestic market
2.1.5 Threat:
➢ Emerging competition
➢ Non-tariff barriers
➢ SA-8000 standard
➢ ISO-9001 standard
➢ ISO-14000 standard
➢ OHSAS-18000 standard
2.1.6 References:
Before evaluating your company against the market, you need to conduct
qualitative and quantitative research and analyze your competitors (we
can help you with that, too!). This research will help you accurately assess
your company’s market and competitive positions.
➢ Highly efficient, low-cost manufacturing
➢ High integrity
2.2.2 Strategy
➢ Manufacturing
➢ Sales
➢ Technology
➢ Marketing
Quality management is essential for customer satisfaction which
eventually leads to customer loyalty. How do you think businesses run?
Do businesses thrive only on new customers? It is important for every
business to have some loyal customers. You need to have some
customers who would come back to your organization no matter what.
4.1 Production
They have a flexible production system that is able to meet the rising
demand of the customer in garment delivers, quick lead times and
complexity of style . They manufacture
➢ Men’s shirts
➢ Ladies Tops
➢ Men’s bottoms
➢ Ladies bottoms
➢ Men’s jackets
The PPM ( pre production meeting ) is the first step in the production
process and the PPM is conducted by the merchandise manager along
with the factory manager , production manager line supervisors , finish in
charge ,QA manager .This meetings is an exchange of all information
between merchandising and production on all details pertaining to the
history of the given programs . The meeting is formally recapped in order
that all personal are updated .The PPM signal the start of production
Their capabilities in fabric sourcing and fabric knowledge help them getting
the best combination of quality, price& reliability. Their raw material
requirement comprises of fabric, accessories and trims such as fasteners ,
button, labels & other consumables.
Fabric account for about 70% of our material costs and is the dominant
raw material . fabric sourcing spans the length and breadth of India , china
, Taiwan and Europe
➢ Cottons
➢ Synthetic blends
➢ Wool blends
➢ Knits
➢ Silk
After the fabric is received each of the fabric rolls are checked on the
fabric checking machine and the same is verified for both quality and
A random shrinkage test is also carried out for each of the fabrics so that
the average shrinkage can be incorporated in the cutting pattern which is
to be issued to the factory
Beside the fabrics the accessories are also checker for defects and
Fig 4.1.2 checking of raw material
They have a computer aided designing cell which makes pattern for each
of the style. The shrinkage factor give by the fabric department is
incorporated in the pattern on this CAD system only. The grading of
pattern is error free as the same is done through to the respective
production units.
The technical service cell is an integral part of the sampling cell and
➢ Embroidery support
4.1.4 Garment sewing
The cut parts are assembled into a complete garment keeping the gold
seal sample as an standard. This sewing process is carried out on the best
of the Japanese machine in order to ensure a quality product and quality
staff ensure that the final product which comes out of the meets the
required specifications.
The style which are supposed to be washed are to the laundry. Our
laundry , has the top loading washing machine as part of its facility. The
wash process is carried out as per the specifications laid down by the
designer for that particular style
They as a company attach utmost importance to the quality for our final
product .
Hence it is ensured that all the garment are checked and is defect free.
Every piece manufacturing is ensured to be as per the required quality
4.1.7 Garments ironing & packing
The central warehouse is the main hub foe distribution throughout the
country. They have excellent warehouse system in place and ERP system,
the movement of merchandise is well tracked and timely deliveries are
ensured. Indian terrain garments are distributed through three channels viz
own store NSC and MBOs.
All orders during the road shows from the three channels are collected
and delivery schedules are drawn as per priority obtained from each of the
channel. The sale order for each of the outlet are prepared by the back
office marketing team, these sale orders are communicated to the
The warehouse, prepare dispatch details as per the sale order, these
garments are packed in cartons and the cartons are shrink wrapped in a
special shrink wrapping machine .
This is done to avoid damage of garments due rain or water during trans
They have the latest software in place to help us in preparing the MIS for
all the activities and a regular review of the company’s performance and its
achievement of the goal set in the Fiscal plan
Operators 27
Non operators 03
Parts ironer 02
Checker 03
4.2 HR department
Celebrity fashions is one of the high labour and low capital intensive
industries .Like any other organization in the manufacturing sector ,
garment sector have to sustain intense competition and perpetual change
.Well motivated work force that performs up to it potential can make all the
inference between a successful organization and the one that asprise to
be the worlds best garments manufacturing . The policy of the company is
open and transparent .It also helps in creating conducive work
environment where recognition and rewards are ensured for the right
people at the right time
The company focuses and continuously works for the health , safety and
welfare of employee3s and all the manufacturing facilities are subject to
compliance audit by the international buyer regularly
Healthy and harmonious relationship that the company nurtures with its
employees constitutes the Hall mark . By leverage the human resources
efficiently and effectively , the company enjoy the greater competitive
advantage . Celebrity believes in training and developing its people
➢ For Good Industrial Relations
➢ Listening and responding to employees to maintain high job-
satisfaction levels
Female Male
Cutting 127 08
Production 920 58
Finishing 147 38
Fabric store 14 17
Trim store 14 05
Factory 33 91
All employees are bund bot observe safety precautions as directed by the
All accident however minor should be reported at once by the employee
concerned to his /her immediate superior and in his absence to the
department head
The employee shall engage his self only in the operation of the machine or
duty to which he has been posted except when he is instructed by the
management to attend to a different work
4.3 Marketing
This leads into the marketing mix, which outlines the specifics of the
product and how it will be sold. This can in turn, be affected by the
environment surrounding the product , the results of marketing research
and market research, and the characteristics of the product's target
Once these factors are determined, marketers must then decide what
methods will be used to market the product. This decision is based on the
factors analyzed in the planning stage as well as where the product is in
the product life cycle.
4.3.1 Merchandising department
He or She creates colours and specifications and carries out the market
research to decide the most effectual ways to sell and promote the product
He or she should be able to plan meticulously and control the operations
involved in production of products, sourcing them and dispatching them to
the customer on time
4.3.3 Merchandising Work flow
➢ Meeting with suppliers for negotiating the cost and handling of stock
4.3.4 Own Brand
4.3.5 Marketing brands
4.4 Finance Department
4.4.2 Cash voucher for petty cash book
The petty cash voucher should provide space for the following:
➢ Date
➢ Amount disbursed
➢ Person receiving the money
➢ Reason for the disbursement
➢ General ledger account to be charged
➢ Initials of the person disbursing the money from the petty cash
Some petty cash vouchers are pre numbered and sometimes a number is
assigned for reference and control. Receipts or other documentation
justifying the disbursement should be attached to the petty cash voucher.
4.4.3 Celebrity fashions limited cash voucher
Please pay………………………………………………………………………
On Account of……………………………………………………………………
In some cases, the petty cash Custodian may find it necessary to advance
up to $200 cash to an employee for travel or for miscellaneous business
supplies. Under no circumstances will petty cash advances be allowed
All petty cash vouchers must be submitted in head office for verification
and then get the amount from main branch for next month use to
The internship had provided an opportunity to gain hands on work
experience to the students. It had been successful in impacting practical
exposure to students and gives better understanding about the real time
organizational Environment. This internship would also be helpful to the
students to gain better job opportunities. It has definitely improved my
knowledge on manufacturing industry and in their functional areas like
production department, Human resource department, finance department
and marketing department. The experience has taught me valuable
lessons that will help me Through-out my career. It has also improved my
skill levels in the fields I worked in and helps me feel confident in what I