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Water Absorbing Roads (WAR) : A New Construction Technique For Roads in India

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Water Absorbing Roads (WAR): A New Construction Technique for

Roads in India
Vinayak Wagh1, Pradip Kachave2, Darshan Nikam3, Sanjana Ahire4, Nikhil Gangurde5
1,2,3,4Student of B.E., Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Foundation’s SIEM, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
5Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip Foundation’s SIEM, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
Abstract - Roads are lifeline of our country as it is the best national resources for the National Ready Mixed Concrete
suitable method for all type of vehicles and most used by Association (NRMCA). Pervious concrete has been in limited
common people. The development of any country largely use in Europe for over 100 years but took hold in the United
depends on the efficiency of its transportation system, because States about 30 years ago, Huffman adds.
the transportation of a chain of activities related to economic Porous asphalt: Porous asphalt pavements with stone
development. Human wants are satisfied by the production of reservoirs are a multifunctional, low impact development
good and its distribution. It provides access to airport, dock & technology that integrate ecological and environmental goals
harbors railways stations which are other modes of transport. for a site with land development goals, reducing the net
It provides door to door services which is not possible by other environmental impact for a project. Not only do they provide
modes of transport. Total road length = 5,532,482 km in India a strong pavement surface for parking, walkways, trails, and
including village road. The road are ordinary type i.e. concrete roadways, they are designed to manage and treat storm
road, WBM road or bituminous road. If we replace these road water runoff. With proper design and installation, porous
by water absorbing road (WAR) we can save large quantity of asphalt pavements can provide a cost-effective solution for
water. Ordinary road constructed in cities majorly face the storm water management in an environmentally friendly
problem of flooding of road and because it’s top layer is way.
impervious. In urban areas larger amount of rainwater ends
up falling on impervious surfaces such as parking lots, Permeable Pavers: Pavers are solid concrete blocks that fit
driveways, sidewalks, and streets rather than soaking into the together to form a pattern with small aggregate-filled spaces
soil and becomes stormwater. This creates an imbalance in the in between the pavers that allow storm water to infiltrate.
natural ecosystem and leads to a host of problems including These spaces typically account for 5 to 15 percent of the
erosion, floods, ground water level depletion and pollution of surface area. Various types of pavers are:
rivers, as rainwater rushing across pavement surfaces picks up (a) Permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP).
everything from oil and grease spills to de-icing salts and
chemical fertilizers. (b) Permeable interlocking clay brick pavers (PICBP).
(c) Concrete grid pavers (CGP).
Key Words: Water Absorbing Roads (WAR), Bituminous
Roads, Impervious Surface, Stormwater, etc.

1.1 Water absorbing roads: Porous pavement, or
permeable pavement, is an engineered hardscaping surface
that allows water to flow through it. This differs from
traditional types of pavement, which are impermeable and
convert most rainfall to runoff. There are three basic types of
porous pavement, which are generally suitable as an
alternative to the traditional impermeable surface:
1. Pervious Concrete.
2. Porous Asphalt. Fig-1: Types of Permeable Pavers.

3. Permeable Pavers. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT

Pervious concrete: Pervious concrete is similar to The road or the pavements are the essentials for the
conventional concrete but manufactured without most or all country’s growth as they provides door to door service of
of the sand in order to create voids allowing water to flow goods and materials. The methods of construction of roads
are mutated from one century to another. In the traditional
through the concrete and drain through the subgrade for
road construction, we have faced so many problems like
filtration, ground water recharge and reduction in overall
surface water flooding, poor water quality, high maintenance
storm water runoff, says Dan Huffman, vice president of

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4784
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

cost, reduced ground water levels, increased risk of the earlier record of 1606mm in 2005. Roads were
contamination. For over 300 years now, Mumbai has been inundated, all the vehicles were submerged and even found
receiving heavy rains and also witnessing high tides. The floating. The increased rain fall has led to 50% of accidents
amount of rain that the city receives has remained the same. and potholes (Times of India, Oct 16 th 2017). Frequent road
So, what has changed? Why does it now submerge the city reconstruction has resulted in heavy traffic, potholes on the
after every spell? Rapid urbanisation, which turned Mumbai rods and accidents as a result of poor road conditions. This
into a concrete jungle, is one of the key reasons. project mainly focused on Nelamangala to implement porous
1.3 OBJECTIVES asphalt pavements. A survey was conducted in Barmanna
There are numerous objectives associated with the use of Layout and identified that poor roads conditions was the
WAR: most important problem. The data was collected through
Volume Reduction & Flood Control: Because water flows survey and identified that about 57% of the respondent were
through porous pavement, the volume of runoff generated in the opinion that poor road condition has increased the
during a storm event is significantly decreased or eliminated accidents and number of potholes. For the identified
altogether. This reduction in volume results in flood control problems porous asphalt pavement can be a solution which
and reduces the need for traditional stormwater helps in overcoming these problems and cost analysis of
infrastructure (piping, catch basins, stormwater ponds, asphalt pavement was done. It was concluded that porous
curbing, etc.). asphalt pavement can reduce accidents, potholes and heavy
Water Quality: Pollutants are captured during infiltration, traffic.
reducing pollutant load to local waterways. Infiltrated runoff
recharges groundwater supplies, improves flow in streams, Lucas Niehuns Antunes, Enedir Ghisi and Liseane Padilha
and reduces the need for landscaping irrigation. Thives (Nov. 2018): Permeable Pavements Life Cycle
Road Safety and Durability: Porous pavement increases Assessment: A Literature Review.
skid resistance and traction on wet surfaces while also The number of studies involving life cycle assessment has
reducing the spray from passing vehicles and decreasing increased significantly in recent years. The life cycle
noise. Since water infiltrates rather than pools, black ice does assessment has been applied to assess the environmental
not form and less road salting is needed. Pavement lifespan performance of water infrastructures, including the
also increases. environmental impacts associated with construction,
Heat Island Effect Mitigation: Heat islands are developed maintenance and disposal, mainly evaluating the amount of
areas that are hotter than surrounding rural areas. greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the consumption of
Traditional paving materials, which become hotter than energy and natural resources. The objective of this paper is to
vegetated surfaces, contribute to the heat island effect. In present an overview of permeable pavements and show
applications of porous pavement, the amount of heat studies of life cycle assessment that compare the
released at night is reduced due to the limited transfer of environmental performance of permeable pavements with
heat to the subsurface layers. traditional drainage systems.


Karthik H. Obla (2010) Pervious Concrete: An Overview.

Pervious concrete is a special high porosity concrete used for
flatwork applications that allows water from precipitation
and other sources to pass through, thereby reducing the
runoff from a site and recharging ground water levels. Its
void content ranges from 18 to 35% with compressive
strengths of 400 to 4000 psi (28 to 281 kg/cm2). The
infiltration rate of pervious concrete will fall into the range of
2 to 18 gallons per minute per square foot (80 to 720 liters
per minute per square meter). Typically, pervious concrete
has little or no fine aggregate and has just enough
cementitious paste to coat the coarse aggregate particles
while preserving the interconnectivity of the voids.

Reshma K. J. , Keerthi K. ,Vidhyashree H. P. , Shabnam K.

R. , Deekshitha and Kiran Raj Shetty: Challenges in
Implementation of Porous Asphalt Concrete in Barmanna
Layout, Nelamangala Bangalore Rural District.
Bangalore which is also known as the Silicon City of India has
faced a heavy rain fall of 1666mm in October, 2017 breaking
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4785
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4. MATERIALS of all of the ingredients are necessary to provide the desired

4.1 Geotextiles When developing pervious concrete mixtures, the goal is to
Non-woven geotextiles (filter fabrics) are typically used to obtain a target or design void content that will allow for the
prevent fines in the subgrade from migrating up into the percolation of water. The void content of a pervious concrete
stone recharge bed from the subbase. mixture will depend on the characteristics of the ingredients,
how they are proportioned and how the mixture is
4.2 Stone recharge bed and choker course consolidated. Pervious concrete is typically designed for a
Aggregate for the stone recharge bed needs to be clean, void content in the range of 15% to 30%. Generally as the
uniformly graded, crushed stone, with minimum voids of 40 void content decreases, the strength increases and
percent. To make sure the aggregate does not have excessive permeability decreases. For pervious concrete mixtures it is
fines that could clog the bed, an additional grading even more important to verify through trial batches that the
requirement of 0 to 2 percent passing the No. 100 sieve is mixture achieves the characteristics assumed or targeted
recommended. when developing mixture proportions. Frequently one finds
that even though the design void content is 20%, when the
4.3 Optional choker course pervious concrete mixture is proportioned, the
In many cases when using an AASHTO No. 3 stone for the experimentally measured void content is considerably
recharge bed, an AASHTO No. 57 stone has worked well as a different. This depends on the workability of the mixture and
choker course. The choker course should be placed no more amount of consolidation.
than one inch thick and be sufficient to fill the voids of the
recharge bed stone in order to provide a smooth paving 4.6 Permeable Pavers
surface. A number of contractors have reported that they Permeable interlocking concrete pavement, also referred to
have found no advantage to using a choker course and have as PICP, consists solid concrete paving units with joints that
successfully constructed pavements without this course. create openings in the pavement surface when assembled
Therefore, the choker course may be considered optional. into a pattern. (The USEPA has a fact sheet on PICP.) The
joints are filled with permeable aggregates that allow water
4.4 Porous asphalt surface to freely enter the surface. The permeable surface allows
Open-graded asphalt pavement mixes are used to surface flow rates as high as 1,000 in. /hr. (2,540 cm/hr). The paving
porous asphalt parking lots. These mixes are also used for units are placed on a bedding layer of permeable aggregates
surfaces on highways in many states. which rests over a base and subbase of open-graded
In most cases, the mixes are made with polymer-modified aggregates. The concrete pavers, bedding and base layers are
asphalt and in some cases fibers. The polymer-modified typically restrained by a concrete curb in vehicular
asphalt helps to reduce draindown and improve the high- applications. Permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP)
temperature performance of the mix (resistance to scuffing). and clay brick pavers (PICBP) as well as concrete grid pavers
Fibers are another way to reduce draindown. In draindown, (CGP) are similar in installation and function but are made
which sometimes occurs during construction, liquid asphalt from different materials.
cement migrates to the bottom of the load of asphalt
pavement material. Modern construction methods and
materials prevent this from happening.
Open-graded mixes may be designed using the Superpave or
Marshall methods with requirements for higher air voids to
assure permeability. While modified asphalts should be used
for most applications, these are not always necessary, or

4.5 Pervious Concrete Surface

Pervious concrete uses the same materials as conventional
concrete, with the exceptions that the fine aggregate
typically is eliminated entirely, and the size distribution
(grading) of the coarse aggregate is kept narrow, allowing
for relatively little particle packing. This provides the useful
hardened properties, but also results in a mix that requires
different considerations in mixing, placing, compaction, and Fig-2 Water Absorbing Action through Different Types of
curing. Proportioning pervious concrete mixtures is different Pavements.
compared to procedures used for conventional concrete and
the mixture proportions are somewhat less forgiving than
conventional concrete mixtures—tight controls on batching

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4786
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. Advantages and Limitations pavement consists primarily of removing this debris and
residue from the void structure to rejuvenate some of its
5.1 Advantages original permeability.

Durable 6.1 Routine Maintenance

Once filled, permeable pavement is as durable as concrete or All porous surfaces require some maintenance to preserve
asphalt surfaces, and in many cases, even more durable. It permeability and service life. A minimum amount of
can support heavy equipment such as wheel loaders, planning and regular maintenance is more effective than
backhoes, fork lifts, dump trucks and 18-wheelers without a surface rehabilitation or replacement. Surfaces should be
problem. vacuumed at least 2 times per year. More may be necessary
based on site conditions. Well maintained Regenerative Air
Sustainable Vacuum sweeping equipment is recommended. Operator
The permeable pavement grids are made from experience and training on both equipment and porous
environmentally-friendly recycled materials, which reduces surfaces is essential.
the amount of waste in the system and reduces the energy
required to acquire new materials. At the end of their 6.2 Rehabilitation, Repairs, and Replacement
lifespan, they can easily be recycled, further reducing their Small areas of clogging can be rehabilitated using focused
carbon footprint. vacuum and water pressure. If in-situ rehabilitation is not
successful the StormCrete unit can be removed for additional
Eliminates Costly Drainage Systems rehab techniques (soaking, air or water pressure applied
With a conventional asphalt or concrete surface, the parking from the underside of unit, light vibration / percussion, etc).
area must be crowned and have a system of storm drains In the event of wide-spread clogging, damage, or spill the
and pipes to control water during rain or flooding events. unit can be removed and replaced in almost any weather,
This can significantly add to the construction costs of the any time of the year.
parking area, and if the system is connected to a municipal
waste water system, there may be extra costs and permits 6.3 Winter Maintenance
required to install the drainage system. Water absorbing De-icers should be used sparingly during winter season. Due
roads allows any water that accumulates to drain through to their freely as it does on conventional impermeable
the surface and into the ground. This helps to prevent pavements as readily as it does on conventional
flooding and allows any aquifers in the area to replenish impermeable pavements during thaw-freeze cycles.

Low Cost
Asphalt and concrete can be expensive to install and require
a large amount of labour. Permeable pavement is less
expensive per square foot, and is much less labour-intensive.
The fill materials can be obtained from local sources,
reducing transportation costs, and because the paving grids
are made from lightweight plastic, the shipping costs are
kept to a minimum.

5.2 Limitations

 Limited for use in heavy vehicles traffic areas.

 It requires specialized construction practices.
 Lack of standardize test methods. Fig-3. Winter Maintenance.
 Clogging of voids thus affecting the purpose of
pavement. 7. Conclusion
 Special attention possibly required with high This research looked at various studies conducted on water
groundwater. absorbing roads and their current application. Also
discussed about the detailed design of permeable pavement
6. Maintenance system, permeable interlocking concrete pavement in brief.
The majority of pervious concrete pavements function well Maintenance and water quality control aspects relevant to
with little or no maintenance. However, after repeated water the practitioner were outlined for permeable pavement
flows, debris and residue may lodge within the top 1” to 1 ¼” systems. These water absorbing roads are changing the way
of the void structure. Maintenance of pervious concrete human development interacts with the natural environment.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4787
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Its application towards parking lots, highways and even

airport runways are all improvements in terms of water
quality, water quantity and safety.


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© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4788

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