Chapter 1-Hotel Design Consideration
Chapter 1-Hotel Design Consideration
Chapter 1-Hotel Design Consideration
Facility Planning is an emerging field with technology to design an efficient Hotel which will be
able to satisfy the need of Hotel and Guest as well.
It is the knowledge which involves creative thinking with technological back up to make the
layout designing user friendly and management friendly.
Its basic function is to facilitate the flow of work with satisfaction on keeping in mind the need &
want of end user.
Need of a guest differs from one type of guest to another. Such as Business Traveler requires a
room with good bed, quick service, well cupboard area, business amenities etc. wherein a Leisure
Traveler wants above all plus cultural depiction in interior of the hotel. Each guest expects
something different from the hotel as per his/her needs & wants.
This part of management study allows you to understand the objective factor and lets you design
your hotel accordingly.
It not only depends on wants of Entrepreneur but also the creativity and imagination of architect.
It reflects the skills expertise of an architect.
Its basic function is to provide user friendliness and operational efficiency.
It refers to the series of activities whose goal is to bring into existence of Hotel which is based on
viable economic opportunity within established cost and time frame work.
The basic building design, layout and planning of facilities and services has to be planned very
carefully with an eye on profile of target clientele and expected return on investment.
The following points are to be kept in mind while designing a hotel.
2. Efficient Plans(Layout):
Planning is the foundation on which tall structure of execution is based.
Efficient plans in this context refers to Layout & Planning of Facilities while designing a
An efficient plan includes optimum utilization of space and resources.
Plan should be such that it supports the flow of activity & people; instead of hampering it.
3. Good Location(Site) :
Location is one of the primary features in hotel design. While deciding the location the
planner must consider the following points :
a. Target Market
b. Budget
c. Accessibility
d. Vicinity
e. Availability of Civic Infrastructure
f. Availability of Raw Materials and Manpower
g. Space Available
h. Legal Consideration of the specific site
i. Life cycle stage of an area
j. Security and Safety Consideration
5. Good Workmanship(People) :
Workmanship refers to required skills in the execution of the plan.
Good workmanship is necessary in any hotel design. Failing which the design faults come
to the fore and are undesirably visible.
Therefore a facility planner must concentrate on getting the right kind of people with the
requisite skills. This is in order to execute like constructions, painting, carpentry, wood
works, floor finishing, lighting, plumbing etc.
6. Sound Financing(Budgeting) :
Finance is a bottom line of ant project formation.
Hotel designing has no exception to the above.
Sound Financial Management is required while designing the hotel.
Budget is planned in advance which includes total financial requirement starting from one
set of the project till the time it comes to an operations.
Furthermore provision should also be therefor working capital (funds required to carry out
initial operations till the time money starts flowing in) for at least 3 months.
Project manager must explore his sources of finance procurement and accordingly design
the hotel. Imagine a situation where a hotel project has to be stopped midway because of
inadequate finance and consequential losses. It clearly shows the poor hotel design which
fails to fit into an available budget.
It involves
o Conceptualization – to form a concept first of an objective
o Planning – course of action / a method devised for making or doing something
or attaining an end
o Analysis – separation of a whole into its fundamental elements or constituent
parts / Examine, audit, check-up, inspection, review, scan, scrutiny,
survey, view
o Designing – creating blueprint, game plan, project, scheme, strategy
o Implementation – complete, execute, perform
These are always the heart of any layout planning project regardless of products, process or size of
project. It is therefore logical and to be expected that the pattern of layout planning procedure is
based directly on this fundamentals.
For any Layout Planning two important considerations are Product (P) and the Quantity (Q). An
analysis of them individually and their ‘MIX’ is necessary for any realistic layout planning.
Process, Activity flow, Equipment, Support Services and Time are also basic input data and in
Identifying the various activities (or areas) included in the layout is a preliminary planning step.
Analysis :
Analysis phase involves procuring data which is required to make a design of a hotel. Data may
include information about Type of Hotel is to be opened, Type of clientele is to be targeted,
location of the project, Expected services and facilities by target market, feasibility of the project
in the reality.
After procuring data, thorough analysis of survey is done and projection of the feasibility is
established. On the basis of data and its analysis, first probable layout is drawn by considering
all possible areas.
Search :
In this phase of layout planning, probable other options of layout is searched by trying locating
facilities in different positions. Various detailed, plan view layouts are designed which suits the
One important factor is always taken care that layout should be designed in such a way that it
may not create any disturbance or hindrance to the day to day operations.
Evaluation :
This phase involves evaluation of those probable layouts and thoroughly the feasibility of it is
checked. As mentioned earlier, careful consideration is to be taken while evaluating the layouts.
Layout should improve the efficiency of the hotel and also should have considerate provision
for alteration or modification. It also should have provision of expansion.
At the same time it should support energy conservation practices also.
Selection :
Finally the most suitable layout is selected for installation. After this phase of Layout planning,
implementation of layout and nurturing layout is taken care so that the projected goals and
design can be achieved.
As discussed there are two basic elements on which every layout problem rests:
1. Product: What is to be made or produced?
2. Quantity: How much of each item is to be made?
Directly or indirectly, these two elements underline all other features or conditions in layout work.
Therefore facts or estimates about these two elements are essentials.
By Product or Service, we mean the goods produced by the company. Product may be termed as
Variety, Models, Styles or Parts or Material mass.
By Quantity, we mean the amount of goods or services produced, supplied or used. Quantity may
be termed in no. of pieces, grams, kilograms, cubic volume etc.
In terms of unlocking layout problems these two elements represent the handle of any key we must
grasp. It is obvious that if we are planning the layout of a hotel or a department. The layout must
accomplish something. Something means certain products in certain quantity.
After obtaining the product and quantity information, we need to look at the process or flow of
activity. The flow of activity refers to how the product will be handled.
Flow of activity also refers to the process, equipment, its operations, and their sequences. The
equipment and material will depend upon the operation selected. Similarly the movement of work
through the area to be laid out is dependent upon the sequences of operations. Therefore
operations involved in the process and their sequences become the body of the key.
To back up the direct operations and production process, various support services are required
which strengthen the process and increases efficiency.
Thus again careful consideration should be given since it occupies equivalent space or area in hotel
Other key to unlock the problem is the Time. It may include the duration of activity or duration of
project completion time.
There are around 20 steps in systematic layout pattern/ SLP of facilities design procedure, which are
as follows:
Procure Data
Analyze Data
Design Production Process
Design Material Flow Pattern
Select/ Design Material Handling Plan
Calculate requirement of equipment
Plan work Areas
Select Material Handling Equipment
Plan group of related operations
Design Activities Relationships
Calculate Space Requirements
Plan Service Activities
Calculate total space requirements
Allocate activities to space
Consider Building Type
Construct Model Layout
Evaluate, adjust & check Layout
Install Layout
Nurture Layout
(Explain the above all steps with best suitable example. i.e. Opening up a Hotel or Restaurant. Supporting
your answer with appropriate example is must.)
It provides proper flow of work. Ex.-Machines placed in kitchen according to the process of
1. A site exists in a particular location and the study is conducted to explore the feasibility for
development as a hotel
2. It is considered that a particular town/ area offers opportunities and it is studied in order to confirm
the project.
Carpet Area:It is an actual area which is enclosed within the walls. In other terms it is an actual area
where the carpet can be laid down. Thus area is termed as Carpet Area.
It doesn’t include the thickness of inner wall or any offset pillar area.
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Built Up Area / Plinth Area: It is an area which includes Carpet Area as well as area occupied by
inner walls and if any balcony attached.
(Area occupied by wall)
(Carpet Area)
Super Built Up Area (S.B.U.):It is an area which includes Plinth Area / Built Up Area as well as
proportionate area occupied by common facilities such as Lobby, Lifts, Staircase, Corridor,
Swimming Pool, Garden, Club house etc.
F.S.I. or F.A.R.:F.S.I. stands for Floor Space Index whereas F.A.R. stands for Floor Area Ratio.
It is an Index or Ratio which is derived from the following formula.
Total Covered area on all the floor of all the building on a certain plot
F.S.I. / F.A.R. = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Area of the Plot
Slab Plan: Can be double loaded slab or a single loaded slab. In a double loaded slab the rooms are
laid out on both the sides of the corridor where as in single loaded slab the rooms are only on one
side of the corridor. Double loaded corridors are most efficient as far as space utilization is
concerned and work out to be more cost effective and economical.
Atrium designs: These are internal corridors overlooking the central space which may be open or
sub divided by mezzanine extensions to increase utilization. Elevators extending through the atrium
are invariably transparent. The guest rooms are arranged in a single loaded corridor.
Tower Structure: The rooms are spread over around a central core which enables the guest rooms
to be cantilevered, propped or suspended around the sides. The proportion of space taken up in
circulation including corridors on each floor is high and tower structures are generally used for high
rise buildings where the advantage of view justify the higher costs.
It is a series of drawings showing the layout of entire and part of a building structure such as
positions of rooms, their sizes, and shapes, position of doors and windows and details which
would take many words to describe.
Lines, Numbers, Symbols and few words which makes a Blue Print.
A good Blue Print should convey all technical details to its readers.
It is an important document especially for construction of any building project.
It acts as a basic talking point between the owner and the architect.
It conveys detailed information to the people in trade such as Plumber, Carpenter, and
Electrician etc.
It acts as Checking Tool for Management about the completion of project work.
It also determines the quantity of material required at the same time manpower requirement is
also derived.
It acts as Comparative Tool with which the actual work is compared.
It sometimes initiate the idea of Energy Conservation also.
1. Plan View:
It is a very common view and is used very
frequently. It is a view of a building from TOP.
It serves as a basis for various calculations such
as Electric Outlets, Security Alarm System,
and position of Heating, Ventilation and Air
2. Elevation View:
It helps in deciding how the
exterior wall would be done
It gives a clear picture of a
building how would it look
from outside.
It is very important for
architect who prepares a no. of
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3. Detail View:
It gives vital communication link between the architect and builder. It can be Plan or Elevation
Details view of interior walls, placement of furniture, equipment or position of permanent assets
and utility services are drawn in this blue print.
5. Section View:
Section view may be Vertical or Horizontal cutaway view of a wall, roof or foundation of a
It indicates the type of material may be used in the construction where insulation is planned to
It sometimes helps in energy conservation practices also.
6. Mechanical View:
It is the most frequently used blue print which gives very clear idea of all mechanical/electrical
systems in the building separately.
It is the blue print which is drawn with all signs and symbols which depicts the instructions for
mechanic or electrician.
o To determine the total area of the guest room block including corridor, elevators, stairways,
storage, generally add 50% of the net guest room area in total guest room area.
o The minimum finish width of the corridor on guestroom floor is usually 6 ft. which may be
reduced to 5 Ft. if guest room doors are opening inside.
Public facility
(Lobby, dining room, swimming pool, Spa, Conference Room, Lounge, Banquet etc.):
o The amount of space allocated to the various public facilities will fluctuate.
o It varies between 10 to 20% of the total floor area of the entire hotel
Retail Shop
A gift/ sundry shop is included with 1 to 1.5 sq. ft. /guestroom. The size of the
outlet can range from 100 to 1200 sq. ft. depending on whether they are desk
operations or regular shop.
(Desk Operations-table space to carry out tasks like airline ticketing, car rentals, and
tourist guides etc.)The scope is dependent on market requirement.
Recreational Facility:
-Can range from none to extensive depending on market requirement
Swimming pool- 10 -20 sq. ft./ guest room.
Locker/Shower/Toilet Area- 02 sq. ft./ guest room
Health Club- 02 sq. ft./ guest room
Greenery required- 1500 sq. ft. lump sum
Circulation Area- It varies from 15 to 20 % of the total public area (excluding meeting room
area as it is already considered under pre function area)
Food Preparation:
Hotel Administration:
The above mentioned space may vary from hotel to hotel, since they are just a guidelines. As per
the availability of space with the hotel, there will be variance in the space requirement.
But on the above norms, following thumb rules are also taken into consideration.
1. Cost of construction must not exceed from Rs. 1000 /- per Rs. 1 /- average room rate.
2. The total area of the bedroom and floors should be at least as much as the total area for
public and service space.
3. The total allowances for all facilities should not exceed 6000 sq.ft.
4. Cost of land must not exceed 10 % of the total cost.
Approx. Cost of Construction = Total Sq. ft. area of the plot x Cost of Construction per sq. ft. as
per market rate
In Standalone restaurants, approximately 25 lit. of water is used per cover which includes
Water used for Food Production
Water used for Dish Washing
Water used by Guest.
In India, the hotels are classified under various basis such as on the basis of
Their Size (no. of rooms)
Star Classification
Service and Facilities offered.
Very importantly the hotels are classified mostly on their star rating in India.
This Star Rating is given by a body named HRACC – Hotel & Restaurant Approval Classification
Committee. This committee was formed by Government of India, Ministry of Tourism to regulate
the hotel and restaurant trading in India.
This body helps the government to standardize the Hotel and Restaurant business in India.
HRACC body consists of the following members who go to various hotels and restaurants who
have applied for classification and checks and verifies the documents and classify the hotel.
To get classified, hotel needs to submit an application consists of asking various information. It also
has to pay fee with application.
The hotel need to produce the following Licenses or NOCs’ which are current and valid in original
For Question like Criteria for Classification of the star hotel, following points may be highlighted.
(To get the details for above one need to refer the check list of HRACC – Guidelines)
1. Overall Dimension: i.e. L x W x H (Length x Width x Height). Overall dimensions are always
checked since it occupies the floor space in kitchen.
Standard working height - 33 inches
Lower Height for some equipment - 30 inches
Length and Width may vary according to the equipment design.
2. Frame Work: This is the structure on which the equipment is laid. It works to hold the pressure of
entire body.
Generally there are of 3 types:
Angled Bar Framework - 2’’ x 2’’ x 01 mm thickness
Square pipe Framework - 2’’ x 2’’
Round bar Framework - 1’’/2’’/3’’ diameter
Important terms:
Casters and Rollers: - Basically it is used in mobile equipment. This structure allows any equipment
to move from one place to other. Even it has levers and breaks which will allow it to be steady at
one place.
Soldering:It is a process in which two or more metals are joined together by melting and flowing a
filler metal into the joints, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal.
Mild Steel is not preferred for Kitchen Equipment because of its quick oxidation and contamination
ability. Thus maintaining hygienic level becomes difficult.
Thus Stainless Steel is most preferred material for kitchen equipment. But it is expensive in
comparison to Mild Steel. But some people may make equipment by combining M.S. and S.S.
They make frame work of Mild Steel and top working table or top part of Stainless Steel.
Important terms:
F.G.S.: Food Grade Steel: Some manufacturer make Steel with different combination of its metal
component. Steel in which content of Nickel and Chromium is adjusted accordingly so that Steel
becomes perfect material for equipment used in Food industry so that use of such steel will not
harm and food processing or will not lead to any cross contamination. Such Steel is termed as Food
Grade Steel. Such Steels are given no’s in 300 series. The best Food Grade Steel is 304 quality which
is rightly suitable for Food industry equipment. 304 FGS is expensive but recommended for the
surface which comes in direct contact of the food. It never rusts.
SWG: Standard Wire Gauge:It is a unit to express the thickness of the metal sheet. Usually in
catering industry preferred SWGs’ are 12, 14,16,18,20. As the no. increases the thickness decreases.
18 and 20 SWG is the most preferred and commonly used in catering industry.
Heavy Duty Casting: It is manufactured using high quality raw material which makes them highly
durable and resistant to corrosion.
4. Power: Energy produced by mechanical, electrical or other means. Power is always represented in
a. Griller, Salamander, Roaster - 1 to 3 KW
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b. Hot Plate, Deep Fat Fryer - 3 to 6 KW
c. Oven - 6 KW per Deck
d. Water Boiler, Rice Boiler - 3 to 6 KW
e. Chapati Puffer - 1 to 3 KW
6. Make of Heating Equipment: Some standards companies are always preferred by catering unit for
purchase of Heating equipment based their use of branded heating coils. E.g. Escort Pvt. Ltd.
7. Switch Gear: It is a kind of Gear which disconnects the power supply in case of heavy load. It is
found in form of MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker, Fuses etc. which isolates the equipment from
heavy load or electrical supply.
8. Temperature Controller: Electrical equipment nowadays have temp. Controller which allows the
operator to control desired temperature as per recipe.
1. Overall Dimension: i.e. L x W x H (Length x Width x Height). Overall dimensions are always
checked since it occupies the floor space in kitchen.
Standard working height - 33 inches
Lower Height for some equipment - 30 inches
Length and Width may vary according to the equipment design.
2. Frame Work: This is the structure on which the equipment is laid. It works to hold the pressure of
entire body.
Generally there are of 3 types:
Angled Bar Framework - 2’’ x 2’’ x 01 mm thickness
Square pipe Framework - 2’’ x 2’’
Round bar Framework - 1’’/2’’/3’’ diameter
Important terms:
Legs and Feet’s:- It is an entire structure consists of Legs of Table or equipment and feet’s which
allows the equipment to raise on a platform so that it can rigidly hold the structure and provides
strong support. Usually with the help of Legs and Feet’s equipment is raised 6’’ from the ground
level as it helps in cleaning process.
Casters and Rollers: - Basically it is used in mobile equipment. This structure allows any equipment
to move from one place to other. Even it has levers and breaks which will allow it to be steady at
one place.
Soldering:It is a process in which two or more metals are joined together by melting and flowing a
filler metal into the joints, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal.
Mild Steel is not preferred for Kitchen Equipment because of its quick oxidation and contamination
ability. Thus maintaining hygienic level becomes difficult.
Thus Stainless Steel is most preferred material for kitchen equipment. But it is expensive in
comparison to Mild Steel. But some people may make equipment by combining M.S. and S.S.
They make frame work of Mild Steel and top working table or top part of Stainless Steel.
Important terms:
F.G.S.: Food Grade Steel: Some manufacturer make Steel with different combination of its metal
component. Steel in which content of Nickel and Chromium is adjusted accordingly so that Steel
becomes perfect material for equipment used in Food industry so that use of such steel will not
harm and food processing or will not lead to any cross contamination. Such Steel is termed as Food
Grade Steel. Such Steels are given no’s in 300 series. The best Food Grade Steel is 304 quality which
is rightly suitable for Food industry equipment. 304 FGS is expensive but recommended for the
surface which comes in direct contact of the food. It never rusts.
SWG: Standard Wire Gauge:It is a unit to express the thickness of the metal sheet. Usually in
catering industry preferred SWGs’ are 12, 14,16,18,20. As the no. increases the thickness decreases.
18 and 20 SWG is the most preferred and commonly used in catering industry.
Heavy Duty Casting:It is manufactured using high quality raw material which makes them highly
durable and resistance to corrosion.
4. No. of Burners:One need to check whether, the range is equipped with 1, 2, 3, 4 burner and as per
requirement it should be purchased.
5. Gas pressure: There are two types of Gas burner available on gas pressure.
a. Low pressure = 0.5 psi
b. High pressure = 4 to 6 psi (psi=pound per square inches)
High Pressure Sunbeam Burner: It operates at low stress and has a patented tangential
mixing tube which assures even and effective flame. It comes with an entire setup with a
control valve ready for immediate utilize. Mainly used for canteen kitchen.
6. Type of burners: There are of mainly 4 types.
a. Ring burner = used in normal cooking range
b. Torch burner = It provides vertical range and is used in Chinese cooking ranges.
c. Tubular burner = These are long tubes with holes on circumference of the tube.
These are used for larger surface area and are used in hot plate,
oven, griller, salamander etc.
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d. V shape burner = It covers larger surface areas and even expensive than tubular burner.
Used in oven, griller, salamander etc.
7. Pilot lamp: It is a small tube next to the burner through which the gas is allowed to pass.
It is a must for close type of equipment, E.g. oven. The advantage is that it prevents the usage of
match box or lighter.
Pilot Burner:It is a small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a large gas burner.
8. Manufacturer: Some of the famous companies who manufactured the Gas operated kitchen
equipment are United Works Mumbai, Standard Gas Burner.
10. In case of Oven- Additional specification of Max Temp., which is 300 to 425 degree Fahrenheit
1. Overall Dimension: i.e. L x W x H (Length x Width x Height). Overall dimensions are always
checked since it occupies the floor space in kitchen.
Standard working height - 33 inches
Lower Height for some equipment - 30 inches
Length and Width may vary according to the equipment design.
2. Frame Work: This is the structure on which the equipment is laid. It works to hold the pressure of
entire body.
Generally there are of 3 types:
Angled Bar Framework - 2’’ x 2’’ x 01 mm thickness
Square pipe Framework - 2’’ x 2’’
Round bar Framework - 1’’/2’’/3’’ diameter
Important terms:
Legs and Feet’s:- It is an entire structure consists of Legs of Table or equipment and feet’s which
allows the equipment to raise on a platform so that it can rigidly hold the structure and provides
strong support. Usually with the help of Legs and Feet’s equipment is raised 6’’ from the ground
level as it helps in cleaning process.
Casters and Rollers: - Basically it is used in mobile equipment. This structure allows any equipment
to move from one place to other. Even it has levers and breaks which will allow it to be steady at
one place.
Soldering:It is a process in which two or more metals are joined together by melting and flowing a
filler metal into the joints, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal.
Mild Steel is not preferred for Kitchen Equipment because of its quick oxidation and contamination
ability. Thus maintaining hygienic level becomes difficult.
Thus Stainless Steel is most preferred material for kitchen equipment. But it is expensive in
comparison to Mild Steel. But some people may make equipment by combining M.S. and S.S.
They make frame work of Mild Steel and top working table or top part of Stainless Steel.
Important terms:
F.G.S.: Food Grade Steel: Some manufacturer make Steel with different combination of its metal
component. Steel in which content of Nickel and Chromium is adjusted accordingly so that Steel
becomes perfect material for equipment used in Food industry so that use of such steel will not
harm and food processing or will not lead to any cross contamination. Such Steel is termed as Food
Grade Steel. Such Steels are given no’s in 300 series. The best Food Grade Steel is 304 quality which
is rightly suitable for Food industry equipment. 304 FGS is expensive but recommended for the
surface which comes in direct contact of the food. It never rusts.
SWG: Standard Wire Gauge:It is a unit to express the thickness of the metal sheet. Usually in
catering industry preferred SWGs’ are 12, 14,16,18,20. As the no. increases the thickness decreases.
18 and 20 SWG is the most preferred and commonly used in catering industry.
Heavy Duty Casting:It is manufactured using high quality raw material which makes them highly
durable and resistance to corrosion.
5. No. of Doors:As per the requirement, refrigerator is chosen with no. of doors such as single,
double, triple or quad door. For industrial purpose, less the no. of door – more the energy
6. Design: As per the requirement, refrigerator is chosen having vertical design or horizontal design.
Vertical is used for cabinets for storing more items at one of the point in assembly line. Wherein
Horizontal is used generally under counter for Garde Manger or pantry.
7. Temperature range: Refrigerator is chosen as per its temperature control range also.
9. Temperature Indicator:All the cooling equipment should have Temperature indicator so that one
can easily control the temperature.
10. Type of Insulation:It consists of 02 cabinet inner and outer and the space between them is filled
with insulator to avoid heat loss.
E.g. Insulators-Thermocol, glass wool, Puff PVC powder- melted down and filled between 02
layers. It solidifies on cooling and more expensive.
11. Method of defrosting: One needs to choose its defrosting methods. It may be manual/ automatic /
frost free.
12. No. of shelves: Equipment may have 4/5/6 shelves depends on height and space between each
13. Switchgear: It is a kind of Gear which disconnects the power supply in case of heavy load. It is
found in form of MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker, Fuses etc. which isolates the equipment from
heavy load or electrical supply.
1. Overall Dimension: i.e. L x W x H (Length x Width x Height). Overall dimensions are always
checked since it occupies the floor space in kitchen.
Standard working height - 33 inches
Lower Height for some equipment - 30 inches
Length and Width may vary according to the equipment design.
2. Frame Work: This is the structure on which the equipment is laid. It works to hold the pressure of
entire body.
Generally there are of 3 types:
Angled Bar Framework - 2’’ x 2’’ x 01 mm thickness
Square pipe Framework - 2’’ x 2’’
Round bar Framework - 1’’/2’’/3’’ diameter
Important terms:
Legs and Feet’s:- It is an entire structure consists of Legs of Table or equipment and feet’s which
allows the equipment to raise on a platform so that it can rigidly hold the structure and provides
strong support. Usually with the help of Legs and Feet’s equipment is raised 6’’ from the ground
level as it helps in cleaning process.
Casters and Rollers: - Basically it is used in mobile equipment. This structure allows any equipment
to move from one place to other. Even it has levers and breaks which will allow it to be steady at
one place.
Mild Steel is not preferred for Kitchen Equipment because of its quick oxidation and contamination
ability. Thus maintaining hygienic level becomes difficult.
Thus Stainless Steel is most preferred material for kitchen equipment. But it is expensive in
comparison to Mild Steel. But some people may make equipment by combining M.S. and S.S.
They make frame work of Mild Steel and top working table or top part of Stainless Steel.
Important terms:
F.G.S.: Food Grade Steel: Some manufacturer make Steel with different combination of its metal
component. Steel in which content of Nickel and Chromium is adjusted accordingly so that Steel
becomes perfect material for equipment used in Food industry so that use of such steel will not
harm and food processing or will not lead to any cross contamination. Such Steel is termed as Food
Grade Steel. Such Steels are given no’s in 300 series. The best Food Grade Steel is 304 quality which
is rightly suitable for Food industry equipment. 304 FGS is expensive but recommended for the
surface which comes in direct contact of the food. It never rusts.
SWG: Standard Wire Gauge:It is a unit to express the thickness of the metal sheet. Usually in
catering industry preferred SWGs’ are 12, 14,16,18,20. As the no. increases the thickness decreases.
18 and 20 SWG is the most preferred and commonly used in catering industry.
Heavy Duty Casting:It is manufactured using high quality raw material which makes them highly
durable and resistance to corrosion.
5. Speed: Speed of a machine is controlled in various steps. It may be 1/2/3 step speed machine.
A. Wet grinder - 01 Speed
B. Mixer - slow, medium, high
C. Dough kneader - 03
D. Potato Peeler - 01
10. Make of electric accessories: Accessories include switch, thermostat, starter, contractor etc.
Company - L &T, Siemens.
11. Motor capacity: Motor capacity is always measured in Unit ofHp (Horse power )
Generally for kitchen equipment required Horse power is ½ to 03 hp
1. Heating Equipment
a. 2 Burner Bulk Cooking range
b. 3 Burner Chinese Range
c. Bain Marie Service Counter with Tray Slide
d. Griddle Plate Electrical
e. Braising Pan
f. Idly Steamer
g. Chapati Plate with Puffer
h. Tilting Pan
i. Steam Jacketed Vessels
j. DosaTava
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k. Deep Fat Fryer
l. Brat Pan
m. Convention Oven
n. Microwave Oven
o. Rotary Oven
p. Salamander, Griller or Taoster
Heating Equipment:
6. Idly Steamer:
Steam Operated Idli Box for Bulk Cooking Purpose
18 SWG SS 304 Double Body
18 SWG SS 304 Idli trays
Steam Control System
Doors Loaded with Heavy Gasket to Arrest Leaks
& Maintain Temperature
Ball Valve Control of Steam
120 / 240 / 480 Idlis / batch
9. DosaTava:
Body – 18 SWG SS 304
Top – 18mm MS Plate
3 Side Splash Guard to avoid spillage
Industrial ‘V’ Burners with Pilot Lamp
Oil collection Tray
Legs – 16 SWG SS 38 mm Round Pipes with
adjustable nylon bush
MS Plate 12mm/18mm/25mm Thick
Four Side drain tray
Full Length ‘V’ Burners
Front Panel Glass wool insulation
2. Mechanical Equipment:
Facility Planning Page 13 of 17
BHM 306
Facility Planning – Kitchen - Handouts
a. Potato Peeler
b. Meat Mincer
c. Mixer –Grinder
a. Potato Peeler:
Capacity Kgs 5/10/15/20
Motor HP 0.5/1/1.5/2
Voltage 220/440
Frequency Hz 50
Net. Wt Kg 40/45/55/65
Peeling time (sec.) 50/60/80/90
Dimensions LBH (mm) 475x350x800/525x375x900/550x400x900/600x475x975
b. Meat Mincer:
Working parts are of S.S.
Dimension : 860mm x 550mm x 960mm
Power required: 3 KW
Efficiency: 600 kg/hour
c. Mixer/Grinder:
Tilting type grinder with S.S. body
Motor – Power 1.5 hp
Capacity – 15 lit
Dimension: 750mm x 600mm x 1200mm
3. Cooling Equipment:
a. Refrigerator – Vertical or Combination Unit
b. Work top refrigerator
4. General Equipment:
a. Cafeteria Service Counter
b. S.S. Working Table
c. Dishwashing Machine
There are four major concepts of the layout for a kitchen plan
1. Material
2. Machine
3. Movement
4. Manpower
1. Material:
The product should be designed for ease of production.
Raw material used should require minimum no. of processing steps.
The layout should protect the material from determinant factors such as moisture, dust, vibrations
and temp., changes.
Provide flexible layout to handle changes in the products.
Material storage areas should facilitate inventory control.
Provide facility to store waste and scarp material.
2. Machine:
The equipment provided in the layout should be united to provide required process.
Maximum use of the equipment should be planned.
Layout should provide space for each equipment’s operations.
Layout should provide movements of the mobile equipment.
Sufficient excess space for equipment maintenance should be provided.
Proper ventilation &exhaust system of the equipment should be provided.
3. Manpower:
Layout should safe guard the workers by eliminating hazards & accidents.
Adequate light should be provided for manpower to work.
Proper exhaust system for fresh air to be provided.
Layout should be free of any distraction.
Design of workplace should correspondence to the height of the workers.
4. Movement:
Layout should provide space for easy movement of material & manpower.
Should provide smooth floor for work space.
Layout should prevent back tracking.
Delays in the movements of material should be minimized.
The term ‘Layout’ means Positioning of work centers & their arrangements with respect to the
equipment& necessary services like drainage, fuel supply etc. in the kitchen. Planning layout requires
expertise & knowledge in the above mentioned areas. Besides these, the followings also stand a good
support in the process of planning.
The experts in this field must be able to present the essential data accurately, completely, and in an
easy understandable form. The direction of the food preparation & service activities within the
layout are solely planner’s responsibility.
An architect is vital to kitchen planning regarding construction features, timings of contracts, and
desirable building materials, in terms of providing facility with structures &equipment that conform
to prevailing standards laid down by the safety of the users.
1. Space Limitations:
Kitchen designing is mainly based on the space available. Limitation of the architecture and
engineering of the kitchen area will almost be an important consideration.
2. Safety:
The health and safety of the kitchen employee should always be taken into account when designing
the kitchen. Commercial kitchen should be well lit and give staff enough room to move freely
while transferring sharp objects and hot food.
3. Ergonomics:
It is a technique which organizes the kitchen equipment in such a way which increases the efficiency
of employee. So that the kitchen staff do not have to move back and forth as they prepare food
and clean. The theory behind ergonomics is that the fewer steps and moves, employee need to
complete the task. Better ergonomics can reduce the employee injuries and discomfort.
4. Energy Efficiency:
This design focuses primarily on the efficiency of the energy equipment setup. Refrigeration and
cooking equipment are to be placed far apart to increase the efficiency.
5. Sensory Appeal:
Every restaurant should smell good and delicious but beyond that kitchen doesn’t have the appeal
to the senses unless it is a show kitchen that is open to guest’s view. In open kitchen visual appeal
and sound are crucial elements.
6. Flexibility:
If the restaurant undergoes the makeover or management shift or the kitchen arrangements turn
out to be undesirable, then management needs to rearrange the kitchen. This leads to the
requirement of the flexibility of the kitchen layout so that one can easily make modification.
While defining various areas of the kitchen with their recommended dimension, few considerations are
taken into account. Such as…
There are various factors which affect the kitchen designing which are mentioned below.
a. Type of Business:
Type of business defines type of establishment or type of hotel. Based on its type, various F & B outlets
are designed. E.g. if a hotel is a Boutique Hotel which is purely based on particular theme and having
catered to elite group of people, the F & B outlets which are designed for them are also unique in their
own style. Depending upon the establishment, the outlet designing is done. The outlet is directly
affecting its kitchen designing. Thus this factor comes in Primary while designing kitchen.
b. Type of Clientele:
In current scenario, guest has started demanding for Show Kitchen which allows him to watch a Chef
cooking food and can get assurance of Hygiene too. So depending upon such demand when hotel
designs the kitchen in Show Way Style, it directly affect the layout planning and it’s designing.
d. Type of Meal:
Whether the restaurant is serving meals for Breakfast or for Lunch or for Dinner, will also affect the
kitchen layout planning. Depends upon the type of the meal, the menu will be decided. If it is only
serving for dinner, the menu will have some specialty items which requires some special kitchen
equipment. E.g. if it is having dinner menu and having tandoor items, then it requires the installation
of Tandoor in kitchen, which eventually affect the layout designing.
f. Cover turnover:
No. of covers are catered per meal hours, would decide the quantity of food required to dispense.
Thus it directly notify that how much food is to be prepared. It the cover turnover is high and food
quantity required is also high then bulk cooking equipment are required. Thus affects directly on layout
i. Possibility of Expansion:
As discussed earlier, the layout should be carefully designed to accommodate any modification or
changes to be made in future.
Equipment are placed in the kitchen in various styles. Mainly they are grouped together and placed in the
following style.
1. Ergonomic Configuration:
The kitchen equipment is arranged according to what is most comfortable and efficient for chef and
kitchen workers without regards to energy efficiency. E.g. kitchen might locate an under counter
freezer directly below or beside the fryer. So it allows frozen French fries to be moved directly from
the freezer to fryer without taking a step.
3. Cooking Equipment:
Cooling equipment can be arranged against the wall which will help in gas manifold set up
and ventilation.
This equipment can also be arranged in Island like formation. Though this formation may
not support energy efficiency but may increase the efficiency of chef.
Always place heavy duty equipment near the center of the vent hood to avoid spilling fumes
and heat in the kitchen.
Microwaves are to be placed strategically wherever it is needed.
Salamander and Cheese melter to be placed at the end of the cooking block near the
warmer or pick up counter
8. Show Kitchen:
Basically it leads and depends upon sensory appeal.
It is totally based on visually appealing cooking process.
It can be separated by counters or partitions.
Try to design the kitchen in a way which showcase the artistic cooking skills of a chef.
Try to make flames prominent which will generate appetite of the guest.
One should keep the storage out of the site of the guest.
Intelligent disposition of preparation machinery, sinks and work, benchmark and reduce the total daily
‘kitchen mileage’ covered by the foot and cut down unnecessary travelling by the staff.
Goods Enter
Weight in point
Stove Parties
Dry Equipment Wet Equipment
Preparation Table
Service Counter
Wash Up
Kitchen equipment, their manufacturer and its selection is based on the following path.
Establish the brand, its Standard Purchase Specification as per its bulk cooking capacity
Doing the selection as per the best price quoted and satisfactory performance record
Whhiillee eexxppllaaiinniinngg tthhiiss kkiinnddllyy eellaabboorraattee yyoouurr aannssw
weerr w
wiitthh ssuuiittaabbllee eexxaam
This shape in not very common as the amount of area in the center is more and it requires much
walking to reach from one wall to another. It is difficult to use the central space effectively except
for an aisle or for odd jobs, which too might come in the way of the main cooking and preparation
This is very common shape amongst the kitchen and is generally used is the established where a lot
of activities are undertaken for most of the day. In large establishments, where many different types
of menus are served and more space is required, a rectangular kitchen proves useful.
This kitchen makes use of two adjoining walls at the right angle. It is an efficient design in case of
limited floor space.
In this type of kitchen the sides of passages may be utilized while the center space can be used as an
aisle. This sort of plan may be best suited for cafeteria.
Any of the above shapes can be combined together to plan out kitchen depending on the space
available in the building.
((KKiinnddllyy ddrraaw
w tthhee ccoonncceerrnneedd llaayyoouutt uunnddeerrnneeaatthh eeaacchh ttyyppee w
whhiillee w
wrriittiinngg tthhee aannssw
Budgeting for kitchen equipment needs serious consideration at the designing stage.
For budgeting kitchen equipment are divided to two parts:
o Capital Equipment
o Operational Equipment
Capital Equipment are large in size and generally they are treated as Fixed Asset and inventoried.
Such as Ovens, Cooking Ranges, Grillers, Fryers, Braisers, Boiler, Freezer, Walk - in, Chillers,
Counter Tops, Prep Tables etc.
For such Capital Equipment yearly budgeting is done before the financial year ends.
This budget is generally made by Executive Chef and F & B Manager together.
Later is moderated by Account department and presented to approving authority.
Kitchen stewarding department has very important role to perform in the hotel and catering
It is primarily responsible for maintaining cleanliness and hygienic conditions in the kitchen.
They provide all the important back up services to F & B Department by maintaining and cleaning
all utensils and equipment used, ensuring proper garbage disposal.
The management of any catering operation cannot be complete without the function of cleaning,
rearranging the utensils for next operations and proper inventory of the stock.
Earlier all these activities were performed either by Kitchen staff or by F & B Service Staff.
In the wake of increasing pressure on maintain quality of food or quality of service and low
prestige associated with dish washing as a task, there was a demand for setting up a new
department for all cleaning task, inventory control of all the equipment, garbage disposal etc. The
kitchen stewarding department came into existence.
Kitchen Stewarding department plays a vital role in maintaining the highest level of hygiene and
sanitation standard which spells success for the hotel and catering property.
The installation of large efficient cleaning equipment operated by technically skilled people of the
department contributes in great measure to saving cost input that go into maintenance of
equipment and also the presentation of items.
It also enhances the brand image of the property and also provides competitive edge to it.
(Kindly draw the kitchen stewarding layout with three types of dishwashing machine layouts also here)
Following are the list of the equipment used in kitchen stewarding department: