OWEN Additional Persons Digests
OWEN Additional Persons Digests
OWEN Additional Persons Digests
Noel Buenaventura filed a Since the present case does
position for the declaration of nullity not involve the annulment of a
of marriage on the ground that both bigamous marriage, the provisions of
he and his wife were psychologically article 50 in relation to articles 41,
incapacitated. 42 and 43 of the Family Code,
providing for the dissolution of the
The RTC in its decision, absolute community or conjugal
declared the marriage entered into partnership of gains, as the case
between petitioner and respondent maybe, do not apply. Rather the
null and violation ordered the general rule applies, which is in case
liquidation of the assets of the a marriage is declared void ab initio,
conjugal partnership property; the property regime applicable to be
ordered petitioner a regular support liquidated, partitioned and
in favor of his son in the amount of distributed is that of equal co-
15,000 monthly, subject to ownership.
modification as the necessity arises,
Since the properties ordered Delmo asked for a reconsideration of
to be distributed by the court a quo the decision but the petitioner denied
were found, both by the RTC and the it. Delmo, thus, appealed to the Office
CA, to have been acquired during the of the Director of the Bureau of Public
union of the parties, the same would Schools. The Director after due
be covered by the co-ownership. No investigation, rendered a decison to
fruits of a separate property of one allow Delmo to graduate with honors.
of the parties appear to have been The Director sent the decision to the
included or involved in said petitioner and ordered him not to
distribution. deprive Delmo of any honors due her
but the petitioner failed to do so even
after receiving subsequent telegrams
from the director ordering him to
execute the decision.
Ledesma vs. CA
Whether or not the President of
The petitioners-spouses Zalamea, and other fact, they must be alleged and
for a flight to New York to Los Angeles. the legal custody of the record, or by
while that of their daughter was a full custody. The certificate may be made
wait list because the number of officer in the foreign service of the
them had already taken all the seats country in which the record is kept,